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>about yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
21/Female/Near Sacramento
>about yourself
I'm a nursing student and a figure skater, I like cars, gaming, anime and reading
>looking for
>not looking for
fags and homos
fembot9k (telegram)
27 male, ventura county
>about yourself
I work full time at night, love to read, workout, and play vidya
>looking for
People to talk to, maybe a gf, it gets lonely working at night
>not looking for
Fuck buddies, fwb
Discord- rikmusmaximus
>asl - 26 f Anaheim California
>about yourself - autist poly bbw PC gamer into vtubers, j-pop, weeb shit and playing both single player games and multiplayer games
>looking for - irl friends to meet up with or a irl bf
>not looking for - internet trolls or people who only care about my reputation and just wanna shit talk me with randos. Go away.
>contact - chickenfur
>I use to accept every friend request but now I only accept vtuber/anime profile pics
>Lately a fellow soc user has been harassing me and idk if he's still sending people to harass me so if I unfriend you or block you it's because you were raising red flags
look up on archive
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Redhead femboy into petplay, watersports, submission, ect.

Really into tall (6ft+) uncut guys who are dominant and wanna use me like a toy. I can be really shy irl but I'm a good boy.

SC: perfecteleven
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drawfag, politics, vidya games, chinese cartoons, movies
>what you're looking for
looking for a girl with similar interests. im fine with starting off as friends/taking it slow but im looking to date eventually

>What you're not looking for
LGBT and leftoids

>people who only care about my reputation
you have that reputation for a reason
>cookie cutter hobbies of tranime, videogames, "politics" (spic fuentes and low brow commentators)
>looking for a woman (on 4chan lol)
>not looking for leftoids (yet looking for women on 4chan)
boring low iq individual
art, strategy games, board games, math, programming
> looking for
other mtfs.
-to frott with
-to be friends with
-to learn from
rlly any of those would be cool. can be just one or all, idk. i'm a neet but im trying to make life more livable. want improve my skills and have good experiences. have made some modest progress and good irl friendships, but i feel like there's room for more.
>not looking for
anyone who isn't mtf!!!!

my name is tnd man what makes you think i like brown "people" or spics. plenty of non retarded based women on here. 4chan isnt a left wing site dumbass. beta strat attacking other dudes on their character tryna bring em down, rather than increasing your own value
>22 / M / 951 & 714
>23 year old eng student, love to surf, fish, lift, hike
>looking for freinds at school, hookups, lifting buddies
> not looking for paywhores
> discord barredsurfpercher
Bro is 27 and thinks there's girls here and is trying to talk down to anyone while having a name with 1488. "Increase your value" my brother in Christ you are at 0
26 m socal, temecula
>about yourself
slim femboy, not openly bi but bi loll
kinda a neet atm
>looking for
friends, fwb perferably. someone near me who likes vidya and anime..SD isnt near :<
>not looking for
far away peoples, or hookups...too lonely to handle that lmao
kik vcarbiter
31M San Diego looking for another straight guy to talk about fetishes with, share cock pics, porn, maybe meet up to be suck buds
Kik: manshling
>another straight guy
I-it's not g-gay if you're doing it to help a h-homie out.

In san francisco for the week anyone around Mascone?

32/M/415 Bay Area

Looking for casual sex or a fwb type situation, I would like to find a woman who’s down to smoke a shit ton of hash oil, eat some mushrooms, the occasional blow, do some art, go explore the city together, hiking, concerts, shows, museums, work out buddies ect. I live alone, dog owner, artist with art block who’s been looking for some new inspiration lately. If you’re trying to escape this shitty state of reality for a bit then hmu, I’m honestly just looking for a fun girl to kick it with. Might not respond right away because life gets in the way sometimes, but I’ll be around. Peace

Kik locked.out8888
33m sacramento
>about yourself
gay short slightly overweight 5'5 145lbls Asian loner. corporate slave, relocated here to sac. and no friends. basic interests, vidya anime manga kpop. lets go hiking and not murder me. would love to get more into tabletop.
>looking for
friends, dates, fun. lets go out to places
>not looking for
fem dues.
discord nefies
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22/M/ Los Angeles, California
>about yourself
Degen weeb who loves hella weebshit, vtubers and video games. I really enjoy rpgs like honkai star rail and genshin, ffxiv. But down to play any game that’s multiplayer :) I also like to workout.
>looking for
looking for a girl around or close to my age who has similar interests, and wouldn't mind sharing who they are and their experiences with me. And here’s hoping they wouldn’t mind eventually meeting up irl! I would love to spoil you and treat you like a princess <3
>not looking for
Discord: notkinesis
21/M/Gold Country
>about yourself
I'm a student who is interested in politics, video games, and reading.
>looking for
A friend/someone to talk to/ someone to play games with.
>not looking for
A relationship.
Telegram @pp0971

>about yourself
artist, khv
>looking for
gf or something idk
(just be a girl)
>not looking for
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18 m san diego

>about yourself
lonely student with nothing to do but rot on my computer, hopefully that will change
ooooooo you want to add me, oooooooooo you want to add me so bad

>looking for
low inhib individuals, someone i can buy k from, friends/a cool irl friend group

>not looking for
avoidant, no interests outside of passive consumption
discord: badca11
Why do you hate me so

-avoidant passive consumer
At least he's trying. If that puts him at a 0, your stinky attitude puts you in the negatives. If I didnt know any better, I would assume you were trans with how bitter your posts are.

45, M, Bay Area

>about yourself

Secret sex addict.

>looking for

Exchange photos. Flirt. Maybe meet up.

>not looking for

Boring conversation.


KIK: AgentCooperCA
>about yourself
just got back into skating after 10 years, into retro and pc games too
>looking for
midweek skating buddies during the morning and early afternoon
>not looking for
can't think of anything
uh, let's just meet up at La Fayette skate park cause that's my current spot. We can go from there, I'm trying to go most days. I'll keep an eye on this thread for replies.
Do you have discord or kik? I love the vulgarity.

Work, video games, alt-media and anime, art
>Looking for
Sub f to have fun with and fuck I guess?
>Not looking for
Uggos and trannies and drug users
Mdarkest (kik)

>about yourself
busy girl (work a lot) ambitious.
I like cooking, hiking, gym, crafting and horror.
kinda fat, kinda muscular
relative normie
not severely mentally ill, just a touch

>looking for
cool people

>not looking for
sex—unless you’re hot.
people under 25

I don’t wanna post and be spammed
post yours. include some info about you or I probably won’t add. It’s helpful so that I don’t add a bunch of people with zero shared interest and we never talk again after 1-2 convos.

new outfit I’m really excited about, been trying to explore fashion more
Busy working. I go to a lot of concerts, love to cook, eat good good. Skinny.
Depressed as fuck. Sarcastic.
>Looking for
Friends, dating, cool people
>not looking for
Hard drugs
Kik: jaybride666


more of an introvert, love working out but calisthenics to be exact. never gone hiking but it's something i want to do eventually. i don't go out too much more of an introvert.

kik: chimkinnooget

can move to discord after the first few messages this just a throw away.
Hella busy with work and school but looking for people to chat or other with. I have a lot of interests. Open to any horny bs too
Kik: justsomebody150
Long shot but here we go.

27m Northern California

Looking for a fem to be with in an intimate setting. I'll be as platonic as you want. I'll eat you out, just no intercourse. Maybe we go on a date or chat and see if we click.

Telegram - @GalacChe
She’s based
M 21 IE (lives in 909)

Been on multiple hikes in the San Gabriel's, active gym goer, kinda fat kinda muscular too, also a musician. (714) 386 9745
What are you doing eating sushi

>Looking for
Dating, board game group, D&D group,

>Not looking for
gay guys even if you're a crossdresser please stop trying, ONS, Long distance, flaky people

>About yourself
I'm Chinese, 5'10, got a master's degree. All in all, a real typical engineer here in the bay. Standard nerd interests. Anime and manga, vtubers, gaming, dnd, science, reading. Would love someone to take to some cons. Currently, I'm slowly running my way through BG3 on hard mode (I'm on the final fight!). I also have a wide if not deep breadth of experience with crafting of all sorts (wood, clay, leather, some metal, 3d printing, painting, drawing, etc etc). I keep seeing cool products made or whatever and going I'm an engineer. I bet I could make that.

discord maliciousmachinations
You're on 4chan jackass. What do you expect?
Try to be less judgemental. You know nothing about them or their sense of humor. And even if they're not being edgy, who cares if they don't like jews? They're not hurting anyone. They might be really nice and simply got sucked into an ideology online when things weren't working out for them irl for a while. You don't know anything.
are you fucking stupid? you can't "they're just a lil guy!" fascism, shut the fuck up. The other anon is right, that guy sounds like a loser, and you do too.
27/M/West LA

>about me
I've lived in 5 states, and somehow I ended up back in California again (bad decisions were made). I've been ghostwriting and copywriting for the last couple years, but I have some different opportunities coming up and I've decided I mostly want to focus on writing my own books while I do other things for work. I deeply hope that the next time I move out of Cali is the last time that I move out of Cali.

I'm very Christian, unvaxxed, and white with blue eyes. 5'11, skinny but building muscle. I cook a lot and I make all my own meals. I like snowboarding, hiking, fishing, camping, and vidya.

>looking for
any girl or bro (no gay shit) that hasn't fully embraced a life in clownworld. meeting someone special would be cool, but id be equally happy if I just find a bro off here too.

>not looking for

Disc: Gronk#1097
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28/M/NorthCounty Sandiego

I mainly do bodyweight shit and jumprope but am also into fitness and looking to step my cooking game up

I can pass as a normie and all that

I watch some anime, like Ippo, the boxing one on my shirt lol and edgerunners is a fav

Like hiking too and horror films

As for fashion, I like darker colors and boots, that's my "aesthetic"

Anyway, don't come on 4chan much anymore but occasionally do pop by and check out different boards, sometimes /sp/, or /trv/, or the cooking one and also adv or tv

Kik is cas94x
Disc is Rev777x

>looking for
Someone to teach me how to dance

>about me
5'8, average looking guy, typical internet nerd, I shower daily

discord: bluebeamer
kek. Showers daily.
20/M/Bay Area

>looking for
Just someone to chat with about anything

>about me
6, average looking, like movies, hiking, nature, history, and vidya

discord: boredanon_29586

36, m, 408 San Jose area

>about yourself

Very laid back, drug and disease free, discreet, respectful of your situation.

>looking for

Regular discreet hookups, open to male or female. Ideally hotel meetups from time to time to get each other off.

>not looking for

Mean people, drug addicts, anyone not ok with discretion.


