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Aryan Specimen Edition

prev: >>141617038
Notre Dame will win the SEC!
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For me, it's the Mountain Dew Athletic Conference.
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Autism Theater Presents: Another Western US Realignment Conference Post

Flagship Division
Idaho (yes, they're back!)
New Mexico

State Division
Colorado State
Oregon State
Utah State
Washington State

States That Aren't States Division
Boise State
Fresno State
San Diego State
San Jose State

Odd Ball Division
Air Force
Hawaii (football only)/Gonzaga (no football)
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
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> hey guys lets discuss realignment for the 80th day in a row. ummm tv markets, rite?
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Based Tiger bot
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Yeah, I think we've pretty much run out of energy for /cfb/ this off season. Making it to June 20th was a pretty good run.
Usually once it’s back it’s back. We can’t be done now.
Baseballfags will keep it going when there's another game
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The previous thread didn't hit the bump limit, which is a bad sign.
I was here in 2014 and that’s all we talked about then too.
Nah, it got billed off because of Euro shitposting due to Ingurland spilling spaghetti again.
For me, it's New Mexico State Mexicans, the best college football team
What’d they do now
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Based 'Based Tiger bot' bot
Beat their wives.
/cfb/ posters on average suck is the problem. Just need to get better.
Do people feel a weird sense of failure if they don't keep their general thread up forever? It doesn't seem necessary at all but you still do it.
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Piggyposting is what will maintain /cfb/ through the dog days of summer.
And what’s the problem with /cfb/ posters?
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She's in her 30s now.
Someone please Pemeyes her or whatever it’s called. If she’s not married to a fat guy raising two chubby children I’ll be really sad.
Already looked and didn't find anything.
This girl >>141839169 however does show up. She's kind of a Kansas normie. Sort of conservative but goes all in for the anti-bullying stuff that's a cover for sneaking LGBTQ+ stuff into schools.
All we have to do is make it to the new vidya and it will make it
i'll try to keep it bumped with an occasional webm
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Now that these two autistic gentlemen have left college sports, who are the new kings of awkward?
No PC, no buy
Why'd he do it? Why did his coaches act like it was a good play?
have any anons here tried watching the cfl?
Crazy things can happen.
Most don't know shit about college football is the main problem.
Mickey retired?
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Post random college football players from years past.

>Andy Katzenmoyer
Mid 90s Ohio State
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Private equity won
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>Private equity won
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What are you guys listening/watching to stay informed about your teams, conference, and CFB overall during this offseason?
Private equity is based underage Sharty tourist
I listen to channel 84 on XM when I go to lunch or take my dog for a walk. Usually the show with Rick Nuheisuel. It sucks. Rick just jerks off all the guys he knows in the college football biz and the other guy tries to hard to be funny current, reference guy. Every once in a while they'll have a good guest on. They had a dude on today and Rick was trying to lead him into an answer that was positive about someone and the guest said he didn't think the player was good enough. You could hear Rick's disappointment when he said it. Was actually some unintentional comedy. There's a morning show with Danny Kanell. He's a bitch, so I usually don't listen.
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>You are looking LIVE at Oklahoma Memorial Stadium in Norman! Two teams from the Big 12 South face off with everything at stake! Conference championship implications—and also national championship hopes—ride on Saturday night football on ABC presented by Southwest Airlines. Tonight the #2 Red Raiders storm into Norman with the nation’s longest winning streak and they face the EXPLOSIVE offense of #5 Oklahoma!
Oh how times have changed.
97.1 FM in CBus, Cover 3, and Big Ten Ted.
Is that the game ttu fags cry about all the time like wvu losing to whoever that was?
Doesn’t every time have those
coach primate
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No. Some teams have tons of games that they lost and they bitch about, but then they're back in the national picture pretty often. WVUfags bitch about the Rich Rod loss because they build a whole other narrative over what if they had won and how relevant they would be. There's anons who say WVU would've gone to the SEC had they won "that game"

