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*rigs it...AGAIN
rules are rules
rules are also rules when it comes to literally full stopping during penalty runups
Gerssi Germattini
It isn't even Germany's fault. The game was rigged from the start.
Can't win fairly at anything, truly related to anglos
>rules are rules

Yeah, apparently not for you:
>1)1954 World Cup - Hungary's team captain Ferenc Puskás, considered by many as the best player in the world in that time, was injured by German defender Werner Liebrich, Germany wins WC. 1 week earlier, Hungary had beaten Germany 8-3 and a doping scandal ensued after half the German team developed jaundice.

>2)1966 - England and Germany collaborately rig the word cup so they eliminate opposing teams using a ref fixing scheme. German Ref Rudolf Kreitlein officiated in the England vs Argentina QF, and English ref Jim Finney officiated in the Germany vs Uruguay QF. Both European sides were severe underdogs. In the Germany vs Uruguay game, the referee (who was Jim Finney, from England) had not recognised a handball by Schnellinger on the goal line and then had sent off two players from Uruguay: Horacio Troche and Héctor Silva. Germany later met England in the World Cup Final.

>3) 1970 - German's food poison English goalkeeper Gordon Banks. Germany ends up beating England in extra time.

>4) 1974 - Carlos Caszely of Chile became the first player in world cup history to be sent off with a red card in a group match against West Germany.
>5) 1974 - Bernd Hölzenbein of West Germany dives for a penalty after being down against Holland. Germany wins WC. Joao Havelange, who was FIFA President from 1974 until 1999 later states the world cup was rigged for Germany (host) to win
>6) 1982 - West Germany scored through a goal by Horst Hrubesch again Austria, seeing both teams to qualify for the next stage. West Germany aimlessly kicks the ball around for the next 80 minutes while the Spanish crowd yells "Fuera! Fuera!" ("Out!"). One German fan was so upset by his team's display that he burned his German flag in disgust. FIFA introduced a revised qualification system at subsequent World Cups in which the final two games in each group were played simultaneously due to the German's disgusting faggotry.

>7) 1982 - German keeper Harald Schumacher decapitates French player Patrick Battiston to prevent him from scoring. Battiston was knocked inconscious, suffered a fractured vertebrae,a broken jaw, and lost 2 teeth. The ref doesn't even award Schumacher a yellow card. Germany ends up beating France in penalties

>8) 1986 - West Germany and Mexico draw 0–0 after extra time after 2 Mexico goals are disallwed. Germany wins in penalties.

>9) 1990 - Germany player Rudi Völler taunts Holland's best player Frank Rijkaard to cause an altercation and get Rijkaard ejected from the game. Germany beats Holland.

>10) 1990 - Germany dives untouched vs Czechoslovakia in the semi-final, the penalty secured a 1-0 win.
>11) 1990 - Germany again dives for a 1-0 win against Argentina in minute 85. Argentina saw Roberto Sensini and Pedro Monzon with red cards during the match in what was deemed the worst final in history.

>12) 1994 - Germany dives against Bulgaria to salvage a quarterinal defeat with a penalty but Bulgaria holds on to see the Germans off 2-1
>13) 2002 - German handball not called against them in a quarterfinal match against USA, that could've allowed the Americans to equalize the game. Germany ends up winning 1-0.

>14) 2006 - German player Miroslav Klose shatters Argentine Goalkeeper Roberto Abbondanzieri's ribs. Abbondanzieri is carted off. Germany scores on backup keeper Leonardo Franco to draw 1-1 and proceeds to win in penalties.

>15) 2010 - Germany cheats against England, disallowing a clear goal from Frank Lampard which would've leveled the score and changed the momentum of the game. Alas the goal is not recognized and Germany proceeds to beat England on counterattacks 4-1.
>16) 2014 - Argentine Forward Gonzalo Higuain is violently kneed in the chin, an impact that can kill a person and is prohibited in UFC/MMA [the guy is usually knocked out cold and the fight is stopped]. German goalkeeper Manuel Neuer does not receive a warning or card. Germany wins in Extra time. Lothar Matthäus on the 2014 world cup: "In 2014, Argentina should have won the final. The referee should have given them the penalty committed by Neuer. We were lucky..."

