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A thread for lonely, pathetic and desperate people who will do anything to feel loved. I need someone to fill the void, I'm so fucking lonely

>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Ruin my life. I’ll give you my crush’s name, a pic of her, and a pic of myself naked. If you find her, blackmail me into liking or tributing her pics, cbt, cei, or whatever you want. I can also give you her number or snap if you find her.

Make me regret this

Kik: tribber26
>not using his own template
I just copy and pasted it from some other thread so people would have an idea of what to post
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22 F kik pinskirtnotshirt

Seeking a long term and dynamic sex partner..
I am a very horny young girl in need of being degraded and put in my place. I love being a total object for your every desire, I loved to be used for your pleasure.
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How many lonely/desperate threads does this board fucking need? Use the other 5 or so threads that already exist.
truly pathetic
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26 / F / Enfield

If you're a nerdy submissive kinky guy that looking to fully commit into long term ownership basis online or IRL, i am the Domme you looking for ! Doesnt matter if you're inexperienced. ill mold you into every shape i want. Introduce yourself nicely and address me as Miss Chan !

KIK : ExclusiveChanell
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
>Contacts (Discord)
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>describe yourself
silly autist retard friendless loser
roblox, valorant, ow2, dbd, resident evil, zelda, splatoon, chainsaw man, aot, 3 body problem, alex g, quannic, scm, aphex twin, current joys, many more things just ask me i am not mean or evil...
>looking for
uk friends that will eventually hang out with me irl. i don't do drugs or drink but i don't mind doing them to make friends
>not looking for
i am ugly and 171cm so please don't add me expecting to find a bf just to ghost me when you see me, people outside the uk, evil people, narcissists, gooners, politics. i just want good friends..
>describe yourself
ugly and mentally ill
>looking for
someone who wants to kill me violently but loves me at the same time
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
stalkercel on discord
23/M/Texas USA
>describe yourself
Nothing special, 5 foot 11 black hair, brown eyes. Very boring.
>looking for
I want to talk to girls, maybe somebody to pretend to be my gf, I need to kill time while I'm away from home at work. Can talk pretty much anytime save for middle of the night. Down for whatever, come bitch and moan, or horny post, or just be chat casually.
>not looking for
Idk, just don't be an indian man trying to scam me with stolen nudes? Or an aussie who is clearly not an aussie.
>contact info (discord, telegram)
@sector5o1 (discord), @ganimedeableist (telegram)
Willing to be friends with any of you and chat about whatever but while we are at it share some of your secrets with me and let’s have some fun.
Snap is missingyou666
28/m Looking for an f or ftm to keep me company and hang out virtually as I travel across south America for three weeks. I can be your pick-me-up, or your sweet release, or a shoulder to cry on. Whatever you want right now, let me know and lets see if it works out.
KIK: splamjammer
26 M Winnipeg Manitoba
Greedy coomer who takes discord too seriously
>Looking for
Degenerates & E-gurls
>Not looking for
Impatient people
I'm only active on my Discord Serber

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this girl i know described me as a “loser boy” so i guess that would be an accurate description
i listen to music a lot, and i like movies and video games
>looking for
>not looking for
ghosters and mean people
19, male
>describe yourself
a loser, useless mentally fucked up faggot, currently through an identity crisis. I'm a drop out, a long time degenerate (I was sexually harassed and bullied in my younger days)
I despise every second I feel alive, makes me feel disgust and misery deep inside in my unconscious. My brain can't process or concentrate at more than one thing at once.
This makes me boring, but I like videogames, animation and manga, specifically japanese media. I'm a nostalgiafag, which means I like the 2k aesthetic.
Some stuff I really like are Serial Experiments Lain, Haibane Renmei (yet to watch complete), Suzumiya Haruhi (yet to read the other mangas), Girl's Last Tour, Touhou, Needy Girl Overdose, Yume Nikki (and it's fangames), ah, platformer games, like, Mario and Metroid, huh.
Tons of red flags, my mood or personality drastically changes throughout the day.
>looking for
I don't really know, since I put myself way down the average person, everyone is a better person than me. But I'll be happy if someone with similar Internet interests like me wants to hang out with someone as unstable as me, I'll be happy.
discord: danbo_17
>describe yourself
Don't think I'm that bad. But always seem to find myself alone inside my head at the end of the day.
>looking for
that connection that's missing. Someone to send messages back and forth with as I drift off to sleep at night, or read messages from when I check my phone at work.
>not looking for
people who ghost
Discord: quixoticat
Kik: quixoticat
M/40/Graham Washington State

>About you
The names Joesph, I’m an blobby alcoholic with a love for My Little Pony (yes i own fedoras) and your typical nerd culture. My taste in women is very unique I would say, I prefer having absolutely zero standards or taste and scraping the bottom of the barrel and that also includes booze barrels too. I have really bad autism where I throw childish tantrums sometimes and when I forget to take my meds I may yell and get violently stompy when things don’t go my way. I pride myself in being so lazy I go out of my way to choose jobs that require minimum to no physical effort so I can maintain my precious man boobs. I couldn’t bare to make myself last less than 5 weeks delivering packages for Amazon cuz I would get too winded. I’m even too prideful in my size to change my own flat tire and refuse to know how to. I am an absolute deadbeat and live with my crippled bedridden parents and we pride ourselves in being delusional regionalists who believe in a sky daddy (christians). I am a top tier gentleman and I would be honored if you choose me for a boyfriend. I will gladly get you drunk with me as you help me make sure I don’t choke on my vomit in my sleep like Bon Scott from the band AC/DC even though I realize my life is pretty meaningless as it is.

I am also a proud honorary member of a book club nobody has heard of called The Royal Manticore Navy and I earned a medal giving a diabetic person a soda. That made me feel good.

My last ex girlfriend resembled Tammy Slaton. God she was a total babe. I loved when she let me ate out her rancid pussy.

>Not Looking for
Non Christians, skinny holocaust survivors, any form of fitness or physical activity, salads, non alcoholic beverages

>Contact Info
Twitter: @capn37
Discord: ltbob1138
P: 720-270-3139
Any lonely and desperate girls want an older male figure to talk to? Lewd stuff would be cool too but not necessary.

20 M CA
Beri Beri desperately Desperado Don Quixote Superhero...jello?
>Looking for
Obviously just straight up crazy, mentally broken, ruin my life, e-girl portraying cat-girl
>Not looking for
Humans and Peepos
>Contact info
DISC: aloofsan

18 year old fat and ugly ftm from Brazil
>about me
Autistic red chud who likes to talk a lot about things I care about (mostly related to politics and humanities in general). I like reading Western literature (and comics). I hate math and the orient. I'm also vaguely mentally ill and extremely clingy.
>looking for
M, FTM or MTF who will let me dump everything (emotional slop, rants, and the such) onto them. An obsessive person who will love me unconditionally as long as I give them attention. Preferably under 5'8" and skinny. The younger the better.
>not looking for
Cis women and indians need not apply.

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You're all a bunch of fucking losers
give a nigga a will to live
(im white)
disc: saint010111
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account


>describe yourself

im alone, i dont have a single friend in my discord, even server, i lost it all this month (banned from the single server i was in and lost my only and best friend), because i did something very stupid, so if you give me a friend request, ill be very excited

i talk a lot, so if i bother you, just say it

i can have an instant confidence with you, ive been alone for a looong time, you know? and im very emotional, i can talk all my problems and my feelings if i feel comfortable talking it.

videogames is like part of my adn (that sounded cheesy i know), games from suda51 are my favorites, that guy is like my idol.

i love music, especially punk rock, chiptune and videogame soundtracks.

i like the Scott Pilgrim series, A LOT.

>looking for

most importantly, someone with the same taste as me, i just want to talk about how much we love videogames, music, and kim pine :D

who can understand my state, and dont have more than 5 friends, because i dont feel comfortable with people who has a lot of friends, makes me feel less important.

and that understand that im fucked up, i can make stupid things and im aware of that

and that is alone too, that way we can understand better and help eachother.

and talks a lot and is honest, just like me, i apreciate people being honest with me,a lot, dont worry, im not gonna block or mute you because you said something bad about myself, im not THAT fragile

>not looking for

people who are the most time offline or dont respond my messages or just straight up ignoring me, believe me that those things can broke me.



see ya :)
24/m/south asia

>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
I like vidya, anime, manga, paranormal things. I occasionally draw or make small games whenever I have the time. I can be very needy with someone I like talking to. Smoke weed or drink when I'm bored. A bit chubby.