Brief search brings up https://www.vivathematadors.com/2019/7/15/20690349/revisionist-history-what-if-texas-tech-football-beats-ou-in-2008 which is pretty much exactly what WVUfags say about their loss. That's what "the loss" is
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The South Florida Bullshitters were once #2 in the nation but they don't complain much these days about just being a pile of number two. They know it was a flash in the pan moment.
I know the dorks in the media and coach coffee gatherers ranked them #2 but at no point in its history has USF the second best football team in the nation.
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Quite true but it was 2007 and being ranked #2 that year was the kiss of death. Forget where they finished in the polls but I do remember they went to shit the rest of the season. Still, they don't whine about it like the tacos and hillbillies do.
This brings back so many memories. Matty Ice was polarizing because people liked him in New England but everyone in New England hates everyone that goes to Boston College. Sad that the only decent college team we have is a school everyone resents
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Coach primate
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Houston has fired their athletic director for [failure to raise funds at the necessary level to be competitive in the top level of college football].
There's lots of money in the school's alumni network so with the right fund raising, they could amass quite the war chest, but it's an open question as to if their alumni really care all that much about football. The academic side of the university does quite well with their fund raising efforts.
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Funny that both Georgia and Auburn use that as a secondary fight song.
And that the union army played it while burning Georgia to the ground.
The difference is WVU was actually capable of winning that game. All it would have take was Rich Rod slightly giving a shit. Taco Tech was just outmatched.
Now I understand why Auburn likes it. Still no idea why UGA uses it.
They don’t want him to come back.
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I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnish`d rows of steel,
"As ye deal with my contemners, So with you my grace shall deal;"
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,
Since God is marching on.
Claiming God is on your side in a war because you've convinced yourself you're the good guy has to be one of the saddest things someone can do. Nobody on the northern side knew what they were truly doing there. They were just burning things because they were told to. All because of some egomaniac politicians hundreds of miles away.
>"hard moral decisions are cringe"
ok bud
The abuse of labor in the North was worse than slavery in the South. In the North, they abused workers and didn't care about health and safety since they could just go down to the docks and get more Irish if one of them died during work. In the South, slaves were a valuable resource. Work was hard at times but overworking slaves into harm didn't make economic sense.
>But freedom!
Freedom in the North meant starving to death if you didn't put your life on the line in their factories. It was a shitty situation, North and South. It's weird that people think the North somehow had the moral upper hand while literally killing workers.
The video game returns in less than a month. That will be a shot in the arm. If ACC realignment shit hits the fan this offseason it will happen in the next couple weeks and that alone would sustain us to the FSU/Georgia Tech game in Ireland.
>factory work was worse than chatttel slavery
>the quick buck of free labor on a cash crop was the only industry we could support
Any more delusional copes?
All haters of America hate freedom. It was pure justice.
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>factory work was worse than chatttel slavery
Unironically correct. No idea how you can twist your brain into thinking it wasn't worse. Factory work of the 1860s was so different from factory work of 2024 that it doesn't even make sense to refer to them with the same descriptor. Kill a worker in your factory in 1860? You deduct the cost of clean up from his wages and expect his family to cart away the body. Do that today, your factory gets shut down and someone is getting charged with at least involuntary manslaughter.
Did those men freely choose to pick up arms or were they forced by government threats of violence against them?
Does it really cause that much brain trauma to say “yep, my ancestors were in the wrong there?” As someone from Alabama I don’t get it.
Alexa, compare death rates of slaves to death rates in factories in the antebellum period.
Some of each.
You know I'd expect to find a little more support for slavery in a general that seethes about blacks getting paid all day.
Another crooked politician thinking he can rule over the hard question of dominion and ownership which rules men's lives to this day. Slavery wasn't made a moral issue until Republicans recognized that slave states would vote against their tariffs in congress, and they didn't want Missouri to be a slave state to have more votes against them. It doesn't even matter. Everyone serves a master. Our relationship with slavery just became a lot more convoluted since then. Georgia will win the national championship and Ohio State won't and the title will be back in the town that God spared from Sherman's wrath.
So could the slaves strike to gain labor protections? Lol
Yeah seems like there's other things to like about the South
Integrating their football teams made them elite, they should be thanking us
It wasn't a norf school that helped Southern schools integrate. USC's all-black backfield BTFO'ing Alabama in Birmingham in 1970 is what helped convince their administration to allow Bear Bryant to integrate the team. He had wanted to for awhile and deliberately scheduled that game against a prominent integrated team to make his case. Bama wasn't he first SEC school to integrate but that was a big domino in bringing integration to the South.
>quick buck on a cash crop
You sound indignant on the southern way of life in those times. Somehow living a simple agrarian life is an affront to freedom because you're not participating in the economy in the way you'd like them too. Sounds like slavery to me.
What a racist thing to say.
Technically a school in a Union state, though the state hardly existed back then. Interesting, it seems Texas integrated like 7 years earlier, I'm grateful waited just barely long enough for MSU to recruit Bubba Smith
>The real slavery was not allowing people to be slaveowners
Is this bait? Well done lol
Reminds me of the time Kansas were two wins away from going to the National Championship game and facing tOSU until it got Mizzou'd.
>Slavery wasn't made a moral issue until Republicans recognized that slave states would vote against their tariffs in congress
This is false, the abolitionist movement is older than whenever you’re placing this “recognition”.
Bryant really got deliberately blown the fuck out to convince them to integrate?
Slavery is an affront to freedom yeah.
>hillbillies still trying to justify slavery in the Year of our Lord Twenty Hundred Twenty-Four
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson you inbred fucks?
The dirty secret around 2007’s chaos is that all of the apparently up and coming little guys were frauds. The best teams at the end of the year were LSU, Georgia, aOSU and USC. Not exactly underdogs. Missouri, Kansas, South Florida, Boston College, Hawaii etc. were all ultimately fool’s gold.
Ohio lost another electoral college vote while you were typing this.
I doubt Bear threw the game. I think he ideally wanted to win a hard-fought, back and forth game against a powerhouse integrated opponent to show the competitive benefits of integration but getting run out of his own stadium by some bucks also got the point across.
let me guess, you didn't take the vaccine, because you're smarter than 99.99% of doctors
That’s neither here nor there, but I am chipped and boosted yeah.
Some were paid. The draft was so unpopular that you used to be able to pay the government to get out of it, which lead to most wars being considered a "rich man's war" long before banks took over completely. The Confederacy did away with substitutions, but in the Union substitutions were always a thing and that's how you got out of being drafted. A portion the substitution fee (it got up to 500 dollars or so) was used to pay bounties to get men to enlist (200-300 burgers).

