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eating pizzer and taking it easy
i hope you die a painful death, you fucking jew in disguise
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so you did get the pizzar
i ate pizzar leftovers before
is the guy that makes pizzars there italian?
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>is the guy that makes pizzars there italian?
Probably not, but it's supposedly an authentic itallian pizzeria
>i ate pizzar leftovers before
how big wus ur pizza?
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gooning to toehoe sluts and taking it easy
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>but it's supposedly an authentic itallian pizzeria
they all say that its "authentic italian pizza"
but its not unless youre in italy
>how big wus ur pizza?
pretty normal but the potator on it were a lot and pretty big so i didnt finish it all
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it was good knowing you
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hmmmm... i don't think we know each other, but i'm pleased to meet you!
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i yelled at my parents that i should kill myself today. how many people wish for my death? am i really the one who's supposed to die?
i'm just a baka of inaction until people really piss me off. i never asked for pain, i never wanted to see anyone hurt, but people really ask for it sometimes. is it my fault? IS IT BAD TO SEEK THE BLOOD OF THOSE WHO WRONGED ME?




all i want from people. DECENCY.
i'd rather post gore than porn, but i have none
i'm fucking disgusting right now
i need to die
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ur probably right...
got any plans 4 today?
>pretty normal but the potator on it were a lot and pretty big so i didnt finish it all
so around 32 cm?
which 2hu is ur favourite?
why do u wish 2 die?
i don't think u should die...
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being evil is the way to go in this world. kindness only brings suffering and self hatred. kindness is an artificial concept created by humans to cope with the viciousness of nature.
fuck empathy and whatever jewish bullshit i was indoctrinated to believe in. most people don't have empathy to begin with, so why should i? people only want to see me suffer, they only want to profit from my existence. those who claim to be kind only do it to feel good about themselves, and so they can fuck you in the ass when you least expect it. but most importantly, kindness is an excuse to act like a fucking prick when nobody is looking, and then to be able to lay the blame on those who make themselves look "unkind".
i'm so tired of this fucking game. i can only hope that the upcoming world war will destroy us all. humans don't deserve to exist. fucking disgusting, vile piece of shit race.
I drank too much beer yesterday. I think I'm going to try to quit alcohol again for the 500th time. I'm going to the Chinese buffet in like an hour so that will be nice, then I will come home and take it easy
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do you want to be evil?
did u get hungover?
> I'm going to the Chinese buffet in like an hour so that will be nice, then I will come home and take it easy
u should take it home and eat it while watching a show or something!
>did u get hungover?
Yeah, a little bit
>u should take it home and eat it while watching a show or something!
I was thinking about that. I don't really feel like going out for long today
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>Yeah, a little bit
yeah you shouldn't over do it...
is beer ur fav alcohol?
>I was thinking about that. I don't really feel like going out for long today
what r u gonna order?
what show are u gonna watch first?
And I hope you get injected with the strongest schizo meds available
What kind of pizzer?
>is beer ur fav alcohol?
Yeah, the hard stuff makes me sick, but beer has a milder taste
>what r u gonna order?
Think I might get some fast food instead. Maybe some chicken sandwiches
>what show are u gonna watch first?
Right now I'm watching Youtube documentaries and later I'll probably watch more House M.D.
I don't know why this makes me horny(me on the left) but it does
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>What kind of pizzer?
just ur regular ham pizzer
do u like ham pizzer?
>Yeah, the hard stuff makes me sick, but beer has a milder taste
have u ever tried jagermeister or something similar 2 it?
Pretty sure u can't get hungover from it
>Think I might get some fast food instead. Maybe some chicken sandwiches
can't go wrong with chicken sandwiches
probably my favourite type of sandwich u can get from fast food...
>Right now I'm watching Youtube documentaries and later I'll probably watch more House M.D.
always nice when u can find a good utube doc. Got any recomendations?
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nice trips
>got any plans 4 today?
not really the book store is closed so i cant even go buy my book which sucks
>so around 32 cm?
i dont usually measure my pizzas... i just eat them
I got my chicken sammiches. They had a spicy version that I didn't know about so I got that
>have u ever tried jagermeister or something similar 2 it?
I've tried something called Fireball that's a sweet liquor and might be similar, but I've never tried Jager. Is it good?
>always nice when u can find a good utube doc. Got any recomendations?
I don't know any good channels, but this is the one I'm watching because I just randomly found it
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>do you want to be evil?
i decided that i will. from now on i'll do whatever the fuck i want, and torment those who i think should suffer
sex makes you horny, what a surprise
nice ban evasion, you fucking nigger
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huh? how is it ban evation if i never got banned in the first place?
