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Chest status = warm
Heart status = In it
He just want to put his country on his back so much like you wouldn't believe.
Anybody who mocks Ronnie is really just mocking themselves
>He just want to put his country on his back so much like you wouldn't believe
yea he explained it was the reason more or less. he didn't want to disappoint his family, the fans etc. he just needs to be told he's not good enough anymore.
it doesn't matter. by friday he'll be out of the tournament.
he cried the same when he lost some cup in the arab league. i don't think it's so much about his country
Hope he sees this, bro
Most people here had a positive reaction to this, as in "look at his competitive spirit", "look at how much he hates losing" "look at how much he loves his country"

In the end you win more with this mindset than with Debruyne''s negativity
He is the goat, not really his problem that spic coach has no idea where to put him. Center forward was never Ronnies position, real nigball fans know this simple fact, put a fat cab driver as a coach and youll see him hattrick every other game.
Realistically he could care less about saudi cup
It's about his teammates and all the people who believes in him
But i guess you want him to be a heartless merchant like everybody else
he is a metro-sexual, narcissistic washed-up, cry-baby faggot that only muslims could love
Hes just an ultimate competitor, doesnt matter if its the wc or Abduls Backyard Cup
no i respect this man's madness and how it made him such a phenomenon. i just don't think he's patriotic at heart, just obsessed with winning. i could be wrong of course
imo the goat is maradona but that's off-topic. martinez is the spanish fernando santos. a manager that says "I think we played well and I'm proud" after that shit-show is a clown with no shame, taking the fans for fools.
Yeah that's also part of it. He wants to win anything and everything he competes in.
He seems to like portugal but if it got him a ballon dor he would probably have it annexed by spain
His passion inspired his team to not choke their pens
What colour is Ronaldo's treble?
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Would he have scored if Diogo Costa hadn't saved the first pen?
There is not a hoop that penaldofanboys won't mental gymnastic their way through to pretend that kwab performance looked good
it's clear the he wants to win for himself. he wants to win by scoring by himself. he doesn't put portugal first. but i still think he wants to win for portugal too. he just can't help but putting himself first. it's pathologic, but that's how he became the greatness that he once was.
>clinical narcissistic having mental breakdown is le passion
npcs don't care what words mean
Here we can agree these boomer coaches are total dogshit, if spicberturd had any common sense hed play ronaldo as left wing left forward and couple him with felix or jota who can play these positions and ronaldo clearly cant, contrary to popular belief ronaldo is probably the least greedy forward.
Also reminds me of the germany coach playing havertz as center forward and benching his center forwards, who the fuck hires these dorks.
Not even going to talk soufgate, bongs should have assassinated this retard
He made great passes.
And he was inciting the team even while on the bench in previous matches.
all facts
crying like a bitch in the middle of a game is the epitome of manliness, ackshually
I made a THREAD on here the other day stating the Truth that England need to get their shit together, PARTICULARLY Southgate’s dire management, and swathes of you coping fans laughed at me. Well now I feel VINDICATED and you are Not laughing anymore. You told me that England could afford to draw against shitters and that we would step it up in the knockouts…. WELL LOOK WHAT NEARLY HAPPENED. We played 90 mins of shit awful crap football, nearly got knocked out if it wasn’t for moments BELlinham in the 90+5TH. You said that we would need not change our tactics, we’re gonna HAVE TO now.
>Firstly: Kane plays less deeps and is further up the pitch
>Secondly: Foden plays more in the centre, directly in tandem with Bellingham
>Thirdly: Trent plays good on the right wing back
>Fourthly: Gordon and Palmer to be subbed on much earlier if prior changes are ineffective
>Fifthly: Keep the ball in midfield stop playing slow careful football from the back.
THERE. SOLVED. Just needs some changes instead of this lazy POSITIVE COPING that half you twankers are talking about. Stop getting cocky and realise we are fucked right now. We nearly lost against a shitter, again, this time in the knockouts, contrary to what you were saying. I am validated and you should seriously consider the greentext.
Agreed and Martinez is a fucking fraud, in Spain we didn't even know who he was until Belgium. I think he develped up in english "football" or something. A disgrace. Of course he can't coach.
You lot would do better with an Spanish 2nd tier coach like Marcelino and I'm not joking.
>In the end you win more with this mindset than with Debruyne''s negativity
I agree that Debruyne is a HUGE loser but i know Penaldo and his tears yesterday are not the tears of someone that is competitive, those are the tears of a 40yo man with a huge ego that has been trying to score since the 1st minute of the tournament, against 4 shitters, and has failed to do so yesterday being the lowest point (all this after a poor WC where he scored a penalty against Ghana and ended up in the bench)