>17) 2018 - Sweden were denied a penalty as Swedish forward Marcus Berg streaked into the Germany penalty area. Goalkeeper Manuel Neuer charged at him, but just as Berg was about to strike the ball, Boateng clattered into his side and affected his shot. Neither the ref nor VAR checked the play and Germany won the game through a last minute free kick by Toni Kroos. Justice is served though as South Korea beat them 2-0, and for the first time since 1938 the world does not have to deal with cheating faggots in the latter stages of this once proud tournament.

honestly fuck soccer. fucking retarded that the PK is awarded for balls brushijng up against a guys fingers like that. give me a fucking break. PKs are so disproportionately advantageous for many small infractions its a HUGE flaw in the game

shoud only be awarded when a player is tripped on a breakaway or something.

then the offside. the guy was one milimeter offside.

fuck this stupid fuckin sport. its actually a joke. then the ref's just butchering hacking away at games. fuck this. this game should enrage people and bring about a committee to investigagte/figure out how they can change the rules becausse this is honestly beyond fucked
Based Bulgar, fuck Germany
riggi germitini
What a nerd lmao
That explains why they can't leave the world cup group stage with VAR now. Not shocking that they're doing well for once as hosts
A fat paragraph will be added to the list after this Euro
My knees are kneeling with the weight of these historical truths
Based autist.

They're even worse than the Italians, completely dishonourable
you people are comlpetley off the rocker
Fuck Germany
Truth is hard pill to swallow, Hans.
We don't respect riggers

Uuhhmmmm... Riggschland xisters?...
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alright, i hate germany now

fuck this faggot cucks
How will Riggschland ever recover?
VAR would have stopped that

Riggedland sisters how do we respond
What is happening?
There is no free (legal) stream here in Denmark
Riggland riggland über alles
cucks refballing you
people cry about VAR. saying its rigging the game
By beating Denmark 2-0 and advancing.
we hate germany here
I hate germans so much

naturally, you tried to conquer us for 800 years straight and all you got was your own country full of niggers
imagine being not this cunning
>say france is filled with sunglasses salesmen
>own cities have official signs and streetnames in german and türk
The worst part is this list is incomplete.
its also mostly horseshit
for example an argentinian almost murdered Christoph Kramer in the final, but you never mention that
you people are just obsessed
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good thing VAR is a thing now so that stuff like this won't happen again :)
Oh speaking of that final
uhh yeah I'm thinking based
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I'm so close now... just a bit more seethe.... uhhhhh
I was seething mad when our goal was disallowed in the first half but the era penal and these seethe threads have put a bigger smile on my face than the goal would have done :)
Hope Spain smash you
Germany are going to win nothing.
Cheats never prosper.
bro got the RECEIPTS
be quiet you irrelevant country
very impressive, denmark. you made us use our special technique in the first round. i thought we could keep varrigg secret until the georgia match.

Fucking Based
Kek maybe try harder next time
look at the top of his cope HAHAHAHAHA
We won. Again.
if lewa's pen was not full stop, KHVertZ wasn't as well. Simple as
Our nogs are going to rape your teenagers
Just like WW2. Both do the same thing, but the Italians are utterly incompetent. Germany is efficient.
holy truthseeker. BASED
so why did they cancel the first Germany goal?
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Based. What a bunch of filthy riggers
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webm related was disallowed because the danish fag ran into kimmich, it was rigged for denmark if anything
These are the people that have the nerve to call us riggers.
and what the fuck are you gonna do about it huh?
am gonna fuck your women
Where's the second asterisk, Turk?
You're gonna drown in the Mediterranean is what you're gonna do, Maghrebistani.
you guys are delusional if you think a bong ref would rig it for us
what a waste
dresden wasn't enough
I don't get it. What decision was rigged? The only decision rigged today was disallowing our goal. Rigged against us I guess?
Clear handball, barely offsiode but offside is offside. Your problem is with the rules.
Checked + Based
impressive, very nice .. let's see italy's record.
>every call is correct
>but the team i dont like won so RIGGED
i fucking kneel
Heh. I'll get the sept, too, and all you'll do in response is seethe impotently.
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kraut lies exposed again
Now do one for the Argentina NT and Argentine clubs in the Libertadores.
It will be longer than the Bible.
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abslotuely obsessed
Last time Germany was rekt this hard it was split in two
lol we just wont the game
/elite/ bros we've found our newest member
another on that never wins anything?
Holy autism, I kneel!
thats not autism, its just a nonsensical copypasta
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We tried to warn you.
that bulgarian gypsi is maaaaaad bruh :DDd
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can someone count the british flags in this thread
how much have 60 years of hurt ravaged them?
2 Wars
even your women look stupid, btw
Fuck germs
someone really needs to take the time refuting this horseshit
retards are easily falling for it
shut the fuck up rigging cheating subhumans
Guatemala greatest ally
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well its not cheating
its clear offside
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jesus chrst, hans, how are you still angrily replying to this thread and not just celebrating your "well-earned" victory?
if it wasnt cheating, then you shouldnt care, you should be drunk and balls-deep in some barmaid by now
it wasnt cheating and Im here defending our honour
because this board is full of idiots like you
what are these mickey mouse trophies for?
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>"Hello? I'd like to report an escaped schizo."
whos he calling, the guy with all the titles?
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>English ref crew
>rigging it for Germany
Bait used to be believable
no, the school closest to you
rigger bros???
Jesus Christ. Germs may have recovered from Dresden, but there's no coming back from this.
is that english attempt at humour ?
what is that even supposed to mean?
Do you know that without VAR, Germany would win a game easily - 4:1? It is quite humiliation for Denmark.
>thread #827 of some shithole country crying about the official rules being enacted on a tournament worth billions with players that earn millions in a year
What a shame
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is funny because our goal in 3rd minute didnt count bc of rules. they only cry because germany won
a list of copes written by losers
>10) 1990 - Germany dives untouched vs Czechoslovakia in the semi-final, the penalty secured a 1-0 win

