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Carina edition

2-0 Deutschland
zweite Danmark
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bundesmusiala did it bros
waiting for the Sane goal edition
literally all Schlotterbeck
>didn't even qualify for Wimbledon
Verlierer ins gas
I liebe you, don't be too annoying during Wimby :)
but she has cute titties
look who's beck!
proper new?
>ronny meltdown
this is it
>better wait until he is offside before I make the pass
Okay Hun :)
Shit league
we know
lets see if türkiye can take advantage of the home-game advantage too
ehm passives abseits????? hallo????
Who makes the Leroy United General?
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fucking ez
my boy Fwirtzzzz
that was nice, even if it was offside
She looks like shit
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still undefeated btw
>proper thread deleted
jt won
post face
I'm not brown. What are you on about?
rigged, like the kicker manager tb desu
what do you mean this is the proper thread
Yeah don't bench Wirtz again Nagelsmann you dumb homo.
What's wrong with you yards
Schotterbeck was great and only had one mistake lol
Admittedly a retard mistake but he won't make one like that again
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get shafted by the schaft danes
Germany won. Vielfalt won. Ronny lost.
new proper new?
ez win ez life

got deleted because jt got assmad
Did Sahne play?
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jesus. hope she has the same mindset as Henrichs mom
based var. Imagine the seething if there weren't a technological solution to a emotional being problem
Schmeichel is steaming on commentary
what is he saying?
Rigged game and he is right
we're still waiting for the Sane goal, Turkfaggot.
> >german MOTMs so far
Sane isn't a cockroach, schizo
i like her songs okie?
There's no way they can just tell someone is offsides, VAR has too much power it wasnt a handball, this goes against the game, I'll always believe Denmark won
>decided by: Cucky McCuckface
Raum won us this game
Also I should say I'm talking about Peter, not Casper. Don't know what Casper thinks
that why I double arrowed mongo
>VAR has too much power it wasnt a handball
I can understand being emotional right now about the offside situation, but how was it not a handball
unless he is trying to say it never should have happened because the should have allowed the goal
bazılarınızın ciddi yardıma ihtiyacı var KEK

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Why is one so good in front of goal and one so bad?
>schlotterbeck 2 days ago: I give no interviews till after the final
>schlotterbeck interviews and pressekonferenzen since then: 2

he fucking cute
Should Schl00terquack play again? Yes.
Why is Havertz allowed to completely stop his movement at the penalty kick?

I thought that's against the rules.
who dis?
Muttimuschvilli will have to break Yamal's legs otherwise we're in trouble
damn they are MAD
>>142194359 and following
It's ok baby, one day Sahne will score again. I heard Kiel will be in the league next season, that might kickstart his career...heh.
leipzig, bist du bereit???????
its över
>lost $80 because English refereeing is shit
Ugh I'll have to work for one whole hour to earn that back
every single call was correct though
>Verification not required.
>open window after the match to get some fresh air
>over 200 insects behind the Fliegengitter hiding from the storm
scary shit
He made a good game tho
ach man ronnybros…. this is starting to look grim wtf
Tah out - Schlotterbag in?
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I feel kinda robbed. Also it's still 28°C outside
Mueller and H*vertz
cant blame the gewitter desu
Warum ist Raum so ein möchtegern Knasti?
This fag is wearing an earrring

Just look at how much power Allah gives to Rüdiger. I hope he can enlighten his teammates.
I don't know which one is the easier from spain and georgia desu
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who is this itt?
not the only thing you lost today
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tag yourself
>Open the catalog
>Schizo-leftie is making arrogant threads again
>He is also shitting on Kroos
5 bucks says he also hates Fülle and every other white player except Wirtz.
>Mit dieser Instagram-Story hat die Freundin von Maximilian Mittelstädt über Dortmund gelästert, inzwischen hat sie die Story gelöscht

>„Hey Leute, weil paar Leute meine Story falsch verstanden haben: Es war am Hbf sehr chaotisch und ich war etwas überfordert. Normal eben während einer EM. Also nichts Schlimmes und nicht böse gemeint irgendeiner Stadt gegenüber. Hab hier auch einige von Euch getroffen und eine gute Zeit gehabt, also werde ich gerne wiederkommen.“
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What else did I lost? Don't say dignity I lost that a long long time ago
I'm Joachim (49) bottom row middle, lifelong SPD voter
I love the smell of rain & greens combo. Danke Unwetter Gott
Kroos was shit tonight tho
mad ossi detected
finally a smug face
1 döner mit scharf aber zackig
>Autokorsos um Mitternacht in meinem 15000 Menschen Kaff während es heftig regnet mitten im Sommer wo es es vor ein paar Stunden noch gefühlt 37 Grad war
Was ist los hier Leute?

