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Flames and Islanders
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how did gary force mcdavid to miss this shot? let's brainstorm methods.
Let's strawman
crosby wouldn't have put it high
Magnets under the ice.

How do they fuckin work?
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Goodnight fren
Parallax somehow
Oh nice, a Panny OP.
Buttplug in his ass anchors his weight downwards and keeps his balance leveled.
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The probability that sunbelt teams win the stanley cup 9 times and no canadian team wins from 1993 to 2024 is 0.001716% or 1 in 13,986

they have also gone 0-7 in cup clinching games, which is 1 in 128

we live in a rare timeline.
also americans have won the CFL more recently, that one is crazy
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My Debbie’s (:
Which Canadian team should be relocated to Florida?
Jacksonville Jets
That math is out of date. sunbelt won 10 times now.
fucking gary thinks we are mathematically illiterate
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Are FAGS kek
>supporting a franchise that's on the right side of history is.... le bad!
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Thats right ya cock suckin faggot now run to your boyfriend
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European sports are so much more soulful because the teams don't exist solely to make money. No team would be kicked out for being part of a small market. Pic was a premier league stadium last season
lol why are you posting an unemployed racist boomer
>Visiting supporters only
Does that mean that fans of the away team can't go watch at the arena?
Lol this sport is made up of such fucking bitches and of course a Canadian would start talking about soccer. All you Canadians lost heart cause you can't win a Stanley Cup.
Fucking kek
Cause it made you laugh
>European sports are so much more soulful
>No retired numbers
>No banners to put up in rafters
>Semen slurping
>Does that mean that fans of the away team can't go watch at the arena?
Are you retarded or do you actually not know this?
Visiting and home fans have separate sections because otherwise people would fucking die. They put fences with barbwire between fan bases
calgary = call gary?
Retired numbers are stupid. It would be such a statement to take 99 or 66. The meme potential would be unmatched
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>people would fucking die.
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People killing each other over sport is the definition of soul. Burgers would never understand - zero passion.
Canadians are so broken by >1993 that they are resorting to becoming soccer fans
holy kek
Jesus christ you are insular. All sports in europe are like this. Have you ever watched european hockey?
Yeah, call him over here and stuff him in our broken pipe to fix the leak.
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I said STOP looking into the details goyim.
If you live in the northwest you probably don't have the worry about water. We have a separate pipe directly from to the bearspaw damn. rest of the city is fucked though
Why are the Yotes even still a story if it’s confirmed that the team has moved to Utah. What are they even talking about with all this shit about Mereulo or whatever
NW is the main character quadrant.
Hopes for the NHL draft in a couple days?
I HOPE you have a good day.
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>same team with the biggest payroll wins the league 5+ times in a row
>Small teams in the 5th division have louder fans than the winner of the champions league and panthers combined
"soul" is just a coping mechanism for boomers who can't deal with getting older
>teams celebrates a tie
how does that semen taste, retard?
>supporting a team based on results
>going to karaoke night while a bunch of dudes run around
lol fag
>sit in silence 90 percent of the time
>chose between 3 standard sterile chants all teams share:
>go team go/let's go team
>name of opposing goalie
>ref u suck
That's why you can't build around players raised in the GTA. If they played in the GTHL they should be in a supporting role.
You're right but don't expect much common sense in /hoc/
Problem just feels like nobody wants to live IN NY
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business idea
be an mvp on your team but purposefully play for a cheaper contract so you can help your team by giving them cap space

are there such players in the nhl?
This can't happen because the player's team which owns their contract won't let them go for under market value
jamie benn was the one who scored 4 points on the last game of the season to win the art ross from john tavares but john tavares was the one who ended up getting paid??
>No retired numbers
>No banners to put up in rafters

When our two biggest rivals visits they enter through their own entrance, are surrounded by security during the game and are escorted out by security after the game.

