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/hoc/ - hockey

>McBust had 0 points, 0 shots
>Nothing else of note happened
>Game 7 Monday

He literally didn't even do ^ and they still won, is Edmonton really better overall?
clap clap clapclapclap
seething flamestard
I just really don’t want McShitter to get a cup. It’s that simple, the man is a completely mentally retarded stuck on the level of a 12yo.
Florida is the greatest state in the union.
Sunrise is a fucking pathetic hockey market. they can't get on any page of the sports let alone the front. not a single floridan cares about the sport. fuck them and fuck bettman for propping them up
rent free
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Florida is the gay tourism capitol of the world.
how did draisaitl do?
I miss those jerseys. Their current one just looks like puke. Also miss Roloson, Smyth and Bergeron.
primary assist on the first goal
(activating a sleeper cell) Pisani had colitis
Something about this whole thing feels fishy.
Nah, Panthers are choking this hard. This is the real face of Bobrovsky.
para bailar la bamba
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Only maple syrups can reply to this post!
>what's it like knowing the soilers might bring it home?
>r u seethey, copey or happy
panthers would've won if they caught fish but they're still starving
I'm an Oily boy and I will be betting $200 against them on Monday
I'm happy, bout time someone up here won it and McDavid needs his cup
win win
Imagine actually believing this is a real organic event that is happening and not rigged for sports betting lmao. They could at least make it believable with tight, close games and high level play. Instead they make one team look like absolute retards playing middle-school level hockey then magically after 3 games the teams swap and the previously dominant team all the sudden forgets how to play their sport at a fundamental level for no reason whatsoever.
"What the fuck happened to the Panthers?" same thing that happened to the Oilers the first 3 games. Its not real. This is the most blatantly scripted sports event I have ever seen.
Paul Maurice can't adjust because he's an autismo, bobrovskys never been that great if you get the puck off the ice, and it's hodgepodge of players from every major hockey country that probably has no recourse to "get it together" as a team
This but unironically.
It comes off like "oh shit, the ratings of this series are already in the shitter and it's about to end early, quick do something!".
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>This is 1st time in Connor McDavid's career that the Oilers won a game he played in but didn't have a shot or a point. It had happened only 7 times before tonight (5 as a rookie in 2015-16, 3/31/18 vs Flames, 3/30/21 vs Canadiens)
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Nah you're wrong
Nope, that's 1. Boston, Massachussetts followed by 2. Pattaya, Thailand and 3. San Francisco, California
Literal gretzky stat
Massachusetts mentioned
>Imagine actually believing this is a real organic event that is happening and not rigged for sports betting lmao.
why in the world would they fix the cup for edmonton
the wrost part about Boston having a huge gay culture is how many guys come up to you and ask to "suck ya cawk"
cool so why did the scriptwriters make the NHL almost as anti climatic the previous 30 years as possible. it's directly hurt interest here immensely from how bad it's been and this is the only sport that relies on growing from the top down because most Americans can't even skate let alone played hockey
Boston is too cold for the gay community, except for presumably the bear element
>If we lose game 7 that will destroy our franchise. That isn’t an exaggeration. Don’t know how the players come back from that, the coach will probably be fired. It’s do or die
they don't know the name of their coach, fucking bandwagoners
not hockey, fagtards
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We are literally about to lose
posting because of some fucking retarded ass cats.
Panthers you will never NEVER be forgiven for this.
gary fixed 4 drafts for edmonton
Gary can't have his princess retire without a ring on his watch.
is that legal?
I feel like if it happens one of you will kill mcdavid. You care about it more than we do...
This is what I'm the most upset about, honestly.
Reminder that NJ won the lottery in 2011
>fucking bandwagoners
but enough about /hoc/
As much as I hate the Stors and like making Storschizo seethe, rather see them advance then toss >1993 away forever. This is NOT haram at all.
Thank God this season is over so we can go back to Tampa Bay, Washington, Las Vegas and Dallas running this league.
Chel is the world cup of hockey
>NJ wins another mid tier center
this but >my shorks in 2048
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i want these dickheads to stop FUCKING honking. we GET it
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i wonder if there's revisionist history with Holland if the Oilers win on Monday
But I'm a /ruins/ fan.
>only 4 teams
>boston and Montreal
What a meme international "competition". Kill yourself Gary
Ok Shannon
so they won three lotteries and picked

third time's a charm, just like with the oilers
what are you going to do, call them terrorists like a fag from ottawa would?
Only to dab on Yzerman
I think the silver lining here is that if the Coilers actually luck into a win they're not going to change anything about the team so they won't be a threat for the next 10 years.
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I can't fucking decide who to cheer for now..
Is it funnier if McDavid gets this close and doesn't get the cup?
Or is it just fucking hilarious that the Panthers got within 1 game of getting their first Stanley Cup then lost 4 straight games.
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Panthers were formed in 1993. If it happens, we inherit the curse.

