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Why do scientists brazenly maintain this antiquated model of Earth's core?
Cause it looks like a jawbreaker and those are delicious.
its an approximation, like bohr's atom. It isnt wrong, just not precise
Hollow earth is such fascinating theory - a whole new world, ecosystem, maybe even civilization. Far superior to flat earth which is just thinly veiled religious screeching. Hollow earthers are much more trustworthy because they don't have ulterior motives and simply want to have fun.
Fixed overhead inner sun gets old real fast though.
What do you mean? I don't understand your image.
yeah i guess there is a massive ocean of liquid metal near the core
That's what the official Science(tm) says. The official narrative is that the inner core is solid but the outer core is liquid metal, mostly iron and nickel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_outer_core

So what's the contention?
The ocean they are talking about isn't the outer liquid core.
>This underground water supply rests some 400 miles (700 km) beneath our feet. Notably, this find could help explain the origin of our planet's water. Specifically, it may help us determine where Earth's seas came from.
>It is important to note that the water resides inside a blue rock called "ringwoodite." This rock exists in the mantle of our planet, which is the layer of hot rock between Earth's surface and its core. This means that the newly discovered "ocean" isn't a vast reservoir of churning blue water. Instead, the water is contained (trapped) in the molecular structure of minerals that is found within Earth's mantle rock.
Serious question: why doesn’t the water in the ocean work its way through cracks down to the inside of the earth?
Theres water inside the earth, below the ocean.
Basically water doesnt like to be there, because it turns into steam, and it tries to work its way up since gas flows up.
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>waltuh, wah uh..
water is supercritical at that point, it doesn't turn into steam
It still tries to find its way up, even by random convection it does, same as natural gas.
it most certainly does. Rocks have large faults and microscopic fractures, cavities and pores, and water seeps through them, everywhere, including deep into the crust, waaaaay the fuck down there, far below the ocean.
Not just that those rocks then dive into the mantle, when the oceanic crust is subducted below continental crust, and that water, in those rocks, gets dragged down with it. As a matter of fact, there are metamorphic rocks that can only form under those circumstances of tremendous pressure, heat, and water.
- a geologist :)
>The ocean
it's not an ocean like the surface ocean, it's just a huge amount of water locked in the rocks.
Though the diagram has no scale to verify the dimensions, structure-wise, that is how the core is layered, yes. (as best as we can tell with our instrumentation, obviously)
They know they can say whatever they want about the Earth core because they know for certain that they will never been disproved since the deepest boreholes don't even go down 15 miles.
If it was wrong you could analyze the seismic data yourself and do the math
they literally say it in the title, ocean NEAR earth's core. the title and underground "oceans" are brainrot
>you could analyze the seismic data
thats just a fallacy which has long since been disproved
Read Baxter's hard sci-fi books Ark and Flood. He used the early papers predicting the sub crustal ocean in Flood to get enough sea level rise for the plot. All the melted ice on Earth only gave him about 1/4 the sea level rise the plot needed so in his story earthquakes crack the crust and allow the sub crustal ocean to leak to the surface and give us 400+ feet of sea level rise.
>Theres water inside the earth, below the ocean.
Water dissolving and water removing
There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Under the water, carry the water
Remove the water from the bottom of the ocean
Water dissolving and water removing
>vibrations travelling through something is a fallacy and has been disproved
Mental retardation
you only believe in that junk because you have no experience with it
>i know its true because i saw it in a documentary on the soience channel on tv
>If it was wrong you could analyze the seismic data yourself and do the mat
All you have is a scientific model to explain the behavior of waves. It the observations of waves fit the theory of waves, then its scientifically true. However you will never have direct evidence of what the earth is really like, just indirect through its effect on waves.
Every time a new deep borehole is drilled, whats observed at the deepest depths is contrary to what the (((experts))) have claimed they would find. The soientists' predictions are never even close to being accurate. All of their "but muh seismic waves" claptrap is a bunch of lies, they have no idea whats going on down there, but they do know that nobody has any way of disproving their claims of knowing whats going on down there, so they publish them anyway. It will be centuries before anyone penetrates even 100 miles down, let a lone seeing whats going on in the core.
>agartha schizos are back on the menu
Science should be based on more delectable models. For example, I really love the physics idea of spaghettification.
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>welcome to Agartha, bitch
>It will be centuries before anyone penetrates even 100 miles down, let a lone seeing whats going on in the core.
And until then soience will be dishonestly claiming they know exactly whats going on down there, because thats how soientists earn their living, by lying.
By the way, the "ocean" isn't what you're imagining: it's just water locked microscopically within fractures and rock pores. However, the volume of rock we're talking about is so large, that the amount of water locked down there is enormous, on the sale of oceans.
In regards to the life down there: well, microbes can penetrate and live deep in the rocks within those said fractures and pores. Again, the volumes of rocks we're talking about are planetary-scale, so the total mass of all those lifeforms is huge.
How do we know this? We find life in rocks we drill from deep down there, and they're not contaminants from the surface since they are species of microbes which we simply cannot find alive on the surface, they can only survive under the conditions found down there.
>claiming they know exactly whats going on down there
wrong, these are theories, some even still hypotheses, all earth sciences know this, myself included, so get off your arrogant high horse, smart ass.
Those theories are based on ideas that have been disproved
Hmm, I wonder if I can blame this on the Jews somehow
Water also becomes Incorporated in the chemistry of the rock. Just look at what happens to the subduction of oceanic crust under neath the continental crust
Supercritical H2O doesn't behave like normal water
>sound is fake
Great hypothesis, can't wait for your paper and evidence
the people who claim they know whats in the center of the planet have no idea what they're talking about, that has already long since been proved. you only still believe them because you're an irrational soiyentism religious cultist
Why does earth need to be hollow for an underground civilization to exist? There are huge cave systems still being discovered to this day.
Caves are hollow
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You don't have to look inside a bottle to know it's filled with water when you know exactly how much it should weigh and what its properties are, most information is directly extrapolatable from other known behaviours of observed things.
the bottle could be filled with any substance of the same density and you'd never be able to tell the difference
Mind discussing your up-to-date and correct model them? I'm all ears.
And I can guarantee that other substance has a different chemical makeup and atomic lattice which would give it different properties
An ancient civilization at the center of the earth
Where mister Hitler waits for the Reich’s next birth
>How do we know this? We find life in rocks we drill
>from deep down there
We don't drill that far. We barely pierce the crust; these water-infused rocks are beyond the mantel near the core.
I thought he was on the south pole, on the moon.
>Hollow earth is such fascinating theory - a whole new world, ecosystem, maybe even civilization. Far superior to flat earth which is just thinly veiled religious screeching. Hollow earthers are much more trustworthy because they don't have ulterior motives and simply want to have fun.
This conspiratard meme is sponsored by King Kong vs Godzilla
The "rocks" down there don't have pores, they're liquid and the "water" is supercritical H2O
such as?
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Are you retarded? If it isn't water it's something else, which means it would react differently to any experiments you might subjugate it to, because different elements react differently to different things, who would've guessed.
you can't thing of a single way to tell the difference between water and some other substance of the same density because you're a pseud
I'm sorry you didn't go to school but that doesn't apply for all of us.
I read the subcore is an 8 mile diameter of "crystallized nickel silicide".
conductivity. Based on the element's electronegativity and valence electrons.
>crystallized nickel silicide is a class of intermetallic compounds that are formed by the reaction of nickel and silicon at high temperatures. They have unique properties, such as low electrical resistivity and high thermal stability, and are used in a variety of applications, including microelectronics, electrical contacts, wear-resistant coatings, and structural components.
Cool. Earths core is probably generating 10,000 gigawatts every second.
These are not theories they are hypothesis because there's no evidence for it
how do you plan on testing that through the walls of the bottle?
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You can make up whatever soience stories you want about the Earth's core since you know nobody will ever see it in your lifetime. Maybe its made out of dark matter.
Because scientists are all fundamentally dishonest people
Prove that it's not correct. I'll be waiting, OP.
imagine believing in jawbreaker earth theory
using seismometers to map the earth's core is akin to using divining rods to map groundwater, both are just dumb voodoo tier superstitions that only an idiot could be tricked by
yeah man why isnt it actually inside out and filled with cum ?
but also
>predict earthquakes or volcanic eruptions? no i can't do that, can't even get close

