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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.
Assassination edition

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong on >>>/trash/nah

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
Know your moderators: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/Staff
See how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.io/
4chan media browser: https://thread-puller.party/
Yotsuba catalog: https://catalog.neet.tv/
4chan webm looper: https://www.4webm.org/
Search 4chan: https://find.4chan.org & https://boards.4chan.org/search
Public ban archives: (4bans) & https://hiddenservice.cc/bans (IPv6 only)
Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Old thread: >>78111907
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nothinh ever happens anon
Happening: /hap/ is dead
More like archived edition, thanks OP

remember to bump the thread guys!
it unironically will be if nothing happens, the trump shooting was a total nothing burger. Maybe cygnus will play a sound for us like he did last time.
Two high quality threads on /v/. Neither have anything to do with videogames and both successfully archived.

>People talking about random stuff on the random board
Not a happening
absolutely a happening when a misguided gremlin in the mod team thinks the random board is the video games board
Good threads on /v/ are unusual even if they are offtopic.
Safe for work random board, when?
it's up
That'll happen when your local mod deliberately cultivates bad off-topic and kills good
The cloest thing we have to that right now is /vip/ but people rarely use it.
>high quality
nothing ever happens and this general has survived a long time
give it two more weeks transgaynon
Nobody will pay money to post.
I have never ever been able to post a webm. 4chan is so picky about what you're able to upload that I have no idea how to make one to fit its specifications. Is there a tool I can use to actually post webms on this fucking site?
>take video
>google "convert .idort to webm"
>change settings until it's under mb limit
>google "remove sound from webm"
>do eet
>post on 4chins for (You)s
poorfag alert
ffmpeg or handbrake which is basically a gui for ffmpeg
also this is useful to record your screen https://github.com/michaelmob/WebMCam just don't check record audio and in the arguments setting replace {codec} with libvpx-vp9 and you can directly upload the videos it outputs to 4chan
webm for retards
Based. I love lankyposting.
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Just download this app, it converts any video you upload automatically. Be a phoneposter.
I like the cloudconvert website
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>not a single happening all day

nothing ever happens
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You faggots never post anything interesting
Good job leading by example there faggotron
Get interested in MY DICK
Backend happening? When I used to search the catalog using numbers in the url it would return a 404 but it works now

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Ashley flies
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how do i get webms to play sound on mobile. clicking the speaker icon doesnt do shit
This isn't the 4chan tech support thread dum phonefag
There's actually a setting for it, idort
Does anyone have this pdf? It's the 500 million GET thread from /b/ https://www.scribd.com/document/160534562/Thread-featuring-the-500-millionth-post-on-4chan-s-b
Also somewhat related but is there an actual list of boards by post count? Something like 4stats but for real-time post count updates.
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>4mb file limit for webms
>no audio support except for a few boards
>no mp4 or webp support
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>being a phonefag
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>he's proud of being a minority
>wanting 4chan to be full of even more tiktok reposts
>stats from randomass site
>site requires you to pay or sign up for a free trial
what kind of retard would post shit on there
>list of boards by post count
I was unironically going to make something like that, but they disabled the easy way to tell if a post exists or not because of GETfags and the only way I can think of now is to scrape the catalog API to check for the latest post ID
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>implying original implications
Webms are not needed. Use gifs instead.
bros is this real? i can't tell
>what kind of retard would post shit on there
Why, the brilliant minds at the daily dot, of course.

>I was unironically going to make something like that, but they disabled the easy way to tell if a post exists or not because of GETfags and the only way I can think of now is to scrape the catalog API to check for the latest post ID
Couldn't you do it the same way getwatcher.net does? It's the closest thing I know to what I want and yet still not very close at all.
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>>4mb file limit for webms
>>no audio support except for a few boards
>>no mp4 [...] support

this site is image-centric, not video. the site's real mistake is that webms should be limited to /gif/ and /wsg/, and they should also be renamed to /webm/ and /wsw(ebm)/.
but yes webp support should be added, though i assume it hasn't because 4chan's one developer is an anemic chimp paid on a dollar and a dream.
>allow webm
>block webp
whats teh logic here?
nobody uses webp
The logic of making a decision over a decade ago and then not doing any further development.
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cup bunnies
Why do 4chan users think this site so much more better than reddit? There are a lot of high quality subreddits that produce good content, often better than the other boards here. Do they just not like it because they can't say racial slurs?
schizophrenia incoming
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Reddit lives rent free in 4chan's head forever. I think it's because many newfags are redditors who just got banned for being anti-social cunts.
We have /aco/ for a reason
Too many unpatched exploits
WEBP doesn't accomplish its stated goal of beating filesizes so Google just seethes impotently at failing to take over commonly used image formats
Everyone's on equal footing of 4chan. No accounts, no fake internet points, no wannabe minimods breathing down your neck.
Every post is taken at face value in order. Good things have to be driven by merit alone, and bad things get ignored or ripped to shreds. The most distilled form of internet discussion.
You're retarded if you believe this. 4chan is just retarded meme flinging exactly because there's no context.
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I miss ANON anon
It used to be true. I dunno anymore.
I'm still not going to trade into fucking Xitter or Plebbit or any other such bullshit. If I stop using 4chan I'll stop using social media altogether. Doing anything else is like quitting smoking and picking up dip; fucking pointless.
I'm not using any other social media either.
>no wannabe minimods breathing down your neck.
>post picture of fay in krystal thread
>recieve 3day ban for posting off-topic or furry porn because a mod doesn't like furryshit even if it doesnt break any rules
This is just my personal example of how you are full of shit. Anyone that actually uses this website knows the mods here are constantly breathing down your neck for posting things they dislike. It is common knowledge across the site and many people learned how to ban evade because they were tired of being banned for no reason all the time. See if you don't believe me. Almost half of these bans are for no reason and that's just some of the posts that actually shows on 4bans. It is normal to use a vpn to post on lgbt because any post a mod doesnt like will get you banned for posting with a vpn or posting offtopic even if none of those things are true
>lgbt board ban

200% deserved
i take that back
none of these are deserved

they were all in the right for epicly chungus owning /lgbt/
i didnt click the link the first time
i just saw lgbt and saw red as a shitpost
>doesn't break any rules
if it's outside /b/ or /trash/ it's a deserved ban retard
the rule is no furry porn outside of /b/
...and /trash/ is exempt from that rule
if the mods want it to be, yes
posting furry still does not break either of these rules
-furry porn outside of /b/
you explicitly said furry porn, retard
i am telling you it is normal on /v/ to post regular safe for work furry art that is relevant to a thread and still receive a ban for posting furry porn (or an off-topic ban) even if it isnt furry porn simply because a mod did not like the post. that is what i said
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Who designed Hiro-tan anyway? I love the design so much.
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woah a good thread from /bant/???
what the fuck
The design was decided by some anons randomly.
Since moot was a catgirl, Hiro is a bunnygirl.
Also, Japanese speak moonspeak, and rabbits are from the moon, so Hiro is a rabbit.
There is no such thing as a good thread on this hellsite.
you can always leave
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not as sexy as moot-tan
When was the last time something really funny happened in this site? Feels like it's all just E-drama now
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I loved the edits this meme got last year.
For me, it was Spiderman getting pwned by a fridge.
Do not pretend we still have a choice.
child ass street shitting pajeet racism screenshot

