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Duolicious is an online dating app, but based and true love-pilled.

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Previous thread: >>33204005
Thank you for the thread! May you all find the girl (or guy) of your dreams on this app :) good luck to all and never give up
good luck to anyone still using it
I made up with my ex, so I no longer need it
19m england I'm looking for one girl to take in and take care of, because I'd like some company.
I'm moving to work as a bartender in Leicestershire , I'm moving hours away from my family and I'm worried I'll get lonely, so you'll mainly be company but also some help when needed, it'll be free or quite cheap
Discord: brandonn2585
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A little of topic but the duolicious treads are usually always comfy and it's nice seeing everyone giving advice to one another.
Hope you all are doing well
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>be millennial on duolicious looking for oldfag friends since dating is shit
>random zoomer ESL girl messages me
>she's oddly talkative even when I take the piss out of her
>she offers to move our conversation to discord
>we casually text from time to time
>give her random advice when it comes to stupid mistakes and dumb patterns many people her age seem to perpetuate
>she starts to open up more about various problems
>she's somewhat self aware but can't help herself
>she confesses certain patterns of hers
Pic related. Seems horny shallow incels who don't know what love is aren't the main problem anymore. Femcels are just as bad but from a different perspective.
They want to have their cake and eat it. They want to feel free without committing to someone, but want someone committed to them. If you're ever ghosted without saying anything wrong after a while, now you know why.

Romance and true love is dead.
The numbers are dropping, for better or for worse. We’re down to 44k now; i wonder at what point the numbers will plateau and remain stagnant
This just sounds like the typical mindset of, you know...Someone young and immature because she's young and immature? She'll very likely grow out of it, don't be hard on the gal.
Don’t usually comment, but you too and best of luck!
Thank you friend!

A lot of women are like that to some degree anon, the only difference with internet femcels is that they're openly more deranged and prone to the worst behavior like ghosting when they get bored etc. Ever heard of women who cheated because their marriage got boring? It's similar. Not all ladies are like that though but I doubt both me or you are going to find the more centered type on Duo lol
Thank you anon!
>Ever heard of women who cheated because their marriage got boring?
men cheat more than women lmao
prove it
When do I get a big titty gf
duo's full of titty monsters
if you ain't talking to at least ONE (1) right now you need to step up your game
Does anyone talk to M on snapchat? Usually I’m not into fat women, but she’s entertaining.
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PrOvE iT
I'm trying but they won't talk back
>41k active members
>there are maybe 200 girls on my page no matter where I set location to
What jewing is this faggot doing to get this number out of his ass
Hi anon, I didn't make an affirmation on whether I think women or men cheat more as that would probably need some research on my end! However what you said has been true in my personal experience :p
Wishing you luck lmao
Hasn't been true* sorry lmao
I've had twice the opportunity to cheat but didn't because obviously not, I admired my partner as a person and it would be a huge hit on her mental health, this same partner cheated on me a while after and entered a new relationship one day after ending ours kekek
seems like i made a bio at the wrong time
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there is absolutely no barrier to entry, no incentive to check the app, and there's no fucking system in place to put active profiles at the top of the list or prune inactive ones

I'm 100% certain all of my matches are girls who just fucking made a profile "for fun" and then immediately left. It's a ghost town. It's fucking disgusting!
yall are scary
Profiles are supposed to deactivate after 1 month of inactivity.
now reverse the genders and you would be seething at the mouth at young chud.
fuck this gay societal double standards
if you're a girl and act like this your immature
if youre a guy and act like this youre life is over
you may not have said it outright but you absolutely implied it when you bring up women's behaviours and cheating
"women belong in cages" says guy who admits the problem is men kek men are the ones so unhinged who can't control their base desires, they should be the ones in cages
I NEED her
because you, like most of the men on this site, are a self-pitying faggot who will never actually stand up for yourself or anything
As you said, it's a societal problem!
We as reasonable individuals can and should be able to recognize it as the folly of youth and go "well he/she is young it's to be expected" regardless of gender, yeah?
Put down your sword babygirl no wartime before lunch.
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Yeah google is free, and I'm college educated, and know stats can be manipulated. So touche.
Also older men do cheat more, because lots of men get married to woman they should've never got married too but the laws of marriage are so fucked for men, a lot of these guys feel stuck. Fact, younger woman will get with an older guy because of the stability and protection he can provide unlike a younger man. Unfortunately, for males our value is based on income and what we own. While a female's value is based off her fertility and beauty.

Why do you think all these older men get with girls 10-20 years and hell even 30 years younger them his own age? They weren't pulling those girls back then when he was young lad, he had no value but now that he has value he is going to relive those missed experienced he was promised by Hollywood movies.
she a is a literal hoe with an abusive boyfriend who blogs about it on snapchat, some anon uploaded her nudes in a thread here. Which made me contact her and she is REALLY easy to fuck.
checked, but honestly retards like you are the problem with duo. why would you ever want to interact and give attention to a blatant whore that posts pictures like that online? she's not someone you would want to marry and she definitely isn't going to fuck you. just buy a cheap escort if you want to fuck a mentally ill fat bitch.
your stat literally comes from the same one i'm quoting lmao the only age group where women cheated more than men was married women ages 18-29, who were 11% likely to cheat compared to men in that age group who were at 10%. wowee, that sure proved the rest of the study wrong :^)
Yes, it proved that woman in the age group 18-29 cheat more than men. Are you stupid or something?
I'm guilty of the self-pitying part. Somehow I'm incapable of controlling my desires that I don't stand up for? Cope roastie. I'd beat the shit out of your dad, brother or boyfriend in a fight
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Done. Now I'll wait until the next full moon for her response. The worst that can happen is a "no" or a skip. Things are pretty dry, so it can only improve

If not, I'll leave this app and die alone
I want a fucking submissive masochist puppygirl so fucking unbelievably bad but I know these bitches are just being little fucking edgelords, I don't think any of them want a relationship at ALL much less an actually intense and meaningful one.
one age group, specifically married, and only one percent higher. men were more likely in EVERY OTHER AGE GROUP AND MARRIAGE STATUS. are YOU stupid??

i'm saying you're a pussy who would never actually rape a women even if you could because you're too fucking pathetic to even get close enough to them

ah yes the classic unga bunga caveman beating up other men who in your mind would own the woman you view as their property as a way of showing your manliness... i doubt you know how to throw a punch
I know lots of girls irl that would have sex with me. Any women with an internet connection and social media are probably whores unless I go meet a girl at like church. Talking to women online is frustrating, It's not my fault you lose your virginity when you were 12 and can't pair bond.
nice get
Please let's stop this silly arguing.
And that percent still makes what I said true, why are you so mad about this? Can't debate without bringing in your emotions? Typical. I can't argue against the stats about the other age groups, so you are right there. Are you happy now, you're finally correct for once in your life?
none of this is relevant to a single thing i've said lmao

you're cherry picking one data point to "well actually" something. it's like saying texas is a red state and then going "well actually there are some small pockets of blue in there" when that isn't the point and we're talking about men and women as a whole
These regulars are the life of these threads, sadly.
>i'm saying you're a pussy who would never actually rape a women even if you could because you're too fucking pathetic to even get close enough to them
I don't need to rape anyone. You said I couldn't get close to a woman.
Woman are shallow whores. LEGALIZE RAPE
I just want a puppygirl, anytime i see one i just strike out cause they never reply lol
It started out so wholesome too :(
The age group in the app is more or less from 18 to 30 so the detail he brought up is more relevant to this case methinks. We don't have 40yr olds on Duo as far as I know.
yeah i'm sure all of these women who would have sex with you but you won't touch them because they aren't church-going virgins definitely exist lmao
But that one point of data proves that woman cheat more than men in that age group. I already agreed with you, that men in all other age brackets cheat more than women.
Well if you want to talk about men and women as a whole should we talk about how woman's infidelity has increase by 40% in the past several decades, or the fact that woman are less likely to admit to cheating than men?
but the stat he quoted was for MARRIED WOMEN, not single women, which is the primary userbase of a dating app. how is this so hard to understand
Sex is intimate and I don't want to have some giant whore stuck in my head for the rest of my life. If you don't remember all the people you've had sex with in detail you have some kind of intimacy issue.
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I'm going to do the same thing as you tomorrow with the three girls I'm talking too and will delete my account once they say no or they give me their tags because the app has taken over my life. I don't like having a social media account even if pics of me aren't on there. Might aswell take the risk
>Now I'll wait until the next full moon for her response
My experience with talking to girls on here.
>If not, I'll leave this app and die alone
Ain't easy and we are in the same boat. I'm not a normie telling you to "hang in there". Dating apps have only been around for a while and they aren't dating apps, they are hook up apps and they are a very stale and artificial way of finding a partner.
I could change her. It seems she’s acting out because of her current relationship. Lmao she’s young and dumb
Either way, when a woman cheats, the man has no one to blame but himself and how he lacks, the way to solve that generally is getting fitter and finding a way to get more money, being healthier in mind and body usually helps as well. After you do that it doesn't matter whether your partner cheats on you because you can just go after a 20 something yrs/old, if the relationship goes south you can rinse and repeat till you've found a partner for life. So there's no point in this discussion, let's get to another topic on the war of genders kek
Oh this is gold, the image you posted was for married couples, and I countered you on the same level. Now you're crying that the stat I used is for married people. HAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA
>sex is intimate but also rape should be legal
so your words mean nothing, gotcha

the study was not just married people lol
intimate sexual experience =/= getting raped.
One seems like a way to bond and the other a way to exert dominance amongst other things.
>some anon uploaded her nudes in a thread here

