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Kino edition
Previous: >>16262490
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Daily dose
elon is going to die of old age before we land on mars if they dont hurry up
Will Blue Origin really get to Mars before SpaceX?
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Starship is female, therefore the flaps are female.
Yes and I’m going to seethe especially it Bozos throws out a “welcome to the club” tweet once Musk gets a demo Starship there
Blue origin cant even get to LEO.
Is Starship even going to make it this window? We're waiting until 2026 now aren't we?
They have a Mars mission planned for three months from now
With what rocket?
New Glenn. I don't think they're even planning on test firing. Just sending it
wiggle wiggle wiggle
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All those promises Musk made, and where did they bring you? Back to me.
Seeing this live I almost fucking cried. Unironically hopped like a faggot (it was the highlight of my week).
It may make it to LEO this window.
spacex can go to mars any time they want, but they're waiting for starship
Does spaceX flinging a tesla roadster around mars count?
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This doesn't make any sense, why not use a falcon hea-
>The spacecraft is being built by Rocket Lab
They were going to launch as rideshares on a Falcon Heavy but Psyche got delayed
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>a tesla roadster around mars count?
No, its in a heliocentric orbit, not a Martian one
But it's going to crash on mars in a couple of thousand years!!
He named his kid "Geometry"!
no, the flaps are shotas
They will miss the window, and it won't be close
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>three months from now
and they are still farting around with mockups >>16264624
It will be intercepted and brought to Mars as a joke/publicity stunt much sooner than that
>adopting kids
figures he's a cuck
So he'll go through life being called "Geo", I presume. There are worse 21st century baby names, to be sure.
I kissed my girlfriend (male) and clapped when I saw it
It will both explode on the pad and deliver the spacecraft to the wrong orbit
It will be displayed in the von braun museum on olympus mons.
wow his wife is lowkey hot
unfortunately for him there's no way to get a girl pregnant by eating doo doo
>by eating doo doo
is there something behind this statement?
Literally just this guy who's been saying this shit for years on here
She's a chud too apparently. Happy the kids are white at least
Arthur Issaac eats shit?
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Please save us /sfg/, we don't want to die...
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white kids? eating shit? none of this sounds like rockets
It's absurd to throw their lives away for Boeing's sake. Dragon has the extra seat capacity, and they need to bring them home in proven safe vehicle.
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absolutely phantasmagorical
Travel tips to Starbase? Planning for IFT-5
How? We don't even have a date


these might be somewhat outdated now, but basically there are no toilets or other amenities there and it takes 20 minutes to drive back to the nearest gas station, you have to go through a border guard check and there are semi-frequent road closures, if you drive like a retard on to the beach you might get stuck
these are from a year ago so they probably say you can go look at the rocket garden, can't do that anymore as the road has been subsumed into starbase now
The plan is in the earliest preliminary phase, more of a whim at this point
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>but basically there are no toilets or other amenities there and it takes 20 minutes to drive back to the nearest gas station
Just piss on the fence
Sadly the storm is predicted to weaken significantly
nothing ever happens
Bezos bros...
yucatan spaceport when?
You'll need to go back in time almost 200 years and make the Americans annex all of Mexico.
all? just a port, some remote coastline, and a road connecting them
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NASA's probe will, as far as a Blue spacecraft it depends on a) when SpaceX does a demo landing (in 3 years in Elon time) and b) whether SpaceX or Blue are awarded the MSR replacement.
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heyyyyy :3
Blue isn’t getting MSR I’ll tell you that right now.
Hey guys, so OFT-5 still scheduled for August 15?
July 16
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August 15
69 million is a pretty good deal for a falcon 9, no? nasa doesn't usually pay the sticker price
price dumping
>born too early to enjoy legal cunny and the birth of space flight
>born too late to enjoy the death of kikes, the resurgence of cunny, and the golden era of space flight
>born just in time for a life of suffering in the dark times of western civilisation, as we piss about sending women and dei to the iss
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Daily reminder that Skylon will never happen. RE's press page is full of Hydrogen cell planes and the UK govt. review on SABRE development shows how far behind schedule they are.
Who are you trying to persuade? I think every anon on /sfg/ knows it and VASIMR are stupid/not going to work

