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Femanon, would you date someone who's got depression and low energy?
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yes yes i would actually
but no i will not timestamp to prove it
you have ot believe me because.... well you jsut do ok!!!
Not femanon but id plap tingyun
Don't ask femanon dumbass. They don't care about men's issues
Can I stop seeing your degen ass in every thread?
>men's issues
This had nothing to do with that.
100% real girl?
no, only because i myself am the same; otherwise, i would probably like to care for him
Can't we take care of each other?..
why are you depressed femanon? how would you take care of your bf if you werent depressed?
I promise to try my best to care for her.
Hmmm. I just think I'd feel ashamed to be sad around her, and if I can't show how I feel then we'll never be able to build a connection.
Maybe I just shouldn't date.
everyone would be okay with this as long as two parties know each other on a personal level and like each other enough
I know I would be ok with it but I have heard otherwise from others before.
could be. not many people are good with dealing such situations, you have to sail there to know the waves type of deal, if that makes sense. i assume most people would be okay, but people who have been there will 100% be okay, not the ones struggling now, but have before and are better
What? I barely reply, I mostly lurk
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if we cant take care of ourselves, how will we have the energy to take care of each other? i promise that i would love to, but i just dont think its possible for either of us

if i knew, i dont think id even be depressed anymore!! but if, by some fucking miracle, i were not depressed... although it would be harder to put myself in his shoes, i would be very patient with him. i think that i would do enough of his everyday things for him (hygiene, food, etc.) while also encouraging him to do himself one little thing at a time, just to help him feel good about himself -///-

i understand how you feel anon. i find that i cant help but open up to my s/o because i trust them and i try to avoid it as much as possible with literally everyone else... i really do recommend that you at least make an attempt to work on that because i assure you that the right girl will be very appreciative of your honesty and openness. i think you should date because there are women who will understand your situation and wish to be with you regardless, but just be mindful of your limits and how much youre able to provide as a partner. i say all this with nothing but care for you btw
Bro just stop making me horny, okay I'm not having a good day today
Thank you. I do try my best. And there definitely are many things I should improve.
I made the thread because I was rotting in bed feeling sad and I was struck with the thought of "what if I had a gf and we were cuddling right now?" And I felt like I wouldn't be able to show her that I was sad. And like I didn't deserve to have someone cuddling with me if I'm feeling like that.
I don't want to be complacent either. Hmmm, I don't know how it would be.
I think plapposting is cute personally but I'm just in a bad mood. I apologize
do you have a bf? if not, what kind of bf would you want? what does your overall life situation look like right now?
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you are very sweet... i know it doesnt feel this way, but almost everyone is sad at some point in their lives, and part of being in a relationship is having the ability to express and work through that sadness. while men are expected to show less emotion than women, i find that stereotype frustrating--i do prefer a partner who is less emotional than me, but only because i need someone to provide the care and stability i lack for myself. in your case, you deserve a woman who has no issue supporting you and your feelings, whether that be due to empathy or her mental health being stable enough for her to handle them. you shouldnt think of cuddling as something you do or do not "deserve" because if someone truly loves you they will want to cuddle with you whether you are happy, sad, angry, etc. love is not given on a basis of merit; it is given because someone has picked your roses no matter how many thorns have pricked her fingers (as fucking corny as that is). keep your head up anon. i love you
That's very sweet of you, thank you.
I like corny stuff and that was a very nice way to put it.
I often find that many people have trouble letting themselves be loved. I should work on that, too.