Bounty-jumping was when you would enlist for the bounty, desert, then do it again for more bounty. It got so bad that they just started shooting them or torturing them to death after Lincoln said "nah, it's fine, fuck it."
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Hammer drops soon. Michigan will be notified of allegations formally in the next few weeks and have 2 months to defend themselves.

Difficulty for NCAA because the staff all bailed and they typically punish the staff.
Everyone knows they did it but they have to prove it formally and Michigan won’t cooperate.
I think we can all compromise and say we should've just worked it out and shipped the negro back to where it came from with the jew ship owners keel-hauled on the way.
Most ship owners weren’t Jewish.
well that's good at least
You do know how banks work, yes?
Just make your point, I’m not really into the socratic method.
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I have to respect them for getting away with it
Aside from being anti-abolisionist, which was 1/3rd of what the war was fought over, the Confederate's were the good guys.
There were two types of ship owners:
>shipping companies, of which the lists have been posted and you can find, who owned multiple ships and had primarily jewish ownership
>private ship owners, who normally took out a loan from a jewish bank
>banks buy the property in question for you, then you pay the bank, thus jews owned the ship
>since everything was confiscated, the persons who were the "ship owners" lost their ships and the banks were eventually reimbursed from the federal government
Every big bank in America, including the Big Four, has come out and said "sorry for owning slaves" at some point or another. Some continue to own slaves, such as Bank of America.

That's how banks work. You're a retard anyway, so I shant deign to interact with you further.
>asking someone a question is the socratic method
The absolute intellectual state of /cfb/
Didn't like 1k+ doctors petition for citizens to not get the vaccine since it was still unclear what possible side effects there were?
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Comfy summer reading
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No Big12? Into the trash it goes. I will not go meekly into the night with this P2 malarky.
Crying and stamping your feet isn't much better.
>Venables sign 6 year deal with OU
It looks like Oklahoma will be a forever mid to bottom team in the SEC for years to come.
so what has been the big changes since last season, i didnt follow anything after the final or any of the fsu fallout
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Is he wrong?
Beers, cigarettes, wintergreen, prostitutes and college football. Can’t come up with a better combination than that.
They're gonna call him "venereals" because his record is gonna look like the biggest genital wart this side of the Mississippi.
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That's just one of the regional covers. There's a Big XII cover, too.
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Wait, "Burnt Venereals" because it's gonna sting like getting dick warts frozen off when they fire him after three years.
He's taking the Saints to the superbowl
Vices might be wrong but universities are not so pure. I think it could lead to less pregaming and sneaking in liquor etc. No one is getting blacked out on overpriced drinks that you have to stand in line for during the game, they were hammered on the way in
Well, /cfb/?
Auburn mogs the rest of the SEC.
Venables locking in that extension before he gets raped by the SEC schedule is very wise
Indiana did it and it reduced hospitalizations form alcohol poisoning and it reduced violent incidents at the game to zero.

Kids pregame and overload without realizing. Selling at the game makes money and it’s safer. They also only sell session stuff so it’s low alc. it’s just smart everyway you look at it.