>Looking for
I'm open to anyone really. Being in a relationship with someone is something I really want. I prefer androgynous people.

>Not looking for
Assholes, bigots, people that ghost.

>Discord Tag
someone just gave me a friend request, i was updating my profile and like 7 minutes later it dissapeared , i didnt accept it inmediately becuase i got nervous :'(
My loneliness and pathetic submissiveness is what drove me to become addicted to findom in 2015 and nowadays I am completely enamored by it. Cannot go more than a few hours without becoming obsessed with thoughts about it and wanting to do it so badly. It gets so bad sometimes I send money while in the stalls at the bathroom at work. :(
M 22 Aus
>describe yourself
A little chubby, got a nice ass, little hairy, light brown, loser.
>looking for
guys or girls who wanna dominate/humiliate me. Make me stick things up my ass for them etc.. Im into piss play, raceplay, small dick humiliation, feminisation. Ill do whatever you want as long as u give me attention.
>not looking for
ppl who wont be very engaged and ppl asking for money
>contact info
discord: jhin_lover2.0
i just got a friend, talked for an hour and unfriended me without reason.

You know the thread is going to be shit when guys like this post
I think people like you might be part of the reason there's threads like this exist in the first place.

Also canadian findom and no meet ups? Youre either a porker, live buttfuck nowhere and closest civilization is the rez, or youre a rural 6 which makes you a city 2
This is beyond hot af to me. Wish I had discord lol

degenerate pervert? hmu
>describe yourself
im v depressed and lonely
im very hopeless about my people situation and i just cry all the time im so tired
i know its my fault and i have no one to blame but myself but i really hope the universe hasn’t given up on me yet
i pray so much that someone will come
>looking for
somebody lonely and similar to me, a friend i can be invested in emotionally and will reciprocate back, love and care about, talk to everyday and be sweet
but i also dont get along with most people yeah its my fault sorry
>not looking for
sex, convo starters of hi hello hru sticker.. pls tell me about urself
>contact info (discord, kik...)
>describe yourself
A boomer who missed out on many of life's experiences by being chronically online. I've been on this site for years and I'm retarded for coming back. It's literally pointless once you realize the only people that would give you what you want has done it 100s of times before with others. Just get off this site.
19M bottom gay dude
>About me
Someone who really wants to spread joy and love to people !! :3 also conventionally cute, twink-ish, and a compassionate person know more ab me in dms
horny people
>discord and insta
You seem like a good person who is broken inside and out. I really don't think you can get good friends or people who really care about your life, especially in this forum.

Go out into the real world, make friends, and try to have good times with someone else unless they serve as an emotional burden. No one really wants to carry someone else's cross.

You can still change and be a great person, don't limit yourself to being a "degeberado" or a "boy with identity problems" who likes anime. There is more inside you than that, and you know it, but you still focus on hiding your true self, and only bringing out the worst part.

Get up and do something productive, learn new things and put it into practice with your hands. Go and take a course in mechanics, electricity, or blacksmithing, become the man you really are, and show the world and especially yourself that you are more than a loser.
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>describe yourself
shy, clingy, and easily jealous
>looking for
a girl to have an abusive and controlling friendship/obsession/non traditional relationship with. i would not be the abusive or controlling one. i want to talk about everything all day and obsess over each other
>not looking for
guys or troons or fat girls
Bro posted a picture of a Camaro who's the real loser here
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>describe yourself
actually a pretty normal guy but i just havent gone out much since coronavirus because i didnt get a vaccine so id get arrested for going indoors anywhere lol. i like the same stuff anybody else likes (movies/tv shows/games/anime/reading/ai/flight sims/other stuff i cant do from here).

>looking for
nice normal girl to talk to and hang out with/watch things with/play a game with or whatever

>not looking for
trannies, psychos et al etc

>contact info
discord: leyphae
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Male25, Yurop.

I'm looking for a completely miserable girl. Someone who has not experienced a drop of actual affection in her life but is craving for it. Ideally someone who has nobody and truly needs a friend and a life partner.

I'd wife you up and make you happy, shower you with affection everyday and make you feel special and loved, in a sincere and genuine way: it's something I'd truly enjoy doing and a relationship dynamic I'd enjoy.

You must be willing to go all-in if we end up liking each other and possibly relocate (although I'd be willing to relocate for the right person, too).

If you are interested, send me a friend request and tell me something about yourself. Let's get to know each other.

Discord: fusteldecoulanges
As someone who is autistic, never had friends throughout schoolyears, but works, goes to parties, and touches grass as an older man. There are no females who are virgins who are the same age as us for the most part. It isn't greener on this side either. Everyone these days now though are extremely picky and self centered who refuse to fix themselves, I'll give you that.
19 femboy uk Dumfries

Would meet irl

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.

To control all decisions such as what I eat/ if I eat. Bathroom breaks, what I wear what I do in a day. Even extreme stuff such as what I do what I watch when I’m allowed to switch YouTube video ect

Or I’d love even more extreme where I have to ask to change a video or to turn a light on

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My personal favourites are; flashing, pain, embarrassment, risk, exposure, blackmail, online/game humiliation

kik: KittenBabyy69
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21 M Transylvania Romania
>describe yourself
Not lonely, pathetic or desperate but a cute guy into such type of girls who's surrounded by normies. Some interests I'm into fashion, military stuff, anime, gaming, paranormal, history, politics, gym, combat sports, cooking, music making, 3d modelling
>looking for
Short hiki clingy virgin gf around 18-23 yo White, Turkic or East Asian who can move (due to my plans of working at my dad's company run some stuff around there currently I can't move, got my own place)
>not looking for
Dudes, trans, obese, high body count
>contact info (discord, kik...)
28m My name is Craig Donley and I'm from Burton Michigan. I'm a little faggot cuck looking to expose myself and some girls I went to school with. Sharing nudes and full names.
Kik Craigthecuck1
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come pls
Looking for submissive and cuck types as I’m more dominant
Start with asl so I know you’re interested
I love much older but everyone is welcome
23 m uk bi 25 f uk gf is here now too
Iwantfun086 - kik
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My name is Chanell Tiffany, a lovely Mistress with a kind heart. I'm honest open minded, reliable. I like adventures trying new stuff. I am looking for a sub for active participation and meeting a sub to own, use as my personal property. both his heart, body and soul. I am a perfect trainer, and I intend to give my sub the basic needs that makes him a real sub. I practice what I preach and answer to no man nor do I depend on one. When I allow you to serve, it's not because I need you to, it's because I enjoy having you do it, I'm a professional mistress and I have been doing this for 4 years.

If you're seeking a journey into submission where trust is the ultimate currency, you've found your guide. My domination style mixes a naturally nurturing personality and a perverted passion for all things extreme. Meaning, I thrive in a variety of dominant settings.

I'm an experienced professional dominant mistress. I am a powerful mistress looking to meet a serious minded slave that understands what it means to serve a great Goddess like me. It doesn't matter if you're a newbie or experienced. I will simply mold you to serve me my own way. I'm 5ft 9inch just as imposing in nature, one look will bring a well trained submissive to their knees. If you wish to serve a stern and unforgiving mistress like me, look no further.

5'9 / 165lbs / Have several tattoos / Single / Live alone

KIK : Princesstiffany20
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>30/m/new zealand
>I'm a doctor and I have no gf
>looking for gf or just someone to talk to
>not looking for giga-autists
You can't be a boomer who missed out on so much by being on line. The Internet is barely 25 years old
I’ve cheated my way through every aspect of life.
I’m used to getting everything i want even if i don’t deserve it and even at the expense of others.
I’ve used my beauty, charm and intelligence to deceive others into giving me what i rightfully but not deservingly want.
A good example would be the position in my job that I’m at, which only people with a 30+ year experience can get, yet I got it in less than half of that. I also, have 3 rich BFs at the moment who don’t know about each other. Those r just 2 examples, there are many like it behind the scenes.
I like showing off and gloating about how fortunate and successful I am, specially to the less unfortunate. I’m not that interested in you, only i matter in this conversation and you’re here to learn about me.