I like the way you think. And I really hope that you find someone that can give you what you want and stay by your side.
Take care, anon. Thank you.
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somehow i do have a boyfriend >////<!! its pretty crazy how i managed to make him mine, because i spent several months chasing after him... i think he was the result of a hyperfixation (i have ADHD unfortunately), and because i prefer to make friends over talking to someone with immediate romantic intentions, i just confessed to him one night and he seemed to reciprocate after understanding me better...
he is quite unlike me, as he started repressing his emotions early on and thinks very logically, but this helps me a lot as many of my emotionally-drawn assumptions/trains of thought are quite illogical. my emotional baggage is also less of a strain on him because he has very little of his own, or at least i hope so... X,D
i am often afraid of him leaving me because of how much maintenance i require. i am also his first girlfriend, so i am basically setting all his expectations of how a relationship should be, which is horrifying... but i am doing the very best i can do, and so is he... i spend a lot of time trying (and failing) to convince myself that i do deserve him, so it is quite hard to follow my own advice...
he is currently the only thing keeping me alive, really (well, that and the fact that im too fucking pussy to kill myself!!), so i really cannot understand how he manages to put up with me every day, but im really proud of him for doing so. he reminds me that i am worth something, because why else would he be with me?
That depends how depressed. If he's moping around half naked, zombie eyed, won't take care of himself, drinking liquor straight from the bottle at 2pm, then no I wouldn't. If he just has a sad and depressive outlook on life and needs help getting out of it, then yes, I would provide him with the love and care he needs.
Is he autistic? What does his overall life situation look like?
I really try to not be too mopey.
I think I would enjoy and I want to take care of a girl. I want a lot of stuff in a relationship.
But sometimes, like right now, or when I'm about to fall asleep, I just feel tired like I can't think. And displeased with who I am.
Outwardly, I look fine, or I try to, at least.
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i am overjoyed to hear my words have touched you heart ^__^
this is a thing i have to work on, myself. i suppose it affects many depressed people, since so much of our focus is on our self-image and value. i can tell you from experience that this will affect your relationship, because it is tough to love another person when you can hardly love yourself... but there are lovely rose-pickers in this world, so as long as you use your self-awareness to overcome what ails you, someone will choose to visit your garden.
i may have found someone; although my head screams at me that it is too early to think such a thing, my heart believes that i would like to stay with him. he loves me because i love him, and i know someone will do the same for you. you take care too, okay? as best as you can, despite everything. you are loved
Should I move in with my bf? My parents don't want to take care of my schizo ass anymore and without a proper support structure I'd be struggling on the street being a prostitute, getting raped, murdered or all three in that order.
You sound fine to me then, might just need someone to help cheer you up
>I think I would enjoy and I want to take care of a girl.
Aw that's sweet, and yeah girls like being taken care of, makes us feel feminine.
>how will we have the energy to take care of each other
but can't we be depressed _together_?
People often take better care of their pets than they do of themselves.
It's harder to take good care of yourself than it is to take of someone else. For some reason, most feel like they don't deserve it, or simply don't care that much or they are fine with putting up with bad things.

I want to take care of someone and spoil her lots.
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he has not gotten tested/diagnosed, but we both suspect that he does have autism XD. it would explain why he misinterprets social cues and i overthink his tone of voice/text XDD
until i came along, he never actually realized how close people can be--his friendships have always been very surface-level, and anyone "close" to him would only be close because they had known him for a long time. the only deep connection he has ever had with another person is the one he has with me, and i feel extremely grateful, but it also means that he is being introduced to many things he is not familiar with (vulnerability, communication, spending much time and energy, etc.) again, he is quite the opposite of me, but i think in such a way that it works, because we are both working to understand each other and many of our differences come from similar sources, such as how we deal with our emotions

yes, we can. that would actually be quite nice, and if i loved someone depressed like me, i would not let that deter me from being in a relationship with them. however, i think we would unintentionally worsen each other's condition, as we would have no desire or strength to get better, and we would only wallow in our combined sadness and deepen the hole we've gotten ourselves into. it would not be healthy, even if it would feel nice in the moment

