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>Saturday 15th June
21:00 Italy 2 - 1 Albania

>Thursday 20th June
21:00 Spain 1 - 0 Italy

>Monday 24th June
21:00 Croatia ?-? Italy

Probability of qualifying for last 16 after from Group B after MD2:
Spain: 100%
Italy: 88%
Croatia: 33%
Albania: 17%

Reminder to keep it comfy, crust and ludopathy
First for Cambiaso winger
Cristante as a striker when?
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Reposting so that you know of which death we'll be dying
>belgiolandia inevitably ded in the next 1-2 games
>negrulands disgustingly soulless this year
>italy maybe ded soon
wtf pastafras please dont fuck up i need a backup country to root for
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> spalletti
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requiescat in pace
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Spalletti is a hyperactive minded coach suffering from intellectual dishonesty.
He is not convinced in his ideas, he is not sturdy.
Against Spain he placed half the players out of position to justify yet another episode of his tactical histrionics with no bearing on reality. If his national team played like crap in the qualifying round, don't expect anything better from the last game of the group stage.
His coaching peaked with his first experience at Roma, we are talking about almost twenty years ago now. To have won, in a career spanning more than thirty years, with Napoli a mediocre Serie A that needs a different winner every year to 'captivate the audience' is tantamount to waste paper.
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The solution is out there, you just need to choose him
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This, but unironically
>di merdenzo

it's gonna be fine cmon, it's not like a draw isn't good enough
dai almeno Smadonnarumma è schierato nella posizione giusta
I pray that Donnarumma carries again
Shitalia really really likes having a garbage midfield, but why
This is loser mentality. You're probably supporting a team that has less than 3 stars
Mo it's suddenly all kurpa de spallettus because disminchio bastronzi and cumbiaso aren't in their little MUH 3-5-2 cuckcage
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a fiketta is sunbathing wearing only a thong right next to me, she has very nice pierced tetas
the bald halfwit had 3 jobs, playing fagioli, not playing di lorenzo, not playing cristante. 3 fucking jobs any woman with a couple games watched in her life could have easily done
fucking clown
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>a fiketta is sunbathing wearing only a thong right next to me, she has very nice pierced tetas
shhh don't interrupt his mystical journey.
if tonight upon counting the layers of an onion an odd number comes up, he will redo the whole formation all over again at dawn light.
Got three naked fikettas on my couch, but I'm busy posting on /seriea/
Just finished painting my Black Templar Assault Terminator while Eleonora Goldoni and 10 of her teammates were questioning their sexuality in the next room
>not playing di lorenzo
Holy fucking midwit
Very nice, can you paint Cambiaso next?
>having interest in Warhammer 40,000 now that they've added women to it
>The backline is expected to be confirmed
>Jorginho doubt. If removed, Cristante can drop & 1 of Frattesi or Pellegrini will pair alongside Barella. Fagioli is also not to be taken for granted
>letting women ruin things you enjoy
Holy mindcucked
im worried about my barellino red card dream.
it can't be helped, women find a way
>disminchio literally passes the ball to bajrami from a throw in in the first 10 seconds of play
>di lorenzo gets dribbled past once (mo there are better 1vs1 defenders in this NT) in a 1vs1 against a great dribbler (and still corrects his mistake by obstructing his cross)
di laurenzio has had two bad games. he is too cooked. you need young fresh legs at the top level.
>you need young fresh legs at the top level.
I agree, Sballett should start Gondola instead of him
It's always the finn the one who feeds and replies to the fucking schizo. What a profoundly retarded poster
this is complete insanity... I love it
4-1-4-1 is just 4-3-3 but made to look like some tryhard guardiola meme shit to impress poorfags, based bvllciano who will walk this euro in ciabattissime
Football only has two formations, 4-4-2 and 5-4-1, everything else is memes
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Easiest path to final ever but /seriea/ is too dumb to get it.
just pre-ordered Metaphor: ReFantazio, the only interesting game coming out this year

