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The old one is about to hit the limit and there is no reason for anybody else to post because once it hits the limit their posts may be voided.

Design YOUR ideal partner and this time add youtself to the the template so the reader can learn more about you, use the pic related or anything similar.
>DON'T: Argue and de-rail the thread
>DON'T: Make massive, "thirsty", or text-only posts

Things to include in your post:
>their qualities
>their interests
>their QuIrKs
>their location

>your qualities
>your interests
>your quirks
>your location

>your ideal relationship dynamic

Make sure to be UNIQUE! the best images will have:
>lots of color
>clear, legible text
>decorations and accessories

Remember to /soc/ialize; Add a contact like:

Good luck <3
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my ideal BF -
>talkative and extroverted, nice to me consistently, prone to random tangents, weeb too and a PC gamer, has steam

discord tag is chickenclaw3

I'm a short bbw living in southern California
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Discord: homer_hesiod_and_sappho
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>their qualities
around 18-23 White, Turkic, East Asian, pale between 4'9 - 5'7 tall, thin/skinny/medium body, round face, button nose, short - medium black or blonde hair with bangs

ambitious, edgy, clingy, hiki, virgin, obsessive, affectionate

>their interests
Sperg for artistic things, paranormal, magic, esotericism, bizz, politics, military, history, fashion, IT, medicine
>their location
Doesn't matter as long as the time difference ain't that big from EET and you're willing to move out with me, got my own place and I may help my dad with his businesses

>your qualities
White 21 yo, broad shoulders, average body, short light brown hair, dark eyes, crooked nose
>your interests
anime, fashion, military stuff, gaming, paranormal, history, politics, gym, combat sports, cooking, music making, 3d modelling

>your location
Transylvania, Romania

>>About Me

A little about myself! I am a 23 year old male college student! I am studying engineering and very interested in technology, gaming, and computers! Also big into anime!

>>What I am looking For!

I have a crippling addiction to big booty girls, and I also have a small 4 inch dick. So naturally I love stroking with guys that are much bigger than me! In addition to the typical horny talk, I also just want a friend that I have a genuine connection with online. That is the biggest challenge when it comes to find a gooner pal and I am hoping I can find that 'click' here! Some of my criteria which is pretty loose, preferably someone older than me, and with a bigger cock than me! Someone that can feed porn, ideally big booty porn heh my addiction! And someone comfortable with controlling when I stroke my cock and comfortable with me calling them daddy!

>>Not looking for

I would prefer not to get ghosted, blocked, or any of that, also not looking for findom or that stuff. I also don't typically send pictures of myself right away or jump into a VC without getting to know someone first!

If this interested you please reach out!

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>Male, 26, Midwest US
>Slightly overweight
>Blue eyes
>Gamer + Weeb
>Kind of clingy
>Big trust issues
>Porn addicted
>Kinda cringe

Disc: nespresso_depresso._43800
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22 / M / Germany (NRW)

>Long Distance ?
Only if its not too far

>Physical description
Skinny but not anorexic, short black hair, 187cm height

Hiking, reading, cooking, getting wasted, vidya, travelling, crafting, learning languages

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
weird fetishes, lazy chatters, Femboys, Trannies

>Looking for
biological woman

>ideal preferrences
short and not overweight, clingy, plays vidya

hieronymus21 (discord)
whatever's in green is very important
whatever's in blue would be nice
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>my ideal gf:
someone that i can love, someone that can love me.

>my hope:
to be worthy of that.

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I just want a girl who will actually show interest in me. I'm so tired of always always ---ALWAYS--- being the one who has to initiate conversations with EVERYONE I know.
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i wish they'd just talk like a normal human
i'm so incredibly autistic but even i see to be better at conversation than 99% of these cunts
even the ones that message me first just follow with one or two word answers, never have detailed responses or ask questions
eventually they just ghost me every single time
I know the feeling but if you post your stuff around for long enough you’re pretty much bound to eventually talk to someone decent. Adding someone who gets adds for dozens of other people on here is playing a losing game. If the girl adds you there is some more interest on her part from the start at least so your odds are way better off. Don’t get me wrong I’ve been ghosted plenty of times but even then I still manage to have at least one decent conversation before that point and have learned that there are some genuinely nice people on here even if they’re not that serious compared to me.
i can't just post anywhere though
too many retards try to add me, completely ignoring when i specify i'm only looking for people in my area
Well the amount of people on here isn’t that bad but not ideal for local dating. Establishing an LDR is possible and happens here and there but local stuff is always going to be much more difficult just because of the lack of options. Maybe just say if they’re willing to move to you after a little while it would be alright, otherwise you have to stick to regional threads and occasional anons from your own area that happen to be looking at the board.
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> older than 20 (I'm 22)
> reads and writes on a regular basis, willing to exchange journal entries / vague poetry inspired by events from their everyday life, digital penpals basically
> STEM related interests, history, philosophy, or anything else they actually enjoy and have strong opinions on
> creates art in some way shape or form (music, writing, drawing, etc)
> strong character, strong beliefs, strong aspirations
> your own personal interests in terms of entertainment hobbies (we don't have to completely align, I'm open to anything)
> no real preferences in terms of looks, just take care of yourself and be healthy, nothing more
> hold ideas important to them, constantly rethink their opinions and are willing to change if they're proven wrong
> has dealt with mental health issues and can discuss the topic, is generally willing to solve their problems and understand their mind
> knows internet culture but not chronically online
> music taste reflects their personality, or its just music they enjoy
> not looking for a yes man
> is in education or work, STEM preferably
> generally takes care of her health and wellbeing (being into fitness is a bonus)
> prideful but modest, to a rational degree
> seeks authenticity in her life

