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Full Steam Ahead edition
Le spaffique magnifique
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Wagies foot the bill
Enjoying these SSM alcohol themed editions
last thread lasted 3 hours
Enjoying you
Cute livestreamer but ALL she does is roll and smoke joints and while how she has "no motivation". Doesn't want to sell feet pics either.
Womder if the Helper Shelter QMEE Survey Farms are affected by the glitch? That's how these poor lads earn better snacks.
Thats a nice comment. Cheers
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shippy brown woglet
He need ps5 Pro model 4x nicer graphics
sprogless scottish tranny
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PS5 and boombox have been sold since this picture
coffee almost brewed. HHL could you post that funny Apu you post when you're on that wuppagrind? always makes me laugh.
lonely kek lole kikd you
Fat balding nonce
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Need a Makaveli update
being a lad might be for you but it wasnt for me
Point him out
The whole bloodline is fucked
oh would you look at that it tastes exactly the same except there's a horrible sickly aftertaste of Canderel shite that i'm not even looking forward to repeating again the way one would with sweets or chocolate.

might try milk next time i go shopping. any recommendations for milk?
Bought myself a big cheesey wizza for tomorrow evening. Very excited for it lads.
sprog bean shippy tranny ssm dosser wagie neet maka

k threads over
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Hehe I enjoyed this post
based lass
Sprogless tranny Arbroathy
Never thought I would say this but I miss Footlad and his porn fetish posts
I bought some more films, lads... it an addiction. I would have worked all me life otherwise but it not for me.
>The Wizard of Oz (1939, Blu-ray)
>An Autumn Afternoon (1962, Blu-ray)
>A Hen in the Wind (1948, DVD)
>Air Doll (2009, Blu-ray)
>Seven Samurai (1954, Blu-ray)
>Throne of Blood (1957, Blu-ray)
>The Hidden Fortress (1958, Blu-ray)
>Yojimbo (1961, Blu-ray)
>Sanjuro (1962, Blu-ray)
>Ran (1985, Blu-ray)
It might not be for you (Japanese cinema) but it's for me.
Arbroathy already won
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If u gave a wheelchair lad virtual reality headset could they walk in vr
how are games consoles still going when they're just restricted personal computers? there was something magical about Nintendo style consoles. probably an intentional marketing trick but you can't place a cartridge in your laptop, can you? i got my PS1 chipped and i had a case full of CD-Rs. spent more on permanent markers than on games. now you don't even need the discs. it's data. you download it, and that's on purpose.
Won what? He certainly didn't win life lol
i reckon mark got told to fuck off in cex when he tried to hand his camera back and thats why we've had no uploafs since this morning
it not right
he deserve that 45 pound back
get in lad
got myself 2 curry pies for myself later and its gonna be lush
corr you're gonna be busy x
well i still have to wear glasses with my vr headset so probably not
yes i was angry
Fuck me, lad. Get the scientists on the phone we could get all the cripples of benefits with this.
Me? I'm team Arbroathy.
>I'm team Arbroathy
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Do u write these on amphetamine de lad. Reminds me of the stuff i would think about. The content not just word count
Imagine crying about "miserable summer" when this shit is the alternative
Abroathy certainly gathered fans by pitting himself against Shippy. Like a cheat code to popularity.
Me? Team Arb, Team Jacob. Simple as.
i went through a Western phase and i remember enjoying The Magnificent Seven but i never followed it up with a Japanese phase. i KNOW i should watch Rashomon, but there's every possibility i never will.

should i just get some amphetamines and torrents in one day?
>He certainly didn't win life
She's happy. Are you? Doesn't seem it
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are Brian got re 4 recently did he not?
aye he did
Besides Leeds and East London, what other places in the UK have a high number of muslims and romanians?
>She's happy
Doubt that

Are you? Very
My recommendation for milk would be out of a Japanese MILF's tits.
Bt to answer your q I liked full fat milk in coffee gold top milk is lush or Baileys eheh
Why have you spent the entire day seething at her then?
Zimlad is the biggest Chad in this thread. Arbroathy is the biggest loser
SSM is happy and he's a miserable failure. Doesn't mean much
Living in a care home sounds low key comfy af
A Fistful of Dollars is also a remake of Yojimbo. Sergio Leone got sued even though Kurosawa liked the film. Never seen any Kurosawa films, me. Bit of a blind spot so I'm excited. My backlog is too big now because I have a shopping compulsion. I NEED the dopamine.
Is this how you cope with being denied access to your brown daughter?
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Not Dorset
Haven't been seething, beeb wasting a lot of time though admittedly. Been the best few thread's in a very long time
never had VR in my life but i watched a YouTube video where the man explained you don't need to 'walk' you can teleport around in short hops to avoid real world accidents.

sounds mad to me but if you think about, think of most first-person shooter games. you have 12 bullets in a gun, 120 bullets in your pockets. you fire 4, so then the hud says '8 / 120'. makes sense. then you hit the reload button and it plays a little animation and you end up with '12 / 108' what's that about??? the character just threw 8 bullets away i saw him! he didn't meticulously place 4 bullets in the gun.