Kik - 408anonnona804
10/m/San Diego
>about yourself
Successful career, married to a decent woman, own house, comfy life in general materially speaking. But also living with constant mild depression. Spend most of my time working, cooking, reading, sleeping, shitposting.
>looking for
The feeling of happiness that I had when I was younger and life wasn't the same grind and was seemingly more full of possibilities and excitement and novelty
>not looking for
Mean people
Who am I kidding? I'm not going to meet anyone from here. It's all so pointless anyways.
Don't have disc pls make a kik
>Married with career
Wow that's really impressive for your age
30/M/Santa Clarita
>about me
6'2, white, blue eyes and thick cock. I like the gym, gaming, and socializing with friends
>looking for
submissive women and passable trans that love sucking cock, fucking, and doing drugs ;)
>not looking for
weirdos, scammers, drug addicts or people trying to enter a serious monogamous relationship
telegram - @Stoge_bum

>about yourself
Not skinny, taller than you, silly.

>looking for
Wholesome buds who may wanna hold hands someday. The LOML but that’s a larger plight.

>not looking for
sex, uncomfy times, scary people

you forgot your contact

disc: flowthestream
trans & femboys by the los angeles area hmu if you want a daddy

discord bubblyspicywater
29/M/east bay
>about yourself
white dude, 5'8 160 lbs
work from home in software but have a lot of free time, mostly play vidya, practice archery or nightwalk
>looking for
bio female to date or hang out
>not looking for
men, trans, single mothers, short term hookups, politically correct, politics
discord: star.razor
M/30 6 foot 6 inch tall skinny guy from San Diego, looking for fwb or something more serious. I’m pretty nerdy generally, finishing up my masters in oceanography. Also like to go camping, hiking, etc. I love eating ass lol.

Kik: hankb619
Join if you like gender studies, also join if you dont like gender studies.

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f 21 sacramento

Currently in college but about to graduate soon. Looking for people to smoke, play fortnite, thrift, or chill. I’m not looking for a relationship or oldfags. I like cartoons, true crime, and electronic/alternative music.

my discord is puppymatcha
M 29 Orange County

5'7 Skinnyfat mexi looking for some tail, or friends that are musicians.
geeky metal drummer with short hair. I like to game/watch anime/jam/smoke/drink.
Disc - Damnagoras
>about yourself
I 'm an Electrician, love going hiking and working out, like night walks and have a few pets/ plants, like cooking
6'1 blonde.
>looking for
Taller and petite or shorter and thick f Who has cool interests and would like to talk/get coffee some night night.
>not looking for
No hard libs, obese , or fwb ( unless we've met irl)
Luciphelene (telegram)
>about the gradutate
>no oldfags

Bitch you about to become one!
Sharing nudes of a smelly gook college nerd.
Would you fuck her stinky ass anyway, wwyd?

Message if you're from San Diego. (Which part)

Kik gookstanky
23 / m / 310
>about yourself
lonely chill guy
>looking for
>not looking for
title fight sucks ass
Nah my niggas got a point. Even trad girls like myself aren’t into that 1488 bullshit. I would’ve found it attractive at 15 and my 30 something ex has swatiska tattoos.
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yeeeherw i love california join for cats and californians
i wouldnt exacltly call someone who spergs out at people's usernames on 4chan a winner lol

>even trad girls like myself

no trad girl will ever call herself trad. you are using ebonics on 4chans cock rating board and clutching your pearls about some anon's edgy username. also your ex sounds like a methhead hillbilly, which says a lot about you since you were willing to date someone like that. Don't toss stones from a glass house.
These threads are nothing but a sausage fest filled with kooky and mentally damaged guys.
so like every thread
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22/F/Southern Cali
Alt-right girl looking for someone to try and unnerve me. It won't work, I promise.
>Looking for
Gore/Your most disgusting dick pics/anything else gross.
>Not looking for
Other girls. Go to your lesbo forums and eat rugs elsewhere.
doctorapathy on Discord, send your best, 4chuds.
gore you wanted, and gore you shall receive
21/f/walnut creek area
>about yourself
very chill fan of art
intensely scared of people irl
>looking for
people to shoot the shit with while getting drunk
if you're a gay girl in the east bay please hmu
>not looking for
weird conservatives
sex stuff with men (women are fine after i get to know you)
discord: 44f8ea
lihao2001 is my Kik
20 F Korean
Looking for BBC to tribute or use white girl I hate, or other Asians to tribute her would be good too (Jap/ch/korean/thai/viet etc) message me for more info please
I have access to an abandoned rental in the ie and in trying to set up a CNC scenario.
Looking for couples or women
I have a discord but don't want it spammed we can swap on kik
Is your media literacy actually so bad that you believe this?
tell me what kind of porn you like anon
or show a couple examples. dont be shy
itsmandybear on snap
Sucked a lot of dick last night in LA
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19/f/newport beach

umm kinda new to this but heyy..im an aspie and overall kind of a 'nerdy girl' type who is looking for ppl to casually talk to. pretty antisocial irl but i enjoy occasionally talking from time to time so dont get mad if im not online at all times, in fact just dont bother adding me if ur one of those ppl

>looking for
nice people in their 20s that I can relate to lol and to talk to about anything but esp cool if you like knitting, cars/motorsports, or art. sometimes i like to get high too (only edibles >.<) if ur super chill maybe you can go driving in the canyons with me and my friends. also ive been told i have kinda dark humor so be warnedd lmao

>not looking for
overly weird ppl who are sexual and/or demand things

discord: scarlett_pink
>cropped ai picture
>reddit spacing
>the way you type
You're the worlds worst catfish/serial killer
seemed pretty real to me on VC, think ur just a coping incel faggot kek
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As an actual woman this behavior from both of you autists is laughable. youre both equally 'beta' by arguing over muh bad username skibidi L rizz ohio fortnite women on muh 4chan. Please go outside ffs
nerdy in newport is just being normal
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>about yourself
/fit/, /cgl/, /lit/, /ic/, and /3/
I live a very active lifestyle, If I'm not at the gym, hiking, running, or doing calisthenics, I'm making art (3d, 2d, or cosplay) and listening to audiobooks.

>looking for
SoCal, chill people, normies and normie-passers, convention / concert-buddies, hiking buddies, meetups if we click (only if we've spoken on call or video, I'm not interested in ending up as the topic of a true-crime podcast postmortem)

>not looking for
Gooners, goonettes, sluts, sex-shit, in general, chronically online people without hobbies, or the severely or low-functioning mentally ill.

mxnhunt on Kik and Discord
Not our fault that we’re richer than u
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26, M, Westwood
>about yourself
Veteran, just got out the military currently working for the VA. I live a car-free lifestyle and I'm part of an urbanist group that promotes public-transit/walkable spaces. I go for walks and sometimes draw whatever catches my interest. I love going to bars/clubs and shows.
>looking for
>not looking for
I'm open to anyone who just wants to hangout
disc: smokeythemonk
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>high earner/wealthy, bipolar, narcissistic, /fit/, lonely
>someone new
>someone boring
>snapchat: bathalisk
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21/f/bay area
>about yourself
writer and artist
>looking for
gay women
>not looking for
I’ve talked to some cool people on here recently, but I’m still keeping my eyes open.

>WFH; IE/909; Into anime, manga, foodie, finding new background audio to play while working.
>Currently into rain falling on tin roof.

>Looking for cute girls in CA to goof off with while i'm working. Meet up in real life. Sex or food. Both work. Preferably boht.

>not looking for guys

>hank_pym24 snap | can move to discord once we get introduced
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Looking for people interested in the BDSM lifestyle and chasing their passions. I'm 25, and I'm an experienced practitioner of bdsm
Relationship wise I'm interested in people who have the right energy, not any specific individual criteria
I'm open to friends and whatever else, I'm pretty open with my energy but I don't tend to have that many close friendships or relationships in general - but I would like to!
I'm also not an incel or always-online discord person, either, some people can't respect boundaries with gaps in between responses but I just can't always be online.
Add me and we can talk more on discord about what sort of dynamic you're interested in. You know, your fetishes, kinks, and special interests that form your persona. Ideally looking for a TPE arrangement of some kind if you're in the area, but I'm open to discuss lots of different ideas.
Love hiking, philosophy, psychedelics, nature, art, and raising pets
remk888 on discord
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>27 m oc
>manic, high earning rich prick
>someone insane/stupid
>not looking for someone boring/ugly
Discord: egirlcannibal
changing your ID doesn't work if you're going to type the same way, lmao. Please learn how to catfish better before posting again, you knuckle dragger.
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29 / M / East Bay

Been getting into terrariums,
Fought in MMA circuits for 5yrs, and only recently stopped playing WoW

Fwb or smoke partner or friends or just a dirty texter

Kink shamers and sellers

Kik Flogrownman94
31 / M / LA
I want to buy drugs but I don't go out enough
Kik: dans805
>26, m, 925 area code
>6 foot, 180 pounds, big time /lit/fag, sometime cyclist, catposter, bisexual. i like sludge metal and indie music, am somewhat knowledgable about movies and have a moustache.
>cute persons of either gender not too far away to talk and see what happens. twinks. anyone with tastes that deviate from what everyone else is into
>fat, trans, enby, poly, over 30, handsome/masc dudes, anyone very active on social media, fans of superhero movies, very proactive type A people
cryinshameless on kik
23 f 916
don't wanna say too much on here but im a student and i should warn im chubby. i have a lot of interests so if you wanna be friends there's a good chance we overlap on something just hmu and see if we vibe
>looking for
Fwb or friends, i like raves n stuff like that too
>not looking for
bluetheme2022 on kik. make sure you tell me your from the cali thread and preferably send a pic of yourself so ik you arent someone i already know lol but its not required
{F4M} Are you ready to be trained and explore more kinky lifestyle. Need a Loyal submissive sissy Slave

Text me on KIk:

Looking for people from the 559 to meet up and jerk off with. No jerking each other off, just jerking off at the same time while watching porn or showing off girls we know
Kik: somethingrandom62
>changing your ID doesnt work
>learn how to catfish better
Ive been lurking on this thread for awhile and thats especially ironic coming from you; Throwing stones while in a glass house yourself.
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22 M bi, 818/323 area. (twinkish, ppl on the street initially mistake me for a woman disturbingly frequently)
I'm a dork. I like comics, animation, film, and games, and can go into autistic rambles about anything if that's your thing; primarily revolves around various mecha, 2000s emo nonsense, funy cartoon animals, and tech stuff. Ask for more specifics if you're interested :b
>What you're looking for
I've tried to do hookups before (only with guys though), I never enjoyed it very much. They were always more interested in getting off than anything passionate, and I felt lame. I need an emotional connection or I sincerely can't enjoy it even in a physical sense.
Nonetheless I still have needs, so as ashamed I am to ask, I was hoping for someone nearby who'd be willing to have a regular FwB thing? I'm very open-minded and into tons of stuff thanks to internet desensitization, lawl. Hopefully could become a proper friendship, but it's okay if it doesn't work out.
>Not looking for
Smokers/drug users, politics obsessives, and generally just grouchy attitudes, as gay as that is to say.
Sexually, no feet/piss/gore/etc fetishists, please.
Ryiie5 on Kik.
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29 M
Los Angeles area, looking for a regular fwb arrangement
No fat chicks or transsexuals or gays
discord: elangcorn
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20m Orange County/San Diego/Temecula—houses in all of these areas so not at one exclusively
6ft waysian that looks fully white from a wealthy background so if you despise upperclass or want to lecture me on muh privilege dont add

Open to most things but love flying my plane, driving my cars at the track, gambling and surfing
>Looking for
Anyone to chat about random stuff when bored or maybe hang out with my other normie friends you aren’t a total psychopath—we are chill with most people gay/trans etc
>not looking for
Dickheads or super political
disc laurelcraft
You're telling me you're 20 and have 3 houses? how'd you manage that
4chan will be 4chan
He said wealthy background so based on that and hobbies probably some spoiled rich kid.
foreign exchange student in US
>looking for
someone to teach me more about weed and psychedelics
>not looking for
hookups fwb
kimbogi_43184 on discord
Does anyone know Amy D originally from 805?
27/F/LA county
>about yourself
I like listening to music (mostly goth and post punk), doing random crafts, fashion and j-fashion, going to concerts and watching horror movies. I also enjoy reading and some gaming but I'll admit I rarely do either these days. I want to start going to the gym again since I am chubby.
>looking for
Friends, preferably women but males are alright too. Someone to hang out with, go to the movies and stuff like that. I wouldn't mind a work out buddy too but I get that may unreasonable.
>not looking for
Hook ups, racists (I'm not white or Asian so take that as you will) clingy people. I work nights so I'm up late and will not usually message during the day. That doesn't mean I'm not interested in conversation. No coomers or people who can't have normal, non-sexual conversations.
32/M 415 Bay Area

M4F looking for a fwb to smoke weed and do some psychedelics with hmu if you’re down to have some fun.