Should GR15 and /mlp/ just be removed at this point? The "fandom" of it is essentially dead, and most people don't mind pony related shit anyway. I would imagine having a similar system to /sug/ being bannable on off seasons, and /mlpg/ could be allowed to remain on /co/ if topics are show related. Porn and fetish generals (i.e. vore general, /ptfg/, fat fetish general) would go in threads on /aco/. Hell, let horses be allowed as reaction images. You don't see Undertale reaction images in /v/ causing (too much) of a shitstorm anymore. and its just as popular, if not more than, MLP itself.

Overall, just let the show back on 4chan; /mlp/ is slow as shit and useless as shit, get rid of it and GR15. Hopefully this shit won't happen again.
Sounds like a lot of work to lower site traffic.
But that would require the mods to do some kind of work which isn't likely
Plus traditionalists on this website make up a majority of posters even though the average thread nowadays and even just 10 years ago is nearly unrecognizable they still pearl clutch like hell as if just because this one tradition is still kept somehow the rest of the site declining in quality is okay.
Justified? It's not long enough.
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Yeah nah that's justified.
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You will never be a woman.
When you are buried your real name will be on the hedge stone.
When archeologists dig your bones up they will know you were a man.
I'm of the opinion that mods should remove rule 15 but keep /mlp/ at least for a few more years. It has more activity than /i/ and /po/ so why poke the hornets nest of at least a couple dozen autists by deleting their board? Like you say they're dying slowly anyways, just wait until the board becomes truly dead then delete it.
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Concession accepted. Post rejected.
>The "fandom" of it is essentially dead
Is that really true? I never paid much attention to horsefuckers and I still find this hard to believe.
i always liked thread games but i'm not sure this one is interactive
>report bait
>next day
>bait didn't get deleted
>it got even more responses
What did the subhuman jannies mean by this?

does this happen on your board?
>Platforms need to enhance their moderation policies with informed and proactive measures.
Why do they always call for more censorship? This is why grass-roots memes are winning. I'm not even on the side of the /pol/cucks, holy shit.
seeing jannies resign themselves to defeat at the hands of /dbs/ is always hilarious, but why the fuck is there such a huge watermark for such a nothing leak? i get they want the attention but this is barely even attention-worthy, this is like a kid sneaking into the teacher's lounge and bragging they saw the teachers grading papers.
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Spess muhreen 2 leaked.

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Why and when the fuck did they remove them? I thought it the 4chan extension I had acting up at first.
Months ago. We don't know because the mods are too afraid to communicate with us.
Big cheese, apparently
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as the others said mods did it silently months ago and when asked in IRC just say it's gone permanently without saying why.
some have said it may've been because it "ruined" the anonymous nature of the site or something, which was what people said when it was first introduced, and then there are others who genuinely believe it's a targeted attack on /pol/ because mods are cooperating with the government to let people samefag and derail threads to do with the election.
As much as i loved the IP counter i have no idea how idea how many people used it because accusing people of samefagging as the counter increased was still very much a thing before it was removed
weird post innit
I think it was just removed because it ultimately did nothing, if people were samefagging they were gonna samefag regardless of popping up under a new IP. Instead it bred a new kind of self-instated watchdog that would nerk out if a new reply wasn't from a new IP.
No, it just became irrelevant because other shitty shows showed up, a lot of people on the fandom were just following the hype train and didn't really cared that much for ponies, and when shit like SU showed up they just left the fandom and went on with their lifes
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This isn't really a happening related incident, but i accidentally clicked /cgl/ instead of /ck/. the first thing that drawn my attention was their feels thread so I got curious, and went into it.


What the fuck, it was like I was in some kind of bizarro-4chan. The entire experience felt very familiar yet, really fucking off.
/cgl/ was historically know for being the only board full of actual women
scary women
>it ultimately did nothing
I liked using it to gauge just how many regular posters a general thread had ;w;
How many boards do you guys browse?

I go to /a/, /tg/, /v/ (Even though I don't play videogames), /ic/, /mlp/, /c/ and sometimes /int/, /ck/, /pol/, and /co/
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/trash/ and /vg/
i look through archives more than i actually browse these days. search engine makes it easier to find info on things you're interested in, or just things you wouldn't come across on the catalog
It was an excellent ban evader detector.
>fag just got banned
>new post with the same narrative appears
>IP counter goes up
>I-I'm not him I swear!
>it was an excellent schizo nonsense enabler
i see why they removed it
/vp/, /co/, /qa/ and sometimes /wsr/.
When I bored I visit /x/, /a/, or /tv/. I rarely find anything of value, but that shouldn't be surprising.
/r9k/, /out/, /xs/, /p/, /an/, /x/, /lit/, /h/, /g/
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>political shitflinging on /v/
/v/ /i/ /vp/ /trash/ /r9k/ /pol/
>/v/ (Even though I don't play videogames)
There's still a surprising amount of "normalfag" bronies, especially zoomers who actually saw the show as kids and remember it fondly. Most of /mlp/ these days are lifelong horsefuckers who have zero intention of ever "leaving" the fandom. The board still makes OC every day (the drawthread is one of the best on 4chan, there's a dozen writefag generals, multiple musicians pumping out new music, etc) but things have absolutely slowed down over the last decade. Like most boards it sped up a bit during covid but activity has been dropping again according to 4stats
My pet theory is that it was a horrific hackjob that caused way too many db reads and they disabled it for performance reasons.
3 months ago or something, this is what happens when your site is built on shit and they try to fix it
When were the answered posts from the feedback page removed?
I remembered that there was a hidden board sidebar you could open with a certain URL, but the only reference to it was in the feedback page and now it's gone.
what the other anon said but it's also mentioned in the faq https://www.4chan.org/faq#howaccess and for some reason only works if you add "www." before the url (at least that's how it is for me).
though i'm not sure why or when they removed the answered posts, that is weird. they don't seem to have been saved on archive.today either which is a shame.
>i look through archives more than i actually browse these days
this actually. i have firefox set up to have desu and some other archives as search engines and it's surprisingly useful for getting unfiltered opinions on things.
Found an archive here