(there are incorrect gun words here and i am very sorry.)
Why isn't Shippy allowed to see his daughter? Loremasters?
No reason not to live in Dorset really. They have a duty to house you so the cost is no excuse.
Not denied access now
So Dorset is the last hope for Britishness in the UK?
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am very happy! :D
i live in a nice house with a lovely man
we spoke about going to america for a couple of months over the new years
im very lucky and i acknowledge that
his kid is a genetic disaster
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You just give them beer til the milk comes out
I suppose that 3k bribe helped
I'm gonna get a burger tonight I reckon
as a reverse example i've heard so many times that explosions are not like in films. it's not like in the movies! there isn't a fireball! they don't last very long! the sound is inaccurate! the blast range is exaggerated/downplayed because...!

saw an explosion last year fucking shit myself.
you reckon 10000 steps a day is a meme? Might try it for a month and report back on any benefits
I'll side with Arbs over Shippy but not over Zimlad.
You're thinking of swanny
No, I'm thinking of Shippy
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Really missing my dark nights lately. Need this shit insect weather 2 fuck off ASAP
I tried it for a month earlier in the year. Wouldn't say I noticed any changes in health but it's still alright to do.
28 seconds kek
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Soon my comfymax brother. Soon
I've absolutely fucking dominated this thread over the last 2 days. I'm genuinely sorry to all the regular normal anons who just want to enjoy a comfy thread without endless drivel
Not sure what to make for dindins
my worry is what if the rip-off simply happens to be better? A Bug's Life was peak Pixar.

The Matrix was probably something, The Truman Show was something, The Terminator was great while also having similarities to a solid episode of Outer Limits.
SSM reminds me of that video of Shaun Ryder drunk as fuck on stage trying to sing DARE
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Fish and chips de lad
SSM sing it LUSH
Do you have a link de lad
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Pizza and beer lush
content is content this isn't even a 4chan/anonymity thing. Arthur Conan Doyle could have been a collective of authors using the same pseudonym. or it could have been the one bloke, and his later stories were published posthumously under the name Agatha Christie.

do the stories change? no. we just need to get used to the idea of automating art the same way we mechanised farming.
CORR what an experience de lid
Why do they have a cock and balls on the beer
look how happy his fat big face is!
Well Kurosawa's films are held in very high regard so I bet they're good.
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Gave the wee chinky delivery man 2 quid tip which seemed fair on top of 14 quid I already paid bt when i actually handed it over it felt like mmmm not going 2 grt more than 1 and a half dairy milks is it. Bt last time I gave him notning and felt bad later cause he was nice so i was trying to fix it. Idk
mixed sprog
and it's lush
It lush
I've got one of them, do you?
Are you referring to this?

Do people really tip? Most of these cunts charge delivery fees now so bollocks to them. They are already making a fortune off of cooking some cheap shit food anyway.
Why would anyone want a mixed sprog over a normal white one
>new wheel of the worst
it lush and I mean lush
Degenerate shit
Why is he so upset? Is he salty about being sprogless?
Lost all respect for Shippy over the past few days.
just had a mad sneezing fit, wish it would have killed me
Shippy's carefully cultivated image crumbling before us
Seems like you're the upset one de lad
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If it was dominos i wouldn't but this wee guy had a good aura and vibe about him not sure how else to put it. I did forget there's already delivery fee though innit. Doesnt really matter then.
why? did you have any to begin with?
There's reports of yobs smashing windows, starting fires etc in various places across Ingerland.

