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Dont worry Hrvatskas we will beat Spain
I don't get it
I hate this shit.
The rule is you are whatever your dad was, that's how colonising works. No multi-nationality bullshit.
If Croatia loses she will side with Albania
Women side with invaders if invaders overpower the locals
Women are all traitorous whores thoughbeit
They're loyal to Chad
Batu Khan's genes are still visible after 800 years
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are all balkan women this pretty?
with make up? Sure
Wouldn't that make English people French?
Yes you will, I trust albaniabros
albanian women are pretty, unlike most balkan women
War brides
I hate women
They dont even have to wait for a winner anymore. Ukrainian women instantly were given the green light to go get railed by dudes in western Europe. Imagine fighting a war for this
You should never fight for women period
They're unable to comprehed the concept of loyalty
They're hit or miss like everywhere
You only see pretty ones on TV so you think they're all pretty
There are plenty of ugly ones

Then again this god forsaken imageboard simps for dua lipa who looks like a gypsy tranny so the standards are insanely low here
I see albanian women in slovenia, and on average they look better than slovenian women. They also take care of themselves more
do most europeans understand the relationships between the balkan states?
i have tried but cant keep them straight
I looked it up, there are around 10K Albanians in Slovenia as per Wikipedia
One of the notable people was this hideous female footballer

Grass is greener on the other side, and you have a pretty small sample all things considered.
Slovenes: love Austria/Germany, like Croatia, dislike the rest of the Balkans.
Croats: love Austria/Germany, like Slovenia, do not mind Bosnia, dislike Serbia
Bosniaks: like Croatia, dislike Serbia
Serbs: dislike Bosniaks and Croats, hate Albanians, reticent toward Austria/Germany, like Greeks, do not mind Bulgarians, love Russia
Albanians: hate Serbs, dislike Greeks
Montenegrins: like Serbs, do not mind other South Slavs
Macedonians: dislike Albanians and Bulgarians
Greeks: like Serbs, dislike Albanians, do not mind Bulgarians, like Russia
Bulgarians: dislike Greeks, reticent toward Serbs, like Russia
this is so wrong I don't know where to start
>WE hate croats more than albanians
you forgot that serbs like romanians retard
>dislike Greeks
It's mostly the ones from Albania that do because
Kosovo Albanians are pretty indifferent towards them

>Bosniaks: like Croatia, dislike Serbia
Just don't mix Bosniaks with the general term of ''Bosnians''
Bosniak is the ethnic group
While Bosnian denotes the nation
There is a significant amount of Serbs that live in Bosnia
*It's mostly the ones from Albania that do because they're close to each-other and there's tensions there

Why are they so smug?
all you guys need to get over it
it's the result of a culture built on being proud of small penises and everyone can tell
it’s the result of greece genociding and landgrabbing. And still denying it to this day like Turkey does
balkan women age the worst of any women on the planet. once they hit 30 they develop strange boyles, hairs out of their chins, stooped hunch backs, and masculine arms and DEEP voices. would avoid all croatien/srbian/bosnian women desu
The only Balkan nations that love Croatia are Albanians and to some extent Macedonians. Albanians because of the logic 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', Macedonians because love at a distance is always a sure thing. Others feel some cocktail of hatred and envy towards us or they simply don't care, just like we don't care about them. Croatia's zone of influence is central Europe/ v4 countries, Croatia is extremely popular there.
she looks chinese
what if dad was mixed

and does that mean WMAF children are white ?
that's because of the excessive alcohol consumption
White isn't a nationality, it's a term Americans used to identify western Europeans that non-western Europeans became obsessed with.
>Croats: love Austria/Germany, like Slovenia, do not mind Bosnia, dislike Serbia