He is done, he is finished, he realized that yesterday i think. Do you guys remember how before the WC he gave that interview to Piers Morgan clearly expecting to have a great WC and find a new club after it? Thats how big his ego is and how delusional he is (maybe was). Only yes man surrounding him including coaches, when you go out there into the pitch you are by yourself and you cant hide, he is completely finished those are the tears or a old man realizing it
How can he be finished when he just became top goalscorer? It was this year.
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>le 40 year old man tears
Alberto when you're a 40 year old man you'll be crying too
Wrong thread, gay person.
Redpill me on moorness of portugal.
There's no point trying to reason with someone attempting to analyse in minute detail why some athlete they don't know is showing some emotion and then explaining exactly how that athlete feels due to this outburst of emotion.
Tl;Dr: you're attempting to have a rational conversation with an idiot.
there was a period not too long ago where it looked like he returned to world class form. that being said this is most certainly his last ever euros and hes probably just going for the 1000 goal mark and maybe one last shot at the world cup
Islamic caliphate made Espana/Porto - sans C*talonia - there's for like 400-600(?) or so years.
Thanks but i didnt understand shit with this grammar.
>there was a period not too long ago
kek, no there wasnt
If you think about it the last time he actually had a Ronaldo moment was when he played for Juventus and won the tie against Atletico Madrid or when he scored that header against Sampdoria. I literally cannot name a single relevant moment of Penaldo after that and that was when? 2019?

He is only semi relevant because the Portuguese federation is more worried about pandering to him than to be competitive
about the same as the kebabness of g*orgia.
Islam conquered and held large parts of Spain and Portugal for a good chunk of history somewhere around the year 1066 (or they still held it then... prolly held it first from around the 7-8th century).
To learn more try /his/ or Google reconquista. It's a super interesting time period in history. Muhammad and co BTFO two much bigger empires repeatedly.
Nah that hattrick infront of Tom Brady against sp*rs was a proper CR7 performance. That + the repeated CL group stage goals first year of UTD was probably acskhually the last times.
all he has to do is go on the bench and cheer them on, this would be the far better option if he loves his country so much
Lol he was crying because he failed to solidify a proper legacy when it mattered. Wasted every free kick chance, missed the penalty and generally didn't even help the team.
>40 year old man crying about not being able to kick a ball into a net = le hecking passion
>me being mad about losing my promos in league = grow up manchild
explain that to me
I knew about reconquista but they are Arabs. For aome reason I thought moors were called African muslims like Nafris.
Ronnie would have been the GOAT if he’d had just been a bit more of a team player and less arrogant. Though having to carry a whole team of shitters by yourself for 20 years will do that to a man.
he COULDN'T care less*** retard
Yes, moors were/are Muslims of African descent. The Islamic conquest went through North Africa on the way to Spain. Moor armies were made up of nafri converts to islam.
I didnt see that game but fair enough. Still, you can count on one hand the actually big moments he had, he has been finished for a while now
your goat cried against slovenia lmao
He is just a narcisist who can't stand the idea of losing, or being second to someone else
Did people from Portugal and Spain look more like German/Nordic people before the invasion?
who's that
Meds have always looked like meds.
his legacy has been established a long time ago.
him stepping up to take the first penalty after everything that happened during the game further consolidates his legacy. the idiotic critics can't even claim he just wanted a goal for himself (like they always to justify everything he does on the pitch), because goals on penalty shootouts don't count for records.
it's the players and managers (people directly involved in the game) that establish one's legacy, not journalists or commentators in websites. the former all admire him, his game and his attitude, the latter's opinion counts for nothing because they never did anything of relevance in the game, only spout opinions. no player in history is more respected by his peers than Ronaldo, maybe that's the reason the haters can't let go. they perceive this, and deep down know what his place in history is, so they will seethe eternally.
Ronnie is the ultimate team player.
Nah, never, while they might not been as brown before they were still so far from Germanics, they just don't have the right climate for that skin to happen there.
league of legends hasnt been honorable since 2015 at latest
since season 2 not 2015
im ashamed to admit that i just found out that ronaldo isnt even a surname its a middle name. and he was named after ronald reagan
He's Latinx (kinda). All those cuntz have 7 names.

This question is stupid because there is a group of people who look exactly like Iron Age Iberians, the Basques.
The Basques not only didn't mix with Arabs, they didn't even mix with Romans.
When you plot the autosomal DNA of Basques in a map of European ethnicities of the past and present, they plot with Iron Age Iberians, like the original Iberians or the Celtiberians (they were genetically identical despite speaking languages of different families)
No he fucking doesn't. All he cares about is how HE looks.
God I hate those cunts.
Also checked.
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At this moment in time Gareth Southgate appears to have the Midas Touch and can do no wrong, whether its his game management or tactical prowess the way he has lifted up and elevated not only these players but also the mood of the nation, is quite simply exquisite, and I would like to publicly be the first pundit, right here right now, to say that whatever happens in this tournament, this man should be given a knighthood.
all right so how come ronnie crying is warm chest but messi crying is pecho frio?
he's been crying like this ever since the first euro he ever played in 2004. winner mentality, something lacking in our day and age.
He causes a lot of seethe because he has a character and he stands for work ethic and dedication which are values that are rare in modern society
>inb4 noooooooo he's le narcissistic and self centered not an inoffensive autistic boring midget like my idol Pissi
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SOVL incarnate
He hasn't won shit for 3 years now, even in the camel fuck league, he's on the brink of total mental breakdown

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