But fuck all of you, kitties will win
reminder reinhart missed an open night at the beginning of game 4 right before the oilels went down a scored shorthanded
>so they won't be a threat for the next 10 years.
Unironically they look pretty decent with some of the youth growing. Holloway and Broberg have been tremendous in the finals.
id rather see edmonton win but there's no losing now
Bro you're supposed to root for the Panthers. Not because we like the kitties but because 1993 is in jeopardy..
>id rather see edmonton win
because you're a faggot bandwagoner
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we have a true og fan here
Lightning are winning it all next year and Stamkos retires after Game 5

Both move seeing as it was a 7 game series.
im a teds fan lol
why don't they just get out of the cars and just yell at each other like normal people
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seriously though, what the fuck
was this the best goal in the finals?
McDavid to Perry for me
>if the panthers lose Gary will hit with ten thousand rats
It’s a win win
chip chip cheerio up now kitties, your time is now

>Eh, it just mean there won't be a sweep. Lets them win the cup at home and rest a bit.
>Ok, bit unfortunate but they can definitely bounce back after a break.
>What the fuck.
If >1993 wasn't in jeopardy this would be absolutely hilarious regardless of who won in the end.
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this tweet(?) cursed them
Most important and impactful yeah. But the Perry goal off McDavid skating through 4 people was insane.
>I'm only pretending to be retarded
nope flames are winning it
Panthers had all the momentum until that SHG happened in game 4.
>was watching parts of game 5 during this festival outside a buncha casinos
>watch the soilers absolutely mindrape the pussycots
>figured it's a fluke and they just wanted to win in Florida
>now its fucking 3-3 series
holy fuck they blew it so hard. what unironically happened? is this Gary's doing?
the oilers are /hoc/'s -- nay, 4chan's team and you are a flaming homosexual
Very impressive!
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Donny Mush
zoomer paul kariya did this to win gold medal in 1994 for canada
I should go to bed but I'm going to watch Nippon Ham Fighters yakyu instead
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Dallas was in a similar state in game 4 against the Oilers
go oilers
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Apparently they are a one dimensional team that got solved by the Oilers and now have no answer.
I think I have an idea for them though..
Get more than 2 shots on goal in the first period!
takes one to know one
lol fat faggot
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This movie is so fucking good. Especially when he melts down at the NHL headquarters

Is that the one with the hot hockey player girls having gay sex with each other?
Many such cases
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So wait, did Jim Ball Silly really try to buy the Penguins and move them to Hamilton?
i don't think that's what happens in idolmaster
at least not the hockey player part
I know he tried to buy the Penguins yeah, they were basically bankrupt in the early 2000's. Don't know if the stuff about trying to move them is true or not though.
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how was smackdown bros
Been an Oilers fan my whole life.
Missed out on the great years, was a young boy in 06, lived through the shit decade. I am excited and a lot of people in Alberta are all hyped up. My neighbour was stomping the lets go Oilers rythm and I heard them cheering and we ended up meeting and talking on the lawn after the game. I am nervous as fuck but remaining hopeful
well that aged like milk
Yes and he did the same thing to Nashville
imagine watching apehoop
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>1993 is fucking over
How am I supposed to cope???
Relocate the penguins to long island and relocate the islanders to montreal and relocate the habs to pittsburgh
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>All we have to do is not let them get to game 7
>Lets them get to game 7
Floridabros, how are feeling? You hanging in there?
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why did the panthers give up?
>lucky to win game 1, bailed out by bob
>played pretty well in game 2
>almost blew a 4-1 lead in game 3
>absolutely and completely destroyed since, outscored 18-5
they have sucked ass since the 3rd period of game 3 and if not for bob stealing game 1 edmonton would have wrapped the series tonight
didn't happen in 96. was an OT goalie duel too, so the fans had held onto the rats the entire night rather than pelting the goalie after each goal as they had done prior to that. completed a sweep too, so even more frustration.

if it's a refpuck situation or a clear rout then all bets are off
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>brings it home
You don’t think they’ll be fucking pissed after blowing a 3-0 lead?
No one knows.
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Not sports related
what do you think
my >rags wouldn't have let them get to game 6

(they would have lost in game 5)
Canadians deserve everything that happens to them. And Finns deserve to get nuked by Russia
God the final game of the season is going to be played on fucking June 24th.
The winning team is gonna get one night of partying, the the day after that they are gonna have to get up early for Summer Training Camp
My islanders would have lost in 4
kys false flagger
I think depression and numbness would probably outweigh rage but it really depends on how it goes. hopefully it doesn't come to that
can't imagine living in florida, buying a jersey, tickets to the game, paying for parking, spending $25 for a 16oz beer, then watching tkachuk pull a barkov and bob turning into shesterkin
I'm scared, bros
Bailed out more by poor shot selection/execution and some luck in game 1. Slob played good but they were playing into his strengths and he got away with some things too
Canada elected a traitor for three terms in a row.
scary to think that the Oilers also adjusted well. The Panthers aren't even forechecking anymore.
*Montreal/Toronto/Vancouver elected a traitor
Can’t believe you’ll never be a woman
Actually I can believe it
I feel like leafcucks have been talking about polls for like 2 years now. When does the gay pedophile get voted out?
Bob's getting another pay cut.
why didnt he drain the swamp when he was prez? and why is he saying he's israel first?
Elections don't have a fixed date here. As long as one is called every 5 years Justin can avoid facing us
flames would have swept desu. yes American flames fan exist, cope
Shut the fuck up
Faggot shows up to UFC events but couldn’t attend one Capitals game in his four years in DC. Fuck him.
By the time I post this, the panthers are down 3-0 heading into the 3rd period and maybe lose game 6 to bring us closer to a reverse sweep choke against Edmonton. It’s time I write this post.

