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panthers win
the draft is on friday and saturday
Business idea: Relocate the Oilers to the Bahamas
first for 1993
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my bruinsies :(
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So whats Bostons status looking like next season? Can they contend?
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i forgot about the ahl
shane wright's team lost again
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Don’t be silly, Pekka. They’re heading to Honolulu
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Right on brother!
What were Bruins thinking? I mean they literally got dog shit in return for Ullmark
Now that the winner was to embarrassed to claim the trophy, will Gary perhaps realize it is time to scrap this retarded rule and align with other major leagues and call it MVP and give it to the winning team? ffs
players who deserve a tire iron to the side of the head

i'll start
At least the Liberals lost
you guys have been too good for too long, time for other teams to have a chance.
This offseason can we come up with a gimmick that isnt just being schizo or retarded?
The Bruins?
When was their last Cup win?
>Ryan S. Clark yet again being the only real hockey fan
Who can stop the Sunbelt from winning next year?
Too shit for the playoffs, not shit enough for a high draft spot.
Flames and Our Sennies finals next year
A little part of me died last night, no joke. I feel honestly bleaker and more hardened, like a puppy died or something and now I just feel angry all the time and like I want to lash out at anyone and everyone.
Unfathomably based. Winner gets Parliament
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like my islanders?
Alberta and Saskatchewan was supposed to be one big province but then the feds were retarded
can tiny r con draw a milly?
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would be fucking hilarious if draisaitl went to panthers after this
not a sport
Imagine being Jonathan Huberdeau this morning. Holy shit.
KWAB. Just go riot and burn some cars or something like a normal person
I had so many good posts in the last thread, I'm sorry it's gone
Didn't that Dadonov affair and the punishment fuck up Senator's rebuild plans?
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good morning its yuma :)
Penis ullmark is dog shit
Would have happened if it wasn’t for Ian cole
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I'm afraid that /hoc/ and prowrestling go together like gary and jewish tricks
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haha benis
>Pants trade pooperdoo
>get a deep run one year and win Cup the next
>Flames trade Tkachuk
>get fuck all
Why didn't those homos riot?
On the one hand he gets to play with the best player in the world. On the other he has to live in Edmonton for 8 months out of the year.

It could actually benefit the Oilers if he leaves. His next contract will be more than 14m and considering the cap jumps he could get 15m. That's too much for a 2C.
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At least he's getting paid
No spirit
>a first round pick is fuck all
This is your brain on kwabmonton hockey
Yeah but he's in Canada
He gets fucked from taxes
Instead of a reload, Boston should have chosen rebuild. If they don't start now, there will be a long desert trek for them once it's unavoidable
McDavid is actively trying to leave Edmonton, but he isn't allowed until he wins a cup with them.

Enjoy the lifelong career Connor!
>Tkachuk wins ring
>pooperdoo wins...?
>era adjusted points

McGaykid's assists were all secondary
Media Circlejerk
Bobrovsky finally solved the case
just like my pats
but anyways, if you're not a southern team you should be aligned with canada against gary
Gary's princess lost
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Do you think Daly will let Canada win the cup?
Gary's Parkinson's tremors looked kinda bad last night, he's probably retiring soon.
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he was just nervous Gary is smol bean :333333
Based Gretzky burying McShit
What's a daly
Some sort of naked mole rat person
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Nice try hes not going anywhere
Bob saves the day
I'm just glad we've gotten rid of >finnish goaltending
>Gary was shaking during the cup ceremony again
Bros…. We may be free soon
The Summer of Staios anyone?
Instead of recognizing that Canadian ownership groups are retarded, let's blame the next commissioner instead. That'll change things.
Hail the era of finnish captains :DC
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Shut the fuck up grease
>according to sources Senators were on Ullmarks NTC but was convinced to sign after a discussion with Alfredsson

lets build the statue already
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Florida was always Canada's team
Florida winning (much deservedly) the Stanley Bowl cements the Southern Attitude era of the NHL.

