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no lewdness or toxicity!

>open to long distance?
>looking for
>not looking for
kind of an autist, mentally ill but in treatment (no bpd!). i have a lot of regrets and wasted teenage years.
i dont know anything about politics, but i will say i am traditional. im a new christian, and am learning about different denominations to see what i believe is the true church.
some of my interests are: video games, animals (mostly arthopods and reptiles), lolcows, and im learning html and css
>open to long distance?
yes :)
>looking for
a nice traditional guy, my standards arent very high
>not looking for
anything lewd.
scrumblie on discord!
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
25 M Youngstown, Ohio
Chill guy, very nerdy, studied film in college but have pivoted to game development. Still living with parents until I can afford to move out. Have 1 prior relationship that didn't last long, but I've been single from that for a year at this point.
>open to long distance?
Yes but I'd like to meet eventually
>looking for
Women, hopefully we share some interests and values, would like to find people local(ish) to me ideally
>not looking for
Men, single parents, anyone who isn't single
Discord: rehmisme
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
Tall and ~allegedly~ handsome.
Introverted nerd into music and gaming, also get into trivia in spurts
Too introverted to want to say too much here lol
>open to long distance?
>looking for
Long-term gf, women of any age(18+) or body type welcome :)
>not looking for
Discord: atwahr
Cute thread OP. HTML/CSS is really fun. I've been working on a personal website myself. Best way to learn is just start reading and copying other people's code as soon as possible. If you're not already on neocities check that out for inspiration.
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>ASL - 26 f anaheim cali
>bio - autistic fat weeb into vtubers, jpop, anime and manga
>open to long distance? - sure, but only if we both get attached to each other
>looking for - a wholesome relationship where we both like each other a lot, lovey dovey flirting, voice chat.

>not looking for - e-drama, men obsessed with findom (either receiving or sending) men who are easily influenced and will let their friends bait them into e-drama.

men who will block me very easily. I had problems with men doing all this. anyone who will try to make me reply to 4chan e-drama. I have a life outside 4chan.

>contact - chickenclaw3

I'm autistic and can be very closed off to people due to being bullied all my life. don't add me unless you have patience for me to open up to you.
thank you! (id might change but it's still op!)
yeah i've learned that copying is the best way to learn, i love looking at people's neocities! it's crazy what people can do!!
32/m/southern ontario
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
white, olive skin tone, average height, fit, medium-length wavy hair with some streaks of gray (genetics), blue eyes.
>life situation
first time home-owner, have a job that I love, have a spirited sense of connection to the universe, trying to build a meaningful life here.
music, vinyl, guitars, cooking, plants, learning Italian, cycling, fitness, fashion, road-trips, concerts, outdoors, meditation, etc.
>3 songs you like
patricia wolf - a conversation with my innocence
leon vynehall - an exhale
adam wiltzie - tissue of lies
>3 movies you like
>religious beliefs
agnostic. but i feel a profound connection with the universe sometimes
>political beliefs
quite honestly i think politics is just a bunch of children screaming at each other. my view on politics is the world needs competent leaders
>dating experience
been around
>looking for
something serious (monogamous). i am looking for deep, meaningful connection. doesn't mean we have to be chatty all of the time. i want to be with someone and just know with the utmost sense of security that this person truly loves me for who i am and is certain they want to be together.
i want to be with someone who is comfortable expressing their emotions.
i want to be with someone as gentle and kind and wondrous as i am.
i want to be with someone who speaks the same love languages as me (touch, time together).
>not looking for
people who don't have a clue what they're looking for
people with no dating experience
people with no job
people who don't live in the same province
people who are 'fluent in sarcasm', in other words if you can't be silent for 15 seconds or tolerate your uncomfortable emotions and that compels you to be a jerk, no thanks.
discord: microsoftsqlserver2019
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18 girl europe
tomboy alternative girl, i like breakcore, hip hop, psychology, pharmacology, literature, video games, art, writing, a lot of niche interests that i don’t feel are particularly worth expanding on to strangers… i think if we click, we click, but mutual interests aren’t everything and it’s more about how our personalities align and what we find to talk about. i’m much happier as a listener rather than a talker because i’m a quiet introvert. please feel free to just yap at me about anything, especially yourself
>open to long distance?
>looking for
cis girls that are actual lesbians or bi girls, not just for attention or male gaze pandering or out of an identity crisis etc.
trans guys - i love you so much
a cis guy if you are nice…. but probably not, sorry… i don’t like most cis guys on 4chan
>not looking for
creepy guys
porn addicts
anyone looking for anything sexual, anyone who tries to use women for purely shallow sexual reasons (you will never get that out of me, don’t waste my time)
anyone over 25 - i’m 18, don’t be a freak
discord is shutthefuckupdude
please introduce yourself to me and don’t just start by asking questions about me when you haven’t told me anything about yourself first - i do not like to talk about myself for no reason and i do not exist only to entertain you, i’m looking for a connection
late 20s M west europe
>looking for
looking for a friendly awkward fembot who can be a great gf to have a comfy life together. i play games a lot and
like nerdy stuff so please be someone that wants to share in that.
i'll accept you no matter how weird you might be, all i ask is that you are devoted and loyal and maybe obsessive.
be able to be forward with what you want and communicate well, i'm not gonna jestermaxx for u
also dont talk to other guys wtf
i'd like to see my gf happy and share lots of experiences together
i like making jokes a lot and doing everything together, sometimes i rage at games but itd be fun if you did too
i can also be socially awkward and autistic and i can get a bit neurotic and opinionated on stuff. I am a bit emotionally retarded but i would do my best to support you when you're sad
i think i'm very easy to get along if you have a certain energy and forwardness and are
self aware enough to make and take jokes and talk about things

i don't like ldrs too much, i'm too old for that stuff now. we should meet and live together pretty quickly or it won't work.
don't be stuck in some far away country studying or whatever, it won't work.
please no normies, friend collectors or whores

discord pistorios
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
>Contacts (Discord)
You know this thread is dogshit when guys like this post twice lol
26, M, Midwest USA
Bullshit desk job, live alone, very lonely most of the time. I like to go on long walks in the early morning or at night. I spend most of my free time reading or watching movies/tv/anime. I used to play a lot of vidya, but I've fallen off lately. I'm also trying to get back into writing, mostly journaling right now, but some poetry and I'm also working on a screenplay(it's terrible). I've never had a romantic relationship, just putting that out there from the start. I also like learning about all sorts of different topics, so you can message me about whatever you're interested in.
>Three musicians I like
Dave Matthews
Nine Inch Nails
>open to long distance
>Looking for
Women. Hopefully someone I have something in common with, but I suppose I'm not in any position to be picky
>Not looking for
People that aren't actually interested in trying to converse and make a connection.
Discord: duckytor
he's clearly insufferable because i've seen this same template for weeks
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
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29/M/Southeast USA,
>about me
I'm just a typical white male autist making a living reading people's astrology charts and connecting them to their higher selves.
green eyes, longish hair, been told I sport the jesus look alright.
>looking for
someone to connect and grow with spiritually
if you're into the stars or theology that's a big bonus
>not looking for
trad larpers
>Discord tag
even if you're just interested in having your birth chart read, hmu
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Thin, tall, white.I enjoy listening to and making music, fashion, anime cons, cosplay, dnd, literature, philosophy, aesthetics, thrifting, antiques, vidya of course
>looking for
Pic related
Bio female relatively close with similar interests, who enjoys goth music and fashion and can occasionally weeb out a little. Bonus points if you can play an instrument. If you have a creative hobby of any sort, cool. Ages 26-32 (flexible)
>not looking for
drug users, smokers, men, non bio women, leftists, friend collectors. Please, don't be obese, or at the very least be working on it.
hey, I'm a Christian too! 24 M USA, my handle is aljout, I just added you!
27/M/Georgia, USA - I'm straight.

>wholesome fantasies
I want to spoil and be spoiled. Really want someone I can share my thoughts, interests, and concerns with. I'm big into doing activities together. Date nights, game nights, book nights. Whatver nights as long as they're together.

>about yourself
I am black. Professionally: Currently work in the IT sector in a really stable field. Planning on going back to school later in the year as well to further myself. WFH as-well with a house in a good, quiet part of the state.

Other: I think everyone says they're chill and laid-back, so I'm not gonna put it lmao. I'm excitable about alot of things, and I love to get people pumped about their interest. I've spent time researching subjects just to push conversation with someone on my previous train commute. Outside of work some of the things I'm big into are pickleball, litrpg, card games (Yugioh currently). Currently have one dog and a cat.

Does anyone like Reverend Insanity or Lord of the Mysteries?

I own a good-sized house with an actual hilly backyard. I like plants and love to plant.

>Do you want/have kids?
I want kids, bio or not. If I adopt, I'd love to adopt with someone and give a kid or two a home.

>looking for
I would love someone who has ambitions. They do not have to be professional, but I want to support you. I want to push my SO further and vice-versa. If you're a reader that'd be lovely as-well, and we don't even have to share the same love of genres. Even if you don't have an interest that corresponds with mine, I'd still love to get to know you :) I've picked up so many things over the past two years from people, and every person is a new journey.