They beat bongland at the semi, at least fix your copypasta
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imagine staying up all night responding to 4chan shitposting
Please tell me how Germany cheated in this game
The denmark's player touched the ball with his hand inside the penality zone. Thats a rule that the overpaid professional player should know about. And he broke that rule.
pretty lame list desu
Geman sisters?
I kneel before the football history autist
go fuck yourself
>the turd rigsch
honestly the refs were faggots but they were right
it was offside, I wouldn't have called it since it was so close but it is what it is.
All construed. Like when you tell the police tonight that your clumsy wife walked into your fist...
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Thankfully she's not a disgusting pig-ugly English cow, so I don't have to smash her face in.

Also, I'm emigrating to your country next year.
did we ever get a proper replay of this shit?
I thought you lads call yourself ex-pats when you live outside of Bongland
Fucking based. The G*rmans were always and will always be a menace to Europe.
we are Europe, youre irrelevant
It is rigged the most in favor of germany, because Germany is forbidden any form of nationalism. Football is the approved outlet for them.

Germany was never good at the sport, but they needed this fake-nationalism, so everyone just plays pretend for them.
>Germany was never good at the sport
you people are completely losing it
I cant even tell anymore if youre joking
>gets kicked out of group stage by Japan
>gets kicked out of group stage by South Korea next
>has to rig against Denmark
go back to your shithole, I can smell your subhuman presence from here
Explain which part exactly was rigged
>Muh offside toe
Offside is offside, read the rules
>Muh handball
Extended means handball, read the rules
>Muh penalty runup
Stuttering runups are allowed, READ THE FUCKING RULES
this is the seethe after first round?

You "people" will be so furious when we win this whole thing kek
yes, and it shows kimmich clearly moving into the line of the defender to body check him, which is a clear violation of the rules and a free kick to denmark
ok, rigger

Why dont you fill your team with drugs again and make them all sick by accident? That one was funny.
There's no VAR to save you from facts of reality here, Hans von Öztürk.
that doesnt change that youre squatting on our land, you monkey
>Offside is offside, read the rules
How do i know that the CGI render was correct and that it wasnt in its margin of error?
Can i have a picture of the situation or is a PS1 game graphic all i have here?
what reality?
youre still suckign yourself off because we underestimated you in 1992
You can cross reference it with the literal gigabytes of available video footage from all possible angles.
nice, can i have it?
Implying there's any German (((we))) left after Merkel, lmao.
And Denmark has more cups than England
you think I dont know, youre an english monkey?
>Imagine stealing a victory last night and still being this buttblasted
imagine another tournament withour a title and assblasting the same thread for hours because you know whats coming
this is how you all end
The only thing your shit heap of a nation ever accomplished was because lf cheating you clown.
this is how i look like
It will be much much shorter than the one for Riggermany.
You are free to do it.
The truth is a hard pill to swollow.
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two sides of England
I don't think it was rigged for Germany. The rules are just shit. When was the offside rule written? In the 1930s? Earlier? It was never meant to be robotically followed to the letter, it was meant to give the referees the power to referee matches fairly.
yeah, because Germany reached 12 semifinals and 8 finals
and thats just the world cup
were so far above you monkeys that this is the only way for you to cope
ok, rigger
Based anon understanding it's the rules that are shit
I agree btw that handball was a bullshit reason for a penalty. Will I say "noo please retract the goal"? Obviously not, but I still feel sorry for danebros