Gary Betman is a JEEEEnyus

McBustavid confirmed perrenial heel
My team just got one
good morning /hoc/, how did you sleep last night? I was calm for the first time in a week

>Henrique at the Oilers

wow, ok
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be nice to visitors from non hockey nations
ya new?
hey remember when new jersey was down 3-0 in 2012 and then they forced game 6?
yeah nobody remembers that
this year will be a similar story
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Which one is that? Greece is a hockey nation.
I hope I get hit by a fucking car when I go out today. I deserve it. I am the cause of suffering and my death might bring a few relief.
I didn’t sleep enough. I need to sleep more
that's a greasy homo on vpn buddy
its just a game anon :)
>not even ppg in today's shitty KHL league
kek the guy is a bust
>gifted the easiest path to a WCF in decades
>conference final opponent had infinitely harder matchups and was gassed

This was it for Edmonton. The path to the cup was never going to be easier.
Speaking of greasy homos, what do you think Brad Marchand is doing RIGHT NOW?
Why were 90% of you saying eastern conference is trash all season? I think it's because you're idiots.
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You guys ready to talk about my Kraken?
Because I can tell you right now these other teams are NOT gonna be ready this October! :)
They’ll be lucky to make playoffs. Their luck is finally running out
joonas is a fine backup for swagman and they wanted to do right by ullmark
As a Bruin he's preparing for a good regular season and certain playoff failure.
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No you can eat shit too
>get blown out 3 games in a row
>somehow hold steady and win 2-1 in game 7
Did the pressure just get to the >soilers?
are dogshit
ye but now we have finnish assistant coaching
It's not just a game it's everything. The entire world is going to shit and I am powerless to stop it. My life is pathetic, my mental is broken, I am more convinced than ever that no good will ever come to me because I am a subhuman fucking piece of shit. It's not just the game it's evertying, everything in this owrld is the narravtive we build around things and a good narrative died last night and with it my heart shrunk a few sizes and is now black and tiny like the Grinch.
every thread this summer should be Flames
I remember Eeli Tolvanen having similar stats in KHL at the same age and he turned out to be a bust in the NHL
Latvia: having coffee with milk and stevia

You heard it here first, and if Starbucks™ steals it for when Putin rightfully deters NATO agressions in Latvia, you will remember me.
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Even if they make the playoffs, they'll never make it past my Kitties
Rangers, Hurricanes, and Bruins would all beat Edmonton this year.
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Hiya Greece what do you think about our Debbie’s!?
Everyone realized the previous games didn't matter
The pressure got to the Panthers in those middle games. Anyone with eyes could see they were playing a completely different style of game.

The Oilers didn't win games 4,5, and 6. The Panthers lost them.
That's not an answer to my question.
Anyway, the english should oppress you guys more. You people should be forced to grow potatoes.
Anons unironically pointed this out since the brackets came out but westernfaggots and Canadafaggots kept saying it wasn't true. The >rags and kitties were fucking strong this year, meanwhile the west had what.. Dallass and Cuckmonton? Lmao

I think overall, this year it was a shit series. Lots of teams played badly.
>Torts still the coach in Philly
Now that sounds like a disaster in the making
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La bama bros… we weren’t played last night ):
they didn't score first so they collapsed
Goodbye, goodbye
You were bigger than the whole sky
For all the bad shit the canadian state is doing, the biggest WORKERS' movement against the covid campaign also hailed from Canada.

Having said that, Canada will never, ever win a Stanley Cup ever again.