*not that i think anyone would care, but i have therapy soon (haha? funny?) so i will disappear for a moment and return later in case anyone still wants to listen to my pathetic ass .. X,3
And that's really nice, I hope you get to. Don't treat a woman like a pet lmao but spoiling her is good.
>i think we would unintentionally worsen each other's condition
what i was thinking is that the person who's depressed the least of the two would notice the other struggling and therefore unconsciously slowly try to make them happier with little things
the effort put into helping the other will also end up improving the helper's condition
and at least theoretically if they're relationship works i would guess they'd end up either getting rid of depression or at least getting stable into a mild one
this is all opinions and theories tho
Yeah lmao
Fucking hate femanons and all of you fucking disgusting attention whores who are actual whores who each have body count of 10 + dudes including but not limited to niggers. ANd if you don't you are an emotionally distant whore who yearns for MUH TRUE LOVE but will ignore countless anons here who have never experienced romantic or any form of love and would think the world of you because they do not fit within narrow anime coomer-induced caricatures. If you are a "femanon" go fuck yourself and know that every single time you visit this board I will be here hating you and will call you out the next time you effeminately announce yourself.
Kill yourself. But ty for the bump
>Femanon, would you date someone who's got depression and low energy?
I read this as
>Femanon, would you date yourself?
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i see where youre coming from. due to both parties being in the same situation, they might have a better understanding of how to help each other. i just dont think they could possibly have the energy for it. additionally, the only motivation either of them would have to get better is seeing the condition of their partner and how it affects them, which is pretty much what youve described, i think. however, from personal experience, seeing my boyfriend in a mental place that allows him to feel content with himself and his life has driven me to better myself more than anything else. i see how his happiness presents himself in everything he does, and it is something i envy. without him, i dont think i would mind living the rest of my life the way it is now, and i can only imagine that having a depressed partner would drag me deeper down my rabbit hole... QwQ
i appreciate that you believe such a relationship can work. if this is the kind of relationship you seek, i hope you find a wonderful girl who is as willing to help you as you are her, and that the love you have for each other is enough to pull you out of your misery ^__^ take care of yourself anon
>i see how his happiness presents himself in everything he does
itself* sorryryry X3
Anon, I agree and stand with you wholeheartedly. Fuck femanons and fuck simps like OP.
welcome back, how did your session go? i think it's very sweet that you have someone to build yourself up with who can lift you up as well. it sounds like a mutually dependent relationship where you can both help each other find new experiences, thoughts, and moments in life together. i think it'd be good if a lot of people would stop being cruel and have the ability to open up to each other, and then they'd be able to better each other and grow together. did you find it hard to chase after him, and how did you end up meeting in the first place?
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so sorry anon!!! honestly thought this thread died once i came back X,3 hope youre still around. my session was fine, thank you!
ah, youre right... thank you, i appreciate it ^///^ i also agree with you. i would guess that a lot of it comes from insecurity, as allowing oneself to be vulnerable with another person takes a lot of stability, self-awareness, trust, and security... i do not blame those who find it difficult, but i truly hope they can find a way out of it, because love is a beautiful thing, and everyone deserves to experience it at least once in their lives...
i think it was both easy and difficult--easy because chasing after him was the only thing that satisfied me (dopamine-seeking brain... sigh), but difficult because he was not receptive to a lot of my efforts, and befriending him was hard because of aforementioned things in one of my earlier posts. i would often misinterpret things he said/did and jump to conclusions, thinking he hated me over every little mistake i made (another ADHD thing!!!!!hahhahahaha do you see why i want to kill myself now) so pursuing him sent me through a great deal of emotional turmoil. despite everything, i think it was worth it, because it brought me the most wonderful boy i could ever have. although, there probably was a plethora of better ways i couldve gone about it... XD
i met him through our shared love for music!! we are both pianists among other things, so we knew the same people (other musicians) and would see each other often enough. i would sit next to him at the piano while he played with the softest, most beautiful hands and fingers ive ever seen... siggghhhhhhh -/////-
What does your bf do/study? Is the plan for him to provide for you in the future? How old are the two of you?
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he is a math major! we are both turning 19 soon and met senior year of hs. i assume you and most others in this thread are much older, so i cant speak for a lot of things, but i hope thats all right QwQ
he is studying math and hopes to be a professor. as we have only just started college, we dont have much figured out yet, but i think we would both like to have a job and support ourselves and each other. i am a bit worried for my future, as
>im on fucking 4chan
>i might kill myself before i even graduate
>doubt ill have the energy to do well in my career, as i barely got through school
so thats where im at right now, and i dont have the heart to tell him how hopeless i feel... not to vent though, im so sorry anon!!! i just like answering your questions ^^"""
>i dont have the heart to tell him how hopeless i feel
i feel that i should clarify, as i have just been going on about the importance of being open with your partner... i just dont want to make my habit of worrying about the future worse than it already is, so roping him into it is a huge nono. i promise that i do my best to tell him about my feelings and encourage others to do so too... well, i am also bad at listening to the advice i give others, so... ksdjhgkhg i talk too much >//////< maybe i should close my laptop for a minute...
I used to like romantic things. I liked to imagine how I would propose to a girl. Think about owning a home and having a family. Doing everything I could to make them happy and take care of them. Go on dates, think of corny ways in which I could show her my feelings towards her. Sometimes I would try to put my feelings and ideas into words and make up corny lines or scenarios that I liked. Those were dreams of what it could be like one day. Dreams of hope.