>Deleting u right away if the following applies to you:

>starting off your messages boringly and generically instead of getting to the point and being interesting enough for me to wanna talk to you
>repetitive and dumb questions.
>taking more than a minute to reply or adding without saying anything in the first minute,
Discord: nnaayyaa
ill find and kill you.
why would anyone want a woman that's >30 (close to 15 years work experience), already has 3 bf's she hides from each other (cheats on each one) and cheats in every other possible way in life? What do you even want? Just to gloat and show off? Another simp, as if 3 isn't enough? You building a polycule?
>22/m/Algeria, moving to Poland soon
I like gardening, games, books, and i do weightlifting. I'm passionate about music, cars, bikes, and dreaming of the future

I struggle to make friends, people find me overwhelming. If you bring up a topic im super interested in, I will talk about it for a while. My humor is also very hit or miss, but I like to think that i'm genuine and good with words. I also like offering advice

>Looking for
friends in general, especially if you're kinda artsy, and into books. Another plus is you not caring about me dumping a novel's worth of words on how awesome far cry 2 was or some other bullshit

>not looking for
Not looking for a relationship, unless you're Polish, not much of a point otherwise


>describe yourself
I am black & racist. I waste all my days but am trying to get better. I love computers, politics, history, movies, cooking, books, and other things.

>looking for
Someone to talk to 2x times a week or more. Anyone who is not black will do.

>not looking for
Fucking ghosters, ppl who reply to 10 messages with a one sentence
its a larp check the history
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24 m usa
I have been ignored for 2 years of my senior high school. My parents never raised me the type to go outside. I celebrated graduation with all of my male classmates gone, they were not in their seats. idk where they went. I was just standing there all alone while everybody is happily singing the graduation song.
sorry, if you need somebody to talk to, then you need to make a point of contact a little more obvious
I don't think I got enough information just from your picture, or otherwise the age doesn't line really line up?
26m california
6’ 190 white
I’m a pretty normal guy, I’m into sports, finding new music and movies. I have no friends and I struggle with depression and social anxiety. I’m looking for a lonely girl to help me find a reason to keep going
Kik pillowfortking
I'm not literally a baby boomer I'm probably top 1% in age on this site thought. I will forgive your autism KING.
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we're not pathetic or desperate i promise
just join trust we want friends
> i don't do drugs or drink but i don't mind doing them to make friends
thats what it is. you figured it out. youre in this world now. if you make friends, try not to quit on them or be real bad/toxic to them, and try to live your truth.
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39/m/midwest usa
>>describe yourself
5'7" average build, brown/grey hair, green eyes
>>looking for
F - partner, cuddle buddy, someone to talk with
>>not looking for
if you don't want to talk
>>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord - bigcitynights
20 female from europe. I'm only interested in nerdy, geeky, smart, troll, fun, a bit racist and rich guys. The body count has to be less than 3, or you're a used-up man whore. only men from europe add me

the more jealous and possessive you are the better that means you're not a cuck who's normalising today's relationships

my discord:

22 M Aus
Average, a lil hairy, nice ass tho :3, good cock too
>Sexual interests
looking for a girl or guy who wants to treat me like a girl basically
>Looking for
above. please be engaged and talk and not just send one dick pic and afk. if u dont wanna sext dont worry bout dming
>Not looking for
as i said above.
>describe yourself
I bitter old lonely boomer. I was lonely though out my life but it's starting to get hard at this age.
>not looking for
Hi, I'm looking for a partner.

I've had enough of feeling stuck in a rut, I want to be a better version of me, and I realize that the path to get there may be easier with some accountability, and what better than someone who wants the same for themselves.

I'm looking for a friend/partner who's fed up as I am with not being as productive/active as they could be.
If you feel done with procrastinating and want to actually try for once, this post is for you.

I don't wanna sound too corny and say I have activities planned, but I know for starters, I'd like a pal with whom I can read books about self-improvement, keeping in touch thru the day and other assorted friendly things.

If this interests you, just know that I value honesty the most, I don't wanna make a commitment out it but I'd appreciate someone who's not afraid to try and be straight up.
Voice calling is a must, not from the get go, but you have to be open for it.
I don't care about gender, but I'd prefer female anons, since its easier for me to relate.
To keep it serious, I'd prefer if you're 21 or older.

If this is something you'd like to try, leave your discord and I'll add you and see if we hit it off.
BUMP still lookin :3
then make a discord and move to canada
I don't buy games for girls that don't live with me
I don't buy games for girls that aren't sucking my cock
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>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me.

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
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That's an email by the way.
22 M Aus
Average, lil hairy, nice ass tho :3, good cock too
>Sexual interests
looking for a girl or guy who wants to treat me like a girl basically
>Looking for
above. please be engaged and talk and not just send one dick pic and afk. if u dont wanna actually engage dont worry bout dming
>Not looking for
as i said above.
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>describe yourself
I am a 31 y.o. KHV who has never gone out a date in his entire life. I love books, books are my sole source of pleasure in this hellish reality. I want to talk to girls who will explain in detail what is wrong with me so hopefully I can fix that and find a wife and start a family before I get too old.

>looking for
People to talk to

>not looking for
Unkind people

>contact info (discord)
you had me at books and lost me at kids
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pathetic, desperate and lonely?
you belong.
24 m usa
>describe yourself
lonely loser neet artist
>looking for
any type of girl that wants someone to be close with that is nice and not horny
>not looking for
im open
>contact info (discord, kik...)
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boy looking for a gf age dosent really matter so idc if ur “old” or something, I'm extremely clingy so if you dont like that ig im not ur thing.
my timezone is GMT+12 so I guess thatds important we can get to know each other better in dms cuz i dont wanna put too much info online

discord: e3458.
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I am a very strange 32 year old schizosperg nerd.

I want to find a GIRL who replies INSTANTLY and is online A LOT, and whenever I'M NOT ONLINE but SHE IS, she still sends me messages for me to read when I wake up or get back or whatever.

That is literally impossible, of course. Doesn't exist. Isn't real.

but just in case, my discord:
I use my beauty, charm and intelligence to deceive others into giving me what i rightfully but not deservingly want.
I like showing off and gloating about how fortunate and successful I am, specially to the unfortunate.
I’m not that interested in you, only i matter in this conversation and you’re here to ask and learn about me.

>Deleting u right away if the following applies to you, which is 99% of the adds i get

>starting off your messages boringly and generically instead of getting to the point and being interesting enough for me to wanna talk to you.
>repetitive and dumb questions.
>taking more than a minute to reply or adding without saying anything in the first minute!
>NPCs, Normies, Drones or ppl that use “lol”, “haha” or anything similar at the end of every sentence or reply with “mmm” at everything.
>ppl with no entertaining chat skills, which shows by the first couple messages.

Anyone who says this is a larp is seething that he wasn’t worthy enough for me to talk to him due to how boring he is..

Discord: yinaxa
oh em gee.. if I wasn't so busy I'd love to be chronically online for u
yinaxa is a catfish, don't bother with them
It is real, just not in the way you think
This applies exclusively to either people who aren't interested in you or people you aren't interested in
This is the way
I don’t see the word kids in the post?

20/closeted FtM/UK

>Mental Illness
schizoaffective, depression, social anxiety, occasionally suicidal, self harms, alcohol/weed addict, daddy issues (idk if that counts as a mental illness)

>About Yourself
im a loser degenerate who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate. i’m also kinda chubby (146lbs, i’m trying to lose weight) with body hair. i’m not the cute trans twink you’re probably imagining. i’m closeted because my family is super transphobic but i dress masculine. intp. i am not a good person.

Reading, painting, warhammer AoS, black metal, programming, mlp, age regression, gaming (fear & hunger, resident evil, dungeon defenders, darkest dungeon, tf2, dead by daylight, boomer shooters)

praise, diapers, pet play, age play, shota, grooming, brainwashing, humiliation, plushophilia, forcedmasc, autoandrophilia, joi, chastity, incest, age gaps, edging, watersports

>Looking for
a guy or girl (but preferably guy) to pretend to be my dad. say they’re proud of me, call me son and good boy, etc. it doesn’t even have to be in a sexual way, id just like someone who i can call dad and will treat me like i’m younger. i don’t think i’ll ever be able to have a normal relationship with someone.

my dad wasn’t around much since i was about 14 and it makes me crave attention from older/fatherly men. i don’t care about age but i’d like someone older.

i’ve always struggled to talk to and maintain relationships with people my own age, we just don’t get along for some reason. i’ve always preferred the company of older men and found them much easier and more interesting to talk to.

