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why should denmark be allowed to break the rules?
rules are rules
you people are never happy
Following the rules is ..... LE BAD
The toy story graphics always get me kek. It's like salt in the wound somehow
The rule can be stupid, I agree
based fellow rule enjoyer
>it's just a toe
>it's just a foot
>it's just his leg
>it's just his body
Where would you draw the line?
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>finally have the technology to get every offisde call right, no matter how tight it is


Low IQ retard detected
Anyone who claims the question is about precision is a troll or stupid. The question is how to rule an unfair advantage for the attacker. Keep in mind that the defender has, or should have, an incentive to keep up with an attacker that gains possession of the ball.
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This offside rule is stupid as fuck. The offside must be applied when the attacker has clear advantage in situation. What advantage did dannish player gain by being 0.5mm offside?
Can I put my 2cm of my dick inside your mom?
wow such an advantage
Just say "all of it"
kek fucking football mate. There are too many goals being scored each game, better make it more difficult !
Post the penalty kick replay, lets talk about rules :D
wasn't there something about they were going to make it you're offside if your entire body is beyond the last defender?
>we MUST NOT allow any subjectivity in calling offside even if it was in a position that no human could ever have called, and for no advantage gained

>Also that hand was in an unnatural position
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who decides what's a clear advantage and when it's present?
>let's go back to games being won by players being 5 meters offside
By whether or not his position gave him an advantage relative to the defenders line and whether he was overstepping it or not. The scientific method is never just the evidence alone. You make a conclusion with it in consideration but also make the right conclusion based on all the factors involved. This is why we had referees and entrusted them to make decisions based on their experience in the sport as an official or past player. What is being presented as irrefutable evidence does not tell the whole story in relation to the rule it's supplementing.
biggest case of refball since we played against england
absolutely disgusting
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maybe just step a little step behimd as attacker
it should be that under a certain reasonable measure, if it wasn’t called by the refs, then the decision can’t be changed, the millimeter offsides can only count if they were caught by a human first.
this shit as is defeats the point of refs anyway, just have a fucking roomba on the field at this point.
Rules are rules but taking it to such levels will always be gay as shit
>the attacker's pinky was half a planck length ahead of the defender, it's offside
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So many rulecucks itt., but none of them demands to know the margin or error.
Somehow we are supposed to believe that the magic cam, looking at it from 50 meter away, has an accuracy of a few mm?
don't question the 3D render goy
Yeah sometimes it scares me to think I live surrounded by absolute autists such as the retards posting as we speak
>muh rules
How does the boot taste?
The problem is they don't often freeze the video at the moment the ball is played. One frame has the ball not kicked yet, one frame later and the ball is in the air.
The margin of error is bigger than the lengths they give offside for.
Why did they pause at that exact second? The ball was still traveling, wasn't it?
common sense
have 5 refs vote on this issue
>does the amount of offside MATTER for the outcome of the situation
it's literally that easy
removing the human factor just destroys the fun and the flow of the game
the penalty is the same thing

the point of the offside rule is that a HUMAN determines if the attacker has an advantage that's not permitted by the rules and affects the flow of the game
this is a sport, a game
not a geometry class
the ref, that's his fucking job

Its bullshit, how can the technology predict the exact nanosecond the ball leaves the passing players foot?
How can entire /sp/ be that retarded. Number 8 is Delaney, Andersen is not in the graph and is 1 m offside. Uefa is just too retared to show the correct player and you all fall for it.
It's actually amazing to me as a casual soccer fan that they basically just use powerpoint or some basic software to draw lines on the field from a blurry still image of the play. At first I thought that was just the broadcast doing it haphazardly lmfao
What am i supposed to see?
The anon clearly doesn't understand that any measurement has a margin of error and we have no idea what it is here.
So they need to invest in high-speed cameras capable of recording at 10 000 frames per second rather than 60 or whatever they do now.
this sport is becoming gayer and gayer every year
>more reffing makes it better
>no arguments
I accept your concession
grim. i feel for you guys that aren't rulecuck cock gobblers. that shits ruined your sport
what else do you want, if they increase the margin of error people would complain about that. At least this way it's always correct
Yeah it's a bit sus.
Really though, you'd have to be a complete retard to to be able to see how much it fucks with the game as a spectator sport that goals are removed retroactively for conditions that you can't tell have even occurred without specialized review technology
Thats the rule, now stop crying.
>goals are removed retroactively for conditions
for me, it's goals taken away because of a flop somewhere in the build up by the other team
>to to
to not
If the few cm being offside DO NOT provide an advantage for the attacker then just allow the goal
It's so insane that you need a literal sensor in the ball and replaying it 10 times, zooming in and slowing down the footage just to find the contact with the hand - and it didn't even affect the flow or outcome of the game. If you need so much work to prove that the ball was touched then it's not real because it doesn't MATTER

It's insanity just how ruined the sport is. The point is for the sport to be fun and meaningful to spectators and to humans. Rules are not it.
they need a panel of refs that will determine if the offside matters. It's a subjective decision.
We all know that this offside didn't matter at all. Common sense. Why is common sense so maligned. I blame 'science' honestly, people's obsession with numbers.
The problem with such tech is, that the human immediately uses it to give responsibility away.
>computer said so! It is unquestionable!
VAR was supposed to be ASSISTED. But it is treated as the unquestionable judge.

