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Background: Symptoms of primary HIV infection, including fever, rash, and headache, are nonspecific and are often described as flu-like. COVID-19 vaccination side effects, such as fever, which occur in up to 10% of people following COVID-19 vaccination, can make the diagnosis of acute HIV infection even more challenging.

Case presentation: A 26-year-old man presented with fever and headache following COVID-19 vaccination. The symptoms were initially thought to be vaccine side effects. A diagnostic workup was conducted due to persisting fever and headache > 72 h following vaccination, and he was diagnosed with Fiebig stage II acute HIV infection, 3 weeks after having unprotected anal intercourse with another man.

Conclusion: Thorough anamnesis is key to estimating the individual risk of primary HIV infection, in patients presenting with flu-like symptoms. Early diagnosis and initiation of antiretroviral therapy is associated with better prognosis and limits transmission of the disease.
>has unprotected butt secks
>gets AIDS
>"that god damned vax!"
What exactly is this trying to say?
Don't complain about the vax side effects or we'll tell everyone you're a homosexual even if you aren't.
now just stop right there
This has still never been proven. as such this is a misleading discussion
AIDS is 80s covid. Complete with masks, social distancing, hysteria and nobody you know actually ever being affected.
AIDS would've been better if wiped out more people, very disappointing, hopefully they learned something from the failure of AIDS and the vax is more effective
it is, millions of midwits have already died of the vax, the population in my city is down 10% over the past 3 years
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Lol. LMAO. 'you dropped this'

Fag funny
The "vaccine" and AIDS both destroy the immune system, thus the similarity
it wasn't a vaccine, vaccines prevent disease
OK, how about "toxic snake oil", is that a better moniker?
yes, thats far more accurate
all over the news today about how the same mrna vax tech now allows them to target and treat cancer....
Thats fake news
legit question. if they forced the mrna vaxx specifically to make faster progress so they can cure cancer, was it worth it? if they can cure cancer now? because we make a lot of these deals on a daily basis (max speed on roads etc)
>if they can cure cancer now?
They can't.
Those vaccines were forced because Pfizer wanted to get a massive 9 trillion dollar payday
Who makes and sells the AIDS drugs? They're going to be making massive profits off this
same people who made and sold the vax that causes aids
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>complain about the vax?
>they give you AIDS as revenge and to shut you up
They do that, but then they screech about homophobia out of the other side of their mouths
they can

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