t. Doesn’t drink
I’ve seen a lot of teams bitch about that one loss they have
I looked up those lists and they’ve been debunked. The vast majority of slave ship owners were not Jewish.
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They’re in the minority. Most doctors thought it was worth it, and it turned out they were right.
They really don’t have any competition for their homes there.
I got black out drunk at a concert on $15 beers. Pretty sure I’d have no trouble at a college football game.
How long were the lines for drinks?
Msu did this too, wonder if we have any stats like this
Freedumb killed these people. You shouldn't be allowed to own weapons of war because of freedumb either.
>at it's absolute worst 30 out of every 100,000 people died during COVID
Reminder we shut down the world for almost 2 years for that. Reminder studies showed lockdowns made the virus worse since keeping everyone home with their air conditioning running created a perfect environment to incubate the virus. How any rational, free-thinking human being could trust our scientific community after that is beyond me. Most tyrannical thing to ever happen in my lifetime.
>get vaccinated
>still have to wear masks everywhere you go
Yeah, nah.
>Just because money can be made doesn’t mean you should do a thing
Clempus bud, we’re too past that point of no return now
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What do the vaccinated and the unvaccinated have in common? Neither will ever be fully vaccinated.
Is it the university's fault that you're an idiot?
Depends where they came from. There were some standalone wagons that had short lines. The concession lines were long. During the concert of course they were short.
>at it's absolute worst 30 out of every 100,000 people died during COVID
Anon that’s 1.1 million people. That’s a lot.
>we shut down the world for almost 2 years for that
It was only a couple of months at most.
Nice selfie
The only doctor on /cfb/ was Cam Jewton
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The north won and if history has taught us one thing it's that the good guys always win wars.
>only the school logo
>conference cuck stamp
how the mighty have fallen
Turbo cringe clempus post
>Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.
-VP of the confederacy, March 1861
>page 9
and there it is
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Very cool, but a shame he couldn't convince Kentucky and Maryland
It's not about blame, just reducing incidents
Yeah, and this is wrong. Everything else they fought for was right, particularly state rights and no federal income or sales tax, only state tax. Also, the federal government not having so much power.
>Muslims won the holy war
I guess pedophelia and throwing gays off buildings and pre-arranged marraige is for "good guys"?
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>the word slave appears 18 times in South Carolina’s declaration of succession
>the word taxes appears once, referring to taxes on slaves
how many times is the word "tariff" mentioned?
0. Turns out confederate apologists are full of shit.
>South Carolina
Oh, did they hold all the views of the confederacy? Were they the only state to succeed? Did every other state share their exact views? Brush up on your civ war history, redditor.
They've always been full of shit. Lincoln should have thrown the book at them and burned the entire region down to the ground.
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Sorry we didn't get the memo, too busy roasting Columbia to a crisp
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I lost so much money on this shoe throw. Had Florida ML in a lot of parlays.
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Most states talked about slavery, which God Himself had no problem with.
He is not wrong. We need brothels on campus stat. School shootings would decrease by 95%. Protests would evaporate overnight.
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For me, it's Johnny Majors and the TENNESSEE VOLUNTEERS.
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One of the good changes about the sport is that the rankings system has been overhauled in the last 15-20 years. A lot of it has to do with how mainstream sports betting has become. Before it was just a regurgitation of standings, now there's a healthy chunk of the population who understands why it's called an "upset" and that transitive property / the unknown ("well they're undefeated, how do we know that FSU can't beat Michigan?") isn't the best way of ranking teams. The recordfags are going away, and that's a good thing.

2007 will always go down as the best year in college football. That was the peak Big East. We all watched this before the soulless NFL started directly competing with college for views.
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ACC vs Florida State case will remain in Florida and the Florida State alumni judge will be preceding over the case which will take precedence as it will be finished first
Bye bye ACC
There was nothing really wrong with South Florida getting ranked that high. They were undefeated and beat WVU, who was highly ranked all year and is 4th in the power index you posted.

The weird outlier is Boston College, who got to #3 and then #2 without beating any currently ranked teams (they beat a lowly ranked Georgia Kek early in the season, who fell out of the rankings permanently). They got a lot more trust than Arizona State and Kansas (still not pictured in >>141865524). BC would definitely take a lot longer to climb these days.
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You know I like my chicken fried
I'm glad you asked, anon! Turns out Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, and Florida also shared declarations on why they were seceding. In those documents, the word slave is found 105 times, while the words tax and tariff are not found at all! Isn't that just quacking crazy?
>source: snopes
Isn't it "I like a little bit of chicken fried"
cocaine on a friday night
>t. the angriest ohioan
Bitch harder and maybe the ESPN jew will let you beat shitagain.
Why'd they fire Mullen?
Lost to Missouri.
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Oh I'm southern, I just love my state for what it is, no copium required. I visit confederate cemeteries occasionally and I don't have to lie to myself about why the bodies are there.
Your mama squatting and laying a turd somewhere doesn't make you "from" somewhere.
>race not shown
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Barry Sanders is only 55 but being an athlete, especially of his era when juicing was common, is hard on the body, especially the cardiovascular system.
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The very first lyric of the song is "You know I like my chicken fried" but each other line about fried chicken is a little different
>And a little bit of chicken fried
>To a little bit of chicken fried
>Like our chicken fried
Oh. I had only heard it at Texas Roadhouse prior to it achieving meme status.
Does lying to yourself make you from somewhere?
I'm not the military brat producing a birth certificate aiming for gotcha points on 4chan's /sp/'s /cfb/ trying to say he's from "da souf."
Well at least Napier has never done that...
Nope, you're the guy who's extremely irrationally uncomfortable with the fact that your ancestors fought for states that seceded to keep people enslaved. Just accept it anon. No one really cares anyway.
I find it overrated. Just a bunch of fucking non sense.
That was Old Testament God who was okay with it. New Testament said that shit was lame.
20 bill rolled up just right
No one said anything about morality anon. You seem confused.
NT said be a good slave.
I don't speak jiggaboo, run it through google translate if you're having difficulties.
Slave to God.
>designated single at birth
Unlike his gender, that shit he can’t change.
>Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.
Is there some sort of cope olympics in /cfb/ today? Why are you all so squeamish about slavery?
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cool stat about rattler
In our contemporary society, being a wage slave is a good thing because employers aren't on the hook for the wage slave's well being. Literal slavery is bad because the slave's well being is the responsibility of the capital class. This is a very dangerous way of thinking and must be avoided at all costs.
Weird Paul and Jesus not to mention that literally bad thing.
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They didn't mention it because there is nothing wrong with it.
>"wage slave" in the US
>comparable to slavery in any way
75 iq cope
At least he didn’t go to Denver like Nix.
The brain fart that killed a program.
Yeah. At least slaves got free housing and food.
Didn't look so free.
Were you there?
>hasn't played a game yet and already holds an NFL record