And we sure as fuck don't cheer for another team just because they're from the same county or city.
>McDavid will never ever have this
wait a second...
is the nhl rigged or something?
played some destiny and diablo today
>16.3 Million Viewers Watched Game 7 of the 2024 Stanley Cup Final Across North America

Way more than any NBA or MLB game this decade, Canada carries the league
This cannot be a real picture? Why would Roberto Luongo be on the Cup while none of the assistant coaches are?
Gary took notice when the Habs fluked their way to the finals. Expect Canadian teams to make the finals (and lose) more often from now on.
gary must be frothing at his mouth that canadians are such a bunch of gay losers that he doesn't get this every season
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Hey.. see the attached gif buddy
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This is the real reason why Gary decided the oilers should lose
AI Gary.
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Destiny was like a heroin addiction for me the day the beta came out. I was already a seasoned die hard Halo fag back in the Bungie days so this was the game for me.
>all raids completed the night of reset
>grinding endlessly for tier 12 gear
>grinding endlessly for the perfect grasp of malok (clever dragon or whatever made that redundant tho)
>lighthouse runs every time
>iron banner grinding every time
>solo entire raids
>mindless endless strikes
>farming fucking spinmetal and other various stupid shit in a zone for hours
>autistically manage my vault
>obtain multiples of the same exotics (old and new versions)
>used third party apps to inspect efficiency of drops (mainly for tier 12)
>playing 1000 fucking mayhem clash games a day
>mastered the NLB

It was so bad I had to quit outright around mid 2017. I miss it but it's not worth the waste of time, no video game is.
I bet I could probably fukken own you too in it, nothen personnel.

>pic unrelated
i'm not very good at it. play it with sergio my buddy of 20 years.
Gary didn't use the force to make McDavid miss an open net.
Thats what Tom Brady did with the Patriots. He is the pinnacle example of how much you can break an entire north american leagues parity structures if you choose to sacrifice money for team power and playoff success.
If I was still a dedicated vidya junkie id find a way to be Destiny bros with you and any other person here.
I will never understand the fun in playing a game the requires you to grind. I have buddies who've played WoW since it came out and still love it.
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Uhhhhhhh Florida sissies.... Was it hecceroni rigged for yah?!

I always thought that the name Florida Panthers was stupid considering that there was another NHL team in the state at the time when they came along
It always bothered me how some American teams are named after the state and others after the city they're in.
Raleigh Panthers
St. Paul Wild
Sunrise Panthers
Denver Avalanche
Salt Lake City Hockey Club
Newark Devils

I don't know, it feels like the Avs could represent their city, like the Nuggets and the Broncos, but the others, not so much
>Raleigh Panthers
*Raleigh Hurricanes
Raleigh Cock Eaters
They hated him for he spoke the truth
Alberta Flames
Alberta Oilers
British Columbia Canucks
California Sharks
California Kings
California Ducks
Colorado Avalanche
Massachusetts Bruins
Ontario Leafs
Quebec Habs
thinking game 8 is a must win for oilers
And then they got their faces smashed in by the teams that actually win. A carousel of jobbers for the aristocrats to toy with sounds boring, not to mention humiliating as fuck.
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Canadian teams should never draft an American out of the NCAA.
Good morning, /hoc/.