It's the London riots 2.0, isn't it?
>100 posts in 37 minutes
Shippy is going ballistic
He'll be doing headstands after that pizza
That was yesterday
We can tell, you've been seething non stop morning til night for 2 days
Lost the last speck of respect when he sided with HHL over his own sprog
You can only do 1 post per minute, or 2 with an image.
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your little brown woglet thats a scar on your bloodline is going to grow up in a country that it doesnt belong to. its an invasive species and you imported it
you're a form of human cancer
Nope, still happening.
HHL was only seething about Muslims and Jews actually
Arbroathy lass you've already won
>and you imported it
You keep saying this but that's not how it works.
I don't think that is the case
Absolutely based opinion. However, I'd like to procreate with a young Alisha Keys.
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>I'd like to procreate with a young Alisha Keys
There he is, like clockwork
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Me Lalafell will beat you up. Simple as.
Hottest day of the year de lads
IT systems down
Reports of unrest in major cities
The knowledge that not 1, but 2 white men in this thread have impregnated black women has had serious implications for his mental health. To say he cannot cope would be a serious understatement
Reports of major unrest up your arse due to my cock. (only joking de lid)
i wonder which artiste will be the first to come up with "i wish i learned a trade when i was 16."
Sprogless infertile tranny
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am in london de lads, london de lads
and its shiiiiiiiiiiiite
Why do you consider breeding with a sheboon a positive and something to envy?
source for these unrest claims? just checked the socials and the only news is that my parents are worried about me and i can come any time. nothing in the MSM.
HHL loves a happening
Are you on the part of Dark Souls 2 where you can't see shit? That part did my absolute fucking NUT in.
is it true that if you buy something in a shop and pay with cash they find that odd?
also how do people communicate without talking? practical matters, on the tube and that.
HHL hates brown sprogs
SSM = shit stream media
hhl standing over a dead indian child
"you do the poo, you get kung fu'd"
*sheathes his sword*
got a class business idea lads.
Decided on the pizza tonight me lids
12" meat feast
gonna be lush and I MEAN LUSH
shippy will never forgive hhl for that post
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That is lush. What an experience
It's been hotter. I haven't even got my fan on
He's got the right idea in life. Beginning to think he's actually the sanest one out of all of us.
Looks like Blighttown. That DS2 area was shit also yea
HHL to Martin Luther King:
>this is my world, you're just living in it
>*shoots him in the head*
He already did actually
It's only hotter in the south.It's cool up norf
Link to the post where HHL said he hates brown sprogs, fish it out of the archives right now
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am on the ds 1 front(blighttown), ds 2 has been put on hold until i 100% ds 1 (again)
im too drunk to reply properly im from arbroath
ive been in london a couple of time and it was full of browns
ye blightown
could order a pizza. bit of a state. but ey it's summer isn't it? hottest day of the year.
delivery bloke has seen worse. i'm probably on a mad sesh, me. started early with the lads. 'that look' is common among both the mentally unwell and ecstatic ravers, after all.
gay sex arbroath
Not linking to his gore. Desuarchive is currently down for maintenance anyway
Blighttown is a lot easier if you approach from the rear. Not a bad area overall when you get used to it.
>be me
>defeat ornstein and smough
>leave message saying "chest ahead"
The bloke who has been seething about brown sprogs non stop for 2 days doesn't even have anything against them, just when they come from a WMBF liason. He actually really likes brown sprogs from a BMWF pairing
get ready to 'shoop some whoops' because it's RETRO NITE here on /britfeel/!
>gay sex arbroath
me and arbroathy
>Desuarchive is currently down for maintenance anyway
do you think like with covid we'll be hearing stories of the 'underdogs' of this IT crisis for years to come?

it hasn't affected my life in the slightest but there's probably i dunno, dog walkers who needed an app, something like that.
na night ziggeh cya in't mornin' pal
Noticed you failed to reply to my post earlier. Very telling Shippy lad
ziggy played guitar.
out of passion. even in a world where guitar could be played by robots, he'd still be playing guitar. that's how art works, right? artists? still sticking by that one? you have a VERY brief window of opportunity to change your minds.
Which post was that? must have missed it
put me in charge of scotland. ill stop the alcoholism and drug use
the drug dealers will be skinned alive on national television and my youtube channel
its straight i am a woman. or are you a woman?
i dont have the key and i am drink
ziggeh in heaven now
nobody types drunk when they're actually drunk.
Oh this one, didn't see it.

