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What happened to them? Did they publish their proof?
>Uses the law of Sines
>Which does not use trigonometry
I think I just had a stroke
stfu raysis crackaa
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The mystery was "CAN two Black teens do Math?"
Still unproven
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>american mathematician Elisha Loomis argued
He was a teacher who did nothing academically noteworthy except compile a book of proofs of the pythagorean theorem. His claim that trigonometric proofs are impossible is based on the belief that the identity sin^2 x + cos^2 x = 1 is impossible to prove without the pythagorean theorem (wrong) and that all trigonometry relies on that identity (also wrong). One paragraph after he makes this claim he cites an existing (in 1914) trigonometric proof.


Law of sines is basically just the area formula for a triangle. IIRC when looking at their proof using the law of sines instead of area actually made it more complicated than it needed to be.
>Did they publish their proof?
Yeah, it's in the toilet along with Atiyah's proof of the RH and Inter-universal teichmuller theory.
Yes, its a new field of math called niggonometry
Typical clickbait title.
If it's a question, you can just answer it with no.
If it's a statement then it's in some vague sense true, while being distorted (exaggerated, applied to wrong context, etc.).
Nothing new about that cuz when a bish suk yo di fo 5 dolla per square inch and gets 40 dolla including a 5 dolla tip, how big was tha di she just suk is nigganometry.
Daily reminder that side niggers are not imaginary.
Lmao the comments there are fire
how many 2000 year old math mysteries have you solved?
All of them?
this is your brain on /pol/ don't undermine the black folx
I have a saved screenshot from that year?!...womp womp fellas....womp womp.
why would they bother publishing since whiteys are too dumb to understand their proof and negroes can't read?
So after a few decades, they can claim the theorem was actually discovered by black women despite facing systemic racism and oppression
they were killed in a drive-by
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>American mathematician Elisha Loomis argued that no mathematician has been able to establish its truth without using circular logic
How is picrel circular logic?
From what I've heard, what they did was fine, a cute proof of Pythagoras' theorem. The sensationalistic reporting around it is what's bullshit. Nope, it's not a "new kind of proof" that has eluded mathematicians for years. Blame the journos, not the kiddos.
That's more of a geometric demonstration rather than an algebraic proof
Exactly, journalists have zero regard for the truth and believe activism matters most, if they see a Black person doing anything positive they feel a need to make it into something much bigger than what it is.
>journalists have zero regard for the truth and believe activism matters most
same is true of scyentists
>How is picrel circular logic?
you can rotate it
>same is true of scyentists
scyentists, when they're caught lying, commonly try to blame their lies on journalists.
They should just be honest, then they wouldn't have to devote so much of their time and energy on being ashamed of themselves and avoiding responsibility for their own actions
How much urine was involved in this science caper?
wdym urine?
They're publishing their actual paper same day the Koreans publish their superconductor paper, it's gonna be a big deal
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>Did they publish their proof?

Stop being racist...
having to 'prove' something is Whiteness
What does your 'heart" tell you... don't they LOOK smart, therefore it must be true
it went hush-hush when people realised that not only has it been proven before, but it's even been proven through trigonometric methods
trigonometric methods are using circular reasoning thus invalid
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Explain what the circular reasoning is in the linked proof.
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all trigonometric methods are fundamentally based on circular reasoning
A picture is not a proof.
>if they see a Black person doing anything negative they feel a need to make it into something much bigger than what it is
so, 4chan?
>i hate 4chan
why are you here?
we wuz
Oh wow! Maybe you should go back then, election tourist.
I come to 4chan to anonymously brag about how much better I am than everyone else because of my crippling psychological insecurity and lack of self confidence to do that bragging in any way that isn't completely anonymous
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Nta but the circular reasoning of all other older proofs is explained in that and other similar articles and stackoverflow too.
lol yeah
They were killed in a drive-by before they were able to publish it.
das raysis
so it seems
so it seems
Jelly cope
It really is. Prom should be abolished for the benefit of BIPOC and incels
what the fuck kind of cope is this
Thats not anything algebraic proof.
Observation of the objective truths of reality takes precedence over retarded math wankery
Scientifically speaking, not every woman can be beautiful so naturally there will be some unattractive.
Super mario 64 if he real
>retarded math wankery
k brainlet
>lip plate africans
Dammn that's brutal
wtf, does the sum of square surfaces not prove it in a non-circular way?!?
Yes but it's not very algebraic.
no, the fat one ate it
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Doesn't matter, it's a proof and it's non-circular. Case closed.
>doesn't matter
whitey cope. Next time you want to do a binomial expansion, would you start drawing squares?
They look like they'll rob $6 off me before even buying them
What an unfortunate turn of events
>Did they publish their proof?
They did but its in ebonics so nobody can understand it except for negroes and they're all too illiterate to be able to read it.
Bix nood mufugga
as in piss
it's a proof, it's non- algebraic, and non-circular. Done.
you concede then
Since it's a generic a^2 and b^2, it's universalizable and thus serves as a proof. It doesn't need to be algebraic, since proofs predate algebra.
Load of cope
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What'd I miss
They presented their proof at Georgia Tech
It was an image of lip plate africans.
Is that Twum?
Those are the two black students who proved the Pythagoras theorem. Their proof is rather unique in that, unlike any other proof they don't use a circular reasoning.
no, those are the children of color who grew up seeing Twum.
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I feel lucky and proud to live in the glorious era of the Twum scientific revolution
Why are pics of lip plate africans banned?
No idea blud, could be some leftist ass janny getting triggered or sum idk
Why would a janny get trigger by pics of Africans who embrace their native traditional culture?
They're both fat and ugly, I bet neither of them got asked to go to prom
I bet noone asked you either, nerd
wrong, i went to prom. i'm actually a massive normalfag, i played football in high school too.
ok? have you solved Pythagoras then?
Did you go to prom or were you so repulsive and unlikable that you couldn't get a date?
Nah we don't have that shit here
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if you go through the list at cut-the-knot, it really does seem like their proof is different from all of them. The closest is #100, which has the same “waffle cone” look but #100 happens inside the triangle, and the students’ new proof happens outside the triangle. I think #100 is nicer, and I think (but don’t know) that they got the idea from looking at #100. But it does seem to be different from the things on the list.

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