I’d throw QI in there but I think there are still a few people who are still clinging on. That’s about all I have to say about that though
QI doubters need to put their name on a list so when McCulloch is proven right we can blacklist you fags from the stars
at this point QI is nothing more than one crackpots theory
maybe get some experimental data in orbit and people would start to pay attention
>if it's boing, you're not going (home)

Don't give a fuck. It's Euro or nothin.
Does this mean it's the lowest $/kg NASA has ever launched?
Black Brants are cheaper

I love how we have /pol/ bots in here that reply to online political shit talk buzzwords like "squeal" automatically, it's a really cool feature.
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if only they went to orbit
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back to /pol/
>you will never be held down and raped by starship's flaps
How do you ground the ISS’s circuitry?
they have a bucket of soil with a metal rod sticking in it that they connect to
You don't; everything in orbit is floating.
thats the neat part
the funny part is the bucket cost taxpayers $328 million when you can achieve the same effect with a home depot bucket (which is what spacex uses for grounding dragon capsules)
If the dirt isn't from the shore of a specific Alabama river then it won't work right

>We need to keep the ISS in orbit sucking away billions in perpetuity because.. because we just should, ok!!
Floating is a real term, anon.
As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.
Orion is reusing shuttle orbiter Atlantis’ grounding bucket
Ah I see. You can understand my confusion hopefully. I pictured physically floating wires behind the panels on ISS.
Can you explain what “ground” means in this case? Is it just a reference point?
>double the size of Califonia
please, no
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Roscosmos signed degree to build/launch Russian Space Station in 2028. Guess it looks like ISS is the end of international cooperation
von Braun city will be on the Moon, anon
Multiple countries are coordinating together to make Artemis + Gateway a success.

Russia, China and others are coordinating together to make a research outpost on the Moon.

The end of international cooperation? Want to delete your post and try again?
remember when musk said it wll be a month til next launch... last month?
when will you idiots learn?
Never. Where do you think you are?
Pending discussions.
Which he later updated the timeline by saying end of july.
August 15
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>Firefly has decided to stand down on today’s Alpha FLTA005 launch to give the team more time to evaluate data and test systems from the first attempt. We will work closely with the range and our NASA customer to determine the next launch window. Stay tuned for more.

And Firefly decided they it was a good idea to acquire three more launch sites because...?
How forthcoming are they when they find issues?
For those interested, the roster poll for /sci/'s 4cc team is up >>16264933
Probably not very. If this turns into a long delay most people are going to go back to having forgotten that they exist, so there's no real need for them to say anything
Elon said it. I believe it. That settles it.
We arent interested this isnt /sci/ this is /sfg/. Entirely separate, do not ever come back you scum fuck
Another W for space race accelerationists
russia should abandon this stupid notion and assemble a large modular manned deep space ship instead. soviet trek.
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Not spaceflight
That doesn't seem right. Mars was always Von Braun's objective
the ISS can easily become charged, and thus not be "ground" anymore so the whole thing's just floating
yeah but von Braun only ever got to the moon
call the main street Nixon Rd or something to really drive the point home
wtf is happening with ksp
They "ground" things in space by connecting them to the metal body of the spacecraft. Kind of like how a car's electronics are "grounded" to the car frame.
what do you mean?
International cooperation means Russia and America
Is this achievable?
Bros... I think hes going to take an entire major moon for his own there.
spacex in elon's time: we're going to colonize mars
spacex in his son's time: we're going to colonize the gas giants
spacex in his grandson's time: we're going to clease the earth
>Uranus is a stretch goal
I always find it hilarious when the best living argument for great man theory exhibits the sense of humor of a 13yo redditor
We can pull that timeframe way forwrd
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>This quote’s unverifiable, but is supposed to come from a Space Pioneer staff:

>I told the boss at the beginning, it's not good or bad, the steel cable is not firmly fixed! You have to use more steel cables to fix it! But the boss didn't listen to the advice, saying where would he go to buy steel cables? Go to the city for a run and you will be shipped back tomorrow. It will be July 1st tomorrow. You can't delay it until July. You have to ignite the test today. Time is running out!
>The result was good. The thrust of the 9 engines igniting at the same time was too great. After all, the test bench did not fix the rocket and flew up! Fortunately in misfortune, the experimental team members were fine and a little frightened. When the rocket fell, it landed on a barren mountain in no man's land! No one was injured!
>The lesson is profound. Next time, it is estimated that the test flight will be moved to no man's land in the Northwest desert. The first flight of Tianlong 3 is estimated to be postponed for half a year!Thank you all for your understanding, concern and support. Put it away.
see, the Chinese don't know how to do either good old smekalka like the Russians or to do it properly like the Americans
a Russian would have just fired it at half throttle and pretended it was a good static fire, while an American would have postponed the test
instead, the Chinese fucked it up and embarrassed the entire Chinese nation
>This quote’s unverifiable, but is supposed to come from a Space Pioneer staff

It was revealed to me in a dream
sure, voyager 2 already achieved it. I don't really see musk doing it though. maybe a nasa or esa probe on one of his rockets.
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...with blackjack AND hookers!
it confirms my racial biases so it's good
This is disgraceful to their entire nation
If you go to the wikipedia page for the United States and change the language to Russian & scroll down it claims a CCCP flag flew on Apollo 11. At least I tried to translate the caption and I found an image on wikipedia labeled as such.
Never heard of this before though
The English translation is shit, but the original Chinese is fine. At the very least it came from a Chinese person.
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I've never heard of that
6 months delay and it should still be the first Chinese company to launch a Falcon 9 clone. Really taking "Move fast and break things" to heart
I see it on the Neal Armstrong page here: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%90%D1%80%D0%BC%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B3,_%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%BB
HACA really dunked on them by bringing their own flag to the moon first
any clue where that display is?
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>This flag of your nation was carried to the Moon and back by Apollo 11
This feels so patronizing, like such a backhanded compliment.
>ift5 is NET 6 weeks away
these timelines are so slow
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>When the acceptable margin for satellite deployment is measured in kilometers but your GNC team delivers it within single digit meters. This is why small sats choose Electron.

