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who are we rooting for bros
I could care less, just good baybawl
I guess Tennessee? A&M is fucking gay and cringe, all their students are closet faggots.
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What are they doing right now?
Wondering if the curse of Burnt Up Brody and Roasted Rex is stronger than the curse of Mike Leach.
>t. the saddest Left Behind student
this, did you know as a right of passage for freshmen they tie you to chairs in the barracks and have each senior masturbate you
is there an actual reason they don't use wood bats?

Obviously the top conferences can afford it, but if NCAA switches to wood the entirety of D1 at least would have to switch which is a lot of money lower conferences would have to spend. A lot of them would end up cutting baseball as a result.

Also, modern metal bats aren't that different so its mostly just an aesthetic/sound difference
aren't metal bats more expensive than wood though? especially if you bought in bulk
No, because wood bats break
Can confirm, they tied me to a chair and each of the senior dykes in the corps jerked me off. Jokes on them, forcing lesbians to touch my cock is my fetish so I came buckets. Multiple times. They called me “Buckets Bucky” and put me on fire watch in the ladies’ dorm. I looked the other way for the dykes who touched my cock, but they knew who was up to no good because they could smell my spunk in their bunk. The commandant called them “Bucky’s Bandits.”
It's Tennessneed taking it all?
what is an aggie anyway?
The very best thing you could be.
webm of the two sluts licking ice cream when
It seems that no matter where one goes outside of Aggieland, there are always those who ask, "What is an Aggie anyway?" I am so glad they ask because it gives me an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects. I usually respond by first telling them what an Aggie is NOT. An Aggie is not a pig or hog, as they are called in the Ozarks. An Aggie is not a horse, such as the one representing that school out in West Texas. An Aggie is not a pony, like the one in "SMUland." We are certainly not a frog or horned toad, nor a Waco bruin or bear. We are not a little ol' cat or a fowl owl like those in Houston. Most definitely, we are not of the long-horned cattle variety. If we were, we would be a bull or a cow rather than some non-productive steer. (Since a steer is non-productive, and t.u. chooses to be represented by a steer, then logic would follow that t.u. must consider themselves...Hey, don't get mad at me or say, "that's a little strong." I didn't pick their mascot, they did.)

The fact is that an Aggie is not any type of animal. We have Reveille, who is our 1st Lady, but we're not the Texas A&M Reveilles. We're the Aggies. An Aggie is a human. When I think of an Aggie, I think of church, community, and state leaders. I think of the many Aggies who have sacrificed their lives as defenders of freedom through their service to the United States of America.
Aggies are the first to answer the call to serve their country. Aggies are ministers of the gospel, coaches of Little League teams, public school teachers, and leaders in community projects. Many are medical doctors, veterinarians, and engineers. Others are civil servants, congressmen, and entrepeneurs. Thankfully, many are responsible for feeding the world as farmers, ranchers, and agricultural researchers. And we all know that if it were not for Aggies who become lawyers, there wouldn't be such a thing as a "good" lawyer. In essence, Aggies get things done. We are doers! Aggies are the Twelfth Man, builders of bonfires, carriers of tradition, participants in Musters, and, too often, attenders of Silver Taps ceremonies. Texas Aggies say HOWDY. We know how to look a man in the eye and shake hands. Aggies get a chill up our spine when we hear the National Anthem or sing the "Spirit of Aggieland" or "Aggie War Hymn," or when we march to chow under the direction of a drum and bugle corps.

What is an Aggie? Who are the Aggies? It is simple, "We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we, true to each other as only Aggies can be..."

Awesome Aggie Sayings

These are just a few of the many.

I would rather flunk out of A&M than to graduate with honors from t.u.

If t.u. were playing the University of Moscow in Red Square, I would be on the goal post waving a big red flag.

West Point is a good prep school for A&M.

t.u., t.u. - where the girls are girls and the boys are, too.

I would rather go 0-11 and be an Aggie than be National Champs and be a 'sip.

Texan by birth, Aggie by the grace of God

Aggies may get out-scored, but they never lose.

We've never been licked.

I would rather eat barbed wire than go to t.u.

