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Crow Black edition
sprog brown kek
Why doesn't HHL join the YTDC?
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He lives like a king and doesn't do anything at all. He living that Seaside Life. He got those kebabs, he got those bokkles, he got that Aberdeen Angus steak, he got that B Curtis Butcher's Bacon and Sausages. He got that new camera lense.

He got 1.4k+ pounds to spend a month and it's all on for free. Clean that fucking shit up you vile wagie cunts. Your life is reduced to cleaning up dog shit whilst SSM sits like an Effendi and eats.
They're not taking new members at the moment
I personally don't think there's anything wrong with having a child with a darker complexion. It's simply not relevant.
Janny won't like this early thread
I have a sneaking suspicion that zimmy might be jewish. Probably not religious, but definitely ethnically jewish.
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A britfeeler standing victorious holding his arm aloft as he makes the same post to cause seethe, fume, anger.
don't lad
This year I've paid 3.5 times as much child support as I'm legally obligated to pay
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>I personally don't think there's anything wrong with having a child with a darker complexion
state of his head kek
What makes you say that? He doesn't looks very Jewish from his complexion
A certified beanhead classic
nonce head
He looks like this yet hes had sex where as you never even touched a woman
A britfeeler looking through their SSM folder looking for the funniest one
nerve touched is it
Why is he so upset today? I mean a lot of this 'nonce/beanhead' seethe is fairly common, but it's absolutely nuclear today
He's never had sex
This is basically true for me personally
He is livid. Has been for the last 3 days
whats the tramp's choice of alcohol nowadays? used to be that 3l bottle of frosty jacks but i don't see it littered around anymore
ah right, I guess the brown sprog thing isn't true then
Well complexions can vary a lot. He's pale but there are some pale jews. I just feel like his beard hair has a touch of Mediterranean in it, and his general mannerisms and posting are sort of a specific kind of middle of the roadism masking his actual thoughts which you see in a lot of highly neurotic jews.
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The britfeeler on 80k a year and has a super model gf
running low on money but I still gotta get a 4x lush pizza in. it friday
Arby vs Shipanon
Absolutely. Fucking. Beaned.
I get what you mean. I doubt he's Jewish though. I've got a seriously good jewdar and he isn't ticking it off for me
Someone in Maryland is paying $1,300/hour for this drivel
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head like a bean LOL
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The britfeeler that flies his mum to the US for medical treatment
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Wizza and cider lush and I mean lush
Arbroathy already won de lad.
come on lad, tell us why you're so angry.
anyone know lidz?
just had a nice shower. time to cool down lads get in all the way x
Why does his head look like that?
Never seen Shippy so rattled.
Im having a lot of fun actually
Surely just whatever is cheapest no?
Is this a fucking official Seaside Mark fan club or something? Stop posting this fat disgusting alcoholic cunt all the time.
That was a particularly unbelievable larp.
what exactly did he 'win'. Bearing in mind the bloke is a tranny that has castrated himself
Helen is SSM's carer. Prove me wrong.
20+ degrees on a summer day sat alone in your room posting it all again
Ok lad let me compile the evidence. Wait there.
I'm glad then, so am I
No carer jokes about shagging their client little lad
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The britfeeler that says he'll spin your jaw
First Newsnight, now GBNews!

reminds me of bald nonce
You mean Andrew?
Yeah sure mate, just had that prison guard shagging the inmates on video and years of news stories about carers punching and molesting and robbing elderly people, but no, I'm sure no carer has ever shagged a client. Grow up.
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This post really tickled me. Well done lad haha
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Why can't someone just give him a job?
Shippy will NOT like this post
sameswanning as supporting keks
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SSM could have worked for Screwfix but they wont give him a chance. It not right.
Same de liddingtonshire
Do you consider England a third world country?
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house cleaning been cancelled maybe
got 4 pints of cider in and it lush
am off farming green titanite shards in dark souls for my divine partizan
is that gonna be alrite with you de lads?
His nerves were touched oh aye
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I did