It's up to each person what they envy, but I've clearly riled someone right up
Like HelperLad said, it's a wagie problem. Doesn't apply to us. It all cushty here
That's no way to talk about the mother's of the Blacked actors you wank over so much
Was just banter i think desu
Would be good if FromSoft got the licence to make a Berserk game.
HHL would watch Shippy's sprog die and laugh at his misery
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>i am a woman
Very cute w her wee axe but a murderous killer as well you can tell
Ironic that HHL loves Hitler but Hitler would have him gassed for being a spastic.
HHL is perfectly at liberty to impregnate a white woman if he wants to see more white sprogs in the world
he get nasty when he drink. It not right
According to Arbroathy, popping on your mums dress and taking a few tablets you ordered online suddenly makes you a woman.
It's undeniable that Hitler was right about quite a lot of things. Ultimately he just loved his country
i feel like the 'um, actually...' response would be something to do with infrastructure or the supply chain. the only thing that was different about today is that i just tried to access desuarchive and it was down.

even if it was so severe the entire national grid went down, today would be mostly the same. hottest day of the year. nothing in the fridge. already have basic hygiene stuff i need. at some point i'd notice my lights weren't working, then read a book or go back to sleep. in fact they should have these days on purpose (hospitals etc. excluded).
Arbroathy has destroyed your mental health lad.
call me a sprogless racist tranny all you want, the fact of the matter is these wog wranglers come on here to talk about their monkey wives and genetic slop kids in order to try and dunk on you "losers" and to try and make you feel bad and themselves superior despite them flushing their lineage down the toilet
brown shaggers are a form of cancer
it would be really good yea
that or a fist of the northstar game
He would have me gassed too because I'm autistic and it lush.
Can't fault him there
"i love my country, i just want to alter its power structure, economy, demographics..."
Had Fist of the Northstar downloaded to read for ages. I know the Yakuza team did a Fist of the Northstar game. Not going to read the current ongoing official translations. I got the ultimate fan translation (forget the name) but really good quality.
>call me a sprogless racist tranny all you want
I will

>brown shaggers are a form of cancer
You're a bloke shagger, and to top it of you voluntarily castrated yourself, hardly genetically superior
you could be "top of the bottom" in some extremist group.
Jews had already done that, he just wanted to undo that damage. Hitler was ultimately a good albeit ruthless person
Black triangle for SSM de lads
Why are some people in this thread unable to impregnate women, is it fertility issues or something else?
if you go after transgender people for being infertile, do you go after cisgender for being infertile?

if the answer is "yes" i am owned so please don't answer "yes".
Swanny is infertile and hates someone who would willingly castrate themselves
Nah, transgender people make themselves infertile, cis people just have bad luck
Hitler killed the feeble and mentally disabled I thought but please enlighten me with your spacker conspiracy theories.
>Swanny is infertile
makes you wonder what 18 year old hitler was doing to support himself in 1907 vienna which was then the san francisco of its time and the most expensive city on earth
Shippy will NOT like this post oh no
Jerking punks off under the Brooklyn Bridge I heard.
Arbs hon it's nice to have an outlet but i think you should take some time and chill OK? x
Zimlad isn't even here lad, you need sectioning
Arbroathy has Shippy on the ropes
Bizarre to believe this from any angle
failing at art so he got started on AI. globalist conspiracy stopped him and we've only now just caught up.
Like I said, Arbroathy won
Shortly after castrating himself, Arbroathy suddenly had a paternal desire for sprogs. He even desperately went to a clinic to see if he could salvage his very last sperm cells "Nope, you're a jaffa" said the quack. Since then, he's boiled over into a rage anytime he sees or hears of someone having sprogs, something that he himself will never have
Just wish Arbroathy and Shippy could stop all this arguing.
*informs the apus cheng pei pei has died*
who would win in a 'San Francisco of England' fight: Brighton or Manchester?
Why didn't you attach the map to this post? You love posting that map of Vienna
Wouldn't mind Arb busting a hot load on my face but alas I am an incel.
>Wouldn't mind Arb busting a hot load on my face
Bit gay that lad
No you don't, you've been stirring the pot almost constantly for 2 days now from dawn til dusk. You love it
>Shortly after castrating himself, Arbroathy suddenly had a paternal desire for sprogs. He even desperately went to a clinic to see if he could salvage his very last sperm cells "Nope, you're a jaffa" said the quack. Since then, he's boiled over into a rage anytime he sees or hears of someone having sprogs, something that he himself will never have
You seem upset lad
imagine living in san francisco today attending trendy coffeehouses and opera every night while being unemployed
>nah bro I wasn't sucking cock or anything we just sold paintings on the street
Hitler was living quite the life as a dosser
Not gay she's a woman, lad. A woman can spurt her cum on you and it's not gay.
Brighton. By the sea, relatively small, gay as fuck
i get all my news by searching /britfeel/ for "inf0rms the apus"
These 3 hour threads are boring. I just want a womfy britfeel
Charles Darwin and David Attenborough would be very interested in the case of Arbroathy
Nightclub called Revenge in Brighton
18 year old hitler getting his neghole pozzed by a wealthy jewish businessman so he can go watch Wagner's Lohengrin for the 5th time that week
rewatched skins
really didn't age well
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>find a really cute camgirl
>has the arms of fucking bigfoot

didn't know San Francisco was by the sea. has a proper famous bridge, thought it was just a river.