it's so over for video games
What makes you think they can pass the groupstage when they barely beat Ukraine to avoid another play-off carnage?
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>England is guaranteed to reach the final again and then win it
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Saved & forwarded to my mom on Whatsapp
The camber of Cambiaso's nose resembles that of Zambrotta's legs, impressive
>Netherlands - Turkey
Jesus Christ, riot police is already sweating at the thought of this
Did you watch Albania? What makes you think they can win?
Worst case Italy will go through as 3rd place. Czech Republic and Scotland are too shit to get through as fourth best 3rd place.
Holy fuck you're a poorfag if you don't think shitaly is going to win against croatia in slippers
Last round in Group A is played tonight!

Scotland would almost certainly secure R16 by winning tonight.

Hungary would be in a solid position to secure R16 by winning tonight.

Both would be eliminated with a draw (Scotland left with only mathematical chances).
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my theory is the jew satanists push the globalist pozzed negru teams to win to make it seem like its good for society.

so france, england, nethernegrus etc.
the ugliest, nonsensical thing in that formation is the 3 fullbacks, which keeps it from adjusting itself either as a 352 or a 433.
if you consider cambiaso a wingback then you'll have di merdenzo as a cb of a 352 - then why not buongiorno ? - and chiesa as 2nd striker - then why not raspadori? another disgusting thing is cristante, but not just him, him as a mezzala, but not just cristante as a mezzala, cristante as a mezzala in a midfield with jorginho who is the only the midfielder of euros 2024 possibly slower than him.
Explain EURO2020 then you dumb poltard
Krande trvth nuke, but you will get consored by le woke mob now
>Spain will rest their best players
>playing with reserves screws up team chemistry
>they get to knock out a rival
Meanwhile Albania have nothing to lose and will be very keen to seize every opportunity.
Again, what makes you think Italy can win comfortably against a side that technique wise can run circles around our midfield despite having one foot in a hospice?
Shit theory, France has been playing like shit
>di lorenzo
Fullback, occasionally centreback
Centreback, used to play more as a fullback
how the fuck does englel get into the éasy path' every time?
And yet uefa refballed euro 2021 to make Soi-talians win
>then you'll have di merdenzo as a cb of a 352
Mogs cagafiori and pastoni
>>playing with reserves screws up team chemistry
Only in shitaly is "team chemistry" an actual factor, also why wouldn't the bench players have muh chemistry
trying too hard
Sinner just won the supercoppa of tennis
and cambiaso is also a fullback, so 3.
denmark lost to dive era without contact. get rekt libtard

based dont forget me when they come for me.

2018 final was refballed hard. first goal from a freekick that was a zero contact dive.
also this tourney lot of easy fauls called for franegrus
Albania is so shit it lost to Italy and their starters aren't used to play this often. Spain can call up the u21 and it would still win.
Italy is going to lose against Croatia and go through, beat the gypsies or whoever is going to be, then meme a win against the neverlands, win deservedly against Englel in the semifinal because Southgate is a retard. It's so fucking obvious.
Cambiaso is a 4/5-player midfield wingback abominio
i believe that we are gonna draw comfortably against tomorrow but this could be another very possible future
holy farsa
anyway palle a mollo, you poor pvssies are larping as CTs too much
Kill what a high level competition the Eulopei
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Sfinter CL 2023 (also 2024 but inzaghino is a retard) tier path to the final
Fiketta left, she really had a nice body and high waist thong made very sesso tanlines
4-players midfield wingbacks don't exist, they are wingers and cambiaso is not one. if you consider cambiaso a wingback of a 5-players midfield, as i said before, then di lorenzo is going to be a cb in a 3-men defense, which doesn't make sense, and darmian would be the other midfield wingback, which doesnt make sense either (even if he did it as a backup in meme games with sfinter)
Mo side midfielders don't exist
*starts all the fullbacks*
True, that is why 4-3-3 is the only existing formation and all other moduli are tryhard guardiola meme shit
> di lorenzo
porco di quel dio, ti ammazzo pelato di merda
it's not a mater of names here, cambiaso will never be a winger in a 442 ffs, he's a defender / mainly defensive player
There's three wingers in the whole roster and two of them are Zaccagni and El Shaaraway
there’s a girl grinding her cunt on a dudes groin lmao
Tfw no gf
Mo 4-4-2 has wingers
I never knew that words could be so painful, Sballett really is a retard for not calling up Orsolini
id play chiesa - scamacca - pellegrini (but i would have called other players to start ahead of pellegrini). and in the midfield barella - fagioli - folonrousho (the latter for the high balls, but again i would have other players).
I like it better for sure I think Fagioli should play more. But we shouldn't draw too many conclusions from the Spain game. Nico Williams was on fire and it derailed the whole gameplan. Should probably have inverted Chiesa and Pellegrini way sooner tho. Barella had a poor game too which is a death sentence for this Italy.
60 gorillion CTs
Play the gud players
Bench the bad players
Don’t call up the terrible players

