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What happened to the duolicious thread?
What did he ban people for?
Minor slurs/whatnot in bios, I guess. I personally got banned for using word 'negro' with a bit of irony. Funny to see that this shit became heavily moderated so quickly. Guess OP decided to take away the only cool feature his app had.
I think OP said that he banned a fraction of a percent of the users for racism. These who are complaining here are most likely butthurt retards.
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that is just black in Spanish no way you got banned for that. Hate American retardation
Wonder if his sole goal was to use 4chan to get the site running and then when it starts to function, sell it off hence the purge.
>person got banned
>spams reports on the thread every time it pops up
Any off-site project has to deal with this at some point
It would have been fine if he gave a warning before hand to let people clean up their profiles.

Met a few good ppl on duo so far. Sites going to die eventually now.
i mean all the women on there were just roastie whores or roastie whores larping as tradwives (madge from kentucky)

seriously did a single anon find a decent girl on that app?
I got banned for saying I'm a white guy on my profile. No slurs, just saying I was white.
Wasn't getting any results on my end anyways so fuck that, with two way filters I basically have such a small selection of women in my search on it since it makes it so that I can't even see their profile at all if they filter me out on something like height, what a dogshit design.
>Wonder if his sole goal was to use 4chan to get the site running and then when it starts to function, sell it off hence the purge.
I wouldn't be surprised to see him try and cash-out, but who needs a 100th dating app? I mean, he has decent filters and all that, but he could come up with something more original, there are even fucking GAMING 'dating' apps nowadays lmao.
There's cuties in Texas...
God, I am so tired of americans' obsession with race. It's so tiresome, you are mentally ill.

From my brief experience, most 'femanons' there are damaged goods.
Look man, I just don't want any blacks or spics. My extremely racist mother would unironically murder me than even thinking about the potential of having mutt grandchildren.
nothing wrong with not wanting to stain your gene pool with low impulse violent savage genes. both nigs and spics have dogshit phenotypes too. dogshit culture full of degenerate practices like twerking and drug abuse. all the women are promiscuous as hell too, you could look like Chris Hemsworth with a 5/10 latina or nignog and shell cheat on you with the ugliest nigga on in the world. your mums looking out for you anon, youll understand when you have kids.
There were a couple I was working up the courage to message. Then I got banned. You can say it's my fault for taking so long to talk to them, but the site owner being a niggerfaggot is far out of my control.
Racism or catfishing if they were reported according to OP
Also yes.
OP banned troons that were lying about being female. Of course /soc/ being a lgbt board, troons got buttmad and started a campaign to get the app banned from here. Everyone complaining about "unfair" bans here is a catfish or troll.
Are you by chance retarded?
I mean if troons pass as female I could not care less but if they are uggo and try passing as a male I do care
Pretty unfortunate that the website is probably gonna die out now. I've seen some pretty interesting people on there.

I'd be fine if he expanded his userbase.
>sign up to find a date
>end up just playing the yes/no question game for 30 minutes
Because it's a shitty dead website.
When there's zero biological females within 100 miles of a major city, what's the point? It's dead
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If I were OP I would:
1) say sorry to the people he banned, even if he was right on banning them who cares about that.
2) forget about the idea of the app getting normie ads, accepting their rules would precisely kill the essence of the app
3) do as I suggested at the previous thread about letting people decide if their account is nsfw or not, or something like that (like a no-slur option) and so if someone choose that option then you can ban the other user for being racist, otherwise not. This way it would be more appealing to communities such as crystal cafe without loosing its purpose.
>Don't see anymore duolicious ads on 4chan
it's over isn't it?
As a somewhat successful user, how close am I to being doxxed?
You might get your information that you inputted sold but nothing any ISP, company, etc. hasn't done so nothing new
yeah but I am the kind of desperate fool that actually put full actual face on there
Honestly the dude was sketchy anyway for refusing to answer clearly and honestly if his site was a data scraper.
hopefully he's just piss off due to people reporting his threads
but will he come back or is it all ogre
OP if you're reading this, I'm really grateful to you man. I found a really sweet girl through your website and I'm going to meet her IRL soon. I was lurking the threads mostly out of curiosity to see where your little project would go but I'd be sad to see all your hard work go to waste.
That sounds like a good date imo
To be fair, it IS advertising.
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>If I were OP I would:
>1) say sorry
based retard
Even though the duo owner messed up with the purge. I got to be thankful to them because I met a sweet guy and meeting them IRL soon.