Americans will think i'm thick as mince for not knowing this. but how much do they know about the REST of the world?
informs the Apus that a nuke has just hit Leeds. Reports coming in saying that it has made the place look 100 times better.
whos the most prolific rapist the world has ever seen? one of you lads has to know
probably that sperm clinic doctor who replaced all the clients sperm with his own
I unironically like girls with hairy arms. Indian lass I dated had very hairy arms, I think that's where my fetish stemmed from
is she romanian? romanian women have hairy as fuck arms
You know what they say. Hairy arms, hairy........
Still some great parts for wanking however. Especially Michelle's stepsister when she gets her tits out in season 2.
I see nothing wrong with pumping a couple IQ points into some of the better looking jungle-bunnies
SSM likes hairy girls. (his words)
Brighton is the place to be
Blame the seethers, they've gone ballistic the past 2 days
Do you think Helen has a hairy gash
you need to watch it with about 70% irony. it's not like The Matrix where you can watch it and it's still genuinely cool. you need that background voice having a laugh at how ridiculously silly Skins is, while also having some sincere appreciation here and there (decent acting, film crew probably did some graft, etc).
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>Hairy arms, hairy........
Genghis Khan?
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eating 2 curry pies atm
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He struggled in the 90s. He constantly wondered if he was gay. Now he knows he is bisexual. He doesn't mind a bit of bondage, getting tied up. He's into the deep stuff. He's not into boring sex, he's into the deep stuff.
It's mostly you. That time you got banned, we literally had 20 hour threads.
foreign muck
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Got home from the office, had me tea now I'm sat down. Ready for another weekend of being alone playing video games. It ain't right but for autistic people like me, it's normality.
The Inbetweeners was unironically a very good portrayal of sixth form life.
SSM had a few curry pies during the 90s

says spanish on her profile
they were out of steak pies and i feel awful about it
ill need to go hard on the old racism tomorrow to make up for it
he's so full of surprises
>arrives on the scene out of nowhere
>proves he's a happily married man with a family
>has a stable decent job
>getting pussy every night
>is nice to everyone, never initiates conflict
>laughs off the racism
>sends trannies/sprogless into an inescapable deathspiral of seething
>keeps his presence to a minimum
>refuses to elaborate or take the bait
Inodesian Arbroathy in Manchester
knew a mixed race girl who was bullied at school because she had thick dark hair and ANY face/bodily hair was very visible and it gave her this obsession with getting laser hair removal.
it was an improvement and she was happy and i don't even know what race she was. doesn't undo the bullying though. bullying is NEVER ok.
closet character that resembled me was big john. bullied even by the losers (or inbetweeners i guess)
Tranny seethe

THIS is what you're missing by not going out tonight lads
Your sixth form was full of people in their early 20s?
>knew a mixed race girl
Arbroathy won't be happy with that!
Good to see Footmong starting his own YouTube channel
Not necessarily the actors I mean on the banter and the shit they got up to really resonated with my personal experience.
people always say this and not really. love it to bits but it felt like a discount Peep Show. which is another one people say is very down to earth and 'dry' when it's a sitcom with far more ridiculous moments than most typical British sitcoms (eating a dog vs dropping a chandelier or summat).
A bunch of overweight women? No thanks.
Inbetweeners, Fresh Meat, Peep Show. That's your life.
nothing wrong with starting further education later in life.
Watched all of these very recently. Weird.
How come he never gets spotted? Is he invisible?
I dunno honestly it was pretty similar to my experience. Trying to get into nightclubs, shitty first cars, awful work experience, trying to buy alcohol underage, shitty school trips, dickhead head of year, awkwardness around girls etc etc
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Um, Billie Piper bros... what's our response?
watching this
glad i drink out of glass bottles
see how we've fallen
but native lads on coke will rejoice because
or something
Are you trying to imply she looks walled here?
only the best for our wim
Always thought she was weird looking. Can't get over her face. Like that American lass from Mad Men and A Handmaids Tale.
There's a few youtubers doing it now. There was one in London that got exposed by girls on Tiktok though.
>Fresh Meat
only watched this recently, really enjoyed it.