As I’m watching our rivals lift the Stanley cup, I’ve now come to the realization that maybe I have to reconsider my life decisions (ie. being too focused on hockey, Flames hockey)

When it comes to being invested in sports, I want to feel some sort of pride when I choose the teams I’m cheering for.

Unfortunately, these past few years have taught me not to be foolish and care too much about things that make me unhappy.

The Calgary Flames have not made me happy during the 17 years of my fandom:

-Incompetent Management and [alleged] meddling ownership has tipped the rivalry balance where it’s becoming lopsided (unless Conroy magically turns it around)

-Jarome Iginla (and Mikka Kipprusoff) are the most recent true superstars that have made me and Calgary flames fans proud. It’s now over 10 years that we have lacked a true face of the franchise (don’t count Gaudreau or Tkachuk, they are just snakes and turtles to me at this point)

-Just like how I’m mad at Tampa (for 2004 “no goal”); I’m beyond pissed at how Florida (even with Bennett and Tkachuk) choked and allow all of Edmonton to troll Calgary for many years to come…

-Hockey has also affected life beyond the sport itself; now the city (most likely the whole province) have to share in paying for the new arena, even though I don’t believe that will change the (mis)fortunes of the Calgary flames… (that money should’ve gone to building stronger water pipes, if you know what I mean…)

Sometimes I wish that the Calgary flames never existed or just relocate for all of Calgary’s sake. I would honestly be a happier man because I would not have to be overly invested in this sport and just watch as pure entertainment.

I now pronounce my fandom of this team dead.
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Flames lost to bedardless blackhawks and the shorks.
canadian prime ministers stay in office for at least twenty years
refs literally cheated, game was over as soon as they reversed florida's goal. oh well at least we get game 7
If I am the Panthers, I should fold if lose game 7
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Oiler fan who flashed her boobs signs a big deal with playboy and gets 2 million views in 5 hours.
not hockey, faggotkings
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fuckin no cup faggot don't reply to me again
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will i get the same treatment if i show my dick?
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roger that
>cup or bust
>wins cup immediately after

haahahahhaa suck it nerds
see >>141904914 you dumb bitch KWAB

game 7 oilers vs. panthers:
>oilers moneyline
>over under 5.5: over
>mcdavid anytime goal
>2+ goals in first period: yes

parlay this, bet 50 wins 1200 dollars. seriously if you dont do this you just hate having money
Ameribros let the mapleniggers claim this victory. Just think that hockey is our 9th most popular sport right behind pickleball
back to calgarypuck faget
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>oilers now have 92%+ chance to win according to bookies
you retards should have placed your bets earlier this week
>we don't care
has definitely replaced ameristats as the most accurate meme
Flames bros… tkachuk and bennett failed us
there's a mall with a huge parking lot across from the arena. everyone just parks there for free and walks - the team itself has to know this is a thing because there's crossing guards and all sorts of security and closed streets. so the parking price is a nonfactor unless you're a lazy fatass or in a wheelchair or something.

food prices are fucked but that's hardly a unique thing
>the ducks have won a cup
???? tf, what year? they've like always been so fucking bad lmao
The florida goal being taken back is not in the spirit of the game. It should've been 2-1 early in the 2nd
>they've like always been so fucking bad lmao
t. started watching hockey in the last five years
>The Florida Panthers were 3-0 in the Stanley Cup final. They were about to sweep the Edmonton Oilers then at the start of Game 4, Trump posted about the Panthers for the very first time. The Panthers went on to lose their next 3 games.

Kek this is the power of MAGA?
the cabal ordered gary to force a game 7
reviews should always be at game speed and the word "conclusive" needs to mean what it's suppose to mean
not quite 5 years but close. saw the shorks back when they were good (15 or 14 I forget)
>umm, we should be allowed to cheat because... WE'RE SUNBELTERS GOD DAMMIT
can't imagine living in florida, buying a jersey, parking at a mall because the arena doesn't have enough parking, crossing a ditch, then a 4 lane highway, then another ditch, just to watch verheygee play like puljujarvi and ekblad lose more hair
Ziodon Cheetotard Dumpf the Ally of Israel BTFO!
It’s up
All this just makes it more fun when the Panthers inevitably win
you're talking to a true blooded canadian, show some RESPECT
stop jinxing it retardo
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>theyre going to give mcdavid the conn smythe for secondary assists
Legit a franchise changer if we lose on Monday night.