>not looking for
I am not interested in anyone under 22 and no one over 30. No men, racists.

discord: kennytoe
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25/M/Texas, originally from the Netherlands
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5’10/180cm. Blonde hair, white, slim but fit. Green eyes and glasses
>life situation
Currently going back to trade school with a work/study program to do heavy diesel equipment work
I enjoy mechanical things, like working on cars or trucks. I know a decent bit of carpentry and have built a small cabin before, I even turned a van into a RV and lived off grid for about 6 months, a relaxing lifestyle honestly. I love being outdoors whether it’s camping, hiking, or going or walks. I’m not super huge into games anymore, but occasionally I play old versions of minecraft or warthunder. I use to play the drums, and I’m a huge metal head, although I listen to a ton of different genres excluding hiphop or rap. I enjoy silly memes and cats as well :^)
>dating experience
I’ve managed one irl relationship for over a year, however I had to move countries and it fell apart. I’ve had a few long distance relationships but most of the time it never seems like the other person cares as much as I do
>looking for
Someone who is capable of holding a conversation (big one to ask around here!), is willing to care about one and another and has empathy. Hopefully some shared interests, humor or hobbies. Age isn’t an issue, just don’t be an adhd Zoomer. Just be 18+
>not looking for
Coombrained porn addicts, people who just want some kind of self fulfillment and will ghost after a few days or weeks
24 M USA
average height, black, lifelong Christian, politically right-wing. I love reading, road trips, playing and watching sports, and exploring my city
>open to long distance?
>looking for
biological woman, Christian, ages 19-29 preferred
>not looking for
no trannies. non-Christians/leftists allowed with prior conversion/ political leaning adjustments
aljout on discord or email me cjt476485@gmail.com
24/M/Southern Germany (originally slavic)
I just finished med school and am currently looking for a job. Introverted with social anxiety, but I've been getting better since I'm forced to interact with strangers professionally. Still have a hard time opening up; the only people I really feel I can trust are my family.
I love figuring out how stuff works, be it something mechanical, electronics, software, or just falling down random rabbitholes on wikipedia/youtube. I also have a bit of an interest in languages and have been learning a bit of Russian (progress is slow, mainly due to lazyness).
I like blues, metal, post-punk, some jazz and some pop (mainly 80s and earlier). I play guitar and bass. I game a bit, mostly singleplayer stuff.
Next to no dating experience; I've only ever kissed one girl.
190cm/69kg, gold/brown hair, blue eyes.
>open to long distance?
Not really. I'm bad at conversation over text.
>looking for
<30/F/near me. Similarly inexperienced. Committed relationship, later marriage and kids.
Ideal, but not mandatory: intelligent, tomboyish (doesn't care about fashion, shoes, jewellery, gossip), thinks rationally rather than emotionally, non-religious, some shared interests, but also your own you could show me
>not looking for
Overweight (please be lighter than me). Promiscuous. Wears make-up (exept for special occasions). Cluster B personality disorder. Doesn't want or can't have kids with me (M, MtF, infertility). Non-white (I'm not racist, I just want my kids to look like me).
23/M/TX (South)
Nothing Special, quite boring actually, Intrests are Guns, Anime, Video Games, Military History and I a wee bit of managa. I've had had zero relationships so far and I kinda want to go on a date or get into a relationship to gauge myself. I'm a bean if that matters and can throw walls of text at you becuase I work outta state most of the time so I have nothing better to do. I'm very intorverted when it comes to going outside. I like sticking to quiet and lonely places.
>open to long distance?
Maybe? As long as its in Texas or we can meet up eventually.
>looking for
A gf I can cling to, lol. Or a girl that I feel comfortable bullshitting with, I've actually had fun the last time somebody from here talked to me, made my day.
>not looking for
Nothing bad? If somebody gets cold feet or changes their mind just let me know. Kinda stings when I get ghosted. I'd rather you be straightforward.
@sector5o1 on discord.
underage do not add DO NOT
>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me.

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
26/M/Northeast US
Straight white male
Autistic neet
Silly dude
Christian virgin (waiting for marriage to the same)
Willing to do long for the right person but obviously I will want to close the gap ASAP after its serious
>Physical Desc
Blue Eyes
Light brown long hair
Thick light brown beard with Blonde moustache and soul patch
Shorter than most men, taller than most women
Very thin,18-19 BMI
Thick glasses
History (special interest), vidyagames (grand strats usually), computers, non-math sciences, Geography, /int/ernational cultures and relations
>Looking for
Adult (18+) virgin woman with common interests and desires to date for a life long marriage and eventual family
>Not looking for
the Underaged - please be at least 18 MINIMUM
New Friends
Men, Troons
Cluster B disorders (not limited to but especially BPD) - I'm a sperg I can NOT deal with that, do not WANT to deal with that, and refuse to deal with it.
Bipolar Mood disorders - See above, I need consistency.
Over-rapid attachment - We should get to know each other first and foremost, excitement may be natural but that does not mean we need to be irrational.
Avoidant attachment style havers
Socio/Psychopaths - not into dark triad people
Current entanglements or non-monogamous desires
non-virgins - I intend to wait for marriage and want the same from my partner.
It's like 90% of the posts are repeats. The same exact people are posting the same exact thing hundreds of times across all threads. When will /soc/ implement a /r9k/ style filter?
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22 / M / Germany (NRW)

>Long Distance ?
Only if its not too far

>Physical description
Skinny but not anorexic, short black hair, 187cm height, sicilian

Hiking, swimming, reading, cooking, getting wasted, vidya, travelling, crafting, learning languages

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
weird fetishes, lazy chatters, Femboys, Trannies

>Looking for
biological woman who can maintain a conversation

clingy, not obese

hieronymus21 (discord)
21 MtF Wisconsin

>long distance
I will make it work if we fall for each other :)

>what do I do
I try to stay physically active every single day. I keep a very light minimalist set of possessions which helps me move easily and save money. However I am also frustrated daily by my autism and ocd. I am also an artist working on my own comic.

>looking for
Wholesome trans girls or chasers or other people who wish to understand me and share their vulnerabilities and watch tv together online while e-kissing.

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30/m/New Zealand
I'm a nerd. I'm a doctor. I'm saving up for a house. I'm lonely.
>open to long distance?
No, not unless there's a plan to meet up.
>looking for
Nice and non-normie girl. Or friends. We can go to karaoke together i dunno.
>not looking for
Mean people. People who are obsessed with politics. Giga-autists.
DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
I have hard social anxiety and just came back from a pretty awful break up. I want someone that's more on the romantic side and less on sexual side to take my mind off of it. I'm pretty hardcore into retro anime and somewhat into retro-gaming,programming, sciences and history.
>open to long distance
>looking for
Females(mtf is fine I guess but I have no experience with them so be warned). I like nerdy and/or smart girls but anyone passionate about anything is fine. Despite my social anxiety I like talking(i meant chatting, I have a complex about my voice). I have physical preferences but they are very much secondary to personality.
>not looking for
Not looking for drama queens(ex was bpd), unfaithful partners, shallow people, people who make their life/personality just one thing(like sex) and just "schizo"/ideologues that want to peddle their beliefs.
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My hobbies are videogames, anime, manga and a lot more but primarily it's all stuff I could do at home. I wouldn't mind exploring new things with someone different from me, or engaging in my own with someone who shares my interests. I work nights and barely ever get to see the sun. I'm not religious but I don't mind someone who is. I don't really care much about politics. As I'm getting older I'm noticing more that I've never had a relationship that felt like genuine love and I'd like to be able to experience that. Somewhat edgy and I can be thoughtlessly blunt, I don't like the idea of selling myself without bringing up my flaws.
>open to long distance?
If it is less than 6 months and you are open to moving in with me, sure. I need to take care of my family for a bit longer.
>looking for
Someone that makes me feel cared about. Has to be a female(real). White like me, it's really just what I'm attracted to. Either on the fence or desires kids at some point. I want a nice family I can look on in 10-20 years and feel proud of. Inexperienced or barely, I wouldn't ask for what I wasn't myself. Hobbies can match or be different, some people just click regardless of having stuff in common. Midwestern would work best for staying within range of both of our families I think, or willing to relocate to where I am.
>not looking for
Trannies, cheaters, people who lose interest in things quickly, non american citizen, vocally political, morbidly obese. More important than everything else: dishonest. I'm slow to warm up after some of the shit that happened in my last and only irl relationship because of this.
Either drop yours or ask me for mine, I can do email or discord
28/M/Ontario Canada
>Long distance fine, Y/N?
>Willing to relocate, Y/N?
Yes - Canada/USA
>Physical description
6' 180lbs average build. Brown eyes/hair, been told a baby face when I don't shave idk
Mostly all types of gaming. I really love horror/thriller and all types of sci fi movies and shows! I run to stay in decent shape along with work being sorta demanding physically. Also currently trying to save to move out.
>Current Occupation
Full time construction worker. (potentially changing but still within the trades)
>Life goals
Moving is basically number 1, open to most places including the states. Most of my life goals revolve around being a good partner and finding the 1 person I want to be with, I also want a cat...
>Looking for
Personality is key for me, looks are not a factor rly, being able to talk/text for hours about everything and anything is so fun, I'm pretty obsessive and fall for ppl easily, so someone like that seems like a fun dynamic. Ideally you share some of the same hobbies. F/mtf pref.
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
friend hoarders, scammers, ghosters, men
Discord - Dumatix
Tall, wide, white, light features
Big man with a big heart, high Vibrations Looking for same. Very chill, just wanna have a good time with people I love.
Willing to start long distance
Looking for a loyal partner who will genuinely put effort into a relationship and care about each other. Want someone I can be intimate with and do fun things with.
Not looking fir ghostets, people that don't talk only looking for online/short term
Discord= kwizlip
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Straight edge, 5'10", 150 lbs white guy. I tread a trapeze wire of full-time work, prepping to go back to school, and a small social circle. I absolutely despise most people due to working in customer service. I do not speak with people unless I think they're worth my time.
>open to long distance?
As long as you're open to relocating, sure.
>looking for
A gal to call my own! My ideal partner. My soulmate. Just like everybody else, really. Brownie points if she enjoys vidya/watching movies together over discy.
>not looking for
Severe mental illnesses, transgenders, non-whites, low effort, one word responses, prudes, addicts, extremely normie people, etc.
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22/M/Eastern Europe
Aspiring game dev, spend my time either on hobbies like drawing, composing (used to play piano, favorite music is video game stuff and anything that uses electric guitar), writing (used to also read before, mostly fantasy) or programming or on gaming (mostly indie games)/anime/manga/hanging out with friends.
Shy, dealing with depression and lately been unsatisfied with life so I'm trying to work on myself every day and push myself to socialize more (started working out, going to events, learning to cook). Very affectionate towards those that are close to me. (if looks matter, I'm short and slim)
>Looking for
Actual connections, someone that will care and not expect me to be the only one putting in the effort. Younger or older I don't care, just maybe not more than a 3 year difference. Long distance's fine, but y'know, sometimes I just need someone to hold me and tell me I'm good enough.
>Not looking for
Trans (sorry)
Those that can't hold a conversation/expect me to always message first
Atheists (sorry, I'm christian and in the case of a relationship, it just won't work)
People that are really fat (to me, a sign that you're not doing the bare minimum to take care of yourself)
Discord : dantheculturedman (an alt, I'll add you on main if we actually have a convo)
If you're reading this, hope you have a nice day :3
M 23 UK
Lonely, broken-hearted loser from the uk. Feel like I’m broken. But I’m trying my hardest, hoping something will change. Historian as well, but unemployed rn
>open to long distance?
Preferably not, but sure at this point
>looking for
Girls, feminine people, to make connections with
>not looking for
Discord: mmaaxx013
Basic facts about me: I'm Orthodox Christian, heavily into fitness, trying to make a living as a writer. Currently in the US military, about to get kicked out. I love anime, metal, video games and hiking. Thinking of going to college in Germany.
>Willing to do long-distance
>Looking for
Requirements: Orthodox Christian woman, or is willing to convert. Must be Virgin (or a good liar.) Must be kind and feminine.
Preferences: Red hair, freckles, glasses, nerdy, athletic, into books, between 18 and 20
>Not looking for
Dealbreakers: Tattoos, piercings (besides earrings), fatties, single moms, being over 25, being non-White
Dislikes: Being over 24, short, overusing social media
Discord: lordmatthias8991
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just on the church point i believe the eastern orthodox is the true church and i think it would do you some good to research the early church fathers and how orthodoxy aligns with them
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18/M/South UK
/fiti/izen mainly interested in early 2000s anime and cooking, around 182cm and 75kg and very lean kinda long hair and spainaird
>open to long distance?
>looking for
hopefully not a femcel with bpd but a woman interested in the same faggy anime (extra points if you also lift)
>not looking for
anything sexual
asurax10 on discord
Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For