the Peep Show writers basically have one gimmick and most of the time it's a miss rather than a hit. but this one was nice. stuff actually happened, characters responded as they would, and at a reasonable pace.
probably wearing a gopro
I'm flattered lads, but I'm not that much of a chad really. Have quite bad neck posture for one.
Peep Show is brilliant don't know what you're on about. They do have a style that they stick to though.
Why is the birthrate in Arbroath so low?
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Lappy is overheating
Cant even play vidya
Shippy you already lost. Give up
Same de lad. Burning the hair off my legs.
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There was this girl back in high school. Her name was Amy. She was one of those weirdo artsy type girls. Had a huge backpack and generally got laughed at by the bully girls. I remember one time I was in a lesson with her and I asked her out "for a laugh". And she actually said yes. And I had to backpedal because the bully girls found out and called me a loser. I didn#'t want to be embarrassed, so I told her friend to tell her I was just joking. Apparently, that crushed her because she had never had a bf and she was 16 at the time. She wasn't even ugly. Just an outcast.

I'm a 32 year old virgin. And I believe I'm getting karma for what I did.
>Barefoot Girls #4
miss when these videos were hidden behind the counter and you had to ask for them.
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I would've fucked the shit out of Billie back in the day
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Few jars in the heart of Scotland for me de lids
native families are often too poor to afford children
mitchell and webb look or brasseye?
This must be about the 4th thread of the day and it's not lush. /brit/ tier spam from lifeless mongs. May their lives improve soon so they find better things to do.
Tim Eldridge getting gassed over a KFC box meal
Barefoot Girls #4 Footjob Edition is worth watching if you can find it
Sounds like an excuse to me, how can people on just above minimum wage afford sprogs?
wearing all this make up can't be good for your skin
Looks like Jade Goody. touch of the tar brush
The same wakers LOLe kek
just waffling a bit love Peep Show. but then you watch Magicians or Back and it's like some Charlie Brooker type is poking me in the rubs going, "we're all this cynical deep down, aren't we? it's not just them few characters in that one programme, is it?"
Going to bed soonish, have to work tomorrow due circumstance outside of my control
spaced or black books?
with no barefoot you are like the others.
childcare costs thousands and we live in a society where the woman staying at home taking care of the family is le bad yet both couples working still earn the same amount as if it was the man who was the only one working
Crazy how many women just look the exact same
Spaced. never quite got the love for Black Books.
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>it better than givin' it t'fanookies
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mad what hepler did to that woglet a few months back
This has fucked my youtube algorithm up

Should not have clicked on it
i am going to write a sitcom about people sharing a flat. some ideas for episodes?
eastenders, coronation street or emmerdale?
Not watched soaps in about 15 years
ooh isn't he hard.
wouldn't say this to his face, mind. he probably actually is.
one of them posts on britfeel all day. the other has sex
Your algorithm is heavily biased around your history, so just delete it
i manage both
but people working jobs that pay just above minimum wage can afford a sprog, care to explain that?
can't believe it's just called "Emmerdale" now what's next "Coronation Street Academy"?
snatch or lock stock and two smoking barrels?
Eastenders for the memes, Corrie for the story. Never watched Emmerdale
I watch Corrie with my boomer mum but if it wasn't for her I wouldn't touch any of that shit. It's absolute dreck, although some bloke called Steven was killing everyone recently and he was based
For me? It's Doctors. Never missed an episode since it started. Used to be Brookside and Family Affairs as well.
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Dread to think how woke these soaps are these days desu
Why is sex always the go-to for content? I swear normies are just retarded animals.
For me? It's Pobol y Cwm.
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What the fuck is up /britfeel/!!???

Are you ready to fucking rock and roll TONIGHT!??
naked attraction or embarrassing bodies?
Is it still have a 100% white cast
Corrie did like a whole incel and online trolling storyline a while back. David's adopted son was involved. Steven is a bender... haven't watched in a while was he caught yet?
Is Shippy still watching that or did his Hal from Malcolm phase end?
Very unusual one there, is this somehow connected to /britfeel/ lore?
Eastenders is incredibly white for a portrayal of East London.
the sex one is hosting a dinner party, but the other one is posting on /britfeel/.
the /britfeel/ guy forgets to take the bins out when it was his turn, too busy posting (other lad was out shagging).
the internet goes down so they swap roles for an episode, learn a lesson, then forget it at the end.

thanks anon these write themselves.
Alri titlad! That's a cracking looking lass there, great taste as usual.
Not much going on my end, just a bit of Vidya, maybe some red bull if I'm feeling mental.
I think a family of wogs briefly owned the Queen Vic so there's your answer and Phil Mitchell was banging a wog too.
No it's a welsh soap a few of us here watch. Not really any 'lore' about it
It wasn't an incel thing. It was a "far right terrorist" thing with David's son. It was such an utter meme. Steve got ran over by a car after he got figured out yea. Shame
>his Hal from Malcolm phase
what did he mean by this
It's Shippy's favourite soap
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Right on brother YEA!!!

