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Bad news sneed oil bros, it turns out that sneed oils are extremely unhealthy and all the 'science' that blamed heart disease on animal fats was completely fake and was made up to fraudulently cast blame for the damage sneed oils do on animal fats
Contrary to what your favorite carnivore says neither ghee, lard or tallow is effective for wok-hei, chili sauce, tonkatsu or tempura. Carnivores lose weight because no one enjoys butter-boiled steak and Mikhaila looks better thanks to plastic surgery and millionaire simps.
God damn, why is this cesspool always right.
its caused by viral damage
Anybody that crops out the source is embarrassed by it
You can pry my olive oil out of my cold dead hands
olive oil is a fruit oil not a seed oil
Not the only extraction method of seed oils. Cold-pressing seed oils without chemicals is common too. Saladino likes to focus on le bad linoleic acid.
They work just as well and taste way better you retard. They are what were originally used for these things and if you've had the real thing you wouldn't be saying this. Cheap vegetable oil blends is used because it is cheap and liquid at room temp.

Cook some eggs in butter instead of what you usually use, then report back.
Fellow sneed oil sissies, we had a good run
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Food companies also pay a licensing fee to have the AHA's "Heart Healthy" logo on their packaging. But surely the fees in no way impact AHA's decision on which products to grant Heart Healthy status.
Of all the words in tongue or pen.. the saddest are these 4chan was right again.
Because people correctthink too much without pondering if they are truththinking
Seems to me it was reasonable to believe with the available evidence at the time.
avocado oil is dipshit
seed oils are saturated fats
Don't care. I'll continue to use peanut oil I mill myself.
>Cook some eggs in butter instead of what you usually use, then report back.
I know this was directed at him, and thus might not be meant to argue against my anecdotes, but I prefer olive oil to butter for eggs. Bacon fat preferred over both, of course.
Seriously, this site broke me a decade ago. 4chan is still wrong at a 5 to 1 ratio, but the times 4chan was correct are mind blowing in scope and implications.
Procter & Gamble is what chinese megaconglomerates wish they could be. they're the last of a line of unapologetically evil and manipulating plutarchs that used to rule the USA with an iron fist. Now all we have is just a bunch of poorly directed assets led by bored sheiks and nepobabies that make for a poor excuse of an economic empire. Amazon? Ali? Google? They're all amateurs. Ciquita alone used to destabilize the entire south american continent just to get a few millions of margin. All they do now is parading with rainbow flags pandering to troons.
If you can't trust Evie Magazine, then who can you trust?
Central american countries only got ultra violent due to the drug market. When left truly alone they become peaceful agriculturalists. Theres no reason to have gangs if theres no customers for drugs.
Idem for Africa, all the wars are tied up to export business

Chiquita is the successor to the United Fruit Company. It was formerly controlled by American businessman Carl Lindner Jr.

Although Lindner was a devout Baptist,[5] he was considered as one of the largest non-Jewish donors to the organized Jewish community in the United States. In 1978, he was named the Man of the Year by the United Jewish Appeal, and was later named a recipient of the Tree of Life Award for the Jewish National Fund, and was recognized as the largest non-Jewish purchaser of Israel Bonds. Lindner, who said an early loan from Isaac Wolfson inspired him to never forget his gratitude to the Jewish people, donated to such causes in multiple occasions, including $1 million in a 1991 fundraiser and $5 million in 2004.[6]
Right, and it seems that way to you because that is how it was presented by credible, PEER REVIEWED studies and all of the credible, sane, reasonable, polite, confident, attractive newscasters were saying the same thing and all the educated, reasonable, well-mannered, friendly people around you also believed it.
But it was yet, somehow, unbelievably, completely WRONG, in fact, the OPPOSITE of true!
Be careful, your soul is in grave danger of falling into the anti-intellectual practice of distrusting and independently verifying things!
Both of you are wrong.
Guatemala was a genuine shitshow - that was back when it United Fruit, was the reason is rebranded to Chiquita. Many people should have been shot for some of the things they did in Guatemala under United Fruit. It was also nearly the sole focus of United Fruit at the time.
In general, the majority of banana republics had significant long-term benefits for the countries they were under, though.
It IS the brown peoples' fault they were more interested in dealing narcotics than having functioning governments. It IS their fault they are corrupt and defend criminals. It is NOT the US's fault or even the CIA's fault or even muh 1%'s fault that South America is a shithole. It IS United Fruit's fault that they assfucked Guatemala in a completely deranged and evil way.
>It IS their fault they are corrupt and defend criminals.
No it isnt. Yoi cant expect these small states to just exist in a parallel universe without being influenced in every way by the US.
All human beings have the capacity to be evil or corrupt, given the right social context. These evil MS13 cholos would be peaceful farmers like their great-grandparents were it not for the US buying so many drugs.
Its not a personal decision. Once gangs start, they recruit and grow. Kids get sweeped up in a lifestyle that should have never been an option to even reject.
No. It is their fault. Once the US no longer exists the rest of the world WILL have to learn to be decent human beings (after your 4 to 5 world wars without our EVIL influence restraining you)
Damn, when you put it that way I guess the whole world is the white mans burden?
Broken clock is right twice a day as they say. When enough autists shitpost random things, some of them will just be found to be true by pure chance.
I hope you cold press your olives at home instead of falling for fake oil cartel selling you sunflower, or sometimes rapeseed oil with additives
is the red meat and cancer connection BS too?
I'd bet the only thing wrong with red meat are the hormones/etc. we give to cattle.
olive oil is actually genuinely healthy
olive oil and butter are healthy
all the rest
except for possibly linseed oil because linseed are high in their natural oils
and coconut fat
all other oils are bad for you
linseed and coconut are less preferable than olive oil and butter
>no one enjoys butter-boiled steak
what planet do you live on retard? you will never find a steak recipe that doesnt have butter in it. Most of the time it calls for both butter and olive oil
there should be repercussions
Lard is fine, I believe.
Avocado oil is fine too and probably the best oil for cooking
From what I understand it is usually fake and spoils easily. If you find some that is real you should store it in the fridge.
>and all the 'science' that blamed heart disease on animal fats
kek. no way that was a thing
>war and human sacrifice
they became the same thing after the invention of gunpowder
lard is good, but it has a low smoke point. tallow doesn't burn as easily. i use lard in bakes good and reserve tallow for higher temperature cooking.
What are you going to do you retarded vaxxed mutant ?
Ahrimanic filth.
right? how the FUCK did they get away with this. wish more people had the balls for domestic terrorism. voting does nothing.
(contact us (fbi) if you want c4 for terrorism we will supply you free of charge)
No conscience, just con science.
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>con science.
AKA with science, which is to say that you can't have science without conscience. Thats why non-Christians are incapable of faithfully executing the scientific method, because non-Christians have nothing preventing them from being dishonest.
The scientific method was developed by Christians exclusively for the use of Christians, others are incapable of executing the method
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holy brain rot
Kike, nigger or cunt ?
>inb4 american negress and so all 3
eviemagazine is not a legitimate source, even if i do believe that lobbies of all kinds do this kind of shit all the time
the scientific method was developed by socrates you retarded faggot
Found the Trump racist MAGA.