If there is no human notable advantage, it was not offside.
Which is fair, because the players are also human.
>whether or not his position gave him an advantage
most stupid thing I've ever heared
Yeah, but in modern society 'science' and rules determine everything
you can't make a judgement call, you can't have values, you can't have things that matter to humans internally. Things need to be OBJECTIVE and SCIENTIFIC
Just remove the offside rule entirely. No one wants to see (or play) midfield anyway.
The guy in the graph is Delaney ffs. Andersen was offside and gained an advantage, these faggots just insist on showing the wrong player in the animation
andersen wasn't involved with that pass, he wasn't affecting the game at this point in time, he's not even eligible to be considered for offside
you don't even know the rule
He is passively offside which becomes active as soon as he touches the ball
>ze tech is infallible, you vill accept zat he was aufside by 1 cm
>never mind zat it shows ze wrong player
>well it was another intense 0-0 match with 7 disallowed goals but the most important thing is that the rules were followed flawlessly
>Middlesbrough have won the Premier League on 38 match points and 380 Hisense (TM) Gud Boi Points!

people are upset about this
but at least they applied a rule

germany was cancelled a goal for no reason
purely subjective

danes can get fucked
I don’t see any footage of the actual offside it’s a computer graphic
wheres the footage? all I've seen are computer generated images
you want a game without rules?
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In the VAR overlords i trust.
Long live Var Sinso.
It isn't even scientific.
If it would be scientific, they would have to give you a margin of error, based on where the cameras are, how accurate they are positioned and the distance and angle what they are looking at.

The produced 3D render isn't a god-given perfection. If the margin of error is a few cm (which is what you expect), this whole thing was a dice role.
The best speed cams, that the police has, have a margin of error of 1.5 to 3%. If those cameras are 32m away, a 3% margin would be 1m.
Just to bring into perspective how accurate this has to be.

If you make a millimeter offside decision in such a setting, based on this tech alone, you must be smoking something.
The goal detection is a different topic because the goal line is something you can prep in advance and the measurement can be taken from 1m distance.
Actual fucking joke
Based, fuck all these rulefags and trustthvar goys
If the attack was really nice and the striker made a brilliant flashy move or belted it really well, why not award a goal, arbitrary lines on the pitch be damned!
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>Where would you draw the line?
If the linesman can't catch it with his eye in real time it's not offside.

Simple as.
Name 2 (two) matches that's been decided by a 5 meter offside.
>back to everything depending on the ref
at that point just scrap VAR and go back to having goals from 2m offside being counted
all of you retards are crying about this only because the team you were rooting for lost
> Low IQ retard detected
Is there such a thing as a high IQ retard?
Dual retardation confirmed
This. Worked fine for the past dozens of decades of football, why not now
>b-but there were mistakes and unfair
Cool, are you gonna start taking off stars and winning team names off the records too? Sometimes mistakes are made, it's part of the game, deal with it. Trying to "evolve the game to the modern age" has been fucking retarded and everyone hates it.
Must be at least 1m ahead
the purpose of offside was never to catch people who were off by millimeters but just to make sure people weren't lurking behind the defense. This is clearly not happening in this scenario. They need to reconsider VAR, because humans do not and cannot function with such precision.
Uh oh, the yard believers are gonna-
Yeah, that's reasonable and all, thing is, the rule doesn't mention anything about advantage. You are offside depending on your position, not if you got advantage. Everything else is just mental gymnastics.
We do what you're saying and we open the door to discretional offside decisions.
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3rd worlders used to make a whole career out of cheating. the technology is not tuned yet but still better than what used to happen
>the sniff of success
haters gonna hate.
this 3D imagery is manipulated. the technicians feeding the imagery to the VAR refs sits in the UEFA headquarters in Nyon 100s of miles away and adjust these images to show what's advantageous to UEFA if they can get away with it. they probably modify the weather too, cloud seeding n shiet.
what the fuck are you on about?
>Must be at least 1m ahead
That’s over 3feet , offside would be obsolete dumb cunt
Problem is that the gambling companies won't allow it and they're the ones who rule football.
Also mistakes are still made WITH VAR.
>10 000 frames per second rather than 60 or whatever they do now.
The cameras currently record 24 frames per second.
VAR will do this, but ignore diving.
>1)1954 World Cup - Hungary's team captain Ferenc Puskás, considered by many as the best player in the world in that time, was injured by German defender Werner Liebrich, Germany wins WC. 1 week earlier, Hungary had beaten Germany 8-3 and a doping scandal ensued after half the German team developed jaundice.

>2)1966 - England and Germany collaborately rig the word cup so they eliminate opposing teams using a ref fixing scheme. German Ref Rudolf Kreitlein officiated in the England vs Argentina QF, and English ref Jim Finney officiated in the Germany vs Uruguay QF. Both European sides were severe underdogs. In the Germany vs Uruguay game, the referee (who was Jim Finney, from England) had not recognised a handball by Schnellinger on the goal line and then had sent off two players from Uruguay: Horacio Troche and Héctor Silva. Germany later met England in the World Cup Final.

>3) 1970 - German's food poison English goalkeeper Gordon Banks. Germany ends up beating England in extra time.

>4) 1974 - Carlos Caszely of Chile became the first player in world cup history to be sent off with a red card in a group match against West Germany.

>5) 1974 - Bernd Hölzenbein of West Germany dives for a penalty after being down against Holland. Germany wins WC. Joao Havelange, who was FIFA President from 1974 until 1999 later states the world cup was rigged for Germany (host) to win

>6) 1982 - West Germany scored through a goal by Horst Hrubesch again Austria, seeing both teams to qualify for the next stage. West Germany aimlessly kicks the ball around for the next 80 minutes while the Spanish crowd yells "Fuera! Fuera!" ("Out!"). One German fan was so upset by his team's display that he burned his German flag in disgust. FIFA introduced a revised qualification system at subsequent World Cups in which the final two games in each group were played simultaneously due to the German's disgusting faggotry.
>only Danes are butthurt
When bulgayria gets fucked by VAR in the near future I'm sure you won't say anything
>at that point just scrap VAR and go back to having goals from 2m offside being counted
no, keep var
but have some human common sense in there
it's a game, a sport. it's not science
>7) 1982 - German keeper Harald Schumacher decapitates French player Patrick Battiston to prevent him from scoring. Battiston was knocked inconscious, suffered a fractured vertebrae,a broken jaw, and lost 2 teeth. The ref doesn't even award Schumacher a yellow card. Germany ends up beating France in penalties

>8) 1986 - West Germany and Mexico draw 0–0 after extra time after 2 Mexico goals are disallwed. Germany wins in penalties.

>9) 1990 - Germany player Rudi Völler taunts Holland's best player Frank Rijkaard to cause an altercation and get Rijkaard ejected from the game. Germany beats Holland.