Big ULA energy
Yeah that's some ULA cope graph tier stuff. Rocketlab donzo.
Hey they gotta get a few more paychecks in the bank before the rest of the rocket industry closes up shop.
congrats to rocketlab. they must be getting so much business that they're having no issues at all paying for neutron's development.
A few spaceflight predictions on metaculus right now https://www.metaculus.com/questions/?categories=space :
>Which manufacturer's vehicle will return astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore to Earth from the ISS?
Boeing 74%, SpaceX 20%
>Will SpaceX attempt to catch a Starship booster with the tower in 2024?
>When will SpaceX first successfully catch a Starship booster with the tower?
Median date of March 1, 2025
>Will SpaceX land anything on Mars before 2030?
>When will successful sample return missions occur for the following destinations?
Mars median date of July 17, 2033
>Will the New Glenn launch vehicle reach an altitude of 100 kilometers in 2024?
>When will Artemis 2 successfully complete its mission?
Median date of May 30, 2026
>When will NASA next land astronauts on the Moon?
Median date of March 10, 2029
>Will China land the next person on the Moon?
>When will a free flying commercial space station become operational?
Jan 31, 2031
>Will a non-test ASAT weapon be used against a satellite before 2030?
>When will a living human first reach a distance of one light year from Earth?
Median date of October 3, 2295
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>this is the only soviet flag that will ever get to the moon (and back)
What a mad lad
>"Hey bro, I heard you were having trouble in the bedroom department. Can't get it up (to orbit), huh? Don't worry. I fucked your wife for you."
If the astronauts get immolated or stranded, tumbling in a decaying orbit does betting boing still pay?
At this point, the storm has equal chances of hitting starbase as it does hitting New Orleans
>it slowly drags up the texas coast, destroying everything in its wake before hovering over new orleans for a couple of days then shooting across the eastern US with F3-tornado levels of winds
starbase is just the beginning...
I expected this to be baffling Russoid cope and instead learned something new about Apollo 11.
The storm will be fairly minor by the time it reaches either shore, no different than a conventional rainstorm
>we are going to return home in two more weeks
>day 878 of 28 day crew flight test
that's covered under "one or both remain in space beyond august 30" and currently sits at 4%
We're collecting levels of starliner data previously thought unattainable
We need to rename KSC to Nixon Space Center
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>1st flight completely fails to make the orbit
>2nd flight has thruster issues
>3rd flight has human beings on board
What the fuck? Why? SpaceX had like 20 successful flights of the uncrewed variant and then the crewed variant went flawlessly before they stuck people on it. I know these two will probably get home safe, but what the fuck is going on here
nixon needed to fight the political pressure to gut nasa harder if he wanted a legacy like that
man I keep forgetting to turn of the sage after replying to Terrance Howard threads
Is nixon to blame for the shuttle, I need a definitive yes or no
I really want to like nixon
so what's the minimum announcement window before return they'd do for starliner? I figured it would be at least a week but they're getting awfully sketch about it
I think it has to leave on the 7th at the latest I believe? So not looking great. Terrible timing too, the poor bastards are getting roasted either just before, on or just after independence day kek.
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ultimately no. george mueller was the guy who made the shuttle a life-or-death issue for nasa, and nixon's OMB probably saved nasa from making an even stupider shuttle by noticing how stupid the economic justifications for the dolphin sex shuttle were.
on the other hand, nixon was in a position to push for a much more ambitious space program than we ended up with. it would have been somewhat unpopular (although public opposition to apollo spending is a little overrated) and it would've meant picking fights with congress and the new york times editorial page, but he could've done it. he picked bigger fights on stuff like vietnam and won those, but space just wasn't a priority for him. agnew's space task group was set to recommend pushing for a manned mars landing in the 1980s (when agnew expected to be president) before nixon found out and put the whole thing on ice. i'd much rather have a spiro agnew space center than one named after nixon.
>poor bastards
my gut feel right now is only the white guy will be made to return in the starliner. the diversity chick is going to be kept safe and sent back with a dragon
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>have 9m diameter upper stage
>not putting a 9m diameter mirror in there and full sending it to orbit
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How did he predict it /sfg/ ?
I can already tell half the replies now to that being brought up are EDStroons screaming about mars
you should hate Nixon but that's because you should hate all politicians
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She can return any time
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How far would one of these need to be boosted to get out of earths magnetosphere so greenpeace doesn't freak out? I am assuming you could put it on a suborbital trajectory somewhere around the arctic so it doesn't need too much delta V from the chemical boost stage.
just put it on greenpeace headquarters
If the US and soviet programs were 100 percent in cooperation since 1945, would we be nuking the moon today to mine liquid methane or whatever? Was western europe ever even relavent
From what i understand the soviets had a good program they were just poor as fuck and couldnt compete
Also interesting to note that soviet return capsules had instructions on the outside printed in english as well as russian in case they landed in the continental us
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reminder that the greenpeace crowd freaked out about galileo flying past earth for a gravity assist because they thought the danger of two RTGs containing a grand total of 35 pounds of plutonium entering the earth's atmosphere was too great
Look I don't think even the left takes their complaints too seriously anymore, but I am pretty sure any project involving them would have pretty major restrictions on how much fallout can be put into the atmosphere and I like my fantasies to be somewhat realistic
*them being orion drive spacecraft
if you're not kicking up dust clouds on the ground then you're not creating fallout. it's not that hard to loft something up to 250km and let it inject into orbit up there.
You still get some fission products no matter the altitude, and if you launch too close to the equator you can starfish prime all the satellites. Thats why I am wondering how high the magnetosphere is around the poles, there you could have a much more manageable orion drive launch without having to loft the craft too high (250 km would certainly be a nice number if it was high enough!)
>Thats why I am wondering how high the magnetosphere is around the poles
now that you bring it up that might actually be why they were talking about launching from alaska in the dyson orion book
Flying nuclear material on a Falcon 9 is probably statistically safer than the fallout from depleted uranium in a plane crash
why is there depleted uranium in a plane crash
sometimes the balancing weights are made of it, this comparison is somewhat pointless since depleted uranium is minimally radioactive so its more like lead than a nuclear material
it's lead that very conveniently tells you where it is

as predicted the other day, as soon as bad news hit boing nasa would drop a hit piece about HLS to distract the public
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Someone leaked drone footage from the Tianlong-3 "static" test