Yikes. I knew about the abusive boyfriend, but I didn’t know her nudes got leaked. Whore or not I feel sorry for her.
1 month could as well be 1 year. WAY too long.
desu this is the problem with moids.
Age of consent laws should be repealed too.
>young and immature
Literally every girl in their 20s on here is like that lol. If they don’t settle down within a decade they’re most likely dying alone.
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imagine believing in love in 2024
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heh, you must've not read any of the articles you posted in the image, because they all talk about MARRIAGE. Which is the percentages you're arguing FOR, indicating MEN cheat MORE than WOMEN. The exception being the Haywood one which still backs up my claim that woman in the age bracket 18-29 cheat more in committed relationships.
You should really should consider reading the stuff; you post in support for your arguments next time.
all sex is rape though due to unequal power dynamics between the people who are having sex with each other. celibacy and antinatalism is the way to go:-)
>celibacy and antinatalism
You might as well just kill yourself now, genetic deadend.
A decade is a long time, especially to people in their 20s.
nop, i’m good, my mind is free from the chains you’re clearly tied to that are the reason for your misery, but you are too unconscious of it to get it. good luck!!
>Big bang theory
Normie, American, sludge that didn't even deserve a pilot like countless other shitcoms.
This shit made being a "nerd" cool aslong as you liked "mainstream nerd" shit for the time like game of thrones or marvel.
If this was made in the modern day, they would all be gay, my hero academia loving zoomers that looked like chads
they all talk about the same study which included both married and unmarried people lmao it's your reading comprehension that's failing, anon
Your mind isn't free. You clearly just made up some fantasy to escape the fact you aren't going to complete you biological function of reproduction and justify it with your retarded philosophy.
Ah, you're right meaning young woman cheat more than young men in relationships. Married and unmarried, good to know.
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If you change your perspective and see these misandrists and misogynists less human and more like barking dogs with squeaky voices, their posts become quite entertaining. Don't interact with them as they are beneath you. Sit back and relax. Their gender war delusions can get quite creative. It can be educational too as you learn from them how humans lie and deceive others to impose their double standards.
This anon gets it.
this guy in the pic seems like he has some pretty cool thoughts about cats, I wonder if he ever owned any
yea, his cat was called niggerman
Wow anon. You're so deep. We should all just not have opinions on anything.
>Their gender war delusions can get quite creative
t. liberal arts college faggot
Crazy how modern people's opinion on gender and sex is so misaligned from how all of humanity existed since the beginning of time and we wonder why men hate women.
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Godspeed, Gentlemen.
>We should all just not have opinions on anything
objectively correct opinion
loling at your usage of “escape”. how can i try to escape something that i do not fear nor ponder over? you, on the other hand, fear it, ponder it, think about it as if it’s breathing, obviously, that is why you are projecting that fear onto me and implicating i have something to escape from. you’re an easy to read guy but also pretty funny
Stop. You are derailing the thread and bothering everyone else with bitterness no one wants to read.
this makes as much sense to me as the monk in vietnam who set himself on fire. Have fun with your gay incel retard genetic dead end philosophy
look at this wannabe jannie
ohhh i will, it’s an amazing feeling to take control and choose. as i said, try it and good luckk
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What does it mean if i get this when i try to send an intro
Try refreshing your page or it’s something wrong with your internet; or they already skipped/removed their account
no bitches
As life expectancy increases the emotional maturity of people decreases with age, too.
>If they don’t settle down within a decade they’re most likely dying alone.
Modern marriage is a mockery of a once useful ceremony that ensured the proper beliefs and customs were passed onto the next generation.
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If u r here tell me. Maybe we'll get married, if u got banned
not him but, USB.
May your road lead you to warm sands.
>why would you ever want to interact and give attention to a blatant whore that posts pictures like that online?
Simps that give these types attention and those types of girl should not be allowed on duo. They should stick to tinder
Her. We had a whole ass conversation before she got banned or smth.
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Got banned for asking s.o. with "Other" gender if that's the setting for gay retards, kek. Became a little irritated while sorting out matches with no usable info like that.
Even if you believe in the gender nonsense, I don't get the reason to have anything other than trans-... and non-binary, but whatever.

Duo admin got me my account back after asking nicely, but setting everything up again is a pain, so I'll wait to see how it goes with that one girl on dicksort.
Thanks for reading my blogpost!
She’s a BPDemon like every other whore on duo.
This bitch is insane.
brother her name wouldn't show up if she was banned, she's either inactive or ignoring you
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I met someone on here months ago in February, serendipitously they were about a week out from moving across the country to my state. Things seemed to line up perfectly and we were both from similar experiences/backgrounds. I unfortunately just didn't give it proper due attention, she is a decent girl.
She is now. Also she seemed to like the conversation, she even sent the last message before getting banned
Web app not working for anyone else?
And 75% of no-fault divorces are initiated by women.
>I want [weird fetish shit]
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Came back from march, still shit?
>girl shows up in my range filter
>not open to long distance
does that mean she doesnt have her range filter appropriately set?
Yeah, but it went away after a full refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R)
I saw a guy who only posted pictures of his hairy stomach and said that he's looking for a stalker yandere feeder gf
Depends on what your range filter is, I guess.
and most women are better at committing to lies.
I just want a qt blonde bf

why is this app full of brown haired dad-bod white men with pubey moustache+beard facial hair
The qt blonde boys are all taken.
>why are all the men who fit the most conventionally attractive archetype taken?
Gee idk anon
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Rude! I work out for like 6 hours a week and do not have a dad bod. I also know how to properly shave thank you very much!!
Last thread was about how women wouldn't even read your messages unless you are in the top 5%, this thread is about how married or boyfriend free girls are cheaters. What am i getting wrong? Also how is discussing this helping anyone to find a girl here?

Genuine question but why some guys think it's okay to post selfies took in public bathrooms where you can even see urinals?
Most girls don't get to see those, imagine that the picture she has of you is related to something like that.

Shave, cut and comb your hair, maybe work out a bit if you're not in shape and if you're not blonde you're probably already getting the married and free girls coming at you except blondqtanon.
>Also how is discussing this helping anyone to find a girl here?
It's just one bitter femanon who comes into every thread just to argue with every obvious bait post. Ignore her.
They’re messaging minority girls
t. minority girl
You can have them
We just shit on and sling death threats at each other until Duofaggy shows up and talks a bit about the changes, we give feedback, he goes away to work on something and we resume being at each other's throats. Rinse and repeat.
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Thread theme
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Really? Nah, i know i can charm her up 100%, i'll be patient.

I'm just mad because no one sent me a death threat yet and i don't know who to ship Father Duo with.
more like everyone responds to my bait posts but of course you'd frame it so the woman is in a negative light :^)

i'm a hag who likes to shitpost, there's no charming me, yousoro
need somebody (he) to match my freak....
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My whole existence is a joke so if i can place my life in your hands i know you would create the best shitpost out of me, and i would enjoy doing just the same for you as i, probably a lesser leveled hag, get to hag together with you as time passes by, without even remembering what people used to say here. We're made for each other.

This is what i would say if i was in good conditions anon, unfortunately i can only dream and you are safe from me, but i will love you forever and whether you are looking for the one or not, i hope you can receive all the love the world can give you in your life in a way or another.
Hagsisters...Are we about to hug on the astral plane....??
See ya on Duo (I will sperg horribly in the intro and get insta-skipped)
Why should I frame you in a positive light?
I've messaged a few 30s+ with no response or skips yet, so its out of my hands now
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This thread has been invaded by the hags.
Hag edition.

He has more tags than an average doujin.
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Let's check the female profiles I match with
>nothing verified
>nothing verified
>nothing verified
>nothing verified
>nothing verified
I guess I am the most catfished personality type
On max distance range I saw one verified profile in my match list, but I heard that it might actually be a couple pulling a joke or something. Really when you think about it there's no reason for women to verify their profiles since they're going to get messages regardless.
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the back and forth would be too powerful, nona. shitpost upon shitpost, just growing until it's incomprehensible garbage to anyone but us two

it's the hag uprising!!
Really like the swiftie there just chilling.
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True, I had considered the lack of incentive for women to verify.
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Am I tripping? Why is there no education filter?

Also black dudes, how's the experience on here for you?
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I want a girl to fix and take care of
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If a hags reading this, hmu
take your own advice >>33222591
I know but I can't deny the allure of a BPD girl
I've dated a BPD e-girl in the past, the pussy was feral and she was nice but she wasn't worth the trouble IMO, it was like a deal with the devil - you get a girlfriend but she will slash her thighs or try to kill herself from time to time! I wish her well but some of my worst memories revolved around that relationship.
you will never be bleached
I tried to verify, but it wouldn't work for some reason. I figured the mans was playing a joke on me and trying to get muh selfies :(
Sounds like my dream girl.
don't forget the constant tests to see if you care about her that you'll inevitably fail at some point, the hot and cold behaviour from her while she expects complete devotion from you, the fallouts of her friendships that you will have to supports her through even if she was in the wrong, her narc rage any time she gets called out, etc
I looked back at her profile and she added this picture lmao
You should hit her up and say “i’m the guy that said “I NEED HER”
Is there anyway to attract bpd girls?
I had erased all of that from my mind kek

I think I might need a name here anon

Most women come with the beautiful princess disorder expansion pack these days, kick a tree and 10 of them will fall
Why should they? Women your age know what kind Lucas Werner tier weirdo you are but jailb8 girls wouldn't?
The copium is strong in that fedoralord Anon that needs to go back you replied to
If I, as an unemployed then 36 year old in 2016 can have sex with a big titted 20 year old for her first and 2nd times ever, any Anon nowadays really has no excuse in [current year]+9
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Still can't believe 2016 was 8 years ago.
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>hey anon i drew you as a cat maid on a bike
>i don't believe you made that, it's cute but idk
>doesn't seem to reply anymore

THESE FEDS ARE SO COLD... i can't even know how accurate i was...
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>set height: 5'10"+
>set distance: 300mi
>No matches found.
Where are the dorky tall women?
>I think I might need a name here anon
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I wish i could have that again nonne... love you from afar (and i think that the fed changed my IP)
Why do you doubt your fed?
holy fuck holy fuck
im freaking out here guys
i got an intro from a girl
as a man
im dont want to fumble this.. i feel so special right now
Cheer up Anon, its probably some guy that looks like Carl from ATHF with the hairy back and pot belly :^)
I got my first real intro over the weekend and waited until monday to respond, haven't heard back since. gl anon, if you think it's real don't hesitate
Congrats anon, don’t fuck it up and answer like as soon as you can
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>im dont want to fumble this
Already fumbling

HE is doubting me, i know i never post my art but he should know better
Well that is the issue I don't know if it is real.. she isn't verified
But what if I answer too soon and she thinks I have nothing better going on in my life and it turns her off
fuckfuckfuckfuck not like this you cant write that
>But what if I answer too soon and she thinks I have nothing better going on in my life
She's waiting for your reply, don't think too much about abstract things without even knowing her properly. If it happens that she's not into you that would come after taking some time to know each other, not before.
lmao, I think this profile was either my top or one of my top matches when I first signed up and answered q's, before filters.
You’re thinking too much into this anon, when you reply to her would you want her reply to be instantaneous? Hours? Days?
9 people in a 80 miles radius and they don't respond to me :(
>being THIS new
How does duo know if the message you sent is a duplicate? Is there a database with all the first messages and script that runs thru all of them? That would take a lot of time considering the amount of accounts that have been created. Does it have chatgpt do all the "thinking" from the DB?
As a comment on this thing, I'm below the average height for my country, for the most part of my life I was told I'm too short. Then I hop on Duo and most of the females are shorter then me while some others have my exact height, even in Europe, so seeing that has actually given me a confidence boost. I only wished I was tall enough to pull that chubby black chick because it would be splendid kek
>fat black
like pottery
I'm sorry, what?
My guess is that the intros get hashed (turned into a small unique string of characters and numbers), so that "Please accept my fuck" becomes "5n33D88" and then the server looks up if there are already intros starting with 5, then 5n and so on. Should be pretty fast that way.
She's in the Americas though, I just changed my location to Europe at a certain time to see if the women there didn't suck. Also she has a body pic in a dress, and if you don't like that my friend, I got some bad news for you.
yeah I dont, Im racist.
I just happened to be able to connect once, didn't last long though, now I'm blocked again
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Went to the store to get some snacks, badly fumbled at the checkout because I was missing like 2 euros. Apparently I was so startled that I turned as white as cheese. How am I going to talk to a GIRL I know NOTHING about? How am I going to DUPE her into becoming my gf?

