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Don't derail the thread talking about your personal life back and forth for 20 years about that girl that doesn't like you
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You were all beautiful and innocent as babies, and should continue to treat yourself and your neighbor that way. The best you can. Please don't fight over stupid stuff when we could all be having such a good time.
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ehhh haven't posted on one of these in a while the insomnia is showing on my face and i think my twink death has begun
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feel free to rate
i already know i'm 10/10
swarthy chuds cope
white aryan queens tag ur discord
Slip somethin in a girl's drink/10
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Nothing beats a /soc/ rate thread. It has the same posters who haven't skipped a single rate thread in 10 years and filled with female larps that people fall for all the time. The catfish economy must be booming on this board. Profits probably up 1000% over last year. Dick threads up 30%, I'm seeing a increase in mental illness up 50%, as well as autism up 50%. Female population is down 99% over the past 3 years. Can someone explain these numbers on my spreadsheet, its pretty alarming and needs to be investigated.
Femanons were scared off by schizos and incels. Of course they'd avoid this place as time went on
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High 6, I don’t think either of your photos are showing off your face structure as well as they could/should be try taking them with the front facing camera and from farther away.

6. The hair is glorious, but your face makes me curious to see how well a shorter cut would frame it.

7. Need a trim.

9. But larping so hard it’s not even funny.
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You look like a total fuckboy who has eight different baby mommas, if you were walking around in my town you'd get beer bottles hurled at you in no time. 14/88
Try working out or getting a tan idk, you have a decent enough face. 6.5/10 as of right now
M'lady out of 10, not even giving an actual rate
You'd objectively be a 9 if it wasn't for that deer-in-the-headlights look on your face. Give off gymcel vibes
Too prepubescent, objectively a 6/10
Magnet for girls with daddy issues lol, 7.5/10
Yeah, that makes sense. There is no point for them to post anymore. Back then, girls would actually be interested in posters. It was also the lockdown, so they had nothing to do and found themselves on this board or spending more time on this board. Now, if they post, they are just mutes or want some compliments, not interested in anything beyond that..
I like posting because where else are you going to get much younger women complimenting someone that's older over someone their own age. You will understand when you are my age, lol.
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honestly cant tell what race you are my guess would be some type of Hispanic 7.5/10
embrace twink death 6/10
jaw is law 6.75/10
only reason im posting in another one of these rn 10/10 the legend lives
normal 4ch girl 5.5/10
mirin hard 8.5/10
sup rob zombie i love ur music 6/10
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Very angelic looking 6/10
8/10 like the stache m8
4.5-5 Poor Man's Metatron Youtuber
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5 face, 6 overall
3. Haircut.
6 - 6.5
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twinkish 7/10
filipino but swagless.. 5/10
7/10 potential to be made
13 years old??
typical good looking male
evil wizard?
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>Don't derail the thread talking about your personal life back and forth for 20 years
good thread
you're looking fresh and jacked as always
Could be 4/10 or 6/10 depending on the woman
The average chinese gigachad as he's bypassing the great firewall of china to share his mogger face on an anonymous western imageboard
>Female population is down 99% over the past 3 years. Can someone explain these numbers on my spreadsheet, its pretty alarming and needs to be investigated.
I stole them all, sorry
5/10 average man
You look like you haven't left your basement in 20 years
>Too prepubescent, objectively a 6/10
It's a little girl...
What the fuck have you done with your hair and mustache? You used to be a Chad
gay angle
solid 8
I’ve posted on a similar thread and got some fun responses. Going to the beach so I thought I’d post and have some fun stuff to read.
5. But I dig the shirt, it took you a while to finally decide to start a rate thread hahaha. Good on you man

Full blown 8 handsome

6 asian.

4. Get some self respect and groom yourself bro.

Have you finally got a gf??
You were always the most handsome guy here even tho you got autism bro
you Latino?
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Manly and you look tall so 8. 7 if short lol
Lickable body 10 for that so yeah
You're cute but gay??
6 you look funny and nice prolly
Umm are you 12?
Handsome but kinda boring idk 7 maybe 6
I'm sure you're nice
Cute 6
Too thin no offense
Kinda off-putting man... 4?
I like your lips but you look kinda bitchy here
5 I like your eyes tho
OMG you're pretty 9
Nice skin, nice smile, 7
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do you have kik
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Randomly remembered a meme and tried to hold in a laugh.



4/10. Just not a fan of the hair.







Algerian :)
How do you like Algeria?
OMG my bad. You said twink so I thought you're gay or whatever
I don't and I'm a bad texter anyway
I wouldn't know. I live in Europe
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How over is it?


7/10 hot but your lips are dry

6.5/10 looking classy

6/10 great body

9/10 very cute

7/10 masculine looking man


8.5/10 holy attractive

6/10 horrible angle

6/10 very striking appearance

5.5/10 average looking

5/10 average

7/10 pretty, cute smile

7.5/10 androgynous



I wish there was someone to point out my flaws bc I did some measurements (not in this pic) and everything was ideal except ESR (43.5) but I'm definitely not a 9/10
forgot to attach
Idk man it seems like with some pretty basic grooming and a smile on that face you'd be fairly attractive
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Going to go cut grass and drink Dr Pepper. I'm 6' 245 lbs.
You are genuinely beautiful.
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First time ever doin this
Thanks bro 5.5/10
you def look german or polish maybe it's just the woods in the background 6.25/10
not really into black girls but ur objectively above-average 6/10
it's an old picture, got bored of posting the more recent stuff wanna see if the stache gets better ratings
rate others first
no im geocucked unfortunately, 6.25/10
you def look like a bay area girl 6/10
solid 6.5/10
not over but you could benefit from a better haircut 5.5/10
closer to chadlite than you think 6.75/10
terrible pic but i can tell ur gl 7.5/10
where can i chat you up
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6 or 7, handsome face but not a great angle to take a pic from.

6, would be better if it was a better pic and could see more face.

