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safe and effective
as a resentful, hateful incel, I love seeing things like this. Billions must die
Vaxx status?
Why would Scotland do this?
thogchads we won
being pozzed in the head is no joke
Is he okay??
looks fine
Me too but unironically
you can say what you like about modern football and being woke or what have you but there's a refreshing heartlessness to the fact that someone died on the field and the game goes on less than 10 minutes later as if nothing happened
flying elbow to the dome
Vax status?
Funny how you all attack Muslims for prayer and doing their regular worship but then these things happens and it’s all “thoughts and prayers”, meanwhile you are on the verge of atheism the rest of the year. This is why Muslims
Insist on 5x praying daily, to always have Allah to mind, because the kuffar only pay attention to death when this happens. “Prayers up for Varga”, but you just made fun of Muslims “putting their arse in the air” 5x a day. Where’s the consistency?
Anyone have a full webm of the /heem/?
das right wyteboi
i got 4 doses and i'm completely fine
Why do you worship a literal pedophile as a "prophet"?
heem status?
t. paki
Shut up Mohammed
it's just something people say.
Link to the original tweet?
Arab actually but thank you
That's a broken neck
what an absolute British post
4chan is evil. Like, what went wrong in your life that lead you to laugh at this? What the fuck
Bro he's a multi-millionaire successful athlete who barely works while i toil 8 hours per day with 2 housr commute per day why should i feel sympathy for him? Let me laugh in peace
If you pray 5 times a day you're allowed to act like subhuman violent rapists? Because that's what mudslims are in the end. Worshippers of a literal nonce while doing everything in their power to destroy and corrupt society.

Seems like there's little consistancy in a people claiming you need to pray and be observant of god while acting like this.
waht hapen
My mom was like that
keeper collided with him in air, head turned too far, neck isn't happy
Heem sleepy
You have to go back.
Did he died?
Alri abdul
keeper vaxxed him mid-air and he collapsed
add 1 hour of lunch 'break'
>kills a guy
>doesn't get a penalty
Nice didn't know you could speed run the vaxx this quickly
are those ukies?
wtf? PoW? ||Friendly but putting him out of his misery?
Is that press?
DO we have any actual status in this guy or is it indeterminate for now?
wonder why they had those CPR ads
nah its russians retreating, they murdered him to not get slowed down
lol no
You don't see the guy on the ground signal the otherr one to shoot him in his head? He knew he was fucked
Did he step on a mine or has artillery gotten so good it can hit running soldiers with pinpoint precision?
fully protected from covid
many such cases, sad!
drone coming from the right
oh yeh that's actually really obvious now that you mention it
ominous get ngl
sudden onset of the new covid strain
Russians putting their own wounded out of misery. You can tell by the multicam camouflage and the adidas shoes on the wounded soldier.
you can see the drone flying at him
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you can see the shadow of the drone coming
they killed one of them own to not get slowed? wtf
Rip in piece
At least he didn't die in vain
basically what hungary just did if you think about it
Another vaxxie bites the dust
Sacrifice for the elite.
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>Where’s the consistency?
easy answer
christianity based, islam cancer
now fuck off back to pakistan
Disrespectful throwing gang signs like that.
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so nothing bad ever happen to mudslim ever since you pray so much ?
not funny

Allah just killed 1500 muzzies during the hadj islamist qatari twitter cope bot
Allah doesn't exist.
ok, so when a goalie elbows you in the face and you almost die, you don't get a penalty, but when you run at a goalie and kick him in the face, you get one instead
this tournament makes me think
Then why your fellow behave like literal baboons then?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry muslimbro, but you live in a country you don’t belong in, stfu
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Any news on him yet?
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refeeres have been absolutely awful this euros, along with the camera work and var.
did he broke his neck somehow???
fucking neckbreaking vax, how did jews did that one
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absolut kino
brutal wish him the best
?? nothing happened to him?
esti obsedat si ai infestat toate board-urile, sper sa crape ma-ta in cancer
That's not an elbow though.
how much longer until this happens to me?
i got the 1-2 shot and 3 boosters
the rare triple HEEM
Looks close to it.