I fucking LOVE vidya and Red Bull LET'S GOOO!!!
Finds an interest. Gets obsessed with it for a while then moves onto something else.
Odd that, didn't realise /britfeel/ was full of Welsh speakers, Cymraeg if you will
Alri TTILOD. Britfeel has been lacking tits lately so you are a welcome sight
Eastenders did a similar storyline with Aaron. Hollyoaks did it best of course
it's genuinely more interesting to hear about or watch than to actually experience. like when you go to Woodstock and it's full of other time travellers who just moan about the rain.
Don't care if it is or not
I see, now that he's moved on from a Welsh soap, what new obsession has he moved onto now?
Remember when Hollyoaks used to be absolutely FULL of fit lasses?
What happened to B00ty lad?
anyone else used to watch neighbours?
Wish I could show you the Incel video from Hollyoaks because it was a banger
Heard on discord he in prison now. It sad. He do nothing wrong to that lass
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HEY MAN fucking right on tits rule the fucking WORLD!

Rock and fucking ROOLLLLLLL!!!!!!
m@tty_846ty playing both sides is a touch of genius.
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There must have been thousands of incels watching hollyoaks with their family that really cringed at this
It was briefly discussed on /tv/ for a while. Doesnt seem to be on YouTube at all
They were dragging the Steven stuff on too long. Yeah sorry far right you're correct. I didn't mind it but the lad who plays Max can't act for shit and bringing Spider back was VERY cringe. I quite like the lesbian goth and paki story because I'm a pervert and like when are Roy gets more screentime.
Remember when Hollyoaks had VFX and CGI?
Almost looks AI
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We've got one more slag for you tonight /britfeel/!!

Just remember, we might be leaving, but TITS ARE FOREVER!!! FUCKING GET IN THERE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!
Roy was just locked up for 6 weeks after they thought he nonced and killed some blonde chav
You really are a bunch of girls, gossip and soap talk.
The person who wrote this must be patting themselves on the back
Didn't know Hollyoaks got axed
Kinell titlad bringing the energy for us this evening, love it lad.
Some parents somewhere had a 'serious talk' with their teenage son as a result of this programme.

On the other hand some family must have actually made the stupid shite off Blue Peter with their kids.
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Getting personalized Nike ads on YouTube now ma lleeeds
lol, wonder if rutmong gets 'Just Don't Bother'
Tim Eldridge once made a brief appearance in an episode of Coronation Street. Very brief. Blink and you will miss him
He definitely posts here
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Imagine how many young men talk about being "blackpilled" thinking nothing of it and now look like proper freaks
they had an incel assembly in my brothers school lmao
and yet not one of us would last a week on Mumsnet or Tattle Life.
My girl sent me this vid and said it looked like me lmao
Heard SSM was briefly on Crossroads back in the day. Don't know if any Loremasters can confirm or deny this.
is there a non-noncey way to find out how teenagers actually talk now?
Need Barefoot GIRLS #5 ASAP
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SCEA is an alpha male
Watched that episode of PhoneShop with Tim Byrne in it recently
I'm just a fleabag. Nobody loves me.
It cracks me up when SSM says with a straight face he wants to become an actor
>Need Barefoot GIRLS #5 ASAP
my brother's friend was going out with a girl whose brother won a competition and played a kid who got bullied in a storyline on Grange Hill.
He's usually heavily intoxicated though tbf
No you didn't link?

I bought and watched the iron lady just to see him for a few seconds
It was El Dorado during his world travels
My white wife is by my side actually
Shutin lole
Jackie Tyler bros we won
Post her arse again like you usually do, unless you've got some new snaps recently
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non-white sprog lol
sex offenders and hackers in the news breach "orders" by using phones or the internet, one of those strange things you read about.
are there other specific orders like this? why can violent alkies buy booze? are stabbers banned from buying bladed articles? etc.
All day here lole
There are only 3 married lads here, 1 with a white wife and 2 with non-white wives
Imagine being CIO of Crowdstrike today lmfao
sad lonely cunt lmao
How do I get a girl to go barefoot in Wetherspoons
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That wasn't actually me but I remember that poster
zim and bn have non-white wives. The lad with a white wife keeps posting her arse, right cuckold he is
My wife's Russian, now with a British passport. Probably not the white one you referred to so make it two white, two non-white.
pumping out bait for attention loole
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Barefoot GIRLS #6
Sitting down in the dog costume
Does she get any grief for being Russian? I know she shouldn't but mongs lap up propaganda so easily
they've put out statements it's probably easy stuff when you're in that position.