Weber was a good player, but not a 1st ballot HoFer.
he won everything for team canada, that might have been a huge factor
Now that Turgeon and Rooenick got in Bernie Nicholls is the most productive player not in the HoF
This was the most underwhelming HoF class in a long time, Datsyuk definitely deserved it but not sure about the others
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What a guy
He’s powerful
>Born to lose
So whats the deal with McDavid? Skates real fast and can dribble the puck around but is a bit of a mental midget?
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>dribble the puck
Yep. Notice how the Oilers only start performing when they have zero expectations? Start of the season when they were dead last in the league and nobody expected them to make the playoffs is when they went on a tear, then SCF they're down 3-0 and everyone expects them to lose, they once again pull off a miraculous comeback, but as soon as the series is tied and everyone expects them to complete the reverse sweep is when they once again disappear.
The guy from crazy town died :(
Good morning /hoc/
A canadian hockey league would be sustainable.
Did you guys hear that tod the rod McClellan is likely the next bluejackets coach?
Is it possible to have the webm of this?
the finnish nhl announcer started screaming like a tard again
The NHL is trying hard to appease leafs: Escorting soilers to the SCF, giving McFraud the Cope Smythe, electing Weber to the HoF, an all leaf division a few years ago... the list goes on.
Soilers D is shit, for years now.
your team is shit and run by a retard
>an all leaf division a few years ago
didn't watch a single regular season game that season
no fans and the same matchups over and over again...
imagine still watching this rigged league when europe has 20 kino leagues to watch
Yeah and there's a cute girl league too
I won't watch euro hockey until Jokerit is in a top league again
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I enjoy watching liiga in the morning
he got traded for a hall of famer
Das right
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Im eating oatmeal bros
He makes Luka Doncic look like a /strongmind/ genius
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based I had oatmeal with greek yogurt and berries this morning
whats with the goggles, they go skiing in the sand ?
who are any of these people
columbus is such an npc team baka
I don't think you ever played hockey before
>screaming like a tard
screaming for a russian whose mommy dropped him in finngoland

not bad
They're using VR to simulate celebrating the cup with fans in the arena
>Weber was a good player, but not a 1st ballot HoFer.
>he got traded for a hall of famer

i didnt know the hof had a porch
>They're using VR to simulate celebrating the cup with fans in the arena

youre not serious
the goggles get broadcasted?
roenick does not belong in the hhof
cupless loser who never won anything
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mirin' those arms. achievable natty?
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I have a feeling next time, its ours
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Good morning flames fans

Asalam Alaikum
Allah protect and guide the Flames
how long have you gone without showering?
So when are Canadians gonna show some actual evidence of rigging instead of painstakingly showing us their teams just suck
Since the pipe broke plus ~1 week
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now release the american network only numbers
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Brother how can you do salat?
Allah asks us to pray 5x a day
Praise allah and the flames
canada carrying the torch with 8.6 million viewers
where are the trades gary?
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Follow the smoke and stop believing the "story"
>+183% vs last year's scf
>HP sauce
Prairie dogging a big one. Do I let it out today or not?
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You'd be surprised what can still accomplished while smelling like swamp bottom.
Praise Allah
you can use it as an excuse to work remote
1) Not controversial, just putting boomer seetheleafs in their place.
2) Not at all a controversy
3) Not controversial
4) Petty
5) True. 10 years later everybody knew the piece of shit Babdick was.
6) He had a take, gave it, then ate crow. What is the controversy?
7) Kinda controversial, but he never broke any rules, and he stopped when he was told.
8) Controversy bc of the suspended license, not bc of NYS idiocy or his comments.
9) Really wasn't a big deal. He called himself ugly and her hot. Now, post-BLM/COVID delirium, he wouldn't have gotten in trouble for saying that.
10) Based
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In 2031, the Stanleyc Owl band containing the 1967 Loofs roster will be retired. How long do we have to wait until there are no Canadese teams on the owl at all?
Its simple math retard
Post cute panthers
Liberals are actually gonna get swept next election
US vs Canada finals always deliver
>anaheim vs ottawa
>tampa vs montreal
those finals were some of the biggest slupers
Imagine if it was Edmonton - New York Rangers
Not simple for me, don't be mean
>flames autist
lmao he's probably the one that broke the water main so he'd have an excuse to grow his body mushrooms
it's sunbelt hot here
Which NHL final matchup would get the most viewers?
Vancouver- Toronto?
stay strong pekka! here it's 29 celsius
he's a forklift operator
the end is nigh
Now that Florida won the Stanley Cup, can the NHL finally give them an outdoor game?
I said a thread or two before that Chicago vs Toronto would be the best possible matchup in both sides of the border
thank goodness
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Stop killing reindeer
what else will they put on their pizzas?
why should we care about your elections next year leaf?
Toronto needs some success very soon