Kik/Disc : locked.out8888
30m bay area

>about yourself
i mostly just work, play pc games, watch anime, listen to alt music. pale skin, 5 ft 10, 210lbs

>looking for
local fwb who wants to meet up and take my virginity. i can host. we can take it slow.

>not looking for
men, friends

discord: int.value
Let's rob this person
Eh he seems pretty cool so far
Wizard XD
What powers were bestowed upon you mighty wizard? I wish to know your secrets.
thee mighty power of delusion to demand a fwb despite not acquiring the love of any fair maidens in thrice decades
Pics or no proof
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looking for a real man who can match my sexual drive i dont have limit btw f20 here nursing student
KIK: ziasky19
This gives me "I'm actually going to steal your kidneys" vibes
>about yourself
surf work school gym and sober
>looking for
>not looking for
discord: saltyofficial
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this guy weirdo
30 m in the 760 area for work bored looking for someone to chat with maybe meet up.

Disc. thatrandomdude#5361

Someone's just sad I wasn't interested in her. You'll find someone who'll settle for you, kimbogi_43184, don't worry. Probably.
Holy shit another person from the 805?
yeah bro I’m sure that’s exactly how it happened: the 30yo 210lb fatass trying to get laid off soc was too high value to “settle.” You ain’t fooling anybody with your copium bud
I'm not interested in you, take a hint and waste someone else's time.
im also from the 805, though i don't use these threads to try to meet people
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If you aren't larping and are really this pathetic at 30, its over for you anon.
Wow I really thought that the central coast was barren
>I don’t use these threads to try to meet people
That’s probably for the better desu
everyone's on their own path anon, I've made friends from other threads. I ran the main blowjob thread on soc during the pandemic for like a year ish and I made a really close friend from that. It can all come up unexpectedly, you gotta let yourself be open to the universe
Movie in picrel is kino. For a zoomer you certainly have good taste.
26M/Bi/San Mateo Bay Area

>about yourself
What's up, I like to bike, hike play video games and read books. I work out a bit on my free time.
>looking for
friends or fwb with female or male, I lean more towards women, but I don't mind guys if they're chill.
>not looking for
weird ppl
Drug heavy, I don't mind if you smoke weed just don't make it your whole personality.
kik: newfonewhodis1
28 bi dude 714/562
Just some bored and horny guy. Like video games and horror movies.
Looking for someone to be chill with and mess around. Got some rc sex toys I like messing around with. Also been to a couple spas, would be fun to go together
Not looking for drama I guess?

ur pretty cool for a richfag ngl. def one of the more interesting anons ive talked to
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23/Male/Solano County
>about yourself
Software developer. I'm into gym, books, gaming, motorcycles. I travel a bit and I like other languages so if you speak Russian, Japanese, or Persian we can practice. I have really eclectic hipster taste in music and I can shoot the shit about anything as long as you're passionate about it.
>looking for
new friends, gaming teammates, motorcycle riding buddies, someone to hit the gym with sometimes, maybe a gf if the right person comes along and we click.
>not looking for
getting axe murdered, homos, et cetera
discord ross8525

I should mention that if you want to see Dune part 2, none of my friends saw the first part of read the books so I'm looking for someone to see it sometime. >>>/r9k/76643597
Where you at? I’m in Los Angeles and I guess you can say I’m alt right. Into gore, degradation and humiliation stuff, rough play etc. 32 years old
This was my reply

>about yourself
Avoidant personality. Work at a cool alt/goth bar in the Hollywood area. Enjoy new wave and darkwave music. Like spending free time at local coffee shops reading. Every now and then go out dancing or a goth after hours fetish club. Motorcycle is my only transportation atm. Sadist into humiliation/degradation and rough play.
>looking for
Someone who wants to make synth music and play shows (I sing and write), someone I can have fun with fetish and kink wise and take to the after hours clubs or adult arcades and experience exciting things together. Bonus if you’re into being treated like an object or just want to go out dancing
>not looking for
A girlfriend or serious relationship. Anyone not somewhat alt right
Kik: desadechris
Who trying to pull up but
Kik: Dialedtonez to see this 510 pinay’s nudes. Especially if you’re near her
Least downbad person on soc
this person has been posting this bullshit for years do not engage
>about yourself
Has job, into cars, photography, gaming, live music, bikes
>looking for
idk, go on drives? someone to model? games & drinks, bike rides
>not looking for
druggies, gays/trans
sportsphotos916 telegram
24/mtf/ anaheim ca
B and L
>About you
im a boymoder thats about to go to grad school. i enjoy vidya and i have no irl friends im out to so i want to make some more irl friends. im learning python rn since i want to try to go into data science/analysis
vidya, smut, reading
>Looking for
irl friends near me that can tolerate a man moding mtf
>Not looking for
Looking for any anons who think they recognize this thot

Anoyrees on kik
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26/m/707 - santa rosa, ca
>about yourself
i like cars, pc games, watching movies, the Bay Area, fashion, and anything with lgbtq+. I also enjoy cannabis and going to school. I am studying Social Work & Human Services.
>looking for
lgbtq+ chill people, friends, and anyone who is into cars.
>not looking for
right-wingers and anti-lgbtq people
discord: holymolyitsluna
33/M/SF for a week.

I’ll be at GDC and looking to hang out and try new restaurants while I’m in town. Looking for someone to join me and keep me motivated throughout the week.

Frequent CA traveler so I’m in SF and LA every month or two.

Discord: admin.support
thank you :)

I am still lurkinggggg.
20 Male Monterey
>about yourself
Made a post about it earlier but i'm a marine in monterey trying to find someone to help kill myself
>looking for
Someone who has a gun who's willing to shoot me or give it to me to shoot myself. Willing to pay a substantial amount or do whatever weird sex things you want if you're a fuckin weirdo I guess.
>not looking for
People saying "Oh my god please don't kill yourself!!!11"
Discord tag is gustavusaldoggus
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31 m straight (not super straight) & 28 nonbinary (afab) bisexual. We both live together in Hollywood.
>about yourself
I’m a military vet, really into nature, video games, anime and cooking.
>looking for
Looking for a bisexual woman or passing trans woman that would be down to become life partners with my partner and I and maybe start a family one day.
>not looking for
Men, women with deep voices, people over 6ft, people who already have kids
Snapchat & discord: CrunchyBrownie5
You're a Marine. You have a "substantial amount" of money on hand. How is it that you can't buy or otherwise get hold of a firearm without help from 4chan?
I was going to defend him as a weird wizard in training woman but then i saw his hentai pfp cant defend moids sorry
Anyone near 707? Let's do something.
21/MtF/Santa Rosa 707
>about yourself
Mostly passable/clocky pass, 5' 9", skinny-average. Bi, leaning heavily towards women. I enjoy board games, hiking/nature stuff, cuddling, and bdsm.
>looking for
Mainly people to cuddle with and optionally do sexual stuff. Just kinda lonely ig. I'm also down for friends too. Mostly not interested in men, but if you're hot and a bit fem I might go for it. Anyone else is cool.
>not looking for
People outside of Sonoma county, creeps
Discord: veronica_burner#0289

I've only lurked before this so I don't fully know what I'm doing
25/M/Sacramento area
>about yourself
In decent shape, 6'0, I enjoy talking and chilling
>looking for
Someone to talk with and maybe also share sexual pics with (preferably female or very feminine if male)
Discord: comet0089
No Discord?
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I can't wait until it stops raining and the hills bloom, so I can see all lovely vegetation on this great earth we live on.
youre so real for this anon. rain is a boon and it gives us a beautiful world explore and enjoy. I stood in the rain yesterday to bless myself, i feel so much better.
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27/mtf/Los Angeles
>about yourself
Im a Pisces.
Im a high level street fighter player and enjoy fighting games as a whole. I am a care taker and make a small amount of money doing so. i spend alot of time at home but id like to change that a little. I listen to a broad range of music (currently on a black metal and deep house kick) I love watching MMA, smoking weed and dancing. I am a fairly spiritual individual who enjoys writing their own stuff.
>looking for
People to hang out with irl that arent turbo normies. Online los angeles based friends. Party goers. People to go to musical events with. People to enjoy the los angeles night life with.
>not looking for
Hook ups, Super sensitive individuals, People unwilling to potentially hang out irl.
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Hey! you guys looking for a horny girl? im bored and horny!im downfor any fun and session! sext? video calls?19 SINGLE
snap: smithyshanae
kik: smithybrenda2
telegram: smithybrenda
how can your hobbies still be anime and games at 30? rip
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bro every thread is just a board of what y'all like lmao & just trying to tap. man them 4chan dudes is so interesting.
lemme get a femboy in california they say. hehe. idk if i should post but as i love people when they talk, thinking they can see me just because they close lol. hey you ever seen a deep voiced femboy? oh my dud what a femboy posting here.

give me love. oh but everyone wanting love here. lmao. CX! please oh you know you want a femboy though don't actual see me with that horny people some on 4chan. ALL. day. please friend if you like yay! just love the 4chan. oh but the femboy is so cool not lile he wish to express some degenerate like oh my dude he be really cute some of. i like some friends no kidnap please

sure, yay
m/26/bay area

If you can make it clap hmu, because I love that shit.


I want to do KBBQ while I’m in SF for the week but fuck dining solo. Meal’s on me.
Semper Fi marine, stop being such a little bitch.
LOL damn I'm in the same area

31M white guy in CA
Enjoyes psychedelics, video games, trippy imagery, fractals, math programming, music, lots of things!