It’s that simple
>Nico Williams was on fire and it derailed the whole gameplan
Warra gameplan if it's derailed by a single player playing decently
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This but with bvllanova and it's perfect
Calabria - Gabbia - Bastoni - Dimarco
----------Barella -------------- Pobega ---------
-- Chiesa ------------------------- El Shaarawy
Di Lorenzo deserves another shot, the zingari don't have any fast gentlemen of colour on the LW so he should be ok. Should being the operative word.
>Di Lorenzo deserves another shot
I very much agree with this ahah!
>Ivan Ivanovica from Pola

idk I just don't rate Bellanovo and I'm not a fan of Cambiaso.
Not at least giving a chance to Bellanova after Di Lorenzo's disasterclass is just stupid honestly, if players can get away with such shit performances then Italy might at well just exit the tournament already
>I'm not a fan of Cambiaso
Mind elaborating?
>I just don't rate Bellanovo
go watch Lazio v Torino, honestly one of the best wingback performances I've ever seen
Horses for courses but I get what you're saying. I wouldn't be fussed if he's dropped but the replacements don't enthuse me either.

A left footed player at RB or RWB makes me feel visceral disgust. It's like ants under my skin. I just think he's quite an average player overall and when he came on against Spain it was a real nightmare.

If he plays tomorrow and puts in less than a 8/10 it'll be on YOU
it's not a bad formation. It just doesn't work against spain because we lose badly on the sides
If he's instead of dimoscio then yes
I’ll just say that Spinazool was the same, right-footed player playing on the left. But spiritually I agree with you that it’s an abomination
Why the fuck do you poorfags never fucking bench chiesuccio in your abomini of lineups, is this general the jewventus discord FinoAllaFine or something?
If you genuinely think that Italy has a better player than him in that role, you're a gigantic retard
Because he's the only one who can run.
Because it triggers you so nicely
Yes. We are Juventus.
Nah that's the thing, I don't care if its a right footed LB. Maybe my childhood exposure to Germany's own Filippo Agnello and Zim Zambrotta inoculated me against such things.
Warra save gigius
Intrasting, I guess left-footers are more rare so 9 times out of ten they’ll be used as a LB or RW cutting in so it feels *extra* offputting when they break with that
To be honest, when you know who plays for Spain, a 1-0 loss isn't even that horrible as a result. It's more about the extremely unconvinving display on the field, really unsure about the idea of 3 at the back after how bad it played out in that one friendly against like Venezuela.
Most people coming up with a 3-5-2 put chiesa up front even though that's not even his role, what's the point of having raspadori and retegui other than scamacca then?
To win EURO 2024:

France - 19%
Germany - 18%
England - 17%
Spain - 14%
Portugal - 11%
Netherlands - 6%
Italy - 4%
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Spain vs Albania tomorrow. I'm sorry but we are winning this easy.
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Raspadori and Retegui just cannot run and dribble like he can, and he often plays in that role at Jj, so it just seems like a better idea
Huge gufatozza
netherlel is not gonna finish first in the group
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fuck Gigi gon do?
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He should have carded Bobus vieri too for doing le shitalian gesture at him, if anything Toreno was forgiving to italy
retegui should not play in any national team
when did casemiro go to fiorentina
I thought giorgio and gianluigi
Who can even be a good back-up striker apart from him? He's really not good, but I can't see anyone else filling in that role
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>Albania’s Daku gets two-game ban for anti-Serbia and North Macedonia chants
Apebanian's at it again
Why are they like this?
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Based megaphoneGOD
Now that I wonder, why is Grifo not called up, he had like 13 gols last season as a winger
Perugia-coded, therefore he MUST be avoided
explain to me why a 352 with Retegui and Scamacca is not the best thing we can do
Because they get in eachother's way
Because Retegui cannot do shit apart from headers
Because muh kikkuccio
Also because media would force spalletti to use darmian and dimarco as the side midfielders (instead of the preferable option of bellanova+el shaarawy) because muh inzaghiball
This is such a typical 433cuck lie it's not even funny
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Google Serbia at Euro 2024
>el shaarawy
Are you guys trolling or is this actually serious
Get help, sort yourself out and read a book
I wouldn't go to Dagestan
> di gregorio is 188 cm tall
wtf he's a manlet how is he supposed to play when he'll his his 30s
/edit/idea spalletti driving a giuletta
Fans of any other formation are guardiola tryhards
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three hundred million disallowed lukakker goals
>everyone on every platform saying the lineup is bad
I'm going to put like 300 cucuzze on an italy victory since ****alians are always wrong
My father chose to support the Hungarians tonight
>guardiola tryhards
New gimmich just dropped
guys, once the knockout stage starts prepare to see some serious gay shit by UEFA
New Sangiuliano is up
UEFA is going to refball in favour of gayrations?
By Grace he keeps hitting new lows
39 hundered million jewefags dead in belgium
Blud really replied to himself :skull:
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Talk more about Juventus
>Albania-Germany on Rai 1
But I wanted Scotland-Hungary...
No one right now but he can't be a starter, from next tournament i would try camarda as a back up striker
Or don't, it's all the same to us
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>The Swiss swimmer Antonio Djakovic wins European Championship bronze in the 400m freestyle in 3:47.62.
Small nation but big in sports
My house trembled
of marco was resurrected
Ā dokkoi!
Ā yoisho!
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Tonight, I feel Scottish
t. Gio
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lost the fucking plot
>but I wanted le epic reddit underdogs
Holy guardiola tryhard
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Well if the colour of her shoe are anything to go by...
pecché no fagioli, spallett?
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*takes a sip*
Gio Scottish
>drinking merda tè
I would text her but I don't think she has me saved or even remembers my name
Also big swiss triumph in <60 minutes
3-2-2-3 is the only actual formation
Any other line-up is TMGS
It's not a real formation if it doesn't start with "1-...", just sayin'
Titty Massaging Gio Scotti
Gunn - Ralston, Hendry, Hanley, McKenna, Robertson - McGinn, Gilmour, McGregor, McTominay - Adams.

Gulacsi - Botka, Orba, Dardai - Bolla, Styles, Schafer, Kerkez - Sallai, Szoboszlai - Varga.
what if 2-
I wouldn't go to Crimea
Not going east of Leipzig or south of Strasbourg, simple as
do you have any tips for me to avoid the Leao special at the exam of tomorrow?
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This is my country
the land that begat me
These windy spaces are surely my own.