All the good will and inroads we’ve made in SoFlo is gone. Maurice probably gone. Zito might make a big trade again. It’s not good.

I want to have faith but the team has given me nothing to have hope in over the last 3 games.
Sharks were never good
>1st time
>happened 7 times before
Just like my islanders
I was 13yrs old during game 4 in 1996. My dad couldn't handle the stress during OT and went to bed. I stayed up and watched with tears running down my face when that goal went in from the blue line. And for the longest time I dreaded whenever we went on the OT for decades. Until last years run.

I don't think I can handle watching them lift a cup on our home turf again..when the damn thing was within one.

I need to go watch Miracle for the next 48hrs and avoid social media. See you guys Monday
The other 7 times they lost.
Mmm tasty reddit salt
probably meant playoff career
the arena has enough parking, but why would you pay jewish prices to save maybe 5-10 minutes of time when the alternative is to just not be a fatass?
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Are there even any Panthers fans here still?
Did they all give up just like the team?
We better have some good screencap compilations on monday
You could have said that
Yes. There weren't any Panther fans, just Oiler-haters.

Now that the Oilers are winning the Cup, all the McDavid haters, Oiler haters are in complete despair.
Oh we will
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leddit: the poster
They fucked the pain away by banging femboy hookers. Can’t blame them, I’d do the same.
The chinks and poos have really fucked with your English skills
>>This is 1st time in Connor McDavid's career that the Oilers won a game he played in but didn't have a shot or a point.
Panthers fans are anime fags. kek
Makes sense
sounds like hes officially jumped the shark
>lose to a relocated team in their first season
>lose to an expansion team
>lose to a canadian team
honestly, the panthers are the most pathetic team in nhl history after the oilers sweep them on monday
okay what if they win?
>the oilers are /hoc/'s -- nay, 4chan's team
nah, that's the flames
how many cups do those soft ass bitches thornton and marleau have?
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La bama has been played!
even dark web is calling this series rigged.
You guys look lame as fuck not having a gamethread. Just letting you know.
LOL they'll have literally NO FANS after the Oilers destroy them on Monday
None, doesn't mean that the year anon saw were bad though. Retard. That's actually the last time they were ever good.
>kitties will win
dude im from florida have you ever had an authentic street taco
I miss Bob Cole so fucking much man
Paul Maurice said that the outlook on Monday isn’t good and the mental state of his team isn’t good right now lol
No I don't pay for sex
panthers haters are reddit troons
Makes sense
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My devils have a new goalie bros!
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Yeah, if Edmonton completes the Reverse Sweep then that's a fitting way to end The Great Canadian Cup Curse, but if they don't I'm going to laugh at Canada mercilessly for another THIRTY-TWO (32) years.
Panthers are single-handedly going to undo Southern hockey progress. Congrats.
>be SC fave multiple years
>choke hilariously every time
thornton had his captaincy stripped for being such a choking bitch lol
Well he’s right
panama ted buddy I can sense the dread eminating from this post don't go soft on me now
Edm Fans after Flo were leading 3-0. Rigged..It's Rigged LOL The NHL is Rigged! Not seeing those tweets anymore. As a Huge Canucks Fan I want Florida to win Why? When Vancouver made it to the finals in 2011 TSN Claimed Vancouver isn't Canada's team and everyone was against us but now we see all these dumb Commercials saying let's all Cheer for the same Team Canadians FK that Sh/t But I think Florida is done. Edm made an Adjustment after game 3 And Florida has yet to make any Adjustments I don't see Florida winning Vancouver Out Hit Edm by over 100 Hits Florida led the League in Hits but now they have not been hitting as much ...Can't skate against a team like Edm They are way too fast
The caitlyn clark gamethread got more posts lol
Draisaitle said he would get back into the series in game 6 and he did
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Thank goodness. A hockey team in a place that's never seen ice form naturally. Disgusting. What a shithole.
Yes, those other teams are also from shithole states that don't deserve hockey teams. Fuck off.
Gotta respect history in the making. Either way I laugh.
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Florida isn't the South.
Even if Florida lifts the cup... Edmonton wins. What an epic series, I'll remember this one forever. So many years the finals are just uninspiring. As a neutral fan I don't really care who lifts the cup both teams have had deserving runs. Coming back from 3-0 to force a 7th game; it will be a long time before we see that happen again. If they actually complete the reverse sweep....
>Zach Hymen most playoff goals in 25 years
/pol/ btfo
He was right
hyman is an honorary aryan
Based retard redditor with zero english language skills
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the only consolation i have is not even the kings lost 4 games in a row to the oilers so maybe the panthers have a chance
i have absolutely zero hope otherwise though
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Fellas, here’s what I think the lines should be next game.