The White man marches on
weird, to me it looked like they lived there without paying anything
he went to Nola post payton
They got the unfinished soup for the price of their entire labor, you are twelve and do no labor that is valuable now fuck off
>everyone in New England hates everyone that goes to Boston College
seething umass fag?
you are brown and do not belong on the internet
now fuck off
No I wasn't alive yet.
They paid. Not with money but they paid.
will he ever win a playoff game as a starter?
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How far will the Buckeyes actually go this year?
Win the sh1G and get bounced out of the playoffs by a BigXII or SEC team.
The closest Jesus got was to give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's so I guess if you want to think of business owners as your Caesar, it kind of works to justify wage slavery.
They got housing, food, and medical care as they were valuable assets. Feeding them trash and not housing, not clothing, or not treating their medical conditions would have been economically moronic. Meanwhile wage slaves getting $7.25/hr minus taxes and other deductions can't afford much of those things. But hey, at least they're "free" to do whatever they want with their $0 remaining after paying all their expenses and going further into debt to survive.
Why is BC so hated in New England and what could they do to change that?
When will he get another job? One of the Arizona teams seemed on the verge of taking him off of Auburn's hands but it's been all downhill for him since. Is it because he stole Auburn's SUV which Auburn had to send a couple of staffers to Idaho to repo out of Harsin's driveway in the middle of the night?
Say it with me, chuds!
>Regional cover
>Oregon, Penn State, Georgia, Ohio State, and Texas
>>the negro is not equal to the white man
Math and Science test scores prove that this is correct.
Vaxx status?
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It's over.
Just like last season, they'll look unstoppable until they go against a team with similarly good line play. @Oregon is pretty much a guaranteed loss. Wouldn't surprise me if they lose to Michigan again, too.
They downgraded at QB. No one wants to admit it yet but it will be apparent by the mid-season mark.
I think Bo Nix will do fine in Denver. Only because Sean Payton will have no other options other than Bo Nix doing fine in Denver.
Their housing, food and medical care all sucked and they could legally be raped. Wagies today are way better off. Only 1.3% make $7.25 btw, there’s nothing below $14/hr near me.
Science says test score differences have not proven to be genetic in origin.
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Reminder the Nobel Prize winning scientist who discovered the helix shape of DNA was excommunicated from the cult of soience for daring to suggest evolution did not stop at the neck. That said, I'd buy that shitty culture explains a small portion of the difference. Most black kids grow up thinking school and studying is pointless and they think the only way to make anything of themselves is with music, sports or crime.
It explains all of it. No genetic difference has ever been found, but huge social, economic and cultural factors have been found.
Explain then why wealthy black neighborhoods have comparable or worse crime rates with poor white neighborhoods
There are thousands of thousands of poor white neighborhoods. Obviously some of them are going to have lower crime rates than some rich black neighborhoods.
>racist abandons easily debunked talking points immediately
Many such cases!
Your last post proves that you don't know what you're talking about. It's genetics, not culture.
The culture is simply a result of the poor genetics.
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>shitpost that the Confederacy, anti-abolitionist views aside, were the good guys (I kind of do believe that but won't die on that hill)
>spawns racial shitflinging for 100+ replies
Honestly, anything to keep /cfb/ from archiving at 120 replies again

Go Gators btw. Go Gator collegefootball.
>I will never have a dirtyblonde Aubrun cutie gf
Why live?
This isn't all that crazy if you understand the heated rivalry between all Virginia university and college football teams.
Florida did not express their reasoning in the official secession transcript