If I had a low IQ, I would go to t.u., too.

No Aggie was without a job during the Great Depression

BOSS - What you call an Aggie five years after he/she graduates

"Howdy!", "Gig'em!", "Farmer's Fight!", "Ol Army!"

The 4 responses allowed by a fish:

1. "Yes, sir!"

2. "No, sir!"

3. "No excuse, sir!"

4. "Sir, not being informed to the highest degree of accuracy, I hesitate to articulate for fear I may deviate from the true course of reactitude. In short, sir, I am a very dumb fish and do not know, sir."

t.u.: Aggie term for The University of Texas, that small secular (Berkeley Of The South) school in central Texas
You must be my age, since the only people who said such things back in my day were the elderly trying to crack jokes about what the elderly in their day said, and I’m in my 40s. Get with the times, old timer. You’ve been Left Behind in more ways than one.
lol that faggot frenchie tried stealing the spotlight and got mogged hard
vols hockey sweater is pretty cool
SEC hockey when?
Probably sooner rather than later.
Holy shit that slide was incredible
Implessive baserunning there
lol >faggies
I like sports but sometimes they really make me want to kill myself.
Catcher fucked up, nothing incredible about it. Replay looked like he was on the take.
>I take pride in other teams winning
The post:the game
NCAA Division 1 SEC hockey when? I want to see the SEC fucking steam roll over the likes of Lake Superior State University and St. Cloud State University.
>runner deeks catcher with a diving swim move and manages to slap home in middle of a forward flip
>not incredible


And the catcher missed because the throw took him to his left and by the time he could recover runner was already past him
Tell me what he should have done to NOT fuck up there then, chief
>H-He should have extended his glove out!
Okay, what if the runner didn't go to the inside? He would have had the ball knocked out of his glove. Catcher was protecting possession of the ball. 99% of the time that's the smart play there, he didn't have time to react well to the runner's path.
Pay attention to the runner? The replay shows that was a basic bitch read. Any high school varsity catcher would’ve made that tag.
just a bit of banter m8, settle down "cadet".
why is a.j. griffin pitching for the vols?
Nah, it ain’t, you’re Left Behind and are gonna bitch for the rest of your life. It’s already old and it’s only been ten years since A&M left and you only care now that the conference relevancy has cemented.
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Go big damn orange
I don't know why I'm watching this. I didn't even go to college
The majority of /cfb/ has never gone to college either.
>retard cultists let the reddit fags win something
should have brought the ace in relief yesterday
What's the draw for college sports if you have no alma mater?
tournament sports are fun?
Better atmospheres, conferences were regionally influenced, get wasted and not have to worry about getting to work tomorrow.
mlb is heading into the dog days of summer
nice to see games that have huge implications
unironic soul. Too bad the suits got rid of Rosenkino stadium in favor of (((((((Charles Schwab))))))))
As long as there is a friend or family member involved with the college, I can cheer out of solidarity.
1 out away
Poooooooor Aggies
where's the dog? is that only for football?
This post has been debunked
Oh Rocky Top you’ll always be home sweet home to meeeee
Good Ole Rocky Top
Rocky Top Tennesseeeeeeee
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A&M's ass is really going to be chapped if we steal their coach next week
Probably, no sidelines for him to hangout on during the game and not much point if he’s in the dugout all game, the mascot today was Peyton Manning
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Congratulations Tennessee, way to break the #1 curse.
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>this is bas-
>Vols 60-13
>73 games played
Wow. That's getting close to half a MLB season.
Get the foul poles
College baseball used to start in late January.
dodgers would be proud
congrats Tennessee, don’t really care but I was rooting for you guys over the faggies because they’re all sodomite buttfuckers
>t.UAB alumni
Shut the fuck up faggot. You will never be a blue blood. You will never be a powerhouse. Your school is a creepy right wing cult full of new money wannabes and suburban cowboys. Your entire history is nothing but failure and disappointment. You don’t even have cheerleaders. When someone says they went to Texas Gay&M, everyone immediately thinks they are a closet homosexual. Everyone in Texas is ashamed to be associated with you. Please go fuck off forever
Go Vols.

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