Or else the Raptors will become more popular among the youth than the Leafs. Kids remember Raports winning a title.
maybe in a video game
irregardless if they win or not, what kid is going to chose a leaf over a raptor?
the way the NHL playoffs are currently structured completely screws over any team that doesn't win their division

Canada needs a win
less time saving pajeets and xi jinpingoids more at the rink
Why did they make the USA flag look so evil? The design has zero warmth.
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aren't vancouver and montreal quite big for cities that have nothing else than hockey?
what are the nba and mlb waiting for
I can see my old apt from that pic
What canada needs is to seethe less and stop being bad at the sport they created
that reminds me of how the Raptors got their name
>Initial sentiment was in favour of reviving the Huskies nickname, but team management realized it would be nearly impossible to design a logo that did not substantially resemble that of the Minnesota Timberwolves to avoid confusion with that team.
>As a result, a nationwide contest was held to help name the team and develop their colours and logo.
>Over 2,000 entries were narrowed down to eleven prospects: Beavers, Bobcats, Dragons, Grizzlies, Hogs, Raptors, Scorpions, T-Rex, Tarantulas, Terriers and Towers (the eventual runner-up).
>The final selection—Toronto Raptors—was unveiled on Canadian national television on May 15, 1994
>the choice was influenced by the popularity of the 1993 film adaption of the 1990 science fiction novel Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Basketball, football or hockey?

how much did you pay a month?
What america needs is to be less fat and black
>hongcouver, montreal, cuckmonton and calgary metro areas have high rises like an actual real city
>the highest pop amongst all of them is ~2.5 million chinese
lmao does canada really?
not even ozemic can save us :(
600 cad a month in downtown montreal for a few years. Good times
holy absolutely btfo'd.
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I envy you
2023 has to hurt the most
>loses to the Lightning for 2 straight years on different teams
>joins them
>loses in the next SCF
>than loses to the Leafs the next year
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Thanks Dom
Gary is on vacation Xhenya. He's resting in the Cayman Islands now. We have to watch highlights for 3 months :(
>Cayman Islands
what's he hiding there?
for me it's the Caywoman Islands
also checked
Think he has a lot more than just egg on his face
his gold
That's cool and all but when the Stars coach get fired again
head coaches are overrated

they just stand there and do nothing
Mid game coach interviews is an embarrassing concept
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he won
pretty much the antonio brown of hockey
NFL doesn't do them on camera, so one of the sideline reporter chicks just made them up for years. Yeah, he said they needed to execute better
they always look so bored
antonio brown is more like kane's wife, kane isn't schizo
Once again I', forced to ask cause no one answers my question, does Kane ever do anything other than stir shit up?
he's very busy being black, it's not easy you know
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shirt I bought in February just came in the mail
Does espn do it every game? I literally have never seen them on hockey night in canada. espn is so fucking cringe
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What do you guys what next seasons script to be?
Flames win with Wolf
I wonder this myself because every time I see this nigga he's always fighting or riling ppl up. maybe he's a new breed of goon where he is too softpussy to actually hit
Sad retirement situation
utah makes a miraculous playoff run
Seattle vs. Utah in the conference finals
He was playing hurt through the playoffs and like a kreider (not exactly the same kind of player but close-ish) he has never been consistent
He said he wasn’t retiring
I just can't fully 100% admire mcmemid because he sticks his neck out for shitheads like this
Is synthetic ice good enough for the NHL?
it wouldn't be so cringe if the coaches were just given a headset
interviews are shit in general
- Hey Connor what do you think about Ohio HC?
- Ah, I mean, we gotta still put more guys toward the net when we’re shootin’ it. Ah, we can still make those plays, but make sure you’re puttin’ the puck there, makin’ guys go towards the net
tonight? - buyout window opens
sometime this week - nhl schedule releases
friday june 28th - first round of nhl draft
saturday june 29th - rounds 2-7 of nhl draft
sunday june 30th - florida panthers stanley cup parade
sunday june 30th - buyout window closes
monday july 1st - nhl free agency begins
wednesday july 3rd - chl import draft
july 5th - player elected salary arbitration window closes
july 15th - team elected salary arbitration window closes
july 20th - arbitration hearings begin
july 26th - world junior summer showcase begins
throughout july & august - nhl prospect camps
august 5th - hlinka gretzky cup
august 15th - ncaa unsigned draft picks enter free agency
september 13thish - nhl prospect tournaments
september 22nd - nhl preseason games begin
october 4th - nhl regular season begins