> mostly what I described above
> european, white, healthy, tall, fit build (if you care about physical appearance)
> honest, straightforward, good conversationalist
> shitpost exchanging, literature, banter, mutual rambling, comfort, dissociation
> midwit intellectual
> can act normie somewhat well
> willing to devote significant attention if we get along
> in education, STEM bachelor
> willing to die for the things I believe in and the people I care for

If distance is too great, I'd love to be friends and exchange words anyway

discord : say_sahlo_folina
I've gotten adds from a good number of women (or at least "people" or claim to be women) from this site over the past year, but WITHOUT FUCKING FAIL they are complete doormats after the first day. I need to ALWAYS be the person to initiate conversations otherwise I will NEVER hear from them. I'm getting really fucking tired of having to do the heavy lifting in every conversation I have with everyone I meet and everyone else in my life. Nobody EVER talks to me unless I talk to them first.
I've been ghosted before, too. It's whatever at this point. I'm used to it. What I'm never going to get over is feeling like I'm not engaging or interesting enough to start a conversation with given that every single person I know never talks to me unless I start the conversation. I've lived a very eventful life and have a number of creativity-based hobbies, yet not a single fucking person ever comes to me to even so much as tell me about their day.
I hate it. I hate how fucking passive people are around me, and I hate how inert everyone I meet online is. Am I asking for too much? You added me because you saw my descriptions on /soc/ yet you never take a single fucking opportunity to actually talk to me. You can claim shyness all you want, but when it's coming from every single fucking person I meet it makes me feel like I'm the problem.
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Looking for someone to spend time with sharing video game interests and talking fashion. I am also interested in anime and don't mind talking about edgy or esoteric cult stuff

I'll give you attention & headpats.
that's not an option
i need to meet a person in real life to have any idea how we actually interact, online is an entirely different world

no ones going to suddenly move across the country to be with someone they never met before, nor would they bother spending however much money it would cost just to meet once which still doesn't give you enough information of real interaction
i've been hearing the excuse that they get too many people messaging them
which i know is bullshit because for example on dating sites i'll get ghosted by a girl that isn't putting any effort in and then i find them on 3 other sites
so obviously they're not getting too many options
Not a girl but trust me, two or three adds at a time are fine. When you get 10, 20... It's just impossible to keep up, you get paralyzed and have to drop everyone.

Now imagine getting 200 requests half an hour after you posted an ad here. I remember talking to a BPD girl who showed me her Discord and it looked like a fucking phonebook. I have no idea of how she managed to talk to anyone.

also I'm a guy (obviously)

putting this here because apparently people can't already tell from the post itself
Well you talk over voice chat and other mediums for while before you actually meet up obviously, you don’t just move right over lol. My mom met a guy from another state and she would drive hours to him almost every weekend when they got really close over time. They eventually separated after living together for years because he had an attitude problem but ldr’s work well enough if you’re both on the same page about what you want. Helps to live in the same country too.
just b urself, jk I know how it is but usually women talk more than men for me. Most men are just friend collectors on here
they wouldn't be making multiple accounts all at the same time or posting discord links on a dozen threads if they didn't want the attention that comes with it
voice chat still isn't real life
and i don't have the time or resources to drive hours constantly
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But the thing is THEY are the ones adding ME. I could understand if I'm one in 200 other people adding them, but I'm the one posting my info for them to see, they're the ones taking my tag and adding me on my contacts. Why am I STILL the one who has to carry every conversation?
this what I'm looking for not me.
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>DON't: Make massive, [...] text-only posts
You've chosen death then.

