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Eurostar edition
>SSM spam & drama
>Brown sprogs
>Child support
>Personality drama & bait
>You're here to read it all little lad
Never been on Eurostar, never travel abroad due to no passport countersignatures. I know no one so it's impossible to leave the country.
When are you going to post a grim sex LARP?
Fuck sake, spent ages typing out a very funny post on my phone, only for the new thread to appear before posting it.
Why does Shippy hate Arby she's a good lass
Car delivering nonce
its a tad long anyway de lads try to condense it down and post it in this thread
Really enjoyed that one. Basically describes me although I'm part time employed. Day off today though
Shippy LOVES talking about sprogs
Been on the Eurostar once, was the smoothest train I've ever been on. I hope HS2 is like it (it won't be)
Ruth waking up to spend the morning pleasuring Jamal
The drivel is in full swing now
Day four of calling right on the dot at 8am to try and get a GP appointment only to be waiting around for 90 minutes before an automated voice tells me that all in person, emergency and phone appointments are booked for the day so please call again tomorrow or visit a walk-in centre.
Just got back from my nearest walk-in centre. They're also fully booked for the day.

Functionally I am simply unable to access the NHS that I am forced to pay for. What is the fucking point?
Shoeless mong will never have sprogs
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Imagine if her brain chemistry changed and she decided to do onlyfans.
It's a good one I'll give you that. More or less what I imagine the twats that post that sort of thing are like.
My sprog has been awake for hours hope she needs a nap later
No she isn't. She's a lesbian now I reckon.

I'll get shoes when it's necessary, which basically isn't anytime soon. I have no reason to go out. Even if I am chucked out, I rotmaxx outside and never eat again.
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no shoes haha
Do you try and nap at the same time as her
It wouldn't matter, I'm not into her any more, she would just be another generic only fans girl.
Said it before and I'll say it again - posting IDs are needed. Nobody can argue against this in good faith.
was watching a thing about elliot rodger last night, hes like you except he had a passport and could drive and had shoes and wasnt fat and went outsometimes
Sprogless wagies. Grim.
Shippy seething because Arby won't fuck him. SAD!
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I am the Scottish lass lad. I enjoy her still but she's not good at being consistent and doesn't seem very good with tech.

I can argue against it in bad faith though, for example by calling you a nonce without any evidence
Hope Arbroathy pops into day she brings life to the thread
But Shippy already has all the boipucci he can eat from Moni.
seething malding nonce
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Already walked past a green puddle on the ground and it's not even midday yet. PLEASE make sure your Apus keep cool in this weather, their bodies can't handle the heat.
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Wish I had a gf lads.
Ease off a bit lads my sides are already in orbit
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Friday uploafs part 1 an 2

Christ at least this one is a mildly interesting take on the AI apu posts. But really lad ten thousand boring inane shitty posts to one mildly interesting one is not a good batting average.
lad whove had gfs...how common are blowjobs? do they just give them to you for being a good boy or do have to ask or what?
Some lads are meant to be alone and hated. I don't think it's possible.
Why is SSM uploading these in parts now
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Isn't it acceptable to hate women? Them not wanting to fuck you must mean they hate you.
In a healthy, normal relationship you should reasonably expect blowjobs several times a week without having to ask, though if you really want one for whatever specific reason it's also fine to say that and she should happily give them.
It's only weird, unhealthy relationships where sex acts are seen as some kind of chore that you do to please the other person with no benefit to you. It's NICE to make your gf/bf feel good, normal well-adjusted people really want to and they don't have hangups about it and don't hold it over the other as some kind of bargaining chip.
>Them not wanting to fuck you must mean they hate you.
I don't want to fuck my mum or my dad. Does that mean I hate them?
>Got to enjoy summer
>Talks about what he's going to eat
>Talks about drinking last night
>Cleans his airfryer
>Talks about drinking last night
>Does a headstand on the couch
>Talks aout taking his bin out this morning
>Go-pro and camera aren't for sale
>Rather sell his arse and shit through his ribs
Family doesn't count.
Sprogless tranny
SSM has too much gas
>see police officers in their car
>give them a quick stare
>turn around and run away
>they give chase on foot as it's down an alley
>calmly wait sitting down on a bench when they catch up like nothing happened
proper howled at this one. It's post of the day so far and I doubt it'll be beaten
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Hope RiffRatz clips this lol
You've done nothing illegal lad, they can't touch you.
Hating half the human race isn't very healthy behaviour, lad. Start interacting with women on a regular basis and you'll find that most of them are alright.
>fat female police officer shouts "stop there mate" and starts marching over to me
>run away
>she gives chase despite being at a disadvantage
>suddenly 180 and start running towards her with my eyes locked at her eyes

