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waking up early and taking it easy
get assraped in war, lithuanian nigger
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y are u so angry? just take it ez...
There's trannies in Lithuania?
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im not a tranny doe
You seem like one
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but im not! y do u think so?
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cooking le taters
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kuso thread.
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are u takin it easy anone?
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I've got 40 days of taking it easy before my parents cut me the internet access.
Sent one job application for a job proposition that my sister sent to me via mail. All of that while taking it easy...
sleepy sleepy sleepy...

how are you preparing your potatoes? mashed or baked or? don't forget to message your frens today

do you have 40 days to find work? isn't that silly in how most jobs are advertised on the internet these days?
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wut kind of job did u apply for?
>how are you preparing your potatoes?
i usually just fry em
>don't forget to message your frens today
i'll try to...
>sleepy sleepy sleepy...
me too, this baka is always sleepy...
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>do you have 40 days to find work?
yes, I spent the last 4-5 years doing nothing
>isn't that silly in how most jobs are advertised on the internet these days?
I'd say that's a good use of internet for once.
>wut kind of job did u apply for?
Setting up computers at schools around the city before the start of the school year. It's temporary. Only one month and I'll return to NEETdom.
If they take me...
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sounds like a comfy job
>one month and I'll return to NEETdom
i wish i could do the same...
>i usually just fry em
do you peel and dice them first? or fry the whole potato?
>i'll try to...
hop to it!
>me too, this baka is always sleepy...
me too, either i sleep too much or too little, but there's always sleep on the agenda...
>I'd say that's a good use of internet for once.
it's one way to use the internet, but not my preferred usage... setting up computers for a school sounds like some pretty routine and comfortable work, though. best of luck, it gives you a foot in the door and some experience. would it be one of your first jobs?
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>would it be one of your first jobs?
Indeed, it'll be my first job.
I'm a bit nervous because I can't really go to the public toilets since I have mental blockage that prevents me from getting it out...
Holding it inside my bladder for 10 hours a day and taking it easy...
At least it's only one month. I'd prefer a part time job though.
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this baka had to take a nap...
>do you peel and dice them first? or fry the whole potato?
i always peel them first, and i like my taters nice and thin. wut about u?
>me too, either i sleep too much or too little, but there's always sleep on the agenda...
sleeping is great, but being sleepy all the time isnt...
i struggle with public bathrooms too. they make me really anxious and they're gross!
holding it for that long in doesn't sound like taking it easy doe
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we have an imposter amogus
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

you may need to drink less water maybe? are you seeing anyone to get help with that mental blocker?

>i always peel them first, and i like my taters nice and thin. wut about u?
i peel mine first as well, but i like very big pieces cut. i usually cube half, and then lazily dice the other half for variance in shape and texture. i use mine mostly in stews more so than eating them fried or baked or mashed. though, i do really like mashed potatoes...

>sleeping is great, but being sleepy all the time isnt...
true, if only there was a way to feel not as sleepy that didn't require caffeine..
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who might it be??
>imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
l-listen here, i just wanted to play a prank but it ended up being lame
>i usually cube half, and then lazily dice the other half for variance in shape and texture
that's a nice idea actually. when my mom cooks potatoes they always look kinda boring
>true, if only there was a way to feel not as sleepy that didn't require caffeine..
it might be a vitamin issue. i don't really get sleepy during the day despite getting like 6-7 hours
I love waking up, making a coffee and playing Star Trek Online.
After almost two decades of NEETing and being exposed as an aspie in the one year I wage-cucked in the mid-10s, I am quite content remaining NEET until the sweet release of death in my fifties. Hopefully less than 15 years to go now.
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>it might be a vitamin issue.
I just woke up from a nap because I got really sleepy a couple of hours ago. Sometimes I wonder if it's carbon monoxide/dioxide poisoning but it's probably just the heat.
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got eggs boiling in da kitchen
hate monday but will try best to take it ez!
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What is start trek online like?
I like star trek myself but i never got 2 play that
where would u get carbon monoxide in ur room?
wut have u got planned 4 2day?
i lob egges 2
ur very sus koisher
i may have 2 call an emergency meeting
i am still procrastinating on messaging my frens
wut should i say 2 them?
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xanax are white
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holy sword shadow blade my gf looks like anime maybe i can sip his cup but thats a doom sprite away from being a anti natalist moralist
>What is start trek online like?
>I like star trek myself but i never got 2 play that
It's pretty good. Especially when compared to the dogshit prequel/reboot canon after 2001. I just wanted ST to go forwards in time and not backward. Then PIC happened and shat all over STO's canon. The game starts 30 years after NEM (2379 > 2409) and in the 14 IRL years that the game has been running, they've only progressed the game year to 2411.
I've been playing almost daily since 2020. Lots of space and ground battle shit. The graphics have been upgraded over time, but that means there's no consistency. Old missions were taken out of the game, or merged into re-done missions. So the game has even retconned itself.
Players joke about all the 'war crimes' and killing they have done, despite ST's message of peace. Some complain it's pay to win, but one can grind their way to getting the better ships and get awarded good ships for completing daily events. I haven't paid a real penny.
Here's an old walkthrough from 2015:
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You didn't like the enterprise series? I thought it was pretty interesting...
I woke up and took it easy by going to class for 2 hours. Now I'm going to take it easy and go do an hour or so of pull ups. Then make some over easy eggs. After that I'll study easily for a while.
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>holding it for that long in doesn't sound like taking it easy doe
That's true, I lied. nipa~
>you may need to drink less water maybe?
>are you seeing anyone to get help with that mental blocker?
I've done all of that. I don't want to fight it anymore. Just want to avoid these situations... even though... it's wrong.
reporting in, and i'm not taking it easy
but this time, i will keep it to myself
>who might it be??
it remains a mystery!