>10) 1990 - Germany dives untouched vs Czechoslovakia in the semi-final, the penalty secured a 1-0 win.

>11) 1990 - Germany again dives for a 1-0 win against Argentina in minute 85. Argentina saw Roberto Sensini and Pedro Monzon with red cards during the match in what was deemed the worst final in history.

>12) 1994 - Germany dives against Bulgaria to salvage a quarterinal defeat with a penalty but Bulgaria holds on to see the Germans off 2-1
fuckin love this pic
The rule is stupid
4chan is just too young to realise/remember that the current rule was not the rule for most of the beautiful game’s history so act like the rules are set in stone
Luk røven. An offside is an offside. Imagine if Tyskland got a goal with that pass. You would be crying rigged. Take the L, we weren't going to win that match in 99 different playoffs.
>yes, never question the rules, just mindlessly follow them
>13) 2002 - German handball not called against them in a quarterfinal match against USA, that could've allowed the Americans to equalize the game. Germany ends up winning 1-0.

>14) 2006 - German player Miroslav Klose shatters Argentine Goalkeeper Roberto Abbondanzieri's ribs. Abbondanzieri is carted off. Germany scores on backup keeper Leonardo Franco to draw 1-1 and proceeds to win in penalties.

>15) 2010 - Germany cheats against England, disallowing a clear goal from Frank Lampard which would've leveled the score and changed the momentum of the game. Alas the goal is not recognized and Germany proceeds to beat England on counterattacks 4-1.

>16) 2014 - Argentine Forward Gonzalo Higuain is violently kneed in the chin, an impact that can kill a person and is prohibited in UFC/MMA [the guy is usually knocked out cold and the fight is stopped]. German goalkeeper Manuel Neuer does not receive a warning or card. Germany wins in Extra time. Lothar Matthäus on the 2014 world cup: "In 2014, Argentina should have won the final. The referee should have given them the penalty committed by Neuer. We were lucky..."

>17) 2018 - Sweden were denied a penalty as Swedish forward Marcus Berg streaked into the Germany penalty area. Goalkeeper Manuel Neuer charged at him, but just as Berg was about to strike the ball, Boateng clattered into his side and affected his shot. Neither the ref nor VAR checked the play and Germany won the game through a last minute free kick by Toni Kroos. Justice is served though as South Korea beat them 2-0, and for the first time since 1938 the world does not have to deal with cheating faggots in the latter stages of this once proud tournament.
There are only two possible states, onside or offside, bet you think there are 72 genders
And fouls, and faking injuries
dont tell me you actually fall for this copypasta nonsense?
i wont because i dont get upset at the rules being upheld
>a doping scandal ensued after half the German team developed jaundice.
Doping wasn't illegal back then.
thing is: they should put the computers to work and everything and then present to the ref so he can judge if there has been an advantage or not
you know, just like normal judges interpretate crimes and laws given the context.
Unlike biological sex the state of offside is a completely arbitrary and abstract concept on the field that literally only exists in relation to position of every player on field. The reason why people even entertain the idea of this abstract concept is to prevent goal hanging.
>The best speed cams, that the police has, have a margin of error of 1.5 to 3%. If those cameras are 32m away, a 3% margin would be 1m.
You CAN'T be this much retarded
I hope for your sakes that you're all literal bots, because none of you is a human being
analogies are retarded and always a poor argument and a misleading deflection
just stick to the topic
funny how a certain "goat" stopped winning meaningful titles after VAR was implemented huh
At least it's fair
faggot, you haven't had enough Tuborg tonight
is that.. is that.. a.. RULE? one you can see on a screen? AAAhh I´m going InsaNE

they're changing it soon
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unless it's the real footings of the game i dont trust it
not sorry, it's rigging for the host
>6) 1982 - West Germany scored through a goal by Horst Hrubesch again Austria, seeing both teams to qualify for the next stage. West Germany aimlessly kicks the ball around for the next 80 minutes while the Spanish crowd yells "Fuera! Fuera!" ("Out!"). One German fan was so upset by his team's display that he burned his German flag in disgust. FIFA introduced a revised qualification system at subsequent World Cups in which the final two games in each group were played simultaneously due to the German's disgusting faggotry.

that's why we have last round of group stages matches at the same time
Why don't we just get robots to play the game, that'd be so much better.
Some punjeet moving a bunch of asset store characters in Blender instead of showing actual footage is kinda sus
You know, conversely, I'm scared absolutely shitless by knowing that people like you are making decisions in this world on a daily basis with completely disregard for rules set in place in order to prevent harm to other people.
For example: That speed limit is not a "suggestion". It's there is order to prevent harm to you, other people and society at large.
They should add a 5-10cm buffer in those occasions.
if the player is xcm offisde, then the goal is valid
looks offside to me m8 what's the problem?
you sound autistic. are you ok?
>assuming a dane isn't perpetually drunk
I'm buzzing on Royal Export and Tullamore triple blend. Just sick of dumbasses who knew this game was going to be a rape and goes on to cry when we lost with some dignity.
>That speed limit is not a "suggestion". It's there is order to prevent harm to you, other people and society at large.
distance , geometry and precise measurements are the direct opposite of abstract. You have been traumatized by this defeat and your brain can no longer be trusted ,seek help or alcohol urgently
come on, he plays the ball with his hand and it clearly changes direction. what do you want? its penalty 10/10 times
what a retard
why not just stay away a foot before the defender instead of gambling on that 0,000001mm offside? if such small distances don't matter and they don't give you advantage..
lmao what are you people even talking about? not a single argument just rants
Germans know all about cheating. Franz Beckenbauer literally went up to the referee in the 1975 European Cup final and told him to disallow Leeds 1-0 goal for offside when it was never offside.
Maybe Wenger is right
This is why I only watch volleyball now.