You're right, that's the national cover. I caught that mistake right after I hit the post button.
Lose to Michigan, Day gets fired, fall ass backwards into playoffs, and then get trucked by some bottom feeding SEC team.
>Southerner believing the Confederacy is the good guys
To the surprise of nobody, gentlemen.
It's hard to convince people the confederacy wasn't an evil empire when social conditioning has them pulling out the race card at the mere mention of their American cause. Meanwhile because discussions are halted and southern states subjugated not only does the top 1% continue to rule, but racism exists within the entities assigned to prohibit it. Emancipation was the magic pill to cure slavery and whites vs blacks in America but the conduct and attitude of the emancipators made it 10x worse with their fakeness.
>we need to keep the slaves alive so we can work them
>this means it's more human than having a job
I'm sure this sounded very deep to your teenage friends
>this thread
I guess they stopped having freshmen read interviews with former slaves. Either that or they "curated" the interviews to make them less problematic.
Who would they even hire if Day gets fired?
Not anyone worthwhile
If they fire him they will revert into Nebraska/A&M tier. Not a single coach worth a cent would want to play in an environment where you can go 56-8, three CFP births and be on the hot seat and fired at a 67-9 record because you lost to Michigan a few times and didn't get a full natty. Other colleges if you do that well you are getting massive extensions, crazy money offers exceeding Ohio State and fuller control. Ohio State you are given the door
What rank is your state in number of Civil War battles? We are number 3.
>Battle of Westport
>Battle of Fort Davidson
>Battle of Wilson's Creek
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whoops forgot picture.
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>McChud, you're fired! Pack your things, off to New York!
>Cuckeye fans, we've upgraded at QB!
>*transfers in K-State's backup QB*
>7 civil war battles
>It's genetics, not culture .
Culture disadvantages have been proven time and time again. Genetics that affect intelligence have not been.
>Genetics that affect intelligence have not been.
They have. Also, the absolute state of Africa. Lmao
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>family annihilation aside, Chris Watts was the good guy
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>Is it because he stole Auburn's SUV which Auburn had to send a couple of staffers to Idaho to repo out of Harsin's driveway in the middle of the night?
lmao this is the first time im hearing about this. qrd?
>page 8
dead season
Stop pretending to be retarded just to bump the fucking thread.
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When he got fired, he stayed around Auburn for the rest of the high school football season because his son played for Auburn High School. The university let him continue using the SUV that was made available to him for being the head coach. When they moved back to Idaho, he took the SUV with him instead of turning it back in to the university. Once Auburn realized this had happened, they flew two staffers with a set of spare keys out to Boise to take possession of the SUV and drive it back to Auburn.
Mad? Upset? Feeling left out? Board culture moving too quickly for you?
Check out /qa/
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Coach primate
Nope, Ryan Cooper stays at least 5 more years.
>They have.
Kek. And now he’s a twitter troll. I think Harsin posts here.
>which pseudoscience is more credible
game one of the college world series is on for anyone that wants to watch it
He's cute. Might let him coach my son's Pop Warner team.
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Rolovich got a job with the Seattle Sea Dragons but unfortunately the franchise was not chosen to be part of the merged UFL. Harsin needs to take an assistant job somewhere. That will be an ego blow since he's been a head coach at multiple schools but if he wants to work his way back up, he needs to get back into the game. Unless he's content to live off of his buyout, which certainly isn't the worst outcome.
It’s not pseudoscience to say 250 years of slavery followed by another 100+ years of disenfranchisement had a negative effect on test scores, chud.
>I guess they stopped having freshmen read interviews with former slaves
CCP money doesn't just talk mang.
A&M piling on the runs early
Anon, the end of 1000+ years of feudalism was followed by the renaissance, the enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution. Farm work does far less damage than cultural dissolution.
Which is why Wakanda is a real place in Africa.
European feudalism was not American slavery, chuddie.
Rex and Brody didn’t get burned as bad as this pitcher. Nigga volunteered a two run shot, I guess the name makes sense. Dude threw four straight balls, too bad there ain’t a straight ball on the Tennessee squad. Only comebacks happening tonight is A&M coming on volunteer backs.
maybe spoke too soon
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>100+ years of disenfranchisement
Will you be supporting the recently announce Tennessee State D1 ice hockey program?
This post twists and turn and ends with a weirdly gay sex conclusion. What, uh, is going on with you anon?
kek, BTFO
Not likely, I've been watching the Stanley Cup to humor my friends and I gotta say it's an extremely boring sport, it's even worse than soccer
You're right, Nogs weren't forced to die by the thousands because two spoiled fags couldn't decide to whom a hill belonged to.
No, I'm supporting ASU ice hockey in their new conference tbqh desu senpai.
Did not speak too soon, that was a rather dry first game and wasn’t as close as the 9-5 final score implies. Tennessee better remember they’re in the championship and show up.
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Guess they see an opening now that UAH's hockey program seems to be gone for good.
Who the hell are you going to replace him with? There are no more good coaches. It's all booster money now.
as a Buckeye fan, Day's not the perfect coach but remember, we were basically 1 point away from a national title in 2022. He can get us to the playoffs just fine. With Chip Kelly as OC, Day's oftentimes bizarre play calling might not be something to worry about anymore. Like the other anon said, who would even do better in his position?
I miss him so much bro
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He's already losing recruiting battles to Missouri.

Watch out for Mizzou. They are going to be SEC East contenders the next several years.
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>older than Auburn
>older than LSU
>older than Clemson

