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If you ditch monogamy and heterosexuality you can just fuck all your friends and it's no big deal. Why would you want friends who have fences around them? That's a life without spice!
i just wanna be loved
Everyone gets a spot on my conveyor belt of love! ^_^
your friends have to be ok with this
I don't like sex
I'm not claiming to be asexual. I have a sex drive and I watch porn and masturbate
but sex just isn't worth it
it's stressful and anxiety inducing. You feel judged and vulnerable yet expected to act like some kind of macho stud
I wouldn't want to have sex with my friends, even if I had any

One man's truth is another man's lie
Find new friends! Perform lewd spectacles in front of your normie friends! The propaganda is the deed <3
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Alla my friends are women so going homosexuial would not change anything infact it would be worse
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All'ah your friends are women?? Anon, your mom and your aunt don't count! It sounds like u need MALE companionship ᗜwᗜ
my melody butte
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Your fortune: Excellent Luck
i do want this !!
I have no frens :(
0_0 hawt
god i wish that was me
(the toilet, i wish i was the toilet)
you love being friends with me ^^

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
yah borderline personality disorder chicks dig hello kitty but the question is how do you manipulate a broad diagnosed with bpd into being into you forever and not leaving you ever

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
>You feel judged and vulnerable yet expected to act like some kind of macho stud
Sounds like a problem only heterosexuals would have. Stop it.

>Alla my friends are women so going homosexuial would not change anything
It would if you're a homosexual girl, which you can be.
yah borderline personality disorder chicks dig hello kitty but the question is how do you manipulate a broad diagnosed with bpd into being into you forever and not leaving you ever
do let me know

Your fortune: Average Luck
if you are not worried about contracting VIH and herpes, then go ahead.
Oh yeah lol XD
neither me nor my friends want to frot or get f'd in the a.
two same numbers!
Kuromi sex
yeah so let me know what the solution of the problem I expressed in this post is
I agree yeah but make it missionary
She's already in missionary it's just perspective
lol :D
i like to keep my sexuality private. i feel uncomfortable having sexual feelings around my associates.
everything seems tempting when you don't know who to be
ready to getting raped
you're free to discuss it here too
don't call me Shirley
I'm already inside her so she's not ready anymore
sex is a display of trust and respect between two loving mutuals. friends are at a much more casual level. the things i do with my girlfriend are intimate and deeply intrapersonal. the things i do with my friends are great, but shallow and ultimately a distraction from the fact that we just don't want to be lonely
no they're not shallow
inside.. is that a WAIT AND BLEED REFERENCE?
ive felt the hate rise up in me
is she enjoying the cock
talk to me on the borderline personality disorder chicks in the uh..
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imagine them both farting at the same time lole

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
don't leave us down and out again
talk to me about the borderline personality disorder girls and how to get them
has anyone ever managed to reliably stay in a relationship with a borderline personality disorder woman
we're moving up in the industry
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Yes, she enjoys my cock
The art looks great! Can you link me a place to read it anon <3_<3
Just search kuromi on pixiv or in a booru, there's all the kuromi porn there, not enough for sure
This looks like a whole manga though?
manga this >:)
ᗜwᗜ cute digits
the numbers..
did you know that borderline personality disorder girls are really hot and horny and Randy and lustful and risqué
Account -> Settings -> Change default image width to anything but sample
new standards just dropped I only fuck my friends (girls only) [this is why I dont have friends]
Get some boyfriends
Do i need to post my e621 again??
that's the appeal of bod
i just downloaded a pic from the r34... account. the absolute state of s4s
she won't leave you, if you try leaving her she will scream, but she will cheat on you and make your life awful
every day she will make sure you regret her
that's what I've read in numerous articles and that's what people have been telling me, but so far it's been ten days since this chick has been ghosting and ignoring me and it doesn't look like she's coming back. what about you? was that your personal experience with them?
you can get another one by being disgusting on social media

then when the first one sees you might have two

if you try leaving her she will scream, but she will cheat on you and make your life awful

every day she will make sure you regret her
lole :DD I'm still curious to learn about your experience with them
we do..
i wish i had friends i could fuck... all my meatspace friends are straggots...
i do have a gay internet friend
and ive been dming him gifs of anine hugs/cuddling (and kisses in the past)
and he tells me he loves me
and i do the same
if i come clean he's gonna be so disappointed..
My gf really really like kuromi, I was alright because I knew there would be a possibility of her cosplaying as kuromi, but your post make me nervous
I should be cautious about her?
Post pics dressing as kuromi and I will rank you
tbh I don't make cummies because if I stop before and make it go up my spine into my brain instead I get cool dreams :))))
does she like having sex
If you're friends don't let your fuck them, are they even your friends?
Well she didn't like at first but she likes it now
that made me smile lol..... thanx fof making me smile~
eyes are weeping
Lucky guy
Why would he be disappointed though?
Imagine friendsex
b but all my firneds r boyse :0
I wish that was a skibidi toilet
idk but I wish flandre scarlet would take a fat shit on my forehead