Nah, jk, I wish they would.
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Thanks to everyone who supported the sticky (:
Islanders would too. They are the best blue and orange team.
My team is shit and run by a retard
I'm glad I got to see them before they died ;_;
>Oilers goals: 23
>Panthers goals: 18
just like my celebrini
tanner howe is a cute legend
Bad move, hockey is an obscure sport.
im tired of pretending and playing along with hocs bullshit meme that the Eastern Division is always weaker. this year the west was absolute ASS
Just like my islanders
I've had it up to here ·_·7 with you

>bluehhhh, blyehhhh, nyehhhh, I am retarded blyehhb
No, my knights would have gotten the cup again. The bald dallas coach ruined everything.
The amount of players who leave Buffalo and become elite is incredible
He was one point shy of the record for an under 20 player in the KHL, after missing significant time with pneumonia.
Are they relocating??? That's sad. Yumanon, I hope you still keep posting.
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>the other team didn't win we lost
normally edmonton says this
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Today is the day
field hockey yes
roller hockey yes
aisu hokkei no
They "deactivated"
They're still technically in Arizona and the Utah team is "new"
Dangerously based post

Nice try copey / storschizo
I'd rather have this than the cup
yeah, cope
the east had a sweep, automatically shit
I’m already drafting up creative new gimmicks. I’ll have a prototype by Labor Day
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if you posted in the sticky you're a massive buttfucking retarded gayfag
>owner can assemble a competitive football team
>can't assemble a competitive hockey team to save his life
any other examples of this?
gaybor bay
The main thing that bothers me about hockey is the complete lack of control most of the time.
The players usually can't control the puck for any extended amount of time before they are hit or just lose it.
On top of that, a majority of goals are scored because of dumb luck, a person shoots somewhere in the vicinity of the goal and then it scores by bouncing off a teammate or opposing player.

Overall, hockey just seems to be a sloppy, cluster fuck of a game.

That's why I prefer basketball, far less turnovers and points are rarely (if ever) due to dumb luck.
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are the stars in the room with us right now?
(if so, my oshi would like to have sex with them.)
Cope I had fun
>from a frogtard
Glass houses and stones
korfball > basketball
oh I don't cope
>edmonton and dallass has the easiest routes to wcf
lmao seethe retard
luck is just a code word for "wahhh the team i was supporting lost"
JEN but he’s heading to Utah
Ah so you're copey and not storschizo, got it. Welcome back we all thought you left when Vegass got eliminated
Heat status?
McDavid needs a restart. Let him go to Utah and lead the way!
rags had the easiest route ya dope
For me my offseason sports to watch are tennis and golf
how fucking new are you holy shit
golf is an activity not a sport
>sunbelt teams
>having fans
It’s so fucking over. They need to rebuild desperately
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Can someone remind me how many goals Draisaitl had in the SCF?
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Error: You must wait 3 minutes 59 seconds before posting a duplicate reply.
>Carolina and Florida
>b-but the >craps
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>burger quietmontonfag is back
True, year before I rooted for my Avies, then last year my Knighties and this year I rooted for my Kitties :)
doesn't colorado get a ton of snow
He’s hanging out with MacKinnon and Crosby right now
That's why their NHL team is called the Rockies
>not easy
Colorado is like Utah nigga, the fact that it gets snow means nothing when the summers are sunbelt tier infernos.
What are we looking forward to now?
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>he’s better than Crosby
Maybe hockey doesn't belong in the desert
Oh, like you're doing now?
a lot of sun too
Hall of fame inductees annocued in four hours
You play it against other people
the frolunda indi-oh wait
so you don't know
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no you don't
you play it against yourself and then compare scores
Passing my cert exam :)
My summer is a sunbelt tier inferno
Dallas had to beat the last two champs to reach the WCF
They should just go to Utah
There are Coyotes in Utah, such a cool logo
Installing my AC
The yzerplan to be yzerscheduled
yeah if i had the money to relocate to an australian ski resort i would right now
utah's owner hates any kind of design elements
any chances that yzerman picks eiserman?
>a majority of goals are scored because of dumb luck

Of course this does happen but no not even close to the majority.
>he thinks this means anything
lmao did you see the absolute state of vegas? eliminated first round
>you clone yourself and go head to head!
wow, golf-is-an-activitytards sure have an imagination
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Canada getting humiliated for the second straight day
Dallas had the worst path to a conference final in decades.
Avs just resigned Mittelshit 3 yrs x 5.75 kwab
No, but even still, you do with Monopoly, or Euchre.
Are those sports?
utah hc better go all in on the fake european gimmick
>what the fuck are playoffs?
>why is there a draft?
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Gary let the Coyotes' owner keep the nickname and logo because he is trying to bring a new franchise to Phoenix (he will fail)
With that retard logic everybody who won in the first round had an easy first round because lol eliminated first round absolute state of (first round opponent)
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Hyman statue!
Canadian hockey media is so insufferable. They act like McDavid won the cup and Panthers players like Tkachuk and Barkov barely get a footnote.