Should've seen the fear on her face. Not a good idea chasing mentally ill men at 1 am for women. Lazy male driving the pig van. After this they put me in handcuffs and detain me for no reason at all for a search.
SSM also plans to grow his hair long
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>most of them are alright.
Exactly. It's not a crime to act suspicious at night.
Female police officers are actually just insulting. Peak anarcho-tyranny. Waste of time and money. Utterly incapable of performing the job they're ostensibly hired to do.
Doesn't he have a big bald spot
Not a single one would see me as a good relationship material. I have every right to dish out hate and inconvenience to them from here on. This has gone on for too long. You reach a point and know it just isn't meant to happen.
Deciding to start running isn't grounds for reasonable suspicion. No crime was committed and no reasonable suspicion was incurred. If they touch you're they're fucking fucked when you ask for the sergeant.
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Hes only slightly balding
Every time they've always done the chasing but never go in for the actual handcuffs until the male catches up. They are a joke. One thing they're good at though is never shutting up.
Even the sergeants are corrupt. Had one try to stick me in the van once despite not being arrested. Scum.
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Thinking about Smirnoffbro. Just want him back
Don't forget also totally overreacting to the most remotely inconvenient situations. Remember that female officer who arrested a (slightly tipsy) teenager for saying she looked like a lesbian grandma? And then that same female officer was caught pepper spraying people a few weeks later with no justifiable grounds to do so?
Utter farce.
Fuck those thin blue line thugs. They'll be shitting themselves when riots happen. The British people will rise up against tyranny.
Yes power tripping fatso. Definitely enjoys it. That's the only power she has over men. Hopefully she meets a black man incapable of making any rational thinking process one day and that will be the end for her.
Night walk lad stopped by pigs for the SIXTH time. Not right.

That's the thing. The day she meets one genuinely "incompatible with civilisation" male and doesn't have a male colleague around to help her she's totally fucked.
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Wonder if SVT qualifies for top-rate PIP. It a disability
>arrested for wearing a mask
>a few years ago arrested for not wearing a mask
totally arbitrary bollocks
Madness. Also women can get away with concealing their identity by wearing a burka in this country. So the whole thing about concealing your identity should not apply.
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Nothing to look forward to now the football has finished. I need to find something else to distract me from tfw no gf.
When they ask for your ethnicity in an illegal stop and search just say you're black. They have to put it down. That way it makes it look like black men are being targeted by these tyrants.
Need an audit livestream where he gets arrested again.
I'm white but whenever anything requires me to list my ethnicity I put down that I'm jewish.
the olympics start next week
Grown, unemployed men wearing balaclavas, going out at night playing games with police officers. Sad. It's always men.
No shit it's always men, men have always been disproportionately represented at both tail ends of any bell curve - the best and worst of humans are always men.
Imagine if Ruth ended up as a PoLICE officer
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I enjoyed Kev's meltdown. He seems happier these days.
SCEA hate the PoLICE
Get back to work ya sausage
SCEA? He's a fucking legend.
Missing Arbroathy it NOT right
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Wonder what happened to this lad. He just stopped uploafing one day.
Dollies old and new fun fun fun posting
another 16 hour shift?
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I'II put you on your fucking arse boyo
Only low iq women do that job.
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Let's see what this pIace looks like frommm abovveee
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Back to work ya muppet
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The rozzers got to him. Probably got a CBO to not film anymore. Corrupt cunts.
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Frantic Friday

>Hard drive scan
Always find it funny how police act like tough important big men, but drive around in total cuckmobiles like little toyota hatchbacks LOL
Yeah, perhaps the best poster in /britfeel/ history. I know he has posted in /brit/ before. I wonder if he still posts there.