all summer long - aihl games at night
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This one in China doesn't look very safe.
Pretty synthetic ice rink in Tennessee
Where is the ice?
>hoc is so devoid of any content that they'll talk about anything for 3 months
what a soulless and dead sport lmao
Leave then
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This injun from the Mohawk tribe of the Six Nations of the Grand River, Ontario is RHD and played 23 minutes a night on the cup-winning team. How much is your team paying him on July 1st?
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You skate on this surface. No real ice needed.
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>picture of McInvisible accepting the Conn Smythe trophy with Gary
Another Canadian team makes it to the finals the boost viewership but they once again lose to a sunbelt team. I want to say Stars win it but I don't see any Canadian team in the East making the finals
That will surely help.
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don't people's skates get stuck in the creases of the plastic squares??
someone should find a suitable photo of McBitch and shoop him in there... opposite the trophy...
>something that makes him look humble
No but the surfaces are really hard on blades.
They have skating treadmill machines that use the same shit. If you don't get a deep sharpening after a session, you won't be playing the next game.
april 17 2022
this, from the people that brought us Ginsu... pathetic... -_-
>no wait, Ginsu is American.. hot dogs, baseball, and apple pie American...

speaking of, what do you get cooking up for the 4th, Burgerlads???
>also, the 1st, Mapledudes
kraken makes a deep run
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Mornin /hoc/ are the Canadians still crying?
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Live each day like it's Russia Day
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>Arizona Coyotes owner Alex Meruelo has told his remaining executives that he is dissolving what’s left of the NHL franchise, a source with knowledge of the situation told Sportico Tuesday. The story was first reported by local sports site PHNX Sports.

>Meruelo told his staff Monday he will no longer pursue building a new arena to house the team in the Phoenix area, and that the franchise should be disbanded within a month. Meruelo will retain the minor league Roadrunners, who will now play their entire 30-game 2024-25 home schedule in Tucson, Ariz., before eventually moving to a new arena when it is completed in Reno, Nev.

>The decision came three days after the Arizona State Land Commission canceled an upcoming auction for a plot of land where Meruelo hoped to build a $3 billion arena and entertainment complex in anticipation of a reborn franchise in north Phoenix.