7, cute! Nice, masculine jawline.

6, needs moar smile!

7, beefy lol

8, love the makeup! You kinda remind me of the Hispanic chick from Aliens :)

6, not my favourite hair style, personally.

6 or 7, really cute freckles!

7, nice masculine jawline as well!

7, not a huge fan of the big glasses but my tastes aren't important here.

6, severe expression, reminds me of Dennis Reynolds, would be a 7 if you were smiling.

6, dat pucker hehe

7, 8 if you changed up the moustache but again my tastes don't matter.
no shot. whose gf is this?
Honestly, it's me :P
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I find you really sexy, but not pretty. 6
And you reek of insecurity( nice hair
Man here giving us pov bkowjob experience 6
Uncle? 4
I don't like your face but lady's will. 6-7
7, really good looking but not hot
Too big. 7
4, don't like the piercing
4, wet hair? Ewww
4-5, you look a bit evil
5, minecraft YouTube
Glasses ruin it. 5, would be 6+
6, would hike with you, but no homo
8 professional model
Uncle? Another one? 5 but older woman will love you
Now the third uncle? 6
Greek low-tier G-d, 8 of ur tall, 6-7 If >5'7
Underage but where I live still legal so 7/0
My G-d, another Uncle! But sexy 7

>Dont just rate me, write your feelings pls
The whole point of this thread is insecurity lol
No offense, there are a lot of insecure girls here, but you radiate it while others may looks fairly confident in their pics.
Eh, I'm not denying that I'm insecure. It is what it is :P
6.5-7 easy
Look like a childhood friend of mine. 6. If you grow up like him he ended up very handsome.
5 and thank you
6 good size on you bro
Why do you sort of look like Criss Angel?
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I need to know if I'm ugly or creepy or both, please
no why did it upload sideways fuck
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am in ugly
I bring out the best posters. That mustache is badass. I would bring it back. A lot of girls want guys with facial hair or could look like their dad in the last few years I have noticed.
>I stole them all, sorry
Let me borrow one or two of them.
What do you mean "no" You look like a smart person, you can answer it.
Uncles be running this bitch lately.
Why would you rate a attractive girl a 5 after they just rated you a 10. She must feel like crap now. Being honest here is not that serious, you could have complimented her instead instead of ruining her day.
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Ugly? Yes. Creepy? No, not unless you act creepy.

I’m no expert at photoshop, BUT I think if you got a new set of frames and donated your hair to people who need it, you might be surprised at 1) a boost in your self esteem after a couple weeks, and 2) how many people treat you better/with more respect.

Long hair as a form of self expression is incredibly valid, I used to be the same way. But when I realized just how much looking normal improves life when you’re an ugly teenager/young adult, I honestly never went back.
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If you put your hair in a bun, easy 7/10. But you look like a 9/10 friend and a 10/10 plug

8/10, great face structure.

LISAN AL GAIB!!! 6.5/10

4/10. Your face is perfectly built for facial hair.


4.5/10 you kinda look like Josh Hutcherson

6/10 but I can tell you got that dog in you and we’d probably get along


7/10 but with high 9 potential. Maybe even a 10 on a night out


5/10 what do the numbers 2 and 7 have in common?



6/10. Average, probably a 7 at a better angle

Roll a 1d10 to determine your rating

5 with potential


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rotate i said
I liked you better 90° ago

you look spanish as in spain
dr pepper after or during?
you look like a trustworthy guy
7.5 imo just for the hair
yeah it begant
good luck, just remember the more you behave the more people will treat you like they used to treat you
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Hi uwu
No u look fine


Rate others you ugly mutt
I love the tattoos and the physique. Your beard suits you well. 7
Christ has risen
6 you look like cillian Murphy's distant relative
6 you look really trustworthy I don't know why
>How over is it?
It's not over. You look fine now and I suspect unless you gain a lot of weight you'll only get better with age
8 pretty handsome dude

The hair makes you creepy. Lose the hair I'm telling you.
>am in ugly
8 looks like an actor
T-Dog from the walking dead
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8. Something about the exaggerated features
Nope, not ugly. I would say about 6
6.5 no lips but other great features
Wayne Brady Jr.
7 envious of jaw structure
You literally stole my lips bro
Is this you because I wamt you.
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4/10 bad skin and facial features
How about you participate properly so others can have something "fun to read" too?
4/10 autism vibes
4/10 but could be a 5 - 6/10 without the trashy piercings and make-up
6.5/10 very 'clean', well taken care of face and a good build too. Only think you can do to looksmaxx is start a cut
4.5 - 5/10 I'd suggest a better haircut but I've come to realize that's a cope most of the time
6/10, you are attractive, but since you asked for flaws, your lips are too large and your face is a bit long
10/10 in the based department
anon if that is actually your girlfriend you are one lucky motherfucker.
Why do you make yourself look ugly on purpose? Some kind of humiliation fetish?
Your hair is very beautiful in my opinion, but I'm not sure it's actually attractive on a man
yes, but not terribly so
still conflicted on you since your nose is odd but I'll go with 6
michael, vsauce here
7.5 really not bad
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you come across as an attention seeking insufferable faggot. 2/10
Why do you make yourself look ugly on purpose? Some kind of humiliation fetish?
> one should judge himself not by his highest, but by his lowest.
6/10, dream girl of most 4channers
5/10 ik you look better than this, horrid pic
4.5/10 ditch the long hair, grow out facial hair
rate others
will do desu
chad 8/10
a haircut away from being chad 7.5/10
black guy 5/10
conventionally attractive 7.75/10
solid 6.5/10
just need some skincare and you'll be fine 6.5/10
you look like a friend of mine, bald works just fine on you 5.5/10
10/10 eye area, 8.25/10 overall
north african? 5/10

pretty strong cohort of ppl today
20yrs old..
how do i get a gf
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why my photo didnt get uploaded
Aww, is me, thank you XD

I have a foolproof method of getting the partner of your dreams. It’s not easy, But it works.