Sometimes I suspect him of posting here under the radar
FP is back fter a long break. Probably my favourite auditor.

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Busy giving his girlfriend sprogs. Keeping the white race going.
He probably got a real job. There is no future in auditing on YouTube.
here until bedtime again
SSM mong when he wakes up and downs his first of many energy drinks of the day.
What are you talking about? DJ earns over 10k a month from youtube alone
Watched it last night. His calm style is much better than those riff raff frauditors.
Melted Ruth kek
Fucking hell kek
I watched both parts last night in bed too. He knows his stuff.
The auditor drivel spam adopted from ruthmong
If warehouse wagies weren't so low iq, he would have no content. They all seem to get angry and give him exactly what he wants. Let's see some audits of publicly funded buildings like schools.
You lot won't believe me because you're just naturally just disagreeable people, but I really didn't spam that stuff back in the day. I posted a few I thought were funny or interesting and then some other lads just ran with it.
He has a girlfriend and you two don't.
Some people are just born to till the soil.
>[personality] is a n*nce
>I like [personality]....
>I hope [personality] is ok
>I wonder what [personality] is up to?
>I hope [personality] works things out with [personality]
>Redpill me on [personality] I haven't been here for a while/I'm new
>Alright [personality]
>Trip on [personality]
>[personality] is a terrible person
>[personality] is a good person
>[personality] is a tranny
>[personality A] sex acts with [personality B]
>[personality A] rejected [personality B] for [personality C]
>[personality A] is linked to [personality B] who is linked to [personality C] who may or may not be underaged
>[personality A] [personality B] [personality C] [personality D] all linked to discord and something involving sex
>What happened to [personality]...
>You're that other anon that was/had/didn't have/said the thing
>Questions your appearance/build/height/sexuality/emotional state/income/living conditions/relationship status
>It was confirmed on discord
>Is it acceptable for X to Y?
>X poster is Y poster
>Little lad
>Wee lad
The problem now is there's lots of these frauditors who have turned it into a game of who can attract the most police attention for views. It literally is brain rot. Anyone that enjoys these videos must hate the police.
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I heard SSM is subscribed to DJ Audits. He should try it himself.
Looking forward to another Scottish tranny meltdown later
Half of them claim bennies and make money from YouTube still.
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Remember when SSM said he wanted to be like Rate My Takeaway. Packed that in quick didn't he, no insight at all aside from that is lush
UKMTT is bisexual. He mets up with men from Grindr.
Why is Arby so fragile?
The DWP is a big joke, lad. Genuinely enormous amounts of fraud going on and they do nothing about it. Remember the Bulgarians who scammed 50 odd million quid after visiting a job centre ONCE? The DWP really had absolutely no idea it was going on until some random lone police officer in Bulgaria noticed that the known criminals in his little town were getting a lot of money from somewhere and decided to investigate it himself.
Some post the drivel
Some read the drivel
16 hours a day
He is also a nonce.
If you go on google maps there's a bin just off screen outside this kebab shop.
I was the lad who originally posted the Google street view pics of this. Sent the thread ballistic.
He really liked that 17yo clotshot volunteer lad didn't he?
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He also watches DJ's impersonator DJE Media. He said was going to try auditing at one point. Of course he never did.
He looks so much better with a beard.
vibrating dildo up Scottish arsehole
That's another man by the same name. He has been done in for public order/racism though.
Mark looks weirdly different in this pic. Not just the beard, though I'm sure it contributes, but his whole face looks slimmer and his features look more defined.
Rate My Takeway hardly gives interesting feedback on the food though
Incels out to get are Arbroathy. SAD!
That video was just weird. Wonder if he is married
Admit it, lads, you were watching RebeccasOffice back in the day, cooorrrrr...
He looks like a sea captain.
Staying in today aren't i