Why do you hate big pharma? Stop being racist against big pharmas.
christians murdered people who used scientific method for thousands of years
lol, lmao
remember than earth is 6000 years old, flat and sun revolves around it in a circle like a kike
I really don't care about oils because I cook everything on my George Foreman grill or boil it. What really interests me is to know if coffee is good for you.
caffeine is objectively bad, only an addict would defend it
People have been drinking coffee for a long time. My guess is it's fine. Not getting enough sleep is really unhealthy, thoughever.
indians have been eating shit and drinking cow piss for even longer
>People have been drinking coffee for a long time. My guess is it's fine. Not getting enough sleep is really unhealthy, thoughever.
People have been not drinking coffee for an even longer time. Caffeine has only been a part of the western diet for the past 500 years
i think he means steak with just carnivore stuff
eg just butter and no vegetables or any spice
Steak is excellent with just a little salt on it, even without the salt its still fantastic
Can you believe that the scientists of the American Heart Association are so corrupt and greedy that they would tell harmful lies to the general public like that just in exchange for a few bucks?
How did total fabrications like that manage to pass peer review?
it's bad for you psychologically but you can still live to 100 on it
I bet many people would compromise their morals if offered enough money.
>Can you believe that the scientists of the American Heart Association are so corrupt and greedy that they would tell harmful lies to the general public like that just in exchange for a few bucks?
>How did total fabrications like that manage to pass peer review?
Peer review working as intended.

Sneed oil haters on suicide watch.
fake and gay
Saturated fats are the least healthy fats. It’s just a fact.
is there anything in the health "sciences" that isn't paid and bought?
What are the implications?
Does it apply to all boards? If no, which ones does it apply to?
No, but there are a few fields that are open and honest about what they're doing, such as elective cosmetic plastic surgery.
Why are scientists so easily bribed? Is it because they're poor, greedy or conscienceless?
This is old news. Deep Nutrition was published in 2017 and it was old news even then.

> learn to be decent human beings
The predatory UShithole with all that culture- and soulless inmates is the first place that has to learn somthing about human... You and all that scumbags are lightyears away from anything of that. (YOU) can only look in the mirror because you have neither soul nor moral. Otherwise you would immediately kill yourself for best reasons poss. . .
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No. Most seed oils are polyunsaturated.
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I'm surprised you could string together an entire sentence, despite how retarded you are.
Those obviously have confounding factors, like all other food-related epidemiology.
For instance, the same metholody that showed a diet high in red meat causes colon cancer also showed the same pattern with diets high in vegetables.
the operative word was "people"
this, india is as black as africa and is equally retarded
Please /sci/, enough with this kind of rhetoric.
Yes, of course behaviour is 100% genetic, and genociding subhuman filth is the only way to have a better world, but think of the morality of that.

Think hard on it, and dare type that slaughtering all non-human demons would be a good thing. I dare you.
Your reading comprehension needs work.
This headline only shows that there was pressure on researchers to claim saturated fats were causing heart disease.
That doesn't mean that seed oils are unhealthy.
It also doesn't mean that saturated fats DON'T cause heart disease.
By trying to twist the message to suit your agenda you're doing the exact same thing as Proctor and Gamble except you aren't even making money off of it.
>hey goy, eat the sneed oils even though they've been proved to be carcinogenic
>you never saw any of the evidence of sneed oils being unhealthy, you're imagining it
nice gaslighting shlomo
Why can't we just use sneed oils for fuel? Nobody wants to eat them
they'd probably give your diesel engine cancer
Search engine told me that the trans fats in yoghurt consist mostly of conjugated linoleic acid and that this substance can reduce the contents of atherosclerotic cysts.
I don't know what to believe anymore.
Just eat whole foods instead of industrially refined slop.
>were it not for the US buying so many drugs
The bigger problem is the US schizophrenic approach to drugs.
If we didn't have Prohibition or the War on Drugs, we would have had peaceful Italian Wineries and peaceful Colombian Coca farmers selling goods.
Didn't you read the news?! Raw milk has le heckin bird flu!!!!
You need to be drinking ultra pasteurized milk! Make raw milk illegal!
Cows aren't birds and neither am I. Checkmate, globalists.
its funny because its true
What is sneed oil
>government certified official goyslop®

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