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I, too, saw that Verisatium video
What do you think of that video?
When i was a kid i would wonder whats at the end of the universe. People would say theres a wall of some sort. Its just an event horizon.
Fascinating concept, how space can just have a wall where it ends.
why are not whiteholes bigbangs? seems like the same shit.

The math is so sketchy on black holes, he is pretty good with his videos to not lie so I think he clearly shows nobody really knows the answers.
It feels like a video without a conclusion because it is the current situation.
ew why the hell is Einsteins spit so sticky in pic related, is he sick?
and for some reason he's not looking at the massive blackhole outside his window, he's looking straight ahead
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His sinuses are absolutely clogged, because it turns out that he's allergic to black holes.
The light of the sun being sucked in must've blinded him.
It was cringe and I hated it, but I've also been looking for a lite intro to relativity so I tolerated it
Now looking for more info on the Einstein Field Equations, preferably not in french or japanese or whatever the fuck symbols physicshits think are appropriate
I like how he went through the history of black hole maths
whose cum is Einstein brushing out of his mouth?
i always found veritasiums videos badly explained
especially: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFlu60qs7_4
he just draws some lines and skims over everything
the production quality is very good but i dont think i ever learned anything
i learned no one ever measured the speed of light in one direction. Only in two directions, through a reflection, and we measure the effective speed. Could be higher in some direction than in others, no way to know
It's pop-science entertainment.
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Veristatium is why IQ is declining
>why IQ is declining
because of reading your ideas
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saw this shit and immediately clicked off
should have waited, that graph is also going up
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something revealed in this video that I find deeply frustrating is the way that math which is clearly meant to describe abstract and often “ideal” worlds ends up being understood by pseuds as
but if you actually look at the math, for example the Schwarzschild solution to Einstein’s field equations, it isn’t describing anything remotely real. Roy Kerr’s solutions are closer to observed reality, but even still what these men are doing is creating a map of a non-specific place and making the map consistent in the way that it measures particular things (angles, distances, curvature, etc.). they doubtlessly have useful applications, but nonetheless they don’t *reveal* anything about reality. A meter stick is good at telling you how long a meter is, but that doesn’t mean the entire world is made of meters, it’s just a tool. When I sat down to read Einstein’s Relativity, I appreciated that Einstein himself seemed to understand that how we apply mathematical concepts (specifically geometry) to the world is ultimately arbitrary, and I feel as though this point is critically ignored today. I think that ignorance fundamentally stems from the fact that the revolutionary advances in physics in the early 20th century were the result of solving wartime problems, e.g. entire field of QM was a race to design the atomic bomb or the example shown in the video that calculus was used to predict the arc of artillery shells. the only problems of a similar scale we have today exist in the finance sector; complex predictive statistical analysis and the manipulation of price data, which is not only done almost entirely by computers but which was in part *designed* by the computers that control it
i liked the blue LED one
you loop back to the other side
4 dimensional sphere bro
His new editor is about to ruin his channel for me
that is not science and those are not scientists >>>/pol/
you have to be a s•yjak tier idiot to actually believe in the that ridiculous jewish pilpul that they try to pass off as legitimate physics
people unironically believe in that kind of stupidity and at the same time claim that hollow earth is outlandish
what's with the cumstring?
imagine watching videos with aislop thumbnails
I mean the video implicitly concludes that all that scifi stuff probably doesn't exist
There is absolutely no evidentiary basis for any hypothesis that something like a "white hole" might exist. It's a pure daydream fancy.
>There is absolutely no evidentiary basis for any hypothesis that something like a "black hole" might exist. It's a pure daydream fancy.
t. Einstein when he was still coping at his initial solutions
Fund scientists to make one? Instead of micro black holes?
Wormholes have been made in a lab?
*crosses white hole*

In this Moment I am Euphoric,
not because of any God,
but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence.,
>if you throw enough money at something, it will cross from fiction to reality
Just like black education, I guess.
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Anyone else completely lost track of what he was talking about after he changed the graph so all light travels at 45 degrees and then "expanded" it so that it covered all of the known universe in both space and time?