Why yes i am
Nigel Dicks. What a gay name.
Would've served in the merchant navy his whole life if not for TM- oh wait... why couldn't he just get a job at sea if his problem is smelling like fish?
He said he has a baby girl so he must have a bird.
A long winded NO U, very good lad, very good.
He doesn't want to work. TMAU is just an excuse
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This is where they want you to work for most of your life...for minimum wage. Your wages stay low because of poor immigrants.
He does want a job, he has said so countless times. Not his fault if he ain't being hired because of his hidden disability.
Being a homeless man is better than working in a warehouse all my life. It's not for me.
im a lazy fucking twat me
Why did warehouse worker become the go-to britfeel wagie job?
With the jobs he's applying to he has to compete with thousands of poor immigrants.
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Is he still 21 month no bookies
Everyone has to as a result of the direct government policy of mass immigration.
>He doesn't want a job
>He does want a job, hidden disability isn't it
>Wagies struggling to find warehouse job because of immigrants. You fuming lads?
He could work on the fish market
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Uuuhh I'm seaside mark I'm on benefits my life is shit uuuhhh
He 4 days no cookies
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Did you ever get any contracting jobs lad? I know ir35 was going to give you grief
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If anyone has ever seen Wembley Stadium packed full with their own eyes, they'll know just how staggering the scale is and how unbelievable that many people together looks.

Wembley can hold 90,000 people.

In 2023, there were FOURTEEN entire, fully packed Wembley stadiums worth of immigrants entering the UK.

The sheer scale of the problem is almost incomprehensible.
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No one will ever give him a job when they can hire Abdul who doesn't stink of fish.
My life is empty and miserable so others should be angry and miserable too
He 4 days no nookies, 'elen not putting out
Can someone explain IR35 to me? Like what you don't get benefits, but you do get sick days and also you're responsible for paying tax rather than PAYE? Is that it?
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Stinks of shit though aye
A certain civil engineer once expressed concern over it. He was earning 300 lizzies a day at the time. I expect he's on 400 charlies a day now
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story time
been dating this big fat lady i met on tinder
she's been training for a half marathon but i'd be surprised if she manages to finish it at her size
knowing that yesterday was a hot day and that she was going to be training, i invited her over to my place after for lunch
she sat on a fabric chair for the duration of our date
when she left i stuck my nose deep into the fabric which by then had absorbed all her crotch sweat
had one of the biggest wanks ever
next time i will get her to shower here so i can sniff her sweaty panties
I miss SCEA
Then why did he intentionally fail the royal mail and coop interviews?
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>better than giving it to the bookies
>better than giving it to the cookies
>better than giving it to the wookies
>better than giving it to the duckies
>better than giving it to the truckies
>better than giving it to the muckies
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Ever just fink about stuff
Trolls torpedoed the RM interview by emailing in and saying he'd steal parcels. The co-op one I'm less familiar with but I remember him saying that his clothes were in the wash because they stank of fish so all he had to go with was shorts and t-shirt plus a suit jacket and hat, so the interviewers probably dismissed him unfairly the moment they saw him. Not everyone just has entire wardrobes full of expensive suits ready to go at a moments notice.
New frank green and a sneaky link
You're a retard, he literally said and I quote 'i don't want to work for royal mail maaaannnnn, I'm gonna tell em I nick parcels, I'm g-g-g-gonna steal Christmas cards'
>royal mail
trolls got him the sack
he was wearing breathable clothes because of his TMAU.
>He never got the job because of trolls and [paragraph of drivel]
This absolutely infuriates some lads who need not being named.
Debating in bad faith XD
You never talked absolute bollocks while pissed lad? People say shit they don't mean all the time. Is mark the kind of person to steal post? Obviously not, whatever you wanna think of him (and plenty is justified I'll give you that), he's no thief.
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is this one lad arguing with himself?
A fucking brown sprog kek
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I actually enjoyed this post
Thank fuck Arbroathy is here
He also sabotaged his Travelodge interview by saying he was arrested for owning a gun.
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You are a repetitive mong with the mentality of a down syndrome child so I'm not surprised
Wonder why instant coffee is so popular in the UK...
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And you are here to read it aII
your little brown woglet is genetic slop
it might be for you, but it's not for meehhhhhhhh
not for meeehhhhh
*smiles at camera for 10 seconds*
i say it might be for you.
*long pause*
Exit price is 12345 pixels per dice. Stop. Debate. Blue squares like red triangles. Payment. Payment to them. You are owned. Stop. Growing -> transmute -> assembly. Developing territories under a single banner advertisement. Violence. Repeated violent structures. Nuclear defeat, that was. Stop. Bad luck. Stop. Lost. Cattle breeding programs are psyopping millions of young and impressionable interested investors. Debate. Sex, money, porn stars. Pallet of something to eat. China developed as a result of alien technology. Debate. First crush. First luck. Germany helped out. Stop. Golden statues arent using any help. Debate. Sad. Stop. Apples.
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Women lust after SSM. How does that make you feel?
If he turned up to interviews in this, took of that stupid fucking hat and didn't talk about how he's going to commit crimes on the job he would 100% be employed by now. It's a choice and he chooses to remain unemployed.
Replaced the lls in all to uppercase i to post his pwnage. Get in king, you're winning big today.
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It lush I mean lush de lads
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Working? It may be for you but it not for him.
There's enough immigrants in Paris to stage the Olympics every day of the year.
Gavin Plumb, Mark Gordon and David Hampson running a train on a female prison guard in their shared cell
>tax rebate of 19.62
neets will NEVER know this feel
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TMAU is his golden ticket. TMAU enabled him to effectively retire in his 20s.
Don't need a tax rebate when I don't pay tax. Get in.
It's not sabotaging if you're legally required to declare certain parts of previous criminal investigations.
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SSM lives a tax free life
Still pays VAT on everything lad
CEX must love him.
Remember when the government reduced VAT that one time from 20%(!) to 5% and the economy really picked up and then a little bit later they just put it back and the economy slumped accordingly. Why not just keep it at the lower rate? Why not just get rid of it altogether?