Hopefully the site doesn't die out since it has worked for some people.
Considering his attitude over the whole thing is "lol stay mad", I can't imagine it getting any better outside of selling out and stepping down, which will spell the death of the app anyway but he'd at least get some money out of it.
Have I found the first bot on duolicious?
You are totally retarded. Who is gonna buy a website that is unprofitable? Besides that, duo is open source and under the AGPL-3.0 license, meaning that you or anyone can literally copy the entire thing for free and use it as you see fit. If anything, duo's owner is investing his own money and time into something that will not give him any financial return whatsoever.
Are there really people who got perma'd unfairly or is this just one mad sperg?
Either way, Duo must not die. It's the only good thing we've gotten have in years
I only recently removed NIGGER from my duo profile because I found an actual match who had the same interests as me (why no they didn't reply back) and thought I may as well tone it down. Now people are saying there was a purge with no warning, of people with the nigger word on their profiles no less, right when I removed my litmus test? Talk about weird timing for OP to forget where he was. I doubt any new potential dates will be joining now though, that poor well-meaning nigger OP may as well have taken me out too.
why are there so many bulimic chicks on here
>madge from kentucky
that was literally a fucking tranny lmao
>blacks or spics
Just say nigger if you're going to commit to the part.
OP was just data farming.
app was an online dating exclusively for 4chan and suddenly that idiot said he wanted to “normify” it.
He can fuck off and die for all I care.
There wasn’t enough racist people from Norway anyways.
>all this butthurt
I agree that banning people for saying NIGGER on a dating app that's "exclusively for 4chan" may be excessive but with this attitude, is it any wonder all of you ended up being ghosted?
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It seems like he's still working on it, maybe he just left /soc/'s threads.
perhaps duodaddy has been bann'd from the board??
RIP. it was a good site. made some friends I desperately needed.
i just got ghosted lads. we moved off duo and she was sending tons of messages to me, voice messages and pictures then suddenly after like a week stopped replying. just feel used at this point.
bro dont use /soc/ to find a gf, just use hinge. these women are all serial ghosters with horrible personalities, she will make another discord acc tomorrow.
calling someone black is just as bad. why would you ever want to be associated with blacks?
It's one mad sperg.
nothing good comes out of /soc/
Got a duo ad today on here, the owner is still advertising it so it is not dead at least as of now.
I'm sad the threads are gone. Despite not being an active user of it anymore since I found my dream gf on there a while ago already, I greatly enjoyed reading about other anon's experiences (both the highs and lows).

I hope the duo OP is doing ok, I'm thankful for his work.
Also got ghosted a week after we moved to Discord. I have this female friend from Duo and I'm sorta hoping her BF will eventually leave her so I can swoop in.
Man I met some really nice girls that because the distance became good friends with but then man the girl that I found(she messaged me first tho) near me here in Romania, seemed perfect at first but now slowly showing her true colors after few weeks, and here I am complaining, always look at the red flags guys and if things seem too good to be true, probably she hides deep issues and will surface faster than an underwater volcano eruption.
got deleted again womp womp, always gotta be some retard trying to ruin a good thing
Censorship followed by threads getting shrekt, coincidence?
Or maybe he got unlucky and banned a janny
It finally flew up yesterday, anons I say always don't ignore the red flags because of scarcity, if she tries to be too good she really isn't and really no point trying to fix anything.
Why did she stop replying bros..
because she found someone better, it is okay bro just keep trying :)
is it just me or are there only like 20 girls total on there
she deleted her account so she must've :^)
>3 girls in 300km radius
>send intros to each
>no replies
>now 0 girls in 300km radius
Holy shit guys a girl messaged me first this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill
come back when it's a tranny or she ghosts you or wants you to buy her onlyfans
Was it Evelyn? I'm pretty sure she's not real.
I'm romanian too, who is she?
There was a discord server, wasn't there? Does someone have the link?
This is the first soc thread for the site that I've been in and I apparently got on the website right before the purge.
My profile didn't really have any pics at the time and the bio was/is pretty safe I think.
I've also been cordial and not rude or anything like that, but maybe a just little teasing and mocking to one or two accounts.
Kind of sucks because I think at the end of my rope, this last year has just been pretty atrocious and honestly it's becoming more depressing trying to not be alone than being alone.

Her profile seems too normal, and for wanting to get off the sites to communicate somewhere else she doesn't seem very interested in communicating.
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Madge here. What the fuck did I do to you. Get a life. Fr.
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Someone’s mad I rejected them poor little guy:(
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This is Madge (yes from kentucky.) you all are bitter Bettie’s. If you all were nice sweet boys maybe we could get along. But no. You have to be crazy and retarded. All I want is a nice cute boy who is polite and witty. I now know that I am looking in the wrong places.
If you match this description:
>taller then me (5”7)
>soft spoken and nerdy
> some what fit
Then add my disc at @thelastmadgicorn
Why is there a picture of a boy that looks like you on your profile page? I didn't reply when you cold dmed me because i thought you were a tranny.
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You are trans.
Bro has never heard of yung lean
>putting your discord on /soc/
enjoy the millions of dick pics
I match your description, but I only use telegram. Sorry
I exceed your description, but I'm in Europe. Sorry
>desperate amerifat tranny doesn't know the difference between then and than
western cultural decay is real
t. eurochad
Fag alert
bro he posted pre transition pics idk what u want me to say
None of these, she(?) deactivated
>None of these
She ghosted you
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please respond eu femanons
if you give me a chance the conversation will be good
gib discord
>real dating site
Sure. Lemme just give them my credit card, my SSN, my mother's maiden name, and my home address. And then, after I swipe on 500,000 qomen and spend $50 a month on a premium account to 'boost my profile in the algorithm', I might get matched with one girl who isn't a bot or paid catfish.
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literally yes or get weeded out
if you're not willing to do that you don't have what it takes for OLD
*stops paying taxes, actively begins performing societally disruptive behaviours*
Now what
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then you can live as shedcuck ted for a couple years until the feds inevitably find you and force gay love upon you until you die
Surprising number of Poles on the Duo'. Virtually no Germans though :(
the reason you faggot virgins got "ghosted" by madge is bcauz im making her mine....... we call on disc evry day and shes turning into my lil whore hahah
Duo is fucking horrible. It has normie roasties and less women than tinder.
where are you seeing that, I see lots of german women and no polish women
I know this person.