Captcha: VMAUS
>check how many hetero guys there are within 200 miles of me to see what my competition is
>less than 5, all dorks with even worse profiles than mine
>yet still, all local women ghost me

And uh, what have you done to make yourself more desirable to men?
That's a man.
Interesting how the men here complain about women ghosting and not communicating when the majority of the men ghost, flake out, etc as well. What’s up with that?
>Still can't believe 2016 was 8 years ago.
2016 was the last good year.
I want to go back
I'll call your bluff. My email is rustyshacklefordbarra@yahoo.com
Guarantee you won't message me
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they'll never keep us apart no matter how many ID changes we must endure

the people here are inherently broken
I ghost when I get replies that don't move the convo at all. I'm not going to overwork myself. Effort goes both ways. If I'm moving the convo while divulging more info about myself, and the best I get is "oh nice haha" I'm ghost.
I mean come on the least she can do is show she read the sentence and move the convo forward. Doesn't take much effort to ask a question.
Not interested in someone whose whole purpose of speaking with me is to “prove a point” sorry :/. Good luck though

Yeah and then they’ll blame it on the women rather than themselves
You’re implying she doesn’t.
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If someone has their discord posted on their profile should I just message them on there first then? Trying not to be a creep.
Can confirm. The sex was white hot (even did that American Psycho wheelbarrow position with her) but she was an absolute basketcase as the weeks and months went on before she flew back and I found drugs in her bureau which is when I broke off our engagement. Drug use is an automatic dealbreaker since I want a family and good luck having a healthy kid after its been steeped in Mama's drugs for 9 months straight
I choose to ghost if two replies in a row to my messages were considerably shorter than what I said, or don't show interest, in this case it's clear I'm just offering dopamine hits and the girl doesn't see me as a person.
I’m talking if you and a girl have been talking for weeks and have engaging conversations, calls etc until one day he disappears.
if their bio says to contact them on discord, go on ahead. But be aware, they will probably have a LOT of guys DMing them so you may get incredibly dry responses unless you're really really interesting.
Having discord in bio just screams "friend collector" to me, but what do I know? If it's up for the world to see, it's valid.
he found someone better :^)
Got a notification that I have a new intro, but there was nothing there when I checked

Is this a known bug?
Nothing in archived chats either
>what have you done to make yourself more desirable to men?
Nothing special but i've got ptsd from men and women being attracted to me, stopped going out because of an irl old man stalker, was suicidal in my teens because of constant sexualization, felt less for being female, struggle to see myself as a person anyone can love, 1 step away from getting surgery, i'm scared of how people would perceive me if they see me but even if i had crushes i've never pursued them and i'm not looking to date because my body has become more ill than my mind and is not letting me have any relationship. I had one bf that left me after years because of my health and because i'm scared of sex even if we were serious, how many negative points do i get yet?
I like to take care of my looks but not because i want someone to notice me.

Anyway, girls in general do put effort in their looks, that's expected, more if they want to get a partner. You could totally say that it's less likely that they start working out and that their personalities or interests are lacking if you want, that the popular looks are not your type, but i'd sure be surprised if i notice a guy who has put effort into his looks to be more attractive.
Don't see how is shaving facial hair and combing your hair that bad as a man when it puts you so much ahead of others.

Anon i was supposed to curl up and cry, what do i do now?
My purpose is to find a girl, and I don't believe you when you say you're struggling to find someone because I am right here and available. You refusing proves my point that the reason you're alone isn't because guys are ghosting you, it's because you've shut yourself off from anyone who isn't at least an 8/10

>I hated myself because everyone liked me
>I didn't value myself because nobody liked me
Pick a lane.
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i made an account without being self-conscious for once, feels great.
Do you think this pfp is too trendy?
Bisexuality is my disease.
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oh, nona. you sound like you need a hug. you're welcome to curl up and cry, and i can rub your back and make you tea

>because I am right here and available
men really think this is enough lmao
>I'm so sad and lonely, no man will give me the time of day :'''(
>ew no not you, go away
Every single time.
Remember, you're here too. You're single and slumming it on 4chan for a reason.
Speak for yourself. I'm on here to see if I can get a no-strings attached zoomer girl to fuck for a few months. Before I get bored.
If you were desirable you wouldn't need to look on 4chan. You're here too, ms (emphasis on the unmarried part) zero-self-awareness
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>finally get a reply
>seems like a perfect match
>within a few messages they casually mention how they fantasize about killing their own pets
i'm not sad or lonely, and even if i were, the bar is above "simply existing and also single"

you're replying to a man lmao
Sounds like perfectly normal femcel to me
>t. Shopping for dates on 4chan
You're not fooling anyone.

>my standards are above simply existing and being single
And what do you bring to the table? You're a 30~ year old woman who can't cook, clean, keep house, or really do anything domestic. Probably out of shape. Probably have some form of mental illness like BPD and anxiety disorder you're taking medication for. Bad-tempered. Unemployed or working a low-income dead-end job. Saddled with college debt and a liberal arts degree you have done nothing with. Spend your evenings browsing a Haitian snowboarding forum because you have no friends or social life. Have no real hobbies. What sort of catch are you? What makes you think you deserve a guy better than "just exists and is single"? You're a woman who merely "exists".
Is this actually worth it?
I don't even care about getting laid from some ap.
Can you just find chill people to hangout with?
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Didn't want to mix in but yeah, just throwing out an email address isn't enough. Why would it be okay if she was interested in someone just for existing without even knowing anything about them at all? It would be just as weird if it was a guy contacting an email address because you only told him that it's a girl.

Also i'm actually going to steal your super toxic femanon from you soon, all that while displaying my Tchaikovsky Syndrome in B Minor.

Anon are you hag n. 7? I can see your experience in fanfiction and divination... i'm not a polyweirdo but i will not be mean to my wife if she finds you kissable, i probably can't even satisfy her after all.......
You just described my dream woman minus the bpd and bad temper
i deleted my duo profile about a month ago because there is basically no one in my area and the few people i spoke with were flakey. i'm not looking for dates here at all. i come to this website out of habit more than anything, and as i've said before, i like shitposting to rile up men because it's as simple as implying that women aren't entirely evil

the projection is so sad. you can't imagine anyone being successful in life and killing time on here when they're bored. i'm not going to act like my life is perfect, but i am content. out of everything you listed, the only thing you got somewhat correct is my age (i'm 34)

>It would be just as weird if it was a guy contacting an email address because you only told him that it's a girl.
men do this though which is why they can't imagine women would have better standards than them lol

you'll always have my heart, nona. don't sweat it
Damn kind of felt for you, I wish you happiness in whatever way you most need hag friend.
But I have a cock and balls. If I was a girl I would have no issue getting sex, and not be here.

Now what? The convo on Duo is pretty dry, and I don't want the same on Discord. Any advice?

Pic related is my Discord profile picture if that's help
well, you can continue your conversation or start something completely new, you could ask her about her discord profile picture or just try to shoot the shit
do you have shared interests like vidya or anime? talk about that, maybe try to play some games or watch anime with her.
Do you guys actually post yourself or just random memes or pictures of shit?
Which is the whole point of exchanging emails, to get to know people. It's email, not a real date. If you decide you aren't hitting it off you can just stop responding. Digital penpals.
To dismiss me as being a guy who "just exists" is the pinnacle of arrogance for someone who knows precisely fuckall about me. Didn't even make the effort to get to know me, just decided out the gate that I wasn't good enough based solely on the fact that I approached her and that's that. Which was my point. She's single because she chooses to be, she's attracted to the aesthetic of being a loner because she thinks it makes her cool and "better" than other girls. It's a weird superiority-inferiority complex. She doesn't actually want to find a boyfriend, because she would then have to forfeit her 'femcel' reverse status. It's the same mindset I see all over that certain cafe of the crystal kind.

>I'm totally successful and happy, that's why I waste hours of my life as a 34 year old woman hanging around with and antagonising lonely young men for a cheap hollow dopamine hit rather than going out and doing something social on a Friday night
Again, you're not fooling anyone. You are precisely as pathetic as the rest of us.
i have my favorite anime guy as my main pfp, a picture of me for the second pic, and the rest are filled with memes and pictures of things i like
I don't use pictures of shit, no. No memes either, just stuff that I like.
There's like 4 accounts of someone in my search using the same name, the same pics, or a combination of both. What the fuck?
random pictures of things that I enjoy, but day by day i'm considering adding an actual picture of myself
>I wasn't good enough based solely on the fact that I approached her and that's that
because you're approaching her as a "throw anything at the wall and see what sticks" method and no one wants that

i'm going to spend this evening playing vidya because i don't want to go out and do anything else. it seems like you're resentful because you'd like to be doing that, whereas i'm very comfortable with my choice of staying in
>i'm going to spend this evening playing vidya
what are you playing?
It was a
>call your bluff

>and nobody wants that
Beggars can't be choosers. What do you think 'approaching' means? You sit around your room all day fantasising about Prince Charming running around the corner with toast in his mouth because he's late for school? Lol.

>I'm gonna play vidya and shitpost
Womanchild bedrotter who does nothing but exist. You are exactly what you pretend you're too good for, and that's why you are alone. There's a reason you're in the duolicious general on /soc/.
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If a guy I’m pursuing finds someone that he thinks is better for him then he is more than welcome to make that decision. I just wish they would at least tell me rather than ghost.

The people I go for are not 8/10’s. I think my standards are pretty average..
>Don’t be a NEET
>Don’t be fat
>More traditional
>Don’t be a drug addict
>Be Loyal
Also, If you read what I said I said that I don’t feel comfortable pursuing a person whose whole point in reaching out is to “prove a point”…

I'm not thirty years old. I'm in my mid-twenties. I am not overweight, I take care of my skin, I live alone, I work a full-time job, my car is paid for, I'm (mostly) mentally stable except from having autism, etc. I wish to be with someone and start a family. The last guy I tried to connect with on Duolicious tried to bait me into debating about politics In less than five minutes of our conversation on discord. That's not what I want out of someone I’m trying to get to know; I want to talk to you about your interests, your personality, and other things. You can even send me a picture or two of your pets.
I didn't read all that but I think you should all be nice to each other and then hug kiss and marry in that order.
What region are you in? I could probably send you an intro if you're somewhere near the eastern half of the US(if i haven't already lmao). We're close age and similar in where we are in life.
I won't promise to fall in love with you just from reading your posts on /soc/ like some of the other anons in this thread but i'd be willing to talk to you.
That is something you were offering. A single email, uncalled for, nothing else aside from your attitude of "yeah i'm going to show you now" in a negative way, she even said it herself, and even if a girl gets super lonely there's always a fear that she might let in someone who hurts her too much, so there are types that tend to be more cautious. She didn't ever imply that she would come forward to a man with that single information and no one said that you are bad or "not enough" yourself, just as you said we know nothing. It's what you have put out there that is not enough and makes you dismissive of what the other person is posting.
I come here writing dumb paragraphs when i could just say 4 words and be done with it but i'm stupid because i actually care and i know people are able to be happy. Plus i don't think that everyone here is pathetic, i've been shy almost all my life and i was used to observe people and it's because of what i've perceived of them that i've found the courage to include myself as well, and even so, what? If you are convinced that people don't care then be just like i was and detach yourself from humanity if it makes you happier, better than trying to hurt yourself with those actions. What are you gaining from this approach and what do you even expect?
You forgot mate pressing
metroid: zero mission since it was added to switch online and i've never played it

wanting to date someone doesn't automatically make someone a beggar lmao you can still have standards and requirements

and yes i like typical things that people on 4ch like which is why i started coming here in the first place, what a great observation. again i'm not a womanchild or a bedrotter but keep projecting
>don't be fat
Over 70% of the population is some degree of overweight. Whether you like that or not is irrelevant, your standards are already set high.