accurate but i'd go farther. croats are OBSESSED with Germany/Austria. They REALLY want to be German and even have German genes. Croats are extremely stern/strict people...imagine a stereotypical "no fun" german on steroids. Germans are practically like Jamaicans compared to croats. way more chill, friendly, dont give a fuck etc
Croats are pretty laid back what are you on about. >Germans Jamaicans compared to croats
i been there before. Any infraction against the rules even unwritten they LOVE authority/the state. They are extremely strict, do not smile/shoot the shit/laugh. they are VERY hostile to anyone different than them. If you ask them to do anything outside of the rules they will call the police.
They sound like snitches, not something I would expect from people from the Balkans
yea well I live near the border. Croats aren't like that from my experience
Until a bigger chad comes up
that's a meme
Of all Serbian lies about Croats, this one is perhaps the most bizarre. The Serbs are trying to transfer their insane attitude towards the Russians to the attitude of the Croats towards the Germans, but it doesn't even remotely resemble that for a number of reasons. Croats don't have the same mentality as Serbs at all, they don't believe in any kind of 'brotherhood' between nations but in self-interest, because they are more cold-blooded and cynical than Serbs. On the other hand, Serbs are the pariahs of Europe and they are desperately looking for someone who will be their 'brother' in eternal suffering (Serbs have exactly the female victim mentality, like Jews, Gypsies and Niggers). Croats don't have that problem, Croatia is quite a popular country.
I didn't know Croatians and Albanians liked each other. I guess probably because of mutual dislike of Serbs
da fuck are you on about
And Illyrian larp, which I hate
Women have zero loyalty
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With the jews it's the other way around. If you come out of a jew mother you are a jew.
If only your father is a jew you have to cut your dick off and fuck women through a hole in the sheet with the left over stump to become a jew
The only reason croats suck our cocks til this day is Ustaše and that we secretly plotted to instantly recognize their independence to fuck with the serbs and russians.
Croatian women CRAVE BAC
> OBSESSED with Germany/Austria
I think that's more true with older generations, at least I don't encounter that much sucking of german cock as I did when I was younger.

Younger generations don't care that much for germany, and more and more of them if moving to the west are choosing ireland over germany
Illyrian larp is more your thing. If we larp, we prefer to larp as germanic
I mean when Croatians want to justify themselves to say 'Albanian brothers' they bring up the Illyrian thing, which I dislike as there is nothing wrong with being slav

Well I assume we do have some illyrian or generally mediterranian blood in us, since this black hair and brown skin of mine certainly don't come from frozen plains of russia, but I'd say that it's generally accepted that we are slavs, and "albanian brothers" is simply out of hatred for serbia.
Technically so do serbs so,,,
>as there is nothing wrong with being slav
Wrong, but croatians are one of the few slavs ok in my eyes, maybe except… ukranians?
Sure, I mean considering we speak the same language as serbs, it's only logical we have more in common with them then with albanians
>i have tried but cant keep them straight
They hate each other with various intensity.
In addition Croatian woman hates Croatian man.

>speak the same language as serbs.
Neither same alphabet nor same religion. Understanding the words didn't help. In addition tourists in Croatia go for the coast, not for the people.
Alphabet is different, but the language is the same, you could live your whole life in Croatia, and never see a serb or know they even exist and you'd understand them completely the first time you see them, unless you speak a pure form of one of the other dialects, then you'd have a problem, but you'd have the same problem understanding somebody who speaks standard croatian then as well.

>In addition tourists in Croatia go for the coast, not for the people
What does that have to do with anything
when did we claim we were illyrian? Illyrian movement? I mean we have alot of illyrian blood like rest of west balkans, there wasn't genocide of people by slavs when arrived. Just gradual assimilation. And it's not like illyrians did anything besides raiding, rebelling and getting slaughtered by romans. Illyrians did great things when they got romanized.
Nobody in Croatia today talks about the Illyrians, but what you need to understand is that Illyria was a poetic/romantic name for Croatia during the Renaissance because it was a period in which the ancient/classical world was the ideal. This is how foreign cartographers marked Croatia on their maps, and Shakespeare's play 'Twelve Nights' takes place in Illyria, i.e. in Croatia. The Croatian language was called Illyrian, the Croatian national movement from the 19th century was also called the Illyrian movement. What would be interesting to investigate is since when Albanians claim that they are Illyrian because Albania was torn away from European civilization for centuries and no one ever called it Illyria. It probably started with Milan Šufflay, a Croatian historian who wrote a history of the Albanians. Also, Croats don't see Albanians as brothers, that's nonsense you can read on the internet. Albania does not have the x cool factor because people here see it as a synonym for poverty, arranged marriages, backwardness, Islam, mafia, bakeries and blood feud. You are simply the enemies of our enemies and that's all. I don't see that we have any cultural and historical points of contact with you, Albania is simply too different from Croatia on every level.
>Nobody in Croatia today talks about the Illyrians
>proceeds to larp about illyrians