are you the butthurt guy from that other thread with the schizo talking about astral swords?
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>not really the book store is closed so i cant even go buy my book which sucks
that's a shame
u can always go tomorrow
>i dont usually measure my pizzas... i just eat them
doesn't it say how big the pizza is at the place u order it at?
>I got my chicken sammiches. They had a spicy version that I didn't know about so I got that
how was it?
>I've tried something called Fireball that's a sweet liquor and might be similar, but I've never tried Jager. Is it good?
yea it's pretty good. Probably my fav alcohol
>I don't know any good channels, but this is the one I'm watching because I just randomly found it
i'll check it out later then
what else do u watch on utube?
being evil is so tiresome though
>how was it?
It was good. Not really spicy though. It kind of tasted like the normal chicken sandwich. Belly is full so now I can take it easy
>what else do u watch on utube?
I watch old Howard Stern show clips, some outdoor videos, and some travel videos
Here's a comfy outdoor guy that I like
Yeah I just want to get manhandled but let's just talk about pizzer. Who here likes pineapple on pizzer?
Futaba anon, reporting in and taking it easy, at least trying
>Who here likes pineapple on pizzer?
No one.
>u can always go tomorrow
no cause tomorrow i got the concert so i need to preserve my energy
>doesn't it say how big the pizza is at the place u order it at?
uh not really. you got the measurements down at your place or something? here theres just normal or "bigger"
waow im actuals eating an pizzer rn too but it homemade :D
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shut the fuck up Hu Tao poster. your attitude and avatarfagging have been the most obnoxious fucking things on this website for way too long.
to think i used to like Hu Tao before you started to CONSTANTLY shove her in my face. stop ruining her image, cockroach.
>being evil is so tiresome though
i find pleasure in it, even tho it's self-destructive behavior. le demons inside me demand to be fed
i'd rather talk about picrel. waddya think?
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ah so it is the butthurt guy after all! i wonder what i ever did to upset you so much
cant you go back to jerking off for 10 hours a day and leave us alone?
What do you mean picrel?
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your existence upsets me
sexo or no sexo?
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i dont think ive ever done or said anything to upset people
do you just get upset at random people online?
Uhh anon Ive got no dick
I get upset at trannies only
im very sure you avatarfagged here but the pictures got removed so dunno bout you
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i like to believe that your iq is above 80 and that you know what's going on, so stop playing dumb
too bad. having a dick is great
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>It was good. Not really spicy though. It kind of tasted like the normal chicken sandwich. Belly is full so now I can take it easy
do u eat whilst watching stuff or do u eat b4 watching?
i dun like it
eat anything delicious lately?
ah right i completely forgor>>78230688
>uh not really. you got the measurements down at your place or something? here theres just normal or "bigger"
yeah the restaurant i ordered from had measurements. I ordered a 42cm pizzer
what kind of pizzer is it?
but it hurts, doesn't it?
well im not one so
yeah i did, but i didnt get banned i just got a warning
and besides im not avatarfagging anymore as you can see im just posting pictures that i like!
ah so it is you koishi
well now im just glad i never actually tried to be your friend considering how you are
didnt you say you were gonna leave forever? are you really that angry? i thought you said you had real friends to do things with, why dont you go talk with them instead?
>yeah the restaurant i ordered from had measurements
huh thats new. can you choose your own size or are there specific ones?
a waranig for what?
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the pain is cathartic
ah yes, koi-ACK!
fucking bitch, i fucking hate her. fuck her.
>im just glad i never actually tried to be your friend
same! you were such an annoying little prick. no wonder nobody likes you when you stop being a poser. oh, except for the people pleaser in this thread. that's the only type of person you can get along with, because he's constantly stroking your ego.
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avatarfagging duh
it really is you huh, what a disappointment.
i still had a sliver of hope that you would never steep so low but well i guess not!
>no wonder nobody likes you when you stop being a poser.
oh but i do have people that like me, its just t
hat sometimes i forget about it! but thankfully they remind me that they do, and if they dont, then it means theyre not good enough to be my friends.
anyway, i hope once all the rage you have is gone and you have a clear mind again you start working on being a better person, assuming theres still something good in you that wants to change. best of luck pal!
and get your porn addiction sorted while youre at it too alright?
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>taking it easy
How many years you have taking it easy OP?
isn't it a tiny binsy egocentric selfish narcissistic?
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>sometimes i forget about it
>theyre not good enough
your npd (nigger personality disorder) is blatantly showing.
>still posing to preserve a good image
what a fucking saint you are, such a good boy.
and stop making assumptions, nigger. i haven't touched my dick in days. i bet you touch yours way more than i do!
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sex fox delivery service
one had a really good day today but this thread needs to be sent to jail.