best I can do is Pierogi though
>Anschluß wiederherstellen

Nagermann is coming for the Ösis
last big continental tournament on the european continent. next up ANOs united and sandcastle people
Has she neck tattoos?
Women are so stupid it's unreal
Bruder bissel regen ihr Scheiß nuttenkinder uhh muh Klimawandel
Bissel regen oh no was sollen wir nur tun
Link to vid? Anybody saved?
Unironisch commie demoralization
This is news in Germany??
Are we, dare I say it, back?
It's the opposite of "Bissel", Neger. It's just like the shit in Dortmund at it's peak when those two Denmark twinks were celebrating getting bukkake'd
coward slut. literally everyone knows what a shithole Dortmund is. why is she backpaddling
Dänemark team was not very good, no attacking threat and søylund is legit a horrible attacker. I predict Spain beats yous guys by 2 goals but best would be Germany making the final and losing to turkei oder ösiland
>t would never say such a thing irl and is just edgy on teh interwebz
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>he doesn't knows
>t. Kids who have never been outside
Ahahahaha retards fucking kys
Nur der BVB
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I was worried when I heard that Sane was going to start. Luckily he wasn't on the field today.
they are manchildren living in a fantasy world. so when a nigger stabs their friends they just bluescreen and pretend it didn't happen.
doofmund has 600k inhabitants
>(opponent today that lost) wasn't very good
>(opponent you will play next) will easily defeat you

AHAHAHA always the same coping
>Unwetter has gotten significantally worse than in Dortmund on TV earlier
should I pull all plugs? I have a feeling this could kill my (really expensive) electronics
nah the reality will hit hard soon and when you make >that post, 0ll make sure to (you) you
When I'm still first platz after this ründe?
I was promised two goals by the useless nigger Sanee, what went wrong?
Cuckanon when is the apology/suicide stream?
you're getting close
if you have expensive electronics, get good überspannungssteckdosenleisten or alternatively turn off your expesive electronics during the weather while watching via phone or something
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God I wish I lived in Dortmund
well? I don't want to miss it.
>two goals
please show the post for reference
Thanks friend I'll just go to bed now and turn everything off, the thundersturm sounds are unreal
very polite and considerate from the Danes to let us advance this easy
goal was offside
hand was ball
simple as
where you at? guna btw
offside decisions are not being made by var you brainlet
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he doubled down on it too
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>if the offside call is so close, can we even trust the tech to measure the time of when the pass is played that accurately

okay, I understand the point, but what are we supposed to do then? have a 5cm of leeway for the attacker? then they will complain when its offside by 5.2cm
either you use the damn VAR or not.
>ein mann auf dem stadiondach
>have a 5cm of leeway for the attacker?
yes and your follow up argument makes no sense. when you break the speed limit you also get a generous tolerance and nobody complains when they're caught outside of the tolerance.
ok aber der torschütze war halt auch KLAR im abseits, erst passiv dann aktiv. warum redet darüber keiner?
>another gewitterzelle arrives
I actually like it desu
Breaking the speed limit is only between two parties. People would complain if breaking it meant their neighbour got their car gifted to them.
>EM Einzelkritik: Schlotterbeck, Raum und Andrich die Besten – Kroos ohne Glanz
>can we even trust the tech to measure the time of when the pass is played that accurately
if your not in tech, you are maybe allowed to ask this without repercussions.
>nothing happening in b00n
it's so fucking schwül
>Kroos ohne Glanz
inb4 the seething ossi
tbf I bet there are thousands of german Asis there, and it wasnt pointed directly at Rauchmelders. I think she just had to apologize so that arbeitslose bvb retards wont get mad at her and Mttelstädt.
>nothing happening in b00n
for once
very memable
I actually thought Kimmich was the best player, a rare occurance.
>berechtigter Elfmeter für Deutschland

