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>What is Screenclaim?
Screenclaim is an android app that lets you add other users and remotely change their wallpaper image to anything in your gallery. This, of course, is mostly used for setting other people's wallpapers to pornographic images.

>Won't they ban me from using the app for that?
No, actually! Pornography is not against their ToS, so long as the content isn't considered illegal. Do be mindful of what you send, since you CAN be banned if someone reports you.

>How can i get the app?
It is available for free on the Google Play Store! It is worth noting the app is NOT available on iOS. Just install and create an account.

>I want to join in, but I don't want my work colleagues seeing porn on my phone's wallpaper. What do I do?
The app features both an option to enable or disable lock screen changes, as well as an unavailability option that disables claims from affecting your wallpaper for a set amount of time.

Once you're all set up, post your username for other people to add you, as well as what kind of content you're looking to share/receive!
Looking to be sent anything
Will not report you

New to this stuff make me regret
sounds fun I'll play.

Into as tame as possible
ID is FuckMeSubways Bi and down for most things very horny so have fun

Let's try this for a bit. I'm pretty open to anything. Send me your prettiest pic..or your most erotic. idk.
Stupid cuck gooner, i need to get more addicted to cock
back again.
Send me any and everything I will not report you @norced720
Humiliate me at work.
Send anything, will not report


won't report

Currently at work so please make me regret this :3

Love Hentai, feet, pits and naughty captions. Make it as embarrasing as possible if someone were to see
Add @norced will send back anything
Sounds fun. Send anything. Won't report. Will send something back

Got a meeting next morning, willing to risk it

Hentai gooner, fuck my wallpaper up~ into loli, feet and futa!
Don't add if you want IRL, not sending or looking to receive
once we received an image, is there any way to change it back again?

Send me whatever you want
please rape my phone im so addicted to porn open to anything...

@johndunne96 send whatever

Name implies. Send whatever
@goonjabi I won't report or ban anyone. I would prefer female content but anything female is fair game
Chubby bi trans (shemale, femboy, whatever) here. I'm pretty open minded so everyone is welcome.

you guys are willingly installing malware on your phones
please reconsider

Make whatever you want, go crazy
As name suggests. Anything else goes.
Get kinky ya pervs
Have fun perverts ;)
down for anything, preferably sissy stuff
this is the lamest of the honeypots yet
You're lame in fairness
File: 1697508100101851.webm (3.87 MB, 900x506)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB WEBM

Send me anything

anything nn, censored, chastity/beta, cute Ts, or go as wild as you wish. no report
Censored porn welcome
anything except blacked
Also my kik is the same user name, if we could talk n shit it be nice

Any porn, have fun with it
Cuck or forced bi
@ showmeagood
Go for whatever, let's do it

Distract me from work plz
@goldengreat anything no reports
>post your username
Let's help each other

Into anything, I like anime/hentai, no reports of it matters
Home alone with my slut sister.
The more hardcore the better
Trying out the app
Sounds interesting
Never tried this before but it seems fun :3

do your worst. I won't report.

Put anything you like.
send me perverted shit. edging all day.

pls no porn
make me unable to look at my phone
No limit, send anything

Feet, cock, Hypno or captions preferred
Send me anything no report autosave on

Heya, new here, add me
Send anything

Bored, send whatever, I'll send back if I can
Looking to be sent anything, save on, want my phone properly raper.
Will not report
I will jerk off to anything sent
Looking for anons with who likes peculiar stuff

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