Tkachuk- Barkov- Rodrigues

Luostarinen - lundell - Reinhart

Verhaghe - Bennett - tarasenko

This is a stacked lineup how they lose to one man team
hyman being a 50+16 goal scorer just speaks to mcdavid's brilliance. he was nothing special around memethews just shows what a world of difference between matthews and mcdavid there is and how he can elevate his teammates
How many Panthers fans do you think will legitimately commit suicide if they lose game 7?
Major Florida cope.
none, soulless franchise
all 3 of them
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I really don't want the cup going to a jewish owner brehs...
there's one that's been having an absolute stroke calling everyone trannies all night

typical floridian jew/spic hybrid, guaranteed
>panthers get btfoed
>relocate to Quebec after all their fans abandon them
>Matthew the cuck is now stuck in Quebec City for the rest of his contract
There’s literally nothing wrong with Israel.
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all 6 of them
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there is literally no way tardnell nurse is not going to cost the oilers a cup on monday. it will be the beginning of canada finally being redpilled on "them".
54+16 for a total of 70
Christ there’s so much terrible players on that oilers roster. Mcdavid should file a petition and have them barred from being in the cup.
>soilers need ref puck to beat the panthers
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simply ebin, keep the upboats coming fellow florida haters and boston pizza enjoyers
Watch game 7 be 10-0 panthers or something crazy like that.
my cat is braver than the kitties
boston pizza is way too expensive for their mediocre pizza
Oilers refpuck is them suffocating the Panthers power play?
can we all agree the real losers if Edmonton wins are the Canucks? We need to laugh at them. They will lose their status as the biggest fail team as Panthers will be the other team with no cups and three Cup series losses with the reverse sweep tie breaker. They have to watch a wannabe rival win the cup. Their former goalie (Luongo) who is in Florida management lose AGAIN. OEL is on Panther payroll and on PP1 because MauriceLOL. THey will have to suffer through more media dunking as Spector and Gazdic troll them them for getting dusted. They will also have the fact that all of Canada has joined the Oilers bandwagon to break the curse even tho most of the country shit on them for 2011. They might as well riot again too lol.
>Oilers win Monday
>I fly out to work Tuesday
>Will miss the only Championship parade I will ever get the opportunity to see

hey bud how's the buccaneer this summer?
You should want them to lose then
don't get me started on their sandwiches as well
I've been out of work for months and I start my new one on Monday.
They're still honking
why are you posting here and not doing burnouts with your Ford Ranger pick up truck on Whyte Avenue with the entire city right now?
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>cats symbol
seethe, faggot
Alberta life
how can they live with themselves? Jesus fucking christ. just move your team to Arizona already.
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The most scripted thing will be Draisaitl, with 0 goals in the series, getting the game winner on a pass from McDavid to seal their legacy as one of the greatest duo's.

Oilers block every attempt to get a puck on Skinner because he's Swiss cheese and because of this the Panthers don't get a chance to score.
they gave it to Crosby for no fucking reason a few years ago.
Don’t like the oilers but watching the panthers and that weirdo maurice spill their spaghetti has been enjoyable
Lost in all the choking from the Panthers, Arizona lost their chance to get the land back for a possible arena
are you talking smack about florida ese?
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Why does no one want to save the Coyotes? What happened to them going to Utah. Are they just the Oakland A's at this point?
Just fucking move a rope around your neck and relocate the stool beneath you with a nice kick
The left is what rural Florida looks like
Imagine. Game 7. 3OT. McDavid on the breakaway. Michigan goal.
Maybe the Coyotes should've, I dont know man, been good people with the area rather than bragging about being hispanic owned.
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Come join /mlb/ if your kitties choke. I still love you.
Fuck you. Giving you a second >you going to have to go down the Big Sugar rabbit hole again now because of your bullshit. Fuck you to death you piece of shit.
How do you think this Florida Panthers team would have fared against the 2004 Tampa Bay Lightning and the 2006 Carolina Hurricanes?
Anon all I did was just say "haha that got lost in the choking".
Sunbeltcels, i am getting worried
What happened to the Lightning this year? I haven't followed since they faced Colorado
Lost. They would lose against anything the west puts in front of them because they have OEL on PP1 for whatever reason.
The sexyest goal you can score is a breakaway out of the box forehand backhand bar dill in overtime to win it
They would crush the Hurricanes. Tough to tell about the LGBTing because of the DPE rules they played with