so we running again like penguins?
the fuck, you must be drunk. you are arguing the most basic element in decision making because every physical measurement comes with a certain error. You simply can't measure offsides to perfect accuracy and the graph they show is worthless unless they show the error region.
can you do literally anything besides seething about ronny, ossis, /bundes/, JT, afd? are you an actual bot?
never seen a schokoelfe with a sadder ass
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you mad?
He stopped completely lol
no he moved backwards
When mutts aren't mentioned he has to come up with some boogeyman to flesh out his persona so I guess he hates Kroos now.
Andrich is also an Ossi but it's not like the /int/ tourist would know.
>sold memphis
he scores
>sold chavertz
he scores
and then took a shit lol wtf is this allowed???
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it has been the meta for multiple decades now, take your meds
he hates musiala, rüdiger. sane as well
now I'm sad
Uniornically, Negermann is gonna lose us this tournament. Ridiculous how much better we were when he player Wirtz, Füllkrug. Havertz and Gündogan is gonna ruin it all.
I would argue Musiala dribbling and losing the ball every time because he is too retarded to time a pass is an even bigger problem but this one at least I know there's no chance of getting rid off.
he's too repetitive to be a bot. just a common retard with no job or hobbies.
tournaments are won by the defence. as long as Raum and Schlotterbeck stay fit we can win. but yeah Fülle needs to play and Havertz needs to be pulled back.
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why are the Danes even mad?
they got outskilled hard today
they had one chance after the break which benefited them and one after we were already 2:0 up and couldn't be arsed to play hard anymore
Schlotterchad with the same assist from the same position like against PSG where Lücke scored
being mad at every single occasion is part of the zeitgeist
Why are the danes so mad I don't get it kek. Even if you are super generous and give them the offside goal, they ain't talking about the disallowed goal against us that was an absolute scandal? Or the fact that we should have scored like 6 goals and they could have maybe had one? Or that it was clear handball no matter how much they cry? I really don't understand. In no universe would the danes have won this game.
that Sahne apologist went off the rails, fucking cringe. and all the haters were proven right, Sahne was invisible besides missing that one 99% chance.
the saxophonist gets too much traction to be honest, time to shut it down
Danes don't seem mad, it mostly seems like the mad ones are the usual suspects (Polaks, Anglos).
reminder that "people" rated Shittelshit over Raum just because they get triggered by RB
what happened?
File deleted.
and Sahne is the new Özil, except Özil was better.
He's the manages, what is he supposed to do. I was talking more about fans/posters.
>>142201574 < KWAB
>Verification not required.
No shit!
Lost all my hair Today
betting is for degens though, hope you learn from that
das sind nur die passausländer
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natürlich ein nettes Tor von Musiala, aber wieder typisch daß er hier nicht den Pass spielt
Immer Kopf unten, immer nur er selber
hail and thunderstorm going on rn
thunder getting grimmier by the minute
>fickdas ich machs selbst
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they mad as hell >>142197721
Will Nager have the balls to play ter Stegen against Spain and Baumann against Portugal?
Rüdiger hat einen Riesenfehler vor der Chance für Höjlund gemacht
Da gurkt er irgendwo rum nur nicht in der Abwehr
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habe das nochmal eingekreiselt
>water 1 : 0 kelleranon
i accept my defeat but the feuerwehr bekommt von mir heute eine 1.
>fickdas ich machs selbst
so denkt der immer
>needing massive refball to beat Denmark
Schotterbeck was by far the best player tonight. He's such a beast and his one cringe retard mistake hopefully woke him up to hoof it in such situations....
Musicals war der schlechteste Mann noch vor Sahne. Ich weiß nicht wie viele erbärmliche Ballverluste der hatte aber er ist einfach so ein Wannabe der immer den Passmoment verpasst. Echt unnormal. Klar ein riesen Talent aber komplett unfertig und mega Ego...
nö it's actually Andrich. swap Andrich with Goretzka and we lose this game 3-0. Nailsmeme is s fraud but booting Goretzka was the one good decision he made.
Sane played well today tho
why are you seething?
ja, dem gehts überhaupt nicht ums gewinnen der Mannschaft, sondern um sich selber
war auch schon bei der WM so
He didn't
Schlotterbeck is a much better footballer than our other defenders, he created the 2nd goal out of nothing. Hummels and Boateng could do that back in the day too. Tah can't, Rüdiger barely.
he has improved massively by training with Mats
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Fanmeile Hamburg btw
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yes yes
EM dahoam vibes
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>Havertz 2
please marry me dear
so bold and beautiful
Atrocious as always
Er muss wohl seine absurde mutt Visage kompensieren....
>Jetzt geht auch für sie die EM los!