Dislike rude people and narcissists.

Kik or reddit: unconstituency
Riiight. And You're an obviously trans-obsessive retard. Lmfao.

Manic AF post. Cope harder
But is it your fault that you're more methed up than most of us? Fuck Orange, shit is worse than Tijuana.
Ah, imagine that. The rich, scumbag fuck DOESN'T wanna talk politics.
5'10 at 210 is not bad. He probably lying tho, in that case 5'10 @ 240 is pretty bad.

Why she look like she like shes having an allergic reaction

For the love of God kys but at least let some of us fucks pull an insurance line on you and you can off ys after the suicide clause has elapsed.
>mfw she actually real
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>about yourself
chill wagie, indie musician recording an ep. neurotypical celibate christian
>looking for
queer friends and others to grab lunch with if you're near
>not looking for
any sexual contact, advances, nudes, touching, flirting
based rain enjoyers, i woke up to it raining this morning, felt like a sweet way to start the day.
i am closing my doors. mission complete.
831 m 21 white lookin for fun with anyone
Kik: fvckface420
Are there any actually attractive women around Sacramento or do I have to go back to LA?
Not on here sorry
>he thinks there are woman here
poor soul
>about yourself
Wagecuck, likes gamin somewhat atypical socially interactive
>looking for
Buds to show me where the fishin spots are, group spots to hand out and chill at, sex with womens
>not looking for
creepy solo men, alcohol or weed
Hey how's it going 35yo mixed hairy Latin papi 6ft 215 hwp with facial hair, open minded and down for whatever

Kik jaybucket88
38 m 408
>about yourself
Married white male in south bay / san jose
>looking for
Local female for either one night stand on ongoing fwb/affair partner
Fellow loli lover to get off to hentai with
>not looking for
Drugs or smokers
discord: noodles9997
/soc/ used to be fun.
I haven't posted contact in a thread in a while but there's a few girls that added me in threads here during the pandemic that I still talk to. Most don't post contact info because they'd get flooded but if you're detailed and your "looking for" isn't something like "I need to cum now, lets have sex" you might have better luck.
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25 m San Diego
Looking to talk about your gf wife
Possibly meet up and jerk off to pics and vids of her. Give me her panties to nut in and jerk off to and have her put them on.
Fit attractive normal white male.
Kik based_gaz
25[F4M]looking for a submissive and sub message me on kik divalee001

Telegram @katemille304
Anyone in the SD area that goes outside can tell me is that place still the golden central for Filipina girls?
finding niche music to fit my mood, reading fantasy books, DnD, 9.0+ air rb french tree
>looking for
dnd games (remote preferred), wt wingman, fwb/hookups. I'll buy you food if you give me head
>not looking for
sex with guys, relationships
Is there somwthing wrong with wanting a girlfriend that doesn't look like a slug?
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24 M in LA County
Love going to underground raves/shows, goth and darkwave clubs, art museums and galleries and thrifting

Just looking for chill friends
Disc: eezy99
>about yourself
Married IT tech and craftsman.
>looking for
Female or cute femboy for me to share with my wife. We both like to dom. So be prepared to get worked over. A friend is also welcome. A connection makes things more fun.
>not looking for
luckyjaguar_ (discord)
Username not found. I want to see this stanky skank, I'm in Point Loma. Message me at throwawaybbbb
you ain't going to find chicks here retard
So are you gay?
this doesn't have any relevance to what I posted, but from what you're saying I could see why you might struggle. Most people want to make a connection before fucking. Some girls are down for hookups but they've got a lot of options so it's hard to stand out in that regard, and you're much less likely to find that sort of arrangement on here. It's a given you want to talk to someone you're attracted to, but lead with some of your qualities and interests. That'll draw someone into wanting to talk to you, and from there you can figure out if there's mutual attraction and social chemistry.

Bottom line you're trying to hop the line and it's keeping you at square one. Slow it down, focus on the social aspects, and the path ahead will open.
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is it even possible to meet people in san diego if ur not in school or a turbo normie?

this place is transplanted to death, everybody moves out after highschool. even people born here r usually 0 drive to do or be anything other than "well off beach kid who chillz"

and these threads never help. usually click with even LESS people (not shitting on anybody)

any fucking mentally ill (prefferably faggots) in this hellhole who want to talk? dont even have to meet up or force anything.
drop disc i guess, tired of posting my own. i HATE parasocial 4chan shit but, where else do i look?
hope i dont come off as insufferable im a hateful fuck.
would you pass if you cross-dress?
Post discord and maybe I'll find you cool enough
>mentally ill
I used to be kinda a femboy if that counts
one of the ‘normies’ in school here but yah sd sucks :(
Skill issue bruv, you sound aweful. Maybe it's just your post but goddam.
Do you have Kik? I would ask for discord but I just deleted mine
Anyone in the 559 area trying to meet up? Smoke? Fap? I have an entire free day from work tmrw (Monday) and I want to use it for something away from home. I have kik discord and snap if anyone is interested in seeing whats up 32 m
Yess I have Kik
25/ Male/ San Diego
>about yourself
Super horny BWC who loves to goon and jerk with buds and also talk about IRLs.
>looking for
Trading IRLs or porn or whatever else 18+ that gets us horny. And places/ things to do in SD for horny people. People who can messed my IRLs on IG or SC
And other porn/goon groups on tel/disc/sc
>not looking for
Sellers, weirdos, gay/trans, illegal things,
Tel: desert_kid23
Disc: goonandgoon24
I have a subincision and am extending it one way or another
watch or help if you want
kik: asdf31asdf
31, m

I been with women, men, and trans and I wonder if trans is the best. I am talking about hard girl dick that feels soft. If you know what I mean hit me up
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31/M/ LA

>about yourself
Enjoy playing/watching music, love movies hiking and trying new food. I'm fine doing nerdy stuff(DnD anime, video games) , but also really like museums/bars/shows. I enjoy good conversations which could just mean listening to you sperg about something you're familiar with.

>looking for
Looking for people to hang with after recently being away for awhile. Not particular about what we do, looking get out of out of my comfort zone. If there's something you want to do I'm more then happy to tag along or just hang out and keep you company.

>not looking for
To do heroin or some shit like that. I'm pretty easy going but just don't be weird and gay about it all.

if u add me on kik i'll put it in your butt

23/M/Nothern Orange County
>about yourself
musician, bored, normal,
>looking for
Duo for league of legends or minecraft or people irl around my age to do stupid shit. Someone to join my clan on CoC
>not looking for
no drugs, gay/tranny shit, human trafficers.
disc: omv2
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27 / M / San Diego

>about yourself
Short and chubby dwarf-like NEETlife anon
Interests are alternative music (metal industrial EDM), science fiction (some anime), gaming, building computers and cat sitting for friends, hiking, drink/smoke friendly but wouldn't partake

>looking for
mostly just looking to lose my virginity at this point, into women of all types about the same age
we could just hang out and see what happens, no need to rush into it

>not looking for
mean or fake people, not looking for physical with men or trans but we could still be friends

Discord - turgwahshen

>about yourself
love talking about almost anything, if we get along I guarantee we'll be talking for a while. I love music, reading, and meeting new people

>looking for
someone who's willing to hangout and just be good friends, also want to try mushrooms of some sort with someone I trust for the first time

>not looking for

discord: sillysillygosling
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>about yourself
Low energy lonely social recluse and failed normie, want to get my shit together this year and be more independent.
Currently NEET but applying to jobs/looking at school right now; so busy soon. Want to make friends before I don't have time to make any.

Some interests/hobbies of mine: Learning Japanese (language and culture), novice/beginner photography, sometimes dabble in music and good at vidya
I want to eventually add gym/exercise and drawing/blender to my interests but it's too soon to tell. Free +1/ accountability partner might be dope but I don't know if I'll commit

>looking for
Mainly girls, don't have any IRL female friends so it would be nice. Wouldn't mind if we develop into dating.
Otherwise, just cool/sane people in my age range with similar interests and don't mind occasionally messaging/coffee meetups.

>not looking for
needy/obsessive, dead conversations/vapid people, drugs, gay stuff, fucked up/unstable/mentally ill, /pol/

discord: palcico
(try to specify you're from this thread, I currently have a popular reply on another thread)
go home emma no one likes you
I am still looking and I desperately want to find somebody with a big fat uncut cock to obediently suck on.

My biggest fantasy right now is for somebody to completely dominate me. I want somebody to dress me up, get me to wear progressively smaller chastity, piss in my mouth, choke me, bite my cute little ears and my tender neck, roughly grab my soft body. I need a real man to teach me where I belong so badly. I want you to put a collar and leash on me so everyone knows I'm your cute little fuck pet.

Please send me a message. I want a real man that I can call my daddy to use me wherever they want. Come and pick me up and take me back to your home and use me like your little sex slave for as long as you want. :3
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no. chasers and weird reddit bisexual tops fuck off. im a 6'1 twink. i dont want to edate u or some uwu shit.
i dont wanna hang out with somebody egoing on fucking 4chan desu sorry if i read u wrong. if i did go ahead. not like well talk more than a day probably anyways.
u sound chill. ya idk the problem is this city has "so much to do!" and then i go to do the things and i feel out of place because its all 30 year old rich fucks with theur kids and shit
>bruv as american
opinion discarded....
>about yourself
surf work school gym and sober
>looking for
girls to do drugs with me
>not looking for
discord: saltyofficial
shes like 15 and adds random dudes and asks them to come rape her. shes very mentally ill.
bro what
> Mad I said "bruv" sarcastically for comedic effect in a post on a Korean woodworking forum
Schedule that autism assessment bruv
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30 mtf OC
>about yourself
30 130lbs 5’8 trans girl into music, philosophy and plants.
>looking for
Ideally looking for a big burly bf. Someone to hang out with that is looking for a serious relationship.

>not looking for
Endless chatting online.

Discord: milkttt
30/m/Irvine (today, SF next week)
>looking for
Last minute lunch date before I fly home
>not looking for
People that don’t want a succulent Chinese meal
Discord: admin.support
23/M/Los Angeles
>looking for
Hoping to have to lose my virginity while my family is out this weekend. I have a fantasy of doing it in the car.
>not looking for
Dudes or catfishes
Kik: TheCouriersButt

P.S., I dont drive, but i can pay for gas
not autistic drooling rat.
i just find u annoying.
and what do u know ur le ebin 4chan "balkan basket weaving fourm XD" joke prooves me right.
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Just looking for female friends and acquaintances to take advantage of my chastity cage
kik Lygekido
Idk man you have some pretty heavy autism vibes here. "Drooling rat" are you medieval? An anime villian? People don't talk like this

join California server
"you dont speak like me >:( thats not normal!"

which bario do u live in. maybe ill drive by and donate u some used shoes lol.
Hi all. I'm 33m in the 714 area.

I'm bi, just looking for some fun.