https://archive dot ph/mSjGK
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this screenshot kills the mod complainer
Damn this was actually useful, why was it removed?
The ones who complain about mods being selective are usually the worst rule breakers, and also more often than not furfags for some reason.
>mods being selective
But that's literally an undeniable fact.
Correct in theory but mods are laughably selective and quite frankly they have to know that they're being so most of the time. /co/ is full of NSFW threads all the time, many of which are generals (which are also selectively not allowed), and they're just let to be up. How the fuck are "Funbag Friday" or "Tushy Tuesday" safe for work? Make a thread with the easiest cheesecake bait and it's near guaranteed to get hundreds of replies across multiple days.
>inb4 but 4chan isn't safe for work
Okay so there's no difference between red and blue boards, good to know.
Once you start working from home, Not Safe For Work becomes a suggestion
It essentially doesn't affect boards with IDs though...
On /tv/ and /co/ it outed the baskin roberts spammer multiple times.
But aside from that, it's less about the porn and more about the porn taking up actual space on the board. SFW boards are ideally supposed to be for discussion, but those types of threads get bumped off prematurely when they're up against 20 ooga booby make dick hard threads that one guy can bump to image limit.
>There's still a surprising amount of "normalfag" bronies, especially zoomers who actually saw the show as kids and remember it fondly
It's true. I went through a brony phase when I was 11 or so when the show first came out, and I was depressed after my dog died. I found it from a brony music edit on Youtube. The phase didn't last more than a year or so, but I still remember more MLP lore than I ought to
My best guess is that they didn't want to post anything that could be poorly worded and make people more upset, or that they didn't feel the need to respond to posts that they felt were dumb ("No, we are not going to ban tripcodes", "No we are not going to fire ABIB" etc).
>or that they didn't feel the need to respond to posts that they felt were dumb
if only they had some kind of PAGE to share NEWS.
NEWS that's important, that could use a whole PAGE just for it.
or even some kind of BLOG perhaps? that would be really useful!
Ain't that the truth my fellow pass user?
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Please understand; this was for the greater good against the collective enemy that is Denny's
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Hi. I've been researching Gamergate and I feel like it was ruined when it turned into a movement and peaked when it was just "Quinnspiracy" and that the case against Zoe Quinn and everyone who sided with her is VERY strong and I have plenty of evidence stored up. Also Zoe Quinn does admit to using Helldump.
her narrative got proven false years ago
What was her narrative and what was the proof? I don't know much about gamergate, just that it added to the stigmatization of non-conforming young men in society.
started from the discovery she traded sex for good reviews on her shit game, escalated to her claiming she was being abused, which lead to the man she was talking about killing himself
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Is that for real?
The gist behind Gamergate is that it basically started from a callout/expose post of sorts from Zoe's ex-bf where he exposed her for cheating on him with different game journalist people and potentially more, as well as manipulating him and lying to him about their relationship which was against what Zoe spoke up about and stood for. She also tried to destroy a fundraiser and successfully killed a game jam. Zoe's reaction to thezoepost was bascially accusing it of misogyny and eventually it began heating up, with stories of Zoe's past emerging like with her photoshoots and admitting to killing someone for supposedly attempting to rape her and getting anything that damaged her image shut down on social media platforms. Eventually people accused game journalists of collusion with her and this is where the myth of Zoe having sex for good reviews comes from. This didn't happen and was never mentioned in the zoe post, but it is true that she had a relationship with Robin Arnett who was a judge at a game fest that awarded her game. There was also posts like this and there was the day when all those websites launched articles about "gamers" at the same time. You can go back and read them and they're mostly substanceless and vague, likely on purpose to distract from what was actually going on.

Eventually it got turned into #Gamergate from an Adam Baldwin tweet and grifters like Milo hijacked the movement and it evolved into the modern "anti-woke" movement.
>admitting to killing someone for supposedly attempting to rape her
wtf, don't remember hearing about that part before
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it's from her photoshoot days. if you remember the story about the photoshoot lady saying zoe quinn was a model who went by a different name and was hard to work with, one part of the story was that zoe confessed to murdering someone lol
Also Zoe admits to using Helldump here despite denying it in 2015.
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Helldump was a part of SomethingAwful that was dedicated to calling out problem users that existed from 2007 to 2009.


There is a thread about it on somethingawful's archives you can view here that talks about it. The suicide that came from the helldump forum seems to be from a user known as "terrifyinglycute".

You would need an account to browse active somethingawful threads,, and since Zoe says she had an addiction to helldump and mentions a lot of goon shit on her twitter, obviously she browsed it a lot and thus had an account. What she denies is posting on helldump, but if she says "we were exposing", it implies heavily that she participated in threads on helldump.
>exposing pedos
Ah, the good old "psychopathic criminal behavior is ok if it's directed against subhumans" thing.
The 4bans operator forgot to change the happenings link to /r9k/.
>NSFW 3 days ban
>up for over 1 day, thread full of butt shots
Mod defenders, define NSFW.
Huh, I saw someone spamming that image over and over again on /vip/. I wonder if that person was a mod.
something finally happens
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Almost every boards post quality would dramatically increase if we had a 150 charcter limit for threads btw.
yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night
the embed links to >>>/vip/128806
also in /vip/ news >>>/vip/128787
Official NSFW is allowed (nipples and genitals may require spoilers). That image in the nopan thread is from the Kodomo no Jika anime, therefore it's allowed.
Non-official (fan art) NSFW is forbidden. That image is AI porn made by a random user, therefore it's banned.
there's a Michael thread in /jp/ too
and somehow the embed just appeared there too
Source of a mod saying this is you just made this up
NTA but this is common knowledge if you've spent any decent amount of time on /a/. Remember that they had a whole meme fairly recently of a guy fantasizing about fucking a girl.
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So you just made it up?
Got it! Thanks for clarifying!
Gaylo stuff
anon wants to recreate mold smell
why is drg in there
I've had this line of thought for the last three years, and I'm not even a ponyfag.

Even if you want to contain pony threads to /mlp/, GR15 is autistic at this point, after so long. I can't believe how the whole site bent over backwards for a shitty children's show. All because of something that happened 14 years ago.

