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How does normies appreciating science, albiet incorrectly and incompletely at best, damage you in any way?
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Science is awesome. Only a brainlet would disagree.
What are some science things that the degenerates and edge lords here would find cool but Reddit would downdoot?
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I like science
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItBDepGyfK0
>study may explain
>some argued
Didn't the last few years already answer this? Turning pop scientists into an infallible priest class, knowers of absolute truth in all things, is something that affects policies and public discourse and have an effect on all of us. It is especially sinister, since the system is set up in such a way that even real scientists are by no means independent and are entirely dependent on others for their funding and livelihood, i.e., heretical priests are trivially easy to discredit and get rid of.
every inch of it even if it’s delirium
What the hell did I just read?
Merry civilization collapse and happy abortions to you sir
Heritability of IQ and it's distribution among different human populations.
high quality modern literature
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Where do they get their outsized senses of entitlement from?
maladaptive traits cluster together
How does science explain that the most healthy, fit and mentally well people are the ones who ignore science?
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soiyence ignores uncomfortable realities like that
Rutherford chads won in the end.
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they are not rigorous and dilute fields with nonsense that becomes orthodoxy if there is a critical mass of such people.
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what'd i miss?
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>since the system is set up in such a way that even real scientists are by no means independent and are entirely dependent on others for their funding and livelihood,
And when they aren't, they're dealt with by other means, such as the assassination of Kary Mullis shortly before the start of the covid hoax, which relied of fake PCR testing to be convincing
"Science" gave me the ultimatum to either die by poorly tested gene therapy or die by starvation
You chose to be a lab rat, am I right?
Live by the science, die by the science.
No, I chose to starve and spite the system
they're not damaging me in any way. yeah, until the fake sciences start to be implemented into social policies, start to be integrated into the health cares, the infrastructure systems, everything in life... etc
until they start to teach children nonsenses in K-12 and encourage themselves to chop their dick/tit off.
I wish I can just ignore the fake and fradulent sciences but that is not the case.
>until the fake sciences start to be implemented into social policies, start to be integrated into the health cares, the infrastructure systems, everything in life... etc
scientists don't have that kind of power anon. politicians do. get real
no, you're thinking this in the wrong way.
fraudulent sciences and politics are usually intertwined. the "scientists" that publish the most high profile, fradulent sciences are power money seeking, lying disgusting snakes and their fake sciences need to be called out. even if the fraud scientists don't have that much power their garbage can find its way into mainstream policies just because it fit a certain narratives considering how much of society is based on scientism nowadays.
fake and fraduluent science is a cancer that will infect everything in the system and need to be cleaned out before it is too late.
I'm afraid it's most likely have already been too late.
Alert the Corps it's a "Heckin" hecking?

GoodLuck Science involved andor Science Enthusiasts
Is this thread o p a big slip? Of their org arms?

What is it (>>16118729)?
>their garbage can find its way into mainstream policies just because it fit a certain narratives
You have it backwards, their soiyence is developed with the intention of using it to shill narratives and justify the policies that their bosses want to implement.
AKA motivated reasoning
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it goes deeper than iq into psychology too you know
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