We should trademark the mascot of Tigers.
Divisions no longer exist
SEC contenders then.
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>Chip Kelly
He's washed, anon. His offense isn't the meta anymore.
THE Ohio State University can be the first to introduce 'Booster App', a head coach replacement powered by Booster dollars. For each play, Boosters can use THE Ohio State University Athletics App on their Android or iOS device to bid on the next play. Whichever play gets the highest collective bid is what gets put in.
Not only will this save on the salary that would have gone to the head coach, but the winning bid money from each play goes into THE Ohio State University NIL collective.
Gun Trips Over Angle every series, win by 80+ erry tyme
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Missouri and Auburn both have good origin stories for their Tigers nickname. Auburn's is more academic while Missouri's is closely tied to the local community. Clemson is just "Ditto whatever Auburn did". LSU's Tigers nickname comes from being a generic nickname given to various troops from Louisiana but unlike Missouri, isn't specifically connected to the university's community.
Missouri wins on chronology, having adopted their Tiger nickname in 1890, beating out Auburn who first adopted the Tiger nickname in 1892. But Auburn has conference precedence, being a founding member of the SEC. LSU is also a founding member of the SEC but loses to Auburn due to waiting until 1896 to become Tigers. Clemson isn't worth a mention since they're not SEC and as pointed out earlier, are just "Ditto whatever Auburn did".
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>Why am I here?
>How did I end up here?
>I'm not in the south east.
>Why doesn't the Big Ten like me? I'm AAU.
>Is this all there is?
>Am I forever going to be the redheaded stepchild?
Yeah, they were forced to die by the thousands because of racism that continued long after slavery ended. Face it chudbro, if feudalism was that awful for white people, they would have just stopped doing it. Black people had no such choice:
>Implying that feudal lords in any way saw "fellow whites" in the serf class as one of their own kind.
Texas A&M's relief pitcher is too clutch, if the Vols aren't leading going into the last third of the game they ain't winning
Decent troll

Faggies feel like the first team that would implement a system like that
They’ve been doing it for decades, they just buy whatever coach will run the system they want to run. That’s why they got Sumlin and Texas got Strong soon after thinking all nigger coaches run basically the same shit.
>uh, yeah, ah kin run dat err rayde boss
Big money boosters buy playbooks, not plays.
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Is this something from communist kickball that actually would be worth importing into college football?
Never understood offsides. It's mainly to protect the shitty teams right? As one Chad forward in dive grass or hockey could blow up a game
Yes but it would make it harder for refs to rig the games so it won't happen.
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There are a couple reasons this works in soccer but it would not work in football
>soccer is only marking the player; football needs to mark the ball
>soccer has far fewer stops in play; football plays constantly stop
Even if you used something like VAR on just the football it still wouldn't work because of the stoppages. Say it goes off to signify the ball crossed the goal line. You don't know if that signal is before or after the ballcarrier was down or forward progress was stopped or the ball came loose.

VAR could be useful to determine offsides or inbounds vs out of bounds but the way things are handled now gets those right 99.9% of the time, so you'd just be introducing more timewasting bullshit for very little payoff. That's the opposite of the direction the sport is moving. They're trying to minimize replay reviews and speed them up, not add more to the game.
One of the nice things about some of the non-NFL pro leagues was their willingness to experiment with different rules, some of which have been adopted in other segments of the sport. We're accustomed to the rule that any part of the ball must cross the plane of the goal line while the player has possession of the ball in-bounds. There are other possibilities and if they had been what been standard for decades, we'd see them as the obvious correct way. In this case, it could be something different like any part of the ball carrier's body crosses the plane, that's a touchdown. Or perhaps the entire body of the ball carrier must be entirely within the end zone for it to be a touchdown.
Technology often creates an incentive to change other processes to maximize the added value of the new technology. Tradition is important but the rules in football at all levels change every year, usually in minor ways, sometimes in major ways.
I certainly won't say that this will happen with boundary detection in college football but I also wouldn't rule out the possibility. Or maybe the UFL will experiment with it and we'd learn if it fucks up the game or turns out to be a good thing.
If any radical rule changes are made they need to benefit the defense. Defenders have been so cucked by all the new safety rules. They deserve a bone with rule changes that don't affect safety.

A couple easy ones for college would be two feet down for a catch and strictly enforcing a 1 yard downfield limit for ineligible receivers on passing plays, both of which would match NFL rules. On RPOs college offenses abuse the fuck out of the 3 yard cushion for ineligible receivers. College refs are getting better about calling ineligible man downfield but they're still not as strict about it as NFL refs.
They have about a snowball's chance in hell of being an SEC contender for the next several years.
two feet down for a catch and being able to move the ball forward if untouched are two rules changes I would like to see.
i do no t care for euros
well let's fix that
*hotline Miami soundtrack plays in the distance*
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FIU is in shambles over pic related.
Saban was able to get some relief for defenses, the most famous being the neutering of hurry-up, no-huddle offense that kept beating him. In general though, sports channels love offense for being more casual viewer friendly. Advertisers love games with lots of action and the threat that even with large leads, there can be a come back, so no tuning out to watch something else.
Female engineer bros...
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I could comfort them.

I’m thinking it won’t be until at least 2026 when TTUN has to return their stolen title if it does happen. What do you think?
I think 2026 is way too early. The NCAA is too sluggish and ineffective to impose a penalty any time soon; they only handed Michigan sanctions for 2020 recruiting violations like 2 months ago. It'll be 2030 before any wins are vacated, but they probably won't touch the national title.

I like Air Noland. He balled out in the Spring Game. Julian will probably be the starter.
I don't see them starting a freshman over a veteran QB like Will Howard. It'll probably be like last year, where Howard is the starter but they play Brown's run package when within 10 yards of the endzone. And for what it's worth, I was at the spring game and I agree, Noland looked great. Personally I think he was more composed than Sayin. Hope we don't lose him to the portal in the next two years.