Then again, it's not surprise at all coming from the creator of "Milhouse is not meme" meme
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Thank you, sneed.
How are you supposed to verify this source?
By now I'm monkey patching so much of the internal 4chan extension with userscripts, any change could break it. I seriously hope the unpaid 4chan dev cuck realizes what a cuck he is and never works on then 4chan shitcode again.
Here is the /r9k/ bump.
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/trash/hap/ fucking died
>internal 4chan extension
what's wrong with 4chan-X?
Changes the look and feel of 4chan too much.
Many such cases. You hate to see it.
alright that's fair, it put me off at first too but i just hate the vanilla experience too much to stick with it. what changes have you got then?
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Some recent moves:

>>>/int/199847774 >>>/int/199839092
>>>/int/199839033 >>>/int/199838962
>>>/int/199836581 >>>/a/268896330 >>>/int/199833730 >>>/int/199832442 >>>/int/199832439 >>>/his/16861190 >>>/tv/201385067 >>>/tv/201384937 >>>/pol/474559147 >>>/pol/474559115 >>>/pol/474559083 >>>/pol/474542433 >>>/tv/201378204 >>>/pol/474518573 >>>/pol/474518570 >>>/pol/474518564 >>>/pol/474518563 >>>/pol/474518561 >>>/pol/474518555 >>>/pol/474518554
thank you thread move watcher
without looking at the threads, /a/ to /vt/ is funny but easy to understand. wondering why /tv/ to /r9k/, although I have a hunch
Please inform here if/when a new /trash/hap is made. I can't be bothered to look at /trash/'s catalog.
The /a/ thread was literally someone making a /vt/ general on /a/. /a/ never has generals of this format because the mods immediately delete them.
>highlighting when posts get deleted
>notification when a thread gets on page 10
>auto poster
>adding some reverse lookup buttons and other conveniences
>some literal bug fixes to the 4chan code
>squid games
>everything else korean related
>make big board
why no /kr/
tbqfh don't buy that in 20 years of this site's existence there's only been a couple developers who have been willing to spend time to work on 4chan's code. i assume the reality is closer to moot and now hiro being too paranoid about changing the site too drastically and telling the devs to only change things here and there, but yeah things like page 10 notifs and reverse image shortcuts should be in the core extension and this not have the burden be shoved off to external userscripts.
the thing that really got me to move over to 4chX was the site's lack of recursive post hiding, and not being able to hide stubs too. you'd think a site like this where trolls and thread derailers are everywhere would prioritize something like that honestly.
It can't be that bad. They're usually writing tons of code for April Fools shit.
It will happen once there is enough interest in korean culture outside k-pop
maybe they want the site to stay japanese culture-adjacent for any non-english things because of 4chan's origin as an anime site. /int/ is really the only exception and that's because it's supposed to be for everyone in the world, and korean culture things aren't overtaking any boards aside from /mu/, but then they'd have to deal with /mu/ dropping to below 10k posts per day.
if /a/ or /co/ aren't being split into their own separate boards (/anime/ and /manga/, /comics/ and /cartoons/) despite their animated parts taking up 90% of discussion on any given day, it's probably just not gonna happen that they make a whole new board just for it to rest at a couple thousand posts per day. at least, unless it's gaming related for some reason.
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I don't really get this meme
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Why are people so hellbent on using /v/ as their battleground for fetishes. Like half of all the deleted posts are either blacked shit or loli bros
It's partly out of spite towards the jannies like vidya butts, but also because they get more attention there than on /trash/ or /b/.
In my experience, I noticed most people didn't check the IP counter. I'd see a samefag numerous times go unnoticed by the thread or it would take 200+ posts before an anon calls him out. I was a bit surprised by the massive meltdown its removal caused.
What we should have: a vote function to expose samefags. If y post gets enough votes, all posts by a poster in a thread get a visible ID.
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>What we should have: a vote function
I'm glad it's gone because I was wrongfully accused of being a samefag ("ip counter didn't go up hurr durr") many times so it apparently didn't work very well
what the hell is a kik thread? got this on a mobile IP
Ban differentfags
Stop ban evading dumb coomer phonefaggot
New /trash/ happening thread!
it's a /soc/ thing
Report this newfag for ban evasion!
yep, this anon gets it
Zased, listen to him mods
ew, wouldn't be caught dead on /soc/. and yet i'll use /r9k/ for a happenings thread. anyways shout out to the guy that used that IP before me and was a /soc/ pony
social media shit used by /b/ pornspammers
>don't get an email back for a ban appeal to know they denied it
th-thanks smegheads
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Is it just me or /pol /is seriously losing influence? It feels like most of 4chan has turned against them.
most of 4chan has been against them for a very long time
Throughout the years of constant browse and lurk I can safely say that /vr/ is the best board to this day despite its flaws and horrible and horrendous moderation its userbase are at least literate about the topic.
Why do mods protect off-topic /pol/ shit on the video games board?
See this screenshot: >>78175881
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At this point, I'd like to say the migration of /hap/ to /r9k/ is pretty much said and done. Thank you for your involvement with this experiment and for following the rules of the experiment, minus the few hiccups we had at the beginning.

No regrets, this is the choice that the people have chosen of your own volition when given the offer to move, as such, please remain on /r9k/.

That being said, the following is now in effect.

"The happenings general is now public site wise, please redirect all meta talk that you find on 4chan to this general. Please redirect non meta shitposting/schizo posting/e-celeb discussions over to /nah/"

Congratulations on being unhidden, and being an official public 4chan general again, it was well deserved. The /trash/ happening thread will be repurposed to better serve a collective interest.

Thank you again for your participation, and once again, congratulations on the official public nature of the general.
Depends on how you look at it. Most of 4chan is anti-/pol/ as a concept, but endorses a lot of /pol/ viewpoints (hating jews, hating trannies, hating leftist/esjaydubs).
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this was already decided weeks ago and nobody needed your stupid opinion on this. this isn't more official either with the added opinion of some random faggot.
go back to /nah/ and ERP with your boyfriend (I'm lonely rn :()
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Opinions from within the experiment, despite their validity within it, aren't really relevant to those conducting the experiment. That and the announcement is less for the test takers, and more so the observers who write down the results.

That being said, transparency can be now had since the experiment is over.

The experiment was to see what would happen if pressures were introduced to the happening thread, would the users and board meta adapt to the pressures or find an outlet to continue on without said pressures? When the pressures got too high, an outlet was created out of 3 options, /bant/ /r9k/ and [s4s]. /r9k/ was chosen by the control person within the experiment, the bread baker known as Belarus Anon. /r9k/ was considered a candidate for the following reasons.

1. Not allowing Avatars
2. Needing unique posts to submit posts

There were other sub experiments conducted in the past two weeks, such as "seeing who would move and who wouldn't move, and how this would effect the trout population." etc.

At the same time, it allows a soft reboot to fix the problems of the /trash/ general, which was needed, and it also (more importantly) makes the happenings general more public and less of a hidden thing, which really does need to be a thing.

Think of it like when /qa/ went public, instead of being a hidden board; it's a similar situation. If you repeat the mistakes of the past in the general being public, rather than private, then that's on you.

Regardless, again, this is just how to meta flowed and it was allowed; the only real thing that can back pedal on this process is mod intervention at this point, and that's up to them whether or not they want to play ball with the relatively unsanctioned experiment that happened on their turf.