And those who here toil
In the sweat of their faces
Are flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone.
avoid eating beans
Mon Scotland for once do the job

I highly recommend Polan. Anyway, hope it's a good game lads. See ya later.
Dive into your books and not into the floor of the exam hall
Mo she does me a Rafa after I text her
Swarm the library rather than the universitary toilet
Zingaro... tomorrow... you are mine
t. De La Fuente
Holy boomerazzo
What will germs do without kroos and gundogan
i think sco vs hungry is more kino game.

hmm dunno what to watch
Kroos and Gundogan are in the starting XI doe?
I'm thinking about the future here
I act and look like this
/direttagol/ bros it's finally our time
thank you rai for saving me, everywhere else was showing the other shite
Does Hendry vaguely resemble Cambiaso in having a dorky cuteness about him or do I just have a type?
>dorky cuteness about him
Thank you cher very cool
angelo stiller/henning matriciani double pivot
How much is a neuer papera quoted
I choose the bear
im watching sco-hun
You now realize that Finland and Scotland have the same flag colours...
Im watching scooby doo
They both have crosses too!!!!!!
how has germoni swizz game looked like? this has been pretty careful

Guyse i might've gufato sommer
gonna miss these orsato moments
pretty good
Based orsato
*stares at the screen for 10 minutes*

Do you guys get frogs near your houses?
yes I do, they are quite far but I still can hear them going cra cra
I'm so jealous of how good Germany is
Warra paratissima on the first post sommus
lot of yellows for hunger
Bologna boy :)
looked off but funnier to give it
Told you we will reach the semis for sure + with luck the final

This is not good for us isn't it?
hunger gettin refballed
This is what happens when you don't have at least one aryan cb
off side rule is completely broken
De Vrij c-c-counts right?
troost the hecking science chud
William Troost-Ekong
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Wh*toids being good defenders is such a fucking meme
Acerbi approved
thats a red
Not all just the best
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hunger getting refballed hard. they have like 3 yellows and scots none.
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There were two goals at #EURO2024 where both the goal scorer and the assist provider play for the same team in a club context:

Aebischer on an assist from Freuler on June 15
Ndoye on an assist from Freuler on June 23

In both cases two Bologna combinations for Switzerland.

>picrel isn't at least a yellow
forearm/elbow in the box isnt a era
>Germany - Italy (assuming we pass)
Send help
That's on the halfway line when a Hungarian got a yellow for that challenge
scott player also made a wierd tackle in that situation. dropped almost to a sitting position.

the black ten from scotland did 2 fouls and no cards. when many hungers got yellows for first foul about.
hunger was more dangerous so hope they score first.
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not a yellow or era this.
Name one legendary non whiteoid defender
yellow for scotland wow
*esailly and taribo west
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white boys' Sommer
these lads should just do a reverse biscuit and have the keepers stay off their line for the rest of the game, leave it up to fate and give the winner a chance to pump their GD

but what about meme ones? theres so many you can name like juan jesus, murillo etc.
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At this point it's better to not qualify at all
>swotzerland literally beats germany
>shitalian still do vittimismo because now they'll have to face germany instead of switzerland
auslander raum
What An Adams
*ebensraum FC
Large ghostatazza Christian, Weston, Yunus, and Tim 2nite
Bald fraud doesn't have what it takes to beat germs in their backyard
so it happened again
o ou head injury
Pulingz and Muttuidi usually show up for the nt at least
the hungarian went straight into the fencing position. F
Mejus Roby Mancio
Unironically, but gonde>>>>
Warra figurone orsato, ehhhhhhhhh trvly shitalian refs are le best
yeah spoopy. crazy that the games continues after such shock
What happened?
Did any of you boys see what happened? You can't really see anyone hitting the poor lad
keeper knocked hunger player out badly, dude insta seizured up
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Barnabas Varg-ACK!
Keeper heemed him
Damn wtf
>De Ligt asks for help from a psychologist: "Certain moments are hard"
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Warra titolare spot
Who would buy a boil your dog car?
>Again and again we tried
>In the morning, during the day, in the evening and at night
>No matter what we did, she just couldn't get pregnant
does Germany losing mean >we'll face them in the ro16 if by some miracle >we make it out of the group?
Shitaly would've lost to Switzerland anyways
If we want to be the best in Europe, we must be able to defeat the best in Europe.
Germany: bring it on.
weak mind. he should go to a shit team in a good league to get some skill for a few years.
Adani needs to be dead, his firing just isn't enough anymore
Warra clean sheet zomma
-me in 10 minutes
imagine using your free transfers to buy kraut players ahah
By Grace she was cute
>If we want to be the best in Europe, we must be able to defeat the best in Europe.
Incoomprehensible concept to shitalians
Also mo germany is good
Antigoni Matsouka?
Is he krautphobic?
Name one who isn't
This is what will happen 2morrow
Everyone will give x scontato that we'll not lose and that albania won't win then the "unpredictable" happens
what happened?
Blud took a nap
cmon hungerland
>Gnoooooo don't take out muttsiala
Fuck off adani
>meme forward
I've seen enough, Germany's winning the tournament.
It's over
Poorfag opinion, uefa will do everything to make shutaly pass the giron
miss him
Buciano Sculetti
sbozlai complete meme this game.
Why would Germany willingly chose the harder path
Calvinism boggles the catholic mind
>not playing with a no 9
mierdiola and his consequences have been a disaster for calcio
Only abomini of countries such as shitaly unironically think about these inciuci
McTominay assist in 59 seconds
Uomini forti, destini forti
They are scared of italy
rip irn bru
>not having red on your flag
The mythraic nation marches on
sorry for scotfra
This victory clearly shows we need to have more Asians (like Buongiorno) and less negrus (like Adopo)
Germany won Group A with late winner!