That spasm as he hit the ground is deeply worrying. His brain was cramping. I've seen bad videos of people being hit hard in the head (death blows) and they cramp up like that.
gk elbow in face >>141973892
This. Looked scarily like a brain injury. Hopefully no internal bleeding.
Not an elbow you moron. Get new glasses.
oh. that looks unfortunate
Yeah this is familiar, reminds me of many vids that I saw over at /gif/... I hope he will be fine
I think he was knocked out before he even hit the ground. His arms went straight up, like the fencing response during a concussion
The former played the ball, the latter didn't.

Simple as.
he looks like a faggot kek
How long till people's necks start breaking in the streets?
>fencing response
calculus is going to blow your fucking mind
No joke, this impact can be fatal or result in a form of serious motor disability.
I really hope that's not the case but it seems like it.
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hope he dies tbdesu desu
>he looks like a faggot kek
exquisite bait
They've said that he is conscious on hungarian television.
The triceps isn't part of the elbow Mohammed.
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Chat is this real
Also just confirmed that on english TV
Thank fuck if true
Hungarians are notorious liars
what the fuck
from both angles it's as if he barely touches him
ok, chrismd
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its vaxx m8, get with it
chrismd is known as the local bellend
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>fatal collision
Why are Euros so brutal?
>can communicate and is on the way to the hospital
Yeah i think his career is over. That sounds like fucking wheel chair.
God damn poor man.
First I thought that goalie died lmao
I believe it
you get surprised by something sudden, your enlarged heart can't handle it and you just drop dead
or maybe this is on the level of "Christian Eriksen would have died were it not for immediate medical intervention"
It's very bad whatever it is. Brain bleed maybe.
Sweet dreams. F
replays make it look like the Scots just heemed each other, bizarre
>blocked by UEFA
apparently he "died" in mid-air from something
game was so boring he had to take a nap lmao
its because the whole is UEFA property you stupid fucker
>can communicate
Yeah, that means he can’t talk. He’s in trouble.
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Based Christian Eriksen
vegetable state, just finish his suffering
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>eurofags literally killing each other on the pitch
And you call us savages
fuck your pedophile prophet
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arms went stiff so quick

this is bad
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That full fencing response was fucking brutal
Hope he can recover from this
i remember some mexican fighter who took a blow to the head felt fine for like half an hour then he deteriorated like hell and now is mentally retarded
this dude isn't gonna be fine
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Oh shit
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spooky how the camera was on him just before
Professional footballers these days are a fucking joke. Need more meat on your bones, strong necks and jaws. Not limp wristed snappy bird bones and flopping about on the pitch like a boned fish every time someone touches his shirt
10/10 bait
shit bait, 17/76
every time I see something like this, I remember when a certain player from a local club (Serginho, from São Caetano) died on the pitch in 2004. depressing stuff
hungarians have extra bone in their skull to protect their brains when they fall of horses
>that huge delay getting the medics on

Starting to think the criticisms against Germany hosting are accurate.
They were certainly dragging their heels a bit.
How long did it take them to get medics over there? I didn't see anything except a short clip, but it looks like he was pretty obviously out cold from the get go
If someone's in this position, and they're breathing ok, don't put them into the recovery position, moving they're neck at all can make it much worse
There's a list of fencing responses in televised sporting events on the Wikipedia page. Every name listed (eight including Barnabas Vargas) says "is" instead of "was". So I predict he will be fine.
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>already on wikipedia
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Why stop the webm there?
when I went to horse racing for the first time (and the last) some jockey just died right there
They were probably watching the Germany game. This is what happens when you play both matches at the same time.
The broadcast also cut away at that moment.

with this and the multiple pitch nvaders, clearly Germans live in a fantasy land where they feel they don’t need to take precautions for anything
Too long. They casually strolled on with the stretcher as the Hungarians were screaming at them.
latest update from the hungarian FA is that he is in a stable condition in a hospital in Stuttgart, players on the field confirmed that he was talking to the staff and based on their reactions the situation might not be that critical


their reaction time was atrocious
Post match interview their captain just said that Varga wasn't breathing properly on his own.
Fencing response isn't uncommon in american football.
He'll be fine for now. But he'll probably off himself in 20 years due to severe CTE
Hoping he won't become paralyzed
Did you know that your profet rape a literal child?
each national team brings their own medical staff