Of course she wants to only be associated with the alpha bvll winner of a contest. She needs sperm from victors to make the strongest offspring
t. serb who went across the pond on a tractor
You simply came too late in the region to be called illyrians. By the time you arrived they were basically no illyrians left. This is why you speak a slavic language. Albanian language is linked to Illyrian language, and many of illyrian names (Teuta, Gent, Bardhyl, Vjosa) are still in use today. While of course there were assimilations and mixings, we didn’t appear out if thin air, we descended from somewhere and many studies link us to Illyrians
Why do Albanians like no one?
>By the time you arrived they were basically no illyrians left.
Well there was certainly someone left, and as I doubt we just killed them all, it means they assimilated into the population. Cities like Dubrovnik originally started as defensive fortifications against invading slavs, so there was somebody left for sure.
being an ottoman vassal state the longest and forced to be more ottoman than European will obviously ostracise you. Albanian women are quite pretty though ,but get fat really quick
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imagine giving a single shit about some slav drama. couldn't be me. should have nuked that shithole and sunk it into the ocean in 95.
question: do some serbs living in croatia identify themselves as orthodox croats? would this even viewed as acceptable?
in mixed marriages are children choosing to identfy with the country they live in and hiding the different parent?
>so there was somebody left for sure
romanized illyrians. Which were completly assimilated into croats(and italians) by 19th century
It seems that you have problems with reading comprehension
Croats are Slavs, there is nothing left of the Illyrians on the soil of Croatia because they were Romanized and none of them thought of themselves as Illyrians in the 7th, 8th or 10th century, but they called themselves 'Romans'. Only the name remained, which had a revival in the Renaissance, which I have already explained why this happened. But simultaneously with the renaissance appearance of the Illyrian name, pan-Slavism arose in Croatia. Therefore, even then, Croats did not see themselves as Illyrians, but as Slavs. Let's clarify: Illyria is just the name of the territory where Slavs/Croats live.
False. Spics will never be Spanish.
classic for w*men
t. Padoo Patel who was upset that locals chastised him for shitting on the beach
There are some who do, but I don't think there's much of them.
>in mixed marriages are children choosing to identfy with the country they live in and hiding the different parent?
Mostly, it's not something that you necessarily hide, it's just that you don't go around preaching about, at least not as a kid, since kids will bully you for whatever reason, but later in life people more or less will tell you if you ask. Not sure if things changed for kids right now, since I was a kid long time ago.
He is a Serb who fled Croatia in the summer of '95. Literally everything he says is a lie, the man is a psychiatric case who tried to commit suicide. This is probably a kind of therapy for him because here he feels important if people react to him.
you sound like you could do with some meds yourself
He's fucking with you. Tax dodging is basically a national sport here
To be honest it's the white tourists which shit piss and throw up on the streets. Jeets are fine for the most part, but the smell though...
>and many of illyrian names (Teuta, Gent, Bardhyl, Vjosa) are still in use today.
Because of Enver Hoxha larp
Nobody used those names before communism
I am talking about Ultras not all Croats
they are barely 50% slav, like serbs. They are far apart from russia:ukraine pure slavs
Wrong. Tefta is a very common name among grandmas born before Hoxha even appeared, even in bumfuck villages where nobody knew how to read. Teuta > Tevta > Tefta.
Same for Taulant that was the name of quite a few famous people even before the balkan wars.
Hoxha pushed those names more but they existed before him.
Why, because I told the truth?
Same for Bardhyl btw, which comes from i bardhë, or "white".
My great grand father born in 1924 was named that.
>Same for Taulant that was the name of quite a few famous people even before the balkan wars.
Oh during the rilindja movement? A movement specifically looking at the past? That was larp as well.
If you find those names before 1879 when The Truth on Albania and Albanians was published by Pashko Vasa, then I won't speak anymore.
>No those names didn’t exist before comunism
>Nvm, those names didn’t exist before 1879
>Nvm they didn’t exist before *insert arbitrary date here*