Kik: silentswede
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>about yourself
avoidant, black hair with brown eyes, shut-in/neet, fps games, anime, manga, horror, honest, can be a little toxic but overall kind
>looking for
friends in 20s, likes anime, jpop, manga, patient, in CALIFORNIA
>not looking for
rude, stalkers, druggies, asking for voice calls and pics too early on, nsfw
I'm not saying you aren't normal, I'm saying you have the kind of autism that makes you revert to Shakespearean English to insult people, and now, write back stories of people who call you out as a coping mechanism
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>30 m Dublin

>From here, here for work bi-monthly
Brown, beard, 182cm 110kg. Not as intelligent as intellectual, so I do like to listen.

>Women; meeting in person, smoking weed, spooning up, long walks, watching shows/movies

>'deep conversations' with pseuds, ppl who don't find me attractive, religious or ideologues.

>Discord bigguyinthesky.
Looking for a cutie, preferably naive and inexperienced, who wants to be owned completely and moulded into whatever I wish. You don't have to enjoy it as long as you obey your master. I'll shit down your throat and make you pay me for the privilege <3 If you're good I might even be kind afterwards...
If being the total slave of a handsome, intelligent dom who doesn't care about your pleasure sounds fun, hit me up.
Kik missLuna29
I got into San Francisco this morning so change of scenery and will still be looking for dinner dates and such up until Saturday AM.
Alika2024 is my Kik
24 f black
Looking for a BBC to tribute a white bitch/ ex friend of mine
25/MtF/San Jose California
>about yourself
Irish Italian puppygirl, engineering, brewing (alcohol), videogame design, PC games, anime, manga, very nice almost never mean.
>looking for
Friends first with intentions of dating later. in the bay area. Someone willing to let me drag them on fun adventures. Will watch anime with me and enjoys talking on discord.
(possible inclusion of people who live in Seattle because I wanna move there in the future)
>not looking for
Exclusively online friends, bears, hunks or generally "masculine" men. The type of toxic people who only do well with other toxic people
discord: mmaeve
I am a femanon in Socal who really wants to hookup with a ugly bastard or do a ugly bastard gang bang. Is this a good place to ask? Genuine question.
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Mid 20s/M(exican)+Salvadorean/ Southern California, Los Angeles
>About you
Army Vet, temporary NEET, looking for a new apartment before I start working again. I draw sometimes and I'm learning how to play guitar. Lately been exploring LA and tryna make new friends. I stopped playing video games and watching porn as of 2023, been focusing on my mental/physical/spiritual health and repairing my relationship with my family instead. Very spiritual, I respect all religions, I sometimes check out different churches my favorite are Orthodox Christian churches, their iconography is so beautiful. Just recently started posting on Instagram and got back on Discord after a break.
Studying religion, sketching, guitar, discovering new music, playing with dogs at the park, yoga, reading/watching lectures on nutrition/mental health, going for strolls.
>Looking for
Friends! A loving caring girlfriend hopefully.
>Not looking for
Instagram/Discord: Smokeythemonk

>not looking for
fags and homos

Careful, sweetheart. Don’t cut yourself on that edge.
none of these dudes will show up

Gotta show us what you got to work with
I’m down. Snap is richie_unger
>I am a femanon in Socal who really wants to hookup with a ugly bastard or do a ugly bastard gang bang. Is this a good place to ask? Genuine question.

Go on Fetlife, post your photo, a time, and an address with an open invite on an event and your wish is granted. Enjoy your herpes.
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31 m New Zealand (traveling)
>about yourself
Grew up in the bay area in SF and Fairfax, went to university in Vancouver Canada, came back to the bay area and lived in Oakland for about 5 years during the pandemic. At the moment I'm traveling in New Zealand looking for friends and work. I'm near the city of Hamilton but I am considering going back to the west coast and buying a used truck so I can look for work in the rest of the US. I'm looking for work as a machinist, welder, or both, ideally in a university setting helping scientists and engineers. Let me know anyone hiring (lol, probably none of you)

Hardcore leftist, yet employable (wild, I know).

Into PC gaming, I've been enjoying V Rising lately. Let me know if you want to get into it or are already, totally willing to share tips and give resources for newbies.

Into drawing patterns to meditate occasionally. I play acoustic guitar and I typically play short songs with technical finger picking and chord progressions with minor/major chords. I used to be into jiu jitsu but I had a skating accident (fell onto concrete) a few years ago and I'm a bit limited now by that. I enjoy fixing things like bicycles and housing related stuff. The other day I fixed a gutter system for someone.

>looking for
to make connections online and then irl in CA or elsewhere. (If you need labels I will assume you're going to try to categorize people to control those types of relationships too much...)

Ideally someone who is educated or intellectually healthy

Artists, people to play games with on PC, people who have access to a shop and want to work on something

>not looking for
fash, slurs, people who hate themselves for being gay or black (or liking gay or black people) and other forms of internalized -isms

people who use excessive labels to identify their personalities.

Any serious or assumed value of an astrological sign.

I get you on this one bro, Add me kriegster.
20,M, orange county
>about yourself
construction worker who likes multiple outdoors activities like running, camping, mountain biking etc; I also like to play video games, read, anime & manga, consume psychedelics, and go to raves
>looking for
Friends or a girlfriend
>not looking for
>about yourself
melee tournaments (i suck), dancing/raving heading to defqon in june, emo music, dota, cooking, cybersec stuff going to some cons this year,doggo
rarely playing games lately, busy with studying and working.
>looking for
idk, but if ur cool and share some interests I'm down to talk.
disc: smuggles.cx
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oh here's an image.
its not that deep i think mixing up "insults" and saging outlandish shit is funny.

(also analysing speech patterns, or social cue is sign of autism.)
Bumpann, still around c:
would add if you weren't using kik
21 Female, UK
>about yourself
i love to expose myself here
>looking for
looking who's up for my freaky stuffs
>not looking for
hookups unless u down first in my sessions
telegram @ urbbylily
snapchat @ urbbylily

I work a lot and I like to read, listen to music, drink, and minigolf

Ideally looking for people around my age to hangout and interact with

Not for old people or idiots

fresnobody73 (telegram/discord)
trading nudes of girls from 310, message on tg if you have some

Any 949? ANHS here. 2011
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couple 23/27 looking to share hung or have fun with other couples.
both fit and disease free. no addicts.

sc: artminor64
>about yourself
Work too much. Outdoors/hiking.
>looking for
Idk. Kill the boredom. Surprise me, I'll talk and humor you for a bit.
>not looking for
Like I said I'll humor you for a bit until I stop humoring you.
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cali gang gang gang

>about yourself
Pretty simple, love to binge anime and play fps games. Mostly though out drinking and playing games with people irl when possible.

>looking for
People who want to binge anime or talk about manga. Even better if you're in the area. May be open to more with a female

>not looking for
Boring shit and trolls but I know that's what I'll get.

unlimitedbreaksticksog (discord)
Bump, still looking
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does anyone from socal wanna be friends? need someone to talk to because the only other person I have is my partner and i have a feeling that they might be leaving me soon, long story
i just turned 20 and i like radiohead , elliott smith, and car seat headrest and i play guitar, im very boring
im also fine with talking with other people from far away in the us too
f usa

>Looking for
cool, interesting, or fun people. We can talk and share stories

>not looking for
Pervs. 25+, rightoids, NEETs with nothing going on in life.

>open to meetups?
If ur close maybe

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29 m
I’ll smoke weed with you and chill
Or do whatever I don’t really care just bored

Discord: saintgigadron94
Yo you sound kind of cringe but we can chat if you want

Discord: yonis_86467
don't add, will ghost you after 2 seconds

I don't know what I'm doing. I guess I'm just lonely. It would be nice to cuddle with a woman and watch movies. I just feel like I really need some touch.

disc - .galn
tele - @GalacChe
34 m bay area

Love the finer things in life but circumstances of bullshit made me thuggish. I like exquisite stuff thrift stores antiques books documentaries cuddling love lust loyalty cooking eating exploring

Looking for
Loyal girl that ikes long term communication and freaky desiatic love and life of fun and growth and hard commitment

Not looking for
Bitches that can't communicate
Fake people

Contact tg

Might make a discord I'm new to all this shit I miss the old days meeting people in life and sketchy places
California server.
Woman owned!!!
There's plenty of guys here that you can cuddle with. No women though.
anime is homo
27 straight male in 415 Bay Area Marin

>Looking for a girl that wants to hook up regularly or once in a while
>Not looking for one night stands
>Discord: _loserluver_
24M 661 SCV
Looking for a dude to discuss my girl with
kik - thatanon16
Disc - thatanon16_
Prefer locals btw
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I’m down for a csh fren,
Add me on discord at .algernoncadwallader
M / LA
>about yourself
Not much of an ego so I don't think about it
>looking for
To be found wrong that cool, fun and interesting people can be found on 4chan, being nice or wholesome would be a plus
The other thing that I am looking for can't be described
>not looking for
Getting Murdered
People that take everything seriously or personally
Discord: _no_name_needed_
Hello My kik : daniela_rui2717
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Are people in these threads actual 4channers? I've lurked here a handful of times over the course of many years and most of the posts seemed unpleasantly normie, for lack of a better word.
im a 4channer
AND im from california
a super secret part
did you ever post in mtfg?
I think this place replaces Craigslist personal ads for me. Not everybody on here is a fucking sweaty like back in the day. Though this place still has a bad rep despite offering a swath of stuff.
>actual 4channers
doesn't exist anymore
the entire internet is connected now, there are no secret clubs
Ego about bot having an ego


Message me
May as well give this a shot.
>about yourself
Just your typical loser millennial. I'm tired of existence and want to start actually living. I'm barely starting to try new thing and would like to possibly hang out once in a while.
>looking for
A reason to get out of the house once in a while. It would be nice to make some friend since it's kinda hard to make them at my age. An active California discord invite would be nice too.
>not looking for
Just be relatively normal and I'm sure we'll get along fine. Just know I am a massive square so don't expect me to have too much fun.
Discord: burnout0811
Man you seem cool but it's hard to imagine being friends with non-parents these days.
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>about yourself
I work a ton. usually free at night or early morning but i can be flexible. Start smoking weed regulary and loving it. Nerdy and mellow overall
>looking for
A cute girl to get to know or friends to just do shit with. Trying to play catch up since depression kept me locked away at my house so just looking for peoiple to hang out with and smoke with on my days off
>not looking for
gay stuff. Im straight and not interested in that. Scammers or just weird dudes overall PLease be able to hold a conversation irl or like be ok with a yapper since thats how i get when im high
discord: mcboots
Aw shucks. Thanks anon. No need to justify.
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22/m/San Diego

>about you
Young male, loves trading (not nudes retards)

>interests and hobbies
Art and gunpla, sculpting masks

>looking for
Anyone who wants to trade for armor plates lvl 3 or be friends and trading selling and military stuff! Also tech and old computers

>Not looking for

>open to meetups

>contact via discord
explain faganon
we need a lore drop
Being real man. We tried hanging out with an old friend of ours we hadn't seen in years and it was just awkward because he was single and we're parents and our kids were running around. Most of our friends now are like the parents of my son's friends from taekwondo.
Ain't no chicks here dude
I want to post an ad and meet somebody cute but truthfully, I haven't gotten a good impression just based off of how most guys advertise themselves on here. I'm worried that I might hit ot off well online, but in person... idk, I'm scared! I've heard too many horror stories I guess. I'm worried someone will try to dox me, or harass me, or stalk me, or just be plain mean to me! The impression I get from a lot of posters is a lack of compassion, or kindness, or warmth, or an easygoing-ness. I dunno, I'm sure I'm probably overthinking it, but most often when I'm browsing these ads, I just think, "oh no, I don't think I'd get along with these guys"

I'd like to be proven wrong tho, has anyone met through the California board? Did you have a good experience? Did you feel safe??
You’re making the right choice
I met a girl on here and we hung out and went to a few events as a date, we didn't click but everything was respectful.
Definitely meet up in a very public place during the day though just for your own safety.
Yeah, back in the old days we'd host a socal meetup at Denny's in the San Fernando Valley on Roscoe Blvd, or Don Cuco's in Burbank, it was always great. Met some fun people.
Wow you sound like really fucking lame & self absorbed.
> discord.gg/ThyK2gNzFN

This is the ONLY true freedom of speech/low mod server. All the ones that claim to be such, will ban you for simply annoying the owner and his retarded egirl. We have no mod abuse whatsoever no matter who you are or what you do.

