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The 2024 Summer cup is just around the corner, pick the players you want to see play for /sci/ for this upcoming tournament.

>what is this autism?
A virtual divegrass tournament involving the boards of 4chan, /sci/ came in 4th is paster Winter, and is playing in this Summer's elite tournament against 31 other teams.

>where's the poll

>Where can I find out more

The draw is on the 14th, first match of the group stage is on the 19th. Both at 1700 UTC.
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posting in epic thread
>inb4 tranny delete
gl in the cup /sci/cels
best girl needs to get pregnant
I think we'll be fine, we've been fortunate in recent years that for the most part these threads don't get deleted.
Does anyone have the "horsefuckers hate him" webb
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Hello, this is /sfg/. We own this dumpster fire of a board so you will include our rocket vtuber, thank you for your time.
>/sfg/ owns this board
you are the muskrat containment thread
Seething mathcel
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There's an "other" option in the poll for this very reason.
nice ty. this always made me laugh
The color commentary from that part of the match is even funnier https://implying.fun/video/autumn22/2022-11-12/?t=3:03:28.0
why is the timecube shit at center field? science related?
depends, is /vt/ also participating?
I'll be satisfied as long as we still have von Braun (Nazi regalia) and our aspie african. Unless someone can make a Starship model with articulated fins (left fin in a sling).
Ancient web 1.0 schizoshit that used to get posted here, which later got reposted ironically for a laugh.
bro, the list of teams is on the main page of the wiki
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Clear definitely needs to be used if /sci/ ever play /vt/
/sci/ did play /vt/ last autumn in the round of 16, no idea if we'll play them again, though they are a pot 2 team and we're pot 1 so it can happen in the group stage.
In the event that we do meet /vt/, but Clear isn't voted on, I canand grab a FBM of her, assuming one exists, and then rename von Braun or Musk for that one game in particular.

>An ad for Usui Clear's rocket streams would be funny but maybe a bit too close to actual advertising
If you have a brief (less than a minute) clip send it to me, should we play /vt/ again we can use it as a pre-game hyp or as halftime show.
kek, my brain is like a sieve
Yes I mostly meant some hype. Unfortunately I don't watch her that much so I don't know what a good clip would be but she's been cohosting launch streams lately like https://youtu.be/-nIlYXjha80?t=4432 and I think even some official JAXA event lol.
This one could work though, has a more general /sci/ topic, too, but a bit long and low energy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50hKEPi8O_8
Or just pick one of the much replayed parts from IFT-4 I guess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em55I0Q9kFg
Alright, no guarantees but Ill see what I can make of them if it becomes relevant.
If you happen to think of anything else that would be good either post it ITT or just send it to me, https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//sci/#Contact

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