You’re such a retard. Don’t you know we also had Ottoman/ catholic / orthodox influences during most of our history which caused a lot of names to be Ottoman / Catholic / Orthodox? That being said, a bunch of Illyrian names remained, and only in Albania you can say that
People who participated in the rilindja went back in time to rename themselves ?
Eat shit jeetoid gypsy. How do you even have internet evgjit muti ?
I wish the commies would have entirely ended your race instead of half assing it.
Probably the most despised group of people in Croatia. I think those Dinamo Ultras are still locked up in Greece and nobody is even talking about them anymore, even though unironically, they did not wrong in that situation
Gent and Teuta as common names did not exist before communism, and were not used AT ALL before Pashko Vasa's work. That's the truth
NO ILLYRIAN NAME continued to be used generation to generation, they were simply 'revived'
'' arbitrary date ''
It's the date the first Albanian work claiming Albanians are Illyrians was published. Not very arbitrary. Skanderbeg for example claimed Albanians were descended from Epirotes and Macedonians, not Illyrians
youre wrong
Teuta is a given name in Croatia as well, I don't think it means anything. There are also people named Sven in Croatia, but I don't think we are descended from vikings.
>People who participated in the rilindja went back in time to rename themselves ?
No? Rilindja movement started in 1830 you dumbfuck.
And dude look at yourself, you are a fucking diasporoid. I am by default more 'noble' than you for staying here rather than fleeing like a pussy and living with nafris in France
I don't think there is such a thing as a pure slav. Russians were raped by mongols, Poles and czezchs by germans, and we raped whoever was here first, and then got raped by turks
-1000- No Illyrian names used by Albanians
-1100s- No Illyrian names used by Albanians
-1200s- No Illyrian names used by Albanians
- 1300s- No Illyrian names used by Albanians
-1400s- No Illyrian names used by Albanians
-1500s- No Illyrian names used by Albanians
-1600s- No Illyrian names used by Albanians
-1700s- No Illyrian names used by Albanians
-early 1800s- No Illyrian names used by Albanians
-late 1800s when Romanticism enters Albania and rilindja movement tells all of Albanians we are Illyro-Pelasgians- I AM BARDYLIS!!!!

Wow nice continuous preservation of Illyrian names
Why don't Albanians have more of the traditional muslim names, Bosnians are all named muhamed and amir, but you guys seem to have sticked to your original names
Balkan women are the worst looking Slavs in general

Even our girls look better than theirs, I was very let down when I was in Croatia and saw their mid women there. No comparison to the women you see in Prague, Budapest, Poland, etc.
The myth of a good looking balkan/slavic woman stems from people being exposed mostly to the good looking ones which have married rich and now travel around.
bosnians have names like Dino and Elvis
when I was in germany only pretty women I saw were eastern euros even turks and arab girls. German women are all fridge built square jaw hildas
>Dino and Elvis
Either mixed marriages or ones living in croatia trying to somewhat fit in
Eat shit pajeet. And cook those corns a bit more for me will you ?
That's my point tho, our women are certainly far from being the most beautiful in the world and yet they're still better than yours on average.
>Croats are extremely stern/strict people
holy meds kek
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serb vacations in albania, lmao
might aswell shitpost from Vlore
You're an evgjit. For those who aren't familiar, they're our version of gypsies that usually live by selling corn or cleaning the streets. They're from India originally and smell like shit.
You borrowed it from your neige neighbors. Like we did slavic names like Vladimir. But Teuta was kept alive somewhere in the balkans or it would have dissapeared.
>Frang Bardhi
>Look inside his works
>He never writes his name as Frang Bardhi but Franciscus Blancus
Frang Bardhi is literally a modern translation, but even if it wasn't, what does Bardhi (White) have to do with Illyrian names? Bardylis doesn't mean 'White star' that is schizo etymology.
turks did not rape anyone, there is 0 genetic impact in the region. Check your DNA yourself, doesn’t have any turkic.