Your fortune: Average Luck
dubs checked

Your fortune: Good Luck
gonna fuck all my homies in the ass

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
I don't get it
What do that mean?
I made my gf a slut??
I'm still with you mate. I'm here
Ah fuck it
I'm playing Minecraft with my gf and I will make her cosplay kuromi
I wish I was one of yo homies <3_<3
yeah cause I would fuck you in the ass

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
holy fuck that pussy I want to cum all over it

Your fortune: Outlook good
inside, not over
Kuromi butte pero pero
Oooo that one's not bad anon ^_^
you sure love being friends with me ^^

Your fortune: Average Luck
Yes <3
Marshmallow butt I'm fucking the marshmallow butt
it's tight
tight lil asshole

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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I want to fuck her pussy and asshole so bad

Your fortune: Outlook good
okay please stop swearing
I do want to fuck my best friend but as my wife and I'm willing to kill everyone else on earth to do it
Th'ats so cute^_ ^
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how to have sex with cute girls cute sluttu girls whorish girls randy chicks that love cocks and like are art whores or generally sluts explain how

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
i dont feel comfortable exposing my private parts to people and i dont trust my dragonballs
whats the point? i dont understand this mentality at all. i dont need to share my dick
please don't swear D:
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Still trying 2 figure this 1 out for myself. ;l
are you madly enamored with me :>
Post bugs bunny porn <3_<3
DUDE -_- have you heard of acting decent? make it sanrio

Your fortune: Outlook good
so do u have twitter
Sanrio is my favs however sometimes I lust for the silly wabbit >_<
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u feel it too? x~x
404k0n if ya wanna be buddies ^~^v
Do u have any porn accts i can message u on
sorry I only have 1 acct for everything
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i like ur art OP4 but i did not expect it to be nsfw ;0 well im scared of following u cus im scared that u will look at the latest person who followed u and that's scary and stuff so i will keep u in my bookmarks
have a good day and keep jogging!
don’t blame u and ye gotta lose this gut bc im fat n ugly so hopefully ppl will actually like me if I’m just ugly n tn]hx 4 ur support
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nice dubs but u should lose weight for your own self not for better judgment from people, looks are subjective and are mostly driven by shitty beauty standards, that doesnt inherently mean that ur unattractive, dont let the standards ruin ur own self image friend
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I look like this fucking guy but I want 2b a bad bitch fucking bad bitches
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posting this so it makes me run faster -~- Buhahahaha
wrong – beauty standards are objective and defined by human nature and biology. fatsos are gross
I take it back I’m not fat I’m just not built like a twink anymoar and nigga hell nah ugly is smth I’ll never be I’m just bipolar
Remove all the sugary food from the house. My friend moved in with me and his diet made me gain 50lb :( i realized I don't have any special metabolism or willpower, it was only the fact that I didn't keep fruity pebbles in my cupboard that was keeping me thin.
yah it's odd but the moment you consume food that has sugar in it the chances of you gaining weight skyrocket
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>Why would you want friends who have fences around them?

fences? HA amateur! I dig trenches
everybody is considered to be an enemy
the outside is the frontline
my defences are deep and indepth nobody shall intrude

*continues digging*
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I stopped doing drugs and got out of a toxic relationship and gained weight but whatever shits normal 4 dudes like me but it is true, abs are made in the kitchen however the goal is just a flat stomach 4 now lole. Tryna sweat it all out tbh I don’t eat too much junk anyways
try self harming and poosting about it on facebok
people like me shouldnt be allowed to have relationships

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
its no use fucking your friends that way because orgies are inefficientand you would be wasting time fucking so much time
U just fuck different friends on different weekdays...
yeah lol
is there any reason you picked that RETARDED WEBSITE AT ALL
please respond
might be this seasons monsoon
the monsoon smells so swell and mesmerizing
good night
I can afford to have you with me now
ok thanks let me know
what's that now

Your fortune: Godly Luck
come and play crude humor don't hurt me like this i'm lonely too :(
teh digits.. you should know by now I never bail on anyone. I'm not going to let you down. here is a little something I'm posting for the first time ever on this board. no one has ever seen me post the following: and I'll be right behind yer keep on going -- in whichever way the wind is blowing
and I will be there till the world stops turning
baby I will keep this fire burning

