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the real loser is lakaka
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You lost the game but you won at life.
You were quite shit desu

You were lucky Belgians are chokers and waste so many chances, they could have absolutely destroyed you in Germany vs Scotland-tier fashion
Why u so smug then?
GG. Just draw the next game.
Dominated and pegged
yesterday i was passed by a black SUV blasting the worst electropop you can imagine, and the guys in the car singing emphasized the word ROMANIA
it happens
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Belgium could never.
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we also had two big chances. belgium is obviously better, but i wouldn't say we were bad.
could be worse, you could have won
>i made it in the screncap
>captcha G0YH2
I don't know about any of this football shit but the gypsies outside my block are now very angry and blasting loud music and screaming at each other
Im wondering how shit ukraine are seeing as you thrashed them
Belgium was just the better team
i'm keeping caps of every smug country since the beginning here, just banter bros
Be scared Slovakia, be very scared...
Romanians make the best music


>taking shitposts seriously
>Losing to african team playing in the euros
check this out
romania lose to belgium
belgium lose to slovakia
slovakia lose to ukraine
ukraine lose to romania

rock paper scissors cup
kino group

who you got, /spee/?
they deserved the win tho,stat checked us to the moon,cant even cope.
so sorry, but this song might cheer you up

dragoste de inchiriat better
It was only by 2 this is pretty much a win with the group just don’t let it slip on the last day
>romania: 7 shots on goal
>belgium: 9 shots on goal
>You were quite shit
kys you dumb muslim
its impossible to know what to comment to this
The layers, the lore, the characters. You are missing out so much of this you have no idea.
we have always been shit, but somehow 2 lucky blooters against ukraine convinced everyone we are actually competent
definitely, you did a decent game, it's just that Belgium is too strong
try to summarize
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I wanna travel the world with her and scam locals
this one is better, we used to sing it in elementary school every day

nta, but not a chance of summarizing. these are thousands of years unfolding before your eyes.
Romanians listening to Brazilian children's music.
How did that happen?

look up what "pula" means, you'll figure it out from there
We're still going through
pula means dick in romanian, and some of the other lyrics sound similar to other romanian words.
"vem pra nossa turma" is close to "ling ca nesatula" which would closely translate to "i suck it like an insatiable (whore)". it was funny to the 12 year old brain
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>2 thousand normies getting butthurt at retards kicking a ball
I enjoy their suffering
dubs and I will move to Brasov and drink myself to death on palinka
ultra kino group
this is precisely why I watch the euros
>trips and you move to Sighisoara
timisoara is absolute shit, i've been there, brasov is the best been there too
sure, first lesson is listening to this 4 hour story from the guy in the music video telling stories about how in the early 90s his brother tricked him to go to italy to retrieve some stolen cameras, they illegally crossed into austria where he was caught and put on a train back to romania but he didn't have money for the ticket.

this is the 1st part to starting to understand the music video
SIGHIsoara not TIMIsoara
different city in a different region, its a beautiful one
forgot to link the video

my bad, looks nice, what's the rent price for a cuckshed?
i literally have no idea
i thought dragonstea din dei was Moldovan
cheaper than timisoara for sure (unless they went all in on cucking the tourists in the meantime and I'm not up to speed about it). just don't have a culture shock of having few niggers around you.
Moldovans ARE romanians
nobody tell him, ignorance is still the cutest thing
you can find some fancy places with a little bit over 200 euros for 7 nights
kek that's amazing
what's the reason for their denial?

I had a Moldovan girl in my highschool class and she would get angry if I said her native language was Romanian
Some of the people there are Russians that hate Romanians.
almost two centuries of russification do cause a lot of collective mental trauma. That or she was of russian descent herself
there is no denial. as other anons said, just a segment of the population literally brainwashed by decades of soviet propaganda. btw, did you think that propaganda is a meme? it actually works if you do it for long enough.
>smug before game
>still smug afterwards
Honestly quite based.
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>the weak should fear the strong
I like Romanians. Maybe one day I will visit your country. I have a wide-eyed dream of visiting a place not normally known for tourists and getting drunk with locals and having a great time. I just don't want my kidneys taken.
we're not some third world subhuman colony friend. No one's going to lay claim to your kidneys
fat people kidney's aren't ideal anyway
>I just don't want my kidneys taken.
You're confusing us with Albanians, we just steal wallets.
you could've done that 10 years ago, now we're gentrified and bored of foreigners.
>visiting a place not normally known for tourists and getting drunk with locals and having a great time
this is actually happening right now in realtime. I'm sometimes amazed at the type of number that the media has done on some of you gullible retards. but it's for the best, in the end.

