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We will twist against Santos and they will lose
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sexo with jap corinthianas
>argie ref in mexico - ecuador
kek I know who they're gonna blame now if they lose
22:00 USA x Uruguay
22:00 Bolivia x Panama

20:00 Universidad de Chile x San Antonio Unido

20:00 Palmeiras x Corinthians

19:00 Santos x Chapecoense
21:00 CRB x Brusque
there are many other games like... well at least Santos losing will make me happy

Will world cup 2026 have this shit small field? why did 1994 field was ok?
>Ecuador losing to this horrible, awful team
>that penal
kek wtf
fuck a.nal
>no penal
oh no no no
We're going to play until Mexico scores okkk
Is the schizo coming?
>mexico eliminated by an argie AGAIN
>bolivia and peru afuera de la copa america
what a sad highlights reel
Orale pinche argenputo!!A ustedes les regalaron un chingo de penales en el mundial pasado
We're going to give those argenratas free penalties!
>US flag
The jokes write themselves
9 5 3 4
1 2 7 8
>Venezuela gana la copa
>El obelisco en argentina y la plaza italia en chile se llenan
bolicia x venezuela
15 wins
11 draws
14 losses
patria grande
don't forget the plaza de bolivar
the ref for usa x panamá was slovak
the ref for venezuela x jamaica was italian
well, the name is very inviting
Will world cup 2026 have this shit small field? why did 1994 field was ok?

another question
Food delivery services freeze
o foda isso aí é que um beijo vc pega herpes e nao tem cura. Infelizmente até hoje nao inventaram medicação pra matar esse virus
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Too lazy to make the edit but you know what I mean.
this girl unironically had a children with a black favelado.
i'm 100% sure that trikaschizo is a jannie
>why did 1994 field was ok?
They took pitch space to add more seats.
Na temporada:

Calleri: 9 gols e 2 assistências
Luciano: 11 gols e 1 assistência
Ferreira: 6 gols e 3 assistências

Gabigol: 3 gols e 0 assistências
gabigol does the dirty work that doesn't appear on the stats chud
Galoppo almost sold to Boca according to a scummy journalist that has inside source, there is a faggot who leaks information for like 10 years inside Sao Paulo
I hope he does well otherwise argenbros will literally make this board unsafe for me because I shilled him. But in my defense, there are videos to prove he was (or still is) a very good player, way above the average negueba.
Cuca is not coming
Flu now wants either Mano or Odair Hellman
kek we belived they would give Marcão a chance
2 matches and it is over
is there a club with more schizos per capita than this one? i don't think so

>o flu resolver fazer detox de Fernando Diniz
maybe female commentators arent that bad after all
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meanwhile on Wikipedia...
that fucking retarded is making us face off against a harder team
would you accept winning a libertadores in exchange for going to la b the next year?

I wouldn't. I may be schizo but going to la B is like losing one leg. You will survive but you will never be the same
going to the B is like taking it in the ass
it doesn't matter if it happened even just one time a hundred years ago, you got fucked in the ass, and in front of everyone
that's never going away
At the same time, it's only relevant when you're ass-virgin. The second time nobody cares, so if I was a fan of a rebaixado team I would take the deal.
i'd go to la B and win the libertadores the same year like that team
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no wonder mexico was out in group stage
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oh no no no
is that so his chest won't get cold
são paulo was relegated in 1990.
I feel bad for Fluminense but I laugh at the same time
They allowed Diniz to hire 8 players like Benedetto 2023-2024 which spend all week in parties and thinking they are stars
Their goalkeeper is 46 year old and their team spent 2 years playing with saidinha just to get the approval of journalists "wowwwww the man against the machine(TM)"

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guarani and ponte tied in the campinas derby btw
Trikas hasn't won anything relevant in 15 years. Not going to get relegated or win anything.
>the federation changing its mind 34 years later is "o regulamento"
eram 28 times. O Sao Paulo ficou em 15 kek
Imagina que uma competição ia rebaixar 14 times
Ok rebaixado paulista.
brasileirão 1993 did this
brasileirão 1986 too
hihi peidou cheiragem
Nosentinians understand all about smell
Boca was relegated in supercopa.
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hihi cheirou peidagem
>boca is now interested in pelagatti,mezzasalma and bellagamba
Fingers crossed boca bros
At least they arent trying to sign accusato anymore
trocou do prazer
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i honestly dont know what conmebol was trying to do in the late 80s and early 90s by creating 50 different cups
europe at that time had the champions league, europa league, uefa super cup and uefa cup
while we just had copalib and then they hadded super copa, recopa, copa conmebol, copa oro, copa mater and so on
copa conmebol and recopa was all they needed and it took until 2002 for them to figure out and for 2017 to properly do it
Copa Mercosul
The most Kino game
>brasileirão 1986
tinha 80 times seu preto
aqui melhor qualidade
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>Mano Menezes é a prioridade do Fluminense.
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>only 3 matches remaining for the noodle in the selesion
hold me bros...
Considering all the big teams invited for Mercosur/Merconorte and Bover being invited to Sudamericana at the start, Combined with Boca only qualifying for Libertadores 1991 and 1994 in the period 1990-1999. I believe they just wanted Boca fans money, Libertadores only had 2 teams per country and Argentina mostly sent River and Velez that decade (and Velez has no fans)
>Boca libertadores 94

yeah i think that was impart because copalib only had 2 teams per country and in only lasted 5 to 6 months, so they were made to fill the rest of the calendar
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Fluzão will be relegated but will win the 2025 Super Mundial.

Screenshot this.
Unironically, they will lose everything, but they will be the club that will capitalise the most on this shit because of players like Marcelo.
>I'm schizo
>Fluminense will win Supermundial
now let's talk about real stuff
Candinho spent 40 years as coach and didn't win a single title
That is a world record
Do you think Marcelo will play in Serie B? Either he retires or goes to another club.
a coisa acabou
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>Juventus-SP: Taça de Prata de 1983 (Campeonato Brasileiro Série B)
>Palmeiras: Taça 125 Anos do Corpo de Bombeiros (Palmeiras versus Santos)
It is actually called the frankenstein monster
Brasikeirao with 80 team= paulistao with 28
>é primo do piloto nelson piquet
And he still managed selecao for a few matches lel
You win a south american competition, you win a pass to coach nts amd teams from other countries. This was denied to valentim. All he got was ituano
San lorenzo doenst want to sell Contestabile.
Talleres is making an auction for caporaso and peccati

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