I hope Canadian NHL teams never win the Stanley.
>ree my stors!!!
>storschizo cope
shes here
Doesn't matter. The good guys won. Corey Perry and Evander Kane lost. The Oilers were the worst collection of whiners, divers, crybabies, and nogs I've ever seen.
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>(he will fail)

>Alex Meruelo is calling it quits. Multiple sources told PHNX Sports that ownership addressed Coyotes staff on Monday, telling them that they have no plans to pursue further arena options.

>The decision comes in the wake of the Arizona State Land Department’s decision to cancel an auction on Thursday. Meruelo had hoped to win that auction and purchase a 95-acre (110 gross acres) parcel of land and build an entertainment district and an arena that would house his hockey team. With that delayed indefinitely, and considerable political opposition in his path, he sees no viable options that would allow him to reactivate the franchise within the parameters set forth in the $1.2 billion sale of the team to Jazz owners Ryan and Ashley Smith.
>fans go to jail for being mean
beating up on the husks of champions isn't difficult
The regression to the mean is going to be wild for this guy.
Unironically a retard.
Corey Perry has lost in 4 out of the last 5 finals. The dude is cursed
Which team will Gary force to move there now?
Yes nowhere near as hard as beating the powerhouse LA Kings and Vancouver's 3rd goalie.
He already won a Cup
He's not even cursed
Blizzard is the best name Utah can pick.
season is over fgts y r u here kek
Didn't the knighties also lose key people? I mean hell they barely even made it to the ploffs. Lmaoing @ all this stors cope.
To discuss hockey and blogpost
Canadian teams have a had a combined 198 chances to win the Stanley cup since 1993 and have not won since.
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eat cock randy
eat cock finnish randy
eat cock aland randy
eat dick dylan
His name will still be on the Cup after 2030, unlike the Leafs
>Utah Retards
should be the "ute buttes"
Why do Canadian teams lose in game 7 in the Finals so often?
glad you agree
gary bettman runs the league
Everybody was crying about the unfairness of muh LTIR before Dallas eliminated Vegas yet now we're rewriting history to make it seem like a cupcake matchup
All shit teams run by retards
Terrible post
This the type of high quality posts I want to see in /hoc/
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Just like my islanders
now that that's settled, its an objective fact that this year the west was gay and cringe. but all this juicy cope is phenomenal knowing the objectively stronger east won it
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shall drink a cock
their d really struggled getting a year older since most are well over 30
hanifin is not at the same caliber as martinez
Shut the fuck up randy and eat your cock
that's really just an english thing
>pointing out that a team lost the league championship with 97 points is hate speech
Nobody will relocate. This is the best possible outcome for Gary. Now the NHL can milk another expansion fee out of a new, hopefully competent Phoenix ownership group in a few years. They just have to make sure to get a NHL arena built first.
ltir abuse is retarded and unfair
Postmedia was all Oilers. Matheson probably thought it was a participation trophy.
Based. Edmonton and Dallas are legit seething they had an easy route this year.
The Coyotes arent the expansion team
The Utah team is
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Umm leafs bros... this isnt a good look for us...
So how does /hoc/ rate the 2024 playoffs? I’d give it a 7/10, games were low scoring but the finals were fun
Thrashers and Nordiques and Coyotes :)
Every team can use their LTIR according to the collective bargaining agreement
now do the senaturds
Ditch Mitch and Johnny!
yeah, the rules make it ok but that doesnt mean its fair
i cheer for conferences, not teams
>The Atlantic Division has represented the East since the 2018-19 season
>even the Covid season technically had 2 Atlantic teams at the SCF
What's their top 4 players cap hit again?