I mean I get what that other guy said, if you have a coordinate system with positive numbers, and nothing breaks if you use negative numbers, then SURE. But the last guy said the field equations prohibit all this bullshit didn't he?
Why are they ignoring the field equations and just jerking off to geometry?
Reification. They're slaves to the math, they don't care about the real world at this point.
Sure but I feel like I am missing some context here. Some older nazi who calculated trajectories for artillery guns to blow up slavs came up with a highly idealized solution to some ridiculous set of equations.This was a cold logic man, he probably only cared about the fun of calculations. So why was this celebrated in *physics* much? Is it just that it was the first non-trivial solution that was ever put forth?
>dude just change the coordinate system and your fantasy comes true
>4 dimensional sphere bro
It can be that and also have walls, not just at "the end", although you could define any wall as "the end". Its like having a fabric with holes, no, the holes are not gates to something, they are just walls that cant be crossed.
religious nuts are melting down over AI satan and want to start the fucking apocalypse. imagine explaining to them that you want to open a portal to a "parallel dimension" lmao especially if AI comes up with the solution for it
>intellectual educated academics indulging in schizo fantasies
>anon desperately pivots to religious people
All of this you could have gotten by watching a few lecture series on cosmology.

It was okay but I learned nothing. Good if you don't have a foundation in cosmology I guess.
You're so smart bro.
notice you getting offended by my post
Quite the opposite friend, I simply enjoy lecture series. You should watch some, they're fun:

fake af
What makes you think there is either a wall or an event horizon? Are you considering the Hubble sphere to be an event horizon? Even though it sort of accomplishes the same outcome, we don't have any reason to believe it's the same thing as an event horizon at all do we not? (I did not watch the video btw)
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>hay guise, I know everything about the entire universe!!!
why is this grandiose delusion such a popular and common coping mechanism for stupid nerds?
Replacement for metaphysical philosophy.
See also Roko's Basilisk, a replacement for fear of God.
coping mechanism for fear of the unknown.
Yeah its always like that with relativity, I also like how they would always say "in an inertial frame" which is like nowhere, never in the real universe.

Real universe is savage. Its on the edge of unicorn magic and we are just apes looking at shit and building some fancy theories.
I fucking hate science so much
i want to beat the fuck out of Verisatium and that stupid ego look in his face
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lol good pic
i really wish ppl like that would be kicked out this board or at least contained in /sfg/
So do black holes really exist? Have we truly observed one? Or is it something like dark matter where it's entirely theoretical and there has been nothing found?
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no u
That wouldn't be a problem at all if at least they made sure their mathematical model is fully consistent. It is not, they can't just pick any inertial frame of reference. Light must propagate symmetrically in all directions. Failing to do that leads to causality violations and singularities.
I personally believe blacc hoes are blown way out of proportion by theorists and it's actually a really really dense boring pile of space rubbish. Matter falls on it and sticks to it. None of this dimension or timestop crap. We're just too stupid to explain it yet.
I liked it.
t. PhD in physics.
Actually it explicitly concludes that.
they don't exist
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Yes they do. Here's a photo!
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Parallel universes are impossible and if they existed they would be identical to ours on the macroscale. White holes don't exist either.
It helped me see how utterly bullshit theoretical physics is.
Astrophysics is a joke
this is what soiyence faggots actually look like
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I dont know if theres an even horizon at the end of the universe, just that it could be. I find that neat, before the idea of space having a wall where it ends was just said as a joke, but turns out it could be. Of course a common black hole with its event horizon can also be thought as being a "space ends here" wall, like a hole in cheese.
I dont care of any of this actually exists, im ok if its just a math game
It is, its only popular because it allows people with extremely irrational and narcissistic personalities to claim "i know everything about the entire universe"
>that stupid thing makes my stupid thing legit
wait till u here about the grey hole
this is how people who only read popsci think of scientists
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>Einstein stole all his discoveries from ARYAN scientists and other JOO'S gave him credit to make DA WYTE MAN look dumb
>but Einstein was JOOISH
>so everything he discovered was fake and a JOOOISH plot