Truly boggles the mind.
Refreshing and delicious get in there
It was very confusing when I was in America and the price displayed doesn't include the tax. Why are they so retarded? Making things difficult for themselves.
Mark would throw an absolute shitfit if he ever went to America and saw the price at the til go up above what the price on the sticker was.
I honestly don't think he could conceptualise why it was happening, even if someone explained it to him. He's that thick.
SSM's fridge looking quite grim
It's only natural desu
Gently pulling on Chika's sphincter.
He wants to be a United States citizen away from the vile cowards in this craphole country.
fat bald takataka typist
It's called social drinking. Better than being stuck indoors innit?
A life that revolves around being a dickhead on 4chan
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Zimlad goes out like this thinking he's Nicholas van Hoogstraten
What exactly is he keeping private? He keeps saying it at the most meaningless times.
You will never bare children, you are a man, you will never be a woman
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Who was knocking on his door at midnight?
Arbroathy is my favourite poster 2bh
Just listen to this fucking waffle


>"Oh, oh it's lush. Well I'll get 45 pound back. Yeah. What a lovely day, guys - every day we above ground is a great day - and it's lush. And I mean lush. i'm keeping it private. I'm keeping it private. And it's lush. Yeah."

What is he actually saying?
Remember Shush? Now that was a racist tranny.
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>What exactly is he keeping private?
His various scams where he orders gadgets online on credit and sells them on to CEX
halfway through the thread in 3 hours
Nubs can never be replaced
Wagies pay for it all
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SSM is CEX's favourite customer.
Would like a go on Arbys bussy
Another 16 hour SSM spam marathon is it king?
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Got nothing else to do. Better than being bored lonely and depressed
Nicky boy is a complex man.