Bruh did it even have straps? That nigga started flying immediately
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Can't China do anything original??
are individual parts of a female human... female?
is a tit female?
is her ear female?
interesting question.
Early August
2 more weeks
Approximately 14 days
Your gf's dick is male
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>She noted, though, that the HLS effort faces “a lot of technical challenges.” The next major milestone, she said, was an in-space cryogenic propellant transfer test, which she said was planned for early 2025.
>All lies! i heard the rumors that there is a huge progress in the secret undergound batman caves where SpaceX is testing dozens of their Starship variants, and we just don't see it because we are not worthy, and because SpaceX doesn't owe us to show anything! And you know what - its actually the spacesuits that are holding the lunar landing from happening. The Starships are ready, there are going to be 9 test flights THIS YEAR ALONE! Deep underground they test them in secret, there are like underground bases the size of Mamoth cave where Starship variants are being tested, rotated, baked in thermal cameras to test the solar radiation, tested in the collosal vacuum chambers and we don't see it because its a secret of the company, we see just 0.0001% of the testing, like the top of the Iceberg of the incredible progress happening with Starship in complete secrecy in the secret ungerground testing facilities! Its just so secretive, because its private company and its their proprietary technology, and they don't owe us cattle anything, they will just roll out the ready Starship HLS out of the cave one day in 2026 and you will all see it! Just one day is empty pad, next day is Starship HLS standing there along with Depot and Tanker - all erect and ready like Musk's manhood before he makes his 40th child ! You will see it! Here is artistic impression of how it looks like, i saw it in my dreams!

EDS mental illness comment lmao
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The suits, orion, mlt2, sls are all nowhere near ready
So it was using clamps. Ropebros vindicated
Speaking of ML2, where the fuck is it
NASA was going to have to delay Artemis regardless. Lunar Gateway isn't ready and neither is Orion. Also what this anon says, too >>16265642
what happens to the first one?
It's still a bare set of prefabbed steel beams hooked together and set on top of the crawler that will be moving it around. Interesting note about how it is built of "special steel" which leads me to believe they are still trying to find ways to mitigate the SRB exhaust corroding the tower. Fuck SRBs, all my homies love liquid boosters
yes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranus_Orbiter_and_Probe
but i wonder if they would use a starship, it would only make sense if they want a bigger orbiter and probe but i assume that could cost too much money and time for nasa.
Once ML2 is ready ML1 gets taken apart and completely rebuilt for the Block 1B/2 SLS
This is actually more important than you think to satellite operators, especially if you're doing earth observation because your orbital velocity determines how long you can look at a point on the surface
>Pete Conrad priced a new DC-X at $50 million, cheap by NASA standards, but NASA decided not to rebuild the craft in light of budget constraints. Instead, NASA focused development on the Lockheed Martin VentureStar which it felt answered some criticisms of the DC-X, specifically the airplane-like landing of the VentureStar, which many NASA engineers preferred over the vertical landing of the DC-X. Just a few years later, the repeated failure of the Venturestar project, especially the composite LH2 (liquid hydrogen) tank, led to program cancellation.
Why was the spaceplane cult so powerful?
another slow week at starbase
Because it was the only part of NASA spaceflight where the best engineering minds weren't former Nazis.
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going to start stacking the tower soon
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>Starbase Launch Tower 2 - Module 1 - has rolled out to begin stacking Tower 2!
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>Starship 31 at Massey's test this morning preparing for cryogenic testing.
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Of course Old Space and Bezos are going for the bureaucratic block.
What was their excuse for not liking this? Disruption or was it something else?
wow man, crazy. that's insane.
Tory Bruno is also a massive snake in the grass, nobody can be trusted these days.
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