so that pretty much proves they have no idea what they're talking about and all of the knowledge they brag about are just empty guesses. if they really knew how the planet was constructed they would be able to predict earthquakes

Does "Earth" even have an "inside"? Probably not.
Saying you can predict an earthquake or volcanic eruption is like saying you could predict how many pieces of glass a vase shattered into if you took that vase, locked it in a shipping container and dropped it into the middle of the ocean.

you'd have to have extremely precise, large-scale observations of interactions between continental plates at an almost molecular level throughout tens or hundreds of square kilometres of rock pressed tightly up against other, barely distinguishable rock, all of which is happening hundreds of metres or even kilometres underground. it's a wonder that we get any warning at all.
Soientists are good at making grandiose, nondisprovable claims of superior knowledge, but they're incapable of using their supposedly superior intellect to do anything useful and that proves that their supposedly superior intellects are a lie and that their nondisprovable claims of superior knowledge are equally false
An ocean of lava yes
>It isn't wrong

Can you please show me the scientific proof of this claim? I was not aware we have gone down to the core so we could make this claim. I'm eager to see the evidence you surely have
Just like how a change in transparent material causes light to be bent, the same happens for sound waves. in this case, when an earthquake happens, very minor shocks can be detected all over the planet, since the shockwave can travel through the planet. but if there are layers in the earth with significantly different properties, youd expect the shockwave to be bent when in travels in, which is exactly what happens, meaning we can make an educated guess at what the density and composition are of whatever is down there if we do the math on how much the waves were refracted, as well as how thick the layer is.
>Every time a new deep borehole is drilled, whats observed at the deepest depths is contrary to what the (((experts))) have claimed they would find. The soientists' predictions are never even close to being accurate. All of their "but muh seismic waves" claptrap is a bunch of lies, they have no idea whats going on down there, but they do know that nobody has any way of disproving their claims of knowing whats going on down there, so they publish them anyway. It will be centuries before anyone penetrates even 100 miles down, let a lone seeing whats going on in the core.
Who cares what's in this gay ass core anyway, its not like we can get there.
I've been there thoughever.
Well golly, anon, consider me stumped. I thought decades of observations, evidence and rock solid peer reviewed papers was going to be difficult to disprove, but if some retard on 4chan going "nuh uh" is enough to overturn centuries of research, I just don't know what to believe anymore. maybe I'll pick up fascism and start saying jews are lying about science for no reason.

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