I mean as long as people haven't found what they're looking for that's gonna happen.
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21 biologically male UK
Hello, I'm Iop. I like philosophy. I'm a bit autistic. I want to be a wholesome friend or a partner and hopefully we can help each other. I enjoy walks, talking about life, and the books/games/films/music we have in common.
>long distance
>looking for
Partner or friendship. Any gender.
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
not a very wholesome person
>uses the term cis
>is a bad person
Yeah, no shit.
Sorry but we have to gate keep this.
Lgbtqp started using cis as a slur to refer to normal people.
Normal heterosexuals were forced to start using cis to weed out catfishing trannies.
As such its only fair that heterosexuals are the only demographic allowed to request cis partners.
Lgbtqp are no longer allowed to request cis sexual partners.
Lgbtqp asking for a cis sexual partner is a hate crime.
Only cis people can use the word cis.
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19f Chile (spanish better) discord: blachexqt
I am either retarded or slightly autistic, probably both it's not an either/or. I am a nerd for old movies and obscure genres of music. I’m obviously new to this but it seems like a fun concept that turns me on so if anyone would want to develop :)

Please don’t ask for my nudes right away. I can send regular pictures of myself but I would expect you to do the same!
blachexqt is catfishing, and refused to voice chat or send voice messages when asked
21/M/Eastern Evropa
hello I like banging my head against the wall and walking around in circles
My interests include art reading and throwing bricks at homeless people
>open to long distance?
yeah if u know how to emotionally manipulate me
>looking for
girl woman female
you have to be a loser and not have any friends and be stinky and like me back and and
>not looking for
I'm a bit of a retard but I have a good heart and I'm very sweet. I'm kind of a recluse as well. All I know is I make for a good girlfriend, or even a friend, if that's what you want.
>open to long distance?
>looking for
A man to connect with. I'm cool with new friends or something more romantic if we hit it off
>not looking for
Poly, open relationships, people with a history of infidelity, predators
25 f eu
>About you
i mostly just make music
music (shoegaze, breakcore, indie etc), anime, vidya, chess, philosophy, history
>Looking for
nice people to talk to and maybe vc
>Not looking for
M 28 Northeast USA
Short ugly loser who sucks at life and is far behind (just finished college), has no personality or social skills, unmasculine, undominant, unconfident, autistic, poor social skills, never going to change to become desirable as per traditional standards
>>open to long distance?
>>looking for
Feminist/progressive gf who accepts me for who I am and is fine with an equal loving relationship with an unattractive nice guy without the relationship having gender role expectations, power dynamics stuff, or dhsm stuff. Other than that, I don't care about looks and don't care about personality other than "have basic decency"
>>not looking for
Men, conservatives
Disc: lacktoastntolerant
23 / m (pan) / US EST
>Describe Yourself
Just a silly tall and big cashier with lots of support to give. I'm pretty optimistic, so if you need some positivity, a person to rant to or get advice from, or just someone to say that you're doing great, I'm your guy.
I'm really into writing various forms of things, whether it be stories, poetry, or just little essays about things I like a lot. Also trying to doodle more often to better my visual art skills, nothing too impressive tho. I'm also into the usual anime/manga and vidya, favorite anime and manga being MP100, JoJo's, Nichijou, CSM, and Asobi Asobase. My favorite games are mostly RPGs and roguelikes such as MegaTen/Persona, Slay the Spire, Souls/Elden Ring, and Dead Cells. Oh also Star Rail, sometimes Genshin too. I don't mind playing some coop games, but it might take a bit for me to learn them.
I also don't mind watching people play games, so that'd be fun. I also have a really stupid sense of humor, so sending something silly my way is a good way to start a convo with me.
>Looking for
Honestly, just people I have stuff in common with to call or text at random hours of the day or night. I'd prefer people around my age, but I don't mind if you're above it.
Trans and enby peeps are welcome too btw.
I do have certain obligations that'll keep me AFK for a while, as well as the usual autism, so please forgive my brevity some days or at points in the day.
>Not looking for
Just anyone under 21 desu.
I guess also ghosts and overly horny people. I'm not against horny people, I am one, just be chill and we can coexist.
Conversations with brick walls are also not really welcomed either.
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22 m usa
into pretty basic stuff - video games, anime/manga, basketball, vinyl, fashion, film. my niche hobbies are building model kits and mechanical keyboards.
music (shoegaze, indie pop, hip hop, rnb) i like other music too but these are the main genres i stick to.
pretty shy and introverted so i may take a while to warm up to you unless i think we'd click. im more of a listener but as long as we can keep going back and forth i can work with that.
>open to long distance?
yes. preferably timezone difference isnt too big of a gap where we miss when each other is online
>looking for
want someone to talk with daily. not exactly talk 24/7 but i wanna be available for you and vice versa. we can talk about mundane stuff, whats going on in our daily lives, our interests/hobbies, etc. be nice :)
>not looking for
don't want to talk politics, racism, horny. i can tolerate it but not looking to humor you about the aforementioned topics.
no men, im straight.
discord prsndwncy
27/m/midwest usa
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Not really but I understand it's unlikely we live near each other. Fine with starting that way but eventually meeting irl
>physical description
White, 5'9", dark curly hair and beard, average build
>life situation
Moved to the midwest for my degree and intend to move out once Im done by end of year (potentially to you if we click).
Standard media consumption (tv/music/vidya), guns, gym, concerts.
>dating experience
One relationship for 5 years.
>looking for
A longterm companion with a sense of humor. Independent and can hold a real conversation. Open to kids and 21+.
>not looking for
Men, troons, obese (chub is fine), or boring. Fair warning that I'll ask for a timestamped pic early on and will provide my own so neither of us are wasting our time.
19 female asian/us
i looove horror movies and playing games! i used to valo alot but not anymore… in in my cozy games era. honestly dont know how i went down the 4chan rabbit hole but ngl there are alot of interesting people here!
>open to long distance?
>looking for
um someone kind? hopefully takes care and grooms himself well. a bonus if he’s fit but its okay if he’s not… someone to voice call with on discord and watch movies! a plus also if he’s a gamer guy so i can watch him play :)
>not looking for
people who give me creepo vibes… just dont make me uncomfortable
discord: prncsstayc
>31/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 32 (I don't expect many 18 year olds to click with me but I don't really need to rule it out)
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord

>Main Interests & Hobbies
History - mostly modern, particularly interested in revolutions
Politics - ideologically left-wing but I hate identity politics
Programming - very interested in Linux and FOSS
Retro video games - particularly old Nintendo/Sega ones and PC sim. games

>Other Interests & Hobbies
Model building
Working out

>Physical Appearance
White, above average height with slim build. People say my face is attractive but you’d have to judge
>Looking For
Any women interested in chatting.
>Not Looking For
LGBT (including transwomen), I’m heterosexual

I like to learn new things, go to the gym, and just keep myself busy. I find a ton of joy in pushing myself beyond my own limits. I like to write and just be out doors in general. Traveling is also a hobby of mine. I'd also love to discuss tattoos & what they mean to you.

>Open to long distance?
Maybe - depends on how well we click

>Looking for
Bio woman between ages 24-32 who likes the band Rise Against as much as I do. Preferably also somewhere near FL as I have an extra ticket for the St. Petersburg concert. Extra points for a curvy girl.