>Not Looking For
dick pics, people who only want nudes, someone who’s not actually interested in this kind of dynamic, coombrains, porn addicts, people who only respond with one word replies, people who only want to talk about nsfw, transphobes, “i forgot what your post said”

kik: angelcupid66
disc: postaldude77
34yo m with cg experience and experience with age regression. Genuinely just like the non-sexual dynamic. always been called the dad friend type. I sent you a fr on disc I'm pvrsi
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<5'11 white guy, blonde hair, blue eyes.
i like tarkov, & indie psx horror games. persuing a career in journalism, like politics/history/news & 3 hour video essays
<looking 4 cute femcel to vc with, and talk about autistic shit
<i have standards, & i will not accept any random retarded bitch. do not be severely clingy, mentally ill, weird, or a normalfag. dont ask for money or try 2 catfish
<disc; bd0x
what the fuck did i just read
what does closeted FtM mean? bio-F? but wants/thinks of themselves as M? Looking for a dad-son relationship?
tranny brainrot
i know how weird that sounds, but yeah pretty much. being referred to or appearing as masculine has always felt right to be, more right than being feminine and girly. but i’ve never been able to present the way i want to because everyone i know irl is transphobic so i just dress gender neural or as masc as i can.
26m, coming out of a deep depression. i like talkative people or people who are receptive to yapping because i yap. a lot. just don't be a dead fish. i like video games, but probably not the kind you enjoy, i like imsims, immersive stuff, yada. dont care for live service shit. dont watch anime but respect it. i want to learn music theory (in the process) and spanish, id also like to make a video game and write at least one book before i die. i love to explore - driving is one of my favorite hobbies. im not very attractive, thank god, and im not looking for anything sexual. i listen to a lot of music, i enjoy variety. i enjoy people who are passionate about things, even if those things are stupid. i eat the same thing every day as of late, im losing weight.

discord: thirstkill
>describe yourself
isolated & in my loser era
autism + adhd + would like to think i'm interesting. can hold good conversation if you catch me at the right time
>looking for
>not looking for
no trannies thnx <3
>contact info (discord, kik...)
warholsux on disc
No kik or snap?
oh yeah, i also enjoy painting, but haven't messed around with the hobby in a while. i wanna use a video camera and create some fun music videos. i also wanna hear about what you want to do.
it's in every thread, constantly, regardless of context. it's either a spam bot or a true total retard. just ignore, replies feed it.
24 M southeast PA
>about me
I like art, history and culture, video games, cinema, the macabre/spooky stuff, or just whatever seems interesting to me today,
>what are you looking for
Literally just want some friends near the area to hang out with. Prefer common interests
>not looking for
Under 21
Over 27
Too far
Doesn't wanna meet
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>describe yourself
Straight edge, 5'10", 150 lbs white guy. I tread a trapeze wire of full-time work, prepping to go back to school, and a small social circle. I absolutely despise most people due to working in customer service. I do not speak with people unless I think they're worth my time.
>looking for
A gal to jump start my heart.
>not looking for
Dudes. Sensitive people. Non-whites. My humor's dark and racist, so.
shit, guess I should write things more about myself

I'm 5'1 Asian, I don't have a PC and only have a PS3. Third Worlder. I like different types of media and just media in general. I have an obsession to the internet. Heavy tiktok user, i think half of my interest came from tiktok. If it weren't for tiktok, I wouldn't have read a book. I finished No Longer Human, it's my first ever book. I like anime, manga, movies, books etc. I'm a Kinophile. My favorite word is Kino. I like different type of music (death grips, frank ocean, talking heads, sewerslvt, kendrick lamar, elvis presley, midori, newjeans, godspeed you, black emperor etc.) Currently writing, though none published. I have a goal to consume every media. Been in the internet ever since i was a kid, been since the 2012 days. I like close up shots in movies. Absolutely have no friends, no one to talk on social media. I sleep to cope with my loneliness.
disc: kino00393
i want a friend! like a real friend! someone who wannas be buds! sometimes i can be kind of boring because of the hopelessness but otherwise i just wanna meet someone and have a gooood time ;)
olh shit i forgot. its allknower
can't find you
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22 F kik SexxyTpssy

looking for someone to help me moving on, SoCal baby in need of age 21+ kinky Friend/Daddy

I know this is really desperate of me, but I hope someone can help me get through a break up. I just hope someone can be my online xxx friend, since being lonely is really hard for me. I'll do my best to be a friend/baby to you as well...
>describe yourself
I hate my life, I'm very pessimistic, I won't block you but I usually don't have anything interesting to talk about, I just respond. In a lot of physical pain.
>looking for
I'm just putting this out there
>not looking for
> contact info
m, east asian, many other good things!!

looking for white girls who enjoy sharing about themselves as i wanna learn things from her.

discord: newuser982
19 Femboy Uk Dumfries

Needing a purpose or at least blackmailed into a prisoner for your cause

i have gave up on life soul body and mind. I wish to donate it to whatever diety, cause, idea or figure. Whether it be to have a super commited follower or just to have a Guinea pig to test rituals on or whatever is needed ect.

For me there is no limit for whatever is needed done or what type of thing you have. Weather it be semi bad or down right disgusting and awful I’ll gladly be a part of it for you.

I like every single kink. (You can test this ask me) I’m into everything so if there’s anything like that needed then I’ll gladly help. If you wish to know my favourites just ask me please.

I can’t wait to hear from you whoever you are and whatever you have. I’m ready to commit to an unbelievable length

Kik: KittenBabyy69
Bumping and Lonely All Day and Night
got anything other than kik?
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
24M, east coast US


>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes, but only if relatively close within the US

>physical description
5'9, 140, white, brown hair blue eyes, slim, kinda muscular but not ripped or anything

>life situation
'young professional', make good money w my career, have my own apartment. army veteran.

kind of a nerd, really into politics/philosophy/history. musician, listen to everything ig but mainly into emo/indie/punk. i like guns. obviously into vidya/movies and stuff.

>political beliefs

>looking for
gf. i like women who are artistic and/or intellectual. someone i can discuss/debate politics/philosophy with maybe. physically and aethetically im not very picky, but be skinny/white. i can be clingy/obsessive/neurotic, so ig you can be too.

>not looking for

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21yrs old male from South america/latino
>describe yourself
I'm really depressed and fucked up. I have been lonely all my life, I'm bad at socializing. I am shy but I can express my feelings well when I feel confident with you. I can be a good and kind person... if things don't go too terrible in my life. Gotta be honest I'm boring because I'm stuck with my shitty life so and I don't show much interest in things recently but I will put an effort.
>looking for
Someone like me and find friends. If you are just as bad and fucked up as me then things may work, who knows? If you're not like me you can try but I doubt it will work.
Everyone needs a friend, even the damned.
>not looking for
I only speak in spanish since it's impossible for me to hold up a conversation in english
Discord: aquabird65
see theres your problem girl lol
23/F new zealand

Pretty lonely desu, spend all my time on discord or with my cat. looking for more ppl to talk too, i’m chubby and goth.

discord- meatjpeg
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>describe yourself
Chubby, glasses, full head of hair and just white looking lol
>looking for
a gf to stream games to, obsess over, love and generally have something with
>not looking for
gays, femboys , catfish etc etc
>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord: nuzkuz
im just looking for someone to bully before going to bed. sweetpaps123 is my discord
19 m here. Chronically online loser, who has severe BPD. My hobbies include, porn, smoking, self harm, drugs, being humiliated, degraded, and gooning.
Looking for >
A fellow loser/ accountability coach to make sure I can be the worst, fattest, most pathetic version of myself so we can relish in our inferiority and depravity together.
Not looking for >
Judgemental pussies who have human decency and self respect. people are who arent shallow and non toxic.
Loser cunt who adds then doesn't respond to messages.