Ok maybe I'll come over there but you mean 5 Romanians aren't invited
>Think this is a 90s song since the video looks old as fuck
>Look it up
>It's 2005
Anyways, unironically more listenable than mainstream trash of nowadays
We got a lot of stuff like telenovelas from LatAm but never this from what I recall

Pula means Chicken in Albanian
Well technically it's Pulë but one of the declensions is Pula

Although we have a very similar word for ''fuck''
Also a euphemism which sounds quite similar too
nothing is gonna happen to you here that won't also happen in detroit
what are you even talking about cant even cope a coborat ingerii sa ne dea ofsaid si 5 ocazii si handicapatii pisamas pe morti lor na reusit o boaba sa inscrie
I've never cared about sports and this is the first game i've ever watched but the retardation of this team's pissed me off so much
based illiterate
It's over
There are a lot of Romanians where I live for some reason. They have a church nearby and it’s very nice inside. They have a festival every year too.
I'm glad that belgium won but it would be cool if romania and we both qualify for the next round because we have 66% the same flag
it will be over with Slovenia, Wednesday
is Ion a Romanian name?
i thought it was, my friend thinks its Greek.
since the Romanians are 90% orthodox, they will stick with the Greek origin ("Ἴων (Iōn), after the mythical founder of the Ionians; the modern (demonic) Greek equivalent is Ionas.") instead of the Jewish origin
thank you vlad tepes
demotic you brainlet buffoon
It's both
Take Johannis back you cunt
slove slova
tho-mato, tomat-oh
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i am drunk
why did you guys named yourselves after the Romans
At least Lukaku got his goal VAR'd
traian named us in 100 ad
You won
no offense but Dacia is a cooler name
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How is he regarded in Romania?
Great Catholic Hero and National Hero

"Vlad Draucla (1431-1476)was Catholic and died a Catholic. He was born Catholic and then at somepoint converted to the orthodox church and then convert to the Catholic Church.

He defended the Church and Transylvania from the onslaught of the Turks (Muslims).

Pope Pius II called Vlad "A Catholic Warrior."

Most people get Vlad mixed up with the Dracula of Holloywood. Even Bram Stoker (who was Protestant and from Ireland) did not take the name of his book from this Wallachia Prince.

Actually, Vlad was very just and believed firmly in God and His true Church. The orthodox acutally called him a "heretic" when he converted to Catholicism.

The origin of "impalment" was actually started by the muslisms. At one point Vlad became a prisoner of the muslisms along with his brother "Radu the Handsome."

In the muslim camp they were subject to study Islam--Vald never accepted it--but his brother Radu did and later fought against his brother in battle.

While Vlad was there he learned of the tortures that the muslims displayed on what they called "enemies of god." Thus Vlad when he was released and later become Prince adopted this method against them.

Therefore the name: Vlad the Impaler was born."
He was the first vampire ever discovered. Only one too so far. Factual evidence has shown he was.
he was a based schizo
they were the best depiction of us possible,retarded drunkards that bit more than they can chew and got conquered,the leader commiting suicide in the montains out of frustration that he lost.
You are factually wrong but it seems you hate muslims so that makes you morally right.
he was doing a tiny little bit of tomfoolery on the turks,extremly based.
I mean no I'll will. I think he's a hero
you can put it how you want,he killed romanians too as turks alike,if you dared to steal and be caught.
He was a man of his word i ll give you that.
fucking Vlachs cost me 10 bucks!
The "impaler" part refers to impaling German villagers
You guys only need a draw to qualify you got this
I had two different Romanian prostitutes sit on my face in a Vienna brothel
They were very clean, it was a great experience overall
Fucking retard who kept De Bruyne onside, knowing he'd be alone with our GK
Threw most of our chances by overshooting over and over again
Considering how mediocre Belgium was and how many mistakes they did, every decent team would win that game, but our retards kept making basic mistakes and didn't take any of the opportunities to score.
how you celebrating
>Another Lukaku goal disallowed
In a way Romania won
only the 4th if not 5th most relevant voivode

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