All their depth left so they got shredded when Kucherov was on the bench
Why can’t Bob stop a break away to save his life?
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I already know how this is going down
They're aging and got massively carried by Kucherov. He's the real "McPowerPlay" in the NHL.
The difference between the Coyotes and the A's is that no one ever gave a shit about the Coyotes
Not even remotely close to being true
Didn't have the luxury of a cushy pandemic season
on the PP because of a blatant dive by Hyman and Leo screamed
market square? I don't think they have one of those in Edmondump.
Panthers will win in 7 and the seethe will incite mass riots across canada
I really hope Edmondump riots. Fuck that would be so funny.
Edmonton is rioting either way
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Coyotes needs a new home in SD. Supposedly we're getting a new arena built for NHL under supervision by Kroenke. Depends if they increase the seating capacity. We got the gulls here, Baseball been selling out, seems to solve the issue of yotes looking for a new home.
God I hope so.
>Its the fucking /mlb/ 2hu fag
Panthers fans are probably just retirees who root for other teams first
They're not hongcouver
I can't afford to riot
too late, they utah now
are you seeing any of the vidoes of the parties right now? THey are so going to beat up a bunch of chugs and smash up a starbucks if they lose on Monday.
Panther fans are just snowbirds who bandwagon after the leafs lose
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My penguins ):
Calm down Juan you’re going loco ese
florida sissies I don’t feel so good
I haven’t smoked meth in over eight years. If the Panthers lose, I might start again.
Canucks bro here. I know.
The Tampa Bay Lightning on the other hand have one of the best fans out of all the Sun Belt teams
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Oookay fine, meanie.
What's up with the arena with Arizona land I been seeing?
Lecavalier was another level so I wouldn't think so but they would probably beat 2006 Carolina Hurricanes since they only won cause Oilers choke so hard that Pronger rage quit and left.
you're a tranny ledditor subhuman and you always will be until the day you off yourself
I just want Panthers to win so I can see another leaf city get burned down.
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How the times have changed
Does anyone think Justin would be at the parade if Edmonton wins? Imagine the booing.
how many chug deaths you predicting as well? more or less than the Residential Schools?
Saddest part of all of this is that the Rangers would have won in 5 tops. The Panturds dont deserve to be there. It was our year.
I’m a Flames fan and here are some fun facts:
>I am not coping well
>I golfed today and played a pretty good round
>This is a living nightmare
>I just took a retardo-mode dose of a weed tincture
>Hopefully Florida wins on [insert day]
These were so fucking good.
>There's totally gonna be riots guys there's gonna be riots I swear oh boy oh boy I can't wait for the RIOT that's totally gonna happen
spoken like true seething canucks fags
He will be there for their inevitable loser parade. It is going to be glorious. Sadly his ex wife will not be with him to awkwardly wave at the crowd of homeless drinking hairspray outside by the provincial legislature.
Y'all know what to do. Flood bets on Monday for Oilies completing the reverse sweep. The narrative is in and McGod is crowned the new GOAT of Canada
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>Saddest part of all of this is that the Rangers would have won in 5 tops. The Panturds dont deserve to be there. It was our year
Jews live there.
Canucks fan bro fist on our inevitable pain. We already lost regardless of the result. The CBC is going to absolutely cream all over them for the next decade becuase of what they have """"done""" already. As much as I hate the Flames we need to do something about this.
I rewound to the start and lmao that was fucking insane. amazing
why don't they have the kids do the "TONIGHT ON HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA" anymore? feel like they stopped doing it over covid
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Niggas be crying about being flooded with panjeets in other provinces while I'm in Montreal running into Mennonites ladies. They really stuck out in a crowd filled with asians, hispanics and blacks.
too busy competing for the Good Deeds Cup
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>uses reddit terminology/kneegrowspeak
>hasnt made a single actual post about hockey or any of the shit that happened during the game, probably just stumbled onto here from the catalogue after seeing a florida (the state that the news says is mean to trannies oh no) lose
You mean you want yet ANOTHER shitty Commiefornia team? Also go Kraken.
Florida loses game 7, easy
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If Florida loses game 7 they need to fire that joke of a coach and burn that whole head office down lol
Fraid Oilers can't win the next one. Only my Leafs can achieve the unachievable.
>Florida loses
>Zito chokes a bitch

>Edmonton loses
>City burns down

In the end, I win
And they never will. Good luck SLC HC or whatever the fuck you will call yourselves.
You saw Zito chimping out right?
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I have always advocated that we should just jettison the city of edmonton into space with a large catapult system.
Rogers place is louder through the tv on 1 volume then the Florida Arena lmao
based. how can we not have the best night ever with game 7?
canucks fans are the biggest fuckin whiners. shut up nigga
winners at losing maybe
it really is amazing how you go to any of the northwest areas around the city and it is immediately nicer. the rest of is an oil refinery shit hole.
Yeah it’s very industrial.
that is because in Florida they have actual other things that matter and or to do. In Edmondump they have the Oilers and beating up Chugs. That is pretty much it.
read my post again bro
can't scroll up broseph
what is there POSSIBLY to do in the city of Sunrise
Florida needs huberdeau
what part of alberta are you from, lads?
>clearly about the oil industry
>cat mascot
What gives? Why isn't some oil worker caricature your mascot?
you are suggesting a city in Florda is less of shithole than Edmonton? AHAHAHAHAHAHA WTF! Don't do that to me this late at night and this many beers in.
panthers may not have too many nadians but at least they don't have a scoreless mick from toronto
Dude traded the whole farm for Tkachuk despite he giving his best wasn't enough. I feel him.
Kelowna. Waiting on my cocaine lol. got the boat ready for tomorrow.
If Alberta's borders were proper and square, Kelowna would be in Alberta. It's rightfully our clay
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The cots are mentally broken. All of the spamming the first three games really did it. Fuck the sunbelt and fuck their 'fans'
For me it's LSD+edibles
north east southern ontario
I thought jeets were very conservative why would they sell t shirts with swearing on them?
No what happened now? I turned the game off after the third period began because that shit was so over lol
Radium too. BC is full of cucks for the Alberta cock!
Westlock represent. Sad to be missing out on the monday night riots
This gonna be the most longest weekend in recent memories.
seriously why fuckin monday
most of the execs for both teams will already be in Vegas for the draft too.
not for me when I live in an actual city in actual civilization.
Cat named Hunter
Cats hunt
Named after Bill Hunter
Imagine the plane ride for Florida tomorrow.
sawgrass mills is the 11th largest mall in america and gets ~21 million annual visitors. it used to have an amusement park for kids where they would larp as adults with jobs which was basically pic related