Hungary are still alive after a late winner!

Switzerland 2nd, secured the Round of 16!

Scotland are eliminated from EURO 2024!
Spain germany kino
>Scotland are winless in major tournaments since 1996.
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how do we fix scotland
More Italians, less angl*s
bring in a coach who is not 40 years behind in coaching philosophy.
Bring Dumfries to Dumfries
Polel has one job
More negrulands player i.e. frimpong
>expecting them to be good at any job that doesn't involve picking fruit or cleaning toilets
Feel like footy as a whole would be richer if them and Hungary had elite NTs again
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New updated predicted table is up
The late goal should not deceive you from the fact that Nogirlsmans suicidal tactics do not work against any decent opponent
Happy for Hungary though, i enjoy their allegriesque approach
Very nice
Holy scampagnata spalletti
Austria would make the semis with this bracket
I don't want to lose to Portugal AGAIN ;_;
Dissolve it
I'll help you with the owling
Rangnick is about to go AEIOV on that bracket
>belgiolandia,negrulands and pastaland all ded in the qf
Mo that's bad
Mo england will get a revenge on shitaly
Do they know how to park buses?
Ultimo uomos been on mvtismo mode for 2 days
I will watch the Paola Ferrari
Luciano Spaghetti
what did he mean by that?
>Retegol starting instead of Scacacca
there might be some feeble hope still.
>Dimerdenzo and Merdinho still playing
oh nvm >we're out.
get a grip jewccio
why are they like this?
Is shit

>di merdenzo
Croatia doesn't have any pacy negrus he'll be fine

Because coomers like duccio keep the demand going
I wouldn't go to Lebanon
If I fart now I'll piss from my ass
4 goals in 10 matches with the NT
1 goal in 18 matches with the NT
Warra start musahcchio
good night, I need to wakeup soon to get to the factory
bolivia coach looks like they grabbed a random addict off a the streets and had him suit up
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Based tummyGOD Fagioli
Extremely bad move under Spalletti lmao.
bernacciabros... wtf is this abomination
yeah let me brag a little bit before everything goes to shit tomorrow
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Che umiliazione
GOOD LUCK tomorrow italy
It's today retard
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ey I'm walkin' 'ere
anulo mufa
tonight I will finally go to watch the game outside, see you /seriea/
La maglia… azzurra!
Siam pronti… alla morte!
Noi siamo… L’Italia!
Chi siamo? L’Italia!