With the offside I'm actually kinda torn, because it's impossible to find a "line" that makes everybody happy, there will always be a subset of people seething during close calls
I mean England only reached one final and they won it with a non-goal
theyre just not relevant enough to have a longer list
god, i remember that German subhuman jumping with his knee straight and targeted into the face of the Argentinian and not getting a penalty for it
it's an old pasta you fucking newnigger
Genghis with its delusions usual
keep seething you monkey
the argies murdered Christoph Kramer far worse than this
I bet you believe we poisoned Gordon Banks
of course its nonsensical
>Cheats never prosper.
Does that mean that you are a cheater because the scots never won anything?
Yeah, I don't think the handball was fair either. You would have still probably won the game, I'm not in denial of that, but for a brief time when both teams were making attempts it was exciting.
Personally I think we should kick it back to the referees. Maybe follow the original purpose of VAR which was to spot big mistakes only, not micromanage the game. Maybe it's to allow the referees to decide whether or not it was to the advantage of the attacking team when it comes to offsides. Or the defending team when it comes to handball, etc. The amount of goals canceled this tournament is ridiculous. Good luck further in the tournament, Germanbro
ok, rigger

You country is fake and still occupied and the only form of nationalism you are allowed is to cheer for nigger playing ball.
And even that one has to be rigged for you.
It doesn't even include most of your 1974 controversies, like match on the water (with """fixed""" pitch) or making up a bullshit story about dutch players cheating on their wives one day before the final to ruin their preparations. Keep seething Genghis Boris
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get off your VPN, english monkey
you will never win another title
>germany rigged the rain in 1974
>the dutch partying before the final is our fault as well
yes a good addition to the nonsensical list, seething pollack
>rigged the rain
you rigged the pitch the day before the game so that it became a fucking mess the second it started raining, later receiving a dodgy pen for one of your mongoloids slipping in the mud
>the dutch partying
literally made up by your media, why are you asiatics such liars?
I think it’s based that a host nation gets the marginal calls, it’s sovl. This stuff should be encouraged it makes it more interesting
man did one of Adolfs boys shit on your Grandma with Grandpa watching. Enjoying your hate though

FPBP. Obviously third worlders believe that rules are rigging.

You know what's rigging? It's rigging when you buy the referee to prematurely call a regular goal against Real Madrid offside so there can be no VAR check. That's rigging.
they stole two (2) goals from us
it should be 4 - 0 for us
There is very little dynamics in the situation since Höwedes isn't running. It's stupid and deserving of a yellow card... which is, what he got.
A red wouldn't be a wrong call though
That's all you got? Kinda disappointed ngl
I kinda get why a lot of the europosters on this board are starting to get over soccer, at least until VAR is sorted. I’m a casual so I don’t get emotionally invested but I’m in shock when I watch soccer a lot of the times, the rules and application of the rules seem to change on a match by match basis
Also true
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You do know that >your people identified as German until 1945 right?
>>15) 2010 - Germany cheats against England, disallowing a clear goal from Frank Lampard which would've leveled the score and changed the momentum of the game. Alas the goal is not recognized and Germany proceeds to beat England on counterattacks 4-1.
This was so fucking kino. Poetic justice for Wembley.
Knees to the face are the epitome of soul. There's a reason Maradonas handball is the best goal in world cup history. Whiny bitch faggots would never appreciate it.
Jews won.
The only "nationalism" that Germans are capable of feeling nowadays is the one towards niggers running after a ball.
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Fun fact:

>After Harry Kane was asked to keep his mouth closed during multiple attempts to get this picture right during an M&S photoshoot, Harry Kane fainted and had to take the rest of the afternoon off. He scored a penalty in his next game. Pure class.
The young version of Southgate was a cute twink.
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take your meds
not the least surprised about that
Haha fggt
How does it feel to know your soul will burn in hell?
It's okay Franz you're allowed to write out your insults here
Bo time sorry bro
Gonna have a NICE breakfast, drink some fresh english tears and watchour highlights from last night
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>Bo time sorry bro
uhh what?

Enjoy your Frühstück
I believe she meant to say "No time".
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Anyone gonna answer to this? ANYONE? Hello im waaaaating
they couldn't cope.
Their silence is DEAFENING
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бaзиpaн мeгa ayтиcт
thirdogs seething about Germany? yep it's a normal day.
he got to the ball first
argies got cucked
Swing and a miss, try again.

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