Das EM-Achtelfinale der deutschen Mannschaft gegen Dänemark verfolgt Lisa Müller im Stadion! Die Ehefrau von Nationalspieler Thomas hatte zuvor alle Gruppenspiele verpasst – offiziell wegen Reit-Turnieren.

Deutschland bros... Lisa is our lucky charm??
I dont know why. okay, sure, you can change your runtimming, but complete stopping, even if for a moment?
penalties are already very strong and game deciding, and can be caused very easily. That hand situation today would every unlikely have resulted in a goal for example.
So I dont see the reason to make penalties even stronger.

even if a penalty is only like 75% of the times of a goal, its still really strong.
Honestly, if I didnt watch football for 20 years, Id think penalties are pretty stupid desu.
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>Hamburg is a nazi Tea-
St pauli chad keep Winning
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I love Germany and Germans so much
just testing
"Die beste Mannschaft in Europa"?
bin vor dem spiel eingepennt, warum heulen alle so rum?
we play them against the wall
they whine
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die Muttschaft
hope they crash out against Spain
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und ich will nichts mehr von Neuer hören, der rettet und uns in jedem Spiel den Arsch
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und noch eins
das geht seit Jahren so, bei Bayern und der NT
Ohne Neuer null Titel
Sane genau so
ich weiß Nailmann wird auch im nächsten spiel gündogan statt wirtz und havertz statt füllkrug auswählen. heute war mannschaft dumm obwohl sie endlich gewonnen hat. musiala hat im dribbel ständig ball verloren. deswegen gab es ein gefährliches moment. havertz war kein fußballer.
you think other goalies just jump out of the way in this situation or something...?
did you see his save against Xhaka in the last game?
yeah but you didn't post that one
I am not hating on Neuer or anything, he is doing a good job for the most part in this tournament
It's just dumb to give too much credit to goalies in situations where they are literally being Angeschossen.
So it happened again. We can blame not cutting our toe nails, we can blame the minks, we can pretend we're a cycling nation, but the truth is it's simply not enough. Tactics, determination you name it, it all stinks.
actually they are a badminton nation
I posted two scenes though
and my comment was only referring to one of them, as I have no issue with the other one.
People like to bitch about VAR decisions rather than the rules VAR has to follow
Still better like this than Robben's penal against Mexico, the hand of god or the Wembley goal happening
GuMo, wie mad sie alle sind, weil wir die EM gekauft haben
we had 4 fine goals called back already. Annoying how people dare to call us getting favored by uefa refs.
haverz regt mich einfach so auf
weltklasse ballmitnahme und dann SO ein abschluss eyyyyyyyy junge
hätte mich ungelogen ENTSCHULDIGT aber so? RAUSSSSSS
Sahne was conpletely invisible for 90% of the game, the other time he fucked up. A Meds post was never more appropriate.
Schwarz-rot-geiles Sommermärchen!
Gündung and Sanee were the worst players, Raum, Schlotti, Andrich the best. Factos. If Nailsmeme wasn't gay ge'd start Fülle and use B00 as a supersub.
I CAN'T SCORE is still by far the biggest problem of this team.
Tah or Schlotterquack next game?
yeah sane is absolutely pathetic. fremdkörper. saboteur.
Wer von euch war das?