We are:
> active
> minimalist
> don't pander to others, we do what's best
> don't give women power

Stop wasting time joining servers ran by braindead bullied retards. Just join us to finally find your home.
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>asl - 26 f Anaheim California
>about yourself - autist poly clingy bbw into weeb shit, including anime style vtubers. into PC gaming too, I'm addicted to holocure right now
>looking for - hook ups, a real life boyfriend, friends, anything goes
>not looking for - internet trolls
>contact - chickenclaw3

my old account got disabled so I had to remake. I'm chickn.

I'm terminally online so that's why I post my tag so much

I will accept you right away if I can see your location (example being your steam visible on your discord profile and it says California on your steam)
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xe broke my heart.
added you on discord
>overweight white tranny
>average repressor trying to build up the courage to troon out by hovering around her
If you guys ever find yourselves in San Jose, that Chinese place on Beryessa is some A+ fucking food. Prices raised a little bit lately and it used to be outright cheap, but it's still great stuff. Jade China, it's called.
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For me, it's Golden House on Santa Teresa Blvd; management appears to have changed recently but food seems to be mostly unaffected
21/M/Orange County
>about yourself
College student, l am into football, video games, hiking, board games (have a good collection), and trying to get a more social circle going, and trying to make myself more social in general.
>looking for
Looking for friends (irl or online) to play board games, vidya, or just talk. Preferably a friend who likes to go out to new places to see or do fun stuff like bowling (just an example) or whatever. Also looking for workout buddies. Gained some weight while being sedentary during 2021-2023. Trying to lose another 20-30 pounds to get back into sports or do some famous difficult hiking trails like Pacific Crest or Appalachian. (5’11, 216).

>not looking for
Discord: mrpeanut37418
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199646376515/
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>about yourself
Full time wagie, student and I'm an apprentice beekeeper. I like gardening, shows/movies, Fishing, shooting and road trips n more.
>looking for
Anyone near the area that wants to meet someone new. Looking for friends and okay with relationships.
>not looking for
Tweakers or Creepy people. I don't mind weird at all but Creeper & Tweaking behavior I don't want.
Discord: Peachy1634
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Depends on what you mean by 4channer.
If you mean someone who won't break down and tell you how you are heckin' all that is wrong with this country for saying "nigger" or any other slur, than yes we are here. However, with the internet being so connected and fucked you will have to dig deep to actually make a genuine connection because everyone is on the defensive as it is too simple for someone to get cancelled now.
>I'm an apprentice beekeeper
Im a dude in the area, how the fuck did you get into beekeeping cause I would love to do the same
is that a kik or a discord
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I have property to keep them on. If you don't have a place secure to keep them you can reach out to a local farm near you and ask them to either rent a spot in a safe space or they might even let you do it for free if you're cool. Free pollination. Before that though you should definitely read up on local ordinances and do a little general research into beekeeping and also bee anatomy.
hey nerds. working on a student film/reality pilot. might be filming in the next few weeks. looking for any one with legal/small claims court issues in the San Diego area (think judge judy type stuff)

paid gig if we have you on. please send a brief synopsis of your issue and the counterparty involved in the dispute. Would prefer a 15-30 second clip video clip if comfortable. apologies if i can’t get back to all emails.

clobrob4000 @ gmail.com
20 f la
Stereotypical dumb blonde type I guess. Rather fit and not a fatass like one would assume since I’m on 4chan. I get bored occasionally and am looking to have random conversations I guess.
>looking for
see above, it would help if you like photography or motorcycles since those are my interests.
>not looking for
simps and bitchy people

discord subu_rosa
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>about yourself
Bisexual, 7", pretty degenerate
>looking for
Someone to enjoy porn together with, male or female or anything in between; chemistry is far more important. I'm pretty open-minded as far as kinks so I'm sure we'd find something to enjoy together. Touching ourselves, touching each other, maybe more if we get along well.
>not looking for
I don't want to instantly meet without knowing each other for a little bit online first. I don't want to receive anal.
who tf is you
31/ M / Orange County
>about yourself
Asian guy looking to open up his social circle. Current hobbies include; tennis(am terrible though), magic the gathering, vidya, liftin, and got into pinball recently.
>looking for
Someone to have conversations with, maybe hang out with if not too far from each other. Maybe FWB.
>not looking for
Politics, serious relationships, or doing drugs.
Is a bitch and serial larper. Also will delete her dms via script.
I clearly said no simps in my post. Don’t get mad and make shit up just cause you can’t seem to read correctly lmao.
Stay mad Incel
Kill yourself whore. You deserved to be axe murdered by a homeless nigger.
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32 M NorthCali, prefer f and mtf

>Looking for
A sad girl to watch sad movies/anime with and cuddle.
Loyal, predictable, and reliable first and foremost...
Hates people! <- important
Thoughtful (my last two gfs were very... air-head types), I need someone I can actually talk to...
Has unconventional views (no libs or cons, no racists or "anti-racists" etc).
Doesn't really know what to do with their life, but will play vidya and watch animu with me...

Not very masc or fem but something in between, and I like the same in others.
I had some bad experiences with people (including from this site) so i more or less withdrew from most social interaction. INFP/INTP

When in relationship - affectionate, playful, clingy, i.e. I like doing things together whether it is playing games or going out places.

I like horses uwu.

>Physical description
Used to maintain an emo look, but lately it's just messy-hair sleep-deprived doomer twink look, usually wearing a hoodie, and probably covered in cat hair.

>Long distance fine, Y/N?

>Willing to relocate, Y/N?


No coomers pls
Sharing nudes of a stinky smelly gook college nerd. Would you fuck her smelly ass anyway or nah?

Just say you want to see the smelly gook or if you’re from Mira Mesa / San Diego.

Kik gookreekz
>junkie looking for sex on a Mongolian basket weaving forum thinks I'm lame and self absorbed for being a parent
>about yourself
Huge nerd, working nights, love video games, listening to music, talking about literally anything. am introverted as shit but trying to get out of that.
>looking for
trying to make new friends, maybe a gf, fwb, people to hang out with or just talk to.
>not looking for
people who do nothing but do drugs and thats literally it lol.
disc: lazythedude
33/M/So Cal

Looking for someone to have good conversation, good times and whatever comes with that. Open to something serious if there's genuine connection.

You'll be coming with me a lot to live shows, music festivals, and other general events and activities. I go to shows and fests for all different genres, but primarily for: punk, hardcore, rap, hip-hop, and EDM.

Bonus points if you like anime.

Not looking for men.

Discord: awnhell
>already scared someone away with my autism

Well shoot.
25m Sacramento
Socially anxious and depressed. I’m a nice, easy going guy looking for friends or more to talk to and maybe do stuff with. I’m a pretty basic dude, I’m into sports, running, hiking, movies, music, open to all kinds of stuff
Kik pillowfortking
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22/M/949-714 area
Just enjoying life. Quit my job, got a better one, and have a lot of free time now.
Looking for some friends to hang out with. Be it drinking, smoking, or just chilling. First round’s on me.

Can't find your username. I would definitely fill her ass with cum. I am in Imperial Beach

kik drwyion

31/m/408 SJ
>about yourself
5'10 Mexican, straight, bay area livin.i like video games texting movies. going to for drinks music
>looking for
friends who like to text and chat throughout the day. and don't mind me getting drunk and trying to sext them lol
>not looking for
tweakers and people who need money
telegram. @CompaDF
I’m looking for a guy I used to talk to from here. We were friends for a couple years and then I ghosted because you made me feel bad about myself. It’s been a few years and I’ve been wondering about you and hoping you’re well. You’re in LA, in your 30s and in the medical field. I’m in my 30s and in entertainment. We met up a couple times. Leave some contact info (we started out talking on Kik and then moved to WhatsApp and I deleted your number) and the nickname you used to use for me and I’ll reach out.
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19 - Femboy - Los Angeles
>about yourself
I have quite an impressionable & vast interest in politics so my arsenal of knowledge in it is quite high for me always studying it. I usually spend most of my days now just working or when I get home, playing Counter Strike or getting to write on my computer on a book writing program.
>more info
I don't like politics, sex interests interfering in friendship. I value all you say no matter where it comes from, for I believe we have all something that works for us, that is a reason why many of us are successful.
>looking for
friends. people to actually hangout with! boykissers are welcome but we don't ever have to actually lol.
>not looking for
sexpests. please don't barge with nudity it's unpresentable
My discord has changed to elizabeth_burner
Still open for whatever
19 f Canada

Visiting a friend in San Diego next week :)

I'll have some free time though since she works, so looking for someone(s) to hang out with!

Kik - becks3611
>plenty of non retarded based women on here
Problem is they're smart enough to avoid you.
afab (f) 19 DTLA area
>abt me
I like critiquing and watching a ton of movies, espeically in theatres. I'm super passionate about music. Current favs are aic, pearl jam, msi, the smiths, nin and duran duran. Pretty shy and awkward but I love making pop culture references
>looking for
Recently lost my only IRL friend, let's meet up and go to the Culver City Steps, or pick out some cool CDs at Ameoba and grab lunch. Funny people who can carry a conversation would be nice.
>not looking for
ANYTHING romantic and/or sexual. 6 months down the line I won't want to fuck you. General assholes. Preferably want other women to reach out but this is 4chan.

I'm sure you know
23 f Asian in San Jose

Looking for other Asians in the Bay Area

Disc notimetodiezz
Whats her reputation?
Sounds like a glowy

>about yourself
feeling like my life is going to end soon and want to experience everything I can before the time comes

>looking for
people who are in california, most preferably norcal, looking for anybody, love weird people and normie people and all people I dont care, just have fun

>not looking for
nothing in particular

[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Kik: ava92518
>about yourself
fat (180lb), bi, gamer, loner
>looking for
get out of my shell. have some fun. idc what you look like at all. not even a little.
>not looking for
chads, stacies, normies
Nope, that’s why I asked.
does that stand for United Kalifornia?
27/M/San Gabriel Valley

I work from home, play video games, hike on the weekends, hang out with friends sometimes, smoke weed, and sometimes partake in psychedelics.