I posted it
Shippy, Mayuri and Baldrew share a common interest

finkin about the kittingtonshire
Get in there de lass x
But lads don't you remember when Mark was talking to that guy while he was out for a walk on the coast?
Mark says that he DID work all his life. How can that be if the SSA keeps insisting he would have if not for x/y/z reason?
yeah, lotta wogs and other brownoids here now
it sad
Nice cope beany boy. You've been ridiculed
That was me actually. Why lie lol
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It's his way of owning it lol
why isn't the drama in Leeds yesterday on the news? why isn't anyone reporting that
Not rattled at all, when I saw that video I immediately thought of the whole 'bean head' gimmick and it gave me a chuckle so I posted it here
baby bean head
How have you lads contributed to /britfeel/ and its culture?
No, it's a strange state of affairs that is best described as not-even-third-world. There is considerable inertia left is the system, though the depletion of it year on year is essentially what is causing the decline we objectively see around us. However we also lack the structural coping mechanisms that genuinely third world countries often have e.g. cheap maids/cooks/cleaners, proliferation of private tutors and schools, corrupt but generally effective police who will actually punish criminals on the spot etc.

We are told we must live as a high-trust, polite, culturally Northern European country while we have none of the prerequisites for living as such.
Embarrassed yourself today Shippy. It was only banter
16 hours a day in my room for years posting the same thing so newfags are upto speed
Yeah I post pictures of SSM for the SSA
I have a brown sprog
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What do you call this
Remember Death Chan?
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Just woke up have I not. Any interesting SSM updates today de lads?
This is a rarely talked about but very good explanation. The reason the UK is as prosperous as it is, is because there is still a lot of precedent and stuff here that has been here too long.

Lloyds of London and other financial institutions have been here centuries and it's not so easy to up-sticks and move to Singapore or somewhere. The pound is still a heavily held reserve currency. the University of Oxford and Cambridge are here and everything that surrounds that can't just be upended overnight. There's still some fuel in the tank but nothing being added. Every single day things get a little bit worse. Medium term nothing can solve the birthrate crisis. South Korea etc will have to deal with that even sooner than us
I have meticulously curated personality images and screenshots of their posts to pass down to newfeelers
Yeah SSM bought ANOTHER PS5! LOL! What is he like?
Wouldn't surprise me if he really had kek
>man from le 19th century
These people are chatgpt. They don't have a single original thought in their body
PS5 not for him. It may be for you but it not for him.
SSM will get another in a few months when the dark nights come
Bet he'd enjoy Bejeweled
PS5 de lads
Not even a fan of JRM, but that's not true at all. He's a lot different from all the usual labour/tory mongs who parrot the exact same garbage off a scipt "build back better!, stop the spread, flatten the curve!, net zero!"
I use two devices to sameswan beating the cool down and keeping the thread looking active
came free with my xbox 360 that did lad
He's doing a reality show now like the Kardashians. These people are playing you for mugs
Road to the Masters
I post single lines of drivel to keep the thread bumped and I'm lonely af
>I post single lines of drivel to keep the thread bumped and I'm lonely af
OneForAll gift cards are absolutely bollocks
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I like larger than life politicians like SSM. Trump, JRM, Boris, Nige. They're all a good laugh.
my favourite console was the playstation. loved crash bandicoot
these new consoles not for me de lids
>How have you lads contributed to /britfeel/ and its culture?
*posts an irrelevant catchphrase and keks*
>Better than giving it to the bookies init
really not sure what this has to do with anything, but ok
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He loves Gaddafi and Saddam too.
he comes on here to boast about importing an invasive species into the country
SSM said he was discussing Saddam Hussein with some random bloke he met in pub in his video this morning, as you do
I have a beautiful mixed race family who love me. You have no one.
>better than giving it to the COOKIES init
any lads here play football manager
>I have a beautiful mixed race family
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>>better than giving it to the COOKIES init
Better than giving it to the wookies init
I chucked for a good 5 minutes at that line. My favourite /britfeel/ post this year so far.
Random lads pretending they have brown kids? Why? Seriously why? What benefit do you gain from this gimmick?
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Fucked off the support group meeting. Was too tired.
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the "beautiful" genetic slop family
He's still seething about someone having a brown sprog
loler goo status de lid?