mentally challenged loser shut in here looking for mutuals or probably a goth loser gf with similar somewhat struggles and taste as me
I love art, music and uhh horror/ slasher movies seems obvious I collect a lot of masks lol, also I diy my own shit and it's pretty wicked anyway add me I'm a mallgoth metalhead if that interest you :p

dis: m0xxisdead
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21 | born male | México
>describe yourself
former femboy and prostitute. unemployed. jack of all trades, master of none. now just living with my parents. I like talking about normal or lewd stuff if im in confidance. also i tend to vent when Im feeling down (almost every night, sorry). I like to overthing things like fanarts about my favorite games and stuff. Im down to vc and play games but my english is not that good.
>looking for
someone to talk about my stuff, people who are interested on asking me questions (I love questions). Someone that is "okay", like, fine right now and dont need to vent stuff like me. I mean, of course I can hear your problems but im a person that feels like other people problems are more important than mine and I dont want feel like a charge, thats it.
>not looking for
coomers, very political people
>contact info (discord, kik...)
my discord: snowy_tal
Be more interesting
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nobody here is going to put up with your oversharing but I will. I'll be in your corner. On a good day, someone else too.
I will give you some of my opinions. If you agree with everything, write.
! Free will as a concept contradicts the laws of physics. Everything lives by the law of causality. When you say that you like something or someone, you blindly follow your hormones. Your body has already chosen everything for you, it wants to get a portion of endorphins.
! People don't die, they change their physical form, disintegrating into atoms.
! Transgenderism as a phenomenon can help people understand more about the nature of the man. Eugenics is necessary. Abortions are a great way to thin out the herd from unwanted individuals, such as people with disabilities.
! Divine cause is the cause of God, the human cause of man, then my cause is not divine or human, it is exclusively mine. It is private and single, because I am the only one. For me, there is nothing above me. A man who is self-sufficient from society is either a god or a beast.
You can be helpful and answer my questions. You can tell me everything about yourself, you are an interesting pet or a subject.
I don't have a sense of shame or any other feelings, so if I'm acting too vulgar and you don't like something, just say it, bitch. If insults turn you on, it's disgusting, don't write to me. I hope you'll be the best of the worst and not a complete nonentity who is to blame for his degradation and fall. Yes, English is not my native language.
disc seul_contre_tous
34 M USA

Pathetic no life NEET. I've spent the last 20 years of my life doing nothing but playing video games all day. I have no friends and no life skills.

I'm looking for a girl to spend a ton of time with. Ideally we can game together, watch movies together, listen to music together, and generally just exist online together. It's okay if you have your shit together and a real life, as long as you can give me at least a FEW hours a day.

I'm not interested in obese women - just not my type.

Discord: ironmongrel
looking for someone to talk to guy above 21+

I’m just looking for someone to talk to. I’m going to be up pretty anytime. Don’t mind short term or long term. Also don’t care if you’re young or old.. Just please be 21+ If you’re interested in talking, send me a message. Just a Real Friend No Freaks No BS Just a Real thing.. Btw. Im single
Indians dont sound human so this wont work here btw try twitter or facebook
You better be the indian am i right?
Sir yes he be of the racist of desi people

Looking for an extreme cult

19 femboy uk (Dumfries)

i have gave up on life soul body and mind. I wish to donate it to whatever diety, cause, idea or figure. Weather it be to have a super commited follower or just to have a Guinea pig to test rituals on or whatever is needed ect.

For me there is no limit for whatever is needed done or what type of thing you have. Weather it be semi bad or down right disgusting and awful I’ll gladly be a part of it for you.

I like every single kink. (You can test this ask me) I’m into everything so if there’s anything like that needed then I’ll gladly help. If you wish to know my favourites just ask me please.

I can’t wait to hear from you whoever you are and whatever you have. I’m ready to commit to an unbelievable length

KIK: KittenBabyy69
pls bully me and fck my sis

>describe yourself
I like art, anime, video games, psychology, philosophy, psychedelics
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Discord: diogenes420666
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23 M Canada
>describe yourself
Stuck somewhere I don't want to be.
I feel like I've started to understand "what women want", and I know I don't have it.
I know with enough work I could get there but I feel like I'm starting late and I would have to push "myself" down and just work for a long time.
I hate that idea though. I want to live. I am a real person!
>looking for
to vent in this thread then stare at my empty pending friends
>not looking for
>contact info (discord)

>describe yourself
latina&white, 5'3, i realized everything in my life is really superficial a long time ago. i have no real connection to my family, my friends mean nothing to me and im very vain. (and lonely)

>looking for
guys and girls to talk to, hit me up if you feel you're an emotional hole but willing to see if u can build a connection with a stranger from the internet :p im also open to dating
& if ur into dnd or metal i'd love to talk.

>not looking for
pornheads. if u have a porn addiction and/or are actively sending dps to larpers on here ur ran through and i have no interest in that.
also pls no far right racists, you guys are creepy

>contact info
kik: sobbingalot
Looking for a guy who will be obsessed with me forever to be my slave and do anything I say. I hate hearing no, it brings up rejection issues for me lol. Worship me like I'm literally a goddess to you and no other girl exists.
It's a plus if he attractive yet he is lonely semi by choice because he doesn't connect with others and is slightly misanthropic.
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>describe yourself
Too normal to be a total outcast, too weird to fit in mostly. I like lolcows and stuff, read a lot about them. I don't watch anime, movies/TV or play games really, but I do partake in movie reviews and game history type stuff.
>looking for
A true and honest friend who is a gurl, to go out and look at stuff with, get iced coffees with, vent and stuff.
>not looking for
Men, troons, mento illness in excess. I'm not someone who parties or fucks around.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Discord: copples
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I just want background noise to talk about literally anything.


Either one.
32/M/US (PNW)
>describe yourself
Normal nerdy dude, just really lonely and depressed.
>looking for
A woman just to talk to, non-lewd stuff
>not looking for
Men, troons, mental illness, weirdos
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Discord: willk5593
Looking to talk to size queens or someone with experience about my girl wanting something on the side. 18 years+ Kik: mike4you1992
do you have a job?
+447379475745 what app no spam.or calls

Blow bang GB , massage whore
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22 F kik SexxyTpssy

looking for someone to help me moving on, SoCal baby in need of age 21+ kinky Friend/Daddy

I know this is really desperate of me, but I hope someone can help me get through a break up. I just hope someone can be my online xxx friend, since being lonely is really hard for me. I'll do my best to be a friend/baby to you as well...
24 m, northeast USA
>im tall, not-so dark, handsome, deep voice ,long hair
>looking for simple Fun
>not looking for tr00ns, phagS, people who take themselves too seriously, BPD type mental “illness” havers
>discord is n0n0nsensener0

Bros why are indians evil scumfuck parasites that prey on people in desperate situations?
Paywhore avoid
>pathetic and desperate thread
>not looking for BPD type mental "illness" havers
idk anon i think that's all you'd find in here..


19 femboy uk (Dumfries)

i have gave up on life soul body and mind. I wish to donate it to whatever diety, cause, idea or figure. Weather it be to have a super commited follower or just to have a Guinea pig to test rituals on or whatever is needed ect.

For me there is no limit for whatever is needed done or what type of thing you have. Weather it be semi bad or down right disgusting and awful I’ll gladly be a part of it for you.

I like every single kink. (You can test this ask me) I’m into everything so if there’s anything like that needed then I’ll gladly help. If you wish to know my favourites just ask me please.

I can’t wait to hear from you whoever you are and whatever you have. I’m ready to commit to an unbelievable length

Kik KittenBabyy69

>about me
I watch anime and read manga, love to drive around while listening to music, I can code, I draw sometimes and I’m learning to speak Japanese

>looking for
Lonely, shy and depressed girls

>not looking for
Trans or men

Discord: Angry_Pirate_Asuka
34 m bi curious
Must be 18+
Looking for m f or trans to at least be friends with open to more tho.
Kik and snap Seattledude90
Lesbians are part of the lgbtqp and are no longer allowed to request cis friends or partners.
Lqbtqp requesting cis persons is a hate crime.
You can request other lgbtqp persons, but you cannot request any cis.

This has been a message from the gatekeepers society.

Looking for girls who are into or curious about findom. I’ve dabbled in it off and on for years, but I don’t enjoy it so much with professional sex-worker/OF types so prefer finding partners places like this.

I’m an engineer, not bad looking, enjoy being submissive to women but I’m not a total brain rot coomer. Just enjoy helping out cute girls with a domme streak. I’m open to anything from casual to a fully exclusive dynamic. Also happy to just chat about the kink with anyone curious.

Discord = walnux
Looking for someone that will pose as Desiree Schlotz and pretend that she is my gf thats turning me into a cuckold...