>Looking for
To fall in love with a girlfriend who wants to be serious, exclusive, and move in to a house with me sometime after several months or a year if things are going well. Preferably someone with a goal in life, even if you're not sure how to get there.

>Not looking for
Someone who wants to club and party or just fuck around and keep a roster. Going out is fine, living to party is awful.

Intermediateish on Disc/Insta
I sent a message because the username showed up in Kik but it said ur phone was off
Upper Klamath maybe?
23 / m / socal (OC)
>about yourself
Like card/board/video games, reading, aquatic activities, bars, hikes, and movies.
>looking for
People I vibe with
>not looking for
People I do not vibe with
discord: timrandlemedandle
there are normies everywhere here. just look at /mu/.
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Somewhat newly single dad
Looking for female only
No gays please, I’m not into dudes
Snap fozzydoug
what do you like to cook? do you work out for strength, physique, fitness, or health? how tall are you? what's your job?
tried searching you up and didn’t find anything
Hella boring. Barely talks.
Looking for friends. Or lovers.
Talk to me lets see if we get along
looking for a cute femboy in the 831/408
kik: tatenoyuusha
Assburgers guy thats lost all interest in anything except for hiking. Climbing peaks is the only thing that brings me joy in life. Pic related is my goal for this summer; currently training for it. Also indulge in other things like music, baseball, occultism, alternative medicine etc. Currently pursuing an engineering degree, have no desire to work in the field since i'm unhirable. Most likely have bigger issues than the tism. Relapsing incel that hates women, love from Kazakhstan (KZ)
>looking for
anyone to talk to, don't care what about. Depending on how cool you are we may become good friends. If i dont like you im just going to want to argue, maybe you want that. Idgaf
>not looking for
idk, if i really think ur cringe then ill just unadd you simple as
Just added you on Discord
Fat ugly bastard looking for trannies

Bald as well
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>>32957379 bumpann!
Socal, college student looking for friends. Open to FwB's, but not actively searching it.
Either way looking for girls only rhough, since either way my friend group is a bit of a sausage party lawl.
HMU if you share any interests or are near, would love to hang out!
24, m, socal
>about yourself
bit of lonely awkward socially inept guy(i suppose that goes without saying on here tho) very into movies, as far as music mainly into a lot of indie and alternative genres(emo, post hardcore etc..) but also into some jazz, electronic and hip hop. I do read a bit as well. Play some vidya but by no means a gaymer I suppose. Also a little into anime. Somewhat cynical sense of humor, I find people cant often tell when im being sarcastic.
>looking for
Friends, relationships, any sort of connection i guess
>not looking for
edgelords, political types, debate bros
Discord: universalshrug
18 / m / Anaheim
> abt yourself
a bit awkward but i dont hate talking to people and enjoy socializing. into books, shows, and video games. mostly listen to alt rock.
> looking for
a hookup mainly
> not looking for
other guys. sry
> contact
im an idiot and forgot contact
discord, ltaun
hiii California server. Mostly southern Cali.
see you soon!!
21/m/san fernando valley
>about myself
college student looking to get on with my life. Into lots of things, movies, shows, anime, comics, music, gaming, hiking, biking, skating, walks, just going out exploring the new places, driving, anything really to get out there. Not very fit but interested in becoming more fit maybe living a healthier lifestyle, bettering myself. I dont smoke, and not an alcoholic.
>looking for
f or transfem passing around my age, little younger or older is fine 19-20s, friend or dating, just someone to either hang out with and chill watch movies or whatever, or to go out to new places with. Someone a little more outgoing than me(which isnt very much). Someone to just spend time with and someone who is comfortable being themselves, who can have fun and doesn't take everything so seriously
>not looking for
hookup, men, someone with a very serious personality
28/M/NorthCounty SanDiego

I mainly do bodyweight shit and jumprope but am also into fitness and looking to step my cooking game up

I can pass as a normie and all that

I watch some anime, like Ippo, the boxing one on my shirt lol and edgerunners is a fav

Like hiking too and horror films

As for fashion, I like darker colors and boots, that's my "aesthetic"

Anyway, don't come on 4chan much anymore but occasionally do pop by and check out different boards, sometimes /sp/, or /trv/, or the cooking one and also adv or tv

Kik is cas94x
Disc is Rev777x
Forgot to add
I'm looking for F, not gays or trans

Super down to earth guy, been through a lot but finding a way. I’m a businessman and professional cook.

Looking to need girls, I’m into all sorts of stuff and in this mode where I’m down to try new things as well, doesn’t have to be sexual

Not looking for guys

SC: xxcharlemagnexx
Sound like a insufferable cunt glad your friend died no one wants to fuck you over entitled bitch
31, 32 in a couple of days/Male/North County San Diego
>about yourself
I'm a caregiver for my mom. 5'10, 152 pounds. reclusive, very depressed since my Dad passed away exactly 1 year ago. I think I'm very awkward and I might be hard to talk to. I like Video Games a lot, sports, and I wanna try my hand at painting to calm myself down. I'm also looking for areas to get my mom out too that are wheelchair accessible cause shes been very depressed too cause of dad passing
>looking for
Friends, people to just hang out with and do stuff every once in awhile, preferably around my age. I just like video games mostly and watching sports lately, so I don't really know of any social activities for people around my age. But if you want a friend to go see movies with or maybe play a sport for exercise then I can give it a shot
>not looking for
Romance, I'm not really in the right state of mind for that
go outside
I am 23/F, fontana
>about yourself
I LOVEEE overwatch, i watch anime and manga in my free time (I just rewatched evangelion for the 4th time earlier this week)
>looking for
lookin to speak to someone about real stuff, politics, life shit, etc, weird shit is allowed but I want someone to speak with down to earth honestly
>not looking for
nazis retards and incels
just text me or call me, i get a new phone number every other month or so cuz i can, so if i get to know u better ill lyk
this guy is trolling, do not text or call this guy
25/M/510 San Leandro
6'3 husky guy looking for female friends, dates, hookups etc
trans and fem welcome
Into vidya, road trips, music, 420
Not looking for men or escorts
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25/M/626 and 818
>about yourself
Recent CS graduate. Interested in 3d printing and design, fitness, live music, some anime and manga, sci-fi literature, and fighting games. I'm open to trying anything playable on pc though.
>looking for
FWB or dating.
>not looking for
Men, political extremists of either end, friend collectors
discord: outer_heavens
Sorry about your dad and good luck with your mom anon
>about yourself
Into Fitness, Gaming, Psychology, Psychedelics and good anime not the weeb kind.
>looking for
Chill, cool femanons to talk to possible meet up.
>not looking for
M/27/Orange County
>about yourself
Tall, fit, brown, and educated
>looking for
Bad dads who love gooning over their daughters
>not looking for
Cucks with gfs
Kik Lygekido
asl 33 m 510
>about yourself single simple 33 year old shy mexican guy
>looking for fwb
>not looking for penpals
>contact kik chrisguy30
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Homeless welcome:

my hobbies are still anime and games at 44, but not just that.

then again im a virgin at 44 but mostly because I will not date non virgins AND I LIVE IN FUCKING CALIFORNIA LOL GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!

but i havent posted my data here yet so yeah, just commenting on the thread.

i dont know if im an 'actual 4channer' but I'm an oldfag desu. been here for years.. and years.. and years.. and years... and yeeeears.. annndd yeeeeeeaaarrrrsssss....also a next level wizard, elder sage? necromancer? whatever you know what i mean.
33 m Orange County
I’m looking for a girl who wants to trade free rent for free use or a SB situation. I’ve got an extra apartment empty rn.
Snap me - richie_unger
based how did you keep your wizardry for so long? dont normies hate you?
Not that anon but I have achieved wizard just like this.

24/m/LA county

>about yourself
Just a cool dude with a mean ‘tude
I’d say my interests are pretty balanced, I have an ‘intellectual’ side (feels funny saying it that way) in that I really take an interest in history, philosophy and film criticism but I’m also partial to partying on the weekends

>looking for
Friends who are down to do stuff, whether it be going to museums, art galleries, exploring famous/notorious places
Or going to goth/darkwave clubs, underground raves and shows etc.
I don’t care if you’re a dude, chick, anything in between, if you’re a cool person you can be my friend

>not looking for
Weirdos lol

Disc: eezy99
If we get to know each other and you’re cool, we can use snap or IG
all the best mate
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kokou no hito mf
Mori Buntaro wouldn’t be caught dead using 4chan
trading Asians exes from cali on tg @ daveschlater13
>looking for
Like minded coomers for IRLs particularly in 1998-2002 range
>not looking for
Is there any fit of contact strictly on web browser?
I don't even know anymore
Kik: dans805
30/F/SF Bay area
>about yourself
Married bbw. I've only been here 1 year and don't do much besides work. I want to explore trails/restaurants/shows
>looking for
>not looking for
Non locals
Kik: aaalllrighty
26 M, LA
Mainly like games and anime stuffs
>looking for? I would like someone to explore LA. Live here for so long, but haven't done anything.
Discord: dreamingss_
28 M OC (714)

fgym, work finishing my bachelors in mathematics at this age.
>looking for
locals, friends, people to socialize with, talk in discord, show me some music besides top songs of the month. learning tekken 8

>not looking for
trauma dumps,

Discord: buncinnabun
25/M/California (209)

I love video games, definitely add me if youre looking for someone to game with on PC! I like normie stuff, I'm kind of a passive user of 4chan. Mostly here to find friends since my job has me be alone most of the day.
Definitely add me if you're in my area and down to do some innawoods stuff!
>Looking for
Anyone who's cool

>Not looking for
I don't mind who adds me as long as you're 18+

Discord: AnimeProfilePic
28/mtf/ 510

Sexually frustrated looking for a fwb

Discord: Tulpaanri
you wouldnt want to hh with me cause im short
>tfw your taller than me
gucci2753 disc
Do you have discord?
add me on disc: redfish9999
grindr is a bust, someone sell me drugs
You've posted before, and the discord handle didn't work then either. Is there a typo?
What does all the nerd tech shit mean

Also daily reminder that no one in this thread has a chance a meeting up with a female from this thread IRL. Zero chance.
Let me live with you bro no homo
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malware im writing, ive backburner-ed that project

thanks for the reminder
Any actual women going to be there or is this a gay sex thing?
Anyone ride motorcycles in SoCal? I'm looking for more rider friends.
27/m/near Davis
>about yourself
im just a due who works as a cook and like to play video games and watch movies
>looking for
friends pls
>not looking for
29 M-Sissy-CD-femboy-whatever 530/916 area
>about yourself
Closet CD/Femboy who loves dressing up in lingerie and anything fem when I'm home alone. I try to wear panties every day too :).
Everyone thinks i'm a "normal straight masculine" guy but I have this secret side to me that I'd love to have friends to explore with
>looking for
Others like me! Feminine people whether experienced or need help going further like me. I'd like to first chat online (obviously get lewd) and then if we are a good fit, meet up eventually. It's my biggest fantasy to dress up and play with other sissies.
>not looking for
Hairy masculine men, people who won't send pics. One word replies.
Discord and Kik: raynonamoose