Step 1: find out what it means to actually love yourself, not just be ok with who you are- learn who you are as a person, outside of any relationship, and love that person. This is the hardest part of the process because you’ll only know you love yourself enough when people start treating you differently, but the point of the exercise is to separate yourself from the need to be treated well by people.

Step 2: either wait for the universe to avail someone to you, or start talking to people in your league. This is the second hardest part of the process, but only because of nuances that aren’t intuitive. When looking for a potential partner, spread your reach in the beginning. Get comfortable talking to girls, which shouldn’t be hard if you have already completed Step 1. Prioritize shared values, and not shared likes. If you both like the same video game, but she wants kids and you don’t, there’s going to be a great initial shared experience, but a very hard compromise down the line that might end in disaster.

Step 3: allow yourself to fall in love with one person. This is risky, so you need to make sure it’s safe to do so. You need to make sure this person is emotionally available, ready for a relationship, and meets your expectations for a partner. It should be noted that being in love is not a feeling, it’s an action that involves putting in the work just about every day, even if on some rare occasions, that work feels unrequited. It’s selfless, but it is always a net-positive when done right. At this point, it should be fairly easy to realize that the goal is never just to “get a girlfriend”. The goal is to “be a good partner”

Step 4: Grow together. You stay in a relationship through commitment. Staying consistent through thick and thin, and growing when it’s needed. It’s tough work but it’s always worth it.
thanks bro,that makes sense i guess i need to start an ig or sum...i dont really have friends desu so its gonna be hard for me..
Who gave you permission to be so hot? How did you end up so pretty.
Omg big flatter, thank you...
That smile is very cute, it makes me want to pimch your cheeks.
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4, you look like Hagrid









9, you look like youre about to aid Gondor, goddamn. In a few years when you've aged a little bit, 10/10

I feel uncomfortable rating you, are you over 18?

7, love the beard

7, I think this pic doesn't do your face justice, the aperture is off

8, dirty mirror lel

7, am a sucker for facial hair

6, bad camera angle, try looking up at it instead of down

7 you kinda look like Justin Timberlake

7, cute, will be even cuter when you're older

7, cute, mischievous smile

6, not the best pic is all

It's because I'm in a GW store, isn't it... We'll I rolled a 1, you're an 8... You kind of remind me of Jonesy from Dreamcatcher

6, that hair style and colour does not suit you, IMO

You're not ugly, I'd give you a 6 but that's because the picture is bad quality. A smile and more face would be good :)

6, love the long hair, but would like moar smile

Hehe thank you grandpa ;)
Based on this post, you like facial hair and older guys. Bearded chads just keep winning ;) I try to tell these young whippersnappers that its just isn't me noticing this within this.
Hahaha you're not wrong, long hair is a huge bonus too! I'm in my 30s so I'm also a bit biased when it comes to age, but I'm sure lots of women on here are into older men too :D
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Aside from the obvious dad-bod and fat face being hidden behind my beard, How could I improve? I've dropped 40lbs in about 4 months.

6/10 , you Dominican?
Pinoy chad/10
Look like my hiking buddie, for that you get a 9. You also kinda look like that one vet who snapped and shot a bunch of people in Lewiston Maine a year back.
You look 14, go back.
That's angle makes you look like a sickly Victorian child. But that's in now so a 5 for you.
8/10, I like the native beaded earrings.
On here, definitely. I used to think it was mostly a 4chan thing because women with daddy issues are pretty common here. I never bother with dating apps but sometimes I'm curious and will see how many 19 year olds match with me. I used to feel guilty but openly showing they are attracted to older guys is common in this day and age.
You're in your 30s? Did video games stop you from aging past 21?
>You also kinda look like that one vet who snapped and shot a bunch of people in Lewiston Maine a year back
Yeah, from the surveillance footage, we looked similar, i noticed that. From the mug shot, don't look like him at all.

You remind me of this WWE wrestler Bronson Reed.
No daddy issues here, my dad and I love each other very much, we still play WoW and AoE together :D

So spill the tea then, how many matches do you get from young women when you do use dating apps? People in general seem more open with their preferences nowadays, which is pretty kickass. Sucks having to hide from what you like.

And I guess in a roundabout way, they sort of did, because I never get much sunlight ;)
You really don't look that old, maybe 30's as well? You obviously put a lot of work in on your body, and thebeard/hair looks great on you! I didn't see the footage you guys are talking about but you kinda make me think of a dude from Troy or Gladiator.
Sometimes the only "issue" is that they miss them or like them and want to replicate something similar, lol.

I don't meet any of them. Sometimes I'm just curious what i get. I don't think i will ever actually use a dating app to date. I like meeting people in person, the old school boring way, lol.
I'm in my 30s, thanks. Last time I posted someone said a guy from 300, so something similar to Troy and Gladiator. I think i look better than the pic, the phone doesn't show muscles and everything exactly how it is.
Fair, if missing our dads falls under the "daddy issues" umbrella then I guess there are a LOT of us...

So what do you do for your hobbies? Hopefully something that let's you meet lots of people, obviously a lot of time spent at the gym lol
I go to the gym 6 days a week, I meet everyone there. Its easy to go when its a hobby and you hangout.

My hobbies are working out, training people and video games and other mindless media consumption like TV and movies. I like doing anything athletic though, it just doesn't happen as much as those hobbies. What about you?
I've stepped foot in a gym maybe 10 times in the last year, but I like outdoorsy stuff on occasion, winter sports especially like snowmobiling and skiing!

But yeah most of the year it's also dumb mindless shit like vidya and movies. What's your favourite movie? :)
>9, you look like youre about to aid Gondor, goddamn. In a few years when you've aged a little bit, 10/10
thank you miss, you're lovely
In the past few years, my favorite movies I saw in theaters was The Batman and John Wick 4. I go to the theaters around 8 times a year but this year doesn't have many big summer flicks. I'm going to see Wolverine x Deadpool next. I miss when Marvel movies were good and I'm playing Marvel's Midnight Suns right now.
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Ooo 4 was good, was glad that they finally ended it lol, plus that was a super cool way to finish em out. The stairs though, THOSE FUCKING STAIRS

Planet of the Apes just came out too! Definitely looking forward to it even though they kinda jumped the shark, IMO the original movies were better.