zimlads gf
Failed redditors because lower IQ
Always keep my pubes trimmed I do. Nothing more revolting than unkempt bush.
haven't shaved my bush in over 3 years
Opens 4chan ready for another day of posting
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Stevens Allsorts de lad
I am white. Obviously the mum can't be white as well. This isn't the first time I've seen you have an idiotic misunderstanding of a simple situation. Think you're the lowest IQ person in the thread. And that's saying something on here.
The YT lolcow enthusiasts
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>My wife is a nubian queen.
Stevens jokes always brighten up my day
thanks for sharing de lad
sounds like he dying though with that laugh :(
Nothing wrong with pumping a nice few IQ points into some of the better looking jungle-bunnies
If you're not talking about someone else and their lives you have nothing, king/queen
Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas. But the greatest minds discuss irrelevant britfeel personalities and gimmickpost ad nauseam.
zimmong will NOT like this post
He looks even worse clean shaven
I've not long had my birthday. I'm getting old lads and have very, very little to show for it. I've no job, no relationship, live with Mum, few proper friends, struggling to qualify in something I don't know what to do with.. Time has passed me by and I think in truth that its too late.
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It hot de lids. Off to the beach we go.
twitter is full of retards discussing ideas
Time to start putting the hard work in de lad. You get out of life what you put in.
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Friday so few are jars in order
Phwoar dibs on the one on the right
weedman came through
toking in the garden
4 days sober, 1 day on drink and it's back to normal. Forgot all about how he fucked up last week. Distant memory
Sex with Arbroathy
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take some solace in the fact that its not your fault. the UK has gutted the education system over the decades, sourced out all manufacturing jobs to the east and over the past 20 years sidelined an entire generation in favour of low iq brownoids with fake degrees
I spend 16 hours a day talking about a fat alcoholic tramp on Youtube
People still think sex is real lmao . Wake the fuck up already
you've said this 3 times now
Maybe. There's only so much you can do to change things though, some things are just set in stone.
he has dementia I reckon
Bored at work today so what I did was pull up the list of countries in the world, did a random number generator (ended on 47) and scrolled down- reaching Denmark.

I then googled the list of towns and cities in Denmark, generated another number (11) and landed on Herning.

Spent about 20 minutes driving around Herning in Streetview which was fairly amusing. I've had a look at rent prices there as well and you can get a decent sized apartment for 600 bong per month.

Reading through the town's Wiki page I learned that Herning is actually home to FC Midtjylland, which I once managed in Football Manager. Bjarne Riis is also from Herning, never knew.

Might do this again some day.
You do realise you're part of the problem right? Some utterly degenerate sprogless tranny
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The job market is fucked. Even if you wanted to work you couldn't since you're competing with thousands of low iq brownoids with mickey mouse degrees.
Ask me how l know you're a sprogless wagie
shippy is still raging
Unemployed Scottish tranny dossing in a squalid bedsit
Utterly pointless way to spend time. But still better than posting 'brown sproglet xDDD' on /britfeel/ for hours on end.
Very few things are actually set in stone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_helplessness
Need a Herning, Denmark edition next. Twinned with Feel Street.
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Can't stand those cringe AI generated songs DJ now adds to the end of his videos.
once got called a druggy for playing one of my favourite songs at a gathering. never shared what i like ever since
Herning.. home.
I won't go into too much detail but I have a condition that has a big effect on my quality of life.
my life is 4chan
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Fuck em de lad
SSM's life is alcohol and CEX
Me Lalafell level 21 Marauder now. She well kitted out and have a toy airship follow her around. She learn some new dances. No Chocobo yet but soon. She join the Cooking and Fishing guild soon. She catch and NOT release, she cook. It lush and I mean lush.
make believe on an anonymous site KEK LOL SCREAM
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Better than working for a living
I see lad. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you find a way around it and overcome anyway. Don't give up. You might not be able to do everything because of your condition, but maybe you can progress and find an overall sense of satisfaction and happiness. People in terrible states can do it.
>Better than working for a living
Better than cookie for a living
Let me guess: TMAU?
I've always wondered where SSM gets all his money from
Better than t'wookie for a living
uc and pip most likely
Is it tmau de lad
>Better than working for a living
Better than wookie for a living
>Better than working for a living
Better than wookie for a living init
I haven't been raging at all, got nothing to rage about
He's not on PIP anymore. Twolls mass-reported him to the DWP telling lies
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This one's on for free.
Arb Vs Shitty may be the single most boring, unfunny and inane feud britfeel has ever seen.
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it keeps him up all night screaming
>Better than working for a living
Better than truckie for a living
What about your bean shaped head? Doesn't that cause you to rage?
Rare pic of Shippy's sprog
>Better than working for a living
Better than truckie for a living de laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
His parents set up a trust fund to look after his brother. They put a lot of money into it because they knew his brother would never be able to work. Sadly his brother died young. Now SSM is the beneficiary of that fund.
If you fuck a pregnant lass, you're a nonce.
Well funded SSM dosser XDDDDDDDDDD
I will very cautiously reserve my judgement of zimmy until he confirms if he did or did not shag his wife while she was pregnant
What if the lass is my wife
zimmy adopted a black kid. learn your lore
Shippy's brown sprog is all his
Imagine if SSM was really a prince
Why would it? You're obsessed with it, not me
yeah but its brown lol. it looks nothing like him
>it looks nothing like him
that's a plus
Imagine if SSM was really an oil baron
Mate. It's child sexual abuse. Your cock will be dangerously close to your unborn sprog. NONCE.
Arbroathy can never have a sprog
Can confirm I did in fact shag her while she was pregnant. Was right sexy ngl coorrrrr.