My ideal is:
>Biological woman
>21+ish, closer to my age the better
>Any height, I don't care
>Skinny/fit/average/curvy. No huge preference outside of not liking big girls.
>Lives outside of her parents' home or dorm room and has real world experience being an adult
>Passionate. Whatever specific interests she may have, is invested into them and cares deeply. Loves learning and exploring new things, ideas, etc.
>Creative and nerdy hobbies. We don't need to share the same tastes. I encourage variance
>Seen some shit or is otherwise not normal in the traditional sense but still mentally stable.
>Doesn't regularly use social media, not subscribed to the outrage and drama machine. You can be terminally online just don't be a retard.
>Not an extremist, areligious or close to it -- you know, a sane person.
>Funny, sarcastic, not afraid of banter.
>Talkative (lol)
>Very high sex drive, kinky

I am, just for context:
>36, male
>6'5", fit. I have gone a little powerlifter mode over the last year, and while I appreciate the strength I'm fucking awful at rock climbing with it. Starting a cut soon and will get lean again.
>Long brown hair, blue-grey eyes, glasses, clean shave, pale, hung
>Live by myself in a house, work from home, probably spend too much time inside
>Hobbies and interests range from the extremely physical to shut-in tier "play games until 6AM" kind. Very artistic, musician with a background in visual design. Love music (a lot), love getting into the detail of how things are made and appreciating them for what they are.
>Has had one hell of a life. Experiences that will make any reasonable person question how I manage to be as "normal" as I am.
>Professional hater. I talk shit about the things I dislike, like. Anything is fair game.
>Kinky, high sex drive

I'm hitting word limit here. If this sounds interesting to you, feel free to reach out.
Disc: randomestburnername
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Wanna meet a bunch of anons and anonettes who are bored, mildly misanthropic, outside of their own culture and interested (read: desperate for) others like them? Join Anon's Anonymous (A_A) to mutually rot, vibe and bant today!

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i like making these, they're fun

a little less abstract this time
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26 M looking for F (bio or trans is fine)
>my qualities
Obsessive, creative, attentive. I just want to dedicate absolutely everything to the right person but I am also just out there doing what I luv for myself and it’s own sake.
>my interests
I am a musician and digital artist. I do boxing and Muay Thai, I like being apart of goth / alt spaces, I like to write, watch movies, go on dates and do special things
>my quirks
Dunno if having an anxiety disorder is a quirk but I can find it difficult to believe someone likes me which is kind of a flaw. I suppose I am just terribly lonely and all of it is channeled into an obsessive affection.
>my location
Melbourne Australia. You can be from anywhere but it would be best to have someone in the same country.
my disc is changingchangeling
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I would like to point out something that some of you may have missed.

Design YOUR ideal partner
Design YOUR
Design YOUR ideal
Design YOUR ideal
Design YOUR


Also no fucking europeans, girl or not.
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>tfw no bpd gf like her
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Me: Bio M/ 29/ Southeast PA.
Tall, pale, thin. I thoroughly enjoy music and play bass myself. Would like to find someone close to pic related to chat with and see where things go.
contact: cypher02717
us fag
litreral walking vomit
We can read
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Female 19 Perky Natural Asian
Medical student in training

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
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The type of girl who would respond if I made a love quest sign like this
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Are you actually me? Every single time I've added or had somebody add me I'm ALWAYS ghosted if I don't actively message the other person consistently. They NEVER engage with me first.
I've come to believe it's just because I'm maybe hyper boring because I don't instantly start spewing memes and heehee hoohoo cringe bullshit that most people are used to nowadays for some reason.
I just try to talk to other people about interests and other fun things but I guess I just seem too autistic or I'm forgettable too. I'm just at a loss as to why so I've basically given up to some degree.
Ah, you have haunted DMs too eh? Too many ghosts around now adays. For a day or 2 you think they're there...but then they just disappear.
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>their qualities
23+ stinky femcel thats a shutin and plays vidya games all day
either shaped like a flat twig or pudgy from a junk food diet
girlfailure aesthetic
>their interests
breakcore, /x/, conspiracy videos
has at least 1000 hours into any game
>their QuIrKs
shouts kys or retard whenever they get angry
uses ancient meme lingo and has their mind stuck in the 2000 era
>their location
doesn't matter since I can do LD or we can just stay as online friends

>your qualities
pretty handsy with tools, can cook, and I'm training to be one of the strongest zug zug.
>your interests
mmos, competitive games, jrpgs, retro stuff and anime
>your quirks
I sniff hard and a lot to clear my nostrils
>your location
>your ideal relationship dynamic
hisses at me when I get them to shower
begs for food or headpats like a needy pet
if you dont fit the description then please dont add me just because you found my post "interesting"
dont check my discord often since it takes forever for males to get an add
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this is licherally me, except I am a tranny, are u okay with trannys?
I want an ugly duckling type girl who never fit in but grew up and became a reasonably attractive and well adjusted person.