Thats how I feel today
feeling cringe?
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Today I feel tractorist
tornasse a zappare l'orto sto pelato
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This you?
Good morning /seriea/

Where do we stand on onesies?
supposedly Dalić changed his mind again... and Brozović is starting and he's doing incomprehensible shit in the attack

literally ruined my day and I woke up feeling great
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literally made to bake a football team
oh noe :)
Cristante is a good pick against croatia but must be used as an offensive midfielder and the wingbacks must play on their strong foot side
you watched 0 riomma games to say this
fuck im at the factory when the game starts. gonna be phonewatching the first half.

>Where do we stand on onesies
love them
positives for italy:
draw is enough unless albonegrus win but even then its almost decent enough for 3rd place quali.
croatia has let in 3 goals and 2 goals in their games so defence sucks.

so italy needs to play calma and score some goles.
Draw is enough for 2nd even if albanegrus win
Sutalo is getting dropped
even if they score few goles?

even better then
>He defends an injured man, a Japanese man massacred in Udine by five young men: he is in a coma

nuke shitaly
I think that head to head is the first criteria
>Juventus and Fanatics, a leading digital platform in the sports sector, have announced a new global partnership which will cover e-commerce, retail sales and the production of Juventus merchandising. 11 year agreement until 2034/35. t. Romain D’Agreste
I don’t follow us sports too much anymore but afaik this company is universally despised for making bad quality/overpriced stuff
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Don't care, more money
Points scored is the first criteria dumbass
not just riomma’s. he’s garbage, pure unadulterated trash who for some reasons probably connected with organised crime keeps getting called up in the nt.
The first stone of the spalletti statue in Coverciano is already being placed in anticipation of shitaly's massive trivmph 2nite
Good picks against croatia= any human who can run faster than 2 km/h for 5 seconds
Big rancore Biasin in case Sbarella manages to win a duel against Brozoshit
Good morning /seriea/
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Never used a bidet to wash my ass in my life
fucking cavernicolo
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top scorers in this euro so far (the others have 1 goal). the absolute state.
>there is a Shitalian vtuber from a prominent vtubing company now
e finita
Shitalians eat literal cheese with worms but shower their ass so it's all good
>shower with a girl after sleeping with her and her spending the night
>I go and wash my ass with some liquid soap on my hand and rubbing it between my cheek’s for a bit
>She looks at me mortified and asks me wtf I’m doing
>I tell her I’m washing my ass
>’People actually do that? I just let some water run over it and that’s it’
Who was in the wrong here? And if it’s her, why are women so gross when you get below the figurative surface and/or visit their living spaces
again, there's no way Italy doesn't make it through
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You, because it's a widely known fact that girls don't poop
Can you please go back to your shithole?
Was she clean back there? That's all that matters right?
Average woman is considerably messier than an average man.
That being said, average woman has considerably less messy shits than an average man. They need like two pieces of paper, its like they shit small rabbit turds or something
>Both Arkadiusz Milik and Moise Kean are set to leave Juve. All parties involved are informed of this decision. Milik is being linked with clubs from Premier League and Ligue 1, as for Kean the negotiations with Bologna, Fiorentina and Arabia are not yet tangible.
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Is Casadei as low-IQ as he always looks? Like the lights are on but nobody is home
Men are 10000% cleaner than women
>t. irl jannie
In order to replace Giroud, Milan have inquired the profile of MLS forward Aiden Cavernicolo-Jackson (21) currently at St. Louis City. The total valuation of the player is $350,000 excluding outstanding bails on the player, Milan executives are considering the options
What a bvll in the middle
Women don't poop anon, they don't need to wash their asses
top 5 /seriea/ approved Stanley Kubric films
5. 2001: a space odyssey
4. The shining
3. Barry Lyndon
2. Dr. Strangelove
1. Eyes wide shut
1. Eyes Wide Shut -> Eyes Wide Scudetto
2. Dr. Strangelove -> Dr. Tacticolove
3. Barry Lyndon -> Bari Lyndon
4. The Shining -> The Striking
5. 2001: A Space Odyssey -> 2001: A Calcio Odyssey
I wouldn't go to Bari
Furiosa is up
>Giuntoli has received Thuram’s green light for a transfer. The club now aims to finalize the agreement with his representatives and reach an one with Nice in a short time.
I don't really trust Gazzetta dello Sporco, but nice
>Aiden Cavernicolo-Jackson
dont really care, sorry
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Do you care about this?
Penzavo il feyenoord
Joshua Zirkzee missed out on training due to feeling a bit ill. Ill in Dutch is 'ziek; and if Joshua Zirkzee recovers, he can become the third Dutch international with all the letters of the word 'ziek' in his surname, after Gerrit and Piet Keizer (no familial relation).
Now that I think about it, he's the perfect pacey negru for Italy in the future
exam was half good half shit so I predict a draw tonight
CAIROVATTENE figlio di Troia
Mine was very unexpectedly good
Mauriziobros we're so back!
Based and not-Leaopilled
Mo all of /seriea/ took an exam today
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>he never finished his exam, but stayed sitting there pretending to read it all over until he saw his crush walk out and getting up with her and asking her to come with you for a drink somewhere to celebrate and ending up in her bed for sweaty summer sesso
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somehow... Brozović returned
no but I usually finish like half an hours ealy and stay seated there for the whole thing
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Soon, I'll be finally free of these fucking exams, and I will be able to focus on calcio
I miss exams, I miss university fras.. life afterward is all a decline
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>first week without inflation for Argentina in 30 years
it’s a fake/recycled news because they dont report figures. you know dimarzio is not bullshitting you because he says xyz are asking 35, Juve offered 32, the 2 sides are distant and will meet again, and he goes on like this for a month.
Lunch? 250gr burger with lettuce and tomatoes, fries, lemonade.