>get most of your offense by long balls from your d-line to the wings outrunning the slow danes
>let's play our slowest striker
did you only watch the last 20 minutes of the game or are you just retarded?
Fülle would have scored at least one just from a Raum cross.
the crazy BvB hermit that lives there
they targeted schlotti for headers early on, who is also better at them than lücke. Füllkrug will be great when we run into a team playing back licke scotland but that won't happen so he will remain best used for the later game when opponents can't press that much anymore.
gelbe mauer is over
gelbes dach is the new shit
yes yes, without his one blunder per match Neuer saves everything you accept the goalie to save
but I get that it must be frustrating watching this team after you assured us for months that they wouldn’t win a single match and crash out in the group stages
Oh look the cuck is awake
Ronny and VAR haters seem to be the only people that are mad desu
read lots of kind posts by Danes congratulating >us on our win and saying >we fully deserved it
There are only 6 million Danes. How mad could they possibly be?
absurd posts
First for stop shitting on Sane.
He tries his best okay?
>open the catalog
>schizo-leftie already made a thread about his love for rüdiger
>open bundes
>full-on Ronny meltdown in process
>Durchschnittlich 23,641 Millionen Menschen sahen im ZDF die Partie des DFB-Teams. Der öffentlich-rechtliche Sender erreichte laut AGF Videoforschung einen Marktanteil von 76,8 Prozent. Nicht eingerechnet sind Fans, die das Spiel beim Public Viewing, im Internet oder bei der Telekom gesehen haben.
müllkrug completely invisible after he was subbed in btw
sie will den ja mal
How are we feeling today my fellow quarter finalists?
disgusting bitch
Your opinion is irrelevant btw. You are always seething about white players no matter how good they play.
>anti-Füllkrug faggot still seething as well
what causes this level of mental illness?
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^ this is the cuck poster, I guarantee it
He missed 3 free goals yesterday and didn't really contribute much for chance creation either. What needs to happen so we can be free of him?
imagine being her father. what a cuck
>/bundes/ demand him to start all week
>absolute no show by him
>seethe when called out
yes the same guy seethed about Tigginator for some reason
Really enjoyed yesterdays match desu. Watched it with friends (one is a burger gril who doesn't know shit sbout footie. it was pretty funny ngl). Rudenigger deservedly MOTM.
I will now eat some salad.
thanks for reading.
Füllkrug would've scored had he started yesterday desu

lmao no
I love based Lücke but I just know a shit striker when I see one and Tigges is one of the worst strikers I've ever seen in the bundes
You are seething about him when he scores anyway. You have been doing this all season.
>Only subbed on for the last 20 minutes every game
>Still scored 2 already
He is doing well. Yesterday when he came on the game was in utter chaos already. A pure striker like him usually looks bad in those situations because they need crosses and assists.
>be turk
>seethe about white players 24/7
Mental illness
I dont know. We make every game that mich harder for us by not scoring in the first 20 minutes thanks to him losing balls or missing goals. Has to be Marketing schenanigans that he starts every match.
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>Füllkrug would've scored had he started yesterday desu
he's right, you dumb mutt lover
Yeah he is right. During the first half there were more crosses and the game was organized.

But ye you love shitters like Sane solely because they are brown so I wouldnt expect you to understand.
kek they're so delusional, the guy got outscored by malen who was injured the whole season
His pens are also fucking shit.
>wants to dupe the GK
>GK doesn't fall for it and stays put
>with one step from the ball and the GK still standing firm he has to make a rash decision where to shoot and hope for the best
I hate it so much.
>His pens are also fucking shit.
>scored both of them
The shot was actually really good, but I wish he didn't do the stop in the run up shit.
ich töten sie fucken
>Niclas Füllkrug (ab 64.)

>Der deutsche Topjoker bekam diesmal nicht die großen Gelegenheiten, sich nach seiner Einwechslung auszuzeichnen. Bei seiner auffälligsten Szene scheiterte er frei vor Schmeichel, stand aber ohnehin auch im Abseits.

>scheiterte er frei vor Schmeichel,

>stand aber ohnehin auch im Abseits.
Havertz war zweimal frei vor Schmeichel
he couldn't have shot that pen more, precisely powerly and accurately, no keeper in the world saves that
>Striker is off-side
Whoa crazy this never happens
and he scored one. Your point?
not sure if you are only pretending to be retarded or really are this dumb
Also got a free header and hit it right on the keeper. Fülle scores that 100%.
>Fülle scores that 100%.
müllkrug is only good in hypothetical scenarios