Also you can check Y-DNA of croats and serbs, lots of them have E-V13 aka not product of rape
youre literally dumb fucking cunt.
Well my middle eastern complexion had to come from somewhere. And I'm far from the darkest person I know
No, I am someone who actually has studied history, not a pellazgolog
>priest writes a latinised form
Shocking. What does bardus mean in latin ? Because white is alba, not bardus.
native euro farmers and paeleo balkanic were somewhat darkskinned. Light completion came later
You're a wild gypsy that needs breaking. I hope some vlonjat will do the needful.
Bruh I'm the direct descendant of Mehmet the Conquerer, don't take that away from me
no youre an edgy teenager that got blackpilled on pol to shitpost edgy self hating stuff.
You are a larping nationalist diaspora who only loves Albania when Euro championship comes on. While I am an Albanian that decided to stay here, study and love Albania for what it truly is
Are there any remnants of Ilyrian language left?
Original euros were dark olive, but a different shade ofswarthfrommena. Look at sardinians they're pure neolithic farmer and the original euromed stock.
Not a single sentence in Illyrian was written by the Illyrians. We only have fragments in names, toponymy and words picked by Romans
>tfw bumped down from the descendant of the third rome to the descendant of a fucking neolithical farmer
True and sad
I never said I love anything or anyone. You're just lying. I dgaf about the balkans, my wife is jap and I am actually rooting for Denmark this euro. But you're lying about stuff that I know for sure because my own ancestors that never read a word from bumfuck labëria had those names as far as memory goes.
Not exactly
hes a seething lying brown turk
I already said. Find me ONE so called Illyrian name before the work of Pashko Vasa, and I will not speak anymore
What am I lying about?
Chin up. Neolithic farmer Y Dna is the only haplogroup that made it post yamnaya invasions meaning your direct male ancestors managed to somehow cuck aryans, greeks, romans, germanics, turks, and slavs. If you're EV-13 you're basically the descendant of a long line of proud based retards that grugged the most.
I have no idea about my DNA, I just know that I get randomly checked at airports when I let my beard grow out
Kek. I wouldn't know. I'm very white with reddish wavy hair. Still felt like a negro in Norway ngl.
Moscow is the third Rome. You are dark-skinned because you are from the Mediterranean, Turks have nothing to do with that. After all, the original Turks came to Anatolia from today's Kazakhstan and that's what they looked like (slant eyes, like the Chinese). Today's Turks are actually Islamized Greeks, Armenians, Kurds, Syrians and Serbs, Bulgarians...
Notice he doesn't mention Illyrians?
Why does Albania larp as european? they're just muslim turks
>Moscow is the third Rome
Just as much as your farts are the next big cologne kek what retarded statement
Albania was considered Europe before the place your ancestors came from was.
ramblings of a mad greek priest
the territory of Albania, sure, but Albanians are just turks and I don't mean that as an insult
In what way?
Linguistically? No
Genetically? Not really
Religiously? Albania is mostly irreligious, less than 10% go to mosques
So no, we are not Turks
>that one girl who changes her team to the one her new boyfriend supports
What a predictable comment after 140 replies.
thats women
It's not my fault that you don't know anything about history. The last Byzantine princess Sofia Palaiologus married the Russian prince Ivan, and with that, since Constantinople fell under Turkish occupation, Moscow and Russia became the Third Rome, that's why they have a double-headed Byzantine eagle, and that's why Russia's historical mission is to be the protector of the Orthodox and to liberate Constantinople.
But the son of the last emperor of Byzantine empire who had the title sold it to Spain, so technically Spain is Third Rome
they are snitches. croatia is not remotely balkan not in any of the good ways. but in the stereotypical brutal/evil way they are...but in the "fun" way, no, they are like extremely officious germam tax collectors and they are proud of it.
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>>that one girl who changes her team to the one her new boyfriend supports
i love women so much. they're so supportive
>croats are cold-blooded and cynical
>the kidea that they are obsessed with germany is a lie

lol. you said yourself that you are cold blooded/cynical. thats what im talking about. croats arent the type of people to break into song, for example. they will just sit there and scowl all night. they are a real drag to be around. if ANY joy or happiness is expressed their scowls will grow 10x bigger and hey will be PISSED OFF
Youre inherent evilness and the fact that that evilness is filtered through your desires to be german
Russia is an Orthodox country and that's why it got that title. The point is that it is not my fabrication, but that it really was like that.