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the aftermath
wdym anon? it's already in jail. this is one of the most degenerate boards in existence.
it's not, it does not need to be, and you can do better anon.
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for around 2 i'd say
are you a masochist?
>except for the people pleaser in this thread
is that why you hate me?
the choices are 24 32 and 42cm i think
hello Mayumi anon
What have u been up to?
I second this, regardless of how the board is it can always be better. And if it can't be better everywhere even just a corner can suffice sometimes.
However, this isn't really the way.
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better? what's better? i'm doing my best here!
>are you a masochist?
no, i hate pain
>is that why you hate me?
i hate you for being a liar, both to me and to yourself
have a guya getting sexed!
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>no, i hate pain
then why do you say that it feels good?
>i hate you for being a liar, both to me and to yourself
I never lied. You just never believed in me. I will admit though that I am boring. And I wanted to change that.
i hope you can smile again and that the clouds hanging over you clear up in due time. tugging away at your own hurt feelings will only widen the wound and make the healing process longer. nothing good will come from acting like this anon.
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>then why do you say that it feels good?
i feel good knowing that your dear friend is getting annoyed by me, and hopefully you are too.
>I never lied
such kind words for a monster like me. what do you gain from it?
i almost hurt my mom today, yknow? her arrogant fucking mouth wouldn't shut up and she kept blaming my dad for stupid shit, so i went full beast mode on her. and now my parents know that i wanna kill myself because i kept yelling about it. i already made everything worse for them and for myself, because i couldn't tame le demons inside me.
it is only human to make mistakes, we all have our demons. succumbing in one moment of weakness does not brand you a monster for eternity. the world would be a better place if we all said kinder words to each other more often. strong emotions can be channeled into positive outcomes when you have a clearer mind, you just need some space to wind down and where your judgement is no longer clouded. if you can, try go for a walk, step away from the surroundings that are grinding away at you.
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my hatred is untamable, and i have no reason to act kind anymore, like i explained in an earlier post.
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do you want me to stop making these threads?
you have no reason to act rude either, you should be indifferent if people aren't worth your kindness. holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting other people to die, all it does is consume you and slowly eat away at you from within.
i, and others, want you to continue these threads.
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noo! how would i feed my demons then??
maybe if your dear friend left...
i do have reasons to torment my enemies. what happens to me is not important.
what happens to you is always important, as your own self is always most important. you are important. nothing good comes of trying to antagonize others, especially for your own soul.
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i've been a good boi for long enough. i've lived long enough. the future only holds more pain and suffering, so why not indulge in (self-)destructive behavior before it ends?
because the sugar rush from being destructive will fade and the dread will rush in to fill that void instead. you're paying for today with tomorrow, and tomorrow will collect that debt with interest. for your own sake, it is best to stop and try distance yourself from any place that keeps opening these scars on your psyche.
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oh yeah i can finally make le lewd joke now, because OP ignored me last time and never gave me the chance to do it (sometimes he ignores erynyan after his dear fren goes to sleep. how irritating, isn't it?)
what pantsu does Nue-chan usually wear? the answer is: none!
i will not stop until the bakas get what they fucking deserve
ultimately, nothing will come of this, anon. people won't get any sort of outcome you feel they deserve, the earth will spin, another day will pass. the OP is likely not responding because there's nothing to respond to, engaging with you now would be like patting a burning dog. it hurts for anyone involved, and mostly people don't want to hurt themselves.
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what do I deserve according to you?
i had a really good day out with a fren again today. we had some nice food, went window shopping a bit, and yapped a lot. easy going days like that are the best, i think, enjoying the simple passage of time.
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oh there are outcomes, otherwise i wouldn't be doing this. i was denied of a safe space, so i will make sure they regret it. it's the least they owe me from all this. i will not stand and watch while these bakas enjoy themselves in here.
>b-but le innocent anons who like the threads!
this is where i abandon kindness and convince myself that i don't owe shit to anyone. i will go after what i want, even if it hurts, or if i end up being hated by those who never wronged me.
you deserve my detestable presence in these threads until i get bored of you and your fren
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for the record I never told you to go and I wouldn't mind u staying if u were nice
that's nice. What did u guys do? Just eat? Or did u go do some other activities like watching a movie? Mayhaps i should message my Irl frens 2... Haven't talked 2 them in a while...
>eat anything delicious lately?