>Not looking for
Men, transexuals, poly grabage

>contact info:
Discord: soundtrackoflife
Kik: illuminatedpyre
23/M/South East Asia
Kind of Autistic, taking small steps to be extroverted and be a better version of myself, Standard guy that loves vidya and anime (mostly vidya), I do love watching long form videos on youtube as long as it's an interesting topic. Working on my degree and it's related certificates. A bit obsessive. I love learning and working with computers
>open to long distance?
Open to long distance relationship but I hope down the line we meet
>looking for
Women with same interest and also working on herself to be better (let's do it together?)
>not looking for
Radiohead, Bjork, Portishead, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack, Depeche Mode, Boards of Canada, Gorillaz, Susumu Hirasawa, Flying Lotus, Autechre
>Looking For
Downtempo, Breakbeat, Trip Hop, Big Beat, Electro, Ambient Techno, IDM, Drum and Bass, Ambient Dub, Illbient, Alternative Dance
>Not Looking For
Anything lewd
18, F, Berlin

>about me
Im from S.K and studying here for my first semester

>looking for
short term dating

>not looking for
Manlets, weebs, boring chat

Tag does not work
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18/m/midwest usa
id consider myself a silly lil goober. i spend alot of my time on creative stuff; flip flops between art, music, and writing. also play a lot of games (gamer encyclopedia). try to diverse my music taste as much as possible (send me music recs).
>open to long distance?
sure, would prefer to live near each other at some point
>looking for
girl who shares my interests. kind and compassionate. just someone who's entertaining to be around and likes rambling. idc if you're trans or whateva
>not looking for
creeps, minors
Thanks for letting me know. keinsine6173 does.
Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For
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19 (turning 20 in december) / m / usa (i’ll disclose my location in dms)

i’m a weeb and i play jrpgs all day. i like watching films. i like reservoir dogs and the disappearance of haruhi. i’m pretty chill and laid back, but i can get clingy if i have that much interest in you.

>open to long distance?

>looking for
men or women, fellow weeb, people who like vidya and will play with me, specifically jrpgs?!, someone who will vc and is up for vcing all day, be open to long distance!

>not looking for
mean people, nsfw, coomers, no one under the age of 18, no one over the age of 21.


(user is a joke. i’m not into incest so dw! it’s a reference to two characters in trails of cold steel 3)
Tall and ~allegedly~ handsome.
Introverted nerd into music and gaming, also get into trivia in spurts
Too introverted to want to say too much here lol
>open to long distance?
>looking for
Long-term gf, women of any age(18+) or body type welcome :)
>not looking for
Discord: atwahr

I am an avid explorer, I love going out and finding random things to do, like going on ferries or there is an old steam train ride near where I live, or just exploring the local wildlife, soon I wanna go to the great lakes and see them because I love everything about the North. I also love to drive(not a big surprise probably), I have driven all the way from PA to Florida before and would do it again if I got the chance, dm me and ask about all the countries I wanna go to as well :3. I am also a huge sucker for anything to do with animation or film, even if something is not good I still like watching passion projects, I of course watch a lot of anime, action shows like Demon slayer or Chainsaw man are my favorite but I am down to watch anything. Another thing I really like is art, I learning to draw, I speak Japanese as well.

>open to long distance?
I would prefer someone at least with in driving distance of me but long distance is not a complete dealbreaker for me

>looking for
I am looking for introvert girls or loners like myself.

>not looking for
Men or MtF


discord: Angry_Pirate_Asuka
>>Province / Region / Area Code
Sales engineer, 6"1, pretty fit as I go to the gym regularly. Bwc. Hobbies include hiking, traveling, working out, reading, seeing friends, beach. Not super hard into partying.
>>Open to long distance
>>What you're looking for
Looking for a (F) partner who is childfree by choice, meaning that she never wants kids, either biological or adopted. I want to live that DINK lifestyle, focus on ourselves, travel, and enjoy our stress free lives. Bonus points if you're a career woman who is fairly strong and independent.
>>What you're not looking for
severe mental illness, people who aren't childfree
>>Contact Info

Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Godflesh, Primus, Rammstein, Killing Joke, Foetus, The Shizit, Ministry, Ikd-sj, Pantera
>Looking For
Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal, Beatdown Hardcore, Ragga, Rap Metal, Digital Hardcore, Turntablism, Funk Metal, Neue Deutsche Harte, Cyber Metal
>Not Looking For
actual nerd that has no irl social skills and who quit med school to do computer engineering. my biggest hobbies are reading, studying, listening to tropical music(mostly bossa nova), playing guitar with the boys, watching 11 hour long video essays and drooling over sleep deprived anime girls on pinterest. actually am a diagnosed aspie. im pretty religious(catholic), sry if you dont like that, ill pray for you.
>open to long distance?
>looking for
women from any age(16-50) who wanna actually start an emotional bond with someone. Dont care about your personality, just be yourself, don't really have a preference, maybe only with neet girls but meh whatever. all women are beautiful. im a virgin so maybe thats my only real preference.
>not looking for
troons(if you wanna be just friends idc :D)
discord: oliveboii
24 M southeast PA near Philly
>open to long distance
Heck no
>about me
Depressed guy who just works and needs adventure and companionship in life.
I like to art, history and culture, video games, cinema, learning new things, the macabre, or just whatever weird thing seems interesting to me today,
>what are you looking for
Girls (cis or trans) around 20-25 near the Philly/NJ/Wilmington area to go out and do fun things with, or just appreciate each other's company.
>not looking for
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23 M wny
I've always been introverted so it was hard to make friends and some what date but I'm not a virgin. Girls by me aren't interesting to me atm so I'll throw it out there
>open to long distance?
Yes but I'm going to Miami in the next few weeks so go nuts with that info. But I would like to meet one day
>looking for
If you're permeability 20-24(I'm 24 in September) female and have interest in what I like. Working out, Anime, platformers, rpgs or like interesting rabbit holes you're welcome to dm. I'm not picky about race or appearances as long you're not unhealthy I'm fine with that you look like
>not looking for
Unhealthy people. Trans people( i jusr dont date trans women or men) international users
Discord jarfdrzaly
i live in miami but i'm a dude
can we just be friends
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i'm a creative soul. i like nature, history, music -- near about everything. i like to go out from time to time, too. i can be a little aloof but never fully emotionally unavailable.
i'm generally being vague on purpose, i think getting to know each other is more than half the fun.

i suppose one important thing to mention is that i won't have my life properly together for the next few years. i've yet to finish school and i'm currently in the very early stages of working on a passion project.

>open to long distance?
of course, but i do actually want to meet up at least a few times a year.

>looking for
a girlfriend. i could list a bunch of preferences, but i think if you like anything i've written here enough to want to add me, then there's a decent chance i'll like you back.

>not looking for
anyone outside of europe, unless you REALLY think we'll get along. it's just that timezones make chatting actively quite difficult, and i won't really be able to fly you out unless you're in europe.

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Latino 5'6, 160 lbs, I have a full time job, I have my own car, I'm outgoing and enjoy outside activities like karaoke, bars, hiking, hanging out with my friends and family. I love making people laugh, I'm usually described as optimistic, excellent listener, honest and overall a real easy going attitude. I don't do drugs, no tattoos, don't smoke but I do drink sometimes when I'm hanging out. I'm into cooking, reading, movies/tv, going to the gym and music.
>open to long distance?
No. Please be within 50 miles of Lehigh county or Northampton county PA.
>looking for
Long term relationship. Bonus points if you're also hispanic.
>not looking for
Men, druggies
Discord: Blair
Have any of the guys gotten add requests off of posting in here
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32 M Cali

>Looking for
A sad girl (or mtf girl) to watch sad movies/anime with and cuddle.
Loyal, predictable, and reliable first and foremost...
Hates people! <- important
Thoughtful (my last two gfs were very... air-head types), I need someone I can actually talk to...
Has unconventional views, the more the better.
Doesn't really know what to do with their life, but will play vidya and watch animu with me...

Not very masc or fem but something in between, and I like the same in others.
I had some bad experiences with people (including from this site) so i more or less withdrew from most social interaction. INFP/INTP

When in relationship - affectionate, playful, clingy, i.e. I like doing things together whether it is playing games or going out places.

I like horses uwu.

>Physical description
Used to maintain an emo look, but lately it's just messy-hair sleep-deprived doomer twink look, usually wearing a hoodie, and probably covered in cat hair.

>Long distance fine, Y/N?

>Willing to relocate, Y/N?


No coomers pls

>wholesome fantasies
Cooking together, ice skating, cuddling up to each other during wind and heavy rain, learning new things together, laughing while doing ridiculous shit in videogames with friends, sharing childhood memories, just snuggling up to sleep.
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26/M/US (NorCal)
Physically I'm 5'10", 140, blue eyes, short brown hair and beard, aquiline nose.
I enjoy spending my time reading fiction (horror and fantasy mostly), playing games of all sorts (video, board, card, roleplaying), hiking, hunting, and learning in general. I also like to watch TV and listen to music, although rarely as the solitary activity (unless the music is live). I like talking to and spending time with friends, although my preference for conversation is much more on interesting and novel topic rather than gossip or small talk.
A number of apt descriptors for my personality would be: headstrong, opinionated, kind, clever, obstinate, and fervent. The best way to get to know me is of course talking though, not hearing an impossibly biased self-description.
I'm politically and fiscally conservative but not particularly involved or cognizant of either and have extreme ideals that are unachievable for those sectors.
After working for a few years I've returned to higher education to pursue a doctorate degree; avoiding debt so far. I think my future partner having a shared interest in STEM would go a long ways to our compatibility. I believe my interest in the subject has been influenced by the way I think, which is in turn being molded by my education.
>open to long distance?
Yes, although I'm unlikely to live outside the US.
>looking for
Women with a similar perception of the world as me; no older than thirty. My goal is to eventually marry and start a family, but would rather find someone truly compatible to be a close friend for life with over rushing into something.
Voice chat not just text.
>not looking for
Trannys; people with severe disabilities (can't take care of themselves) or who are unable to have children; non-white or obese women. Those who are religious I think are unlikely to be a good match, but I won't reject anyone outright for it; just know I'll almost certainly never share belief.
socanon (Discord)
22/mtf/Mexico. Bi

I’m the person in pic related!
I used to be really outgoing in college but everything went to shit as soon as I graduated and got a remote job, I moved out of my parents and live alone. Literally not talk to anyone else but my dog most days, almost all my old friends are out of town and don’t really contact me outside the rare call. Since my job is remote I would go wherever you are, given we hit it off of course. I want to stop living alone. I enjoy anime, reading, coding and taking care of plants.