If mods start moving meta threads over to /trash/ you have their opinion on the matter, if they begin redirecting meta talk over to /r9k/ or redirecting to this board in specific, then welcome to new /qa/
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do you really think anyone (other than your internet boyfriend(me)) read all that crap? where are the happenings?
this is just your own ego speaking trying to take credit for improving /hap/ when really it's the users who moved board to improve it (mostly to get away from bad actors like you and me). simply creating a thread on another board doesn't move the board (I've tested this myself with a /s4s/hap/) the users have to be there posting in it and bumping it and talking about happenings for the thread to actually move. your or my own pseudo avatarfaggotry and our opinions don't really matter.
Experiment is over Nat, you don't have to hide behind the control wall anymore. You did exactly what you were supposed to do and played your part well. Thank you for your service.
stop giving him attention
would smash the fuck out of that cheeseburger, the best sandwiches look like train wrecks
There was a time when posting there was fun. That place hasn't been fun in ages.
Most of 4chan was always against them. Are you an election tourist?
all the oldfags either
>moved on
>killed themselves
>went somewhere else

all three are very viable
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biden has covid (again) >>>/pol/474606523
>people are still getting covid

2 bad he cant take two weeks off because every work place has eliminates bovid leave
more like oldvid lmao
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it looks like this shit
will he survive this time?
This is it America, your last chance to stop personalism.
Biden dies and another candidate more apt steps in, winning Trump in the presidentials, or he lives, Trump wins, and the world laughs again.
The Trump cult of personality is fucking scary. I'm sure many of them already see him as literal god. He could literally take a shit on a table in live TV and they'd praise his wisdom.

how are teens becoming obsessed with mootcat?
I think it's really fucking gay to say "X president is the antichrist" but damn, trump wishes we was the antichrist
seems they're learning the ways of true oldfags
Zoomers have been loving old stuff for a long time, stuff like this isn't new.
Zoomer girls who are into the cutecore aesthetic.
a very interesting "coincidence" on the level of shorting the stock of airline carriers the day before 9/11
>trump did 9/11
trump flew the plain dude duh
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Microsoft is now getting ahold of /qa2/'s influence and sacked off their entire DEI team. We're winning hard, and they don't even see it coming.

We will soon be the #1 most viewed webpage in the world and outbeat /vt/, /pol/ and /int/ in terms of activity.
im retard
Fucking /pol/ post-truth brainrot.
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or should i say

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please, for the love of god, let it be Joever..
Are you guys ready for the first female president? (to inherit her title.)
Pretty sure he said he'd step down if something health related happen to him. Something something Joever
things are about to get really funny
Are you ready for /ourqueen/?
That's a copypasta I've seen frequently in /pol/-bait threads on /v/
Trump's personality cult always freaked the fuck out of me, he's a charisma void.
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we run this shit now and there's nothing you can do about it. dilate
Its the board with the most unnatural post activity what do you expect from sane and reasonable people man
A good amount of /pol/ threads seem like they should instead be on /bant/
Why must you fools keep insisting that things happen. Nothing ever happens.
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/f/ is one of the most comfiest boards on 4chan and no one pays any attention to it and it's sad.
/f/ is still a board? Neat!
Search is down on the desuarchive
happening, apparently we're all one person talking to himself.
>and no one pays any attention to it and it's sad
But that is the reason why it is comfy
Just after maintenance, too. Shamefur dispray.
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Any happenings that happened as of late?
You're still a fat fuck if that counts.
I'm not sure. Maybe we should do a happening to breath some life into this board? Anyone have any funny ideas?
Woh I didn't know it does it! That's neat.
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why was this moved to arcanine?
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Long story short, extended furry psyop
Does anyone have a complete history of pedobear and its origins?
Ah, that would require going all the way back to 2005/2006.

It all began with this band called Oingo Boingo and a High School teacher named Kimura.
i have one for spurdo if that is your thing
this is kinda interesting, not sure if anyone else has pointed this out yet
moot mentions here (and a few minutes earlier at 6:22) in 2013 the site would get about 22 million unique visitors per month, with about 10% (2.2 million) actually posting.
2,200,000/30 = 73,333 posters per day, which somehow manages to add up to 900,000-1,000,000 posts in one day.
900,000/73,333 = 12.3, and 1,000,000/73,333 = 13.6, so the average poster would post 12-14(ish) times per day.

other active forums i've seen usually have something like 3 posts per user per day on average, so i'd assume a lot of this is /b/, /v/, and /pol/ spam where there'd be a few hundred or thousand people posting nonstop to force a meme or agenda, but even with that it shows just how argumentative people can be on here that fewer than 80k people could shitpost their way to over a million posts every day.
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can someone explain smug and comfyposting? i need information about it.
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In general or in regards to frogs?
in general. comfyposting, smugposting, i havent been able to get those words out of my mind.
Checked. Wake up. You're in the middle of it right now, you're doing it. This is it.

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very interesting. i had it inside of me all along.
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Very well.

Smugposting is one of two things; 1. an exaggerated strawman that is purposefully facetious for the sake of exemplifying the absurdity of the topic/individual 2. A sincere downward directed snub towards others in the form of a relatively smug image, which doesn't really matter what medium it is from. The common go to is the Pepe, which is a bit of both "Absurd strawman" and "Genuine Disapproval Module" [ sub 80 IQ self inserters ] however, you can smugpost with any character really.

Essentially, make sure to be as insufferable douchebag as possible for whatever reason you want.

The comfyposter is a different take of online behavior that is either facetious or genuine under malicious pretenses. A facetious comfyposter will post an image of a friendly frog (Known as an Apu), and say "Me when mommy buy me nuggies and the hairdresser says I'm a handsome young man" this is facetious in nature that calls upon the absurdity of nostalgia, and how the simple things are bad by portraying it as cringeworthy as possible. More often than not, it is subtle mockery of the infantilization and perceived cuckoldry of the modern user. When taken in sincerity, it's meant to be a sort of "Take no action, feel no strong way about anything" method. "Wagies waging, wokies wakey, me at home with eggs n bakey." More often than not, it's meant as a sort of "Reject society, embrace laziness and hedonism. Disregard bitches, become NEET." In the rare instances that it isn't a malicious underlay facsimille, it is quite literally just the "I just want to grill for God's sake" meme, and finding joy in simple comforts, in an increasingly complex and aggressive world.
Fascinating. Thanks for the writeup! I can see how NEETposting, comfyposting are connected in that way. What do you make of poo poo pee pee pepe, back like 8 years ago or so.
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Absurdist dual layered irony shitpos.

Kind of like putting a crown on a piece of shit and saying "Haha, King Poopy! Poopy King!" It's meant to be ironic, because of the Absurd nature of a piece of shit being a king, however, unironic because it's literally a piece of shit with a crown being flung at your opponent.

Tell me, when you go to the zoo and see a monkey throwing shit at you, who is the victor of the battle? The monkey is a monkey yes, and it is caged; however, you are the one with shit on your face that it has flung at you, and you have to go home and pay taxes to people who either genuinely hate you, or think so little of you that they view you as you would the monkey.
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another good metaphor is challenging someone's sexuality via exaggerated degeneracy when they are challenging you.