>The auction for 95 acres of north Phoenix land was scheduled for Thursday at the starting price of $68.5 million. In what was explained as a highly politicized process, the commission said it had determined that Meruelo must seek a Special Use Permit to build an arena on that property, which had already been zoned for such a purpose.
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kek that is so Canadian
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Flames have no bandwagoners at this point
>spent my days with a woman unkind, smoked my stuff and drank all my wine
>made up my mind to make a new start, going to Reno, Nevada with an aching in my heart
>someone told me there's a team out there, with love in their eyes and flowers in their hair
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is this the last we hear from him, /hoc/??
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these guys are the true mvps for staying loyal to that poverty franchise
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Grizzlies used to be in Vancouver and Montreal had the Expos
They didn't exactly do well
>also, the 1st, Mapledudes
I'll be shooting fireworks off for hours in 15 minute intervals in my backyard, then checking out my local sub/r/ to laugh at all the retards complaining about how traumatizing it is.
not a bad place to play for the NHL, frankly,
I mean, at least Miami Beach was nice the last time I visited
>I hear the weather's acting kind of weird recently
Who was the least hated NHL player of all time?
Rob Manfred ought to open teams in Montreal and Vancouver so the League can be 32 teams
>and Adam Silver's already planning to open a Seattle and Vegas team
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We’re just out here achieving total cultural victory
>not a bad place to play for the NHL
Would be my 2nd pick after SJ, with LA following.
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I think I could only ever play for my home town. I'd feel so wrong to play against them.
The parade is in Fort Lauderdale retard
you're pretty young if you think Phil Kessel didn't have haters
Who’s the autist who uses greentext incorrectly?
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Why are the Canadians upset again today.
Just like every day.
> i am the autist who uses greentext incorrectly
>there is a way to use green text correctly
conceptual thinking
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Name one thing to dislike about Phil Kessel. I'll wait.
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My re-tooling blues will go on a run and upset some teams, mainly Aves
Soccer is gay embellishment tier, and euros should direct their energy towards supernationalism.
Lanny mcdonald, nicest gentleman you'd ever meet
He had a good heart
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/hoc/ in the
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Why so cringy?
whoever won the most lady byng awards
Brands have been uppity in general
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>anaheim ducks, sponsored by Home Depot
Imagine being McGaykid
Isn’t he still under contract with Utah?
any oldfag here who remember 1993?
>Canucks and Sabres
>in the league since like 1970
>around for 30 years
>have had all of like 3 or 4 good seasons ever
>win a Cup
Yeah they traded it to Arizona last year
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>Walt driving
Good thinking from the boys, with his girth he could drink as much as everyone in the team combined and not get drunk enough for a DUI
No one wants to live in Buffalo or Vancouver
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you now remember Maxim Afinogenov
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Ah yes
vancouver is a bustilng metropolis



>New York Rangers


>New Jersey
I was here on 09/11/01. The front page of /b/ was craaaaaaazy
the stanley cup wasn't even aired on national us channels back them
>Game 1 of the 1995 Stanley Cup Finals was the first Finals game shown on network television since 1980 and the first in prime time since 1973
In Sweden we always get told by the media that Canada gets the most intelligent immigrants in the whole wide world. Like they get the smartest engineers of India, Pakistan, East Asia and the Arab world. Is this true?
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gary... trades por favor
No, we get uber drivers and day labourers. And the "best" doctors and engineers from the third world do not meet the standard for their western equivalent
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NHL guided community outreach programs; improved infrastructure, commercial development for job growth; make places like Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Buffalo, for example, actual places that players will enjoy living in
>Level the playing field for the team owners, as it were
no agua
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>Ain't got no trades
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We know what the governor did to you
Imagine getting 4 1st Rd picks, generational talent, top 3 player in league.
And still never winning anything.
Only in Edmonton... Where the residents wish they were from based Winnipeg..
I seriously hope no one who remembers 1993 is posting in /hoc/ lmaooooo.
Yep we got fucking robbed of an all time classic all Canadian final and everybody knew the new commissioner was to blame
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Yes, they will get a flying start just like Colorado did in 95/96
Does Utah have a Roy?
I don't think so
i remember :'(
thats ok
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They'll have Reinhart
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The year of our Lord and savior, ninteen hundred and ninety three.
Maybe on planet retard
Lomberg got naked so fast just to show off his body to the cameras lmao
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I'm glad >we are getting rid of the ugly webbed foot. At first I thought the orange pants were a bit much but black would have been too similar to the Flyers.
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Close but no cigar Connor
Frank Boucher from the rags won 7
Gretzky won 5
Reminder your name really isn't engraved forever unless you're one of the guys on the top of the cup

Well given that's 26 years after the laffs cup and there are 13 teams per band, I would guess it'd another 26-39 years from 2031 depending on which band the 93 Habs are on. So by 2070 latest.
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Marty McSorley got caught using an illegal stick. The motivational speaker Tony Robbins never recovered from this. My Habs are still undefeated since 1993.
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the bad guys won that series
am i the only one that likes the webbed foot logo
i don't get why people hate it
wow I didn't know #mindblown
NHL is poor and has no money
I don't like it because the colours suck and it isn't endearing like the other logo
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Just like our bud
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Whose Stanley Cup window has closed?
Who has it wide open?