>open to long distance?
Yeah, for the start

>looking for
A confident person, with wishes to improve their situation and share good experiences with me. You don’t have to have your shit together, but at least have some desire to stop feeling depressed if you are. I like people that keep moving forward

>not looking for
Overly lewd people


discord: possumist
22, m, miami
i'm mentally ill and a loser and poor but at least i'm cute. and hispanic.
no LDR sorry
men and women who are 18+ and like video games. i'm happy to be just friends
no contact just give me a reply or don't idk
>about me
I'm tall (201cm) which is always a kicker but other than that, I am a student who studies Software Engineering, I took a gap year so I'm starting my second year in September, and I also am currently learning Japanese again, as I got too rusty and I'm doing it from the ground up. I'm also getting diagnosed with Autism and ADHD so I am a bit goofy maybe, but I try not to be obnoxious. I also work at KFC but the job is super boring whenever I do anything other than cleaning lol
I LOVE Fallout 4, and its currently the game I'm obsessed with, but it changes from time to time, I also do enjoy learning languages, and I play guitar too, which I always love to do, but I need to keep doing it more often.
>looking for
Just a nice woman around my age who its fun to talk to and is ok with me being a bit dumb lol, I guess the goal for me is a relationship though.
>not looking for
Men, people who ghost almost instantly, people who just want to trade nudes, and that kind of thing
Discord: Halvor
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Male 22 NYC

Just be strong enough to plant your feet when the weight of the world comes crashing down. That's enough for me.

34/M/US (FL)
Tall, long reddish hair/beard, pale, normal weight, blue eyes, a bit lanky, face scarred from injury.

Into retro gaming and virtual reality, spirituality, going to gym when I can, making art, vegetarian and love animals. Dealing with CPTSD and other health issues.
>>open to long distance?
If we really seem to be getting along and actually have plans to meet at some point.
>>looking for
Someone a little spiritual, a little fit, likes animals and making art, dealing with mental/physical health issues.
>>not looking for
Discord wait4what1
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5’11, curly hair/afro, dad bodied, mixed race, geeky, getting into gothic fashion. Into PC gaming and want to watch stuff together videos shows or movies. I’m apolitical. Love discussions on spirituality and theology. TTRPGS too. Ask me anything please. I’m a Christian.

>open to ldr?
Yes just hope time zones don’t inhibit us

>looking for
Something serious, like full commitment. But willing to take it slow. I wanna be friends for about a month or two before we do anything committed so we can see if we are compatible. I’m a damaged guy right now so I gotta heal a bit and get some hope for love again. Someone who can actually maintain a conversation.

I love foreign accents. Don’t need to have one but I’m weak for certain ones. If you’re goth or looking to get into it that’s a serious plus to me. Gimmie pointers.

>not looking for
Leftist extremists (tend to be too sensitive to have my conversations), antinatalists, nonmarriage believing, unambitious, BPD/NPD/DID, people who can’t converse, excheaters, people incspable of deeper discussion, flakkers, men & transgenders & enbys, anything casual.


Discord: gask
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19/M/Northern Ireland
I'm kind of skinnyfat and average looking. I have Asperger's and my main interests are the Pokémon franchise, Valve games, HOI4, reading, OneyPlays and lurking 4chan.
>open to long distance?
Yes. But preferably within the UK.
>looking for
A female aged 18-24 that would eventually want to live with me. I'm not that picky.
>not looking for
Sudden ghosters?
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Tag doesn't seem to exist
I used to be hesitant to set hard criteria but I realized that there's no shortage of mediocre women on regular dating apps. My hard criteria for what I want in a girl is below.

>Virgin. I want 1 girl to commit the rest of my life to. If you've had previous sexual partners, I can't make myself have feelings like that for you. Even though I want a virgin, I also want someone who enjoys sex. Be a slut, but only for me.

>Attractive, but it's ok if you don't consider yourself attractive, girls here tend to be low self esteem. Additionally no need to be insecure because more attractive isn't necessarily better after a certain threshold. To put numbers on an example, a 9/10 isn't necessarily better than a 7/10. If you're fat though, there's no ambiguity, that's definitely not attractive.

>Smart, same idea as the previous where it's ok if you don't consider yourself smart. Dumb women are insufferable to be around. I need someone I enjoy being around who I can banter and vibe with.

>Wants kids (eventually, obviously not something to jump into). This adds the requirement that you're a functional human being. I'm not breeding with someone who's autistic, retarded, mentally ill, etc because I don't want my kids to turn out that way.

>Height doesn't matter as long as you're not a midget. I'd like for future kids to be tall and athletic like myself but I find smaller petite women more attractive so it's a trade off and ultimately doesn't matter.

>Nearby would be nice but because I'm making such a long shot ask, anywhere in the world is ok. To be blunt, I have money so I can travel anywhere and can relocate you to me if need be since I don't need you to work to support us.

I realize that I've made a list of demands and that women have demands of their own and that I need to make myself appealing in return in some way. If you're basically interested in what I've said though, please let me know what you want in a guy and we can start the conversation there.
19 m USA (massachusetts)

uni student (mechanical engineering)
decently autistic
I really like history (all time periods and regions), STEM, competitive pokemon, adventure time, evangelion, nathan for you, yotsuba, and cycling
I fucking love azumanga daioh
favorite music artists are Fishmans, car seat headrest, King Crimson, Tricot, and the peggies
I started playing guitar 7 years ago but have been in a slump the past 8 months

>open to long distance?
preferably not but if you live somewhere on the east coast we might be able to make it work; any further than like a 5 hour drive to/from boston would be a difficult distance

>looking for
long-term relationship with someone willing to put equally high effort into making each other happy and maintaining our bond
someone who can match my energy, sense of humor, and vision of an ideal relationship
preferably also autistic
age 18-21
cis/trans girl, nonbinary, or twink

>not looking for
anyone who's polyamorous, obese, or right wing

nuclear7777 on discord
24 m, northeast USA
>tall, not-so dark, handsome, deep voice, long hair
>looking for wholesome fun nothing more or less
>not into tr00ns, phagS, people who take themselves too seriously, BPD type mental “illness” havers
>discord is n0n0nsensener0
32/M/PNW, Seattle
Tall, fit nerdy guy. Into anime, TTRPGs, writing
>open to long distance?
>looking for
A woman to spend my life with
>not looking for
Weirdos, older than me, drama
Discord: willk5593
1. how old are you
2. where do you live
3. what do you do
4. do you mind if i work anyway
5. what's your race/how tall are you/etc basic physical characteristics
>please let me know what you want in a guy
so that you can pretend to be him? ok. your kids will get your retard gene regardless of who you breed with.

answer this first or you have no value
>1. how old are you
>2. where do you live
USA, specifically east coast.
>3. what do you do
Autistic work from home computer job.
>4. do you mind if i work anyway
I'm possessive but not controlling. I want my future romantic partner to be mine and only mine but other than that, I don't care what she does, up to her.
>5. what's your race/how tall are you/etc basic physical characteristics
Asian/6'2/In great shape and objectively good looking (I have more dates than I can do with on dating apps.)
drop a tag lets see
I am at a point where I see most of my friendships in life completely useless. All I do is look at other people share memes and talk about their issues but never change. I see people that fail to give back, wholly selfish people that would take and take and take they didn't
care about presenting as a "good person". I'm cutting out a lot of people and it feels very relieving. I breathe and sleep better.

My next goal is to be self reliant enough that I don't have to call others for help or have enough money to pay people to do things for me and immediately leave. Or find a way to influence people to do better by others. Or just get a pet caiman.

>open to long distance?
I don't care. I would prefer to have you in person but if you're a solid person I'll try to make it work.

>looking for
Someone I can at least look at and go. "Wow she's very nice to me and cares about me, and not in a superficial lip servicey way." This is a requirement.

Not requirements but just stimulate my ape brain and genitals: cute, big butt, irreverent.

>not looking for
Liars, pretenders, profilicity in any way, sellers, discord shills, hyper weebs, no effort, demanders.

I'm very impatient for a very specific type of person. Please don't be that person.

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I'll just copy my post from another thread

Built like a fire hydrant, short and stocky
Brown hair, hazel eyes
Too many interests to, just ask
Friends regularly comment on my "Dad energy"

Dark hair, blue eyes, pale skin
Will bake me oatmeal raisin cookies
Warm, kind personality
Being short is a plus

I just want someone as equally committed to raising 3-5(or more if you want) kids in a solid, loving, unified home.

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23 m east coast usa. 5'8". White. College graduate.

I'm a depressed virgin shut-in. Never had a gf and my college was all virtual due to covid. I want to experience having a gf before I die.


Ideally looking for romantic partner, but feel free to message if you wanna be friends

22/M/Northeast US

White, KHHV, college grad, temporary NEET (still looking for work), romantic at heart, weeb, likes history, learning languages, a little bit of fashion (though I'm too broke to try it out rn), literature, light exercise, spends too much time contemplating life's greatest questions

Fav anime: Evangelion/Monogatari
Manga: Tokyo Ghoul
Literature: The Divine Comedy
(can you tell how much of a chud I am yet?)

/vt/, /his/, /lit/, /x/, /pol/ when i'm being a doomer but usually try to avoid it, /fit/.

>Open to long distance
Yes at first, but I would like to eventually meet when I'm not so broke

>Looking for
Biological woman, age 18 - 25, virgin, moderately attractive, healthy weight (slightly over/underweight is acceptable if you're working on fixing it), quirky is a bonus if you aren't the self-sabotaging type, interested in talking about almost any topic (even taboo ones), someone I can be mutually vulnerable with, women who will be as obsessed with me as I will be with her

>Not looking for
Transwomen (unless you are just wanna be friends), nonvirgins, total coomers, total prudes, people who only give short responses and don't even try


White, working weeb trying to make it in an anti-gamer world. I'm quiet and like dogs. My hope is that having a girlfriend will cause me to stop doomscrolling. My genetic material? USDA certified A+ rating.