And if you had read what I wrote, you'd see that I was making an earnest effort to reach out to a girl because I was willing to believe she was telling the truth about having a hard time finding a guy, but was not expecting her to actually be telling the truth.

You are automatically in the bottom 20%. Normal people don't want to deal with someone who has a factual genuine mental disorder, especially not one that would make her extremely difficult to deal with on a day to day basis. Your standards are very high for someone if your "qualifications", you'd realistically have to settle for another autistic guy. Remember, all the dudes on 4chan talking about how their dream girl is an 'autistic nerd' are themselves autistic nerds. They are bottom-barrel men recognising the best they can do is a bottom-barrel woman, so they're trying to find the bright side of that situation. In the real world, that is not a desirable trait in a woman.
I'll clue you in on a secret: guys don't really care about a girl's income or financial situation or if she has a house/car. They care about whether she would make for a good wife and mother. Can she cook? Is she good with children? Is she agreeable? These are the things guys select for. Are you those things?
>uncalled for
We're on /soc/.

>she never said she was desperate enough to settle for some random guy
What do you think 'incel' means? Femcel is supposedly the female version. If you can afford to be choosy you're not "involuntarily celibate". Learn what words mean before using them.

>what do you even expect
To be proven wrong. Yet every day I am awakened to the horror that I am correct.
No, but stooping so low as to shop for people on the saddest and most pathetic board on an autism-sink like 4chan is the mark of desperation. Again, you would not be here if you could do better.
You aren't going to find any decent look white people on this app lmao. The only whites one this app are huwhite, or the one's that can't even pull brown girls by just being white.
i am not "shopping for people" as i've already told you that i uninstalled the app a month ago and i am not trying to date anyone in this thread, on this board, or on this site (except maybe give rikoanon a kiss on the forehead of course)
The difference between incels and femcels are that incels will either take anything they can and feel entitled to people or things, and femcels want to be seen as a person, not as someone's fantasies or extension of someone's desires. Being used for your body isn't a resolution to female inceldom, hence femcel.
Shh, a gentleman speaks not of these things. But yes.
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>"It wasn't a bad life. I have only one regret: I wish I had spent more time arguing with strangers on /soc/
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Sure. If you do that I’d be happy to reach out. I’m in the central US.

> that she might let in someone who hurts her too much, so there are types that tend to be more cautious.
Thank you, Anon. You put what I wanted to say in words way better than myself. I too have PTSD from men and I am so scared of getting hurt again. I know it’s a part of life but the pain and fear I fill at times dreads me. I know it’s not fair to put it onto other people but it still shakes me to the core..

A dad bod is okay. I just don’t want a land whale. If you put it in the perspective of kids; wouldn’t a fat person be more likely to die quicker than someone who wasn’t? That would imply the spouse may end up being alone sooner than later.

>settle for autistic guy
How is it settling? I think autistic guys can be great. In fact, I’d argue that an autistic man would understand my brain chemistry more so than one that wasn’t.

>be a good mother

My job revolves entirely around special needs people who are, in various ways, the equivalent of children. I aim to be a wonderful mother one day. With all that being said, I guess the special needs adults I care for really like me if that means anything.

Pic rel is kind of what I want.
And yet still you are here, in the duo thread and on /soc/. You're not very convincing.

No, femcels are "female incels". That's what the term means. If you're rejecting guys, especially guys who are on your level, you're not a female incel. You're a volcel.
>they just don't want to be seen for their bodies
At no point have I objectified any of the girls in this discussion, not you, not the autistic, not the spinster. Not even when I offered my email. Still, rejection.
It's not about not wanting to be objectified, otherwise there wouldn't be "femcels" with a bodycount in the high double digits. It's about coopting the 'doomer' aesthetic because you think it makes you mysterious and unique. It's the flipside of the enbie phenomenon.
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The only check I'd come close to failing there is not being a NEET, as I'm just struggling to find a real job...
I'm just terrible at approaching people because I've been so closed off over the past forever that I've either been coming off as incredibly dry or seemingly too desperate for attention.
So, that gives me some glimmer of hope, even if I'll fumble it every time.
this thread isn't for dating people in this thread so i don't how that isn't convincing lmao
My point was you yourself are a degree of special needs. And the simple facts are the vast majority of men don't want to deal with that baggage. So adjust your expectations on the sort of guys you think you're going to get. You can't expect an 'average' guy, because you are below average. As unkind as it is to say.
It is. It's literally about a dating app, on a board for exchanging socials and organising meetups. Complaining about propositions here is like complaining about people talking about video games on /v/. You're trying to high road by saying "you're a loser for trying to pick up girls in here" but it isn't working because that's exactly what 'here' is for. And you're here too.
I'm curious what do YOU think a dad bod is. I've spoken to multiple woman about this subject. So I'm curious as to what you picture a dad bod to be. If you would also be so kind to reply with a picture of what you think a dad bod is.
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I don’t think my standards are insane but any means. I think I’ll just keep shooting my shot and seeing where things go. A of of incels do similar and (sometimes) succeed so we’ll see.

Thank you for the suggestion though.
A little chub. I guess slightly overweight. If you can look down and still see your toes and still have a chin I guess that’s a dad bod.
The thing is, I'm not joking when I say the majority of Americans especially are noticeably overweight. You can't expect an average guy from 30 or 40 years ago, because that level of health and fitness is in a slim percentile.
Stop turning your brain upside down to write fanfiction about others, she came here, asking a question about her experience of men in a site that is not even fully populated by 4channers, can you see the difference between that and you taking it as a desperate call for anyone to just send her a single email address with that attitude on top? Which of course no girl would ask for? At least some anons before have hinted about what they like or what they look for when they do it.
Also it would be better if you avoid writing your own version of what i type, again you're just damaging yourself and you will continue to be disappointed if you choose to pick the worst possible approach to people, that's all i have to say to you and you have a working mind so use it for solving issues instead of creating them. The only thing you have proven is your ignorance and keeping it is your choice.

Want to hear something funny? A guy used to say that i sounded like an actual incel when i was feeling low about women in my life, i didn't even spent time on boards, i was just consumed by my own thoughts.
Could I get the first letter of your name to go off of? I filtered by 24yr and older but theres still quite a bit of people.
>this is how it is for women so that's why they use that term
>nuh uh
If you don't want to get it, you don't have to get it. There is no conversation to be made when you're so strong on your convictions and have no room for hearing others.
The white knight niggas really out in force.
I’m 25. Starts with a B. If you find me please don’t post my intro. Want to stay anonymous. If I don’t reply right away it’s because I am still at work and off my break.
>It's literally about a dating app, on a board for exchanging socials and organising meetups
there have been plenty of threads over the years for discussing dating apps and people rating profiles and messages, and they did not exist to have people make connections in them. in the entirety of the duo threads, no one has been trying to actually get to know each other through them either. this is some rule you've made up in your own head and you're mad that other people aren't following it
If you're on duolicious you're some degree of desperate.
>uhm sweatie your tone
Would you rather I lie to try and get into a girl's pants? Pretend she's interesting and funny based on two comments where she doesn't even indicate a single aspect of her personality?
>noo you can't try and ask for socials on /soc/ NOOOO

If they wanted to be valued for more than their body they wouldn't be ghosting the guys who try to connect with them based on their hobbies in favour of the chadfishing dickheads who routinely convince girls from here to sext them.

>stop talking about video games on /v/
If you're on /soc/ you're fair game. Cope. It's literally in the name of the board
So far not really. You can get away with putting in way less effort into your profile than with other dating apps, so there's that.
When is duodaddy going to let us send images in DMs.
to be fair, nobody on /v/ talks about video games.
You could ask him when he shows up again.
again i haven't said no one is allowed to make advances in this thread. i said it wasn't its purpose and that i'm not here to do that, and also that the femanon who rejected you for just throwing your email at her without context was in the right for doing it, and yet no one else has seemed to be making advances in the 12 duo threads before it, but maybe that's just coincidence :^)
Still no reply, going to kill myself
it's so over anon, go next
She knows she has you in her back pocket. She'll message you when she gets bored with me. Sorry boy-o
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Tag yourself

Never, because the server couldn't handle all the titpics I'd get from all the maladjusted femcels
Casanova-sama, I kneel.
I'm literally the beaner with the white girl, in the front.
Anyone here talk to the Bia girl in Texas?
I dropped my discord for her but she never added me and it's been a week. It's so over.
Also duodaddy add a filter so I know if these woman are looking for white men only.
The purpose of the thread is to bitch and moan about how shitty duodaddy and his gay honeypot app is, and discuss our failures in finding a SO there. ALL /soc/ threads carry the implicit undercurrent of trying to socialise and meet up with people, and anyone with a brain could understand that carries through on a thread dedicated to discussing a dating app. And when you come here and say "why won't anyone pay attention to me :(" it's an open invitation for someone to do just that. I called her bluff and was proven right, she didn't actually want a boyfriend she just wants orbiters. And you're just as sad for spending hours and hours of your life here alongside us. Remember, you're 34. In just 6 short years, you'll be 40. Where's your husband? Where's your kids? You think things are gonna appreciably change for you in those six years? Eggs don't come back.
Why would you want to bring kids in this world that is on the brink of WW3. Can't tell me it isn't a thing when the USA is really mulling about bringing the draft back, but thank god they're having woman be forced to sign up too.
I'll support antinatalism when India and Africa set the example and take the lead on it.
I feel so, so bad whenever guys like this send me intros because they're barking up the wrong tree to a tragically comedic degree.
Can we rise in a slow and controlled manner...I'll pass out if I stand up too quickly.
No I'm busy breasting boobily or whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing.
Just silly little images.
I’ve been watching her snapchat stories.Looks like she’s very active on there. I should message her there as well lol.
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>If you're on duolicious you're some degree of desperate.
I've already replied to this in the other thread, but keep on, it's not like i thought that you would care when i replied you back there. I'm not interested in what you think of me, i just tried to show you it's not all monotone, and so are you.
>Would you rather I lie to try and get into a girl's pants? Pretend she's interesting and funny based on two comments where she doesn't even indicate a single aspect of her personality?
I'm clearly not following your whole ramble so i'm staying on our replies, so what do you expect when you give a random girl your email address, with that attitude too? What does she have to pretend?
>noo you can't try and ask for socials on /soc/ NOOOO
She wasn't looking for socials here, as you can see i'm not even giving my email address to my future wife... what will i ever do... i don't know how to use boards... You can post your ass in this thread too here but don't expect that people will give you their contacts. If you're thinking that this wouldn't exactly happen with girls you're missing the point.