They added me off a "fbf" thread back when I didn't have a SO. I suppose I didn't give them enough attention -the talks were really boring and childish- and they blocked me after two weeks. All the chats revolved around a need of affection and some kind of strange daddy complex (which I stated many times I couldn't feed into), despite claiming to only like women

"hiyarival" is their main account, just don't add them, you're fucking them up further and wasting your time
I'm sure they started underage b8ing years ago, if you do a search for their name you can see how before 2023 they don't even mention their age and according to them they just turned 18 last year
Well there aren't many, but 3 Poles more than Germans in my search. If you have none, your agreement score would be under 50% or something.
Maybe I have a Polish mind and you have a German one? Maybe we should swap brains?
Why does anyone bother using this slop? It has nothing in common with 4chan culture. Not a single good woman or dude (I'm bi).
The creator paid good money for his bot network- I mean, dating site, and dammit he's going to get his money's worth!
Fags are so mad at a dating website, it's crazy.
Too normie? Have you even looked at the women there? Or maybe you're too normie, so you only match with normies.
Bot network? What the hell are you on about?
How to tell us you're a roastie without telling us you're a roastie
ok, what does a 4chan culture dating site look like?
Bro I'm >>32943347
Official thread theme
Unattractive self report
Girl lives near me, does 9 Q&A questions, deactivates :(
I was waiting for her to flesh out her profile a bit...
She's a prostitute.
why the fuck are there so many swedish chicks finding this place
not that i'm complaining
The website was retarded anyways. No filter, anyone can sign up in 2 seconds, got raided by /onions/ regularly, literally 99% of female profiles were obvious LARPs or catfishes. You have an exponentially higher chance of success (and an exponentially lower chance of being doxxed) by posting your info on this board.
It's alive anon. Maybe it depends on your location, but I've not seen any raids and only one catfish so far.
I haven't used it in a couple weeks, but the last time I was on it just about every single "female" with a picture uploaded was either "18" or a blatant LARP. If you don't think they are you're probably a newfag, and you should really get away from this place for your own good
there's literally one profile with location set in sweden
what are you on about
t. swefag
I'm also confused about people seeing all these profiles that I can't.
If the creator is here, please fix the profile pic thing on mobile. I can't look through anyone's pfps by clicking on the sides like before. It always just zooms into the first one
oh cool it's not just me then
shot him a message on disc, he should see it soon
>Speaking to QT (likely Finnish) girl
>Want to tell her that ever since I've gotten fit again all the stuff she does seems legitimately exciting to me
>But I don't want to double text her and overload her 2-3 days into us talking.
Bros... what do I do?
Define "decent". There were plenty of girls I managed to get the Discords of; whether they kept my interest is a different matter all together.
Keep talking to me on Duo and you might find exactly what you're asking for. I could probably bench press you for fun whilst also being socially shy.
why did charlotte get banned
Schizo Charlotte or homesteading Charlotte?
she needs to take her meds
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Occasional replies, hell yeah. This is a step up
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A nsfw artist talked to me. probably got banned for saying nigger.

she was so perfect and I didn't respond because I wasn't checking the site enough.
Lucky, I haven’t get a single message from anyone at all via this board or that website but somehow manage to get a like every 20 minutes on OkCupid. I didn’t think this site would be more selective than the rest of the internet.
Think I talked to the same chick, the one from the southern US? She seemed cool at first but I got the feeling she had some serious issues
hmmm well.... I can help her
I'll be honest, talking to some of the girls here is like pulling teeth, they give you nothing to work with and 7 word replies. Fuck am I even supposed to say?
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Hey Duoadmin, you messed up your site. The pictures just appear between the sections now
They want to be showered with compliments and praise while putting in the absolute bare minimum effort. It's in their DNA. The only issue is the main trait that makes it work (charm and good looks) only works in person, not online, so here they come off as freeloaders.
Platonic love on parasocial raltionships is still a drug for many. I would simp or at least give the time I don't have for some sort of attention or affection.
your app maxes out my CPU and makes my laptop loud whenever I have its tab opened, are you mining crypto with it?
also I managed to get discords from two women there but neither replied after the initial hello
works on my machine
weird, we're on the same os and browser, but have very different results. maybe it's just some tinkering the admin is doing right now, judging by >>32963215
it's been the same for a week or two
ever since I started using it so I don't remember it ever being any different
Madge is so beautiful wtf
I'm madgepilled.
true, is that pic of the guy holding an Orthodox icon also her though?
yes she is trans
yes dumbass
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Looks like the faggots reporting the threads have driven OP away from the "exclusively for 4chan" angle and into an even worse one kek
at least zhe doesn't hide it
he should advertise on kiwifarms
>exclusively for 4chan
He's been trying to move away from that for a while now.
Dropping rule changes and enforcing them without warning, along with banning many innocent users in the process, really fucked the site. Now it's little more than a generic dating site.
I hope it improves the gender ratio
I liked the idea but if he should know the demographic the was pandering to.