hätte hätte fahrradkette the player, then in reality he does fuck all, all game
Yeah we get it, you are seething about white players every day. Take your meds.
Oh the ironing
Why is UEFA forcing us to play with white shorts again? Why can't we play in our traditional kits? Fuck them
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Wow today's games are shit
our valid müllkrug criticisms get only 1 rebuttal by his fangirls
>y-you don't like him because he's w-white
top kek
>Neuer 2
>Kimmich 3
>Rüdiger 1,5
>Schlotterbeck 2
>Raum 2,5
>Andrich 3,5
>Kroos 3
>Sane 3,5
>Gundogan 3,5
>Musiala 2
>Havertz 2,5
>Füllkrug 3,5 (lol)
>Can 3,5
Rest ohne Note
ez Slovakia and Georgia wins
England will win with 1 shot on goal and doing fuck all outside of it again
wrong, unser Harald will score a hatty
Ganz frisch aus unserm Garten
Nur die leckersten Zutaten
Obstsalat Obstsalat
i hate museliala so much you can't even imagine
yeah seems about right
Musiala should be 2,5 tho
>scored the opening goal vs. Scotland and Hungary
>scored the decisive second goal vs. Denmark
absolutely based. I love him so fucking much lads
Yeah we know you are a brown loving cuck
face of are nation
player of the tournament so far
Ugly mouth breather and most overrated player right now
What I don't get is that nobody seems to care.
I don't care that 13 year old boys idiolize him, it's ok, they are stupid boys. But how is it possible that something so fucking obvious does not get exposed at the weekly video analyses from "world calss" coaches? Imagine you go through how your team lost the ball and every match musiala shows up dribbling past 1 or 2 and then losing the ball because he refuses to time a pass. Every amateur coach would tell him to stop doing that shit or warm the bench. I am so fucking tired of this shit.
Most of the time he doesn't even get past anyone lmao
whole world agrees on that
Pretty funny how leftie-schizo is replying to himself tbqh
weird cope
Somehow newfags don't understand that people can tell when they are samefagging. It's quiet bizarre.
Yeah and all the Brokkoli Kopf zoomers ob YouTube:"wooow probs an Jamal. So ein Wahnsinns Spieler". Kek.
He literally loses the ball pathetically 3 times for every successfull dribble. Don't think we can win against Spain like that.
If he would fix his playing style and pass sooner and better he could actually be world class but I don't think he wants to and I don't think he can...
If you can't see how important havertz is after last game you know nothing about football. He makes everyone around him so much better and can partake in combinations at the highest level. He would have assisted too after his world class skill before sahneger decided to throw himself on the ground instead of running further....
We could never play as dominant as we did for parts of this tournament with fulle starting. And I love fulle he's the best pure 9 we had since Klose. His instinct to score is elite but our style of play demands a forward like havertz. havertz WILL score from open play and probably in the next match against Spain as he's clutch as fuck. We should sind in fülle around the 60th minute if we have trouble scoring. He's an elite sub.
The real outrage is the useless mutt sane getting so much playing time when so much better players like Wirtz fuhrich and Beier are rotting on the bench. I honestly believe someone told nagelscuck he should always start at least 4 migrants every game..or he's such a lefty chuck that he overrates them in his head to justify that shit. Sane playing over Wirtz and fuhrich is so retarded it doesn't make any sense otherwise
why do they want to be like us so bad?
hahaha. warte ganz kurz. wenn nailsmann gegen spanien wirtz aufstellt würde flo spanien komplettt zerstören. aber es tut mir leid für führich und beier.
Wirtz did more in 20 min against Denmark than Sane all game. Even Beier did more. It's truly over.
based gook
interim conclusion:
our rock in the surge. kept us in the tournament multiple times, world class
Our black rock. channels the power of alans snackbar
Solid, unagitated performances in the service of the team.
Solid, unagitated performances.
Only memorable action until now was his girlfriend shitting on dortmund.
le knastilarper with great crosses
Schotterbeck was great and only had one mistake lol
Admittedly a retard mistake but he won't make one like that again

great start but also great decline. our little magician has to apply to himself, he's not the only one in the team having played 50+ matches this season
Face of the nation.
squared the ball in the first match for 99% accuracy. declined constantly, hasn't been seen much in the last game
Our Captain. Nuff said.
Relentless, but unlucky. At some point the knot will be broken.
Good start, but went into mediocrity pretty fast. At least his new hairstyle keeps him in the talks.
Yes, he Can.