Basketball and football, all ref sports.
>video literally starts with a Bayern player being murdered
Germany won thougheverbeit?
it's COPE and you should enjoy the salt
andersen was offside by a mile, first passive then active. delaneys offside doesnt even matter
What defeat are you talking about? Also lol at calling MS Paint lines and CGI Pixar figures looked at by some totally-not-refs in a cuckshed room precise or reliable.
this but ironically
I love how american flags are always clueless about football.
does me fucking your mom have any rules?
you have to stop when she screams "Panama!"
can i question if you're an annoying faggot?
He was onside and VAR is killing this sport. The entire allure is from the thrill of a goal but now half the goals get overturned by nerds so every goal is neutered bc hey it's probably gonna be disallowed
"because it says so in the rulebook" sticklers are way more annoying of faggots
10cm margin of error is needed since VAR is too accurate and killing this sport
>The scientific method is never just the evidence alone
"Alternative facts" enjoyer
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just wanna jump in here real quick to say i love 0-0 scores, but i also enjoy sucking penises. I'm visiting LA from England, if anyone was curious.
>Brainlet doesn't understand that will just shift the seethe to "REEE IT OBVIOUSLY WAS INSIDE THE 10cm error margin REEE"
Yeah so then we get to goyargue about whether he was 9.99 or 10.01 cms offside
If hypothetically somehow the offside call was wrong, will they even show the var animation video like this one or will they hide it to protect the referee and the organizer reputation?
right so then we can argue about how it should actually be 12cm because 10cm is killing this sport
you have to be the dumbest nigger imaginable to complain about this
No need to render 3d renders, just add +~10cm to those offside rule.


Margin of Error is necessary dude. Its Physically impossible for the players to see they are fucking 1mm offside
this is literally taking the ref out of the equation though
are you perhaps retarded?
this german is so upset. lmao.
With 5 years of data there should be enough to dona statistical analysis and write a paper about it
Why don't they just let them play the game and then a team of experts will review the footage and tell us what the final score is.
so 10.001 cm is offside but 10 cm is not ?