Just as Germany was the 'successor' of the Western Roman Empire, (the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation) and they also have an eagle.
maybe, but i went to croatia had lots of jewellry on, and was walking up to chicks and hitting on them in my broken shitty croatian during the day, and my ciusins were shaming me for my jewellry and my brave hitting on girls

they said no we dont do that here. (zadar). i said wtf. they are a VERY meek/strict society - any behaviour that breaks a "social rule" is VERY frowmned upon. fun is basically ILLEGAL in croatia
Not really no. Religions come and go and are mostly retarded jewish polytheism rebranded as european or arab nowadays anyway. Albanians are not turks and neither are bosniaks. Bosniaks are turbo slavs that look way more slavic than croats, serbs or bulgarians even, due to lower paleo balkaner admixture. I get that muslims are retarded and disgusting but balkan muslims only share a name with mena ones. It's like equating czech and brazilian protestants the same race really.
Yes. there is something wrong with being slav. slavs are invaders from the pripyet marshes of north belarus who were sacrificing babies to baba yaga while illyrians were in the mix with greek/rome etc.

slavs are ugly - freaky and DULL. croats are about 30-40 percent illyrian depending on region. i am 40 percent illyrian im ev-13 chad and i am thankful for that blood without it id be full slav and they are vermin of humanity. so im 60 percent vermin and 40 percent human
Croats are cold-blooded when it comes to international politics/relations, they are simply more rational than Serbs. This does not mean that they are frowning types who cannot/don't know how to have fun. I don't understand at all why you lie so obsessively about us, I mean... I know you have a diagnosis, but this is still too much.
cause its true its not lying.

again, i have actually BEEN to ur country, i AM croatia background. i witnesses how people are there. i remember at a village outdoor dinner people were drunk and one man started to sing and ppl looked at him like "u better shut the fuck up right now or else we will kill u"
the man did shut up. this is my point about "croatia" as it is so called. it is a joyless society and if one person shows a tiny slice of enjoying life they will be bullied until they are sad again.
Kek, take your meds srboid
nisan srbin nego hrvat, sorry if the truth hurts buddy. maybe u can go back to frowning and ull be happier after. i cant take my meds for another half hour i cant take them too early.

croatians theme song:


misery is the onluy thing u ppl know. sick shit! but my parents propagandized me to the point where i cant find myself rooting against croatia today vs. shitaly so eh go croatia i guess.
quiet go to a banlieu and dance voodoo dances with some cameroonese witch doctas u confused boy
quick quick quick ! your magic pills !
i cant take them for another 27 minutes and btw they barely even do anything they arnt "magic" just stabilize me a bit.
It is just a stupid myth, and the claim has as much validity as the Ottoman empire
As an Islamic state and civilization, the Ottoman Empire cannot be the heirs of Rome. Everyone admits to the Russians and Germans that they are the 'heirs' of the Eastern and Western empires, only you are pretending to be smart.
Keep these in mind
>the word "Balkan" is used as a pejorative here, which is why some Slovenes and Croats try to distance themselves from it, instead larping as Central Euros
>Serbs, Croats, Montenegrins and Bosniaks speak the same language but larp as four different languages to avoid political tensions because Serbs like to wewuz other South Slavs
>Bosniaks and Bosnians aren't the same thing; Bosniaks refers to Bosnian Muslims (descendants of those Serbs and Croats who converted to Islam in the Middle Ages); Bosnians is an umbrella term for Bosniaks, Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs (the country is tri-national)
>Serbs and Montenegrins genocided Albanians in the Balkan Wars and WWI
>Croats genocided Serbs, Jews and Gypsies in WW2
>Serbs genocided Bosniaks in the Bosnian War
Makes sense, Croat women used to be Albanian women once upon a time. Now they crave albanian sperm. I’ve noticed Croat women tend to want Albanian men from my experience.
>know an Albanian man married to a Croat
>a Croat girl wanted to fuck me but it was an in opportune time in my life