Relentless and great technique, topscorer with de dschammahl.
Short attendance with an impressive assist.
beneficiary of run down defenses, thanks to havertz. Nice goals, but with varying reliability

everyone else under also-ran.
its simply insane to put a generational talent like wirtz on the bench for an average pacey ngubu.... like literal mental illness and negerworship no other explanation.
Also Schlotterbeck is soooo much better than Tah its not funny. hes the next mats hummels and will be the best german defender for the next 10 years...
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Die Wut des Himmels gegen Sane
>muttsiala face of the nation
>Sane relentless but unlucky
you're the only schizo samefag here fren
Wirtz was being rested. Nager knows den is the easiest game left and thus fielded the worst 11 he could get away with
sauce on the qt in the deutschland bodysuit?
Sané played at least just as well yesterday as Wirtz did against Switzerland. Generational talent or not, he's not exactly showed up at the tournament so far and seems very exhausted after the long season.
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>absolutely based. I love him so fucking much lads
really hope this is bait because imagine being such a fucking faggot to actually mean it
do you still not get it? you are not allowed to criticize the Goldstücke
Ronny really does suffer from some severe mental retardation. Musiala just appears to be a down-to-earth nice lad with great footballing talent who gives his all for the country he was born in. Therefore I like him.

How on earth you equate him to disgusting arab migrants, who should obviously all be flown home asap, I just don't understand.
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I whipped up a quick list of shit that's actually relevant in 2024
Is this Bundes?
Aua mein Bein
>Sky Sound
Unser Jahr Alda
Rangnick's cell phone
ReinVARd Grindel

Fuck me sideways, I spend way too much time in that autistic hellhole. Take your pick, any one of those is better than most players that used to be on the roster
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>Our Captain. Nuff said
>nice lad
do a backflip onto the autobahn
Totally not a site run by a Russian troll farm.
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einfach mal die Fresse halten
Honestly just deport anyone whose ancestors weren't living in Germany in 1900 there I solved you're problems
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What borders? All ancestors? Both my granddads fought for >us in ww2 but I'm not sure if I'd qualify
Using HRE borders
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KEK was ne fotze
>scored the opening goal vs. Scotland and Hungary
literal/factual fake news lmao what are you trying to do here?!
What year?
1488 xD
>lefty caught lying
what did you expect?
oh true, it was the 2:0 against Scotland
doesn't really change anything
also ehrlich gesagt verstehe ich die Aufregung um den Handelfmeter überhaupt nicht, der ist relativ klar
>one guy didn't have a Migrationshintergrund
nazis btfo
Ösibros we are literally going to the final
>Bei seiner Vernehmung durch die Polizei erklärte der junge Mann, er habe nur "gute Fotos" schießen wollen. Tatsächlich fanden die Beamten in seinem Rucksack eine Fotoausrüstung. Offenbar gehört der 21-Jährige der "Roofer"-Szene an. Roofer besteigen ohne Erlaubnis oder besondere Sicherheitsvorkehrungen hohe Gebäude und veröffentlichen Fotos und Filme von ihren Aktionen im Netz. Gegen den 21-Jährigen laufen laut Polizei bereits Strafverfahren wegen ähnlicher Aktionen in Ulm und Herne.
but where are the pictures
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Lücke WAG
>Jew nose
"Hamburger Abendblatt"?
love the longarm jersey features the flag twice per arm. I only saw it on havertz
clear offside, clear pen. simple as
fat pig gräfe with the 180kg in berlin sweating hard
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>more than half of England's startelf has nigger blood

Audiokommentar my old friend
my body is ready for some claudia kino.
Ingurland's gonna get dabbed on
not an option ever since they drowned out the atmosphere
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somebody exaplian this meme to me
looks like mrs lücke
Southgate is so unwürdig, habe sowas in meinem Leben noch nie gesehen bei einem top team. England würde mit einem wie Pep jedes Spiel dominieren und gewinnen mit dem Kader...
really not
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No, blind nigga
Most actual good coaches don't want to train national teams
because its much easier to get exposed as a NT coach
cant just buy another 100 million defender as Pep does
Can't wait for the England superfan to tell me that he can't understand how England could lose against SlowACKs because Willy McNilly played such a great season as a false 9 3/4 for Westshitshire FC
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This except burn the rich and spend their money on child rearing.
England has two players
And both aren't good enough to win a bundes
>/bundes/ poster filter
A filter that makes you look like a /bundes/ poster?
Fil Hoden, air?
I look just like this but with worse hair
Why does soufgate persist with saka that nigga ain't better that Cole Palma
bundes posters are all chads and good looking tho
and also a few cute transgirls
This nigga left Sancho at home because he showed signs of independent thought
wtf is DyingLama only 21?
jsanchz can't function without Rückrunden Edins motivational kabinenansprachen
Slovaks are gonna win lul
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England. impressed me not
that ball landed in the /bundes/ schalke Assis roof kek
ad so we meet again in the Audiodeskription
what a meme match