Good night and i hope you get something useful from people giving you help that you dismiss.
If you're on /soc/ you're fair game. simple as.
Let me know when throwing it like that works here once you get out of the mailjail.
And let me know when riding in on your keyboard steed to rescue internet maidens nets you a girlfriend.
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Women like me only when i ramble online and hide my dark incel-esque past and they always preferred guys instead, i'm not gonna make it, but don't look back, make me proud.
I swear to treat women exactly as how I treat men, m'Lord. They deserve nothing less
yo, someone is selling that painting + 3 others in the same series for $200 on facebook marketplace, should I buy them?
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can't wait to fumble talking to the only person who has responded more than once on this hell site
woo lets goooo
You got this anon! Just talk to her naturally ask her about her interests, talk to her about shared interests just try to keep the convo flowing naturally
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>make account
>be britbong
>tiny selection of people, mostly bots
I guess this is that then; it's over
>report someone who said she was 16 y/o yesterday
>still active
do u guys need mods or what is going on?
The UK has a lot of girls compared to other euro countries though
The entire operation is run by one guy.
Duodaddy is hitting her hit right now to see if she'll be quiet while he waits for her to hit 18. People forget Duodaddy when this site was scrapped was profile #1, and had everything filled out like any other dating app.
>profile #1, and had everything filled out like any other dating app.
I mean why would he not? He prolly had no luck irl so made this app for himself to get to know people
Now it's gone - thanks
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I have zero hope in not fumbling it in one way or another.
Shes on the other side of the world and it started with my just saying that I related with most of her bio (not positive)
As far as I've gotten, she seems like me but with a lot more aneixity and its consequences.
...and we both suck at starting conversations lol
well use it as an opportunity to be better at talking cause whether or not something comes out of it, you will have gotten some practice at talking and any sort of practice is good practice
are profiles and images loading extremely slow for anyone else?
How badly could you really mess it up at this point, given the conversation is already underway? And what do you think is going to happen if you do "fumble it"? Duolicious is a really low-stakes operation. If she leaves, she leaves and that's that. It's not the end of the world, despite what many of the doomposters here will say.
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Had a discord call with HER. Was very nervous and ran into some word problems, but overall everything went better than expected. Exceeded my babbling quota by two days probably.

Still feels a bit surreal that there are actual cute gurls on this site. No, actually it feels entirely surreal. It's the first time I've had a verbal conversation where this basket weaving forum was mentioned and discussed, too.

I wanted to tell you another thing but: mind empty
Posting Dracula flow lyrics as intros and getting response https://youtu.be/BmtDZPyaVpc?feature=shared
I'm just being selfish about that, attention starved and all that, ya know? First real conversation I've had over the month, thats all.
why do most of the girls on here want you to buy something for them??
or she thinks giving you her nudes is reasonable payment, I'm here to see if I can make a deeper connection with someone. Not be a snoyboy OF paypig, it is all so tiresome
>why do most of the girls on here want you to buy something for them??
report them for money fishing, they get banned and we keep it whore free
oh shit, they'll get banned for that?!? fucking based. I'm already on it. Making a new account since most girls I told "no" to buying things for, archived the chats
yeah wait till they tell u to buy smth for them or that they are here for money and gibs, report that and theyll get banned the next day or so.
I got close to 10 people banned that way
This shit ain't nothing to me man
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Duo is getting weird though.

I've messaged people and they don't block or pass me. They're just gone. SO many options and it just feels like a ghost town.

Since they don't disappear for 30 days you could potentially message a lot of folks then not know they left for almost a month.

I turned on guys being able to message me and got some chill convo though. Nothing crazy good but they were aight people.
The girl I’m talking to right now is planning on getting a tattoo of Pinkie Pie holding a gun with “The Vatican wants to wet me up with silver bullets” next to it. Dracula flow is based
She replied, it’s never over boys
let's ffuckin goo???????? ? ?? ? what'd she say?
Also hi mickey if you're seeing this
>Talk to a woman about her problems and try to be positive and give advice
>Try and turn the conversation to finding out more about her and her tastes
>No response and now her profile is gone
I hate talking to women so much bros.
Talking with a female on a dating app is like talking with a loaded gun pressed firmly up against your testicles.

Matches are incredibly few and far between, and when you finally get even a single message back the fate of your entire emotional and psychological state for the next few days (or considerably longer) hangs delicately in the balance.

And yet, for females, all of this is nothing. A nuisance, if anything.

It hurts.

It really, really hurts.
Have you tried being yourself?
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They're only that stressful because you think of them as such. Stop placing such heavy importance on them and caring so much. Not only is this good for your mental health but it will help you talk to them easier too. Just treat it with the same importance as talking to any random add on Discord or a game or something because that's what is. It isn't something to worry about until you actually start getting somewhere with her.
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>talking with a loaded gun pressed firmly up against your testicles.
Anon is unaware of how my female fantasy is denied by simply being born female.

This is so true that i almost catched some hope and confidence like a stray bullet.

I get that Duo is being slower too now but was it really any better before the invasion? I'm just kind of content to see enough people using it even if i barely get to see or message them.

(Also i unfortunately love every femanon here, sorry if i'm weird and get lost in posts)
have you tried moving the gun to an open range with dozens of targets
why are you placing so much importance on just one woman
Yeah I'm hesitant to send intros because I assume they all get dozens of people messaging them and it would just be a bother
iktf anon
I don't like to share much and don't put a lot of value into myself, so trying to ever talk about anything is pretty tough. I've been trying my best though. Not that it's been working that much, but still.
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I-is this how it feels being someone's Main Guy???
What exactly are the chances of a female reaching out to me?

If I already sent a message saying "hey we're a 90% match let's talk" and they say literally nothing back for a week is that a sign to stop trying or to try harder?
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1/8 of the actual conversations I've had on Duo was from a girl who reached out to me first. So 12.5% according to my personal experience that isn't very good factual evidence but I will claim is right anyway.
>chances of a female reaching out to me?

I'm in no position to give advice really, but
>we're a 90% match let's talk
is way too vague. Talk about what? Just bump the conversation and start a topic yourself.
Damn, anon your post resonates with me hard. Exactly how I feel right now.
Update: one girl gave me her discord so far, so that's good and we talked a bit on discord but she hasn't responded in a while. Kind of made a bad impression when she added my discord at first too.
I'll probably delete my account tomorrow night regardless of what happens.
All these girls on their profile saying they're clingy or looking for a yandere bf... why lie like that?

I'm 100% ready to go all in on an ill-advised mentally ill relationship RIGHT NOW
>All these girls on their profile saying they're clingy or looking for a yandere bf... why lie like that?
Something I noticed on tinder that nearly every girl had "profesional yapper" (actually makes me cringe writing this roastie motto) in their bio. Wanting a "yandere" or "neet" bf is just what femcels say on duo to make themselves look quirky even though three quarters of them have that in their bio.
This is the femcel version of professional yapper
Women usually don't like standing out even though they like to larp that they do.
as a male should I put my picture on my profile or do you think that will just ruin my chances fucking entirely

I'm a solid 5/10 according to unreliable sources
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May the Duo gods deliver all of us a happy chubby wife frens, good night!
everyone loves to give this "just play the field" advice and it's honestly really stupid. you can't build a committed relationship if you go in detached and not caring
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I'll try that, but it's weird. She hasn't connected to Discord yet. I saw her connected for a few minutes, but that's it

Maybe she doesn't use Discord that much. I hope not, I didn't want to ask for other socials like insta
I sent the friend request and a message saying "I'm that guy from Duo", but nothing happened
Why not?
enjoy your unfulfilling serial monogamy, faggot, hope you don't get roped into a shitty 3-year marriage
You didn't answer my question.
damn the userbase is sinking, I fear we'll lose another 10k by next Saturday, wonder what the gender ratio is at now.
give me an example of an assertive/dominant introduction that will make their pussy tingle without scaring them off immediately

something in between "hey u look pretty message me back :)" and "I want to peel off your skin and wear it"
hey ur skin looks pretty, it'd look prettier on me though :) message me back
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I don't get what you're saying there but i think that was the best advice for someone who's anxious about strangers, it's always better to avoid having intense expectations right at the beginning, positive or negative. You get to really commit once you know who you're talking to, if that situation shows up.
It wouldn't work too well or be too helpful if you have no issues and just put no effort and throw it at anyone blindly of course though, and even i rarely see any matches at all so i understand if anon is frustrated by feeling lonely there, don't really think it will get a raise in popularity to help the situation again so it's best to at least get some experience from it.

I have no idea but if you want my sexless opinion i think you can just sound attractive in other ways, you're not going to be face to face after all.
it's been an interesting month but I've just deleted my account
almost all the contacts I ended up adding from the thing went quiet so I deleted them and my playing field has been thoroughly plowed
it was sorta fun haven't talked to that many people in years
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I'm not one to advertise so blatantly, but I feel I am too rich, smart, and attractive to not be talking to ANYONE.

Please tell me what's wrong with me
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Man, I just realized how stupid discord is for showing online or offline statuses

I only saw her online status because I opened a mutual server from a game at that moment. I just did it again now, and she's online


i've been ghosted without even starting a conversation on discord?
if it makes you feel any better, you're not the first and won't be the last

her ego is so insanely overinflated she functionally has no remaining sense of empathy, as with most modern females
>Get an email saying I have a new message
>Open duo
>No new messages

Wtf was that?
Would it be a good idea to make a new account since the one I have I’ve had for like years.
are u a woman V who wants to go to premed?
Are you the V who advertises her discord and is also a Misandrist?
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Everyone at the top of the list have private location on, this shit is annoying. Probably nobody near me.
You can more or less sus out the area where the private location people are by playing with the distance radius.
Just got told to kill my self lmao
you can also use the age filter to gauge out a girl's age too, it's very flawed but if it's readily available may as well use it
I find this to be a helpful tool.
how to I go from just talking to someone to getting emotionally involved with each other?
I don't since i was afraid of someone scrapping again and don't want to be put on a list
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Me and this anon ended up VCing for a few hours yesterday. We clicked really well but then there came a point where there was a mentioning of another girl in his DMs who has a lot of “issues” (used to be on meds that ‘ made her shop lift’, very abusive, etc) from Duolicious which immediately killed the convo. Followed up with a lengthy DM on how I’m a great person “it’s not me it’s him” yada yada yada..

Feels like men would rather eat glass and try to “save” someone who will rob them and beat them.. why is that?

It’s fucking over.
>tfw nobody to vc with
its just bpd 18/19 year olds who just want attention or 20+ who are there just for paypigs, sad
I have my own job and I’m above the age of 21 but not older than 26. The guy proceeded to unfriend me after his message too.
sorry that he did that to you that's frustrating from any point of view, you'll find a dude who appreciates you. It's like if a girl brought up a guy in the middle of a vc why would he even bring that up; frustrating
most people on duo are from NA or SA for some reason, theres not that many people from EU, especially eastern EU. its so over
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It stung. It made me pause and ask what was wrong with me… currently trying not to tear up while typing this out. It feels so unfair. And then men on this thread will act like WOMEN are all the problem when they do shit like this

.. This is LITERALLY someone from this fucking thread so I don’t want to hear “oh well it’s not the guys from this thread!” I’m only getting older and as a woman it gets harder and harder to find love as you age.