I don't know about any of the rule changes. but sure pissing people off by banning them for being edgy wasn't going to go well.
Openly calling girls nigger or faggots when chatting them up was one of the huge things going for duo. Once that's gone then the site is done lol
i need a racist girlfriend or friends that are not afraid of going against the propaganda.
like other anons have said women on there are serial ghosters with shitty personalities. theyre even more entitled than normie girls.
Or maybe they're just shy
Not many girls, only 1 in my country by the looks.
Had some decent chats.
Not like I'll add a picture.
>make account in december
>haven’t touched it since january
>never get any messages
>log back in yesterday
>5 intros from chicks, all in the past month, half the accounts are deleted
bots or is duoanon getting more traffic onto site
The craziest thing about Duolicious is the guys openly offering to become paypigs. But I'm not complaining lol
That's everyone who wants a wife.
I added a (censored) picture and like to believe I got more answers because of this, but who knows
Not posting my 7*6 wiener just for some whores.
censored in a way that hides my face, not my cock, you absolute cumbrain
Lemme go grab a random photo of a guy and do the same.
Also sage doesn't actually have to go in all fields BTW.
I know. Ironically it wasn't even in the options field, it just stayed in the name field from another thread and I didn't notice
I'm a guy who does this to women on Tinder. It's not being too choosy if Tinder's "algorithm" virtually shows you completely random people who you'd never speak to IRL
Large Man, what happened? Why did you delete your discord account? I'd like to talk, whatever the reason was.
Shout out to all the guys who include pictures of themselves, I appreciate knowing whose ugly right off the bat so I can remove them
>now just a bazinga app
I get an email saying I got a new intro every so often to be reminded this exists. The list of people basically doesn’t change though. Really big doubt there’s 5000+ people unless the m:f ratio is like 100.
I don't believe you, post proof
>unless the m:f ratio is like 100
this is 4chan
Does this also show up if someone blocks you or passes you whatever it's called on the site?
it 100% does if both of you sent messages, not sure about just intros those might just disappear. also consider the possibility of them just deleting their account
Redpill me on Deb from Europe
Over half the people I've archived messages with have that, not sure if that's them deleting the account or blocking me for archiving
>No new women in a high-population area of the country for weeks
>Only real match I got fizzled out because she doesn't initiate ever
Back to the surface web sites it is
>she doesn't initiate ever
Just stop caring. My new headcanon is that women aren't made for initiating, so just keep yapping at her until she becomes your wife.
And if they really aren't interested, they can always skip you.

Femanons ITT (as if) please confirm or reject this theory
I'm tired of being alone but making it easy for feminists complaining that men don't approach them anymore is not something i would do. they ruined it. and I know they wont approach men. so I'll rather wait for someone than talk and make awful women.

I'll rather see them cry and and my future wife would probably agree
True. The sooner guys figure out this, the better for their dating odds.

Men approaching first is masculine therefore desirable
who cares what feminists think? they're failed women, sour that they can't get men to like them. their complaining is a cry for attention, "only the men I find repulsive approach me! men, stop approaching me! it's not my fault, it's all other men's fault that the good looking guys don't approach me!"
they say all men=bad to avoid confronting the truth that maybe it's them, not the men.
then if you as a man fail this shit test they see you as a weak pussy that they exploit and manipulate for their own gain. I've seen it happen 100% of the time, regardless of how kind and good the woman is.
just keep approaching them, in a good way of course (not like a creep), you'll get rejected most of the time, sometimes you won't and then you keep talking. don't be pushy if she doesn't reply (just wait until/if she replies) and so on.
Girls in Romania seem to find my attempts at courting to be repulsive. One of them even blocked me :(
>feminist are attention seekers but im not
>please give me attention, don't be a creep
meh. not all women are worth the effort. feminist or not. they don't have intrinsic value so I don't care anymore. do something worth approaching you. Exist, paying bills and have goals is not an achievement.
>forget about this
>see thread and re-open the site
>all the same matches I've either already talked to or knew I wouldn't get on with
So you're just permanently stuck with the same people forever? Seems kind of odd in my opinion
there's like 1 or 2 new women a week from my location and view at least, but that's for the entire world
are people putting profile pictures or not? some profiles have em and most of my high matches dont. I am confused if I should or not. I would prefer to talk first before sharing pics but I am not sure if people will think I am catfishing.