This guy ought to be shot for being a traitorous piece of shit
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one ballon odor please
Engländer raus, Engländer raus, EM für die Deutschen Engländer raus!
funny match
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do bongs really???
praying for english roses as we speak
When England loses, so does she :(
right sight of the turnierbaum is looking very grim
autistic defending
Pep has ruined a nation
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If England loses then literally nobody can stop us ösis lel (even if englel wins, the way they've been playing should see us btfo perfidious Albion)
club football is so overrated
Kroos is also a complete hack
don't (you) me ever again fettbacke
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>Bruderkrieg Final
anyone else annoyed by this english cocksucker on ZDF all the time
Moritz Volz (?) or somehting
is he jobbing for job over there or something?
holland will stop you
I guess Spain vs Austria is the habsburgb owl
*loses to romania*
ösis will lose to turkey
and then we will lose as well
The fuck they need a trinkpause for?
no it's only a opinion
>ösis will lose to turkey
No way, have you seen these two play? Will be an easy 2:0 for the Ösis
Yeah that guy is a total faggot, even my mother complains about his cocksucking
I dont need an english cocksucker on TV
not even pretending to be neutral and in all the games hes in
absolutely embarassing
it's like watching our team in the last 2 tourneys
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maybe not
i remember wir hatten viele chancen am anfang und sind nachm ersten gegner tor zusammengebrochen und nichts mehr versucht
I mean, technically you are correct, we had bad tourneys
but England is really bad, everything they do is just by accident
>Hungry as fuck
>Forgot to go shopping
Should I go to one of those Pizza Automaten? Website says its ready in 4 minutes and I can just walk there easily.
ösöys only won against teams they could counter attack
always wondered what the pizza out of one of those tastes like so you should definitely go and report back how it is
"Oh I'm sorry Messi I accidentally ordered KFC"
will england manage to have more forward passes than backpasses?
luv VAR
simple as
a blind us sideman would've seen that
England is more KEKED than Germany lul
love this mouth breathing mong so much
Turkey plays offensively
why is it so hard for leftist to not insult the host country?
fully deserved for England. same as us with Russia and Qatar
>Die Erschöpfungszeichen des Jude Bellingham.
ich kann den asi nicht ab
hated it when he played for us.
Didin't do shit in the game against Mainz
made fun of the paupers in Gelsenkirchen
sang their song about bombing civilians
really low
>tournament hosted in june/july as a requirement
>mandatory sipping-breaks
that's why the rest of the world hates us
that's not leftist
that's nationalistic
>that's why the rest of the world hates us
No, it's due to the self-righteous fucks in government since approximately 2005.
>parry pane
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>don't call up d00
>play d00 football anyway
this is distortion of competition tb desu
Slava Slovakia, death to the bongs!
we will support holland on that side, fuck the reddit ösöys
too many blacks
>until bongistan scores
good good, now commence the penuldies, so I can maxpoint my tippspiel
Muzzy could NEVER
England are the luckiest fucks I’ve ever seen holy shit
wie kann man sich jedes mal so durchmogeln argh
Der Moritz soll sich weghängen
Ugh I'm annoyed but it would be kino to see englel go out on pens
>2 belligols in gelsenkirchen
Jews Smellingham of all players...
>go out on pens
not with cold palmer

hate it so fucking much when small teams bottle it
This isn't luck, this is small teams being cowards and sitting back hoping for the best. It always ends this way. If you get a better opponent by the throat, you don't let him go. Instead they shit their pants all the time and get punished. Small team syndrome.
absolutely embarassing and unfit for the job
jtbros.. we're getting overtaken..
huh? he’s pretty good desu
this is small teams working their asses off for an entire match but lacking strength and squad depth to compensate for what the favourites still have to offer
their coach kept pushing them forwards but they just physically couldn’t anymore
im not english
England made 0 changes the entire game. The Slovaks knew if this goes to OT it's over for them.

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