>open to long distance?

>looking for
Playful weeb girl, short, white. Please post unsolicited Lucky Star pictures at me. I don't know many girls so it's fine if you just exist around me.

>not looking for
Trannies, non-whites

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looking for the mother of my future 7 strong sons

>about me
A talkative guy with a few friends, a handful of talent, and an easygoing personality.
>looking for
Someone with enthusiasm for active conversation, spontaneity, and/or creativity.
>not looking for
Someone who doesn't want to talk..
Straight. Work in cyber security, have my own place. Not very social don't like crowded places but I do go out. I like going to the gym, martial arts, camping, hiking, sailing, cars. Every once in a while I'll read a book. I speak 5 languages.
Physically I'm 177cm 83kg with muscles. I'm told I'm good looking.
>Looking for
EU only relationship with female, kind of nerdy maybe into books, videogames, but will still go out with me and do outdoor activities. Physically has to be not fat, preferably white looking.
>Not looking for
Gays,trans, bpd females, online relationship with no expectations to meet IRL
isaac.k7159 discord
29/ladyboy type individual/near Atlantic Ocean

Recent Music: /watch?v=6nSvJ9wXXwQ&t=1498s
Faves: /watch?v=zobf_4sfEbQ /watch?v=YL1CAUjc3rw /watch?v=1MobY_vR7-g /watch?v=f25R9Gl6FWc /watch?v=PelenogTUEk /watch?v=FU_yNE2MMOU

Looking for companion. I find it necessary for my partner to be 25+ (emotionally mature), 5'9"+ aka 175cm+ (taller than me because I need to feel like he is my dad), and okay with not having sex ever because he too understands there are many more important things in a relationship. Also I have to like the music you listen to or I hate u.

Also I can be rude so do not message me if you cannot deal with that.

discord: .werekitten.
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

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Avid music lover, and anything 80s. Enjoy PCs in general as well as video games. Have some deep-rooted problems i'm trying to work through and they spill over some times, but I'm working on it. anxiety riddled NEET but i'm trying to work on that too. i'm very friendly and will be very patient with even some of the worst.
>open to long distance?
would prefer local, but I'm not completely against it for the right person.
>looking for
preferably female. someone genuine and honest. Someone I can trust and that is loyal. Someone who isn't intimidated by my baggage and my rough edges. I want someone who'll call me out on my bullshit and help keep me grounded. someone who wont try to push me too hard.
>not looking for
Someone who doesn't like alcohol or cigarettes. Someone who's disingenuous or just wanting to play games. Someone who's immature and can't admit when they're wrong. I don't want constant fights.
24/M/MI (Michigan)
I'm extremely awkward socially due to being spergian (diagnosed) and severely lacking social experience. I am 5'10, don't have hair, not a very attractive body type. For the people who I am close to I care about them more than I care about myself, for people who I am not close to I can be very harsh. I have a very stupid and autistic sense of humor so hopefully you will think I am funny. I find it hard to engage in small talk, but if you engage with me through my interests, such as music (4000 albums rated on RYM), video games, literature, movies (occasionally), and my main autistic interest (Transformers), then I can talk a lot. I also play a few musical instruments. I have a hard time describing myself in a way that is not boring.
>open to long distance?
I would prefer someone from Michigan.
>looking for
Biological woman (no transgenders), autistic like me, monogamist, omeone who is compassionate towards others, someone who won't get mad at me for saying the retard or faggot words or having right wing ideals (not that far right), someone as into music as I am, someone who wants to watch me play video game or even play with me, someone who can engage with me and doesn't think I am stupid, someone who is below 5'6 hopefully and someone who is between 18-24 years old.
>not looking for
Transgenders, anyone above 24 years old, people who are cruel and uncaring, people who have severe mental illnesses that cause them to lash out at others or cheat on me, polyamory, and people with left wing ideals (because I will just make you angry and hate me most likely).
Also, I am sorry if it takes me a while to add you or send you a message, messaging new people is terrifying for me.
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28/M/US East Coast
6’2 255 dadbod but keep slightly /fit/ just to stay alive. Long curly hair thats soft you can play with it idk, Almost like a mullet if I shaved the sides. For hobbies its the usual 4chan shit like gaming and anime blahblahblah, also going to sport events/gaming/nerd conventions which is a given. I really like power lifting though lately I don't have much time for the gym so when I go its more as an opportunity to go out and just enjoy the weather, keep myself in ok shape and just pass some time. I'm locked in to my city for now but I've got a remote job so moving shouldn't be an issue if it's easier that way.
>open to long distance?
Yes, I've had a few in the past and had no issues on my end.
>looking for
Woman who wants something serious. Someone who can just be my best friend so sharing hobbies or interests definitely helps. Be passionate about your own cause honestly I love seeing someone talk about things they're into and for myself getting into new things and trying to expand my horizons is awesome. Basically just someone that is fun to talk to, always engaged and willing to be a rock I can rely on and who can rely on me in turn. I don’t care much about looks that much you're probably cute. I'll probably call you cute anyway if you got an infectious smile.


>not looking for
Ghosters, anyone with mental issues or chronic liars (i’ve dealt with this enough :( ). Try to be engaged and excited in stuff cause I like hearing you guys gush about some dumb shit you're into. Also be funny cause I like to fuck around.
psych0sis - Discord
>the retard made a new tag
lol lmao
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INFP neet. Introverted, passionate, emotional, scatterbrained, imaginative, idealistic. Very heart driven, romanticizing so much in life. Maybe rose tinted glasses are glued to me. I want love more than anything in the world, and friendships that last a lifetime. That, and to just generally live a comfy life with those loved ones. I'm trying to better myself nowadays in any way I can, taking whatever tiny victory I can get. I think it's bearing fruit, but it would be nice to have someone by my side so we could both better ourselves together
>open to long distance?
>looking for
This'll be more of an ideal, not what I absolutely require in a lover:
Quiet, romantic, reserved, but bubbly for those that she allows in her personal life. Has a rich inner world and yearns to be truly understood. Creative, kind, and knows herself well. Wants nothing more than true love and a simple life. Has similar values and interests to me. Perhaps a neet, or something along those lines so that we can help each other get out and blossom. One of my only musts is that she must be white like me
>not looking for
Inexpressive people who can't hold a conversation beyond simple statements/words. Men, trans, adulterers/amoral folk, ghosts. Genuinely, if you're gonna friend me and never be around to talk, just don't friend me at all.
this is wholesome and cute, i hope u find someone nice
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currently I'm doing a master degree in CS, I already worked for a few years in software development before that
introverted shy nerd, emotionally stable, cold and reserved, kind of a prude
186cm, 75kg, working out regularly, pale skin, dark blond/reddish hair, allegedly not-bad-looking according to some people (not only my mom)

>Long distance
i guess so
>Looking for
a woman who hopefully will become my soulmate
>Not looking for
no transsexuals and gays (obviously)
Discord: decartoffel
- 29/M/EU
- I'm kinda slim. I'm 1,75 79kg give or take. I like video games and movies and TV series. And cats.
I just want a woman that is patient and kind. Watch the sunset together by the beach, holding hands. Watch a movie all snuggled up. Eventually start a family you know
- A woman loving and caring that wants a man to spend her rest of her life with
- Liars. People that are not willing to risk it all no matter how much time it takes.
- panpan2755
Recommend some shoegaze/ indie pop
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21 m uk
im kinda shy and a bit insecure and as such i have a strong preference towards frequent messages and the like when we know eachother because otherwise i might think you hate me or something (sunglasses)

apart from that, im finishing up with university but im going to get a job as a cook somewhere. the main things that bring me joy in life are cooking and video games, but i like to exercise and do physical things too.

i guess my pokemon stats are i'm 5'11 and currently weigh 67kg and reasonably masculine (crossdressing does sound kinda fun tho :3) altho i wanna get more fit. since this is 4chan, i must also add i am Not White tm.

>open to long distance?
eh... it will be hard for me outside of the uk if the prospect of meeting up or living together or whatever is very hard logistically, so i guess it depends on you as well.
>looking for
im into like cute guys and women (yes trans are ok like ?????? yes ofc is fine). its not the most important thing but i guess im a top in terms of sexual compatibility.

i would be willing to adjust most things though for a partner i really like.
>not looking for
the usual. racists, bigots etc.
disc: eepy1
18 F Scotland
deaf gamer, I love to game and watch movies. I mostly play rpgs. PVP games are fun but I'm at a bit of a disadvantage. Happy to chat about games or movies or anything really. I was home schooled so my social skills suck but looking to improve them.
>looking for
regular chat friend. someone who isn't reluctant to tell me about themselves. Also I find it easier to chat with a face, so I will be asking to swap face pic, I'm nothing special at all, just like to see who I'm talking to.
>not looking for
song recommendations.
I give up, there's no woman on this board. just bots. just doing this for fun

nerdy, white skinned hispanic. I work as an electrical engineer with disposable income and my own house. I like anime games like wuthering waves and honkai star rail. I love reading books more though and watching movies and tv shows. I also like topics of spirituality and philosophy.
sure, as long as there's a promise to meetup in the future
>looking for
a wholesome loving partner, I don't mind mental issues as long as you yourself are stable enough to hold a conversation. and that you love me for me.
>not looking for
unwholesome partner
>not looking for: song recommendations.
And who said women weren't funny?
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>About me
I make and sell abstract art. I have a pretty broad taste in music, movies, and TV. I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of Beetlejuice, It's Always Sunny, and Seinfeld. Nowadays, I listen to a lot of Aphex Twin, Machine Girl, a handful of oldies, and the one hit wonders recommended by Spotify and friends. I'm always online and really hard to offend.
>Looking for
Someone to chat, VC, or hang with RL.
>Not looking for
idk I'm pretty tolerant
>Discord tag