btw german television just reported the guy is responsive again. Hope his body is alright
That’s good hope he makes it
krauts are not the ones to self critique
Exactly. It could have been a broken neck and I think the medics weren't careful enough with him.
Except Hungary's couldn't come on because German security wagies thought they were pitch invaders and got in their way. Also physios are not the same as doctors or ambulances
He was playing the harp with the angels
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Like a boxing mach photo... you can see the sweat and spit
yea but the ambulance was waiting and doctors as well. they're not the ones they call to go on the pitch tho. The security was retarded, didn't know that also not gonna defend them
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In the post match interview the keeper said "I thought I did well" when asked about it kek
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>wasn't a German gk
the Scotts are stealing your jobs.
This is a brilliant photo. If he dies, that will really detract from the beauty of the photo.
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>he's fine
lame. back to watching ukraine drone vids then.
Goalkeepers are fucking psychos. They don't give a shit if they kill someone, even their own teammates.
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looks like it was AI made with the bizarre (if seen out of context) poses
They shouldn't have been doing that if it's a potential broken neck, right medicbros?
Holy shit
*freeze frame*
*record scratch*
Yeah, that's me
Yup, that's me.
>that arm placement
It is so over
I don't know, but it looked like he was convulsing after the incident.
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probably going to have to outlaw punching. Keeper trying to catch it isn't as dangerous
>nutted but she still sucking
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They're undercover CIA agents. He knew too much and had to be silenced.
The hypocrities are seething over this one. Well done mate.
>I pity the living, who can never experience these joys
imagine dying for a joke tournament with 8 teams too many and ridden with own goals. At least Ukraine got in :)
also ban keepers from having elbows and knees
Ref was Argentinian. This shit happened under his watch.
fractured cheekbone/zygomatic fracture/neck injury mentioned on local forums/news channels
Hmmm so the goalkeeper was mossad. Interesting...
>local forums
Nice. England hitting mid tourney form
Agreed, well said
>fencing response before he even hit the ground
it's over
He's conscious. Just hope his neck hasn't been snapped and potentially paralysed for life.
no difference poojeet you're all shitskins
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He is awake. Has a few injuries. One injurie to the muscle of his neck. He will be in hospital for a week or two and have to wear a neckbrace a while longer.

Let's Go!
rooting for Hungary bros
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Very true
Good news
no sauce - kys
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muslims are subhumans sorry you had to find out this way.
Why the fuck did God make them breedable at that age then?
Jews have fucked your view so much
not beLIEving you until posting magyar sos
*Baba O'Riley begins playing*

>when you nut and she keeps suckin
>Still wins
What a mad Euros
When was the last time we saw an amberlamps actually on the pitch in a major game? Ryan Mason?
>this shit is so common in NFL teams have their own branded ambulances
and then there's fábio costa
fuck yeah
This is a 10/10 post
they said it on the after show tv program
sauce hugarian footbal federation or whatever dont remember
sallai said hes fine
>when you’re off your tits on molly in the club and don’t have a clue what’s going on
>minor neck injury
>hospital for two weeks
you don't even stay in for long if you have a legit break, plus he was obviously KTFO so more than just a "minor neck injury" here m8

Pfizer needle hidden in the elbow, guy never stood a chance
Probably waiting for a Turk to run on and take a pic with him
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Im confused did he get heemed or did the poison jab give him a Christian Eriksen?
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sounds like the kind of fighter I'd find in Kengan Omega
Ave Mariaaaaaaa
german media reports that he has a broken cheekbone
Sallai said that?
Think it was some guy in the Championship a few years back who needed a choppa to get him off the pitch after he got smacked in the head and started seizing
Extremely heemed by the Scottish goalkeeper
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hello darkness my old friend
i think heading of the ball should be banned. shit was even dangerous in school. thankfully im a manlet (5'10) so i was never in the box anyway
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bro come on, driving a car is more risky than headers in football
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This is like a Baroque Painting, seriously contemplating framing this.
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Have a larger resolution then
>This is /sp/arta

>Dude behind pushes him against the elbow
>Elbow pushes his neck in opposite direction
>Guy goes into paralyzed arms mode