Sorry to disappoint you but my daughter is mine.
Imagine if SSM had a brown sprog
Imagine if SSM was really served you at Tesco
I would unsubscribe
Arbroathy is one of Swanny's characters I reckon
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>Sorry to disappoint you but my daughter is mine.
He literally spoke in a stream once about how he fucked a Jamaican woman and then she disappeared, and he wonders if she ever had a sprog
Imagine if SSM was really your work coach
>He literally spoke in a stream once about how he fucked a Jamaican woman and then she disappeared, and he wonders if she ever had a sprog
Arbroathy will literally never ever be able to have children. He will die childless and alone with a mutilated body. Friendless and unhappy, his last boyfriend left him years ago and as his body hit the trannywall unable to find another partner to be with. Would be contemptible if it wasn't so pathetic.
you watch every one of his streams you sad act
shippy this needs to stop
Sprogless wagies, and especially the castrated wagies who can never have sprogs, and seething at the sprog havers
Imagine if SSM was really a government spy
Imagine if Arbroathy was a woman.
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>government spy
Arbroathy has a bf and doesn't work
Imagine your life but not shit and alone
Fuck off bully. Arb can easily have a kid. Adopt, use a surrogate. Maybe she doesn't want sprogs anyway and if she does have one you can bet it won't be black unlike your little African appendage.
You lads are on that wfh grind, right?
It's actually shocking how much I just doss about all day and can still collect a salary.
I'd like to find the stream myself
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Shippy spending another full day on /britfeel/ attacking some tranny whilst defending his brown sprog.
What a life
yeah, we have to imagine because he isnt
At any other point in history and if he was actually a biological female these circumstances would result in multiple sprogs in quick succession. Remind me, how many sprogs does arb have?
Aye I am the singular Pepe poster on 4chan lad.
0 (zero) sprogs. In the future he will have 0 (zero) sprogs too
These always make me laff
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SSM doesn't need to work because some generous lads here pay for everything
Sprogless Arby
Crossmong de lad
0 (zero) fathers
Shartbroathy will dilate unto his deathbed and will have no sprogs to show for it
Sad lonely wankers
Shippy's brown sprog
Arby won
Not a fan of 3 threads a day of nonsensical sprog spam
Arby rekt Shippy lmao
She did indeed
>Not a fan of 3 threads a day of nonsensical sprog spam
You reading it all kek lole scream pwnt and trolled
I used to be on Shippy's side but now I support Abroathy.
I think arby rekt his genitals desu
This thread hasn't been this bad since ebin and tilde spammong days
Ebin shagging Tilde in the grand hotel
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Shippy comes a cross as a bit of a loser. Imagine spending this much time and energy attacking another poster
Tilde shagging Ebin in the grand hotel
No wonder his baby mama ignores his calls
Shippy comes across as a bit of a loser? You really think so?
Tilde shagging Ebin in the grand hotel while Shippy watches and wanks.
Shippy has done nothing wrong. Arby is simply leeching off a more established personality
Shippy admitted himself he spends all day every day here last night.
He can't spend all day here, he works for a living.
Tilde shagging Ebin in the grand hotel while Shippy is watching and streaming it to britfeel discord.
Yeah works as a brown sprog maker LOOOOOOOOOL
He said earlier hes off work today. He only works part time.
Personality doing sex LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULZ
I'm off work today, but I haven't been here the whole time. Believe it or not I have better things to do than spam britfeel all day.
SSM doesn't work for a living
Windowsfags waking up to their PCs bricked. Linux chads win again
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>Believe it or not I have better things to do than spam britfeel all day.
Personalities appearance
Except mine have worked fine all day. Didn't even know anything was wrong until I saw a headline
>l can smell FISH on this train
Shippy lost the war
>that guy smells like fish to me
Okay okay, I'll admit I have been egging on the conflict by insulting both sides.