I have no real dating experience whatsoever, so I don't really know what I'm doing in terms of romance, but I do know I want to spend my life with someone I love who loves me back. I enjoy and take pride in taking care of others. It's how I find peace, making sure those I love are taken care of. Apperance wise, I've been told I look like a "stereotypical Latina", long black hair, brown eyes, tanned skin. I am working on losing weight, dont wear makeup, and personally, I feel like I have a bit of a melancholic look. I have various interests, but I'd prefer getting to know each other through conversation.
>open to long distance?
Yes, with the plan to eventually close the distance one day.
>looking for
Looking for a man to spend my life with. A man who will love me as much as I love him. Ideally, this man will one day be my husband. Someone who will let me fulfill my need to take care of them and who will look after me as well. Someone who will not take my unwavering loyalty and deep devotion for granted. A man who will accept me for the strange woman I am. What matters most to me in a partner is fidelity, honesty, and conviction. I also need you to understand that this doesn't happen overnight or with just anyone. I am quite partial to the tall, burly viking or lumberjack apperance, but that's not required.
>not looking for
Anyone outside the US, trans, nsfw, no one under 27 or over 35, anyone who wants children of any kind (bonus if you've had a vasectomy), polyamory, fwb, "situationship", non-straight men, men who are not completely single, kinky, anyone who has cheated, low effort, I do not send nudes and there will never be a time, no matter how close we get, that I would do that.
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24/M/Canada, straight
>A bit about yourself and situation
Reserved, typically level headed and easy to get along with. People tell me I'm supportive and a good confidant. Full time employed
>Open to ldr?
>Religious and political beliefs
Catholic, conservative
>Physical description
220 lbs, Asian, black hair, brown eyes, built, 180 cm
>Current occupation/schooling
Employed full time, bachelor's, two majors
>Hobbies and interests
Cooking, fitness, history, homesteading (learning about it), experienced with it
>Do you want/have kids?
I want kids. I don't have any
>Life goals
Good career, family, kids, nice property

>Looking for
Women, 19-30. Ideally on the same page as me when it comes to beliefs and values. Goal oriented and a rough plan for the future. Having the exact same interests isn't that important
>Do you want kids?
Most definitely
>Not your type/dealbreakers
Liberals, not wanting kids, not open to religion or religious

Anything else in the post format, just ask when you add me :)

>Contact info
Professional artist, travel photographer, fantasy enthusiast, retro film and music enjoyer. Have probably spent too much time on 4chan. Currently traveling through the US
>open to long distance?
Open to being long distance from time to time
>looking for
Friends, meetups, travel partners, dating
>not looking for
Poor english or poor communication skills
Discord: agameofthrones
How can I prove to you that I’m a woman when you don’t leave any contact information?
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Early 30s, M, South EU
A bit obsesive, devoted to those that I love, a bit gloomy and ambitious
>Physical description
6'2 , black hair, brown eyes
Gym, working out, hiking, programing, dnd, gaming, poetry, literature and studying
>Looking for
Someone that wants to learn about me and chat
>Not looking for
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im down bad, so i guess i'll post here
21 m texas
just a nigga looking for an e-girl to distract me for a bit
>open to LDR
i dont really have a choice do i? yes
my favorite game is fortnite, my favorite show is GOT. i like to browse /co/ and talk about the fall of the western animation industry. i also do music, write, and like to sketch in the mean time. i'm also into history (mainly black, european, and chinese history). ask me about the liezi or dao de jing
>looking for
black or a brown girl that's around my age group who loves to talk about meaningful and interesting topics. dont mind horny, but let's get to know each other first?
>not looking for
dudes or girls with dicks. i prefer black/brown girls but i'll tolerate a white chick but the truth is, you hoes come a dime a dozen. whatevs, if you're cute and you have nice things to say i'll still talk to you. no raceplay tho, instant unadd. (same for brown women)
i doubt i will get any adds but you miss every shot you don't take.
Oh, you again
Do people add? Yes. Are they the kind of people you'd like to talk to? probably no.
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23/M/West Coast USA
>About me
Autistic kissless virgin white boy looking for the "one"... Ugh
Long brown hair, goofy, chest hairless, edgy, big-time hater, thoughtful, wannabe writer, horror critic, flowery vocabulary, love shy, sub leaning switch(I think?), soft princely hands that haven't seen a day of work, extremely slender and tall, intelligent, and VERY funny
NEET living with parents working towards improvement. I've got a big ego but it crumbles when I speak to women I'm attracted to. Might be a cope.
Writing choose your own adventure demo for a competition ending in August. Ask me about it!
Writing, all kinds of games/anime/manga yada yada, fantasy, D&D, animals, mental illness, and griefing
Vague interest in fashion, psychology, and succulents
>Looking for
Friend girls to vc with as I write, long term relationships with pure maidens, confidante to vent to and explores our inner worlds. Fine with long distance
>Ideal Girlfriend
An inexperienced sadist that appreciates sensitivities along with situational callousness; She wouldn't judge someone for tearing up at childrens media. Bitter about the state of depravity of men, still wants to turn a sweet man depraved. She appreciates coyness and is unimpressed from over confidence. A tongue of venom and a heart of gold. Oh, and of course she's a stinky virgin TERF fujo, but who isn't these days?
>Not looking for
Men, Jews, people with unbraided kinky hair, Jerkops
>Bonus points of me
Autism (fake)diagnoser
Vaguely wants to wait until marriage
Doesn't consume porn(Okay, maybe my favorite doujin but that's it)
You seem to be a great person, I hope you can find what you're looking for.
dictaded my post for all the blind people browsing.
20/M/US Bi

>about me
I just want a cute boy to obsess over and constantly talk with. all i need is a cute butt and pretty face.

I love music of all types and would love to make you a playlist. I love video games and would co-op anything you'd like, maybe we can teach each other new games! im really open to anything I just want to connect with you!!

>looking for
someone very affectionate, very talkative. prefer around my age, between 18 and 23-ish.
>not looking for
ghosters, people above 30.
>tag antsonalogyum

(ill give you my real one later)
Dude sounds like a cutie patootie <3
Made me smile before leaving for a long STRESSFUL drive.
Thank you.
>>33215718 >>33194758

Yeah, this pretty much. I get a couple of adds a week, but I've only really been on one date from here.

99% of the people I meet are either not serious, weird, not what I'm looking for, or downright insane.

I'm all that to the other 1% I guess lmao.
Hey all
28m Montréal
Musician tree planting nature loving bum
Looking for fun gal to write songs with, read books in the hammock, play videogames and get into general shenanigans.
Spoup on discord if thats your vibe
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A probably autistic, shy, and nerdy guy. I really like video games, anime, photography, and astronomy. Adding onto that I also really like visual novels in particular and spend quite a bit of by time inside just sitting and reading them. If I'm outside, then I'm either spending time messing around with my telescope or cycling. Appearance wise, I am white, 5'9, with long curly hair going below the shoulders. I have dark brown eyes and hair and most people regard me as being very skinny and quite cute looking.
>open to long distance?
Yes, of course lol.
>looking for
Bio female, and a more long term relationship. Preferably someone who has a few similar interests to me. Preferably ages 18-22, and I'm really not too picky about appearance, as long as you aren't really fat or something.
>not looking for
ghosters, people who really aren't interested in a relationship, and also people who smoke or drink excessively. If your going to talk to me please actually just talk lol.
Discord: thecommeldore
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26m Australia
excessive time in my hands id like to put in to something meaningful
(melbourne no ldr)
just dont be a degenerate beyond playing video games
>dc masculinesneeze
Kys already retard, you are a failed extremely mentally ill male that will never find a partner no matter how hard you spam this board with your shitty posts. You are not a woman, and you will never be a woman, you will never even be mistaken for a woman. There is nothing you can do to change that, and now that you've gone and cut your dick and balls off and replaced it with a permanent shit smelling, puss filled wound you have to dilate daily or else it closes up, your only option is to kill yourself, since, again, you will never be a woman, and now you can never be a male again. The best part is, if you do end up rerolling in the next life, you're going to end up as a bug, or some disgusting rodent to match who you are currently (which, btw, will be male).
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pretty normal guy. ive gone a ton of places, done all sorts of things. i probably shouldnt even be on here. im patient and nice without being a cuck or a pushover. i like learning new things and hearing peoples stories.

>open to long distance?
of course

>looking for
a biological female thats kind, caring, compassionate, gentle and understanding that respects themselves and has dignity

>not looking for
trannies, drug addicts, the mentally ill, the terminally autistic (a lil bit is ok), people who are cruel or think too much of themselves without any good reason

disc: leyphae

>(interests, physical description)
6'2" 220lbs on the fluffy side, Brown hair, Blue eyes, 420 friendly Lover of music, video games, movies, reading, playing guitar/bass,

>open to long distance?

>looking for
Prefer Female/MtF/Femboys but willing to chat with anyone, looking for someone to chat with daily (not expecting undivided attention), someone who's interesting, I'd like to form an emotional connection with as a friend or possible romantic companion

>Not looking for
Sugar babies, rude people

>Discord Tag
dm for a/m/canada

bored af

>looking for
i’m looking for females in canada

discord- raymond4825
Damn, Chileans drink fernet too nowadays?
tag not working
white guy, physically fit
also a published writer
>open to long distance?
>looking for
a woman with a kind heart
>not looking for
disc: .pliny._

I don’t like text walling about myself here because that’s boring as hell so just shoot me a message

> About
I'm a handsome, actually normal/functional, long haired nerd guy. Just maddeningly esoteric and picky with what I like. I'm a musician, a writer, I embrace obtuseness in media. No I don't want the re-release of this SNES game to have any quality of improvements. No I don't want this album to be re-mastered, it sounds like shit, leave it be. I'm just too picky in the women I like, so I'm left to the internet.