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We won
no no you dont get it, then we can get a margin of error for the margin of error
Yes but at what cost?
look at this fedora tipper pontificating about the purpose of offside as if he was in the room when they made the rule kwab
if we took the ref out of the equation, then id be a 4-1
Why is it responding to itself?
He's right though. Methinks YOU are actually the fedora tipper.
so how is that any different to 0.001 being offside you fucking retard
girl is attractive, but not to the level of whatever she's doing. a hot bitch can get away with being retarded, but she's not there.
then we come back to the main question how can 0.001 cm might be an advantage, it's either we let computers decide or "people"(referees) decide, there is no other option
Its not. This is 10cm of Margin of Error were talking about, not 100cm. Players is impossible to measure that in the field
i am fine with this decision. You have to draw the line somewhere. There's always going to be questionable decisions with offside regardless of what rules you follow.
>Margin of Error is necessary dude. Its Physically impossible for the players to see they are fucking 1mm offside
you are retarded. if it is physically impossible for the player to know he's 1mm offside, then that means he's supposed to err on the safe side and stay in a bit more. if he's not, then that's on him and he doesn't deserve the goal.
if they allow a 10 cm margin of error, then they do that so that more goals can happen because players will take more offside risks while attacking. that's a totally different rule change and I dont know if it would benefit the game
europeans are faggots.
Sounds potentially good.
The problem is not rules being observed; it's that the rule is stupid. And in this case the biggest stupidity are the long stoppages to play and and taking away goals due to miniscule or meaningless rule "infingements". Also, like an another anon implied in a different thread: fuck the VAR tech if it can only catch this shit and not diving and other deliberate flopping harmful to the game.
>Sometimes mistakes are made, it's part of the game, deal with it.
negative IQ take
>noooooooo not my underdoggerino teamerino, they should be allowed the break the rules whenever they want it's not fair nooooooooooooo
I agree in general but the idea the system itself has no margin if error is retarded
They should err on the side of the system being incorrect too
Wherever the line is drawn will always lesd to close calls and thats okay but theres this assumption VAR is some amazing super accurate sensor array but its actually just a couple of third world nonces and some cameras and theres a huge margin of error in that system, far larger than a lot of calls, including this one
It will benefit the game entertaintment
MoR means more goal were allowed.
Half the goal nowdays were disallowed due to fucking VAR dude. its boring that way. MoR is needed
you have to draw the line somewhere. something that would actually make sense is adding an official margin for offside to the rules. but no matter what rules we all agree on, they need to be kept exactly - everything else is unfair
>he's supposed to err on the safe side and stay in a bit more. if he's not, then that's on him and he doesn't deserve the goal.
Wow it's almost like that used to be the literal rule but it caused so much slurping they had to change it
5 cm for the quantic world is the equivalent of our visible universe. it's huge.
Semi Automatic Offside makes this sport feels robotic already.
I agree. VAR is a perfect system so they need to open it up to review all parts of the game at all times. After all, unfairness around the halfway line is just as impactful as unfairness inside the box.
what was the rule?
it's still based on footage that is limited in accuracy based on how many frames per second it is recorded at
all that they have done is create this fancy computer graphic that will display the decision without fixing any of the underlying accuracy issues
obviously, this means that the offside issue is going to be solved for low IQ people and they are now free to rig things at will
she looks russian kek
As a mutt growing up, offsides in soccer was always an afterthought and just another rule. Partly because I didn't understand where the line was suppose to be, but also because that was a time when refs had more say and replay wasn't as prevalent back then. Now its changing the feel of a lot of sports. But my point is I never thought of offsides to be an integral part of soccer. It's certainly not something we think of when playing on the street or the playground. Now learning how to stay onside is another thing players have to practice along with passing, shooting, and dribbling. Doesn't that sound weird? Feels like people are just accepting it because the implementation of technology into everything is inevitable. A lot of people think it's a good thing. We're there times when your favorite team lost because of a non offsides call? It's always been an arbitrary thing until now. A line judge could give attackers liberty for one team and do the same for the other. There's ways to govern it internally, but we can't trust top leagues to not be corrupt so we settle? Feels wrong.
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this makes sense, but then there might be too many goals idk
offside is apparently the only rule where a 'clear and obvious error' is any error at all. there are no degrees in offside according to the VAR slaves. the on field decision by the linesman should only be overturned if they are off or on side by some arbitrary margin.
not that it would solve the problem anyway, since you'd still be waiting around for a VAR check and soccer as a sport isn't really suited to video refereeing the same way as tennis or cricket.
the voyeur can fuck off with his suggestions
Then the forward should not 50/50 the offside and starts the run 0,5 seconds later
we colonized slavs
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what stops them from rigging it then? you can easily make his shoes bigger in 5s.
but then mongol soviets came and raped and impregnated eastern part of your population
>red army rape
..which were mostly slavs
Margin of error means the position can be off by the margin IN ANY DIRECTION. Not to mention, all measurements have an margin of error (including human eye).
You're the mongol one.
Also, all sides raped (Americans, Canadians, British etc). The French even setup entire brothels for the occupying Germans.
The ai should be a guideline. The ref rightfully never calls this shit offside first time, and looking at that case, there is 0 advantage gained from the player ffs
It's a fucking goal
the french are homo
Judge the game, not the player.
your education is at embarrassing low point
Says the illiterate one.
i read somewhere that a lot of german women who got raped killed themselves or had an abortion
if the attacker is not completely behind the defender he is offside
she doesnt have a round face (=slav) but more of a horse face.
wtf is Aland?
A small island between Sweden and Finland. Belongs to Sweden but is slightly autonomous like wales, so it has its own flag and country code
I can write and read and yet you're still embarrassingly ignorant and have zero idea of history of this part of the world, suck on bubble tea you jungle SEA cunt or drink 50 ml of hard liquor and go on murdering rampage you genetic trash
>NOOOOOOO!!! Offside isn't offside!!!!!
>England chiming in about football
You have zero idea of the history of the world. Your knowledge consists of social media memes and state media propaganda.
>Belongs to Sweden
but it's offside tho
it's the rules
also not a potato nose, which is probably the biggest indicator
>Now learning how to stay onside is another thing players have to practice along with passing, shooting, and dribbling. Doesn't that sound weird?
A decent player should absolutely know how to not get offside, what the fuck are you about?
>Belongs to Sweden
it's an autonomous territory of Finland
Lol today I learned. For some reason I always thought it's swedish
advances in technology are making life more and more uninteresting
how terrible will human life become when the moment comes when all the places of human life become predictable sooner or later?
i think modern people are depressed because tomorrow is not exited at all
what's so interesting now that we don't have any more adventures
so, whats next? chips in the boots? chips implanted in the toes and heel? chips implanted in the shoulders and the head?
you though it because 80-90% of population there are swedish
>ngubus taking over euro national teams
>VAR comes out
coincidence? I think not
The ref, not a computer.
at least I can experience south korean imported instant hot ramen and regret about my decision in the next morning
You just know these 3D models are put there by random Indian kids watching the match in 144p
i think modern people are depressed because tomorrow is not excited at all*
last year, the founder of a south korean game company, one of asia's most successful venture businessman with $10 billion in assets, committed suicide
if a person who seems to have everything is not able to find fun in his life, he becomes depressed
it is terrible how the life of ordinary people in the near future will become less interesting in the next few decades
>nooooo denmark should have lost 3-1
ok whatever
Maybe because the world is evil and void of purpose is the reason why people don't want to live anymore?
Hey, that's the shit that one of my friends "forced" on me and the rest of the mates just week ago on our yearly midsummer cottage trip. Except that was 3x. Pretty intense stuff.
I don't watch soccer, I only turned the game on because there was nothing else on. From my casual point of view with no bias for either team, that was a complete horseshit call. That would be like if an umpire called strike 3 and they reviewed it, only for it to be a ball by 1mm which walked in a run. Who the fuck wants replays ruling your game? No one. If you agreed with that overturn you're just a fan of one team, you can admit it. If it happened to your team you'd be equally pissed off.
Yeah it was bs
That player didn’t even score so not relevant
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>Honorable 3-1 defeat to a well-playing team
>Gay-ass lame VAR homo sport, watching ref micro-millimeter analysis cam to lose 2-0 in the most unexciting, frustrating manner
One of these is better than the other.
I'd rather eat this for every meal than have 24h daylight(that's intense) in the summer, no offence
I just didn't know that was a thing. Clubs would do better now to find more experienced and composed players rather than fast twitchy ones. That's a big shift in direction I hope it works well for you guys.
>More CGI shit
I warned you niggers years ago when I told you about Crisnaldo’s ghost hat trick vs Atletico Madrid
So a few extra inches do matter after all, huh?
Yes, width
Eh. I love the brief period of time of the year when the sun barely goes down. I think most Finns do. To me it's an essential part of summer and I hate the short summer days abroad. Besides, I don't live up north, so the nights are much darker than actual days. Still, proper blackout curtains are nice to have.
I don't care much about the results either. It's just that the stoppages and uncertainty of goals are too much. Plus, the dubius accuracy of the contraption and not using it for other types of (potential) fouls.
Also, the ref looked like he was just being led on by the VAR room. I didn't feel his peresence in the game at all.
4th industrial revolution propaganda, same as the Japan out. You know it all comes down to this. Disregard your senses and judgement, the Machine is always right.

To paraphrase Marx: Capitalism is the relation of machines mediated by humans.
Maradona shits on every German player ever and btfo you in the final
The handball against England was for bantz
Motive is essential to usa litigation
this sport is peaked to shit hahahahahahaha
I was once visiting Helsinki right when the day is the longest (June 20 or 21st) it was nice but bizarre experience during the "night"
Can you type that again without sounding like a cucked subuman low IQ retard ? :)
this sport is so done
literally lost the 1990 final
and Matthäus also won an italian championship against him
Nah, but I fucked your mom 72 times
This 100%. Maradonna should be added as a sub-chapter in anticolonial history, in the future when we the little people have freed ourselves from the tyranny of capitalism.
Ah yes, Lothar Mathaeus, the name on the lips of the whole world.
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literally in the Ballon Dor all time team, island monkey
Wow, on the ballon d'Or? That's amazing.
no shit, cant see an irish player there
should be Neuer, obviously
but they always put Yashin in for some reason
should be one of these Neuer, Casillas, Buffon, Kahn
like your mom's cunt.
You know your sport shit the bed when swedes are supporting denmark
>Here, Maradona has the ball, two players marking him. Maradona steps on the ball running on the right, the genius of world football, he leaves the third guy and is going to pass to Burruchaga. Always Maradona! Genius! Genius! Genius! Ta ta ta ta.. Goalllll goalllll!!! I want to cry, dear God, long live football, golazo!!! Diegooo! Maradonaaa!!! This goal is to cry for, excuse me. Maradona with a memorable run and the play of all time!!! Cosmic kite, which planet did you come from to leave so much English men on the road??? For the country to make a tight fist, screaming for Argentina... Argentina 2 England 0. Diego! Diego! Diegoal Armando Maradona! Thank God for football, for Maradona and for these tears! For this, Argentina 2, England 0.."
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like bitterballen?
>UEFA team
A literal meme
I even like Matthaus but he is nowhere near Maradona
And if that list actually made any sense and was based on actual skill then systembabbies like Xavi wouldn’t be there