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Get in there seaside soIdier
SSMmongs ironically posting the bored lonely and depressed phrase ignoring the fact that their obese messiah was the one who said it earnestly to begin with
Trolls fuming so get in there
Grown man. Wakes up past midday. Doesn't shower. Starts spamming a fat smelly unemployed man on his personal drivel board.
Grown man. Puts on a dress and calls himself a woman.
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Only the finest clobber for him.
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Is that you Craggles
Lollers can you post your filter please lad
All I know is that if you climb that, zombies can't get you and you can safely go for a piss.
SIC sliding into Arbroathys DMs
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Barbour de lad
SSM sliding into Helen's fanny
Nubs graduated.
Reject SSM retvrn to Timmy
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It lush and I mean Iush
Wonder what Tilde is doing these days
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Helen preggers
Wonder what HHL is doing these days
Incels trying to bully are Arby. It NOT right.
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SSM dad
What about your sprog then?
Oh an email from student finance? Yep, I know exactly what to do with that one.
*Deletes email*
There, all sorted!
Hey Vsauce, MichaeI here!
You are honestly thick as shit if you think it's Zimlad who is interested in Nicholas van hoogstraten
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this is so sad. he actually looks pretty good here, happy too
its mental the harm drink can do to a person
lolcows have same jacket
is planking an effective exercise?
good morning and IT IS the morning
and for my tea I had...
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SSM has sprogs all over Nottingham
>genetic slop
This coming from a fucking tranny of all people. YOU are genetic slop
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>Castrate's self
>I'm genetically superior
na night Ziggeh cya in hell pal
>lying down
Pick one
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having a good howl at this
fucking hell
i fink ill be down a few iq points after i finish
Arbroathy getting this routine done on them
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Alcohol ruin his life. It sad
Have to say that Zimmy is a lot more phonetically pleasing to say than Arbroathy
Steaming as a rocket de lads
Bored out of your mind as usual unloading your SSM folder into britfeel
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get in my leeeeed
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Arbroathy is finally here. Now the thread is womfy
The tranny of Arbroath
Arbroathy, adam's apple in his throaty
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Better than being bored lonely and depressed is it not
Bet Arbroathy has a really masculine chiselled chin. Jealous of the cunt
So Arbroathy is the latest personality to get the twoll and rile up treatment?
The nonce of Banbury
Pretty easy to rile up a tranny, all you do is say ywnbaw
He's a paedophile (touches children sexually) from Arbroath on the east coast of Scotland
Hidden behind a monitor hard men
Sorry arbs, but those shoulders ain't gonna slim down any time soon. That pelvic tilt isn't going to improve. Those wide feet aren't going to effortlessly slip into flats.
Terrified babbymen so tough on the internet
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Twolls always gonna twoll. It life
Anything I can take to raise my testosterone and lower my voice?
Posts riling up Ruthmong about his baes shaggin gblack men soon?
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He used to be so slim.
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the Arbroathy hate train gathers to defend Zimlads wife and stepchild
Lots of brown people pointing and laughing at Arbroathy calling him a 'she he'
Say what you will about brown people but they invariably hate trannies
the Polis asking Arbroathy why he has been chasing small children around a park
Used to live in Manchester and hated going into town or near the Arndale. Nothing makes you want a nuclear holocaust more than visiting a British city.
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Arbs calling Shippys daughter a wog really upset him. I've never seen him this riled up before lol
Trying to cause fights between two posters for drama, like teenage girls
He's been frantically posting homophobia for hours now.
Everyone's a little teenage girl to some degree
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KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK teh personalities online war
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Remember when he took wokey on stream
he loves that little animated turd runnin round his newbuild
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Cannot be arsed right now

No sire i cannot
You have worked out today right lads? You have been drinking lot of water?
Based Arb getting sex daily with her BF and pwning the wog proprietors. All this while playing Dark Souls? Incredibly based.
Got sore throat and headache. Hope it not Covid again. Downing blackcurrant squash and taking a Paracetamol (par a seat a mawl).
I'm still more man than Zimlad will ever be
Admits it's a man
They looked older than they were it was an accident
not a nonce she's a 1000 year old dragon
His bungalow was nice. Imagine moving to a box flat on an industrial estate because it is closer to the sea.
Someone is very upset this afternoon
I should stop mocking Arbrothy, not because he deserves it, but because every time I mock him he furiously attacks Zimlad in retaliation when he has done nothing wrong.