So pretty much they snapped his neck. Not looking good bros. Maybe the Euros are harder to win.
Lights out before even touching the ground. Does this happen in other team sports too?
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Have you never heard of football?
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>shows a guy running while holding an oval shaped leather sack
>in a football thread
what did he mean by this
>player dies
>Hungarians pull a weekend at Barneys for morale
>your arms moving means you're paralyzed
I know this board isn't full of doctors but holy fuck
>trying to redeem that cursed image with good news
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varga will need surgery and won't be playing at the euros according to rossi, hungary's coach
has nego played in any match yet?
>/sp/ is born in the 00's

edit the post between his hands like he's holding it
>that post
>that flag
eh that's fixable
just has to eat through a straw for a month
why are you making fun of a dead guy...
no, he's injured and i assume his recovery didn't progress as expected
kek nigel
show me in screencap
What an absolute cunt
We don't worship the pedophile, we worship the God Allah.
>this flag
>this pic
american football, rugby, aussie rules football
soccer ones arent that serious normally because they are jumping rather than running in to each other
then draw him
Heemed very badly, hope it's just a medular shock.
>immediate fencing response
Fucking grim. Poor lad.
Next OP for /heem/
>use their own head as battering rams
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Delicious bait
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very nice my muslim brother
ofc it's a "brit" from UKnistan shitposting
muh hecking dry humour and banter
the fucking state, lmao
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Yeah he broke his facial bone off they say so this was the end for his euros....maybe he can come back to football in half a year....
None if this would've happened if UEFA did a Christian prayer of blessing to inaugurate the tournament like Copa America. Instead you chose to do a gay modern dance performance
He was solid.
LOL what the fuck
He didn't die but I sure as shit thought he did, his arms went still and he basically went straight into some kind of cardiac arrest mode, they even brought in a defibrillator.
He suffered a severe concussion and he fractured multiple bones in his face. Even if we go through, he's basically off for an entire year.

Ironically I think him being taken out gave us the edge over the Scots because after that, we were relentless.
I hope his injury (being a fucking ni--er) is fatal and detremental.
Fun fact: Szoboszlai was so shit because apparently he played the full 100 minutes injured.
>retarded mick keeper kills 3 players at the same time
learn to play the game ye fookin cunt
Must have been pretty severe concussion. He’ll probably be alright, but he’s definitely gonna have some long term issues from this.
I found it pretty funny in his post match interview, he was so gutted about losing that he could hardly even remember that he almost killed somebody earlier in the match.
>a-about the boy you put in intensive care, Angus. Any words..?
>who? oh aye, forgot about him. Right bastirt them cunts scoring in the last minute like but. Gutted, so the lads ur.
He's fine
Keeper heemed his own player more but that tough Scottish lad basically just shook it off.
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course he is
hes just retired to a peaceful field where he grazes and munches sugar lumps all day, is all
Yikes, he will not live longer. Poor guy.
I hear it's 14 days.
>stable in hospital after breaking multiple bones in his face
thats about as best news as you could get from this. That landing, arms upright, really did not look good.
A friend of mine had a very similar injury playing rugby (severe concussion, shattered orbital bone), and it fucked him up pretty badly. His personality was completely changed afterwards, he couldn’t remember shit, he suffered daily migraines. TBI is no joke, some people shrug it off, but others get practically turned into vegetables by it.
This nigga is on the ground while getting KOd. While the HUN was literally horizontal in the air and fully KOd like so >>141979632
This is pure kino
>murders your player
>refuses to elaborate
>flies back to Scotland

So what's the news about him?
Stable, as in his condition will never worsen again?
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>jump in front of train
>driver doesn't get hung for murder
>Minor neck injury
>Neck brace
>Two week stay in the hospital for a supposed minor injury
This nigga is paralysed
Yeah, he was out stone cold for probably even a minute or two. Like others said, even if in the replay you could see them barely making contact, Gunn's elbow has to be made out of Scottish steel or something.
He's probably out for the remadier of the year and it's reported he'll need multiple surgeries even.
Ah yes, like Michael Schumacher just a couple more weeks of rest and he'll be fine
sadiq khan please get off 4chan
Mohammedanism is one of the most pathetic religions in existence. And the fact that there is a general lukewarmness in current Christian nations regarding the one true faith, that does not prove the preposterous imbecilities of Islam right.

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