Now, I am just frustrated. Angry at myself and ashamed. I can't even feel the same way I used to about those things. I no longer dream of a romantic future. I am just full of regrets and anxiety. What could have been, is now that which wasn't.
good luck anon! you have to go forward day by day and keep your head up high. never treat speed bumps like road blocks and you can get through life. it sounds like the way you met is very memorable, an almost fairy tale relationship even. it should give you enough of a foundational stability to work through troubles, him being logical to your emotional helps cover each other's weaknesses.

sometimes you can feel like you're overwhelming or being imposing if you speak too much about what's troubling you. part of it is being open with your emotions but making sure the intensity matches what they can keep up with. pace yourself and wait things out for the next day.
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you are truly the sweetest anon in the world, thank you... T__T honestly im not even sure why youre in this thread, as you seem like a very secure person with all his shit together XD youre very lovely company, though, so im happy youre here, anon ^__^

yes, i feel this all the time!! actually, this was something i brought up in my session today, hehe... even though i think im very open with him, i feel really horrible about it at the end of the day, and that makes me put things off as if theyre less important than they really are... i ask him frequently if im being too much and hes probably gonna get tired of having to reassure me so often, but because i downplay all my emotions nothing ever really gets fixed... its a weird cycle that i only just realized i was in yesterday, so i think i will sit down with him and talk about it once ive organized my thoughts well enough...
no problem, i'm happy to offer company. i'm just taking it easy and giving people encouragement where i can in threads where people are looking for it. not doing much else but waiting to hear back from another friend right now anyway.

in terms of being overbearing with your emotions, one thing you can catch yourself doing there is feeling insecure and needing reassurance that you're not being too over the top. you're using language like how you feel you're too much and that you fear he will get tired of needing to reassure you too often. typically if he is caring, deep down, assurances from him will be genuine and automatic. try write down your thoughts and feelings first to help process them before you express to him, as you've mentioned. don't ever feel horrible about being open with your emotions though, it's bad to bottle them up. clear communication makes relationships work.
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sorry anon!! started practicing piano to ease my mind a bit. i hope your friend has gotten back to you!