the real horror is being the guy who wrote THAT line of code. everyone will say all this stuff about how it's a group effort, QA failed, it's actually more complex than just one bloke...
somewhere out there is a programmer who wrote THAT line of code.
Spaffbol lmao

Can't get over this shite
Luckily not, no. Whenever the topic's come up she's always been quite outspoken against the invasion and that shuts people up.
How can you even tell that's him? Looking at it knowing I'd agree it probably is, but who found out? In the iron lady it's obvious it's him
>better than giving it to the cookies
>Catberg ate the spaffbol again
last mission of scarface on ps2 is ridiculous. No way you can beat that without cheats or save states
you're raising money for animal rights by encouraging people to take off their shoes they don't have to be leather it's just a symbolic thing few quick photos for the local papers?
he tried, but couldn't beat that line
Their incident calls will be going on deep into the night with every senior director of the company on it probably. Absolute shitshow for a company like that. Share price down the drain as well.
There was a person who was the very first person to ever get covid, and he decided to socialise.

When he was infectious he had no idea he was the most influential person in the world by far
Might buy a blu-ray player lads
>confessing to giving a cat spaghetti bolognese which probably contains at least one ingredient that is bad for cats
not going to research this any further but people like you belong in prison.
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I got blackpilled in my 30s
hhl got blacked in his teens
Is that why he looks so smug in the footy photo
>Share price down the drain as well.
funny if you look at how it was already tanking from Monday to Thursday
Any recent SSM news? I've not been around much.
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Saw a melted Apu today... had my sprogs in fucking tears. Someone left him outside Lidl and he liquified where he stood on the tarmac.
It not fucking right.
SSM and Helen got engaged and it's lush
>Crowdstrike tanked by 9% this week before the incident
what did Pajeet mean by this?
poopo your mum kek
At the same time shit like this is an opportunity in a large corporation. At the year end for bonus appraisals if you can say 'we had this enormous shitshow back in July and I was instrumental in fixing it from 'x' perspective', then it's a guaranteed massive bonus.
>SSM and Helen got engaged

Corr twolls livid I imagine
He tweeted a photo in the costume
even if you knew it was you for a fact it's pretty easy to justify this one. someone else would've caught it.

programmer can't even play the 'intent' card in this. they weren't passively living their life. it's the equivalent of CREATING the virus, even if it's an 'oopsie' at your day job curing viruses.
That's not proof at all
He comes and goes, not a regular poster. Last week heard he's going steady with his gf, I hope he's doing alright.
So he did. I remember the pic, I remember it well
>thread done in 2 hours 21 minutes
tweet proof no 4cahn lolle riled up
Why won't he post the proof?
no need to invest in cyber security when there aren't any security incidents. it would be more weird if it went up for some reason. no conspiracy here anon.
It beautiful. Britfeel has never been more alive!
All lole lead to 4chan never forgive big lole winning irl
If the IP stats weren't hidden, I guarantee it would be less than 15 posters
check your calendar and note what day it is.
But Fridays are usually slower
Super edgy posting on 4chan mummy iv'e made it look at me
If I had to guess I'd say he's probably a lurker like simsidelad who's here daily but posts off trip. Probably true for most tripfags.
online drama, very manly
>estimated time until fully charged
in an arbitrary system of seconds-minutes-hours still based on the decimal system because of a quirk of evolution and some ancient mathematicians' whims.
numbers have no absolute value they are relative and subject to social change.
Another big day in for the girls.
Spam mongs quieting down for a minute because they're F5ing the catalog to be first in the new thread
Shippy lost, big time
What did I lose big time, little lad?
i have consolidated all my online drama interest into one public figure and the strange online following they have accrued.
I feel personally attacked by this
what do you think a "girls' night out" is like, lads?
Such a good takeaway
>self respect
>from me
you alright lad?
genius lad
Why did I lose your respect, assuming I had any in the first place
Alri lad I'll see you in the next thread and I'll post my guess as to which one it was. I only get one guess.
New thread has been created de lads

anyone else Ctrl+R instead of F5?

not sure when i made this lifestyle change. might have been during Covid when everyone was getting into making bread and that. or it might not have been.
Actually spaffed just now
Very refreshing

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