The list is greatly influenced by ’’muh representation’’

Switch Beckenbauer for Baresi, Xavi or Matthaus for Zico(better player than Maradona btw), Redondo or Socrates and you’re getting closer to a more objective list

Of course Messoi and Penaldo are there as the plastic zoomer icons
In an objective list they would never make it
And then you start crying your eyes out when you're 11cm offside.

Just fuck off
Human eye
Zoff was better
swap all the german players out, no bias right there, right?
Honestly what did Denamrk do to deserve the constant fisting you have recieved?
Is it because you won outside the plan?
No i wont. Because its fair. I can promise you this. No Margin of Error is not fair
fight me

no, 10cm is just arbitrary and dumb. The average dumbass is just going to cry just like they are now.

Also if you're thinking 10cm is going to make a meaningful difference to a player going 30-35kph you're just deluding yourself.
He was simply compensating for the unfair disadvantaged caused by his manletness
For you. Football players are human, not a robot. VAR is robotic. and OFFSIDE without MoE is robotic. Havent you see motorsports with track limits ?? Its exactly like that. Robotic.
Just rewatched it and he was also massively offside

no, the ball came from an english player
>people complain nonstop about referees in every sport and the subjectivity of calls, human error, etc.
>soccer FINALLY has a way to make offside calls objective, unable to be disputed, black and white decision
>complain about that too
will you all kill yourselves already.
There shouldn’t be any humanly imperceptible levels of offside being called off they should ad a margin for error
I think a 3 inch margin should be added
How else can it appeal to the American market?
ok, then what about the offside that is 3 and a quarter inches offside? then people say BUT THE QUARTER INCH DIDN'T GIVE ANY ADVANTAGE EITHER
Then it'd be 6 inches provided the thing is even accurate which is a length that is perceptible.
This. You can’t make it x distance or something. That’s functionally the same as the OP and people will lose their minds all the same.
You either have it exact like it is with VAR or you get rid of VAR and use the eye test. There’s no in between.
Sorry, but while Germany always had great teams, when it comes to individual skill level they can’t compete with other countries.

Goalkeeper position is the only place where Germans can seriously compete with guys like Kahn and Neuer.
Also, I said swap Xavi or Matthaus out
Personally out of the 2 from that list I would swap Xavi out and leave Matthaus in
Now it’s a 6 and a quarter inch offside
What do you do?
I like how that fact matters until it doesn't. One of the Denmark goals that was ruled out was touched by a German player onto the feet of the Danish goalscorer.
what ridiculous nonsnense
Beckenbauer for examples started as an offensive player, thats how he has 5 world cup goals (more than Cruyff)
Then he played as the captain of the defensive
Hes like Cruyff if Cruyff was also a world class defensive player
You have zero idea what youre talking abuot
And Gerd Müller mogs most other strikers in history

I’ve always thought refs blowing it is kino. Don’t blame me for gay var shit.
there is a difference between a deflection and a pass
There needs to be a hard cut off but there def needs to be a margin
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Southern Euros, South Americans, and Slavs (soulful chads)
Northern and Central Euros (soulless rulecucks)
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>copypasta nonsense

>2cm don't matter
>says OP with an 4 cm cock
>this is the frame

>misses the goal by 10 meters
>rigged against france

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yes, that is obviously nasty, but thats not what most of the copapasta is
for example the nonsense about Voeller provoking Rjkaard?
Rjkaard spits at Voeller and then Voeller gets a red card
If anything its an example of Germany being refballed
>rule is enforced
>rule is not enforced
there's no winning with you faggots
Yanks and aussies have been telling you euros that soccer is shit for a decade+ - why didn't you listen?
It's funny because this isn't necessarily offside. Offside means the player is ahead, not his clothing.
The image shows only the boot of the Dane, not his foot.
Offside rule was created so strikers couldn't camp in front of the goal 30 meters away from the closest defender.
The result is that tournament-defining goals are ruled offside because of half a centimeter of a shoulder.
meanwhile, penalty takers can just stop in the middle of their runup without punishment
can't answer you on that, I'm not an expert on germ refballing: that's a full time job
>doesnt know the Voeller Rjjkard incident
maybe you should stick to boule
No, I know all that.
But for example Becks can’t compete with Baresi when it comes to actual defensive skill
He may be better when it comes to going forward(though Baresi was no slouch) but when it comes to defense? No dice.
Muller was great but he was a poacher. The Inzaghi of his time only a lot more profilic.
He can’t compete with guys like Ronaldo or Van Basten for example.
In fact guys like Romario or Careca easily obsolete Muller because Romario was basically Muller but with god-tier technique and dribbling too.