Also Croat women are better looking than Albanian women. Must be the Slav admixture. The best looking women in the world come from the west Slav countries.
to think albanians and croatians "like" each other is hilarious, they're "getting back" at a "common enemy", but those people do NOT like each other, don't get it twisted.
Slav men are ugly, Slav women are not.
yep, stay away anons
having deep mutt roots isn’t the same as being 1/2 one way thing 1/2 other thing
Janjevci raus
This is true, Albanians have no real brothers when it comes to same forefathers. Very interesting to see when you look at y dna.
Is this why half of our jokes are about fat švabe?
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Having German genes is a liability and cuck.
literally the second ugliest
Your women would be great if they didn't have the tendency to bogg themselves in their 20s
>bogg themselves in their 20s
kek why is this so accurate
until they hit like 28, serbian women are supermodel tier and then they suddenly turn into some kind of a plastic dump

maybe its because plastic surgery is getting real cheap nowadays and its popular because of estrada whores
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I like how Serbian women look but once they open their mouth they sound so goofy cuz Serbian language sounds weird
They literally speak your language.
Shut your whore mouth up
Serbian women have beautiful accent
Cute as fuck
Albania and Croatia get along well and are neighbors. So if her team doesn't win she will root for Albania. Simple as. You guys sometimes go off on a tangent.
Yes but the goofy version
They goofy
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Literally me whenever Ireland fails to qualify kek
>t. Has Irish mother and German father
>american geography
My dad's dad's dad's dad was a Jew so I'm Jewish even though I'm less than 5%?
jewish lineage is through the mother, so no, you're not jewish.
i cant either
this video would be a lot better if she were naked under the croat dress
>Illyria was a poetic/romantic name for Croatia
Didn't your people all get raped by the Mongols and that's why they started calling it Croatia after that
>Nobody used those names before communism
You are full of shit and using an Albanian VPN. Those Names have been used continually for thousands of years. My great grand mother born in 1850's name was Teuta and great uncle was Bardhyl (which means white Star in Albanian) what does it mean in Serbo Croatian.

Sek tu jam dem baba dem
Për Kosovo jap shpirtin tem

Qosh i pusskës je shqiptar
>If you find those names before 1879 when The Truth on Albania and Albanians was published by Pashko Vasa, then I won't speak anymore.
You are a fuckin retard and not Albanian at all. Using a VPN or a transplant. Probably a guest worker from India who cleans hotel rooms on the southern coast.
>dem baba dem
Ottoman expression

Seething diasporoid projecting. YOU Are the guest worker cleaning hotels in another country
surprised she didn't get beheaded for this
>Find me ONE so called Illyrian name before the work of Pashko Vasa, and I will not speak anymore
If I'm not mistaken Bardhyl was the name of Lek Dugagini's brother or son who battled the turks in Kosova in the 1400's. so fuck off . So how do you feel now? A little stupid I was say huh.
>If I'm not mistaken Bardhyl was the name of Lek Dugagini's brother or son

His brothers were called Progon, Nikola and Gjergj, while his son was called Shtjefën and Nikola
sons were*
>Seething diasporoid projecting. YOU Are the guest worker cleaning hotels in another country
Ok Cristos you can go back to Saloniki now. BTW who are you rooting for in the Albania vs. Spain match today.
Let's assume your 'great grandmother' was born in 1850

She probably had your grandmother/father by 25, so that would mean your grandmother/father was born in 1880, which would mean your mother/father was born at most in 1920, which means you are somehow born at most during WW2???
Am I supposed to believe that?
Greeks are native to south Albania whether you like it or not
o vlla ma ka bo bullizëm nje kastravec nga Shqiperia hajde tek >>>/int/balk
e ke meritu
I don't think I have ever even spoke to an albanian but for some reason it's the only European country I hate, and not in the /sp/ banter hate kind. Morally they're very ugly people and their diaspora are on par with gyppos in the way they scheme and leach good nations.
Well besides (((englel))), that is
singles I play Mount and Blade Viking conquests
dubs I watch the gayme Asspain Albania
play the 1259 mod on bannerlord
fun af
Viking Conquest is more fun desu
Also I have bannerlord but I want to play it at a later time
bannerlord is still pretty raw but can be fun with the right mods the base game is a total snoozefest for the most part
My PC can barely run the base let alone mods
guide to balkans: all areas ruled by turks hate each other but have more in common with each other across borders than they do with the areas not under turks in their own country.
they ruined us. and you didnt stop it. you stood and watched. the west must be destroyed.
did you do the quest with the iberian mercenary
>still pretty raw
anon... base game wont get any better
I think that is in Brytenwalda

What countries were ruled by turks and which ones werent?
I didnt follow, what are you two arguing?

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