Here is a hypothetical situation.

"Officer Smith goes to Anon Q. Jones and says "Excuse me sir, but you're not allowed to be here." Anon Q. Jones pulls down his pants, bends over suggestively, spreading his asscheeks moaning sexually. "You want to fuck this delicious boypussy officer? You want to fill my naughty Anon bussy with your law and order cummies? Make me Nonnypreggers? Unhhhhhhhhh I want to suck you off sooooooo bad Officer Smith. Fuck my boypussy harder!" while pissing and shitting at the same time.

In this particular instance, Anon is making a fool out of himself, but he has accepted this because he believes himself a fool; the goal of the display is to humiliate the aggressor, and make them seem like a fool via proxy. Anon has no concept of shame, and utilizes the ownership of others who do have it against them in a comedic exaggerated way.

And it works sometimes, honestly, people aren't really sure what to do when you strip down naked and you have a massively erect cock as an answer to an opposition.

It's ironic take of "Shit your pants aggressively to own the libs" take; when taken in sincerity, it's hilarious because damn, niggas really do be making themselves clowns.
Exhibit A: anime girl in a swimsuit, 3 days ban for "pornography"

Exhibit B: risque image of a real life 15 year old almost showing breasts, reported but not banned
>7 year old in a swimsuit in a provocative pose
>This isn't lolicon I swear.
She's around 14. Where's your defense of the second image?
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my defense is "why haven't you reported it?"
I was merely pretending!
is the draft coming back or is this just fearmongering?
>reported but not banned
I did. Read my post again.
drones arent that capable yet. sounds like fearmongering. someone has to enforce that. and you do not need to draft everyone in america, this aint some small 1-5 million pop country in europe, this is america with 300m+ people.
what's with the tripfags on /fa/? they come and go but each one of them are equally annoying. what causes this phenomena?
I went on /sci/ a few hours ago and it was flooded with basedjaks. Weirdly, nobody seemed to care, but they took up at least four pages.
Live schizo going nuts on /vp/!
Weird how rabid they are about vegans and vegetarians. Feels... Inorganic. Why don't they leave vegans alone and vegans leave us alone?
/sci/ is just /pol/ pretending to understand science.
When did that change? It reads like some grandpas facebook page. I used to have interesting conversations there like almost a decade ago.
The pandemic?
either way im getting too old to be drafted
gonna be 27 this year
and im fat(but actually decently fit kek)
if a draft is necessary it means people are dying in droves like in the d day beach assault
During the d-day landings only a few thousand died.
people were only dying in droves at the start of the assault
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There's a new ad for "Anonymugs". It's screencaps of posts on mugs.
the 4bans userscript doesn't work. why?
>is that real
>probably yeah
some boards aren't updated i think
archived.moe cloudflare jail
>you are my nigger
What is the history of this?
It's notable for using the word nigger without being actually racist.
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didn't work on archived.moe either
so i checked the ublock logger - i see nothing from whatsoever
so i checked the browser console, and i see that it's trying to upgrade it to https
https-only mode in browser was the issue. disabling https-only mode entirely fixes the issue, adding to exceptions doesn't work
>http only site
yup, you installed glowware
Works on desuarchive with fireshit.
read, nigger
because you don't have https-only mode enabled
>we really desperately need boots on the ground
>that's why we're gonna slaughter everyone who refuses instead of kidnapping them and forcing them to serve
>in fact we spent money that should have gone to killing the enemy on automating our killing of civilians
are you retarded
relatively high female userbase
yeah i had to edit https to http in the script to get it to work
Isn't that redundant? Why do these boards even exist?
/qa2/chads spotted in Nashville.
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>relatively high female userbase
is this true? a friend was telling me about how she was embarrassed to use 4chan but found it really useful because of /fa/, i didn't know that was common.
Thank fuck. No more furfag porn spam or avatar shit.
>Isn't that redundant?
uuuuuh, no? one's for cosplays and e-girls, the other is for fashion.
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Can we ever stop winning?
>women who want to dress up
>yeah i had to edit https to http in the script to get it to work
the only https i see in the script code are the archive URL @include s. but there is also http for each
fashion is a typical female interest, attention seeking alike
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For a 4chan board, yeah.
Hard to say what the real percent is, stats are from a dating site.
>/tv/ has more women than /v/
hard to believe
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always funny seeing the goofy poe general thread get higher than all the anime OPs
data source?
i didnt play a sound doe
is "Project 2025" a happening?
It will be when Americans realize they have to follow stricter rules.
Got warned for this. 9 hours later. What's even the point?
Embedded files are back.
Exhibit B got archived some time ago.
I guess 4chan tolerates almost-porn of real 15 year olds on its anime board.
All while drawn girls in swimsuits get a 3 day ban.
It's fearmongering disguising a series of policy changes that will slowly and inexorably make American lives worse in ways that will not be obvious except in hindsight.
So, no.
but is it the product of acceleration?
trump got in saying he would build a wall and he didn't
some fags that aren't trump writing a wishlist is nothing
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so some mods want /pol/ gone...
I guess? It's being sold as the final solution to the democrat problem. God only knows if they're doing it out of genuine political philosophy or sheer hunger for power, but it's probably only the divisiveness of the current climate that allowed the ideas to be floated in the first place.
That would be a massive blow to site traffic.
We have /v/, /b/, /vt/, and other active boards. No one wants the traffic of /pol/tards, even some mods don't. The only obstacle to /pol/ being deleted is Hiro because he doesn't really moderate.
The mods should be replaced instead of damaging the website as a whole.
/pol/ has damaged the site for years.

The following boards should go
>/bant/ (useless)
>/s4s/ (useless)