Such girls are the only ones with tolerable personalities. Normal girls who are showered with praise all their life have retarded insufferable delusional entitled princess mentalities.
my ideal gf is dominant and sits on my face
A lot of the people here are very damaged and actively self-sabotaging. Try not to internalise it.
I'm on the older side, been using /soc/ for a long time. I've had women from /soc/ tell me they were in love with me within a week of meeting them, then ghost me a couple days later.
A lot of these girls are genuinely terrified of people, they have no idea what they are doing, and they can freak out even when they get attached to someone.
>I guess I just seem too autistic or I'm forgettable too
Your post is coherent and intelligent and I'm not kidding when I say that puts you above most of the men here. If you don't send dick pics and you can keep a girl's interest, even if you're doing all the work, then you really are being way too hard on yourself.
discord: cindyyy. (do add the full stop :)
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most people seem to think pic related looks like a hag but i think shes gorgeous, though i can understand how people would think she's below average

too bad women like that are so incredibly rare, even more so in my state where it seems no one ever even uses any online platforms with which to find partners so there's virtually 0% chance that i'll ever find one
Most people come to an ideal thread to NOT talk about things.
Be like most people
i wasn't really paying attention
i have multiple different dating related threads up, i guess just to brood on
Honestly this is gonna sound weird but like my ideal gf is a woman that isnt into politics and is more chill than anything but still cares.
Like shed be my gf and we would love each other but wed treat each other more like really good friends rather than that lovey dovey stuff.
Oh yeah Im a dumbfuck I forgot to add she also in the age range of 19-21
my ideal gf is submissive and sits on my face when I command her to
>31/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 35
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord
She is definitely more of an "unconventionally attractive" type. She has nothing about her that is objectively "ugly".
That said, she receives hate because she's less "cutesy" than other contestants and also not fat so she can't be called a fat pig.
Don't be too hard on yourself, same has happened to me all the time so far, generally I either get 1-2 replies or none at all. I do feel shitty sometimes from this, but you gotta understand that a lot of the people here can barely hold a conversation and sometimes won't even try, so it's really not your fault.
Preach, brother. I've had too many girls add me only to be passive as fuck after our greeting. Half the time it's not even ghosting, it's just "do all the hard conversation work for me".
No its not you neither is it any of the other anons affected by this that are not total schizos or have the personality of a piece of pebble.
The reason most of these conversations die even if they were seemingly good is that after some time Discord wants you to provide a phone number for verification with no bypass for that.
Now I assume a lot of people just do not do that and let that account die and hence become ghosts.
It's because the gender ratio is fucked. I've asked girls before out of curiosity, they literally get dozens of adds in the first 1 or 2 hours after posting their tag. 4chan is one of the worst places in the world to meet women.
based kermitpilled
If that mattered you wouldn’t see the same girls posting here for months or years, most of the guys who add them are terrible to talk to.
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ideal type:
preferably white
is ok with long distance
likes to read (or at least be literate!)
likes animals
gamer and would teach me how to play
patient with me
likes the outdoors
likes banter and trolling but not an edgelord
inspires me to want to be better
will tell me all about their day including the tiny "useless" details
eventually want to vc

people who couldn't read the entire post
people who use the word "yapping"
potheads (just about any other drug is ok)
valorant players ...
people who half-ass convos

pls post urs and i'll add. last time i posted mine i got overwhelmed and did not connect with anyone i talked to. most people don't even bother reading the post properly

you WILL give me ur usn and talk to me okay
my discord is dmndati
Bit more of a self aware edgelord.
Welcome to being an adult male, buddy!
In my experience most dudes have felt like this at one point , hang in there.
fit this pretty well : ) let me chat w you all day!
it is hard to imagine someone that does not exist, but it is harder to draw myself in a way that doesn't make me look like an idiot
probably because I probably do look like an idiot, but I will not admit that
contact me on discord @ witheralt
this is an alt account, I'm willing to migrate friends to my main when I trust them enough
cool1yeah I swear I know someone like this
my ideal obsessed weirdo
got a lil busy and dropped off for a bit
*important: must be willing to visit, sooner than later, prob this summer! i wanna have funnn

when you add me, please save image and highlight which things fit you, in the context of like... "this is how i would act if enamored with someone" so i can read over and see if you're a good fit. thank you :)
*do not apply if you don't want to make out with my feet
discord is nekrosister
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Straight up literally the most perfect partner to exist, if this sounds like you feel free to add me I am in LOVE with total dorks who sound like this