>open to long distance?
Yes, but ideally US just because of timezones.

>looking for
Someone who's intelligent and brainrotted just me. Someone to watch movies with, someone who just gets it. I'm willing to put up with a lot, lol. Everyone has their own shit to deal with, I don't blame them for that. Easy ass combination of green flags for me is that you listen to Lana and have a bush.

>Not looking for
Anyone who's flaky to a fault, obese. Someone unable to take kindness.

>Discord Tag
>Describe yourself and your life. Your interests.
I am 192 cm, tend to be quite introverted but i try to partake in any social situation thrown my way, although that aint a lot. To no one's surprise, i play video games (mostly indies of almost any genre), and for other hobbies i like to build stuff using my 3d printer to make small mechanical things, or things that just look cool. I work as a programmer. I guess i'm kind of a nerd. I'm also a high-functioning autist, socially atleast, you wouldn't even notice unless i told you. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs at all, i like to keep a sober mind at all times. Not a degenerate.
>What are you looking for in a partner
Female, nerdy interests, European, Long-term (ideally life-partner) relationship, open to LDR but the closer the better, 22-34 years old
>Not looking for
Male of any kind, trannies. Smokers/drug users (some alcohol use is fine, as long as you don't go overboard). mentally ill, BPD. Outside EU.
Discord: maxevigam
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I'm a microbiology graduate and I love animals! SPECIALLY sea creatures. I'm in painkillers due to an injury I have. I try to work on myself and be as busy as possible, but I want to love someone and be loved in return. A long life companion. I also have my own dnd game and like to draw!
>open to long distance?
>Looking for
gay men, 20-32 prefered. Be interested in long term relationships and sensible. Respect animals!
creativefreedom on discord
22/Bi, tending towards the gayer side/Poland
>Open to long distance (y/n)?
Yeah, I plan to move out of the country after the next year of college
>About me
I work full time in a small company that makes websites, sadly just on the frontend so i'm a codemonkey, mostly because i'm quite dumb (atleast I think so).
I'm a gym rat, professional, going to the gym daily, but also on a bulk so I ain't got a six pack sorry.
I like to do /tg/ tier worldbuilding and writing in my spare time, I'm supposedly quite good at if some people are belived. I have two 80+page google docs with my rambling, if that's all You are curious about.
Extreme introvert, the reason for why I'm writing here is because I can't stand talking with normies on dating apps, or meeting people in general.
Writing / sci fi / vidya, whenever time allows
>Songs you like
Mastadon, Alkaloid, Alleagon, Avatar, Gojira, Korn, etc, etc, I like those types of metal
>Movies and tv you like
Dune (new and old), Kaiju stuff (new and old), generally sci fi
Currently on an old sci-fi show binge so if you want to talk about farscape, stargate, babylon-5, firefly, X-files, and all that stupid shit, talk to me.
>Religious beliefs
Agnostic I suppose, though I have a rather great interest in ancient religions as a source for writing.
>Dating experience
Had a partner for a few years, the relationship broke off after I said some stupid shit while drunk, other than that terminally alone.
>Looking for
Generally anyone who is as brain rotted / terminally online as me / anyone who will bother to talk, I'm not picky, that much
>Not looking for
Obese people, sorry, not into the ideal American bodytype
Guys more buff than me - I prefer twinks / femboys in males, generally just insecure about my own body so anyone more buff is a mental turnoff.
>Contact me
doom_rider_ on discord
I'm a 36-year-old guy looking to meet someone special. I believe in forming genuine connections and would love to find someone who shares that sentiment.

A bit about me:

- **Age**: 36
- **Location**: [Your Location]
- **Interests**: I'm into [insert hobbies/interests], love spending my weekends exploring new places, and enjoy a good book or movie night.
- **Work**: I work in [insert profession], which I find both challenging and rewarding.
- **Personality**: Friends describe me as kind, dependable, and a good listener. I value honesty and a good sense of humor.

What I'm looking for:
- Someone around my age who is open to building a meaningful relationship.
- A person who enjoys good conversation and has a zest for life.
- Someone who values honesty, loyalty, and a bit of fun.

If you think we might click, drop me a message. Let's see where this could go.


>just fucking add me and don't be fat, a tranny, or faggot. I'm not putting a effort in writing a post.

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Posted this in another thread. May as well try here too. Pic related.
Not looking for men, trannies, or people who have "depression" as their only personality trait (spent enough of my teen years playing therapist for the mentally unwell in various MMORPGs).

Discord: zenithalecho
not letting this die
any good advice when it comes to puctires on dating apps like tinder and bumble, how to be more presentable? i'm a male
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22 tn moid
>about me and looking for
white boy with middling swagger, the stature and physique of a 20-something face-swapped with a newborn, confused for a
lesbian once a month, optically challenged
i have a budding interest in vehicles and local wildlife, if you're into these and would care to bestow some wisdom, feel free
wannabe game developer/artist/writer working on an h-game
pursuing maybe instrumentation and vocal training on the side
diversifying my g*mer portfolio to increase my reddit social credit score, playing warband rn but my heart is forever a 1x1 stud (robloxian organ implant)
the last heterosexual convention attendee
wage slave attenborough
enjoy animanga, music, vidya, defecating and breathing in that order
>looking for
woman that is similarly collected and functionally retarded in a way that enriches the spice of life, shares the surface-level interests i've listed here, does not mind getting up to a bit of mischief
31M, danish, hapa dane/flip, 185cm. Fire safety engineer.
Cars and motorcycles mostly. Enjoy wrenching as much as driving them. Besides that I enjoy travelling, skiing and want to visit Australia again. Other than that I also enjoy stuff like movies, videogames, anime and reading manga. Anything sci-fi is my jam, but also enjoy pen & paper RP like Dungeons & Dragons and the likes.
Trying to get back into shape currently so always open for some tips or discussions. Used to be big into cycling and crossfit.
>looking for
A non neet girl, around my own age, preferably in the northern parts of EU, but not too picky in that regard. Don't mind a long distance thing if you're from southern Europe. Someone to go travelling with. Maybe someone active so we can motivate each other to reach our goals.
>not looking for
Dudes, trannies, excessively fat
Discord: muhtractor
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30 m USA
Home owner in the middle of no where. I have ocd that prevents me from working and I collect disability. Atheist and leftist.
>open to long distance?
>looking for
I’m not very picky but I’m also not entirely sure what kind of person I want to be with as I don’t have a ton of experience. I guess I’m into the more non sexual side of ddlg though I can get into the sexual stuff too. I’m not gay so you’ll have to be a girl but besides that I’m pretty open.
>not looking for
Right wing weirdos
Forgot to mention my contact is for discord.
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25 tomgirl nyc

>Physical description
25 asian tomgirl, skinny/fit, slightly long hair, been told im cute

Interesting and fun to talk to esp if youre into scifi, art, or history.. love vidya and manga.. Love to try new things. weed and psychedelics are awesome, down to try your favorite kink~

>Looking for
looking someone to play/ hang out with. Open for it to become a fwb thing or relationship (preferred).

>Not looking for
masc dudes. hairy people. really old people. really most dudes in general unless youre like a hairless skinny femboy. transmasc are cool, but not into bodyhair

kik: ChinpokomonMaster
discord: ketchupdispenser.
The likelyhood of finding someone who fits those retarded demands is about .00000001%

Even if you find 1 woman like that, the likelyhood that she would like someone who is as jaded, arrogant and retarded as you are is non-existant

Good luck, man
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I'm a software developer who has his own place and a big nerd who likes math and computers, but I also like to stay /fit/ and get out. 5'7 160lb, white, black hair, grey eyes, attractive but short. Interests are all over the place, I'd try anything.
>open to long distance?
No, a few hours drive at most. Going without physical touch would be awful.
>looking for
A woman 22-26 y/o, cute and likes talking in depth about anything, not fat.
>not looking for
Discord (reversed): htrut
Just call yourself a tranny you fucking retard
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mentally ill ADHD guy I don't have any friends irl except for an online bestfriend,I'm a genuine loser Irl. I'm 5'6 and built like a twink.I have attachment issues and other stuff. I am religious looking for long term even marriage as cheesy as it may sound. I'm heavily into anime and videogames.
>open to long distance?
yes as long as it's within the Usa
>looking for
long term gf (biological woman) I'm also into older women and tall girls.
>not looking for
superficial people that only care about looks or money or just sexual stuff. short term stuff or flings stuff like that. drug users or addicts I think that stuff is cringe.
discord user: gumib3ar
>about you
I'm an introvert. I'm shy but if I get to know you and trust you I open up a lot. I'm honest and loving. Sensitive and kind. If you show me your good heart then I'll show you mine tenfold.
>looking for
I want an honest kind woman to connect with. I had a break up and I can barely hold myself together. I just want connection with someone on a deeper level. I'm not one of those people that ever go back to their words. I need honesty and trust.
>not looking for
Lies. Abandonment. Not looking for someone who can't commit and plays with others feelings so please.
Video games, tv series, movies, philosophy etc
so is it turth not truth???
turth and 25 M?
28/m/uk gay bottom. More on the fem/camp side but not enough to be considered a true "femboy". Not bad looking.

Looking for a top (ideally more masc) around my age or older.

I want someone who wants a relationship and wants to fall in love quickly and become obsessed with each other. Ideally uk based.

I'm talking about intense love where we will start to catch feelings within an hour of talking to each other, want to make it official asap and fall deeply in love. Love at first type kinda stuff.

Especially want someone who will want all of my attention and would get jealous of anyone else I spend time with. If you like being controlling, that's a bonus too.

Add me
Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
cope and seethe
Looking for LTR, open to long distance but prefer someone not from Europe or the US as the timezones are tricky and travel expensive.
Disc: angery1299

Does anyone actually get added from these threads? Should I bother effortposting?
Yeah that's correct
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>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of me but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please


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