What's your take in 80s action?
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Bah I'm probably derailing the thread, sorry, I'll STFU.
4 was my favorite one. I got to rewatch it, loved everything about that movie. I loved the nonstop action, that's just what I needed to watch for 2 hours and 40 minutes.

I saw the new Planet of the Apes, it was decent. I liked the previous two better, they were much darker. The recent one had been "Disney-fied"

I like 80s and 90s action, Arnold and Stallone movies. Was disappointed when Arnold wasn't in Expendables 4 and Stallone was barely in it.
Nah, you can keep going, lol.
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you win the thread
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not rating because u REFUSE to rate OTHERS and i wont stand for it
you need a better cut
eboy twink hair
Never posted before...
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Genuinely good looking, a smile would push you higher, 8/10

Well kept, nice face, 8.5/10

A more direct/straight on picture would probably improve it, 7/10

Kind of a subdued smile, but makes me think you're a happy guy generally 8/10

You look kinda dead inside...6/10

Not bad, but not great...well groomed and fit looks like, 7/10

You look chill, just not a fan of vaping/smoking so that brings it down for me, 6.5/10

Be yourself, whoever that is, and it may take time but you'll find someone who likes that person as you are.

Love the smile, really improves the whole look! 9.5/10

Looks crochety, probably has a bad memory, 3/10

Honestly the hair works for you, just start exercising a little more and eating a little better. You'll start seeing improvements and it'll make it easier. 7/10

Oh lawd them DSLs....

You look nervous or sad or both...6/10

With the hair out of your eyes, probably pretty cute? 7/10

I don't know why, but it feels like you're looking through me into the void...you're pretty, but your thousand yard stare is killing me...7/10

DUnno if it's the big glasses or what, but something's just...not right here...6/10
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7, you’re my type




4 you need to clean up your beard and hair
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Ugly man pretending to be a woman, kys
5.5 you can fix up well I'm sure
6.5-7 cute
6/10 remind me of a childhood friend who got no bitches


High 7/10 could easily by an 8/10 in a better picture, and with some posture work

6.5/10 you’re definitely somebody’s type

7/10 you were made to wear backwards baseball caps and make panties drop

8/10 with some skin care and proper facial hair you’d bump up a tier

High 5/10 try taking a photo from farther away or a mirror selfie. I’m struggling to believe your face is actually shaped like that

7/10 sick beard bro

You need to work out. Not should. Need.
4/10 until you get gains

6/10 I would ditch the “uppies” angle for future photos. Hair is great

6.5/10 the long hair is great but you would PULL with shorter hair. You’re robbing the world brother

6/10 looks like your eyes might be a really strong feature. Don’t hide them.

6.5/10 look like the lovably single supporting actress in a rom-com


7.5/10 beautiful face, great body is a plus

You look like you traded all the joy in your life for gains. 8/10. Your bump up a league if you fucking smiled for a photo

Take the beanie off
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my mom says i'm handsome
Much better. 7/10

Gonna catch flak for this but whoever’s gf this is, she’s a 9 in my book.

She’s right. Get better frames though
6.9/10 you’d jump up two leagues if you got a more mature haircut and it looked like you cared about your general appearance
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Member me
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This is a whole ass dude bro
Yeah, I remember. You were the boss of the rate threads.
>File: 20240614_194329.jpg
lol, not only does posting that pic do nothing to prove it's you, the difference between the post date and filename means it's less likely to be you.
Idk why you timestamp faggots think this is normal behaviour.
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A dude? Lmfao
lol ofc she does… 3.5
good style, love the red beard 8/8.5
pretty, 7/7.5
pretty 6
pretty 7.5
needs haircut/10
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7, you look like Jayoma

10, for the emperor!

9, nice arms

Yes, you're trans, you have a penis and an XY combo
Why so obsessed, hop off my meat weirdo
inb4 rotates
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Alright, I'm not gay and 22, so idk what girls really want, but will do my best. I also don't like tattoos and piercings, so I am biased.

You look a bit tired, but you're not ugly, you look like a nice dude. Your physique looks nice, but maybe post yourself with clothes on and not flexing to see how well they help you.
Would ask people girls out with your face.
Nice face, but your hair looks kind of unhealthy. Gotta make sure it shines a little bit, then I would not even consider asking here. Would ask people out with your face.
You look great dude. I would ask girls out with your face.
I wouldn't say that you're ugly, but you're also not that manly looking. But I think a charismatic look fit you well. I don't really like your hair tho. I would only ask weird hippy girls with your face and hair. Your face is not ugly tho, maybe like 6, with proper hair you could boost it to 7-8?
You got a nice face, but your hair looks terrible, style it. I would ask girls out with your face.
Very nice face, if you're also fit and not very thin, you have nothing to worry about. I would ask girls out with your face.
Your face looks uncanny with this stare, but you're not ugly, your hair is not great. Don't pose like this, smile or find another pose. Get a nice haircut. I would ask girls out with your face.

Couldn't fit everyone in a single post lol.

> Could you guys rate me based on the 3 pics please? Could I approach a girl with this face? What should I change? And what ethnicity do you guys think I am?
Continuation of >>33235367, please rate me there.