i am an f btw
A lot of girls aren't from what I can tell, I can't attest to the men however. Just don't act like a bot and you should be fine
So far most of the girls with profile pics have been "Sugar Babies"
I hope he tries to go to a wider audience without selling out. Even with the insane gender ratio I’ve gotten far better and more conversations than on mainstream dating apps. If this thing were 2:1 instead of 20+:1 it would be amazing
I don't care, I look at the profile and/or message, if I get a reply we can send each others pics then. You're gonna get a lot of messages anyway regardless of what you put on your profile just because you're a woman.
Anyone talk to that really gorgeous danish girl on there? What are my chances
its a catfish
>nothing wrong with not wanting to stain your gene pool with low impulse violent savage genes.
xXx already HAS low impulse violent savage genes on his mother's side.
>I found my dream gf
>I found a really sweet girl
> I met a sweet guy

Why do these three posts feel like they were written by the same person?
how sure
>message every single girl available to me
>one month passes, get about four responses
>none of the conversations last more than about a half-dozen messages
Women are the same no matter where you go
have you tried speaking to women istead of attention whores who browse 4chan
It's not the 1970s anymore, boomer. It's illegal to cold approach women if you aren't rich and famous. And even then, you have to walk on eggshells
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cope harder faggot
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>sent a selfie to this chick
>she calls me a racial slur (I’m Latino)
>immediately blocks me
What is wrong with women these days. She’s half Asian btw.
bro this is ai look at her eyebrows lololol
chronically sleepy midwestern girl who played osrs ironman and deactivated her account and had an extremely long profile, i think we could live happily ever after
>t. Single
Don't be a spic.
That's wholesome.
Hey, better than being a Gook.
That doesn’t still show profile pics does it? I deleted my account because the site seemed dead and assumed that just deleted all of your info as well, would be weird if it still showed you in previews or as a potential match or whatever
> doesnt believe in contraception
> believes people below the poverty line shouldnt be allowed to reproduce

half of the guys that have messaged me have this contradiction in their questions
They're probably interpreting it as an abortion question.
They probably mean they don’t believe in contraception in their own relationships, but they’re also income-based eugenicists. I’m a no to contraception and yes to not preventing poor people from having children but I answered the contraception question as if it pertained only to me, not to everyone else.
>yes to not preventing poor people from having children
no to preventing poor people from having children*. Reversed the question in my head.
>no to contraception
Why would anyone be against contraception?
Because it encourages casual, hedonistic sex, that doesn't result in conception, which makes sex lose its true meaning, so pair bonding never takes place, the relatioship eventually falls apart, and you're stuck in a cycle of endless casual relationships ending in breakups, or worse. The pill is even worse because it actively changes the woman's hormones and consequently her psychology, which makes her be attracted to the kind of man that's bad for her and wouldn't make a good father. I'm not making this up, it was proven by scientific studies. And lots of anecdotes of women who got off the pill and suddenly found their partner repulsive and broke up because her hormonal balance started normalizing.
holy based
damn tfw no big ass danish girlfriend
So I should never have sex with my partner or risk getting a kid neither of us is ready to raise? Take your meds.
>Not ready to raise
The longer you wait to have kids the harder it will be to raise them. Imagine trying to wrangle teenagers in your 50s, that's your future if you put it off too long.
>I can't afford them
Your grandparents raised their family of six on nothing but cabbage and hand-me-downs. It's called 'sacrifice', it's what you have to do to raise kids. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
>I don't want to sacrifice my cushy fun youth
Then it's just you being selfish.
and it’s precisely because of having kids when you barely have any means to sufficient them both physically and emotionally that mental illness exists in the first place. so no, for a better society, please everyone, have kids when you are financially ready and when you healed your own traumas and emotional pains
Being poor doesn't equate to being mentally ill. Mental illness can cause people to be poor, and being poor can cause people to become mentally ill. But there are lots of people you'd consider poor that are of sound health. With the social security in western countries these days you can always get enough money to raise kids if you sacrifice luxuries that you don't need. Your kids will have a harder start in adulthood because they won't have rich parents, but that's not a life ruiner, I've seen more rich kids ruin their lives from drugs, partying and thrill seeking than poor kids that usually turn out alright.
No. What causes kids to develop mental problems is parental neglect. Which increases exponentially with parents that had children at older ages. Both because the generational gap makes them harder to relate to, and because older people simply do not have the energy to keep up with little kids and so plonk them in front of toys/TV/video games to keep them distracted so "mummy and daddy can rest".
So for a better society, please everyone, have kids when you can actually be a parent to them rather than having to pawn it off onto society because you wasted your own youthful vigour on yourself.
Based as FUCK!
lol fuck off, you think your ancestors gave a shit about any of that?
These bitches keep adding random chans they never went to to their clubs for street cred.
Or maybe they're completely fake to begin with, who knows.
Indeed lmao
>start talking to a girl
>ask for her age (it was hidden)
I've never narc'd on someone before but there's a first for everything.
They were probably a fed
Hey don't be close-minded it could be a good old-fashioned catfish.
so can we assume safely the app is dead?
cause I see no one in my state
they are mostly in CA
MADGE HERE, not trans
Is it just me or is this shit broken on mobile? Can't even log in.
Ava is a guy catfishing.