It’s over.
I'm gonna sound fake deep but whatever. I have always been the girl who gets told "it's not you it's me" or some variation of "i'm not over my ex that hurt me". Thought it was fucking nonsense and I blamed my looks or shortcomings, basically believed they didn't want me and were just trying to sugarcoat it (honestly it's still possible). Then it happened to me. I got attached to someone who was hot and cold, who was mean to me and then apologized and was extra sweet. Didn't understand why it was making me desperate for his approval, why I craved the kindness so much. I learnt about a study done on puppies; first group was treated only nice, second group was treated only harshly and the third group was treated randomly nice or harshly. The third group basically ended up being the most attached to the handlers, despite being treated badly 50% of the time. Bark bark. Anyway, I am sorry this happened, I can only tell you to not lose hope, just wanted to offer some possible explanation.
Final update:
Decided to leave my profile open a few more days and just deleted it about three hours ago. Haven't received any more friend requests after giving five girls my discord and the girl I was talking to hasn't responded in a day now. Tried keeping the conversation alive, asking questions telling her stuff but she wasn't really giving me anything back besides a sentence or two. Didn't really feel like we had a connection from the start.
There was one girl in particular on duo who I had some fun talking to and I feel like we connected well but she didn't respond after I gave her my dis two days ago.
There's still some hope they might send a reuquest but if they were really interested, they would have sent me a request within an hour or two of me asking them if they wanted to talk on discord.
I don't regret trying duo and I'm happy I tried it. I think it has alot better features than tinder or bumble like the intro feature, personality quiz and not trying to rob you of all you got but I think I'm done with dating apps for good. They, especially the normies ones, are very stale and forced ways of finding a serious partner and dating apps aren't dating apps, they are hook up apps first and foremost aka a catalogue for chad.
I've been eating alot more healthy recently but I have to start exercising and if the opportunity arises whenever I feel like a girl is interested in me in real life, I'll try and strike up a conversation. Whats the point in not taking risks
To any fella reading this, don't let my post discourage you. I got lucky on a normie dating app with my first semi serious gf so you never know what could happen.
Wishing all you fellas the best of luck in finding a partner who you have a genuine connection with who is a positive impact on your life..
Im wondering if I messaged you, I messaged most people in my search. What does your name start with or are there any specific pics in your bio?
I love those paintings,.
If I was in your situation, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
assuming she's still the anon from
here then her name starts with a B and is 25
>central US
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That's rough. If there was another girl from the start he either shouldn't have been on a dating website, or he should have told you immediately. In this case, it really isn't your fault and it really is entirely his fault.

Here, take this bunny, you need it more than me.
It happens naturally.
Yeah OP I have a whole conversation that doesn't exist in the chatting box
Man, this is actually so fucking depressing, I've had so many good conversations that have just kind of stopped with people leaving the site. I'd 10000000% rather be skipped than sit in this limbo wondering where everyone went.
Patience is a virtue but yeah I get it i've thrown so many intros into the wind that I genuinely get surprised if I get answered. The ratio here is so skewed but it's also on a steady decline of users leaving I can only hope that it makes the ratio not as bad with so many people leaving/becoming inactive. Cause right now there's 39k users on the site and on thursday there was 44k
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Thank you so much. The bunny made me a bit better. He’s so cute.

I don’t know who reached out to me from here, but if you’re a 37 year-old dude who’s divorced with kids, just know I’m not really interested. You seem really sweet, but like how a lot of guys here don’t want to be with a woman with kids already, I don’t want to be with a man who already has kids. :/

I’m not sure. What’s the first letter of your name and how old are you?
It's not intros stopping that bugs me, it's the sudden stopping of conversations
>I’m not sure. What’s the first letter of your name and how old are you?
M, age hidden. But I'm in Eastern Europe so unless you have your range high then we haven't seen each other.
That's getting to me too, sometimes you just need to bump the conversation or just wait, it fucking sucks
lmao that's crazy I never saw that actually happen in real life
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Welcome to my life Anon. I always end up getting in situations with a man who is hung up on either some abusive BPDemon ex or some sort of demonic girl who Stockholm syndrome’d him into enabling her.
You saw it here, folks.
>girl asks me to share more info about hobbies Im passionate about
>so excited she asked me this
>wall of text her three messages
>ghost town for 2 days
Jokes on you, I enjoyed writing all of it. Until my next victim, my beloved.
I'd have talked to you anon but I think you might have skipped me, good luck finding someone though.
Bumping feels bad, I know you have to do it because of the flood of guys, but it goes against like every social etiquette I know
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got em for $100 :) they're beautiful irl
I'll be honest, and take that with a grain of salt because I literally do not know you at all, but if it happened more than once it might be worth asking yourself if you've got a unknown bias for the things, you would have gotten aware of how these red flags work by now

I'm pretty damn sure I've never actually met a man who actually lusted for the bpdussy so much he'd actually just leave another chick hanging, but I guess the world's a big place and I don't really hang around american towns and I'm past 25 but less than 30 years old and this feels kind of a zoomer thing to do
No idea who you are. What’s the first letter of your name and your age?
I absolutely DETEST double messaging with every fiber of my being but it's a dog eat dog world with how many guys are in their DMs it's most likely the only way to get noticed unless you're like super interesting to her from the get go, it fucking sucks so i relate
What do you mean unknown bias? I’m listening right now because I’ve never thought of that. I say that because the anon from this thread literally went on a tangent about another girl he was seeing off Duolicious and has been for weeks who has been on meds who make her shoplift, abuse others, etc. The person before them dropped me for some BPD girl who abused them for 8 years, and he refused to completely cut ties with her, etc.
M 23, might be 22 still since I don't know how birthdays are set up on this app
I know, and I've done it a couple times. I know duodev said they had an inactive feature implemented, but there are people who haven't talked in forever still online
>What do you mean unknown bias?
oh you know, standard armchair psychology from a rando so again, don't take it too literally
I mean you're actually actively searching for those kind of men unconsciously because of [reasons]
Maybe they have some kind of feature that tied them all together that you find endearing without actually thinking about it, like a savior's instinct
That actually happens quite a lot for a lot of specific traits to different people

I'm not pessimistic enough to believe that

Anyways, I don't really want to send another message via Duo asking to be accepted on discord. I actually wanted to disable that shit, it's dead anyway.

If she doesn't reply to my DM and/or friend request, I would prefer to be ghosted on Duo instead of Discord
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This would make sense. I really like taking care of people and animals and it shows in my usual job choices. It sucks because then I end I frequently end up being used as a second choice or an emotional pillow to cry on then bounce when they get “better.”
I tend to be drawn to more introverted dudes.
To wrap this all up, does this make me a “femcel”? I’m hesitant to describe myself as such because it seems over used but….
"femcel" isnt real, women can have a relationship if they settle, they can have sex the next day if they wanted to, regardless of their looks.
I've literally just killed my duo account >>33228333 but huh
can I throw you one of my discord burners your way
I don't really want to act like a sponge to suck up the bad vibes or a psychologist, but if ya wanna talk, I've got the free time
My definition of “femcel” is desiring a genuine connection with someone that is more than sex or whatever. As you can see in this thread, I was literally rejected for a BPDemon e girl lol.

You’re right, I can get sex— do I want just that? No. Sex without a connection doesn’t sit right with me.
well im pretty much the same when it comes to that, I suppose "volcel" would be more appropriate
i just wanna check, are you in texas? cause otherwise due to qna you're most likely not in my card list
I was about to go looking for you but then read the requirement - Needs to be White. Good luck lmao
makes sense, whiteboys do b thirsty for the bpdussy
So, uh, what should I put here?
>inb4 just bee yourself :^)
Physical attributes, what I'm looking for in a woman, relationship goals, what I do for fun, ...?
Am I overthinking it?
Thanks in advance
Not even talking to women I'm just saving their selfies and jerking off to them
I continuously change my bio because i never know what to put into it but if you don't include pictures of yourself I would include physical attributes of yourself and your hobbies, maybe relationship goals but honestly don't think too hard about it cause the chance of a girl looking at your profile and sending you an intro is slim since you'll be the one sending out intros.
First time user (for any dating app; not too autistic, just late bloomer). I uploaded a pic, should I not have?
(I don't think I'm ugly, but as a non-Chad, I assume I am viewed as such by women).
nah having a pic of yourself is perfectly fine, then you know the girl would at least have found you attractive to reply to your intro
nothing wrong with a girl having a preference for Whites.
Similar, to how I would only fuck a black girl but not marry one. No way.
I was more worried about whether it's "safe" to put my face online for such an app (lots of crazy people out there, as I'm sure everyone here knows), but I'm overthinking it again--thank you for the advice.
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I like when a girl puts that on her profile. Saves both me and her the time and effort. More girls need to be honest about their preferences upfront instead of trying to appear PC and wasting my time.
I used to have a pic of myself on the app but then I saw countless vids on yt people making fun of the profiles and shit and I just don’t want to be doxxed by those retards so I ended up removing it
just censor yourself then anon
'censor' as in "blur my face in pictures" or is there a setting in the app to make it unavailable to search?
Apologies for dumb question: am noob.
You're only embarrassed because you know about it. Who cares, people do similar videos making fun of people on the mainstream dating apps. But if you're worried >>33230063 is the solution.
Or are you worried your friends are going to stumble across the video, and see you? You're tryin' to find love, if that makes them think differently about you, then they never were your friends in the first place.
blur or put an image up as a censor homie, you'll be fine
How do you guys usually check to see if a women is legit? I image searched one of the pics on her profile and found it was an idol. She never claimed they were her, but its definitely setting off alarms in my head.
I was crushed to find out one of the girls I was talking to wasn't actually Ame-chan from needy streamer overload...
canadians, basically poos and chinks, never get divorced or cheat, because they will get murdered and turned into cow dung or like a cockroach or something in their next life
reverse google image search or tineye are your best friends, otherwise, when/if you move to discord if her account isn’t verified i don’t think there’s much harm in asking if she is actually who she says she is with a timestamped photo or something
>seek out sociopathic men exclusively
>get burned
>never change who they're seeking out because they blame the men
at least when men seek out women who look nice, we get a mix of personalities
That will make her uninterested in you fairly quickly. Just ask her what she is wearing right now and you want to see.
I work in a place that would fire me if I get connected to this site.
>implying men aren't exactly the same when they gravitate towards BPDemons
Everyone just wants mentally ill sex anon
Excuse me some of us don't care about personality at all and only platonically seek out aesthetically pleasing men because we're visual beings and yearn to gaze lovingly upon a beautiful visage from a respectable distance.

I am banned from all art galleries.
You work for a place, that would fire you for using a dating app? Weird.
I meant 4chan
I never thought of that, thank you
>employer found me on duolicious
>from duo they traced me to an anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum
>boss acquired my entire post history
>American brain at its finest
>Uh oh, our AI doesn't think you're smiling.
... though really I'm not sure why I'm bothering trying to get verified. I don't plan on actually putting pictures of myself up.
>Make sarcastic joke
>add 'o-o' so they know I'm not being serious in the first place
>The sarcasm didn't go through
Maybe being too friendly at the start is a mistake ( ._.)
that or I'm just retarded.. it's both.
Don't go here on the company computers then, you dumb nigger!
>Chad has multiple girls and goes for his preferred squeeze.

It never fails.

In all seriousness. Finding love doesn't necessarily get harder as girls age so long as you aren't past 40. It just becomes harder for you to pull a guy with your looks alone or use your looks to get the maximal return on attractiveness from any guy you might be getting.

You can make up for a lot with other factors beyond just your youth and looks, the real problem is that it's hard for guys to just how trustworthy you are when meeting you and also you can mask bad nature then not be punished if you break your vows later on... actually often times you'll get rewarded. I had a friend who got cheated on, there was saved data proving the cheating, and he still had to pay after the divorce despite being totally in the wrong, dumber than him, coming from a less affluent family and having much, much worse lawyers.