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
thanks buty would you care to explain one time why this email of yours, the signature is a girls name?
are you a L*sbian?
mostly cuz I'm a chick
all fucking week do you know
you have been a guy do you know
looking for a bi polar girlfriend
do you know this?
how to abuse female menstrual cycle to be able to tell when they are the horniest
right before the blood comes out which is also the best or worst time to cum inside her vagina (i forgot which)
but actually its just whenever
or masturbate while looking them in the eyes
i'm telling you you'll never get her more turned on than when you are masturbating from across the room and clearly looking at her while you are masturbating
funny story do you want to know how i met my wife >>11510274
oh yah that's funny - the bit about not remembering which ones it was -- your right they don't get pregnant if you cum inside before they start pmsing.....
you told her you could cosplay as gary coleman :D
what more is there to do but cry
you're gonna love what's burning right in front of you
it is a cigarette and i am smoking it
this thread is going to guide us through the steps necessary to have sex with bpd girls
Are you a bpd girl....... <3_<3
I hope you’re enjoying your numerous STDs and depressed mental state
wow thanks
yes and i'm waiting for you to read my messages :(
cry on me little girl (i'm sensitive i will protect youu)
This thread is shit, post more kuromi ass
The only good thing in this shit thread
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let me see – I'm unreliable, neurotic, histrionic and impulsive and constantly horny which means.. REMEMBER THE CODE OF THE WARRIOR
hey man it's almost saturday merry Saturday to ya

Your fortune: Outlook good
Come back to me........
I hope you're being self deprecating ironic because I don't mind at all any of what you just said! I love it! ^w^
I'm straight but if my friend asked me to fuck him in the ass I would

Your fortune: Average Luck
wtf what the fuck are you indian or something lol.

i think that heyuri.net would serve you much nicer than [s4s]. you would love it there.
I would fuck kuromi in the ass until she likes it
There is more than one of us ^_^
two same number (i reported you for ban evasion)
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It's called TDM and it's the hottest new sex fad ^_^
Shut the fuck up faggot I'm jerking off to kuromi butt
okay first of all we are all going to stop swearing
hey :) i hope everything is going well for you!where are you from? :)
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thank you for your empathetic and sweet wishes. I'm not doing that well, but it's okay, I'm grateful to you. i reside in chelmsford, but originally I'm from brentwood

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
essex? they all sound funny there and they look funny and they alsoset each other on fire do you feel bad because you're not safe from the cosmetic surgery fire demons?
does that make you dutch?
do you trust the dutch?
i love SBaHJ lol i wish he never stopped making those and he finished making homestuck which was nowhere near as good
should i join axis for ww3 or go rogue?
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lol. you're funny :P it is as they say – we've found an immolation cult (which is good) and they keep setting people on fire (which is bad) all for the glory of lilith (which is kind of a grey area)
potentially yah, but for different reasons. the dutch themselves don't trust the dutch
I couldn't agree more.. honestly I'm confused as to what options even remain on this absence of sweet bro and hella jeff that we're enduring D: perhaps an artist more talented than myself could take matters into his own hands

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
>and they keep setting people on fire (which is bad) all for the glory of lilith (which is kind of a grey area)
i hated britain so much.
thats sort of real; religious extremism, burning people alive.
also terribly scary.
what are some examples of religious extremism you've witnessed

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
what are they
you lose the concept of someone being ugly
okay so let mi knou
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Never expected this thread to last two weeks. Has anyone here started their own polycule yet?
kind of ? i only have one partner, but my other friends openly jerk off to my pictures and talk about having s'xe with me. i wish we didn't all live at separate ends of the continent so that could be a reality
That sounds fun. Have u thought about booking a flight while air travel is still cheap?
i don't have an income and my partner is currently homeless !! we don't have that kind of money to blow
fuck you niggger
don't bless catastrophe
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in whichever way the wind is blowing
I was just telling you that it might not be a coincidence , ya seethe

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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idek how 2 make friends aside from having smth others want lole
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okay I agree with you but please share some info on how to deal with them
I'm imploring just tell me nore
no i found a cool plushie in the dunmster and now its m girlfriend so nobod yask me anymore im taken
when the cathlics stalk ou and it makes ou kill ourself (theh have technolog
theres been a lot in current eventsc that muslims are lnning hostile takeover of cities , doing rotests over nothing and destroing the lace. they, with bl*cks have made it fashionable to riot in a store and thief as much as you can (its in their book actually
isis have peolpe behaving like javhovas witnesses in the streets
its all about to happen
i dont like 4chanx bowser add on and its yrobabblp a virus
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Oyyyyycw pypaple

Mt frinds and petz and Iwere mitating' mmy gay sexvideos andg thay went to far withy it ^w^
but Christianity is awesome
so you enjoy hanging out with me on this board?
Um do we knowe each other XD
if you don't do what daddy tells you to do, he gets mad.
im a good kitten
recommend manga and visual novels
everybody's screaming were only dreaming wohh wooh
loving the increased timeout man just loving it

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