>no proof
you WILL go on a date with me though, I WILL buy you a plane ticket to europe
K text me
The 2 boys I like never responded to my messages...... every fucking time
welcome to being a man, times 1 million
We were talking but u ghosted me
Vag or gtfo
same, she just wanted me to follow her insta and stopped responding. her story is pretty good though
Thank you for saying that
Haha guys the app is, like, dead and super broken and you should never use it! Trust me!
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Wow I JUST checked today and thought "damn this is a lot more faggy fucking normiecore than it was at the start" and just assumed some tinder whores found it and spread it around. Turns out it's yet another project started on 4chan where the creator immediately betrays us when he gets any popularity at all. Hope he fucking dies.
I didn't even get her insta
I check messages every couple of days and over the past 3 weeks only one new woman has shown up.
That's pretty damn stagnant
this happened
Come talk to our female owner she hates all of us.
What 'happened'?
I don't want to join their Discord what's going on?
It's spam. There's a duolicious discord but that's not it
I feel sorry for the people I was talking to, I got so overwhelmed and didn't want to have a reputation of being a ghoster but I also didn't want to be a bitch and say "I just don't want to talk anymore" so I deactivated my account. The next time I tried to make an account I actually got no requests compared to the flood I got the first time. It seems like most people fucked off
link to the Duolicious discord?
I know this is completely alien to all women because they are completely avoidant of any kind of confrontation.
But if your ultimately going to ghost or block someone you can just be like "Hey sorry we're not clicking/it's not working out have a nice day"
I mean even if they get ugly or nasty with you you were just going to ghost them/block them anyways.
As for your lack of desired amount of attention.
It's a pretty small user base maybe some of the people remember you and are just avoiding you because you didn't want to talk.
>they are completely avoidant of any kind of confrontation
t. Never dated a Latina
Is it not possible to create example.com users anymore? I was thinking of trying to try it again. Shame about the spergout.
I feel like there is an influx of women profiles which fit my answers and bio to a scary degree.
I'm not being schizo with that.
Why would someone do this? I'm a completely regular nerd, not of interest to anyone, not a lolcow or anything remotely like that.
Went to archives to find an answer. So the anonymous accounts aren't coming back. This sucks. I'm not going to log in to a burner email every time I need to log in. Why not let users set a password or at least use a proper OTP codes? Getting code from google authentiçator or similar app is way less hassle than logging in to email.
Kinda sad when you do some digging on the pics and discover someone near you is a catfish
Like 99% of the women with pics on the site are catfish lol. Almost every single selfie is reverse searchable. And there are bitches with multiple accounts pretending to be different people.

Doesn't matter anyways, there's been like 5 new female signups in the last 2 months. Site fucking sucked and the OP ignored all criticisms, then distanced it from 4chan and now it's dead as fuck lmao
He shouldve added verification
>now it's dead as fuck
Does the app worms or it's nah?
The only ones in argentina were indeed roasties with no desire to talk at all lol
>start talking to a girl right after New Year
>get along extremely well
>talk for hours endlessly
>never ever get bored with her, she's so intelligent and interesting
>stop talking to other women from Duolicious, delete my account
>she looks gorgeous and elegant
>21, Catholic, wants to get married
>we agree on virtually everything, ideologically, politically...etc
>can't meet up until fall because I'm European and she's American
>we agree it's fine to wait
>have two phone calls overall, English isn't my native language but I try my best, she always ends up having to leave right in the middle of the conversation
>we start talking less intensely, because after a while there's only so much to say
>ff to last weekend
>she barely texts anymore, figure she's busy with family for Easter
>today she texts saying she wants some alone time
>ask her to be honest
>we have nothing to say to each other anymore and the phone calls have been awkward, it would've been worse in real life, goodbye, I'm sorry
>blocked and conv deleted

I feel so deeply insulted. Basically called me a boring fuck.
Why does this hurt more than when my girlfriend of three years left me? It's also incredibly frustrating that I stopped talking to other sweet women for her and potentially prevented a relationship that would've lasted.

Had one glimmer of hope in this shitty life and it vanishes like nothing happened. I feel like I'm never going to get to be a father. I fucking hate being in my twenties in this fucking decade.
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if you're out there, mr duolicious, ty ;3 he's the first guy I've been interested in during my adult life and I'm so excited >< your site kinda stinks, but I wouldn't have met him without it. It's only been a couple of months, but I just can't help but feel excited for our future. I feel so lucky that we live so close to one another >.<
>An unironic Schizoid ginger blocked me after my intro message.