It was shit. Only the >rags and lots were worthing watching and soilers vs we wuz kangs for the 100th year in the row was fucking gay.
too much for a bunch of bums who cant make the playoffs let alone get points in the scf
How is it unfair when the same rules apply to everyone?
death and the sweat release of it all
>vegas & colorado
sure, vegas wasn't as good as last year, but you have to remember that their style is specifically designed to destroy teams like the stars. and colorado is a pain in the ass to play, they can steal games easily. both series' were physical, and dallas was too beaten down to beat edmonton. on the other hand, edmonton had one of the easiest possible paths. kings are extremely mediocre, nucks were without demko, and the stars were too tired. edmonton only lost because they outchoked florida. they have no reasonable excuse for losing this year.
Hey samir buddy hows it going
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100/100 canadas team won
0/10 because my team wasn’t in it
suck shit samir
because of the moral implications
are you healthy and able to play? no dont so i can circumvent the cap
Bring back 1st vs 8th in the first playoff round
>the playoffs took 65 days to complete
That’s way to long Gary
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You mean Finland’s team
why don't the other teams do the same
standards are for retards
Hey Omar
Hey Dominick
Gretzky is very impressive when you take in account the amount of games played.
>the discord just woke up
I'm out.
>western division is still seething
oh no no no lmao
>he touched it
he'll never win it now
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Were there any chimpouts in Edmonton last night?
it's pronounced domdom
I hope he jumped off right afterwords
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no sadly
pakistanis do not have passion for hockey
riddle me this if vegass and avies were so good then why couldn't they stop dallass? oh wait jej
We coordinate on reddit
We discussed the matter on the / hoc/ #irc
Make this the op of the new thread
There's a Utah team now? What are they called?
utah hockey club
The most soulless name in any franchise history ever, Hockey Club

Redditposting now? I thought you were better than this
just like my islanders
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isn't it funny that chambers died but samir didn't
same reason rags couldn't stop cats, they weren't complete teams. vegas lost too many key players, and colorado is still missing landeskog along with nichushkin getting suspended for drugs midseries.
I almost forgot the 8 - 1 score.
i think the kraken are next
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Damn those niggas really killed Pete
>yeah, the rules make it ok but that doesnt mean its fair

Fucking brokenhead
Nah islanders have a bit a soul. Meanwhile HC is straight up cookie-cutter-houses-in-a-neighborhood/subdivision soulless
Pete screwed Pete.
because they didn't want to rush and do a rebranding in 3 months. it'll have a team name in 2025 probably
>baming your franchise after a garbage dump
now that's what i call soul
He was a South African penguin not an Antarctic one
soccer is gay, I wish I didn't have to see it searching for /hoc/
congrats you just proved my point that again, dallass had an easier route
sens cup next year
I wouldn't have wanted to live in Pittsburgh either
if the rules were infallible then they would never change
>cool mascot
>low glass
>no netting
>boards and rink aren't cluttered with advertising
>nobody screwing around with phones
>no rap music or Chief Chug white guilt monologues or statements about how men should be proud of sodomizing each other
This is what hockey looks like in a world without (((them)))
Sad :(
>penguins in africa
than edmonton? no.
i didnt say that, thats what you're implying i said
fun fact Zach Hyman was drafted by the panthers in 2010
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yes and much like Adam Foxenbergstein he used his talmudic tricks to instead go to his hometown laffs isn't that weird
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I-I'm not flat!
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So what have we learned from this season?
Pete died
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not my problem
spending nearly 30 mil in 3 players is a cup winning strategy
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>named Hyman
>he's bloody useless
like pottery
How good is he? Better than Kaprizov?
>The Magellanic penguin is a South American penguin, breeding in coastal Patagonia, including Argentina, Chile, and the Falkland Islands, with some migrating to Brazil and Uruguay, where they are occasionally seen as far north as Espírito Santo. Wikipedia