Do you understand what I’m saying?
All of these guys you mentioned are great and would probably make a top 100 list with relative ease, but none of them are No. 1 in their positions relative to other players of other countries.
I dont give a fuck what youre saying
This is probably going to cause a rule change, it's the perfect visual representation of how the rule as it is now is completely retarded
He is 100% right tho, they put Beckenbauer there because they needed to put him somewhere and there was no more space in the midfield, because there are far better players there.
see: >>142207827
They put Beckenbauer in there because he’s iconic

Baresi did the same shit Beckenbauer did, only he was a far better defender.
Beckenbauer only beats him when it comes to goalscoring, but he’s a lot worse when it comes to defending and as far as playmaking/ball playing ability goes they were about similar.
> as far as playmaking/ball playing ability goes they were about similar.
youre talking out of your ass
there are too many german refeering incidents to know them all in detail.
I have no idea, why you saved this random goal, but apparently it was judged dangerous play
>I have no idea, why you saved this random goal
maybe you should stick to handball
damn, the absolute state where you can't get carried away in the embrace of referees anymore like you were used throughout your entire existence. fucking pussy.
do you want to go through all referee decisions in football history, you dumbfuck?
seriously, what the fuck is you people obsession with Germany?
Baresi served as a secondary playmaker in Sacchi’s and Capello’s Milan teams
Without his ball playing skill those teams wouldn’t reach the levels they reached
He was actually better than Maldini when it came to playmaking/ball playing skills
He was so good that he could comfortably play as a midfielder when it was necessary
and compared to Beckenbauer hes a Harry Maguire
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It's literally impossible to know at what millisecond the ball touched the Danish passer when the offside is less than 1cm.

That goal should've been allowed.
retard, the ball itself has sensors in it, you fucking eternal coper.
>computer said, therefore true
>just trust the science bro
i don't believe this shit.
I don't understand why you're getting so hot and bothered over a nonsensical list
This, only literal retards believe VAR SINSON should be used for off-sides (if at all).
This is a joke
I bet you also believe we poisened Gordon Banks
Just let the linesman decide like before obviously
What a stupid question
Obviously it's offsides because that's too much distance. The line is measured from the defender's closest body part from the goal and that sets the edge across the field. Since this is difficult to perceive in real time, the 3 inch margin extends beyond the edge because neither player knows when the line will move. The reason it doesn't work to stand 3 inches back in the first place is because the line is more apparent to work from rather than trying to work back from the line and through another body. The feeling of being in open air is more apparent then being side by side with another competitor. If the computer is allowed to gauge off the exact point then players should as well. Move the line 3 inches forward and players won't cheat because they'd definitively know they're past the line. VAR makes the bold claim that it can augment a timepoint in 3d and represent it in 2d. If it is truly advanced it should be able to define a suspended point in the air and not just go off where the players outline was.
>just let the linesman make an off play decision that will decide the fate of a match undeservedly
didn't expect this mentality from you
El var sinso did it again
It is justified cuz rules are rules. Otherwise, without VAR, it would be Germany 4:1 Denmark.
No brudi, compared to Beckenbauer he is an overall better player.
Tut mir leid.
take your meds

Its better
VAR can only step in when the linesman is way off
Beckenbauer the goat
Beckenbauer was another cheater
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Those sensos have no idea at what millisecond the ball left the Dane player, you retarded VAR n****r

Simple as.
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>>IT IS IN, JUST OK??!?!?!?
This shit completely blows my mind

Referees have always been criticized for being wrong and people have asked for years to have robots and computers referee the game. That will make things better, everyone said. Computers aren't biased, everyone said. They'll get things right and no one will complain

They needed to use VAR for offside. EPL has guys drawing lines and everyone complains about that being too exact and potentially wrong. MLS has guys using the naked eye to determine if it's worth calling offside or not, and people complain that this is too imprecise.

Then when you finally get the computers and robots calling offside, getting the call one hundred percent undeniably correct, people complain about that because now it's "well this is too precise and exact, the game doesn't want this" and other bullshit you all spew but you yourselves have no response to what it is that you actually wantand how to achieve it.

Absolutely pathetic.
>way off
And how off is "way off" exactly
beyond a margin like a meter. When the linesman makes a huge mistake.
Its better than this shit
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Pretty much this. Germany got canceled often, so it was not cool.

german goal was called on foul today (didnt even get to see the foul btw)
danes just mad
Hahahahaha cringe
those sensors have the exact idea about at what milisecond the Dane player touched the ball, are you really insane? and that data is conglomerated with the position of the players in that little cabin of theirs. I'm telling you, quit coping, what is offside is offside, no more free meals for you.
if we ignored offsice rules it would still be 3 - 1 for germany
Good more goals at least
i can agree with that. but i dont like bs some posters here are trying to spin. if the rules were more lax regarding offiside, 3 - 1, if rules were more lax in general, 4 -1.
We should do whats best even if the result doesnt change
Just let it go. With a strict rule, Germany can win anyway. Without a rule, Germany can score more quickly.
Just lose weight and stick to apehoop
I can post jewtube videos too

Only issue is that there are no Baresi videos that focus exclusively on his playmaking they usually focus on his defending and interceptions and they intersperse his playmaking skills in those videos

Here are some match-specific videos though
whats wrong with super strict offside rules? offside if offside no
Its not fun and it doesnt make sense
This goal is not unfair
Also you're denying individuals their goals and assists
It does change the outcome sometimes
i can agree with your argument somewhat, even though i still think rules are important, no matter how anal they are being followed.
can you tell me what the foul was that took back germanys goal in 3rd minute? because that shit pisses me off to, but you dont see me crying
Are you mad over the kraut won the game? Silly cunt.
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>even though i still think rules are important, no matter how anal they are being followed
well im glad you think rules are silly. shouldve been 1 - 0 in 3rd minute then
That's not what I said
i assumed you meant that based on the childrens cartoon image you sent
It means you can just change the rules if they are bad
well take it up with uefa or whoevers in charge here. germany won even if we ignored the annoying rules.
Ok Im talking about the sport
>can you tell me what the foul was that took back germanys goal in 3rd minute?
Supposedly the official explanation is because of a foul by Kimmich.
its funny because that foul didnt seem to be shown on screen