Surprised he hasn’t left. I was at the Spring game too. He’s a prototypical 2010s OSU QB and we need that back.
>implying the NCAA will do anything
>implying Michigan is vacating that title or the CFP Committee will strip them of said title

1997 they won half a title, and in 2023 they stole one. We’ve won two legitimately, so I’m just playing with house money here. I’m glad I’m not a Michigan fan.
Don't matter, they'll spin it as legitimate and undisputed no matter what.

You would too if you were them. The state smells like hot dog water, and the roads are maintained by /biz/. There has to be a victory somewhere in the lousy state.
you won a natty after breaking your 2010s style qbs and replacing them with a linebacker.

Correct - We won in ‘14 because there was no tape on Dragondale. He was just lying in wait for his big moment.
It appears you were proven wrong anon.
The changes Saban helped push through made sense. By nature defense is reactive. Everything they do is dependent on what the offense does first. If the offense substitutes the defense should be entitled to the opportunity to make its own substitutions and match the personnel the offense subbed in. It just wasn't in the rulebook yet because it was not an issue before Chip Kelly popularized playing Sanic fast.
Almost as if peasants weren’t divided based on their race or something idk.
Saban bitches about rules when it hurts him. I’m not against the rule but let’s not act like that egotistical midget does this shit for the goodness of football. After Tennessee beat him in 22 he started bitching about fast paced offenses again.
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>before Chip Kelly popularized playing Sanic fast.
it was texas tech, mizzou, and oklahoma who popularized it in the late 00s
Kelly era oregon just contrasted with Stanford and usc so sharply that it looked faster than it actually was
Used to think she had instant regret from swearing. Kind of lost its charm when I realized she was just dry heaving. 2 is still perfect though.
I’m scared to watch that film. How hard is the curb stomping scene to watch?
Half titles are full titles. Not their fault B1G autism forced them to play >muh Pac-12.
Did 59-0 not give anything away?
CFB was my favorite sport forever
Done with this bullshit now
Enjoy your 4 hour semi-pro games
>not staying for the regionposting
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Where were you when the pac-12 rebuilt itself?
>swap Rice for North Texas
>add Fresno State and Air Force to have 12 football members
>Used to think she had instant regret from swearing.
She does
>Kind of lost its charm when I realized she was just dry heaving.
She's not, note how she immediately looks to the side. Guarantee if the .gif had kept going she'd have turned to look the other way too.
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The handheld game takes much of the edge off the scene.
See you next week, and the week after that, and after that, and every week of the season, and the next season, and the season after that.
If you won’t watch lower leagues that do what you used to like with FBS you never really liked the sport in the first place
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Just go watch your local high school team if you're going to insist on watching bottom tier talent.
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For me, it's The Slam Pig 12
Pls don't lump us all in with the Detroit/Ann arbor/Flint Metro shithole.
I could go my whole life without going east of 23 again
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Grand Rapids and Benton Harbor aren't all the great either.
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Extremely reddit take
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I would honestly find it hilarious if somehow no b1g or sec team made it this year and it was a b12 and acc teams only
To be a slampig you need a non-repulsive face.
Look at her throat, she’s clearly about to throw up.
I see Michigan in a lot of top 10 most beautiful state rankings, which is incredible for an eastern state. If their nature is that good they’re doing alright.
Are you really that bored? Go take a walk or watch some Netflix series for the 100th time since you enjoy repetition so much.
>handheld game
Watching high schoolers is reddit.
buddy there is literally no way this can happen
Go easy, it was Houston's first year in the Big 12
those two faggots would throw such a bitchfit they'd just ban anyone else from the playoff by making their own invitational
It’s a new meme. Some redditor posted it a few threads ago, got called retarded, then insisted it was a joke and defended it for a week.
Also have you met girls that try not to swear? They don’t suddenly burst and yell out loud F bombs.
Bro we've been in a recession since NAFTA got signed. It's unironically over for us
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The Longhorn Network is back! Texas is launching it as a direct to consumer streaming service. The network will be ad supported with no subscriber fees.
Nothing about FBS is ‘high school’ you dumb nigger.
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>Bro we've been in a recession since NAFTA got signed. It's unironically over for us
Correct, FBS actually contains quality play, unlike your reddit lower leagues.
I meant Michigan exclusively.
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>I meant Michigan exclusively.
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Y'all gonna shut your mouths when Rutgers beats Ohio State to win the Big Ten Championship. Knights Rise!
oh my bad. many such cases in /cfb/
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Caleb Downs will be on next year's cover, cap this post
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>video game covers
>Lou glazer

Yeah, definitely got cheatxhigan's cock in his ass with that typa last name
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Freezebros we’re so fucking back.
They can use current players on the cover now, they no longer have to wait until players graduate
>Do whores give a discount for coaches of playoff bound teams? Asking for a friend.
not a jogger in sight
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Will Rutgers ever be this happy again?
Why would a whore give a discount to someone they know makes 7 figures?
>The chains are tangled
Given the way things are going, for an endorsement of the quality of her services.
lol gay

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