I'm happy to send pics and more if you message me. I'm all dressed up right now :)
Long time since you posted this but I live near you and you sound fun. I can't do Snapchat though so hit me up on discord, I have ideas for you ;)

My disc is: raynonamoose
20 F Korean
Looking for black guy to tribute and enjoy stolen white woman photo of woman we hate
kana2024 is my Kik now
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M 20 Straight 818 LA
>looking for
Bros to stroke n chat with to porn pics of Bimbos/Big tits/Big Ass/Bbw
>not looking for
camming/dick pics/hookups
>Social Media User
Discord: Moxmoner
KiK: jakegoonbud2
M- 35 - LA county
>about yourself
I work nights, I'm always up to have a good convo, about anything and everything. Pretty chill, I like horror movies, action, video games etc.
>looking for
For F to talk ,maybe meet one day but mostly online conversations. Any age as long as it's over 18+
>not looking for
Any Males...
Snap. Igot_thisboss
Telg. Warlocked90
telegram: Mixler
What games

Just looking for someone to talk to, preferably female/mtf.

kik: Ascendancy2956
Discord: ascendancy29
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Just so everyone knows. this person is NOT real. "her" picture is ai generated. i ran both the pic in the post and the uncropped version of it "she" sent and it was ai generated. had like multiple pupils in one eye, the shadow on her face had random non shadowy parts, and there was way too much smooth/blur ratio in spots where there shouldnt be any.

i played along wondering what this dudes endgame was, the first message "she" sent was a vocaroo recording which was sus af considering discord has a voice recording option. then "she" tried to use me as her personal army to harass some indian guy who insulted "her" on discord which i refused. also didnt know any 4chan/internet terms and talks like a massive normie and was super boring to talk to.

so yeah avoid this retard. and make sure to run any pics someone claims to be of themselves though an ai checker. i hope none of you retards gave this person any money or did any weird favors.
bumpin i'm still looking in 818/323
gooning all day n night
M 20 Straight
>looking for
Bros to stroke n chat with to porn pics of Bimbos/Big tits/Big Ass/Bbw
>not looking for
camming/dick pics
>Social Media User
Discord: Moxmoner
KiK: jakegoonbud2
same situation, wtb :)
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In the LA area north of sylmar and northridge just bored you feel me
M 31 straight
>Looking for
dont know yet but having fun is always fun... hell lets meet up and hang and talk about random shit I dont know.
>not looking for
anything youre selling
Snap; dasistkrueger93
wtb drugs
pls help
dunno if you're still lurking but if you are,
24/M/626 area code
i'm a fun loving spontaneous guy, i like hiking, rock climbing, cycling, meditation, and exploration. i'm double majoring in political science and history with plans to get into law school
>looking for
someone who wants to have fun and maybe create something special along the way
>not looking for
time wasters
discord is simbalarna
kik is hydrogencap but i prefer discord
what are your thoughts on King's burger and Sushi?
I feel like you two should chat
Horny asian succubus. Gentle femdom mommy e-girl type
>looking for?
Looking for a good boy/sub. Someone local to SFV or LA to regularly drain and cum dump me.
>not looking for?
A serious relationship, spergs, polfags
Kik: pomberrie
bitch I might be.
24 is a lil young though.
What do you consider hot?
24 M 213
>looking for
Local gooners. Want to be fed IRLs hoping I recognize some local sluts
Latinas and Asians
>Social Media User
tele: Mixler9
Post your pic and I’ll tell you if you’re hot.
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34, Pasadena, have an actual job, I like the gym, also a touch mentally ill.
Discord is flys55
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M 20 Straight
>looking for
Porn addicts M or F to goon with
>not looking for
camming/dick pics/nudes
>Social Media User
Discord: Moxmoner
KiK: jakegoonbud2
No, this looks like a teenager/underage person and therefore not hot. At best, they’re 18-19, which is still too young to be attractive to someone my age.
Is this even you?
21 F Eb
Looking for other blacks to enjoy a white mature/trib the bitch.

Been away now I’m back, if we chatted before hit me up for a lol
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trading 19f asian ex from socal or asian sn@p l3@ks on tg @ daveschlater13
what social is this for? doesn't work on discord
katykay2024 on kik sorry
21 F Eb
Looking for BBCs enjoy/tribute a white bitch I hate. Been away now I’m back, if we chatted before hit me up for a lol
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21,Male, Bay area
Chill, into cars, collecting figures and video games. Intrested in exploring and driving far out distances p much. Can be very talkative at times but also I'm kinda introverted/retarded lmao
>Looking for
Fwb, people to chill with or hang out with late nights since I'm always asleep during the day, hookups, or gaming buds, prefer female
>not looking for
Fags, wierd dudes, fucking bots
Kik- waffleman115
Discord- srtwaffles6.1
Would you be interested in letting a guy suck your dick?>>33099527
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>no fags or homos
/pol/ here, first time on /soc/
37/M/Los Angeles
>about yourself
I really hate the jews, professional shit talker in video games since the early 90s, buid 60s muscle cars for a living
>looking for
Gamers and car peeps
>not looking for
battlebonerusa (discord)
katykay2024 is my kik
21 F Eb
Looking for BBC to tribute a white bitch I know. If you’ve got a laptop or iPad and want to enjoy her, message me
any neets in southern california
Hello i'm hot My kik is: daniela_rui2717
Ayo girl, wanna get knocked up?
Are you a millionaire?
100k a year
28 m us
Muscular, business man,
Into lit, tv, mu and fit,
Easy going
More on kik- Seribahand
25/M/661 area
>about yourself
One of my best friends are deployed overseas right now, and my other best friend moved to a different state so I'm looking to make new irl friends. I got the standard nerd interests of gaming, anime, and movies.

>looking for
I would prefer people in my area so we could actually hang out, but people in nearby cities/towns are cool too for occasional trips to meet up or just chat online with since you're also Cali.

>not looking for
I'm pretty open to meeting all types of people so as long as you're 18+, feel free to add me :)

Discord: mrhotwings117
I do that on my own. Anyway no I don’t wanna get pregnant by a rando from 4chan.
Yeah I'm 24 male and have a ninja 400
I honestly just want to bust a nut in a socal fembot but these threads are sketchy AF and I feel like no sane person would actually post their identifying information on 4chan let alone meet up off of one of these threads
Lol I met up with a chick on that duolicious app in socal, she had the tism. Sketch af tho.
I've met up and fucked over 10 women from /soc/, but the last one was quite a while ago. Everyone here is too young now, and most posts scream catfish/fed

Kik gregp2099
is that app still a thing? I thought it died?
Think it is worth a go?
29 Los Angeles. Looking for a California nude sharing discord.
Kik: phlegmface
Discord: Dballz13
things used to be better here... still not the greatest but at least you could meet actual normal men and women
Depends what you look like
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M/F couple. 26/23

she wants a Dom with a fuck machine . I want to watch. hung bulls are welcome too.

snap artminor64
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>this is somebody's daughter
Ayo girl wanna be a single mom
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M 20 Str
>looking for
Bros/Jerk buddies to stroke n chat with to porn pics of Bimbos/Big tits/Big Ass/Bbw
>not looking for
camming/dick pics/hookups
>Social Media User
Discord: Moxmoner
KiK: jakegoonbud2
I am looking for a girl around my age (21+) to be friends with! I love call of duty and fortnite but Im not very good at either of them. Im really trying to get better tho! Let’s play together! Or we can do whatever u want idc.

Looking for: female friends to game with! Or talk or hang out or whatever :3

Not looking for: males bcuz I already have a bf!
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26/M/ Los Angeles / Van Nuys (818)

>about yourself
Regular guy with a splash of the tism. I like to joke around and shoot the shit on whatever is going on in the world and online. I'm pretty easy going and somewhat silly at times.

>looking for
People to hang out with and new friends. I have a gf but I haven't had any friends to hang out with for almost 5 years now. I want to have a social life again.

>not looking for
People who cause drama or act irrationally.

Discord: itsc.c
i'm 23m and got a africa twin and a couple dirt bikes
Anyone know where I can find a SoCal place to pass smog on my modded Subie?
How modded are we speaking? Just go to any small smog shop and ask if they will pass-pass your car. I just had a old honda with a permanent CEL on, that had to get a crooked smog. Cost me $350
Stage 2, EGV/TR deletes, running on E85 and a high pressure fuel pump
>About yourself
I work as painter but work too much and I wanna let off steam into music smoking and chillin beefy bear type beat laidback I look older than I look but life has me fucked up
>looking for
W for FWB or one night stands can provide booze
>not looking for
Insta moleverde
Discord odysseus1738
what's your discord? add me @ kittenmaxxing
25 m 661
>about yourself
Been extremely horny and looking to open up to almost anything sexual
>looking for
Someone to help me explore sexual desires
>not looking for
Scat gore
Discord IoniaDream
Add me latina telegram @valen189
You have sc? Im in 661
I’m sure my ID has changed but I’m bored and feel like postin.
if youre looking for someone to play fortnite with im always down lol.the "only" social media i have is twitter and its KindaKinkyInLA. and yes a watch porn
I'll bite. I'm in my mid 30s, attractive and buff, similar interests. I don't hike but I do rock climb. Passionate about a bunch of other shit you're not into, but I'm a good conversationalist and have a great dick.

> 19 M LA
> i play fortnite sometimes lol
>im looking for someone i can sext with from time to time. Major green flag if the women are cheaters
> men
> Twitter : kindakinkyinla
Hey I'm from So cal looking to hang out this weekend. Women hit me up.
I'm an attractive guy.
Red_rys is my snap
No chick wants to hang out with you.
Huge slut that sucks too much cock at parties without remembering who

certified thirst trap.
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>so fat that your leg fat consumes your butt cheeks to the point where only 1/3 of your butt is cheeks and the other 2/3 is progressing leg fat
It's almost to the point of 1/4 butt.
Imagine the amount of fucking veins, cellulite and stretch marks all over this person's body.
Waaaah a random ugly cringe fag on 4chan who knows zero about me thinks I’m fat.
Waaah. Oh noo, how will I ever recover?

Thank you. :)

Add incoming.
Litmus test then.
>How much do you weigh?
A question only a fat bitch insecure about her weight couldn't answer.
Ask around to people you know, bud. That's all I did. Especially if you know they have work done on their car, like you do. I asked like 5 homies, and one got back to me right away with a connect that got my smog done. I didnt even have to leave the car their. I went to the shop, they plugged a wireless OBD2 dongle in the car for a few minutes, and I got a passing result a few days later
Open your phone. It says you've been offline for a while.

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