It is a tragedy that the most solid advice guys can give to one another is "Don't get married bro" but that tragedy is mostly for women.

the accounts keep going inactive or deleted, had it happen to another one just yesterday...
it really does suck, men get fucked hard in marriage courts. The only way to win, as a married man now is hope your wife is a lobotomy patient, or is insanely infatuated with you.
>I would give anything to just have a girl who is willing to agree to sit and make things work between us no matter what and not let either of us run away.
Truly, this. I don't want to be the desperate guy, since that's bad character. But is this sort of thing really so hard? What happened to cooperation and mutual benefit?
We want what is natural to us: to make a healthy family. Why does it always slip through our fingers?
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Why does such an innocuous post get deleted, jannies?
self-deleted because I thought she was older than she is ):
>they think im a woman
wishful thinking anons
You're a retarded faggot. o-o
Your joke wasn't funny -_-
A genuinely schizophrenic Irish girl had a profile up until about a month ago when they deleted it. I’ve spent so long trying to find them online and I’ve failed. Did anyone else talk to her? I will unironically pay for her discord or any other account she has at this stage. She was obsessed with Frozen, and was ginger. Her bio was mainly just a big rant about new users from Twitter.
Pls help
So many women have nothing written on their bio
>I’ve spent so long trying to find them online and I’ve failed
>I will unironically pay for her discord
Can't find the original source of the story but you should watch this video to see how things will go if you get in contact with her. And no the quirkiness of the guy in question isn't the focal point of the problem.
this website is shit and is full of catfish and trolls that admins don't do anything about. Reported troll profiles and they were still up a month later. Avoid.
Guys, if a girl gave me her discord but hasn't replied to my message request or friend request there after 3 days, should I send a follow-up message on Duo? My last message there was, 'Ok, I'll add it. I use the same name here as on discord', and she didn't reply to that, which is normal i guess

I don't want to end up ghosted without even being friends there
Very nice
I'm Irish and I think I shot her an intro but got nothing back.
Surprising amount of Irish girls on duo but most of them ghosted me pretty quickly sadly.
If your irish or in ireland, regardless of your sexuality or gender my disc is anglo_celt21 if you want to talk.
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lol ok point proven
I can only be funny when I'm the butt of the joke (pic related) maybe I should've just complimented your art and start from there..
well heres your fucking problem lmao
Just don’t reveal your power level. I think my profile looks like a normalfags would. Probably why nobody messages me but I also spend more time in these threads than on the app. I’m probably just too old
>I think my profile looks like a normalfags would
I mean so is mine, but you never know who you're talking to. Im playing it super safe, I got called "too much of a normie" before, which was odd.
>Im playing it super safe, I got called "too much of a normie" before, which was odd.
I’d be doing the same if I actually decided to reach out to someone. When I’m talking to a woman there’s more important info to ask about than wooden doors kek
yeah Im having issues keeping the convo going, I either act normal and ask normalfag questions, then get called too much of a normie and blocked. or I act as a clown and try to make them laugh - they just see you as a jester. or Im acting edgy and I just get blocked instantly.
doesnt help that im a manlet, its so over.
>manlet clownmaxxing
Me too bro but I’ve met people on other dating apps and rarely ever sent the first message. It’s not over I just think duo needs more women. If normies weren’t so insufferable I’d just stick to irl dating but now I just hook up with them to save me the stress. In the end I do want a relationship just with the right person
>I just hook up with them to save me the stress
I dont need/want to hook up, I just want a partner for life. I'm 30 so goofing around isnt my cup of tea anymore
I’m 32 but every once in awhile someone comes onto me and if they’re attractive I say why not? I really do want a relationship too but I guess I’m just more of a degenerate than you.
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You miss 100% of the shots you don't take I guess...
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Damn you certainly put in the effort. I see disgusting hamplanets with girlfriends all the time though so there’s still hope. Doesn’t look like duo is the solution for you unfortunately.
Ive taken the blackpill on relationships long time ago, Im just burning time
same brother, same.
Still some small fire lit inside me hoping to find someone to love, and travel together. But at the same time using my money (I have a lot) to spoil the local girls is a nice dopamine hit as well.
>Ive taken the blackpill on relationships long time ago, Im just burning time
I gave up for years after my last one went south. It hurts when you care about someone who doesn’t feel the same. I only recently tried getting back into the dating circus within the past year. Getting rejected by a stranger isn’t the worst thing in the world but I can’t see how it wouldn’t be at least slightly demoralizing after a gorillion times. I respect your resilience
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Women have at least 5 other men to talk to dude, especially on dating apps like these, she lost interest in you 100%. Just try to make a fake woman's account on an app like this and watch how many men will message you, I wish you good luck but don't expect women on here to be as desperate as the men, they have so many choices it's insane.
This, it's best to move on, and initiate conversations with other girls if she hasnt responded within a day. Don't get hung up on one girl. Similar to job hunting, you don't apply to one job and wait.
>Women have at least 5 other men to talk to dude, especially on dating apps like these
For this one in particular it's probably more like 10 or 12
>96% compatibility
>person lives in mexico
hahaha fuck
there's teeny tiny bug crawling over the screen of my phone, about a hair's width in leg, very smol.. god I'm bored
Same. I've only been at this for a week and sent intros to a dozen different girls and nothing so far
I'm mid ugly female, left my max distance on "any" for 24 hours and I have 50 intros. Just for perspective.
this is why anyone who says "femcels" are real is just an attention whore
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I just wanna make (female) friends and draw with the friends and look at their cool stuff and show them my cool stuff rah
Do you have an actual bio as well? I wonder how many intros those one line no info bio profiles get.
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I see
I have a very dry bio, only saying what I study and one thing I like. Added some clubs (tv shows etc) and a few guys used those to strike up a conversation which I appreciated.
I wish there were like 5, but I'm pretty sure there are more

I just thought once she replied when I asked for her Discord, I would get a step further than the other guys. But now I don't even want to remind her about my friend request via Duo, that would look so clingy. Like I said, she visits Duo every 3-5 days, but she's almost always connected on Discord

Anyways, that was the last girl in my area, same for me and a ton of other guys

I think I'll wait one more day to send her a reminder
I hate these PC girls. Please put you're looking for white men only. Yes, I do have a picture of myself on profile, but it is irksome when talking with a girl. Having a few hour convo she drops the "I'm only look for white guys.."
PC culture is a mistake.
I'm a bit worried about coming off as racist because I have that in my profile but it's purely an aesthetic preference.
Like I wrote, PC culture is a mistake.
Anyone else get banned for no reason? I made my account sort of just to lurk but I was about to get serious on there, then I got banned for…inactivity? I’m guessing? What a shitty site. I didn’t even text anyone either. Nothing racist, sexist, etc. in my profile.
Was she Asian? You shouldn't even bother messaging them because they're the poster girls of "I only want white men but I won't admit it because I don't want to be a heckin racist" Girls care too much about that shit.
blame the app dev for banning racist profiles
I think inactivity is 1 month without logging in, so if youve logged in before the 30 day mark then someone reported u for your profile or smth
I may have talked with one of these girls. I'm usually the type to go for personality thus I usually discriminate anyone who focuses on looks, but I decided to turn an blind eye to this shallow mindset of theirs to see where it goes. She asked me about my race since I have no pictures. Told them I'm white. We kept talking but once I started opening up more in depth about the non-mainstream video games I play she started to give me one word responses or imply she doesn't care. Despite the fact that my profile makes it clear I am a video game addict. So obviously I'm going to talk about them. Basically you're not missing much because it seems they have other random deal breakers they're not telling you. Ultimately wasting your time anyway. You're just wasting less.
I'm a guy so I understand about your interests and that you want to talk about them but you have to put yourselves in the shoes of the other person, if she's not interested in the same thing she doesn't need to be enthusiastic about it and that doesn't mean it's a dealbreaker, just that you can't talk about that particular topic much with her. It may be a dealbreaker for you though if you're looking for someone to also be interested in gaming. You probably won't have much in common with her as you're of the opposite sex, if you do have something that's great, if not try to talk about general personal or life situations, experiences, where you are and where you want to be, who you are and who she is, stuff like that
do you have any idea if the accounts get banned manually? i just noticed about 2,000 of them were deleted. my last login was yesterday so i’m guessing i was part of that herd that just got banned
Mods ban depending on reports. I report around 1 person a day, 90% of them get banned after a day or two. Did you have anything specific on your profile?
Anyone else have weird turnoffs that arent necessarily personality or physical based?

>guy had weird name that i cant imagine saying regularly
>guy has nasally voice i could never enjoy hearing the rest of my life
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>been with a girl for about almost 2 months now from this app
>things had been going pretty good, we've played a few co-op games together on discord and had fun
>today is the first day we play her favorite competitive game against each other
>she was bragging and teasing me endlessly how she would easily beat me
>she gets absolutely destroyed so i lightly tease her back
>abruptly leaves the call as we finish the last round and then starts repeatedly telling me to go fuck myself in chat
>tell her we can play another game she wants next time
>says she wants nothing but for me to go fuck myself
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You were suppose to let her win idiot, but you were suppose to do it so she didn't know you let her win.
On one end, you should have let her win
On the other what the fuck is up with her reaction? Why would she do that? Is she that much of a sore loser?? Like c’mon
Do you guys want a child or an actual girlfriend?

I mean if it's every game you're annihilating her its not fun but this was once. It's an overreaction.
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No idiot. It was her favourite game, you let her win.
And what then? Do you let her win every time?

You're genuinely insane for enabling this kind of reaction from a woman.
Is she, y'know... a BPD princess?
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Idiot. It's not about the winning or losing. It's that you made her feel bad. And yes, you lose because if that is what makes her happy then that is what makes her happy. It's not even about the damn game, it's about how you're making her feel.

Also realistically speaking, you could have probably won a match every now and then and said it was just luck. But destroying her then laughing about it was the dumbest thing you could have done.
Just looking back on it, that was the first thing I thought of too. "Should I have let her win?" We only played a few rounds, but at least from what I saw when we were playing, we were both bantering pretty good throughout with each other and having fun. Because I felt bad about beating her in her game, I actually did apologize too when I suggested another game, but she just told me just to fuck myself again.
No she's been very reasonable whenever we've talked previously, so this took me completely out of left field. That's why I wanted to post about it and get your guys' thoughts on this. I made sure not to go overboard on the teasing though to the point where it started to turn into actual insults, just some light banter. But it looks like that really upset her anyways.
Calling me an idiot over and over again doesn't make you right anon.