Arbroathy needs to take his meds (no, not those ones he ordered online)
Arbroathy is the new Moni
Crossmong is the temp night drunk poster filling in for HHL on his nights off
Both droll Scottish wankers
Did helen get steaming last night too or was it only Mark
gormIess mong
Folders full of personality images and screenshots of posts. What a life.
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Head Iike a fucking bean
What does Helen see in him? Surely it's not the conversation because all he has to say is how "lush' everything is.
The minimum wage she gets paid by the local government to be his carer
Prepare for a flood of Shippy images and the usual insults KEK SCREAM
Do you really believe that or are you taking the piss?
Someone just went into my sister's car a few mins ago. Some guy saw it happen. The driver poked his head out the window, asked the guy if it was his car to which he said it wasn't, then just drove off. The guy knocked around doors until he found us and figured out it was one of our cars.

What a fucking prick. Hopefully some of the doorbell cameras nearby got the number plate.
Redpill me on Arbroathy. I haven't been here for a while, and I'm new.
It's not a good idea for your sister to have a car anyway
It's alright lol, but I appreciate the sentiment. Surprisingly virtuous of a britfeeler.
Honestly I've only posted twice in this thread hours ago about totally unrelated things. It's a bit weird how Arbroathy sees me everywhere, but oh well.
I'm not here to make enemies, just here for fun.
I was talking to my mate's 25 year old sister and she made it pretty clear that she'd be willing to have sex with me. She lives with her parents because she has downs syndrome, but she's pretty high functioning (can watch TV, hold a conversation and stuff). I have a feeling it's an open offer and I could shag her whenever, I doubt she gets many suitors, but would it even be legal? I don't want to get in trouble.
It's the only place really that may not have an interview process and you don't deal with customers.
She wants the trust fund.
Arbroathy bumming Shippy
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Why is Kev never discussed here?
Hope Arbroathy and Zimlad work things out don't want bad blood in the thread
Legally yes. Morally no. Shag away.
best way to get a girl steaming?
Shippy loves defending brown people
He learned how to defend brown people when he was in the BNP, but not very well.
Has is been confirmed that Arbroathy is a nonce? Been hearing a lot of rumours and this need to be set straight.
Like I said I've got nothing against Arbroathy lol and I've never spewed any kind of toxic posts like the brownsproglol crowd does. More just finding it odd how he sees me everywhere and feels compelled to say the things he does. C'est la vie.
Sad to say lad, but I can 100% confirm it.
it was confirmed on discord the troon is a nonce no surprise
>crashes and drives off
Likely a BAME
That invasive species he brought into the country brings him so much joy
>1) Be Chad
>2) Don't be a non-Chad
Hard to believe Arbroathy has been posting for over a year and I never noticed them
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Me, Helper and Who?
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fat gormless mong
When I see this pic I always think at first he has one of them afro combs in his hair
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Fresh Maka
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Get in there zubler refreshing and delicious
Why did the magic between Mark and Helen die out?
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Gotta get down on the shot Shippybro. Anchor the cue to your chest and preferably chin for stability
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>It smells of FISH on this train
It was Fish and CHIPS actually
Might goon for an hour or so. Proper mouth open tongue hanging out kinda gooning.
Have you ever played pool in a pub?
Does playing pool in a pub make you look fat and gormless?
>Helen: "I'm early 40s now Mark and I really want children so we need to start asap"
>Mark: "Sorry Helen. I only want to dance in front of an industrial estate and poison my body with overpriced alcohol"
Probably something to do with that
Mark doesn't know how lucky he is to have Helen
Playing snooker made John Higgins look fat and gormless
what do we reckon of 'elen lads
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mad how they act in white countries isnt it
Helen's his carer
No matter where I go I see this wogs face. Even on 4chan which apparently is supposed to hate these people
It also made you look fat and gormless
Why would anyone hate someone else just for the colour of their skin? That's so stupid and just wrong.
Here's a video from another timeline where SSM became an amazing DJ and a tranny.

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Gonna watch asmr now and sleep soon. Hate this hot day.
Nothing is permanent, but Shippy is forever.
Helen is HHL's key worker
Massive cyber attack this morning apparently. Got sent home from work early.
Wasn't it some bad software update on Windows? These businesses should switch to GNU/Linux and get more tested updates.
Helen wipes his arse for him
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>Cyber-security firm Crowdstrike has admitted that the problem was caused by an update to its Falcon antivirus software, designed to protect Microsoft Windows devices from malicious attacks.