(Ignore the fact it's a new account I lost access to my old one due to fun stuff)
Unlikely that you'll even be looking at this at this point, but you seem genuinely nice to get to know

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Looking for nerdy guy that willing to undergo into longterm mommy/son relationship

Kik : Princesstiffany20
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-If I take your virginity, I promise I'll never leave you.
-Conventionally good looking
-In great shape and will always be in great shape
-Will never go bald
-Not autistic
-Smart and hardworking, not one of those coping dummies who say smart but lazy
-Will carry you in video games
-Will choke you

-Old (Early 30s)
-Don't want to do long distance so I hope you're east coast USA
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Discord: .winterenjoyer
Don't bother adding if you're underaged, male, taken, not a virgin, psychotic, psychopathic, and/or cluster B
I physically match your ideal and I do not have any of your NLFRs
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discord is ketaminehcl
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>their qualities
built like fannon Hex Maniac
Long hair
Curves to kill
Sweet/soft features in general

>their interests
Anime, videogames, nerd stuff, LotR, Star Trek (pre 2010), baking, general cute girly stuff

>their quirks
sweet, caring, motherly, bit of a naughty side, loyal, funny, talks to me every day

>their location
Preferably USA, willing to go visit global though

Someone willing to work with someone with very little dating experience who wants full on love and commitment.
Also wants to move in or see each other within a few weeks not months or years
Prefer VC and video calls
Doesn't mind I'm in my 30s.


>your qualities
6'2 look like bootleg Elon Musk.
Can't grow a beard.
Potbelly but other wise not bad

>your interests
videogames, anime, gundams, baking, conspiracy theories.

>your quirks
Loyal, kind, mindful, passionate, willing to sacrifice, dedicated, honest

>your location
Florida USA

Willing to move basically anywhere.
Will never lie to you and will open up super quick
Interested in many hobbies and willing to learn about yours.

Your and my are not interchangeable here.
Your post is confusing
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>their (stuff)
Covered everything pretty well in the image. Not everything is required for me to like someone, but similar interests (platonic/romantic/sexual) are a must, and my preference for body type is unfortunately non-negotiable.
>their location
Preferably somewhere in the USA since different citizenship complicates things massively. I'm looking for someone I'd want to spend my life with, and getting together in person is obviously important.
>your (stuff)
You can see my post from the "post yourself" thread here, should have everything covered: >>33067850 If you have any questions feel free to ask.
>your ideal relationship dynamic
Gentle femdom/role reversal
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i'm not interested in depicting myself

clackamas, male, 25, white, green eyes, brown hair, 6'4, ~200lb
5-6/10 face
very autistic, very reserved, very simple
i do leatherwork and many other crafts
collecting and restoring antiques and cars
digital artwork and photography
too many other minor interests to list
two people added me thinking I was the girl
Hiya! If you check back here, should add me, I fit what you're looking for :3
disc: Lisitsa

I wrote it late at night and was eepy.
I am a man looking for this. I am not a big titty mommy who will fix you. My bad guys
Bump and pump
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sounds like literally me
wake up dude that is non existent
It aint going to stop him from posting it in every thread
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need sleepy trans gf... (i'm afab non binary)
i will give you a list of quirks and traits i have! i don't feel like putting them here
contact is @friendlypilled on discord!
hello I was wondering if you have an email address I could reach out to. I think I meet many of your desired qualities so maybe we would get along if we talk. I don't have discord however.
Ok, but does my follow up post also activate your almonds?

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>Their gender
Bio Female
>Their age
>Their body type
Not anorexic or a mass of muscle/fat
>Their race/nationality
>Their personality
Doesn't really matter to me as long as she has one.
>Their interests
Anything that isn't extremely normie, please!

>About (me)
29 bio male that's 5'10" & 150 lbs. I tread a trapeze wire of full-time work, preparing to go back to school, and a small social circle. I work in customer service, so I absolutely despise most people. I do not talk to people unless I think they are worth my time! I clock out of work, exercise, and then spend the night talking shit to my friends I've known for over a decade thanks to XBL. I've only had two physical partners.

Discord's in the pic, if you want it.
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Doesn't exist but might as well
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I'm 18/M/USA. Just looking for someone to talk to, I'm open to VC and watching stuff but only after we've known each other for a while.

>not a virgin
>not hypersexual
>often reads
that's all she wrote
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> Me
Male / 26 / 160 lbs / 5'11" / White-Asian / southern California

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