they're all over the Southern Hemisphere
bootyblasting is back on the menu
>the panthers will have their parade in fort lauderdale, not miami
>he doesn't know about Fairy Penguins on the island of Tasmania
>here's why McDavid winning the best loser award actually makes him the goat
Most penguins don’t live in Antarctica
>the Falkland Islands
based british penguins
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Paul Maurice coached for the Hartford Whalers. This man deserved the Stanley Cup.
>the gayest city in florida
Based Conbust McBustshit winning the Tiny R Con KWABOTY Trophy
A bit of time to reflect. The truth of the matter is we were 1 goal away in a game 7 SCF that is incredible and I am beyond impressed and proud of what that team accomplished. What really stood out were the fellas that stepped up to give us all kinds of depth, Stu's goaltending coming in clutch when our backs were against the wall, McDavid skating circles at will around anyone, Drai sitting in his office banging out one timers, that was some incredibly exciting hockey and you could name nay player and they gave us a highlight reel play.

Taking the team blinders off. Florida just plain stepped up in game 7. They equally fought hard from out of a hole. So kudos to them for refusing to give up and playing hard. We can be proud that we stood shoulder to shoulder with them even if we were not the victor. I hope the fans and any new fans down there equally are inspired to cheer their team on in years to come and have some great memories. And off the ice, you just forget these are all 20-30 something young fellas. It's hard to be too upset that someone achieved their childhood dream. At the very least we got yet another deep rivalry in the works.

What was evident, a lot of players battling through injuries we lost a lot of key players playing at their best, while folks 100% stepped up it just makes it harder. The ice quality in Florida in June was very apparent the league needs to reflect on the quality of hockey we get as a result of running the playoffs this late into the summer (if they even give a shit).

I know a consolation parade/event is bad mojo but it would be nice to show our support and appreciation for the squad. I really hope many stick around with a taste of what this team can accomplish. I've never been more invested in a team or hockey in general since I was a kid, I really care about this team and believe in them.

Thanks everyone for a truly fun ride, happy and proud to cheer with you all in years to come.
Is there a reason NHL teams can't buyout KHL players they draft to bring them to the NHL sooner? Is it just Russia Bad?
technically, neither do any of the endemic species to Antarctica, migratory birds always on the move
I’ll get shit on for this but I unironically believe he is better than Bedard. He looked better against the same competition at tournaments before Russia was exiled on the world stage.
>this nigga didn't watch any of their games
Bro they're literally sponsored by the "VISIT FORT LAUDERDALE" tourism shills and they're literally next to each other. Sunrise is a soulless subdivision.
the two leagues respect each other's contracts
>the gayest city in florida
that wound be St Pete
Just like my long island
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never care. never get your hopes up. everything sucks. everything you love dies. god hates you. good things never happen.

That's what i learned
Hitting slappers on an empty net is rude
it's a peninsula
Believe what you want anon. This kid was smashing Russian hockey records and would have set the KHL under 20 points record were it not for a lingering case of pneumonia. I think people are gonna be very surprised this rookie campaign.
Pens fan here coming in peace. Congrats on a great run!

You can't overstate how much luck plays a role in winning. Playoff matchups, puck bounces, length of series, injuries, etc.