I think that it's effing over for the jerks
they really stuck with them through thick and thin
Wtf ive always thought it was depicting a fast moving puck
I miss him so much
Leafs last season now.
Bolts is done
Caps done obviously
Bruins are done
kitties signed him dirt cheap before everyone realized how good he was too
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Anyone who had cancer was impossible to hate
Lemiux, Kessel, Koivu
I wasn't even alive then
I think that it's mostly people who remember the time before the logo change that hate it
/hoc/ is a 30+ boomer general pekka
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Where will Elias Lindholm end up?
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The 2002 Red Wings now have 10 Hall of Famers on their roster
If U ain't wearing at least XL, U ain't /hoc/
It'll come
I bet Forsling ends up a Norris finalist on new contract. People don't know his offensive capabilities bc he's always been deployed in a very defensive role and gets zero PP time. But with Montour fucking off and OEL possibly leaving, I could easily see Forsling hitting 15 goals and 60 points.

I worked with this girl once for a short while almost a decade ago. One of my coworker buddies at the time banged her. She posted her tits on tumblr once.
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There are 30 y/o boomers born after 1993, that's how long it has been
what causes women to use their dogs like that?
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Thank you for the webm
>Closed this season
Calgary, Colorado, Pittsburgh, Winnipeg
>Wide open
Florida, Vegas

Then you have teams like the Rangers, Lightning, and Oilers whose windows are closing.
Damn I guess copey is projecting
holy fucking based do you mind if I save this Flames gif


>roadrunners do a campaign about how they're keeping hockey in arizona
>moving to nevada
czechia's divegrass team has a chytil and a krejci
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go for it :)
Allahu Akbar brother
good goal it was in
Don't see any Kanadian teams winning the cup in next 5 years
Flames are close
canadian teams don't win cups ya dipshit change your vpn back
their numbers will be retired
Tampa, Boston, Colorado, Rangers, Oilers, Vegas
Dallas, Florida
The panthers retired a number for both their owners and a goalie that spent his prime years on a different team they'll probably retire 5 or 6 numbers from this team
Flames are America's Team newfag
Ekblad was handed a $7.5m x 8y contract after two seasons of pro play. For context, in 2017, that was 10% of the salary cap, and Victor Hedman signed on the same day for $7.8m AAV.
At least Barkov
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all these new fanatics jerseys are starting to pop up and KEK even the ones they're showcasing are fucked up
Bulju would fit nicely on that second line
Barkov yes, Ekblad no. His inability to grow into a legitimate 1D was a huge part of why the team was mediocre from 2017-21. During the course of his contract, he was passed on the depth chart by Weegar, Forsling, and Montour.
We're Oilers on the moon
We carry a harpoon
But there ain't no cups
So we do makeups
And sing our oiling tune
I should buy an adidas jersey this summer
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so this is the power of russian fungineering
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Ekblad will be 100% retired if he stays with the Pantturas
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I have a PhD in chemical engineering
Go Leafs
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Barkov's number will be retired.
Bobrovsky's number will be retired if he's the starter during a second SCF victory.
Ekblad's number will be retired if he signs an 8-year extension and plays it out as a top pair dman for Florida.