The point is this is not a normal or healthy reaction to losing a game. Even if they weren't dating this is NOT normal. Do not enable BPDemons.
It's 100% an overreaction, yes and some times it is cute to let the girl win but you can't let her win all the time, it's a delicate balance.
Why did you apologize for suggesting another game? But I hope she comes to her senses and that this isn't how she usually takes losses because MAN that is a SORE loser
not surprised the cripple is a total pushover enabler
Initially I wasn't sure if I was in the wrong which is why I apologized. I don't think I was anyways, but seeing her see reacted really left a negative taste in my mouth. I'm going to confront her about it when I get the chance
what was the game?
I definitely don't think you were in the wrong for suggesting another game to play, even if you were in the wrong she still gave an awful reaction, like either she had a really bad day or she's naturally a sore loser. Either way, IMO you were not in the wrong for suggesting another game.
And are you talking with any of them anon...?
This is total bullshit on her part desu, confront her and soon you will find the joys of dating mentally ill women. I'd say either don't get too attached or be prepared to see your piece of mind go drown the drain.
If you have any self respect you'll reallize how big of a red flag that is. The BPDemon's mask is slowly slipping.

Run while you still can.

Update Update:
Just got blocked by a guy after he had me take a timestamp photo. After sending said photo he went on to ridicule me on how I am "crazy" for actually being okay with meeting someone off of a 4chan dating app. This is the same person who would blow up my DMs and be annoyed cause I didn't respond quick enough.

I am fucked, aren't I?
That just sounds like a basic bitch narcissist, I'm sure you'll find someone good for you anon
this is what's called a shit test, anon. she literally unironically wanted you to scream her down.
what the fuck do i put for an intro if the girl's bio reveals pretty much nothing about her?
i was thinking about just doing something along the lines of how are you doing or how was your day or whatever but i genuinely have nothing to say in response if she says "what about you?" because i do nothing all day every day and the covnersation will die right there
Anon, for people like that you just kinda need to shoot your shot and see what works. There's nothing really lost if you fuck up and everything to gain if it works
you are choosing these sociopaths from your surfeit of options, they aren't happening to you as an act of god
Yes, same to the voice.
Anglefishing is also one of them. I don’t really mind if they’re ugly but 6/10 in pfp and 3/10 on discord is misleading and makes me think they’re insecure and not very truthful.
Also, if we’re chatting and they’re about to go to sleep but don’t say it so I end up waiting for their replies.

Unexpected turn on is a nice last name I can take.
Just like how men choose BPDemons, right?
Why don't you two just go find each other on the app and kiss already
dude....dude....lmao. Not trying to be callous or anything but you're getting way too worked up over this. Stop taking everything so damn seriously. It's a game...

just PLAY the field. Yes that's solid advice. You're conflating apathy with playfulness. Not having a stick up your ass 24/7 doesn't mean you're "detached" or "not caring"
yes, often
i'm not a sociopath though
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I just saw a new girl from my area, I sent my intro and got insta-skipped wtf
pls explain for someone untrained in bpdemon interaction
He hurt himself in confusion
men not only frequently seek out mentally ill women, many do it consciously. it's well known enough to be joked about in normie pop culture
From the way you phased it, anon, you did nothing wrong and you have dodge a cannonball.Take her advice for your own sake; cut contact and make sure she can't contact you because you never know when some of these girls will come crawling back.
I understand alot of people have replied saying you should have just let her win but if you let her win at a video game, you would only be delaying this outburst to something more serious down the road.
The masked slipped very early on and you were lucky to see it.
Now that I really try to think about it, there was a manga panel I uploaded in my photos on there, which showed a slightly graphic image of a guy with blood splattered all over the wall. It was a manga panel. In black and white. It wasn’t detailed enough to look nsfw. Love how the dev treats every woman on there like a pampered princess (as if the male userbase on there doesn’t do that enough) but men get 0 warnings.
Anon, why are you doomering over one guy being a freak of nature so much? I get it's sad but you gotta move on and keep trying. I'm sure you have tons of other guys in your inbox, just learn and move on
If you scroll up, you will notice that I have discussed getting curved by men on multiple occasions. Also, just because a man is available doesn't mean we'll be compatible. For example, I get plenty of men who reach out to me who do not want kids in their future even though my bio says I do.
She's already gone to sleep unfortunately so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to hear back. It's just such a shock to me since for the entire time I've known her, she's been very mature about lots of topics and knows that I really appreciate that aspect of her and value it a lot in a girlfriend. Right before she suddenly left the call, I could tell her mood was completely off.
We had played a different game against each before the one in my original post as a small warmup for her main one. In that one, I was getting my ass completely handed to me by her the entire match, but I was still smiling and joking around anyways, though I managed to barely scrape out a win in the end. To me, videogames are just a medium for us to connect and spend time together and that's what really matters to me, not whether one side wins or loses.
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I haven't messaged HER since our call, even though I have several ideas on where to go with the conversation.
You know what, that's honestly a fair point. You can compromise on some things but I get those immutables. Idk if I ever sent you a message but maybe we'll meet some day on the app, either way though you'll find someone relatively sane. You just have to keep trying
Got a girl's discord, had a nice conversation and now she doesn't reply to my messages at all. She said she doesn't check social media very often then what's the point of using discord anyways.
I actually tried to make a fake female account out of boredom, and already got some intros

And one weirdo called me a bitch for no reason. I just made a cute profile, I don't deserve that
whenever a girl flips her shit at you for something totally inane, she's testing to see if you'll stand up for yourself. if you don't, she'll lose a certain amount of respect for you, typically (but not always) all of it.
it's bullshit and a textbook example of false equivalency ("if you want to avoid conflict in what should be a loving relationship then that means you'll be afraid to protect me from people who want to hurt me"???) but it's women so what do you expect
mentally healthy women don't actually do this, stay far away if it happens. sometimes their priorities seem a bit confusing but actual insanity is obvious
Couple of weeks ago, I was chatting with a nice seeming girl from Binlan, but she stopped replying after saying she was going hiking the next day.

Hope she's alright. I swallowed the cringe and sent another message recently, just in case she was too embarrassed to pick back up now.
Really sucks because I thought there was some chemistry there, but oh well..
maybe she's hiking
Anon, that's where you say either the next day or the day after "How was the hike?", a couple of weeks is bad. Good luck though homie
Don't worry anon! She'll reply from the afterlife...
Anons, I don't rvrn know how to start talking to complete rando's on this app. Feels so weird when I'm used to at least some shared situation like irl.
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I almost fit that profile, I only fail one part and [spoiler]I'm working on it[/spoiler]
I tried to preview my profile but I can't see anything in the preview. Am I banned?
ha ha

Yeah I did. I'm concerned.

I'm less worried about her snubbing me and more that something really did happen to her.
Let's just hope that, idk, her computer got bricked or something.. and the phone.
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Man, I wish I could forget about the ratio on this hellsite
I feel like I don't stand out enough to actually have a shot with anyone...
If it makes you feel better, people just leave the site all the time. It fucking sucks but all you can do is hope they see your messages one day. Good luck anon
You don't
we don't
no one does
We never stood a chance did we?
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>Also, if we’re chatting and they’re about to go to sleep but don’t say it so I end up waiting for their replies.

This! If you're going to bed just say so. Don't say nothing and then send me a message 8-9 hours later saying good morning!!!!
Do inactive accounts that get deleted come back when they log in again or did they skip then unskip me?
I think I'll go outside and see if I can take a photo of a frog to send HER. Communicating with words is overrated anyway
Good idea. Ease into something casual, if she responds, then say the things you had in mind.

*snaps cats rubber band*
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The fake female account is only receiving intros from losers and weird kinky guys sending me strange and horny flirting messages without provocation wtf

I'm really losing the Discord girl to one of these freaks
No man, it means you have less competition if you aren’t like that. Keep your chin up!
Different girls like different things anon, some girls may be repulsed by those kind of intros, others may feed into it, it all depends on her reaction to it, so don’t go and think “oh i’m losing to these losers”’ cause it’ll only serve to be a detriment to you
It is time anon....
Make a believable female profile
Attach a chat bot to it and make it respond to everyone
This way the retards will default their attention to it and the real women will be left to us
The only way to win is by griefing the competition with bots
I got a question for the omega skibidi rizzlers out there. I'm a big proponent of leaving women on read if they're boring, but I'm also realizing that there are some attractive women out there who like playing hard to get and would very much so be open to date a guy if he pushes through, that's just how dating is to them.
My question is how to start/maintain a conversation when their profile is dry? I have no problem getting responses to dogshit intros even, but starting/maintaining the conversation with attractive women who are as interesting as a piece of drywall is the most challenging part for me. I got one like that atm and don't know what to do with her.
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I got dudes with mommy kinks calling me "mommy" or just sending intros that say "meow meow meow," like what the fuck does that even mean?. My bio is a cute one from a cute girl

I think the problem is that I need to look more interesting to talk to. I'm not big on using emojis or emoticons, but seeing other guys using them without a problem, I'll use them even if it cringes me a little

That will be my weekend project. Forget me, Duodaddy, I'll sin
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I have no idea. I guess just to get attention without any work or meaningfulness.

Emojis do look friendlier. I dont use them often but I use it with some people here as a tone-indicator.
If a girl sent me a message like that top one i would be down horrendous for her immediately
I get responses with bad intros and even a slightly sexual one. Just don't have a shit profile, be playful and you'll be ahead of 70% of the other men.
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I hope you meet your hoette, hoe :3
If a girl sent that to me I'd have no idea how to respond
Oh i’d be flustered out of my mind but it’s such a rare occurrence for a girl to just throw herself at me like that that i would have to take a bit and think how to reply to it lol
Thanks i’ve been looking for a month + on this app lol
Lmao same guy sent me the same intro, just exchanged "shitposting" for "drawing" because I said I like it in my bio.
also sent it to me but changed one word to be about my profile lol
>see a nice looking profile
welp another one for the banhammer, sad.
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....Fuck this
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Yes. We should ban all the Finish people!
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24 hours sure is a long time.
I know people (probably) have lives but it starts to hurt not getting any responses...
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Talked to 28 women until getting ghosted...still no prospect of gf......
Question, has any MALE here successfully made it? I saw that girl who made it. She posted here letting us know, but let's be real that is a given to be honest.
I know bunny anon liked humble bragging a while ago
Hasn't updated us about that in a bit though...
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We've both been kind of busy so things have been a little slow but I have absolutely NO IDEA what is even happening half of the time.
That girl who made it chose a guy so that particular male made it. There was also >>33211197
I've been talking nonstop with a girl for over a week now but I didn't meet her from Duo so it doesn't count.
So only one guy who reported he's made it to us here. Grim.
>girl's bio says message you her discord
>a week has past and nothing
what did she mean by this? or are girls on this app so swamped by messages that I should give up now?
The latter but you still keep trying.
as in message her again? wouldn't that just piss her off? if she was interested she would've added me right?
Trying to find someone to play games with but goddamn, every woman just plays League or Overwatch. This fucking sucks. I also try to talk about shows we like and it usually just ends in a oh yeah I love x we should watch that and then no more messages after. Feels fucked bros. Women suck.
You sure you aren't just letting the convo die after that and then doing nothing to hook them back into talking?
In the earlier threads a male anon was bragging about getting lots of nudes so he should've been able to get a gf, another anon who was very fit and liked to play the guitar also said he got a girl, then there's the guy the femanon met and the older guy who hooked up with a younger lady recently. So It's uuuh 4 reported successes amongst 30+k men? Seems fitting.

I found a woman who likes talking and puts effort into the conversation but she lives very far away so I'm not putting any hopes into it unfortunately.
Woman that play video games that aren't just Overwatch League Minecraft Valorant CoD Fortnite don't exist
It already sucks looking for guys that don't just play the most popular generic shit.

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