I will stop on one condition - as we already have a hairline update from Shippy, if Arbroathy provides a hairline pic I will call a ceasefire.
Such as? Investigating head surgery?
>Smells like fish and chips
He walk funny
Like what? Trying to arrange access to your brown sprog?
Think I'll get some fish and chips in for dinner. It's Friday after all. That's a catholic thing apparently never knew I was raised Anglican but we all did it
I side with Arbroathy.
Why do HR people set up 'collection pots' for people who are leaving their jobs? I see this all the time with my workplace. Has the person not been on a salary the entire time? Are they not voluntarily leaving their role? Do they really expect people to hand over a couple quid like they're some kind of homeless beggar? It's so bizarre to me.
mark gonna go live today?
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BasicaIIy yes
Old Anglicanism had a lot more in common with Catholicism that Protestanism. This whole queer shit is a new development
I hope you never get to see your sprog.
Five o'clock. Immediately shut work laptop. Oh what's that, I was in the middle of writing an email about something important and another thirty seconds would've let me finish it and send instead of waiting until Monday? Wow that sucks, mate. But I'm afraid I'm off the clock.
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Fish bites and chippy wippies from the fish shop for din dins. It lush and I mean lush x
Lad you really need to get some new apus. You post the same six or seven every time.
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Fish and chips for you my lad
Facebook for failures
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awrite guysss
managed to farm my green titanite shard and turned my partizan into a divine partizan and now i am off to slay the gaping dragon
just had a shower and now i am feeling refreshed too and i can feel the moroccan oil in my hair already doing wonders
so get in therrrrr
hope your weekend is starting off as good as mine
you side with truth and honour
It's to buy them a leaving present lad.
I've got an SSM pic for just such an occasion
Arby playing dark souls without a care while Shippy seethes in the thread all day
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He hasn;t got the Apus that I have
Wonder what happened to tatooinelad. Hope he's living his best NEETTpilled life in the sun.
>one billion PCs worldwide are stuck in boot loops because of a single faulty software update

Corr someone's getting sacked in the morning
At the parentshirington I am. BBQ for dinner it is.
Never heard of them before and I'm here 16 hours a day

Bean head
My PC is fine.
Part of the problem is that they also used the tattooine spelling.
Delly welly
Settled for living in morocco

If you spent less time posting spam ssm mong garbage and more time reading, you'd know who he's referring to
>my pc is fine
>therefore this couldn't possibly be real
You're a nobody de lad
No fallout for u from Crowdstrike palava today thank fuck! I was worried the office milfs would be pissed with me otherwise
Lad, did you mean what you said in all those posts during your last meltdown?
Brown sprog
He meant it about Shippy's sprog
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He turning yella
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Fish and chips all the way
He is a known racist lad. Learn your lore.
Christ SSM looks terrible there
I can't tell if child support is actually a thing or if it's just a meme. Does the government really force single men to pay thousands of pounds a year to support women they aren't even together with to raise a kid they don't get to see (and might not even be theirs), so that the woman can ride the cock carousel without having to get a job?
>tube down
>trams down
>planes on stand still
UK is fucked right now
little mong boy eating beige food in a care home
Shows how they would react in the event of a cyber attack. Totally unprepared.
Cant imagine eating fish is very good for his TMAU, doesn't it require you to be very careful with your diet?
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Shippy brown sprog
And they want us to move to a cashless society
As a past tranny shagger myself, I can say fuck Arbroathy
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And SSM? He's staying womfy
3 wanks to far today. corrrr

must prepare myself for the big Friday night TikTok wank
Me? i wanna fuck Arbroathy.
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Looks like a wagie problem to me.

Cheers x
He never ate fish and chips for years. He thought how come they're having fish and chips and I can't? He said he's not going to go without. He stink of fish even if he don't eat it.
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>A mortally wounded Sir Seintclere De Pomeroy draws his last breaths in the Devon countryside, 31st May 1471.
Entire world crashed but my workplace is unaffected. It not fair, had to wage all day.
seaside simpson
Bet Arbroathy's fucking hideous desu
Yeah we had to manually search through youtube and tiktok for lolcows, not like you zoomers that get it fed instantly. Guess were the same all in all, lonely and needing some stimulation.
my parents are theists who don't understand that i fucking love science. they keep using strawperson arguments like 'you don't even know that much about science'.

don't want to lose my room lads what do i do???
Arbroathy hairline check?
A delivery driver correctly gendered her as female de lad
Arbroathy's feminine penis
Arbroathy's hormone-withered testicles
>youtube and tiktok
I dunno laddie I still have DeviantArt users who are 'still going'. Might have been daft teenagers at some point but now they're in their 30s at least.

