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Tits getting bigger
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Good thread
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Multiple child aborts sends the hormones crazy. Big tits ensue!
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i love those pierced tits. post more in detail plz
2010-2013 September and 2014-2016 Leanne are peak

from good look girl to looking like worn out old silicon whore
Those are very obviously natural, fake tits don't sag like that
False, the implants (siliconE, not silicon) _can_ sag. Although depends heavily on circumstances. Fake boobs are as diverse as natural ones.
and i suppose you'll need to see more to prove otherwise? well too bad. that's your lot. you should've just asked without being a weird prick.
This bitch is completely nuts. Thinks she's disabled in a wheel chair but you never see her in one and doesn't look like anything is physically wrong with her. Sleeps in a cage for dogs because she thinks she is one and is into all that cringe pup play shit hence these pictures.

But those tits!
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How the fuck can you make tits grow, without surgery?
What kind of diet or exercises? Is there an hormonal suplementation?
I've seen a few woman do that without getting fat, and without surgery.
One of them told me that she just exercised, started eating a lot of protein (chicken, mainly), and tried to control carbs.
I want my girl to grow tiddies without needing to put her under the knife.

Wrong place to ask, sure. But dunno, maybe there's someone who knows.
It's mostly up to genetics, some girls just put more fat in their tits compared to the rest of the body, or just keep growing continuously (Busty Ema is still fucking growing to this day), but there are some things that might help, that I know of:

Daily massages, better with fenugreek oil, to help circulation, I've seen east japanese and chinese models doing it, some that work under agencies even have masseuses that do it for them, and it seems like it helps, some grow a lot with enough time.

Fenugreek infuses.

Eating lots of carbs, proteins and fats from legumes like peanuts and onions, especially during their periods.

Avoiding coffee and cigarettes.

Pecs exercises can help to perk them up a bit.

having a healthy lifestyle in general.

Hope it can help!
About fenugreek I already knew a few about it, since it helps woman lactate more. But this here:

>Eating lots of carbs, proteins and fats from legumes like peanuts and onions, especially during their periods

It having a difference during periods, that's something I didn't know. I'll tell her about it. Thanks.

A word of caution: I've seen that some places, in english, talk about giving fenugreek to pregnant woman. You shouldn't, there are a few studies that point out that it could either cause congenital anomalies or cause her to give birth prematurely. It should be given to them before or after giving birth.
btw, obviously it's not onions, it's s.0.y, but it's censored in here. Pasta and bread are good too, but they only give carbs. Fenugreek seeds and sprouts can also be eaten, not only as an infused.
I almost got her to eat onions, kek.
A lot of times, it's from pregnancies. Breasts naturally grow during pregnancies and sometimes they just stay big or keep growing. Also, drugs like birth control or SSRIs can make them grow. Also, sometimes it can happen when girls get really fat and then lose a lot of weight. The fat just stays in their tits.
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I actually bothered to watch her long rant on what's wrong with her, she claims to have some sort of chronic fatigue, and has difficulties swallowing food so she's slowly wasting away, which seems really sus since her body seems to be holding onto her tit size for dear life
8/10 but hotter before
8.5/10 defo hotter after
7/10 tits shaped kinda weird
6/10 face got fatter 2bh
5/10 fridge body, skirt is hiding her gut
3/10 obese and weird face
3/10 fat
9/10 very nice
8/10 not bad
7/10 very nice tits but face is weird
6/10 manface
7/10 before looks like implants? weird
7/10 sad she never grew an ass but the tits almost make up for it
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Crazy nobody has posted Anri Otika yet
dakota went even bigger and is now full godmode
She just keeps getting bigger, it's amazing, and the hottest thing is that she likes it and wants to keep growing
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that's not her, those are either AI generated or photoshop with her face on top, her tits have never been that small since she started OF and they don't look like that
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Whos this?
>those are AI generated

Well no fucking shit retard…
Then why did you post them? Not even relevant to the thread

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