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File: SE_.jpg (13 KB, 254x216)
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>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for

AL - Alabama
AR - Arkansas
GA - Georgia
TN - Tennessee
MS - Mississippi
LA - Louisiana
VA - Virginia
WV - West Virginia
FL - Florida
KY - Kentucky
NC - North Carolina
SC - South Carolina
Discord server:

>26/M/Deep South

Physical description:
>a scrawny brown mutt

Working out, fishing, travel, exercise, gaming, music, graphic design, nature

>Looking for:
I'm looking for brown (mulatto, latina, blasian) women from either LA or the rest of the south that aren't into BWC.

>Not looking for:
If you're some ghoster who can't maintain a conversation for five minutes because of your lack of brain matter or some weirdo bitch who takes SSRIs like candy, you're not what I'm looking for.
34/M/FL 561
>>Physical description
Tall, long reddish hair/beard, blue eyes, pale, a little lanky
Gym, art, spirituality, vegetarian food, mostly retro gaming and virtual reality, gothic/industrial/triphop music. How to manage stuff like CPTSD, pain, health issues.
>>Looking for
Mainly local girls. But anyone can add me if they really want to talk.
>>Not looking for
Discord wait4what1
>Looking for
girl who wants to make no face couples porn together
@ me if you are interested
Southeastern Discord Server:
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277 KB
277 KB JPG
18m US, gay

>Physical Description
5'9", average body type, usually shaved

I'm into DC, D&D, video games, card games, board games, anime, cooking, the weather, hiking, and playing instruments

>Looking For
Older guys who want a femboy friend :P

>Not Looking For

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910 KB
910 KB JPG
35 m SC
>Physical description
I'll just post a pic
D&D, books, parenting, paranormal shit
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Thirsty dudes
Telegram is @PoppiesAndOmelettes
24, M, bi, VA USA
>Sexual Interests
Into breeding, kissing, cnc, femboys, trans, cis women, public sex, cheating, definitely have a thing for skirts and fems in uniforms.
>Looking For
Preferably someone to meet up and be FWB with, but I'm pretty open to whatever
>Not Looking For
Top guys or serious relationships
>Discord Tag
Southern people welcome
International community server of terminally online 4chud users.
18+ ONLY
Whites ONLY
19, M, AR, USA
>Sexual Interests
Into a lot of stuff just no scat or gore
>Looking For
Looking for a fwb
>Not Looking For
Serious relationship
>Discord Tag
Arizona is not the south you retard
Apparently you cannot read the first post or know the actual abbreviation for Arizona
Big brain
Arkansas isn't in the fucking south either. Whoever made this thread is a gigantic idiot.
It’s ok bud we all make mistakes
Yeah and whoever made this thread made the biggest one.
Texas would at least be arguable, but not fucking arkansas
26 m ar
Only had sex like 3 times need somebody to practice on
Arkansas is a part of the Upper South region along with Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Tennessee. Arkansas is further 'south' than North Carolina, and is further east than Texas.
Server with a handful of Southern users, used to have a lot of Georgia dwellers but they migrated. Anyone is welcome from anywhere, but would love more Southerners.

>Upper South
It doesn't occur to you that this is literally an oxymoron?
It's not tho

Sort of like 'upper middle class'. There's a region referred to as 'the south' and there are states in that region that are oriented differently north or southwise
any cute bi couples near western nc? can travel or host

or anyone that likes smoking or shrooms


kik: bicurwl
This is insane mental gymnastics, are flyovers this desperate to belong?

Mid-30s/M/NC (Near Charlotte)

>Physical description:

Very tall, normal BMI, white guy


Tech stuff, vidya, sci-fi/fantasy, history/mythology

>Looking for

Biological women. Nothing particularly serious. I am your standard weird tech worker type who works from home so I am fairly inexperienced with women, so the ideal would be someone who is okay with me learning the ropes (and maybe help teach) when it comes to women and sex, and also at least being friends. Also, someone who located somewhere relatively close.

>Not looking for

Guys, trans women.


You do realize there are directions referred to as 'north' and 'south' yes?

It's no different than referring to Alabama and Georgia as 'the deep south'
Discord server:

You're right. Kentucky is the far southern North.
No sir

Kentucky is Kentucky
damn everytime someone's from charlotte they don't want trannies
visiting this weekend taking motorcycle on the parkway

Southeastern Discord Server:
33/m/FL 813
Could use a new buddy, FWB, or gf.

kik: mattviix
snap: mpcwtv
I'm a software engineer, but my real interest is in film among other types of art and media. I'm an easy-going down-to-earth guy, but i really enjoy deep ideas, philosophy, thought experiments, psychology, etc. I also like being active, enjoy swimming, disc golf, hiking, and want to travel more.
>looking for
Other adult, professional, mentally and financially stable people who are also chill and enjoy talking movies, philosophy or just friendly casual conversation. I also really want to talk with others about the future and the rapidly changing nature of technology and its impact to society. It would also be great to find others who enjoy being active and have any interest in staying fit and healthy (this includes mental health) together. If we end up getting along and vibe well and are both comfortable enough with each other, I'm up for eventually voice chatting. Also, if you like any of my favorite film makers we will probably get along: Scorsese, Lynch, Coen Bros, Bergman, Herzog, Fellini.
>not looking for
NEETs, Anyone high strung who can't handle their emotions like an adult or people who behave like children. People who don't have any sincere interests or ideas to share or those who are just looking for either an interview or an argument.

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