You're also within reasonable distance to fort lauderdale, which is an actual city.
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McDavid is a real meat and potatoes kinda player
oh and if you're a hockey coach you can get drunk and race golf carts
There was a place like this in minnesota I believe. Would go visit my grandmother, go to legoland, and then go to the Science Museum. You could also LARP as ants which was fun as fuck.
So how mentally buck broken is the panturds locker room do you think? That must have been one quiet ass plane ride back to miami
if you bastards come in on your little discord raid and say florida is brown one more time I’m going to lose my marbles
>reading thru this
>lead me to a weird rabbit hole of multiple pro leagues trying to top the nhl
what in the fuck lmao. can't believe for a sport this fucking old, it has such a tribalistic history
Imagine if the plane crashed killing the whole team and the league can’t in good conscience award the cup to the Oilers so they just wave off the whole season.
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one day it will all be ours, brother
Florida is brown. I'm from Orlando. Suck my dick go bolts.
That would actually be pretty based. My rags have finally won a cup again.
Those guys are on the plane for another 8 hours
It's actually happening, holy fuck. There's no way kitties can atop the oilers now.
Luongo having Nam flashbacks from 2011 finals as we speak
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>kitties hating troon finally admitting that he's a seething wog
You're making quick progress. In time you'll concede that you will never be a Floridian and you will never be a real woman.
>its 3-3
They don't even have ice in Florida, why do they have a hockey team? Why did the NHL expand past northern US to begin with? All of the players that fill those teams were born where there's ice.
best timeline possible
What if it were the Edmonton plane.
>still going with the low effort shitposting
Holy fuck stfu retard
the ice quality in Florida was better than at Madison Square Garden kek
I see the eternally seething cryamifag from /nba/ finally made his way onto /hoc/
Yet in New York you can play ice hockey outside in the winter
WHA was kinda the last spur league to exist and got sort of absorbed. The four teams didn’t merge, the owners just got NHL expansion teams which coincidentally had the same name as their old WHA teams.
Just go full on goon and injure Drai and McMeme
huomenta you missed quite the game
and then bettman moved all of the WHA teams out of spite except the one Gretzky played on (even though he tried his hardest in the 90s)
Imagine they still play the game out
I live where it snows and no one gives a fuck about hockey here.
Well for starters you're American.
there's no ice you can skate on naturally anywhere at any time with a team here save minnesota
Is this the most obvious script of Gary's yet?
>florida looks great against the best in East
>takes a commanding 3 game lead
>inexplicably forgets how to play hockey for 3 games straight, can't make basic passes or even skate
>game 7 is forced

I just wonder is he doing it to torture Canadians again or finally giving them their cup
>now DONT laugh at this next part
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I've been here for years. Even before /nba/ existed. You are a zoomer faggot that's a migrant from leddit. it's why you mistakenly think you can post like them and not stick out
Bitch all you want. Panturds getting reverse swept lol

My bolts would never.
He works for the panthers too Kek
My cousins play on frozen lakes in Michigan
> We don't have any words and we know you don't want to hear them. We understand your anger, your frustration, your sadness.

Will never forget
explain the 2007 script with the previous years in context

Gentleman's sweep

Reverse sweep?