Nobody else is close. Tkchuk and Forsling will need to put up big stats and win two more cups to be under consideration.
I remember that era of abercrombie and fitch. I still miss cocaine skinny women
I have a theoretical degree in physics
can you make meth?
No just wood pulp
I have a degree in Economics and I'm considering getting an MBA
Smarter than (you)
I don’t think that many teams have retired multiple goalie numbers
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wtf someone call gary now quick and give him the link to this video!! we need to replay the series!!
Only get an MBA if your company is paying for it and you have plenty of time to network before/after class in the evenings.
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
>Five years of Swaggy on the 1st line for $2M x 2 and $4.17M x 3
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which year's hoc meetup is this pic from?
Every team has unique criteria for retiring numbers, and the Panthers have a particularly arbitrary one.
how does gravity work?
magnets and salty coin milk
thanks for the advice. my parents would pay for it and I could do it full-time. the major question is whether I can get into one of the 14 decent ones
talmudic tricks
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Are you enjoying our off-season adventure, /hoc/?
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or the side view of a corridor from Alien
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if mcdavid couldn't score from that then neither can hoc!!
he is the best player in the world after all according to espn
>Tampa, Boston, Colorado, Rangers, Oilers, Vegas
Tampa's is closing, but it's not closed. They still have an elite 1C, and elite 1D, an elite goalie, the best winger in the league, and a deep blueline. They just need to retool the scoring depth, which is one of the easiest things for GMs to do.
Boston is in a weird phase where they're competitive but are waiting for a 1C to fall into their laps for their window to actually be open.
Rangers are closing but not closed.
Oilers still have one year left.
Vegas' window is wide open right now.
Damn these are cheap looking
Are they Made in USA?
True, I get imposter syndrome cheering for them as a leaf
I thought the T14 was law schools
you're valid
you're cute
You. Are. Welcome. Here.
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Guess where they're made
cope, bulju would have scored
oh I'm no queer
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Bros 9/11...
9-11 was a national tragedy
Devils should be a contender in year or 2
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this third-world nation, that's who...
Where are the side deals Ron? It's going to be year 4. I need my fucking kraken side deals.
canadians been awful quiet on /hoc/ lately
oh no I'm queer
still remember learning about that happening as a kid
at first I thought that they were showing some capeshit movie on the tv but it was a documentary about some shit that actually occurred
Just like my islanders
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9/11 was based because the US got to kill lots of sand people right afterwards
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whens the next hockey game?
not until you post cute rice
Ya'll niggas need Jesus.
This is a Christian board newfag
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>wins the cup
Barkov got a taste of ebonic beauty and immediately won the cup
also semi-naked
>boobs, japan
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Never, hockey is being outlawed this offseason
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This is my best one that isn't kpop and won't get me banned
I know you leafs are all special needs.
But the Stanley Cup just ended.
I was 7 at the time. I don't remember anyone giving a shit
okay then
next hokki game is not until Oct 4
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>everyone hate watched the panthers wanting to see them lose and Bettman will most likely think it's because the Oilers were in the Finals
Based honestly
Oilers will get help making it back next year
the hockey capital of the world hasn't even been to the finals since 1967
can't think of a more iconic drought in the 4 major sports leagues
this would break /sp/
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photoshopping women's asses should be illegal
photoshop should just be illegal entirely along with """AI"""
Everything should be illegal.
just got a strawberry and cream dr pepper for the first time what did I think of it
In the NFL the Lions have a pretty fucking grim history but they might change that in the near future. They've been around since 1930 and have never even played in the Owl.
thats illegal
You loved it
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>the nation of Portugal
I gotta say I found it to be pretty terrific
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Im in the shit thread. Im in the thread for retards. Im in the combination shit threads for retards
Got some new work clothes but can't fit my fat ass in them
Go leafs
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don't reply to him retard
kys raped bitch
how do you buy new clothes that dont fit? are you also retarded?
April 17 2022
June 11th, 2024
oh wasn't that just the day before Russia Day this year?
I was 1
Kinda funny how the raped bitch likes Ronaldo, a rapist
i was 2
Ordered them online with same size as before
I am autistic
didn't even know about that, cleveland seems like a bigger laughing stock
>draft 2 days from now
My Blue Jackets becoming relevant in T minus 48 hours..........
not to be a dick but
>ordering clothes without trying them on
kinda get what you deserve
June 26th, 2024
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>not to be a dick but
Kill yourself tbg
Technically the original Browns franchise is now the Ravens and they've had some success while the current Browns aren't that old, but yes Cleveland NFL history is awful as well.
Yep it was pretty warm that day too
what went so wrong with them?
They weren't trying hard yet
This year they start ramping up their roster until they win the cup on their organization's 20th anniversary in 2027

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