>l-listen here, i just wanted to play a prank but it ended up being lame
good natured pranks are cute and endearing anywho.

>that's a nice idea actually. when my mom cooks potatoes they always look kinda boring
that was kind of the idea i had behind it, i tend to cook large portions of foods like curries/stews/fried rice/etc, so i try to make variants in the proteins and vegetables to keep things fresh when eating them over a week straight. not just for the visual aspect, but also when chewing and eating it too. i can be a bit particular about food textures and shapes sometimes, i think.

>it might be a vitamin issue. i don't really get sleepy during the day despite getting like 6-7 hours
i wonder what vitamins i might be missing? i try to get a decent amount of nutrition in my foods where i can.. maybe i should take multivitamin supplements again.

are there any foods you're partial towards eating lots of?

oh to be completely lost in the world of mmos again, if only if only...

eggs are always a tasty snack. i kind of want tamago sando now.. egg salads are great in hot weather.

open with asking if they're doing good of late, just general small talk, then ask if they've got much planned this weekend or next weekend and see if they'd like to do something. if not, tentative for a later date.


10 hours is also a pretty long period of time. is that why you're looking rather for part time work where you're only doing about 4 hours a day?

sorry to hear, may the easy times come by again soon futabanon
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>where would u get carbon monoxide in ur room?
Possibly from the stove downstairs. Although my sleepiness could be from the cold I have because my nose is still a little blocked. Or just a lack of sleep the last few days.
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oh man i'm so fucking lame. i was supposed to make le EVIL prank, what is this shit
for a moment i was worried you wouldn't geddit but maybe you're less dumb than i thought
and stop calling me koisher. i don't wanna be associated with her anymore
i won't let you soften me up. i'm not here to chat.
my prank wasn't supposed to be "cute", it just had a very lame outcome

i feel so retarded
i thought it was cute. do you eat potatoes that often, like as a side dish or more so in stews like me?
Dude just admit you were being manic the other day and you are just trying to save your face trying to act edgy, the other anon told you too that no one cares if you keep going like this and at worse they just hide your posts, or just try to behave since they didn't say they want to exclude you. The mentality of a middleschooler.
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waking up early, drinking half a liter of water and going for a two and a half hour hike fueled on fruit and slightly salty water
i just wish i could manage to fall asleep early too
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>open with asking if they're doing good of late, just general small talk, then ask if they've got much planned this weekend or next weekend and see if they'd like to do something. if not, tentative for a later date.
I messaged one fren, gonna message another tomorrow!
r u still sick? U should take it easy...
y not i thought u liked koishi
we're all insomiac bakas here it seems
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>wut have u got planned 4 2day?
i went to class! not much else to do today, so now it's time to take it easy and play vidya
>over easy eggs
over ez eggs for taking it ez
Today was a good day at work. I'm going to take it easy now and watch spooky videos
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shut up
i'm not saving shit
koishi needs bulling
Why are you trying so hard to play the part of the bad guy?
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it's fun and therapeutic
I doubt it is not really.
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suwako's blowjobs must be wild
i want to become a shameless sociopath
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a quote from opie
>i-i try not to be lewd b-because...i-i don't want to disrespect le touhou ladies!
what a wimp. no wonder you're a bottom, and probably a closeted faggot
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i was unemployed for 3 months and will now be wagecucking from 8 to 5 monday to friday and 8 to 12 on saturday
i am not taking it easy
I hope you realize the only person you are hurting is yourself and no you are not entirely convinced yourself about the self destructive path you said you wanted to take. But keep being delusional I guess.
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le innocent version
i've always had sociopathic tendencies. it doesn't really hurt me
>Claims to be sociopath
>One of the worst personality disorders
>Believes that OP is at fault
If you have sociopathic tendencies then you can hardly be justified for treating OP like this considering the last threads I lurked he was very into making things better. Sure he has his issues but it's not like you are blameless. How many loopholes are you going to think about now?
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i'm fucking off after this
you don't geddit because you don't know the full story
my hostility is always justified, and it takes me a lot of pent-up anger to get to this level
I'll take into account each side the way I see it and I see two people who could definitely be better, one is an angry elementary-schooler the other doesn't even conceptually know how to communicate.
This response might be warranted if OP ran over his dog repeatedly but as far as I can tell OP just didn't talk to him as much as he'd like.
If there's such a thing as a forced meltdown it's this.
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wut sort of class was it?
do u watch mr ballen by any chance?
no one deserves bullying
yeah i suck at communication
it doesn't take the full story to know who's probably in the wrong considering ur behavior
your 'vengeance' is just weird n childish and frankly pathetic to witness desu keep embarrassing urself
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wut r u doing?
I'm gonna need 2 start wage cucking 2 soon...

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