Unbearable heat today
>not Fasting
Based, I ate a lasagna, some prosciutto cotto and a little bit of tiramisu
Bros, tonight is the night
If mister tractor wins tonight figc will make up an excuse to keep him as the nt coach and I will be forced to draw a vtuber
But if he loses he will 100% be thrown to the wolves and get fired, I REFUSE to believe they will keep him after this shitshow
The Gravinoids in charge kept the fennel after being clubbed by Macedonia, embarrassment or not the conundrum does not arise for the old farts anyway
>little bit of tiramisu
desu did 50km on a bike and skipped breakfast, I can treat myself today
I consider Spalletti a very limited coach with some top tier qualities but I didn't expect him to shit the bed this much desu.
>with some top tier qualities
coming up with lorem ipsum's in post game interviews being one of them
>Clubs in Saudi Arabia are ready to offer Juve €10M for Kean.
Actually perfect, but fucking hell it hurts to see a dude wasting his own career like that
what career
desu I’d actually do it at €40m, I don’t even think bologna is being unreasonable here, it’s mostly due to basel’s stupidly big sellon clause. i feel like things are going on in the background though, i could see the koopmemers deal being abandoned pretty soon
Tummy hurting just a little
His rapping career
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Adrien Rabiot's house in Yvelines has been robbed by a gang of five young people aged 17 to 20.

100,000 euros were stolen from his house. The address was circulated in a Telegram group of thieves.
Motta apparently wants to keep Soulè, and Chiesa's future depends on his agreement on a new contract, so it looks like Giuntoli will need to do miracles (if he actually manages to sell Huijsen for like 30-35mil, I'll gain more than hope)
what the fuck is a 4-1-4-1
4-3-3 but made into some tryhard meme guardiola shit
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Pizza de queso, to celebrate
why do they rob only the goats? baggio,donnarumma ,pogba, adrien..
you were supposed to wash her ass, dummy
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>Hanna #Bennison vicinissima alla #JuventusWomen, centrocampista classe 2003 arriverebbe dall’#Everton. Parti al lavoro per chiudere, manca poco @ilbianconerocom
Hehe, benis
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Wtf is blud doing
> retegui - raspadori
> no kiesuccio

Holy grim, but we will win anyway because croatia is just that shit

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