I think y'all will be back, and no way the hockey gods let McDavid and Drai end their career without a Cup!
>st pete is gay
not according to our gaybro
Pete the Penguin is buried in an unmarked grave
which records?
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>the North American craton
record of biggest fraud
April 17 2022
So what team will get Ullmark from the sens at trade deadline and what will they give for him? That 5M cap hit is nothing and it's the final season on his contract sonhe'll get paid afterwards so a decent rental
Two very good posts
_/ _/ _/ _/
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Why won't they have the parade in Sunrise?
HOA restrictions
If Connor McDavid is so valuable then why didn't he win the cup?
have you ever looked up sunrise? because you should, the other anon already laid it out retardo
>my face when mfw Michkov refuses to participate in Pride night and reddit melts down
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It was cup or bust.
As a flyers fan I really hope this happens. That was the moment pRedditors turned on Provy lol
We need a Tiny McFraud meme like the Tiny Murray one.
Game 7 is a must-win situation, I think
Unbelievably based. Thank you Russia
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This is the city that won the Stan Lee. Now kneel at their superiority.
the true Conn Smythe winner
I was there
>We get to watch all of the (((journalists))) mass kvetch again
>We get to watch all of the jerseys get sold out again
He plays for a team run by retards.
kuch had 54 points in 53 games
smashed? lmao
>no ugly skyscrapers
>no great big neon lights
>lots of grassland
Looks comfy
He simply didn't care enough. He didn't put in a fuckign performance in game 6 or 7. He gave up
better than dedmenton
just like barzal
Comy is just codeword for boring desu
Kill yourself
Drai should unironically shoot himself like his idol Hitler for that finals performance
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>enters thread
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Don't forget to claim your pizza Oilersbros.
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I have not bothered to explore, but are oiler fans in complete denial on losing?
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for me? is spicy pierogi
>mcgaykid played half the 3rd period
>still couldn’t score
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>Connor McDavid will NEVER win a Ship ring and be remembered as the guy who shrugged off a Conn Smythe trophy ceremony after getting beat down my Miami, Florida

There, I said it, and I feel fantastic... way better than I thought I would, actually...
Yeah he broke his record idc if it was fewer games. By that logic, Mich was one shy of Kaprizovs record in one fewer game (also player multiple games dealing with lingering pneumonia). Are we gonna pretend that all these things aren’t impressive as shit?
they didn't even riot, if that's not Candian hockey denial then I don't know English apparently
kuch went on to play in the chl which really helped his development
michkov wont have that benefit
Michkov played in the KHL for two seasons. Hell be ready.
>and the Falkland Islands

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Giguere is a real man
kapri played in the khl for 6
either kuch or kapri arent really comparables to a guy coming across under development
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Wait, are they the same pizzas?
>that time The Mouse owned an NHL team
what a weird time
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>bamba, bamba
can't let the homless have them
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Why is raped bitch replying to his own shitty posts
Kid lost his father (who was murdered) in Sochi, then had to go back to Sochi and play there for a year. During that year he suffered from a bad case of lingering pneumonia. He was stuck on one of the worst teams in the KHL. And despite all that he overcame it all and was one point off from setting a record. I think he’s matured enough that he is ready for this. If Bedard was ready to lead the blackhawks last year, Matvei is ready. He’ll have some veteran leadership to help get him there too.
Wow this reminds me of the sacrifices of the Red Army during world war 2.
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>serving Victory Slices to the defeated fans
>not serving specially formulated Condolence Slices
Boston Pizza isn't some Mom'n'Pop amateur outfit, okay?...
He was also competing against men, whereas Bedard came into the league after competing against teens.
He'll be good.
april 17 2022
CBC had full teams on the ground in Florida and Edmongolia, waiting to celebrate and gay it up inclusively. Jen, it was like a funeral broadcast.
All I’m saying is that I have no concerns with the kids maturity. He’s been through more than just about any other player in the NHL, aside from maybe Fedotov (who is also on the flyers). He is ready to become the face of the Flyers franchise.
4/17/22 in Europe would be 17/4/22
>Why dont they have the parade in the 1 square mile plot of land that is "Sunrise, FL"

Now this is why I come to hoc, to learn interesting facts like this. Thank you sir