Feel like a greedy dragon hoarding this shite but the whole Something Awful/4chan/Kiwi Farms thing never ends well, does it.
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Arbroathy and Tilde both want to be fucked by SSM but he the envelope not the letter. It didn't touch the sides
anyone have that video of ssm playing with shit
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>Arbroathy and Tilde both want to be fucked by SSM
Mad to think this statement isn't even a shitpost.
It's in the archive, but I think the channel on YouTube is called Bean and has a pic of Mr Bean
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My tummy hurt from alcohol. I deserve a steak pie. Cutting it all right down from tomoro.
has this whole 'technology collapsing' business got anyone else thinking about the 'old ways'?
Need a cheeky child support update lads
Never paid a penny to my baby mamas. There's my update LOL
You mean like not outsourcing all our IT jobs to feckless jeets?
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zimmong just tried to invade me and he got utterly humiliated and its lush
get some water down ya and get yersen down to greggs
Hope SSM goes live later on. Cheeky Sandford Lane whistle posse blow session.
do you have to backpay them if there was some dodging going on, or is it like shoplifting?
what are we listening to lads??
CEX and drugs and rock and roll
The keyboardist in The Human League was a computer operator and in 2024 that's called just being a person. We shouldn't be expected to know the ways of the computer men.
cheeky little wank all over seasidemarks shitty arsehole and yellow feet
I said I spent all day here yesterday, not every day
This IT blackout is going to be like covid where they deny it was intentional but all the evidence is there.
imagine if your debut single "CeX, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll" was intended as a satire on our consumerist society but CeX actually started playing it in their shops and their adverts which they have every right to do.

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and iced cream sir? perhaps a frozen lollipop? is the weather is it not?
They would have to seek civil legal action against me if they wanted back payments. I've never been approached so not worrying about it.
Is zimmy in the room with you right now?
What a sad thing to say.
I thought his comment was rather based myself.
Wonder why HHL had a mental breakdown in 2020, covid maybe?
SCEA has been here for the past 2 days
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if it was a Russian cybersecurity firm everyone uses (there's a few) and it was shortly after the attempted assassination of a Russian politician (few of those n all) we'd never hear the end of it.

transplant the story to the US and it's just some daft lads in Texas making a mistake. could have just been changing a font! haha says the BBC.
Have you not seen the Shippotheglitto collage? Shippy is a nonce and shouldn't be around children.
most parents have informal mutually agreed arrangements. the CMA (formerly CSA) Only get involved when the woman can't find the man or they can't come to an agreement
fucking weird kid just tried walking into my flat. Had to shut the door on him while his mum just watched.
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Gonna drop a VERY massive and stinky turdington soonish me
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get in
no game is comfier than dark souls 1 and its wuvly
i hope that was chocolate
threesome coming on strong
Finger licking good. Only the best turd for him de lads get in there
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>But Apus aren't real!

Explain this then.
Based SSM winding up the twolls
I just don't understand why he's not live. What else would he be doing right now?
I've always been a theist that loved science, but these days even organised religion is better than science
SSM had 9 bokkles yesterday. Thought he was meant to be cutting it right down
3 grand yesterday from me

they can only backclaim up to the date they filed the claim.
He was, but boredom, loneliness and depression got in the way.
10 bokkles and he'd be telling us about the knobs he took in the 90s and threatening to burn the fucker down
started making filter coffee instead of espresso. getting one mug instead of a few shots of espresso for the same amount of beans (25g). effectively i've at least doubled how much a cup of coffee costs me. imagine if you went into Costa and a latte was eight quid instead of four quid or whatever we're at now. that's the life i'm living. except i'm being frugal not going out to these coffee shops.