he struggles a bit with giving reassurance--he is not good with words or speaking but he is willing to work on it for me, which means everything to me... although, it does mean that it will take a while before i get the reassurance that i need TwT so its a bit tough, but i guess we love each other enough that it will be okay? i dunno... its scary to think about it too much... but thank you, your words really do help, anon... i didnt mean to make this thread about me, but its really nice to know someanon cares X,D
that's okay, did it ease your mind in the end? reassurances can be hard to give because it's hard to know if they ever actually work. from his shoes, he's trying to stumble to find the right words. letting him know what key phrases he uses to reassure you so he has more confidence in helping you during moments of weakness can go a long way. if you love each other and invest in each other emotionally, you'll get through it. don't overthink so much! can you recall times he assured you very well?

you can continue talking about your perspective, it's only us in this thread i think. my friend is asleep i believe or busy, but i'm sure they'll come around.
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i think it did... thank you! he told me its easier for him if i ask for reassurance in the form of a question, like asking him if hes upset with me instead of stating to him that i think hes upset with me. thank you, i do tend to overthink quite a bit... i do keep a little note of every time i get complimented and/or praised so that i can remember those moments whenever im feeling especially bad about myself... and because i latch onto even the smallest things he does that make me happy and enjoy gushing about him to my friends, i tend to remember the little things that comfort me -////-

awwhh well im glad i can be some kind of company to you as well, then!! X3
there you go, you barely even need any advice, you have a robust system already and have a healthy way to work through moments where you're unsure. what about him do you wish to gush about the most?
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ohhhh anon you dont even understand i could gush about this boy forever!!!! anon he is so beautiful--hes got the sweetest doe eyes and the cutest pink lips and the warmest milky skin and the longest, softest, most slender hands ive ever had the pleasure of seeing, let alone holding??!?!?! and hes got cute little freckles all over him like kisses from the angels and when he laughs its as musical as the chopin preludes he plays for me... oh anon im so hopelessly in love hhhh... he shakes when you tell him you want to be his girlfriend, and he grabs you tighter when you pull on his hair, and he twitches and giggles when you brush your fingers across his skin, and as soon as you approach him his scent embraces you like a warm coat, and you think hes so assertive and resistant until you say the right thing and he melts in your arms... anon!!!! anon!!!!!! hhjasdfgkhjhgjhgshdjfkgh

i might say more, but im posting this now so you dont think ive died...
it's very cute desu, storybook romance! it's so sweet that it's almost infectious, i'm very happy for you. you can keep going if you want and i'll keep reading. having someone play chopin for you is really impressive too, how adorable.
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i adore watching him become more and more comfortable with sappy shit; with every passing day he throws me off guard with pet names and sends a jolt through me with every kiss he plants...
ehehhe im startign to get a bit sleepy and i cant think as clearly.. cna only think about how beautful he is.... oh anon hes so goofy we went to the mall the other day and got boba and he got like three boba balls stuck t each other in one sip and tried to show them to me in his mouth an he s so funny and silly and anand his eyes are so ppretty wnen his pupils dilate amd theyre so full and ddeep and he gazes at youo and ouuuioo i just wanna kiss ihmmmnnnn
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ananon i sos ssleeppy thnak youfor keeping me companny i lovw my boyfrien and i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!n uoure the best zzzzzzzz ggodnigte
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the 14 year old girl who is obsessed with 4chan even though they have only seen tik tok edits in replies rn
Im sorry
Dw fren :)
you're both so lucky! if you were born a man youd be alone forever
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ITT: op gets cucked by a "female" that loves to talk about how cool his chad bf is
I would. And I tried to but he got back with his manipulative ex and ghosted me
Well... I don't have an ex at all, so that's good, ig...
That describes my bf tho
ig some are lucky.
he's a former chadlite who became a loser who plays mmo's all day, perfect for me lol
Women despise weakness in men. To women, you are there to pick them up, not the other way around. One moment of weakness is enough to turn a woman off permanently. You are there to pay for them, protect them and provide for them. They want a servant, not a partner.
I woke up feeling terrible today.
I haven't wanted to cry in years, but today, I can't help it.
goodnight anon, i passed out on my end sorry but it was nice chatting! thank you for the company and sharing your thoughts with us all

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