Okay, I don't think you're ugly, but you just look too young and weak. You can't do much about your face, but try to get a more mature haircut, idk what, don't end up looking like a little kid that got a makeover for a school photo tho. I do think that your natural facial pose is unflattering. Try to just smile when you see people. I would not ask girls out with your face, I would not have the confidence due to looking too weak.
Not ugly, but like average. That smile is not great tho, you look like you are judging. I think with a warm smile that you would look very cute. You do look like you are a mom in their 30s? I would ask out dudes with your face.
I don't like the smile looks ingenuine. Nice hair I think. I would maybe put more emotion in my facial poses. I would ask girls out with your face.
You look very unfriendly, but I would definitely ask other dudes with piercings or tattoos out with your face. Your face looks average.
Nice body, your face is not ugly, but you look so bland. It's probably your gym outfit. Your pose is also kind of gay looking (you just have a less masculine face, but this does not mean bad). I would just try to look a bit cooler and serious with nice clothes. I would ask my gym crush out with your face and body.
Terrible hair and you look too skinny and fragile. Your face is great tho. Right now you look like you never leave your room while gaming. But if you just get a charismatic hair like >>33223753 you would be set for the most part. Maybe also try to gain some muscle? I would not ask girls out with your current hair.
Continuation of >>33235367 (You), please rate me there.

You look good man, hair is good as well, you have a big chin and mouth tho. IF you don't have a nice big body (muscular), I feel like your head would look too big for your body, but otherwise I would simply ask girls out.
You look like a cool dude and I think some older woman even like this style, maybe? But I would not ask girls out with your face. Your facial hairs makes your double chin too obvious, but I also don't think that you should shave it. I would sadly enough not ask girls out with your face, but you do look approachable and cool, so I would like try to get into activities with older woman and hope to fall in love somehow by being funny or something like that.
Great face, but terrible hair? I would ask girls out with this style and also with a new hair style if the first attempt fails.
You look pretty, but not sexy. I would try to go the colorful and fun route. I would ask guys out with your face.
This is a weird pic, it looks like you have botox or something like that. You don't look ugly, but just weird.
terrible hair and facial hair, you look like a hard working construction guy. The teeth gap is honestly not bad looking, it fits your face. I am unsure about this, but you would look like a cool leather jacket, you should go for a manly look basically. I would not ask out girls with your facial hair and hair.
not ugly at all, and you look big as well with broad shoulders. I would confidently ask out girls out with your face. You do look old tho, like 35?
You look pretty handsome, like model almost? I am not sure about the hair, but your pretty face makes it work I guess. I would ask out girls with your face.
Continuation of >>33235367 (You) (You), please rate me there.

You look alright. Your hairstyle also fits you, but you lack that charisma a little bit to really shine. You got potential to be a 9, you look 6 - 7. I would ask girls out with your face.
You are pretty handsome man. I would ask girls out with your face.
Very nice nice terrible hair. Find a hairstyle that fits you. I would ask girls out with your face.
Great face, not ugly, but sadly enough you look weak and do not look sexy as a male due to your lack of hair. Maybe get jacked or try to wear high class to look like a celeb? I would not ask girls out with your face.
Why would you even ask man? You look like a model. I would ask girls out with your face.
Not ugly just terrible hair and you look weak. Would ask out girls, but not with confidence. You also took your selfie from too close (your ears are barely visible, try to take it from further away, it adds more width to your face).
Nice face, nice hair, a beard definitely fits you, but your current beard needs care. Your beard looks like pubic hair, just care for it and you are solid. I would ask out girls with your face.
You look like a gamer. Terrible teeth hygiene and your smile is childish. I also don't like your hair, but your facial hair is okay. Your face is not ugly, but you look a little chubby. I would not ask out girls with this photo.
Continuation of >>33235367 please rate me there.

That hair does not fit you, make it shorter. Nice face and facial hair. The contrast between your haircolor and skincolor is nice. You are a little chubby, but could look like a highclass dude if you gel your hair and get nice clothes.
Can't see your face, but you look great from this picture. I would be confident, maybe work on your shoulders to look a little bit wider?
Average, you don't look ugly but you look so bland and default. Your face is not sexy or cute, but just normal, so I would maybe add some emotion in it to look cute. Nice eyelashes. Your body looks fine, you look like you have a healthy body weight by not exercising, but just not overeating. I would ask out guys tho.
you're hot dude, don't even ask.
Your face is cute, but your body looks like a square, you don't have a great fat distribution. You would look cute if you lost some weight. Your nose is cute. I would ask guys out, if they're into emo stuff they would say yes, otherwise idk, like maybe? I would not care about the face tho, it's the body that needs fixing.
The photo is not great, can't see your face, but you kinda look like a majestic knight or something like that. Build more muscle tho.
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Maxilar djinni9/10
Living fetish 10/10, we could easily miz our genetics
Average medieval villager 7/10
Young serial murder 7/10
No ur not, ur just lesbian 7/10
Maiden type face 8/10
you cannot refer to someone as your “living fetish”. aside from being a fucking awful way to talk to someone, it implies the existence of your “unliving fetish”
>living fetish
get help man
Fucking weirdo
How about DONT mix your genes with anybody and spare us all another droopy eyed loser
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something is off but strong chad potential 7/10

u look ok but u seem like a freak 2/10

5/10 average

7/10 i think you’d look cool with longer hair

5/10 beard not really doing it for me

8/10 i like the vibes

cool tats 6/10

7/10 + 1 for the shirt

4/10 probably higher if u like took a shower maybe

5/10 but i like ur eyes and you seem funny

8/10 pretty
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Rate me and I'll rate you back.
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First time participating in a rate thread
I admire the amount of thought you put into all of your ratings.
6.5 need grooming that's all
CUTE / 10
Rate me>>33231846
3/10 Sorry little bro
5/10 Youre not bad, just average and look like a teacher
7.5/10 You look like an italian stud
4/10 you look like a half-life model
5.5/10 You deadass got potential, just change the hairstyle and you can rise up to an 8
Dude youre ugly but damn you look like so much fan to hangout with
3/10 You look like a child and a man at the same time and for some reason that gets me angry and want to punch you.
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any femanons want to rate me? i enjoy wine and watching house of the dragon with my cat. im a moderate voting new yorker. do i look suave?
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I don't know who this woman is but it looks the thread was Archived. She has such a cute face which is my highest draw in appeal even before body type which it looks like she would impress and enjoy than otherwise. I'm far from attracted to piercings, thank my religious upbringing for that, but even still I'd love to fill my cock in her mouth. She's cute AND honest!
>I don't know who this woman is but it looks the thread was Archived