And reinstated
>/qa/ or call it /meta/
Opinion disregarded
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I'll moderate /pol/ for you ABIB.
avatarfags and spammers are unwilling to leave /trash/ where they can post with relative impunity
ah ABIB is a retard that believes containment boards exist
Ratatouille would have been a lot different if Linguine was like that chef
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hey hey! Someone's been paying attention!
wait, his post was on June 7, 2023
all of the articles have the wrong 'last month' language
Is anyone keeping track of how many arrests have come about from 4chan posts? We've gotta be over a dozen.
What were they waiting for?
TV show that everyone wanted, which could have been copies from any number of books and/or videogames, fails catastrophically due to being written by fucktards.
Rare public ban that doesn't have a mod masturbating to "MODS=GODS" posts.
Maybe you already realized this, but it's locked.
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we ignore the y2k happening in this thread
The list of boards that should be deleted or merged is much longer.
Is posting screenshots of auto-banned URLs a banable offense? As what do you report them?
Depends on intent; if malicious evading spam filters.
If very malicious, advertising
If innocent, datamine them and edit their tabs to make it look like they were looking at shameful pornography.
>push windows update
>shut down half the planet
>do billions in damages
>"woops lmoa"
We're so finished as a species
surprised it even got a 2nd season
>bug in 3rd-party software
>"woops lmoa"
who are you quoting retard
Is this real?
why the fuck not, RETARD?
i've literally done this myself
Exhibit C: drawn explicit sex with an adult only gets a warning
obviously yes the actual practice of forum sliding is real
within 4chan's context and especially on an extremely high traffic board, no, not really, your thread will get "slid" just from normal activity or community disinterest
there are happenings that are happening but havent been posted here. why.
Like what? List them.
/k/ is leaking
boards that aren't /pol/ are welcome on /v/
That term made it into a "dictionary."
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Was this fellow ever memed on 4chan? I just randomly came across it when I was looking for pig pictures. But it's a few years old already apparently.
looks familiar
that's all i can say
reminds me of sam hyde. what's with people worshipping him anyway? i remember some ruckus about him raping a 15 year old from this board or something a while ago.
one of fifty billion "he's famous because he's famous" groyper types
yes he did have sex with an underaged follower, his followers parrot age-of-consent laws at you if you remind them of that
>what's with people worshipping him anyway?
I don't really get it either. He's basically a fatter and saner Andy Dick, or a less funny Eric Andre. I think 4chan likes him exclusively because he's a white dude who will say the nigger word.
It's hilarious that people still believe that shit. It's written like a SCP article.
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On second thought maybe posting that wasn't a good idea. Mods and jannies, I don't advocate what he said I just wanted to share it for reference.
I'm surprised you haven't seen picrel before, it's like the quintessential schizo copypasta
as far as i'm aware it's just so they can feel in-the-know with the sam hyde mass shooter memes posted here all the time. same thing with people pretending sneed is funny, people who type ">be me" greentexts, people who use soijaks, and so on.
there are also lots of people who were idubbbz/filthy frank fans and now want someone like they used to be to fill the void they left, because i guess they feel too mature for south park or family guy.
So what I need to know: anyone who uses the word sliding is a /pol/cuck.
They can't use it outside of /pol/ without looking retarded so they use shill instead.
>>>/b/921571378 >>>/b/921567241 >>>/b/921569258 >>>/b/921560353 >>>/b/921559976
>>>/b/921572046 >>>/b/921573404 >>>/b/921574420 >>>/b/921574554 >>>/b/921575477
they've multiplied 5 fold
+1public ban sticky
Would /b/ benefit from becoming a blue board? It'd clear up the pornspam a bit at least. I mean sure people would still post fluffy threads and what not but the porn takes up so much space everything else gets vanishes
We already have multiple "SFW /b/" boards (or boards with an anti porn dump rule) you fucking retard.
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/b/ wouldn't benefit from anything
nobody cares what's going on in there besides the jannies on sweeping duty
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snacks is back on /b/
Porn isn't the issue.
Porn being a disproportionate amount of threads there is.
If there were another random board for garbage porn/socials etc, and moratorium on those type of threads, maybe it would heal.
When they try other porn boards they complain that they can't follow the rules.
Some porn threads are only allowed on /b/.
There's someone on /mlp/ who replies to random shitpost threads accusing them of sliding something, but he's never once posted a thread that was "slid" and unlike /pol/ /mlp/ is slow enough to easily track down the latest thread that archived.
The only time I've actually seen a thread on /mlp/ slid was several months ago after someone dumped a discord server called "Pony Community Leaders" where discord jannies all gathered to report who they banned and why so other discords could preemptively ban them. The slide threads were just dotposts that were so obvious the jannies deleted them
Who is Kyle and why is he all over /b/?
seen any sliding logposts lately?
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>he didn't get his very own Kyle thread stiggied on /b/
who the fuck is Kyle, is it the guy who shot some people a while back
no hes just my friend who died after eating some bad chinese food >>>/b/921559976
they edited the board title for /b/ lmao
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a tragedy has befallen mankind
That mindless spam is probably the funniest thing that has happened on /b/ in the last 10 years, isn't it?
it's the kind of shit moot used to do to fuck with /b/
there was once a raid on /b/ with the whole yellow thingy dingy going on, to remove porn from the board.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
It makes me kek that's still up there. How many years has it been?
who is kyle, dough
I'm hoping all of /b/ becomes Kyle and gets left that way.
God you are retards, really. Ever tried figuring things out yourself?
he's everyone.
>t. Kyle
kyle has reached page 5
are they going to keep going until the whole board is kyles?
Look at the bright blue-ish green light this post glows.
yeahhh that thing glows. most of the time when ppl say glowie it's rarely accurate but this one feels like a honeypot to catch people with.
Accidental sticky now.
Probably confused with autosage.
He deleted it. Fucking fag mod, why delete the thread just because one glowie is posting?
pedos btfo
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>accidentally stickying a thread instead of deleting it
why are they so retarded lole
Does that mean anyone can post that as copypasta in a thread, and the thread will get killed?
>both the /a/ archives are down
fuck how will we prove this happened?
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Well, at the very least it goes to show that the lazyjannies are lurking the (better) habbenigs thred now.
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>accidentally stickying a thread instead of deleting it
Damn. Already closed the thread. Any way to retrieve the post text that's still cached in 4chan's extension somehow from hovering the cross link?

I mean, I didn't even report it. I just linked it here because I found it so funny how blatant the post was.
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kek I just remembered when I noticed it
>this was 8 years ago
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But seriously, that thread was up for days (probably, not like I can check), why the fuck delete just because of one troll post?
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We get the quality of service we pay for.
Did this babby grow up in these 30 days?
the mods stickied a basedjak
So it may seem, so it may seem.
retard, that's not one
That's just Kyle, don't think too much abou it.
deserved tbqh.
13 pages on /b/ right now
it's on the left in the background
there's a bunch throughout the picture
>>>/b/ is being unkyled
Well, that was short
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Finally...the curse is lifted.
Miina...arigato... sayonara....