It’s so over bros. What the hell are you meant to type in these
Men complain about ghosting but then you get posts like this.
I was on duo and then got doxxed by some weird dude who was unhappy with me :))

They made a thread about me which OP saw and cleared loads of profiles for chasing away females lol

Was a shame because i matched with a few ‘okay’ people on there :(

Deleted my account when i saw the thread bc didnt want to be unindated with messages of incels hate messaging me lol
What's wrong with my post? I just needed to vent.
Talked with a cool Croatian girl for less than a day, then she either got banned or removed her profile lol. Wish she'd come back
>talk to some girls, going well
>we turn in for the night, say we'll chat the next day
>they never respond again

You never get used to the pain
christ at least we aint that anon in the other thread posting his blocked messages to one of the girls on here this app
oh this is that same guy lmao
I never posted on /soc/ about my stuff on Duolicious except for this single post
Wow I just have to updoot this great story that definitely happened
I can't have a normal conversation, I must start all conversations in the most ludicrous way to get responses. Straight up sexual harassment or something akin, it's infuriating.
I can't help but shit post
does it work for you?
Yes but I'm attractive
tfw no hrvat gf
I just don't understand how someone can go from double texting hours apart to radio silence in less than a day
>see someone, not interested so ignore
>they message me again months later complaining about me not responding

genuinely what the fuck is wrong with you?
no one cares about your feelings retard
sometimes it works and that's all that matters
tell me how many women you've convinced by pursuing a "no", anon.
One guy in my high school married a girl who rejected him for years. My dad married my mom after years of rejection too. Persistence can be a successful strategy so long as the woman continues engaging despite saying "no". Although continued engagement is far less likely online than in contexts like high school, where daily interactions are a given.
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Then again, social norms have changed since the two couples I mentioned courted. The story from high school was about 15 years ago. At the time, persistence in men was more likely to be read as a sign of fidelity than these days. These days, persistence is harassment. Some women might still be receptive to that approach, but it's certainly not without risk.
One of them was a single mother lol.
I personally have continued to engage casually IRL after an e-no and managed to snag my dream girl, turns out she only said no initially because she's the avoidant autistic type and panicked and just required more time to open up to actually being with another person

it only needs to work a single time to be worthwhile since there's nothing to lose by doing so
we're playing the numbers here, self-respect is irrelevant
also, ignoring is not a no
I was too scared to continue the conversation with a girl and at this point I'm not sure if it would be weird to respond to her after practically ghosting her. Why is this whole thing so difficult for me?
Also fuck all these fake profiles, whoever keeps making them is a sick man
It's me, I'm making them.
No I'm making them.
Why do you gain from that?
I wake up, it's another betrayal
Alex 21 is a catfish account
They're all catfishers. Either catfish or e-thots selling their OF.
the one in california? what happened with u, i talked to her a coupl of weeks on discord she was normie weird
that was a guy catfish, sorry to tell you, if it was the one a week or two ago
BPD Charlotte is back, this time somewhere in Europe.
"-" is real but only interested in friends
Where in Europe?
What’s the point of this discord?
>tfw my face and my cat get me intros from women but i inevitably flub the speech checks to get them to talk with me for more than 2 messages
-It seems like the conversation is going well.
-shortly after I get ghosting