Glad I use GNU/Linux. We don't generally need antivirus and keep our systems secure with common sense.
Helen sucks his cock for him
What kind of carer goes for a drink with someone
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You also keep your virginity secure lol
There's a channel out there called Riff Raff
Mac all the way. No virus for me de lads
Let alone gets absolutely hammered and flirty
People still doing that meme? Carers don't also make jokes about shagging their clients either
It's a sad cope. Some lad the other day said that Helen denies they are in a relationship in every single video they are in. It's never even happened in one video.
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Wish I could get a DJ Audits keyring.
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Actually women would be interested in a man who does things differently. It shows he can think for himself and takes pride in having a good operating system. Women will want to learn more.
You need to leave your room first
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The creator of Debian killed himself after encountering corrupt cops. Very tragic. RIP lad.
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>"are we going out for dinner tonight?"
Nah babe im going to teach you all about the edge of you seat excitement that comes from compiling distros

She will be foaming at the gash lad
Mak's Zubr end iPhone got hot. It NOT right
They pop up on ebay. I personally do not care about some cheap keyrings. A few other auditors are doing it too and I find it a bit cringe.
oh shit it's one arm baba
My girlfriend will be nerdy and likely prefer nights in than nights out. We will ssh into each others machines and leave little messages on our terminals.
Imagine telling the boys down the local about your keyring. They'd find it very impressive
I see Auditing Yorkshire hides keyrings too now.
Any highlights? Not watching the whole thing
grim cunts
Not really. Just the usual shoutouts to Davie boy 333, Garbino, British beer dude, Veli 420, Freddy Krueliquor, Lord J etc.
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There are three rings to marriage:

The engagement ring

The wedding ring

The suffering
Women like this do not exist, lad. It's a cope from nerdy pathetic losers.
Don't forget the rectal muscle ring being slowly teased open by a nice big fat juicy lubed up cock as it penetrates your wife's virgin arsehole.
Smaller UK communities literally just all copypaste each other. Even the alcie one is just "listen to music with radio on giving shoutouts to alcies" and there's a dozen+ of them
DJ is on 185k subs already. Not bad considering he only started his channel in 2021.
and it's all the same repetitive, incredibly dull garbage.

>can't film here
>yea i can
>repeat for 20 minutes
You never seen Hackers lad? Kate Libby aka Acid Burn?
shout out to uk drinkers
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Arsed, i cannot be
Shout out to all the nonces in the thread
None of the YTDC are incels though. Some even have kids.
>Let alone gets absolutely hammered and flirty
She doesn't do this
Have any posters here ever proudly embraced the "nonce" label?
In their state, they'd have been better off being incel
Lollers and Shipanon openly admit to being nonces.
Good for them. As long as they are ethical it's ok.
Arbroathy is a nonce
They often are lad.
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Four times lush.
Shout out to everyone with a brown sprog!
Imagine Kier Starmer said that in his next speech.
Have any posters here ever proudly embraced the "brown sprog haver" label?
Going to make some chicken nuggets and chips for lunch i think
Zimlad and Shipanon have.
Shout out to everyone paying child support!
Just Zimlad and Shipanon
>3 pm
Zimlad and Shippy as far as I know.
Paying child support for a brown sprog
From the top of my head, zimlad and shipanon
Have any posters here ever proudly embraced the "child support payer" label?
Just had such a good big feed up. Feel so much better now.
>3 pm
and its lush
Been feeling like complete shit mentally for the past week. I've been sober for almost a year but i just feel like saying fuck it and picking up some beer from the offie and just drown my worries. So sick of feeling like this
Christ alive who let the fucking mongs into the thread. You lot are so fucking inane.
Get a bag in HHL style
Shout out to everyone with a very droopy ballsack
I actually played pool in a pub with Andrew when we met in 2018
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Dint touch the sides dee lad.
Nu bread is baked de lets

What did he mean by this, who are 'they'?

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