Wait, why the fuck am I not dying? God damn it! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gb2 >>>/trash/
badaboom bumpibump
we have entered a post-sago society
a bad moon is coming
i wandered in from /britfeel/ as a tourist (>>78209464) and i'm sorry to say i absolutely called it.

any highlights from when these threads were at their peak? ;__;
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/qa/ golden years were where it was at; lotta OC, lotta good times, [s4s] sister-thread relations, the /nah/ thread, probably the only thread on the site that was reliably well moderated (and are the only threads still there on the qway to this day) (bastard jannies knew what they were doing, opening it up for us on april 1st) (they will hang for it, one day)
/trash/ was reluctant dark times; started off slow and what you'd expect from living in the septic tank, but did have a good stretch around mid'22-mid'23 before the literal schizophrenics and namefaggots from the other threads started actively trying to involve themselves, making the thread just unusable since it was all just blogs from the most insufferable + least interesting people muttering about their non-happening lives and giving shitty commentary on anything; and was barely tolerated because /trash/ bumprate is way higher than it has any right being (this one >/>78210664 already has it's own screencap of being blown the fuck out by a based frog, but thankfully we can report furfags here, not just avatarfags, so I don't think it'll be too much of an issue for now)

i project we'll have another good few months here until the cancer sets in again (is chijo still a thing here?) (either ways, spastics of that ilk). slowbumprates are good times to say the least; was a nice feel coming back to the same happening thread a few days later
perhaps we'll stay nomadic, young bonglander, moving from board to board. for the time being though, even if the project is doom2fail; we'll keep on keepin on.

something will happen. if nothing happens, it is our doodee to make it happen.
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+ pt2 of the webbum
there was a guy we saw on /diy/ a few years back who gassed his apartment building while trying to unclog his bathtub
it's bumo time
/hap/ without him isn't /hap/
Diddy Kong
Nobody's ever posted Diddy Kong on /r9k/ before?
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>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
>4chan Pass users can bypass this block. [Learn More]
But it only seems to be on the /v/-tangential boards (not tested all the boards). I can obviously post on red boards, and I'm funposting just fine on /xs/ & /fit/ just fine, but when I get around to /vm/, shit's fucked brah - can't even IP hop it with the dynamic trick.
This a thing now?
Do you have a neighbor that shits up /v/? Are you canadian by any chance? Idk if HE lives there any longer.
When will we nuke /co/ and /tv/? /co/ only talks about capeslop and tumbler toons now, and /tv/ is quite possibly the most miserable place to be in (besides /r9k/ ironically).
This but unironically. Though that's probably because your usually going to have funner discussions when it's off topic. It's like talking about Vidya on another board. You'll have anons enjoying it much more.
what does /tv/ do nowadays? force sneed? noncery?
Just a culture war board that's overly Contrarian for the sake of it. Lots of autsits there too.
>/fa/ - femanons
Someone thinks this is a user-agent based block
>When will we nuke /co/
I wish I could fix it, man. Mods always say you should make good threads and just ignore the bad ones, but any thread I try making on some relatively obscure cartoons or things to do with the making of comics are bumped off after max 50 replies, and when I go through the catalog nowadays I can only snipe out four or five interesting threads, three of which have probably died by the time I can actually get around to reading them.
The blimbo threads a couple weeks ago were a rare spark of fun, but even they seemed to have died off unceremoniously after anons got bored.
>>When will we nuke /co/
>I wish I could fix it, man. Mods always say you should make good threads and just ignore the bad ones, but any thread I try making on some relatively obscure cartoons or things to do with the making of comics are bumped off after max 50 replies, and when I go through the catalog nowadays I can only snipe out four or five interesting threads, three of which have probably died by the time I can actually get around to reading them.
>The blimbo threads a couple weeks ago were a rare spark of fun, but even they seemed to have died off unceremoniously after anons got bored.
justshut up man
uugh yawnsies woken up
Hes right yoy know
>report post that only contains "N" for racism
>it gets deleted a couple of hours later
Do you think that the mods will start doing more funny things on /b/, remember the recent starcraft stuff?
hopefully they keep pushing /b/ back toward how it was pre-2014
i wonder if hiroshimoot will interact with us. he was on /qa/ early on but otherwise very hands off
Culture warrior board that talks about television sometimes, openly slobbers over underaged girls, and is mostly just a nursing home for Baneposters that think they're still the meme capital of the internet
He probably never will, he treated 2ch roughly the same way. Zero interest in it or in its moderation until it was being taken from him by a glow-in-the-dark, wanted 2ch and wants 4chan as passive income
>i wonder if hiroshimoot will interact with us
He has no reason to. If he shows up again, everyone would just complain to him anyway.
what is a nanodesu
when was the last time he even said anything? i'm pretty sure it was when he announced the 4chan/4channel split, right?
nanodesu is nanodesu, nanodesu
one billionth of a desu
I think it was a year or two ago when someone asked him on his YT stream about some rogue janitor, and Hiro said "Sorry, I didn't see that." He certainly hasn't said on the website itself in a long time.
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desu but smaller
last post verifiably made by him
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>everyone would just complain to him
False, because I (and I alone) wouldn't complain to him, I'd just laugh at him.

oldfaggot reference
Remember the one were somebody posted that they were 17.99999999 days old
There used to be a lot of thumbnail swap glitches before they added 3 more digits to the timestamps, watching newfags freak out was fun.
hey that's my post hahaha
Is 4chan lingo added to online dictionaries more frequently than before?

is it just me or does new or forced lingo spread quicker than before?
Lmao, fucking retard. It actually worked.
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I posted it on /sci/
(goy)slop certainly spread pretty quickly starting last year.
Lol he didn't even check 4bans before trying this just happened
did he actually just buy the site as revenge for 2ch getting yoinked from him? i remember when moot left he said he wanted to abandon all legal responsibility because it was right after the fappening and that almost bankrupt him and the site, so he didn't want to own the site just for the sake of it, but hiro seems to actually just want to keep it just because.

goyslop was basically shat out onto other places right as it was being said here honestly, it reminded me of how quickly wojak edits/soijaks in general caught on.
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No particularly, it's just that most people lack the appreciation of what comes / came from where because it's just become a naturalised part of culture in general 0 case in point that I doubt the vast majority of people know that slop / goyslop >>78220351 originated in /ck/ of all places (currently at 2.5 total posts per minute, 2805 posts/day), before becoming more memetically virulent when /v/ and eventually /pol/ ran with it. /r9k/ is no yet is practically the foundry of modern gender-relations language (from chad, to wojak, to maxxxing, to _pilled etc, even before more niche stuff) and barely sits over 10,000 posts/day. The human centipede pipeline of culture is still real; and while faggots discount the role >we have in formative culture, the fail to appreciate that, bang-for-buck, the overall influence of 4chan (and moreso the altchans; currently headlined by the 8webring, the sharty and cryscaf) still has in culture, for it's extraordinarily relative small userbase.
I believe the last number that got floated is something like 92% of Anons in any thread are non-posting lurkers-only, and only 0.3% of Anons have ever made a thread (including generals). This is before outsider's that look on in. Like, for example - this thread https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/101469302/#101477269
Seems pretty normal right? Well some faggot on shitter screencapped the OP, and it got 3.8M views + 2.6k comments and is a crux discussion bed for the Windows shitshow for IT workers. We're still just as influential as before (fuck the misaccreditations that KYM tries to pull in it's lurklessness), it's simply that the scope has gotten larger as the internet becomes both more global, more centralised, more casualised and more censored.
don't forget /lgbt/
we had this discussion recently zvuyzi
newest thread abilavble
You got me, well done Anon
That was very mean
whoever does the new thread don't forget the stats in the OP image
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where thread
/nah/ won
Here, monke bro: >>78221293

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