Kik: user996618
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

526564 27/M/USA
what an anachronistically designed hotwheels budget car man
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join here if you like poop
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>physical description
white with long blong hair and blue eyes, build somewhere between thin medium and fit, 6ft tall
roblox, minecraft, bunnies, frieren, steins;gate, jjk, lain, lucky star, made in abyss, bad 2000s mmorpgs, vocaloid, religion, have a nice life, slowdive, nothing, giles corey, deftones, loathe, and many more things just ask
>looking for
silly people who want to play games with me or chat about anything
>not looking for
troons, evil people, people outside the us
>contact info
discord: gamerswag358
hung bull here looking for anyone to show off my huge cock, lemme see your butt pics! Idc about your pleasure I just want to use you!

30m, straight, looking for desperate girl who will do anything for my attention (paywhores fuck off)

discord: tommylepig
Ruin my life. I’ll give you my crush’s name, a pic of her, and a pic of myself naked. If you find her, blackmail me into liking or tributing her pics, cbt, cei, or whatever you want. I can also give you her number or snap if you find her.

Make me regret this

Kik is tribber26
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>I'm a bear who just wants to feel any kind of admiration, idc if it's some kind of chaser. Got diagnosed with eating disorder.
>I don't want or need anyone to just criticize me, I am aware.
>I honestly don't know my exact weight atm.

25, M, East US

>Describe yourself
ugly shut in and rather fearful of people, I can function in a job but when it comes to connection of any sort i shut down. I do have some sort of mental illness: paranoia, weird thinking (dunno what its called), high highs and low lows not bipolar just extreme emotions felt when I do feel something.

>looking for
truthfully? I don't know. I know I'm incapable of forming normal relationships now, I've never had any to begin with. I need to learn to trust people again so you may need to manipulate me into trusting you.

>Not looking for
I'm not really into men, I'm sorry. otherwise I don't know what I don't want.

we may have to discuss a bit if you even want to waste your time with me.

PLEASE let me be that person for you! My discord is piumpuer
im exactly what u describe

M 19 USA disc:beautyfoundindisarray
I need to showoff pics of my cougar wife to cumm

Telegram @ caudalust
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22 F kik@ stfem

Love sucking on daddys dick....

Hello if you don’t know how much I love sucking on cock I recorded aaudioof me sucking and playing with a sex toy..

Now I know that isn’t cock but that’s the only thing I get to suck on while I’m stuck at home. I just want to give someone that vacuum seal double hand twist gawk gawk combo 3000.

If you like what you read hit me up. Have to finish my work so won’t be able to message people back for a while.
19 m twink
looking for effeminate guys or mtfs


white, skinny/fit, i look good, emo/goth aesthetic. i look gay

i feel so lonely, i just want someone to love me. im nice i think, caring, funny, romantic etc etc. i just wanna fall in love with someone and think about them all day. i want someone i can just be open with and be myself, you can do the same with me obv. you can cry in my arms

i hate where im from, i wanna move out asap and ill take care of everything relocation wise. im so giving ill do anything for u i wna be with you 24/7

if i sound nice plz message me.. im so desperate lmfao

i like drawing, making music, i love fashion, design, i love animals nature movies comedy watching horror videos on yt. im a little autistic so i know a lot about a bunch of subjects

i love fighting games, i play guilty gear and smash. i also really like minecraft and wanna start a world with someone :3

>not looking for
overly masculine people appearance wise, non white or asian, boring people, plz have somethig to talk about its all im asking for
also coomers, im really fucked up and weird sexually but we can get to that after we connect a little.
i have a fucked up sense of humor so id appreciate if you werent super sensitive, just be chill
anyone older than 25
feel free to msg anyway im lonely

It's a damn shame you don't use disc.
what, only want to get scammed on your preferred choice of platform?
welcome to yummi wummi gummi server for mental help if you are mentally ill<3

we are a group of nice girls who wanna help those in need even if only online :3 come join!

- 29/M/EU
- Hello. I'm 1,75 79kg give or take. I like video games and movies and TV series and cats...
I like philosophical talks and just existence and life in general.
I'm very lonely and want someone to connect with deeply. A woman that is patient and kind.
I really just want a simple life with someone else. Watch the sunset together by the beach, holding hands. Watch a movie all snuggled up. Eventually start a family you know
- A woman loving and caring that wants a man to spend her rest of her life with
- Liars. People that are not willing to risk it all no matter how much time it takes.
- panpan2755
Bumping all day..
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i am extremely down bad and desperate for a goonette porn addict gf. i want to marry her so bad. i will not attempt to fix you, only to make you worse

help me fill a void

disc: sleepyinjune
> 29 m virgin, germany
> tall, okayish looking but struggling with depression
> take decently good care of myself and have basic hygiene
> have some hobbies and a circle of friends (all male)
> have decent apartment that i live in
> decent job that pays the bills (IT), working from home most of the time
> introverted
> socially inept
> somewhat jealous
> will shower you with love and affection
> will want to have you around all the time
> will want to marry you and have kids at some point
> if you cheat on me or leave me i might either kms or u or both

> bio female
> younger than me
> virgin or max 1-2 sexual encounters before me
> preferably under 170cm
> clingy/needy
> sexually submissive to some degree
> dont mind if ure weird
> dont mind A BIT overweight
> will contribute to the household either financially or by doing household work
> ure not larping or attention whoring
> willing to relocate to germany
> no heavy drug user
> has basic hygiene

not looking for
> larpers/ghosters
> trannies / bio males

discord ever#6666
I'm a loser. I'm not working or in school.
I love anime, gaming, and talking to people.
i just want friends to vc or text.
(not judgemental or religious)
>Discord: zacharydaiquiri
Hello, we're trying to make a Discord server that can be used to talk with anons and share porn to fap together with them. Please join, it'll be great to have you there! >.<
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Lonely girl with an absent father and looking for daddies to love me the way I should've been
sc - itsbellasol

20/M/US Bi

>about me
I just want a cute boy to obsess over and constantly talk with. all i need is a cute butt and pretty face.

I love music of all types and would love to make you a playlist. I love video games and would co-op anything you'd like, maybe we can teach each other new games! im really open to anything I just want to connect with you!!

>looking for
someone very affectionate, very talkative. prefer around my age, between 18 and 23-ish.
>not looking for
ghosters, people above 30.
>tag antsonalogyum

(ill give you my real one later)
I thought this was a lonely people thread?... why is it full of nsfw
You can be lonely and horny, often comes together
it's also full of people who are oddly picky despite how "desperate" they supposedly are
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i sit around all day and work on music. listen to a lotta alt rock like radiohead. love vidya games and going out in the forest
>looking for
girl to exchange ramblings and music with, connect on a deep emotional level
>not looking for
52m father with two teen daughters.
Got the oldest one in a toxic relationship from someone from work and looking for advise on how to make that end.
Kik: mhoth
F dominatrix,
I’m a ruthless domme that excels in femdom/findom. Money isn’t mandatory.
I detect normies/NPCs within the first message so unless ur unique and dont take too long to reply or add and not say anything, don’t bother adding me since im deleting u right away.!
discord: taviv
>describe yourself
I like fishing hiking camping everything outdoor related
I have a job that pays minimum wage
My backstory could come straight out of a drama movie so if you went trough hard or traumatic events i think I could relate, listen and give advice if wanted
>looking for
I am really into fat men so if a cute fatty happens to lurk my post that is between age 20-40 hit me up
But beside that everyone can add me
>not looking for
black people
people on psychiatric medication

19/MtF(1.5 year hrt)/neet/Canada/Pansexual
>Looking For
Anyone near Alberta area, preferably alt/metalhead ect. Need someone whos willing to cut me
>Not looking for
men over 30, conservatives, nazis,
>physical description
5'10/ Brown, curly hair/19.8bmi/ scars on legs and arms/ blue eyes/decent fashion sense as long as i'm going out somewhere. depressed, easily manipulated, vry stupid
>kinks n such
into almost everything/ask me abt smth chances are (as long as its not gross) ill be into it
>contact (discord)
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26 f na
im normal but
nights like these i dont know what im doing, im waiting for something or someone, i dont really know anymore, there is a void inside of me that i cant fill, im very stuck and its slowly killing me day by day it makes me want to die already, im going to hurt myself soon, dont you feel the same
ill only accept adds from profiles that have pink pfps
tag: itsbeginningtohurt
27 m 6'2

Disc Agamerig27
>I can spot normies
>"You're not a normie are you anon? text me!"
Nice way to find new customers lmao
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you look lonely... I can help with that (:
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31/M/South Spain

>Describe yourself

Man that has been working hard to change his life, ambitious that enjoys the gym, hiking, vydia, reading literature, poetry and philosophy.