staggering how we just accept the wage/wealth/class disparity like it's as normal as pavement.
If you have more than one takeaway a week you're a fat cunt.
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Gonna spend my PIP bennies tonight, trying to bang a milf hippy who is in a African drum band.
Any tips? Pic related. I've known her a whiile.
Kek I wonder if Sovereign Housing ever contacted him after the twolls threatened to mass-report him
I'm about to get my 4th takeaway of the week and I'm a fat cunt
you sure lid
They know that he knows that that's what he wants
just find a tranny or ftm on grindr and save the bennies s m h
I'm legally obligated to pay around 300/month child support but I actually pay 1000/month
Scottish tranny
you can easily fit 2 or even 3 takeaways into the whole 'binge/restrict' cycle. you've eaten for the day and a day or two afterwards, who gives a fuck even if it's full of calories?

this isn't a disorder it's actually normal in some cultures. too many to list.
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Faith is p fun in ds1 imo and Rhea a cute
You don't need to be rich to afford designer. All you need is a job and no kids
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Give him his free house in Swanage with sea views!
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Yeah, she's just really skinny. Here's a pic of her, she sent me when she was young.
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Fucking miss him lads
i thought elden ring was dogshit lads gotta be said... open world ruined it and the designs of most of the enemies/bosses looked stupid as fuck
take me back to the linear slow pace of des/das1
>red hair
>red dress
>red eyes
I like this look
instead of getting your elf up to level 60 you could be getting your job up to existing.
The wapu hath shiddeth, hath he not
god coffee is actually just shit, isn't it.
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Too hot to eat
Mini pub crawl
do you ever look at some of these pictures and realise you have the same furniture, washing machine, stuff like that? or have done in the past
Without milk and sugar yea.
people keep smoking spliffs in my local pub's beer garden. fucking sick of it. hate the smell. tempted to call the police on them
currently watching a wasp crawling on my window. from this distance i can't tell if it's on the inside our outside. i do not wish to approach as that could provoke it.
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Normalfag employers won't hire hidden disabled
dark souls and cider
consider me in heaven
going smash Petrus' skull in t b h
looking forward to it
get in my laaaaaaaaad
nice to see someone else getting it
drugs everywhere. it not lush
turkish barbers flooding the place with essential workers who just sell drugs are destroying everything
Got a hidden disability.
I accept my disability
Yea its rank. Goy slime.
my hidden disability flares up around wogs
makes it impossible for me to get a job in this country
it not right
i remember a local rocker pub that was notorious for fights then it underwent new management and cleaned up its image. what that ACTUALLY meant is people stopped fighting, but everyone was suddenly allowed to smoke weed in the beer garden.

the oldschool regulars couldn't even kick their heads in because that wasn't on any more. you could see them seething through the smell, but there was nothing they could do.
Might have a few wokkles tonight classic HHL style. It Friday x
How about a cheeky bag of you know what
it fwiday. tweat yersen to some wokey x
We miss you too SCEA
Barcrest I think his name was. Weird lad.
Why won't SSM go live
>turkish barbers flooding the place with essential workers who just sell drugs
i've had this theory maybe we all have and maybe it's racist.
but also does that make it possible to go into a how-is-this-on-the-high-street barber shop and just buy drugs? is there some sort of code or something stupid like that? not a teenager can't be fucked competing in a slang competition just to prove my streetsmarts.
He never goes live in the evenings unless he is drinking. And he won't drink today.
thought Seacrest was a brand of crisps.
was thinking of Seabrook.

going to print this post out and show it to my work coach (don't worry i'll crop yous all out x)
But I want to watch SSM live and relay everything he says back into /britfeel/
That's a fruit machine manufacturer
Wagies are melting down lmao

he not drinking on friday he not drinking on saturday he might drink on sunday
SSM said he isn't drinking until he goes to Swanage on Sunday so you can then.
You would though wouldn't you
going to have another coffee. don't have milk or sugar in. i will try adding some granulated sweetener however, no need for the devil's additives.
afaik its a base for money laundering, not for actually selling drugs
the drug dealers come in and hand over the cash to the immigrant workers there and the barber shop owner claims that they made x amount that day from x amount of cuts
so yeah the government has allowed this cause they can tax drug sales lol
Probably yeah if I'm honest
I love these and only read this thread for your AI Apu art, Welper Weltdowns, and the occasional SSM update. PLease keep making and posting them along with witty commentary and adding to the Lore.
New bread awaits de lads

not surprising and frankly why wouldn't a small business do this? my barbers is ancient and cash only. "card fees" was probably true 10 years ago, maybe not so much now.

adds fuel to the whole "cashless society :)" bonfire though doesn't it. glad for the time being builders can have an extra pint at the end of the day. death of an era.

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