it boils me, everywhere women seem to behave the same

they only increase my incel bias
holy crap this thread still alive?
forgot all about this app is it still getting people?
I assume its just salty anons catfishing etc at this point
They need to feel a genuine spark for you otherwise they'll just ghost. Women are spoilt rotten here
Would the spark be to lie and say I'm rich? because I am already handsome
i've see a new person every week or so, haven't felt that enthusiastic about messaging any of them yet
I'm afraid to message anyone because I suspect they're all catfishes now after confirming one near me.
the what
I guess this is the de facto Duolicious thread now, though the OP doesn't seem to post on 4chan anymore.
he's still posting ads. i bet he's samefagging this thread
If you mean the actual ads on 4chan, those don't exactly require a lot of manual effort once set up. He may have forgotten about them or is simply letting them ride.
>created account
>do the question thingy
>all the 90%+ match girls are batshit insane, sometimes self proclaimed nazis
Is something wrong with me or…? I swear I’m normal
The computed match % based on questions is only part of the equation, as you've discovered it can't detect craziness. But there's nothing wrong with being nazi. Maybe you don't deserve a nazi gf if you don't like it.
theres like 10 total girls so the matching is pretty much meaningless.
Can you unanswer some of the basic questions like relationship status?
meeting my date today are we so back?
>messaged two girls
>no replies
It's over.
AA stopped responding to me :((
What happened?
aye, 4chan is male aimed social media, majority of women would never even use a website that greets you with a porn ad on home page. I can't belive im saying this but if you want to find girls online, go to tumblr.
How old are you and where do you live?
Why are there so many fake Poles?
>Message some chick not really in my age bracket just being friendly.
>Work email why did you click reply all experience but on a dating site.
>Proceeds to do it more acknowledging people don't like it, and then does it again and again.
Hey at least I can say I've never had that experience on a normal dating site
She was sending the same copy-paste reply to literally everyone that messaged her and told them so.
Then did it again, and then again and again.
It's so stupid it was actually pretty funny.
very autistic girl. replied to literally everyone who messaged her (actually very in-depth, too, so most people probably though she was very exclusive about who she was responding to, at least I did) and got overwhelmed and sent a copy-pasted message in bulk addressed to everyone. seemed naïve enough to me that I lost interest, she obviously doesn’t understand guys’ feelings much. Then she sent out possibly the longest message in duolicious history as an open letter apologizing and explaining herself. and then a lengthy addendum to that message addressing negative feedback.
cute, but kek
How do you find a gf if you're boring btw?
Forget about that how do I find a gf that isn't boring
Half these girls are neets that do nothing but "bed rot hehe"
its croatian catfish, he makes new accs all the time
If you don't need them maybe you could give them to me? A boring gf can't reproach me for being boring.
>A boring gf can't reproach me for being boring
They will do it anyway
If she's for real regardless of how book smart she is she's far too retarded for online dating, she really needs to get her brother or someone just to hook her up with their friend.
Fuck bros... I wanted Sophia so badly. It was like a blood memory being unlocked. Boston Irish girl, British guy? Sounded like a fun match.
Desu you'd have to be delusional for it to look natural it was most if not always
>Thanks for the message so and so but...
>Literal essay of text
are there qt twink anons out there?
Is there a /soc/ archive so I can see the deleted posts?
Please and thank you.
>be me
>live near one of the largest metro areas in the US
>set all my preferences to "any" and distance to like 200 miles
>get a total of 3(three) girls, all of whom are at minimum 2+ hours away.
Am I doing something wrong? Does it only show people who have at least a 50% match?
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It's amusing when I write an intro to a girl and someone else already sent that exact same intro before.
Either I'm terribly uncreative or it's just the sheer number of guys.
the site is fucking dead bro. there are no real women on there
I was gonna message you because I'm christian and smoke too but I live in Nevada
Yes, there is.
Katie has a cute butthole, would recommend
What is the web address to that archive?
Yes I've never had that problem, just the smallest amount of originality will solve it.
Ask a question, make an observation or a completely lame ass joke about the website or their profile that's not malicious.
If you do literally any of these things with out copy paste levels of thought you won't have a problem.
A tiktok video featuring duolicious got 118k views in a day


Prepare your anus for a deluge of twitchfags
you mean underages. this place is going to turn into a fed website lmfao
wtf does this mean? I sent a message, got a response and this shows up at the bottom.
The message got archived right after. Did I just get ghosted right after getting a response?
That explains why a bunch of profiles showed up in between me opening it in the morning and the evening the other day.
you got blocked by that person
What a bitch. I didn't even sperg out or say nigger.
too many 18 year olds now
Thanks for telling us Anon.
As for rapshout1, fuck yourself, die in boiling shit.
great. as if there weren’t enough normgroids on there already.
Yeah! Nobody knew about 4chan or anything advertised on it before that faggot rapshout said anything! I hope he rots in hell!
Tell it to me straight guys, is the penis to vagina ratio 1000:1 on this site?
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This is what a girl's inbox looks like
Life as a woman must be difficult.
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>They're handed everything on a silver spoon by a constantly replacing line of desperate idiots as long as they show boobs or fain affection
Oh my god the humanity!
What do you have your max distance set to?
They don't even have to show boobs or pretend to be affectionate. They will get this just by being women
So true bestie, so true
go away rapshout
ESL detected.
Nah I just, don't know how to spell things sometimes lol
Bit ditzy, oopsie!
duolicious is sort of a gynocracy enabled by simps and desperate losers who’ve got nothing better to do. INB4
>a-at least i’m trying!
>play into their little games and hope you’re their favorite!
>belittle yourself at the expense of some used up pussy bro! maybe some day she’ll give you a shrivel of attention after she’s done sexting 10 other guys bro!
yeah fucking right. count me out of it.
>logged out
>"can't send an email there" when trying to log back in
Anyone else getting this
>he's also sexted with Lena
kek what a whore, I bet she puts out for everyone
>Gets blocked by the exact same person after 3 messages.

We are in this together brah
If it's the Irish ginger with literal schizophrenia I actually had a decent conversation with her with her giving lengthy responses.
The conversation ended when I stated that normal relationships are hard enough and I don't think I'm really interested in someone with severe mental illness.
For being someone that was "crazy" she was very civil and seemed nice enough.
Jesus, is this the caliber of sad sack of shit I'm competing against in this world?
are chats not working for anyone else? every time I try to message someone it doesn't load and says I'm offline
It was down randomly for the past hour though it's working for me now

I think all the normies from the tiktok video are killing the server
Damn what the fuck did I do wrong. Schizo ginger that is able to converse decently sounds god tier
shes does lmao even I sexted with lena

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