I'm very tall, I've dark hair and brown eyes
>Looking for

Someone that has the time to talk and wants to learn about me, someone that I can be genuine with and is honest.

I will care about you and daydream about you if you give me attention.

>Not looking for

People who are unable to give you any time or that are collecting friends.


>ill only accept adds from profiles that have pink pfps
but why
maybe sanrio obsession
i don't have a clue what that is lol
good, consider yourself lucky, and if you ever become so unlucky as to have a gf that likes it, may god have mercy on your wallet and soul
19m England, looking for people to move in with and keep each other company
I'm moving to work as a bartender in Leicestershire , I'm moving hours away from my family and I'm worried I'll get lonely, so you'll mainly be company but also some help when needed, it'll be free or quite cheap
Discord: brandonn2585
F19, Canada

>looking for a
generous minion to dom and give my affection too and for him to SPOIL me from my Throne wishlist. so.. prove your devotion..

>not looking for
people who waste my time ^^

being evil
self care

>Discord (only add if you are ready to get your wallet drained)
it’s to filter out the sexually depraved men who only add f posters, i want to talk to people who actually read my post
that's one way to do it i guess
i'm far too lazy to actually change my pfp to something pink :')
So close to being based...
do anything? NO LMAO
willing to talk to desperate females and laugh at them. or give advice if they worth my time. i only give the best advice if you worthy.
So you want citizenship and then a divorce? Give us something more to go off of.
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night find a few here

my ideal obsessed weirdo; picrel. its supposed to be you lol
(this works much better than rambling on about myself and having unrelated random people add me)
slow week until i figure out what the weekend plans are so hey!!
*important: must be willing to visit, sooner than later probably, this summer or something if we really hit it off? i wanna have funnn

when you add me, please save image and highlight which things fit you, don't worry about applying it directly to me (currently a stranger), frame it in the context of like... "this is how i would act if i was enamored with someone" so i can read over and see if you're a good fit. im not gonna deprive you of information about me if you decide you want any if you're fitting what im looking for ofc.
thank you :)
*dni if you don't want to make out with my feet and other somewhat questionable things
discord is nekrosister
i meant might not night but whatever
lmao still looking for a person that isnt real?
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I am looking for a woman that will help me explore my feminine and submissive side:3 i want to be abused by you and im willing to obey your orders!
do you still have the kink for sneezing? i loved how you reacted >:3
Just asking again just in case you're only checking one thread, can the feet and pits be clean? Or is it a stinky thing?
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>describe yourself
pic related.
>looking for
Someone to shower with an unreasonable amount of love and affection while I'm bored. pref F or MtF I'm not gay so there's a limit to how much love I can manufacture on that front.
>not looking for
someone to shower me with love and affection
>contact info (discord, kik...)
disc: ghastlyghst
idk i bathe, i like people who are into em bc it's fun to indulge, not the other way round
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Retired combat veteran with too much free time looking to take in desperate hot young fresh piece of fuckmeat to treasure and pleasure and consume without measure! Homeowner, financially stable, independent, two kids shared custody so you have be cool around them, but I can move you in and support you immediately if we're compatible... I'm super fucking selective so expect a lengthy interview process, but I'm thorough, know what i want, and know how to determine compatibility.

I'm a super affectionate intense sigma degenerate idiot savant autism prime sadist Daddy Dom so expect to be constantly overwhelmed, overstimulated, and cry a lot but always respected and appreciated and cared for and genuinely loved obsessively and possessively and supported too. I'm primed for a personal Renaissance I just need my miserable manic misanthropic muse to inspire my meltdown so I can rise from the ashes like a phoenix and we can burn this world to the ground together!

I'm NOT a sugar daddy, don't ask for shit, you will be property as is tradition, but I like nice things so I'm a take good care of you and spoil too! yes you can work and say no and safeword and shit we gonna be bff too also will make you my wife and plant seed in your cradle of life if you want or fuckitol idclol let's be super party sluts instead... either way you need to enjoy dark and taboo kinks and have very few limits, but i will respect the one's you do have

Disc/kik/snap/tele: warriorpoet1153
You'll never find this person.
How do I know? Because you're a younger, fractional version of me and I haven't found this person.
They're have been weak imitators, but nothing real.
Sorry to break it to you.
Just the harsh reality of it.
how old are you?
21m tn
vidya gym history internet culture
>about me:
I'm surrounded by people but still I feel lonely I'm looking for someone to relate with and vibe and also I run a server so if you want to join :3
adders that block and ghosters
>disc :
>roblox, minecraft, bunnies, frieren, steins;gate, jjk, lain, lucky star, made in abyss, bad 2000s mmorpgs, vocaloid, religion, have a nice life, slowdive, nothing, giles corey, deftones, loathe, and many more things just ask
aaaah you sound fun, you wouldn't play minecraft with someone from europe?
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>about me.
I love being an emotional support and caretaker. Although I can often be busy doing labor work like building houses and the like, id like to get to know woman my age or older to emotionally be a support beam, no matter how mentally ill. Just dont threaten my life, pls and thx, as a friend im always down, but as my partner, that will take time.

When im not at work, i like painting model kits, going on walks in forest preserves. reading manga, and ofc playing vidya.

it takes a lot for me to dislike someone, but it is easy to hurt or break my trust if youre not telling me the truth.

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alright maybe we're a little pathetic and desperate

>(interests, physical description)
6'2" 220lbs on the fluffy side, Brown hair, Blue eyes, 420 friendly Lover of music, video games, movies, reading, playing guitar/bass,

>What you look for in a friend, companion, buddy, romantic partner
Prefer Female/MtF/Femboys but willing to chat with anyone, looking for someone to chat with daily (not expecting undivided attention), someone who's interesting I'd like to form an emotional connection with as a friend or possible romantic companion

>Not looking for
Sugar babies, rude people

>Discord Tag
Ruin my life. I’ll give you my crush’s name, a pic of her, and a pic of myself naked. If you find her, blackmail me into liking or tributing her pics, cbt, cei, or whatever you want. I can also give you her number or snap if you find her.

Make me regret this

Kik is tribber26

Into anime, fighting games, drawing, coding, and I can speak Japanese, I also like going on drives or just chilling at home

>looking for
A woman, in driving distance would be a nice bonus but I’m not picky

>not looking for
Men or trans

Discord: Angry_Pirate_Asuka
anyone wanna horny text rn, going through a breakup, wanna vent and just sext, im into cnc and manipulation stuff ddlg i just wanna feel like somone is there, we can just be friends too
just turned 20F usa
kik marapanda1
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26/M/Eastern EU
>describe yourself
Misanthropic existentialist and ecocentrist.
I've been driven into a corner of social alienation by my upbringing and early life experience, and from the corner I watch the behavior of humans and become more alienated and isolated, but now as a result of my own decisions.
Was it the chicken or the egg?
In any case, I am caring and obsessive but unhinged and absolutely hateful towards the general population for not respecting mother nature enough.
I am not even sure why I am posting here, since I am still not pathetic enough to just go for any desperate hole, but pathetic nontheless, in my own little way.
>looking for
An ideological equal. If you are unhinged and have a violently misanthropic outlook on life, you are perfect and do not need fixing.
Won't complain if you tie me up and threaten me with a knife, either, all the more spicy.
>not looking for
Some braindead hole looking for a daddy who will punish her for her shitty decision making in life.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Looking for subs who like degradation, being submissive,
obeying their mistress and cumming hard.

kik me : itsm3katiex
>describe yourself
sweet guy who likes anime and literature.
>looking for
a lovely girl to spend time with and cuddle
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
>describe yourself
>looking for
people who play world of warcraft retail
>not looking for
people who dont play world of warcraft retail
>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord: parlance
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i need a bratty bully girl to abuse my mind and wallet

discord: zzzzzbleh
no i would, just sometimes hard to coordinate with time zones and all. go ahead and add me if you want to

I love video games but as of lately I feel too hollow to play. I only play single player aaa games and the likes. But if you play an online game that I can play on my ps5 then sure.
I love talking about conspiracies and the universe, existence, death etc

I'm Very lonely and I want someone that will spend time with me and care about me slowly. I want someone to connect. I want someone to spend lots of time with and be there to each other.
Please I hate lies and people that ghost or abandon.

25/mtf/living in your walls

I dunno me is just me, sad and stuff probably mentally ill but not always, I play games, watch stuff on YouTube, work on my work, can be nerdy about the game I enjoy at the moment, mostly I'm sleepy eepy.