That is just one of those pics that someone spams for years and years and years. A perpetual larp. Its funny how many people thought they were actually talking to the girl in that pic over the years.
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Rate my selfie and...
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My mirror pic.
Do I look much different? Which is closer to reality? I see myself more like the selfie in the mirror
Are mirror selfies or front camera selfies closer to reality?
Im kinda hate how wide my face is in the former desu
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No reason to get vulgar. 5 is not a bad rating. From 5 on your looks pass the threshold and your personality counts, thats good in my book.
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im a 5 star man. not a 5/10 man. youre a troll arent you? these incels man i tell you. just cause im a succesful handsome man...
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This braindead idiot still rating the larp kek
>>>33224416 (You) #
Seriously, 2? Why
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Am I cooked?

>>33223164 6.5 face looks good but hair doesn’t really suit you as much as another one would
>>33223428 7 very soft looking face prime cheek squish material
>>33224556 7 very cute face would be a easy 9 if acne cleared up
>>33225363 8 certified cutie patootie
>>33226471 7 you look like dean lamb and it’s kinda hot
>>33230306 6.5 you have hard potential already look pretty cute in pic you look pretty depressed tho I feel like if I saw you with a genuine smile I might fall in love lol
>>33237202 6 pic is kinda unfair on you since lighting is ass but from what I can see you look pretty cute
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rate me you can be ruthless its fine
>>33241858 hard to tell with the pic but you seem to have a conventionally attractive face, 5
>>33239405 typical looking man 5
>>33237241 definitely someone's type 6
>>33236580 i like your hair so 7
>>33236166 another typical looking man but the facial structure is crazy 7
>>33234420 cool glasses and hair 6.5
>>33226471 dont know but you look like a cool guy
thats all im doing this is hard
Thanks for the rate.
I like your style and your face is conventionally pretty.

May I ask how I could improve? Go beyond typical or is that all I can do? Do I look much worse in my mirrir selfie btw? People told me my face is too small gor my skull.
What's the verdict on this guys? On one hand, its the type of girl you will see post in a rate thread sometimes. On the other hand, the person looks too hot and could be a larp. Do you ever straighten your hair completely?

If this is real, the piercings don't distract from your face. Sometimes girl use piercings to distract if they aren't pretty. You already got a pretty face and the piercings enhance your look.
>>33242166 hey thanks
first of all, front phone cameras do distort your face some, so the mirror pic is probably more accurate. saying your face is too small for your skull is some brainrot shit tho, you just have a wide jawline and thats fine. id recommend shaving the stubble and changing the clothes, the fit of the tshirt youre wearing in the second pic isnt the most flattering
not a larp... T_T yes i straighten my hair sometimes and yes it looks better that way. thanks for the compliments
Hair looks good like this too. I can just imagine it straight, being shiny and silky. You are very attractive, surprised to see someone like you post. I figure you just didn't feel good about your appearance today.
8/10, for fuck sake



everyone else is days ago, /soc/ is as aslow as an electric wizard riff these days.
5. Too stern in this photo
9/10 prettiest face in this thread. Glad I posted it now. Would date.
6.5 bro great improvements
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It's >>33231846 and they are a tranny.
7 the freckles r deducting a point
6 idk just super normal looking
7.5 cute
6.5 super normal looking dude just weird hair
5 haircut please
6.5 pretty
hard to tell but solid 7
Goddamn girl where the fuck are you from, eastern europe or some shit?
Thanks for the advice. Making the best of it, I shall.
Thanks. Still trying to improve.
Face 5.5, body bumps you massively, 7. How do you train?
Thanks for the rate, is there a way I can improve or am I stuck at below average due to some bonestructure thing?
Well, thats not bad.Any way to improve?
6, very cute
7/10 good vibes
7/10 I would probably be your friend
Nice cutie bait 7/10
6/10 because your not my type. Otherwise 8 or 9/10
Fix hair, beard, posture and confidence an your 8 or 9/10
6/10 but you seem very likeable
hidden gem, but you need more testosterone (work out, posture, confidence)
cute/10. Poster, confidence and workout needed
9.5 out of 10. Very charming
8/10, you look very chill. Im only a little concerned about your trustworthyness, but thats just my first impression
Good body, face and posture, but your eyes scare me
6/10, but very reliable looking
if you work on yourself, 8/10
10/10 body and face, but you look too agressively for my taste
7/10 but probably very nice to talk to
6/10, alluring but Im also very concerned
9/10 very much my type, but you could use some workouts
8/10 italian/french (?) vibes, but you look just too cocky
7/10, if you get more testosterone and workouts then 9/10
8/10 facial features
7/10, but 10/10 potential. You just need more self confidence and better grooming habits
8/10, but I really like your eye color
9/10 I like your mediterranean grazile look. Only your eyes are a little too far apart (from that picture)
both insanely attractive
also a 7/10 at least, the outfit is hot
3/10 rate others
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You operate a conspiracy themed radio program in the Appalachian’s
You also have CP

Lemon face



Too many freckles


Hardcore lesbian


You’d be cute with no piercings


Based drug dealer
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4/10 you look a bit unkempt

5.5/10 you look sad

5/10 a new haircut would do you wonders

Thanks for the rate. Might be because I had another breakup recently. How far could I ascend or is there something holding me back permanemtly?
I like your bodytype, 6.5 on that alone. That dress suits you. Red on blondes is just wonderful.
This thread is just larps from Reddit lmao either from dopplegangers or the am i ugly sub
But it looks like they posted on reddit after this thread and there is 5 more pics of them. She is freaking hot in all the pics. The last pic with the straight cut bangs is great, its like one of those anime characters with the jet black hair.
disabled jihad
6 but if you can arch your back properly, I could suck those lips off your face
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5/10 can’t really see your face that well
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Looking younger everyday.