i eat ramen with sausage today, and yes it was very delicious
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i don't wanna be nice, i'm le devil incarnate. look at picrel!
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she finds the scent too musky for her sensitive wolf nose
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that's a wolf not a devil
ramen is nice
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that's one way to use a kasa obake tongue
but le porn is evil! aren't you annoyed??
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>but le porn is evil! aren't you annoyed??
i don't really care
I see porn every day on this board
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but it's in your threads, and i'm scaring the other anons away!
what else can i do to make you hate me?
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maybe post your horny waifu?
I believe you are having a psychotic episode and believe it or not, it's not amusing, pitiful or annoying. It's just saddening to watch, makes me wish things could just be different.
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I don't think i could hate you or anyone. I'm just incapable of hate
it's not scaring the other anons away, there's much worse posted every day. this time of day it usually winds down anyway.

the outcomes in this thread is people will post around your pictures, as people post around all other kinds of threads. if you really find it so detestable, the best thing is to hide the thread yourself. you'll only harm yourself, nobody else, by continuing to come back to a place you feel that has wronged you. as the other anon said, we're not going to feed into your self-destructive nature by chastising you, or calling you names.

it's sad, that's all. a reminder of how hard it is for people to bond sometimes. and a wish that some day we could all maybe get along and be friends, be happy. i wish you could be happy too.
>Mayhaps i should message my Irl frens 2... Haven't talked 2 them in a while...
you should message your irl frens. reach out and connect! the best day was tomorrow, the next best time is today.

>that's nice. What did u guys do? Just eat? Or did u go do some other activities like watching a movie?
walked around a couple stores and ate, that was it really. i wanted to shop for a few items and so we made casual conversation while checking things out like books, jackets. etc. no other activities, though maybe next time? i'm looking forward to that possibility already.
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so long as i can ruin these threads, at least for the cockroach, i will keep going
annoyance then? irritation?
i'm also heavily insulting your fren, isn't that enough to trigger some hate in you?
why should i allow them to have something that they took away from me? and i want them to hate me as much as i hate them.
anon, people aren't going to hate you for it. they'll feel pity, or sadness that things ended up this way. they could not return emotion to the same intensity you desired in a positive sense, they won't do it the same in a negative sense. they won't hold an ounce of hatred that you want them to.

it's not taken away from you. you could simmer down, come back in a few days. apologize and come post with us all again, most likely. you may not be able to reconnect with one or two people, but others come, others go, things are fluid.
What, specifically, did the OP do that's making you act like this?
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but i'm literally going against the rules of r*ddit here. i'm sure they feel at the very least bothered by my presence.
he lied to me multiple times to keep me around like a dog.
anon this is the board that has floods of far worse content being posted non stop, even if not apropos to the thread people are going to glance over and move past it. it is lamentable that you could not find an amicable ending to your friendship and that things turned out this way.
Do you have BPD or something?
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it makes me upset that you act this way but i don't hate you
No he is just having a meltdown, likely psychosis. Maybe he is bipolar.
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>you should message your irl frens. reach out and connect! the best day was tomorrow, the next best time is today.
I'll message them tomorow
today is far too late...
>walked around a couple stores and ate, that was it really. i wanted to shop for a few items and so we made casual conversation while checking things out like books, jackets. etc. no other activities, though maybe next time? i'm looking forward to that possibility already.
did you buy anything nice?
>i'm looking forward to that possibility already.
i'm sure ur frens are looking forward to it as well
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luckily for you, my time's up
at least the Hu Tao poster is likely going to stop avatarfagging from now on, so that's a win for me!
i'm just a very vengeful baka
well that's something
no i'm not bipolar
>ramen is nice
so does sausage!
you are not vengeful I don't even know how you should be described, you are sad

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