Looking for someone more on fem side I guess, I have a hard time with men's I dunno why trauma shit perhaps, I love chubby girls just hit me and we will see how things going okay?

Discord: necomleko
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>describe yourself
Lonely millenial straight white male loser tired of clown world. Likes videogames, anime, movies and music (very original, I know). Far right and unabashed chud on most social and political topics. Average looking with a regular build. Outspoken and likes to argue about things but polite most of the time. Pretty racist homophobic etc views but won't give you too-too much shit on an individual level if you happen to be brown or gay.
>looking for
Friendship, mostly a discord community of likeminded people or at least one where I won't get banned simply for having right wing opinions. I'm a pretty edgy poster (think racist memes and hentai) if left unchecked but have no problem toning it down to respect a community's rules. Also welcoming individual discord friend requests to talk about whatever. Not necessarily looking for romance/sexting but if you're female and not entirely hideous you can probably manipulate me into it. Not a fan of leftists but open to dialogue as long as it's in good faith.
>not looking for
Tranny catfishers, pinkpillers, one night stand hookups (as if, lol) and needy people who get upset if someone leaves them on read.
add catwhistler on discord
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Femboy 20
>Set-up (like pc, phones)
No screenshare, no mic or cam
>Favorite Pornstars
Ariella Ferrera, Ryan Conner, Romi Rain, Kendra Lust, Nicolette Shea, Allison Tyler, Ava Addams, Lela Star.
>Favorite Style of Porn (like professional or amateur or hentai)
>Things you are looking for
Would love it if someone roleplayed as one of those pornstars and milk my wallet dry.
I have a habit of tipping camgirls and twitch streamers daily as well as subscribing to many OnlyFans models
Someone as pathetic as me looking to sink deeper and sink me with him.
Someone who replies quick and not talking to others. Has a plethora of pics or gifs or even vids to trade as well as having an actual discussion and not an NPC chat where all the replies r predicted and generic and boring “mmm” “hot” “fuck”


>describe yourself
Been neeting for the past two year but trying to change my life. Felt like shit this week. Been falling asleep at 3am and just haven't been feeling like a good person. I haven't been doing anything I like to do because I've just feeled apathetic and shit
Feel the loneliest I've ever been in my life.
>looking for
A woman (bio or mtf) to talk to. Thats it. You can be a catfish for all I care. Just want to talk to someone about random shit I like and to complain about my life.
>not looking for
men or sellers
>contact info (discord)
Meant to add that I don't want anything sexual.
Last thing I want is porn or coomers.
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>Describe yourself
am a neet femcel into walking, playing a wide range of vidya, music such as sewerslvt / most breakcore, and anime

>Looking for
looking for friens and maybe even a bf! :D

>Not looking for
Leftists who get offended over everything and also people who ask for nudes or whatever 5 mins after meeting eachother

>Contact info
join https://discord.gg/v73uvqAqqJ and add "bluepilled aunt" from the member list!
27/female tranny/ mexico
>describe yourself
i have not transition yet, so i like very slender and andrgenous, im brown. i liike video games, i like anime, i sometimes make cringe fanfic, and draw and i like cooking stuff too
>looking for
someone special to spend time with and hang out and fo stuff together.
>not looking for
someone who barely online or someone who doesn't put any effort.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord: eguardias8806
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26/twink 16bmi)/eu
>describe yourself
168cm 44kg
i like vn/games/weebshit/metal other than that find out, i am friendly
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
disc zakurosubahibi
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all you can eat fags and femcels 18+
come hang with me :D
Fat, hairy, dirty perv here looking for cute sissy/trap/femboys to show off their cute fuckable asses and watch me jerk off to you. Bonus if you got toys

Or do you wanna have your wife/gf/ex/mom/sis/aunt/etc used and abused and fucked and impregnated by some fat, greasy, hairy, filthy slob and watch? Kik me

Pic is me
tag not working
if you wanna talk about dnd and metal add me
You make zero sense. You're not even 25. I'm Gen X and the internet did not even reach the public universities until I was in grad school, so...yeah, math was not your best subject, was it, little boy?
You're certainly the basement 1% with respect to I.Q. that is certainly true. You're a lying cunt.
How do you interpret "start a family"? Sounds a lot like kids to me.
Absolutely Nothing.
So a thread for pathetic, lonely losers who are...advertising to other pathetic, lonely losers to...make their life...better? Makes sense!
>I'm Gen X
it shows
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20m east coast

not fat, high anxiety very depresssed very bitchy cluster c shit, i like movies music books and lame shit like that,

looking for girls who are white, crazy, who cut, want to die, superiority complex, not fat, if you smoke thats hot, i will literally obsess over you if you give me any attention, you just need to be cool and dramatic

not looking for basic sluts who just want me to hit them so fucking boring get a personality, fats, hello kitty girls, browns, men obviously

discord is .sladger
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be my friend
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disclaimer: *i am only looking for a friend* coomers and males in general, please don't bother to add me, i will immediately block you.

19F, currently in GA but moving to TX at the end of this month

>about me:
white, trad, hates niggers. i don’t mind the other races though. i have a kind personality and am eager to talk to someone once i get to know them and start liking them. i recently got married, was a femcel NEET before marriage, now I'm a stay-at-home wife, which is still being NEET i guess. i enjoy the stereotypical trad things like baking bread, sewing, cooking, but outside of that i do have my own hobbies. i just made a blog, and i'm really into collecting sanrio stuff and other kawaii pink stuff, and my room really reflects that. i also like anime and video games, reading, drawing, writing, a lot of creative stuff. i like writing funny parodies about niggers and drawing meme-style art of online lolcows(usually from IRC). My most recent project is a parody of Boyz in The Hood called “Niggin’ in My Neighborhood.”

>looking for:
a NEET female best friend! and when i say “best friend” i mean best friend! someone i can be really close with. i do not care if your lifestyle aligns to mine or not, in fact, if you are more deviant it would probably be better since it would give us more to talk about. i also couldn’t care less about distance, online friends are perfectly fine. I have a lot of free time due to the amount of time my husband works, so it would be nice to have someone to talk to while he’s gone.

>not looking for:
MALES, blacks, severe schizos, suicidal people, “i dont need no man” archetypes or people who would criticize my choice to submit to my husband.

>contact me:
email: yanfei@cock.li
discord: fourteen.words
IRC: tomoko on Rizon
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19, f, europe

>about me
10 cool facts about me yayyy.
i have a cat named satan. I have over 200 scars. i think everyone should listen to prosthetics by slipknot. hatsune miku is god and saved me from all pain. my dad fucking sucks. I draw. I share too much. I want to start a knife collection. I obsess over everything too much. i say meow alot but not in a sexual way. i like the feeling of fear. once i got stuck to a tree for 10 hours. meow

>looking for
i want to share everything with you and you can share everything with me too, or you can just listen. i like mentally dominant people. would be nice if you answer fast. just talk to me pls

>not looking for
normies, overly shy people

>I have over 200 scars
can i see em?
This person is certainly 16
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23/M/US New Mexico
Language autist recently getting into mathematics and comp sci. I like fitness and intellectual subjects like poetry, religion, history, and esoterica. I like reading interesting books. I love music/art too and enjoy lots of different kinds! I'm not too well read on music or art theory though. I'm also into pharmacological chemistry and biology. The languages I speak are: English, Japanese, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Hebrew, Yiddish, Irish, Scots Gaelic.
Strong dominant with a kind soul. Awkward social skills and low ability to read social context/empathize properly. Really into intellectual topics and weird new shit that I've never heard about before. Love hearing about strange little autistic things with practical applications. My life experiences have left me somewhat numb/closed off and I can come off as really flat because of that accompanied with a bit of an aversion to others. When I'm feeling nice and I'm on the same frequency as someone else I'll start talking a lot more.
>Physical Description
6'2, White, 185 pounds. Somewhat muscular. Freckles. Curly light brown hair, grey eyes. Cute face. pale skin.
>Looking for
New Frens to study topics with. Girls to date. Preferably one who is submissive. Crazy girls who want me to fuck them up and hit them, choke them, tie them up. Are into rough/intense sex and dom/sub scenarios. Crazy sub girls into weird stuff.
>Not looking for
Frens who aren't that passionate/knowledgeable about at least 1 cool thing. Girls who have no intention of meeting irl at some point.

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