Make up your minds, /pol/tards.
Seriously, the average /pol/turd barely passed high-school math and here they are are giving their expert opinion on physics.
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Can't amemba, did they draw all the kerr horizons on that and draw a picture of how John Titor did the timewarp? I think you should be able to draw a curve on that to show a mere mortal how to John Titor right?
That's what experts say chud, you believe them.
>t. PhD in physics.
Hard to believe that
>being this obsessed with /pol/
go be cancerous somewhere else
Black holes are actually white holes, the gravitational potential is so great that all the photons are stuck in orbit and never fly out, resulting in a black appearance, but if you were to fall past the event horizon you would witness a blinding light from all the photons in the eternally circular orbit
"white holes" are just the big bang. that seems obvious.
There was no big bang
his content would be infinitely better if he didnt show his face every chance he could
"The big bang" is just a cheap soience paraphrasing of the book of genesis
yet you're still gullible enough to believe that same story when rewritten to be atheist friendly
Why is everything that's really far away so redshifted? and what's the CMB?
>i can't conceive of any other explanations for these observations because i have zero critical thinking ability
>all i can do i repeat soiyence memes i learned from the bill nye tv show
That's not true. Atheists were outraged by the big bang theory, denoucing it as Christian propaganda which too closely echoed the religious narrative of creation. They vehemently continued to champion the steady state model to avoid any semblence of divine implication. Despite fervent and continuous opposition, Catholic scientists managed to slowly chip away at their beliefs. Eventually the old guard got old and died, thusly, the big bang became the cornerstone of modern cosmology.
Similarly, Darwin was shocked at the response from the scientific community at his findings. They claimed his data-first, analytical approach was unscientific and religious - he was no longer welcome in their cicles, for he rejected long-held paradigms. Meanwhile, the Church, who Darwin was afraid of, didn't give a single shit. "Mr Darwin, you're telling me your science says some force guides the progression of species through the ages? Finally! We've been TRYING to tell you idiots about God for ages!"
He stole everything from Hilbert, whom only discovered general relativity as a harmless academic pastime. Only jews created a cult around it
None of what you said has any meaning.
What the fuck is
"a harmless passtime", why would it be harmful?
"a cult around relativity"
Are you fucking retarded?
>i'm not /pol/ I just happen to agree with them on everything and shill their opinions and shitty memes everywhere I go
Nice try, faggot. Go disappoint your parents somewhere else.
I'm literally asking you to give an explanation. If you can't think of one right now, just say that, don't cope by meme arrow-ing me.
>massive wall of text trying desperately to come up with an eyou're still gullible enough to believe that same story when rewritten to be atheist friendly
>"nooooo!!!! you don't understand!!! it was part of a big conspiracy!!!!"
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>Black hole
*Counterspatial sink

We have.

It makes sense that they focus so much on them. It's an object where our best theories of the universe break down. The presence of singularities in the formula usually indicate that you have taken the math too far. Finding places where our theories might be wrong is the essence of science.
Why do chuds like to post here so much?
>muh black hole soiyence fiction fantasyland
black holes don't exist according to the best estimates of modern physics, they're something that was theorized a century ago based on false premises which has subsequently disproved, the only people who believe in them do so out of ignorance of physics, your knowledge of the topic is something you got from comic books, nobody who has studied physics seriously thinks they're real
Explain why they don't exist. What happens if enough mass is concentrated into a small enough space that the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light?
What's the fucking point of science if there is nothing to do? Everything is either "too complex" for all of the scientists in the world to solve (or they would have heckin solved it before you were born!) Or it's just fairy tale shit that mature people such as myself would NEVER believe in. Fucking garbage. There is nothing to strive for in science because really it's just about protecting this shitty fallen world.
Not my problem.

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