A hat trick of sweeps?
yeah but that's not Detroit or where 97% of the state lives. traverse City is the biggest city in the north/up and it's like 20k people
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>falseflagger apehoop faggot doesn't even know
try again later, retard. you're not a lightning fan, you're not from florida. instead you're redneck mutt trash that seethes at FLchads for btfo'ing you and having no need to pretend as if your worthless troon existence has any value whatsoever
Growing up in central Florida, all kids played street hockey. It was very popular so it makes sense Florida NHL teams are doing very well since we all grew up.
It's okay. Soon the reverse sweep will be over. Your program will collapse and these finals will be a distant memory from 20 years hence. Come Tuesday you will be a laughing stock for at least a decade.
Did you even watch the games? The first three games were incredibly close, constant back and forth, Oilers were outshooting Florida but simply couldn’t score. Once Edmonton figured out the Florida defence and Bob they have been dominating them. That happened in game 3 third period by the way, that’s when the tide changed.
>historic potential reverse sweep incoming
>literally no news media outlets talking about it, no casual sports fans talking about it, no one else on sp talking about it
We're the WNBA of the big four leagues
Hockey isn't very popular in the US but the teams are more profitable simply due to a significantly higher population.
Let’s keep it that way
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Late night viewing: Every great one's first Stanley Cup Championship. On Monday night we could see another one get his first
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now that is a classic meme
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The great man of history.
>Florida to become the first team outside the original 6 to experience the triple crown of sweeps
>florida hasn't had a lead since the 3rd period of game 3
42 points in a playoff run is pretty insane
Yeah panturds are not willing
the fuck is this fever dream
Spector “Leon, you know these commercial flights are killing us old guys”

Leon “I don’t feel bad for you…”
Only team to achieve the triple crown of sweeps is the Red Wings
Spec and Matheson can literally slam their dicks in a car door
>malding cuck literally just googled “who are the panthers rival” to falseflag being a blots fag
Way to expose yourself, retard.
my utah yeti would booty blast both these shit teams
some NASA announcement about Mars ages ago, digits decides the roster
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Reverse sweep come Monday. Talk shit now while you can lol
Locally by team support it's basically even with the NBA. It just gets trounced nationally from diva elements. If this wasn't true Seattle and Vegas would have NBA teams not NHL. Utah Jazz owner wouldn't move a team to half compete for dollars into his building in a smallish population, and NBA would just bully the NHL out of mid markets like Tampa, St Louis, and Pittsburgh instead of coping with Orlando Milwaukee and Oklahoma City
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>tell people for years that webm related is the hit that changed the momentum in that game and ultimately swung the series momentum in the oilers' favor
>spec gets bored during covid and writes an article about it
>now people will think i stole the story from spector
At least you never tweeted Bennett > McDavid like he did in 2015 after one shift where Bennett didn't even score
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Sir, this is a Wendy's
That is a beautiful hit. Grapes would be proud
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Rock Em Sock Em from McDavid's rookie season
I think you guys would like this one
don't see 2023 here retard
>no zany buddy cop matchup show with gilbert arenas where they roast yuropoors for an hour
would be dimes
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No way it is happening again
>what's it like knowing the soilers might bring it home?
about fucking time, being good at hockey is about all canada has left culturally
>r u seethey, copey or happy
i would be very happy to see it be true
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Get fucked sunbelt Panthers.
>0 fans
>0 cups
>0 reasons not to relocate up north
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which is Parliamentary systems suck
>gets 30% of vote
>becomes leader
>despite 70% not wanting him or his party
Florida is hard carried by their billion dollar goalie, once edmonton figured out how to get past him consistently, florida had no plan.
islander bros chances are looking slim
If Gretzky is the 'Great one'. What will McDavids nickname be?
kitties... what happened did gary suddenly change the script
>still hot
>McDavid nickname
Quarter Pounder with Cheese
el maco
What do you guys think grapes has to say about this series? I bet whatever consciousness he has left is creaming himself knowing he has been talking about non Canadian players choking in playoffs for decades now. Reminder that European and American players are simply fucking losers when it comes to hockey
Connor McDavid "McJesus"
Gretzky "The Great One"
Lemieux "The Magnificent One"
Gordie Howe "Mr. Hockey"
Eric Lindros "The Next One"
Sid Crosby "The Kid"
oilers at even money seems like such a good bet but it would be such a canada thing to come back from 0-3 to just choke again
>need to right a ship
>my boat captains are a Finn, Swede, American, Canadian, and Russian(Florida)
>my five boat captains come from the same place(Edmonton)
dont understand the roster makeup of a lot of teams
>Before Game 5, I said that if the Edmonton Oilers win, there will be a Game 7. The Oilers will try to keep up the momentum tonight and head back to Florida.
>The difference between the first three games and the last two has been the play of the Florida Panthers’ goalie, Sergei Bobrovsky.
>In the first three games, he was lights out. He stole Game 1 and Game 3. The reality is if he didn’t play great in the first three games, this series would be over.
>The second thing is that Connor McDavid has gotten on a roll. >What McDavid and Bobrovsky will show up tonight?
I think Bobrovsky will play much better than his last two games. McDavid and the rest of the Oilers will come out smoking and if the Panthers can survive the first 10 minutes, they might have a chance. But I don’t think so.
>Tonight, the Oilers are favourites, as they should be; I’m taking Edmonton to force Game 7. But beware of Bobrovsky can he steal one more game?
of all the teams i completely randomly picked to root for four seasons ago i had to pick the one that will get the first reverse sweep in the Stanley Cup since 1942
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The Snoop blessing is the opposite of the Drake curse.
this is the post
how the fuck does that even happen?

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