>take it up with uefa
>who c-cares about the rules
can you subhumans stick to one narrative? its getting tiring.
There are bad rules and you are dirty cheaters too
if the rules werent a thing we wouldve won still. its that simple sadly
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>its funny because that foul didnt seem to be shown on screen
Nah I think they showed it a bit, it was like 2-3 meters behind Schlotterbeck
IMO a foul out of play and the goal should have stood
The call was bullshit
Maybe, maybe not
Hard to tell how the dynamics of the match would play out
No fun allowed
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dont care about the body shoulder head etc just look at the foot and thats it. but muh attacker gets and advantage i dont care. and its a natural position as defenders are the opposing force to attackers.
pic related for me its not an offside if the attackers foot is same or behind the last man.
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There's nothing wrong with VAR itself, the rules simply need to be adjusted to account for it.
> but then you would argue about 10.001 cm!
You fucking idiots, that's the point, setting the rule up so that attacker has the advantage, but not too much of one. That's what makes the sport exciting, the balance where attack is better, but not so better it's effortless.
How about we go back to matches being decided by flopping latin Americans in the penalty box.
Guess i don't trust var cuz it seems to review only some situations, not all and the offside AI stopmotion replays are 3D graphics that can be manipulated easily.
The attacker already has the advantage since the defender has to turn and catch up
Nigger its geometry as old as pythagoras. Not everything is le AI boogeyman kek.
>t. Fraudtugal
At least I know I am a fraud. Can you say the same?
>it's always a travesty and a murder of justice when VAR is disadvanteous to my team, what a gay sport, sport ruined

The hypocricy is hilarous
Yeah 1km/h above the speed limit and 50 is the exact same. Based german autist.
>complain when objective rules are subjectively applied
>complain when objective rules are objectively applied
just decide what the fuck you want
The amount of people who seem to blindly trust anything that comes out of the VAR room as if more important decisions that actually require accuracy like measuring speed in traffic don't already have to concede tolerance and inaccuracy issues is insane. As if you can genuinely measure the very exact nanosecond that determines whether or not someone was offside by a hair even with ball sensors. There's always going to be some room for error even with all that technology.
It's really not tho.
souless & legalistic kike argument
field hockey removed it with basically zero consequences for how the game is played
the idea that a player constantly staying all the way forwards is beneficial isn't really true
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Its definetely a cleaner tournament and shows that the referees except a few of them are shit at referring. Also, get on my plate you austic cod.
It would mean defences would be unable to defend without parking the bus because any fast player can leave them in the dust on any deep pass, not that 1 attacker would camp the area
You should enforce rules even when players gain no advantage from breaking them because.... BECAUSE YOU JUST SHOULD OKAY
I want the rules only applied when players gain an advantage by breaking them. Toe offside or ball brushing a finger does not give players an unfair advantage, it makes the game less fair by enforcing these rules in situations that were already fair without the rule enforcement.
Why do you think the fucking rules exist in the first place, if not to prevent unfair advantages?
They're calling offsides in situations where players do not have any positional advantage whatsoever from having a toenail offside and its calling into question the purpose of even having the rule to begin with. Enforcing the rules in these situations is making the game unfair and killing it. Goals are scored in legitimate ways and then scratched off because 30 seconds prior something happened that could have been a foul but was overlooked by the ref gets flagged by VAR. How can you not see how overbearing it is?
not enough yummy commercial breaks for ya?
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yep... gone pretty crazy alright.


that's clearly an offside tho...
Goals are scored in legitimate ways and then scratched off because 30 seconds prior something happened that could have been a foul but was overlooked by the ref gets flagged by VAR.

This. Also, everything looks worse when zoomed in on and played over and over again in slowmo.
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this but the blue haired girl is VAR
Notice which flags autistically defend this soullessness and you'll see a pattern.
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Name 3 reasons why shouldn't just remove offside altogether.
>no more VAR
>no more seething
>can forward pass instead of having to slowly tiki taka ahead
It would be a lot better.
>unjustly cancel German goal, no VAR verification
>justly cancel Danish goal, with VAR verification
Now I see how Hitler managed to kill 6 million jews, germans just blindly follow orders, they wouldn't dare questioning them. As soulless as it could get
It's offside. Deal with it, Chuddie!
var is killing football
Why should niggers be allowed to exist, Mogombo?
>VAR gives my team a goal
Best decision EVER
>VAR gives the other team a goal
the SOUL of football is LOST, BILLIONS MUST DIE
rules are rules bitch
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This is the sport...
Eyup <:3
So many people desperate to defend an organisation they know is completely corrupt lmao
wow we do live forever rent free in the mind of argensimians
Why are so many people willing to rely on these same corrupt people to eyeball the rules instead of automated systems who are considerably harder to fake?
clear foul by kimmich. turned completely away from the ball. eyes only on the danish player. then a bodycheck to stop him. he did not just block him, he aggressively leaned into him with his shoulder and brought him down.
>clear foul
Show the replay
Not enough of one, evidently, given the number of below 3 goals slurpers.
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>An offside player screening the goalie is 0 advantage
Your retarded
Offside is offside. It doesn't matter if it's just 0.00001mm.
The rule as it is already gives a lot of advantage to the attackers since the defenders have to turn, that's even more true if you go over the line.
There's a reason forwards play so much on the limit, it's a risk worth to take since being on line gives them a big advantage.
The referee was shit but not because of this, but more so because of the constant made up fouls on Germany's favour and yellow cards given to Denmark as if they were free candies, if the entire team wasn't carded for no reason Denmark would have played way better defensively.
I hope we won't get rigged so blatantly against Germany.
all uefa and fifa events are rigged
You will get rigged against Georgia, I'm already on the phone setting it up.
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>you'll have to draw the line somewhere
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>here believe this made up line on a made up frame that proves the rule!!
VAR was never considered when writing the rules of football. Every body part is measured and scrutinized. That is not what football is about. Fucking Germans ruin everything with their "RULES". Meanwhile COPA is putting on vastly superior matches night after night.
the ref was english, you stupid fuck
Just let the referee arbitrarily decide if the player was in a true advantageous position or not like they want and then cry about how VARdrid and VARca are ruining the sport. Will be funny to see how what is truly an offside changes every game.
The match is in Germany, or it is spelt Türkiye these days?
completely irrelevant
Why not get rid of the shootout if there is a tie and go to VAR judges decision based on footage from the game?

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