Wet little mouth.

You'll be alright, bro.

Advanced fashion sense.

I love you.

I remember you. Your hair leveled up.

Beautiful smile.

Silly face.

You're like that guy who plays pool in Guilty Gear.

I miss your scary days.
6.5/10, you look like you’d make weird comments here and there
Not my taste. You look like one of those kids who lick around their lips until there’s a red ring
5.3/10. Nothing all that wrong, just an average guy. Stop sperging
Can’t be older than 15, super cute though
8.8/10 if i had to rate
6.8/10 gingers look gorgeous in the sun
4.6/10 Wizard. Grow your beard out and retreat to the forest
Omg ur perfect. Cute sad eyes and perfect 70s gay porn star look. Keep it up, wear tight pants
Good hair, papercut lips and haunted eyes
Serial killer/10
Not ugly but I would not want to be around you, extremely unsettling
Pretty and put together looking. However, your face is rather long and that wig is not doing you any favours. I say go natural and grow an afro, it would really compliment your features and shorten your face
4.7/10 greasy
Perfect colouring, tan redhead girls are the best
Not for me but objectively 6/10
7.7/10 handsome mongol but lipless
8/10 you are so gorgeous bro
2/10. Sorry man no other way to say it.
Luckily as a man the standards for looking good are way lower and your looks don’t particularly dictate your place in society, so u can definitely improve yourself by changing just a few things
Pic won’t load but u look like someone ik
Adorable and cheery, 6.5/10
Haircut makes you look like an egg. For some reason I think you should grow ur hair long and dye it blonde but I can’t tell whether that would make u look good or like a creep
Michael Cera with none of the charm and all of the IT skills.
Objectively attractive but definitely not to me. You look like cillian Murphy which I hate
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I have more pictures btw but do tell me

Jesus if he had a face shaped like an aubergine, 6/10
6/10 nothing wrong, probably really attractive to a lot of girls
6.3/10 Pedro Pascal type look, become a lumberjack
5/10, try improving your diet, you look a lot older than your age
Stop pouting. Would be fairly attractive if you weren’t a massive creep wtf don’t go near women bro
Analog horror, flat headed 5/10
TikTok boy phenotype but 7.6/10
Change the cut pleaseee but I’m sure you get girls, 7.7/10.
Kek 10000/10
Troon 2/10
Troon 6.5/10 semi passoid but who tf wears that in public
Gripping that head tight to make sure your brain doesn’t fall out. 5.5/10
Please lose the freckles. Real freckles aren’t evenly spaced like that. Androgynous/10
8.7/10 my type. Love the dishevelled look
Frequents upmarket coffee shops. But you’ve got a look going, 5/10
4.5/10 Towing the line between laddish and nerdy
8.7/10 I love your eyes and just your whole look. I hope this isn’t a larp
5.8/10 Borat if he worked as an office clerk. Wonky nose
Can’t see face. That dress also isn’t doing you any favours. Start working out
7/10 In a couple of decades you will have completed your full transformation into a lycra dad with white guy dreads, the sort of guy who makes smoothies and likes cold water plunges. You look like you’d pretend to be a leftist to get pussy but I could be misjudging
3/10 saggy and sad sorry bro. You look like the cowardly lion from the wizard of oz
4/10 Weird pedo, your face looks like it belongs of a midget which is disconcerting. Also you look like I’ve seen u before.
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It’s upside down fucksake hopefully this one is fine
>Looking younger everyday.
I get mistaken for a high school student quite often. I think it depends on my haircut.
Jab at my forehead size? What could I do to improve/whats holding me back?
I’m assuming you’re the guy with the red shirt? For one, your haircut isn’t flattering you at all, and I don’t think it flatters anyone desu. Lose the ice cream cut and try to maximise volume in your hair so the top of your head doesn5 appear flat, you could use hairspray, curl your hair, and maybe even let it grow a little longer so you have more hair to create volume with
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How do I look?
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We look so similar.. I almost feel like someone is impersonating me
Holy that makes me sound like a narc.
Wait that’s crazy cool, mainly because doppelgängers are such an interesting concept to me
No, my id changed. Il the guy with the blue eyes holding down a rebellious tuft of hair
Dont know if ironic or I should just be thankful. Looking a bit intimidating with that pose though. 4 in the picture but 5.5 probably if you dont tilt your head like that.
My head is not tilted (?
I guess is the shadow makes it look tilted?
Yeah, looking at it again its the shadow. Looked like you tilted it forward a bit. You are good looking, don't worry.
Your forehead is ok, I just noticed that you were gripping the top of your head in all your photos. However, you do look at risk of balding, so maybe look at keratin treatments and hair growth oils to not only increase the thickness of your hair but also prevent balding too early. In your mirror pic your face looks wider and you look heavier-set. I think you should spend more time outside as you're quite pale, and maybe exercise a little more to lose your excess weight. Also, you would look better clean-shaven.
Unfortunately im not good looking, im like half jewish
Thanks for the assessment and advice. Yeah, I was almost a nw6, but recovered my hair with meds, will go for a transplant once Im done with a year and regrowth stabilized.
Im a bit concerned about the width of my face.
And yeah, gonna use the summer. Thanks for tze rating and honesty. How far could I make it?

Haven't rated you yet. You remimd me of a girl I've been with after high school. I like your eyees and the way they play in your naturally curious and mischievous (is that the word) features. Overall 6.5, beautiful.
Welcome to the club, we have matzos
Sorry, despite being a mischling i also hate the Juden with a burning passion
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You look like Nayib Bukele
Nice irl trollface
Steve from gamersnexus
Adam Lanza but not meet
Never expected to see a black chick here
Wanna get a pint geezer?
You look like some schizo chick I know
Settle down, you fucking nut case.
>That dress also isn’t doing you any favours.
>That dress suits you.