You think this is gonna happen just because hes Russian? Newsflash, (((they))) leave no stone unturned
we tnd to use dots instead of / and write the full year
at least here it might differ in other places
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>what being a weak minded bitch absolutely does not look like
what does this even mean
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you'd know if you weren't new newfag
for you to lurk more
Sunrise is tiny a shithole
Since they decided to name themselves after the state they should have to take the parade all the way down the 75 and then all the way back up the 95.
It's only fair.
anyway, qrd?
since i'm feeling nice it was the day the raped bitch became the raped bitch. raped bitch has been lashing out at hoc ever since and bans anyone who calls him it
Imagine them being called the Sunrise Panthers. Do Floridians even know where that is?
>part of the raped bitch lore
fuck me this shit just keeps getting expanded more and more
Gary really outdid himself this year. The little goblin's still got it
they simply look to the east around 7am
was McDavid even good this series? It felt like ESPN couldn't stop praising McDavid for everything.
Its actually pretty hilarious theres a fat old man reporting all our posts
I had a high school math teacher who kept telling us what time it was in army time as if this was a difficult conversion for AP Calculus students to make
the east, we learn this in elementary school retard
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Not really. Not in games 6 and 7. Casuals only understand sports in terms of "big name do thing" so networks highlight it, but that's not how hockey works
Someone post the screenshot!
Had a chuckle, still retards though.
no he was fucking dogshit and only outdogshitted by drai
He had 11 points this series.
he needed his malkin equivalent to step up into the space he was creating with the panthers focusing on shutting him down
this is how crosby won despite on getting 3 points in the scf
>not knowing your East Coast from your Gulf Coast
That's who Draisaitl is supposed to be
>the lee was decided by skinner's sloppy five hole
>the sunrise panthers win the cup
>they go to celebrate at Miami Beach
Yeah basically this, mcdavid gets shit on by retards but drai was the weakest link that sunk the ship. You can thank the nuckies for that, calgary
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too bad he is hurt
How the fuck did the Panthers become a contender?
They were fucking atrocious for like 25 years
I think it's even funnier he thinks he's an e-celeb and foundational /hoc/ bro
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probably good draft picks good trades and good FA signings id guess ya fucking retard
>teams don't change year to year
>good draft picks
Ekblad sucks
Um.. ackshually snowfaggots and Canadafaggots say its because Gary wanted them to win.
Then why can't the Canucks or Sabres ever win shit?
Even funnier that his aren't being deleted. Curious!
>raining in Miami
Oh no no no bros
because they're just like my islanders
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So I guess the next team in most danger of relocation at this point would be... Buffalo
>slow footed Buffalo
>change is always positive
But they've won 4 Cups
no one asked
yea ok bud
the 80s were 95 years ago
So McDavids legacy is ruined right? He will never win the cup
Gretzky lost his first Cup appearance too
People are retards if they think a 26 year old is done
I think he's good enough to get to 1 more final, so time will tell
It’s worse than if he’d gotten swept
>gretzky called mcdavid after the game
He can win if he joins a better team
>tough break kid. but you know what they say, secondary assists don't count
reports say mcmeme was inconsolable
as if this sport doesn't have a nauseating amount of 40 year old vets who miraculously win the cup with an expansion team
It could be next year. The team needs some fine tuning.
i forgot to save that gif of a cat covering up lewd stuff at the last second
his legacy was ruined the day he got drafted by the oilers
RAU RAU! Florida Everglades, HockeyTown USA, the home of Hockey! We're born to Skate! Ill have my Mojito on ICE thank you very much!
McDavid status?
If they won at least 1 of the first 3 games they definitely would've won the cup. Thats the real chokejob
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My kitties.
>implying anyone can win with a Canadian team
We Won The Cup just in time before the city drowns
The Oilers would've won if they moved all the players to an American organization
Canadian teams just can't do it
McDavid and I were born the same year but I'VE never lost a SINGLE finals game
need a new thread, without any of that gay shit like previous or news. make sure the image isnt relevant either
New thread when
Imagine going back to Edmonton to your cold empty house, to a beard gf you can't stand. While knowing you will never get close to winning at the one thing you are good at

I'm actually worried that mcgaykid will off himself today
Messier should've went to the locker room and laugh at him
Blessed, have a good one
thank you gary
>wear the thing I bought you...and I mean all of it
comfy is just a code word for boring desu

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