Which one is it D:
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I feel like I'm responsible for all that. novel blogging in the last thread. I'm so sorry. That girl and I ended it for good. Everything hurts.
8/10 Death Grips doppelganger
7/10 epic jawline my good sir
How have you been? Speaking of ancient, I was just listening to Vinny Vinesauce play FF7 Rebirth and catching up on all that since my life's been a mess for the past 3 months :) HAVE YOU PLAYED IT?
Lips. A little sus looking but I'll DrDisRespect into your DM's if you don't tell twitch staff
8/10 Bretty bretty good :-DDD
5/10 hello hagrid I just built a Lego Harry Potter castle with you in it
9/10 am jealous of your jawline
6/10 I'm curious your opinion of me but I won't push it
6/10 looks like you were sunburned ouch. Apologies if that's just the freckles
7/10 strikingly beauty
6/10 mfw the thumbnail still isn't Brandon from /soc/
4/10 I personally don't like it but much to improve
5/10 not a flattering pose
6/10 hello welcome from Australia
7/10 looks too much like that Idaho murderer who killed 4 sorority twins. Hmm it's a very bad lighting/blank facial expression
Yo wazzzzup. I haven't play Rebirth yet, it would be the first game I get when I get a PS5. I definitely followed it though. I replayed Remake and then I played Evercrisis when I was in a FF7 mood. I got bored of Evercrisis after a few months, too much grinding and probably had the most daily collecting I've seen in a game. Every time you log in, you spend like 5 minutes collecting daily rewards everywhere, lol.
>That girl and I ended it for good. Everything hurts
The summer 3 years ago, you were going after another oneitis. I remember it was in a roast thread I think and you were talking about her for half the thread.
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7/10. 29. Nice jawline
5/10 20
5/10 20 Get some sleep, girl. And some light. Would improve the looks.
8/10 21 Cute
5/10 rocking that beard though. You look like a fun guy to hang around.
6/10 23 Nice dress. You should try some lifting. Would straitened out your arms. It's a hard start but it will start to make fun. I saw another girl start out lifting and she improved.
6/10 27
7/10 20 Looks cute
Aaaah! Judge Doom!
5/10 blue eyes creep me out, jawlord
i love you
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6.8, just need a trim or something
6.7, bad angle, cool tattoos
8.5, look tired
6.8, needs some clothes lol
7.6, you look like a famous actor
7.5, punk rocker
8.9 good jaw
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Yeahhh. Her name was Nat (pic related). Long story short; Girl came over. We hooked up once from Tinder. I developed feelings. I pressured her to hangout again, and we did so, this time at her place. Was the final time I got to be with her. I got the impression she just didn't like me as much as I liked her. Almost exact similar story with Kim this year and you know the rest. For the sake of this thread I'll leave it at that and I'll try harder not to shitpost it up again.
Damn, that's no good. Sounds like Pokemon Go with me, or any other addicting mobile designed game lmao. I tried Ever Crisis but got bored pretty quick. Fuck vidya games. Crisis Core was legendary however. Nobody wants to spend $500 on a console to play 1 game, I feel that.
Andy Milonakis/10 but you have a good vibe for some reason, 8/10. Cool shirt.
Damn. I've never heard anybody dislike blue eyes. But I thought my eyes were green.
5/10 hello vsauce Michael here. The lack hair is de-mogging you, so lots of potential there.
Is that the whale? She looks different here kek
Which one xD? That's not the one from this year/10 years ago. I never got a picture with her.
Holy shit man, you could do way better
I know, but she was tall. Both girls were like 5'10". I kinda see past all that because tall girls are so rare, around here at least. I def have a vulnerability for those kinds of body types, even if they are overweight.
I played Evercrisis waiting for Crisis Core to go on sale and when it did I got it and played it. If I got a PS5, it wouldn't just be for FF7 Rebirth and the eventual third game. I would also get FFXVI, Spider-Man 2, theres a few others I can't remember right now and all upcoming games.
She is good looking. Reminds me of a girl I talked to end of last year, same long green teal hair and had piercings, she was a stripper obviously. I ghosted her, too much s3x work. Nothing wrong with a 6-7/10 girl but Kim would have looked better if she lost weight. The green hair girl looks fine. Aren't these girls late 20s or early 30s? They got problems staying in relationships or commitment for whatever reason.
That makes sense. There's some good games there
Yeesh, sex work is messy. I had a friend who dated those types and was mysteriously attracted to them for some reason we couldn't figure out. I can gladly say all I would think about is the mountain of dick that jacked off to them in the collective past.
I would probably be too scared to come into Kim's life if she looked better aka lost weight. I just can't compete with good looking girls. They HAVE to have better options than me, so why bother.
>commitment issues
Yeah they do LOL I don't know what kind of trauma happened in my childhood to desire and foster those kinds of women the most. I wonder what happened in their life too.
One girl I used to like did p0rn on a famous site. For some reason, they looked absolutely horrible in the p0rn. The lighting and photoshop the site did was sooo bad. I don't get it, thought it was suppose to make em look better but they looked worse. Her Onlyfans look so much better. I ghosted them for that. I don't want to deal with these types.

You want to fix those types of girls. I want to save girls too. I don't think its like a video game though, they can't be fixed.
Stop blogposting you insufferable faggots
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sorry if the picture appears sideways, I don't know how to fix that...

( discord : tolrag )
One week of Hinge & Bumble with only one match that didn't respond is depressing desu. Anyone else in the same boat?
Is that the fullest beard you can grow? You're fortunate with dark hair that it makes it look thicker so I'd go all the way with it.
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not ugly but you NEED to make sure you shave the part of ur beard that grows onto ur neck, rest of facial hair is fine though
pretty but prob prettier if u smiled
u look cool dw
ur fine the freckles are a huge plus idk what ppl are talking about
white joji lmao (this is a good thing)

how over is it :sob:

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