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Which schizo will sperg out today? sub-edition

>29th June 2024
18:00 Switzerland 2 - 0 Italy
21:00 Germany 2 - 0 Denmark

>30th June 2024
18:00 England 2 - 1 Slovakia
21:00 Spain 4 - 1 Georgia

>1st July 2024
18:00 France 1 - 0 Belgium
21:00 Portugal 0 - 0 Slovenia (Portugal win on penalties)

>2nd July 2024
18:00 Romania - Netherlands
21:00 Austria - Turkey

Reminder to keep it comfy, crusty and smelly.
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zidane and 2 shitters
May be somewhat of an unpopular take at this point, but Beans is not a bad player, he's just a player who needs a specific system to work. He has absolutely zero pace and lacks awareness when it comes to defending, but his passing accuracy is crazy when he's played in the right way.
heh my boy fagiolingz... he just needs more time...
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There was really no reason to call someone who didn't play for an entire season AND utilize him.
>oh but he attempted a couple of long passes and missed them
ok wow
>Beans is not a bad player,
fagioli is a phenomenon. now that modric practically retired, there is no player in the world IN THE WORLD with his vision and iq. against switzerland, nobody could have done better.
i want to bite them
Yeah, calling him up was a gigantic mistake. Locatelli would have been dozens of times better, and playing someone randomly even after he was absent for a season did not make sense, especially since there was tension around him in the team. Should've been brought back in the Nations' League and for the WCQs with a slow adaptation to understand an actual role for him in the team, especially since Motta would have already worked an idea out.
>attached earlobes
Disgusting, /ouraria/ would never
>Which schizo will sperg out today?
No, stop, I didn't say calling him up was a mistake, I said utilizing him was. Think of Folorunsho, one might even rate him but considering he plays for fucking Verona and has 0 international experience he can only warm the bench and start getting acclimated to the NT circle. Obviously I can't blame him for the defeat to Switzerland but starting him was a clear "fuck you" to the other players and a terrible sign.
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what is the point of calling someone if you are not going to use him?
Thing is with this tournament most of the big countries are playing terribly. Not just off the boil a bit but really utter shite. England are awful, France have imo been even worse. The difference with them and Italy is they have the quality of player to pull something out of their arse to save the day.

England can rely on Bellingham and Kane. France have Mbeep and Griezmann. Who do Italy have? Chiesa who's nearly 27 and has never put a consistent run of form together and Sgamacc who's performances in blue have been derisory. 2024 Vialli and Paolo Rossi would've done as much on Saturday. People can look to the youth teams and yeah there's clearly talent if they can beat the likes of Frafrica et al at youth level but how many of those players will really make it? And don't say Pafundo or I'll give you the most tremendous beating.
by this logic you shouldn't call up reserve keepers
Giving them experience relating to how things work in these camps. Seeing how better players work/train/perform etc.

Same reason you let youth players train with the first team sometime, but there is a balance to be struck ofcourse
Blocco inter vs duciano
>People can look to the youth teams and yeah there's clearly talent if they can beat the likes of Frafrica et al at youth level but how many of those players will really make it?
Serie C meatgrinder exists so none
tbf the only three goals we scored were individual arsepulls so your argument is incomplete. there is enough talent to at least qualify to tournaments and reach the ro16 or ro8. if every single players (even di merdenzo) plays much worse than he does at club level then it's the manager's fault and all other argument are useless, simple as
I disagree, englel and france lack organization but they can at least string up more than three passes without losing possession and they at the very least run and press
When I saw Cristante, Di Lorenzo and Mancini starting, I already knew that it was over anyway. Promising players like Bellanova or Buongiorno got benched for the whole time, and yeah, Spalletti played his cards wrong with Beans. Even Barella was out of fitness, the midfield relied on someone who had played like 200 minutes all season, Bastoni was holding on for dear life in the center of the defence and Chiesa and Scamacca were lost upfront, almost defending more than attacking.
It's one of the first times in my life that I saw a 0/10 performance, and I say this even though I watched Jj not win like 13 matches in a row this season. The worst may have been to see Cristante not give a fuck at the end of the match, it's a genuine embarassment.
Holy push-up batman
Ingland loses to switzerland and France loses to tsuland
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>Chiesa and Scamacca were lost upfront, almost defending more than attacking.
you called?
>Chiesa who's nearly 27 and has never put a consistent run of form together
Nuuuuuuuuuuu his 2 culo goals at the 2021 euro made him the best attacker in the world but muh infortunio stopped his incredible form, conform 2 the narrazione
Cristante and Mancini were much below my expectations, when I saw them I thought "Oh, Spalletti has renounced to play football and is throwing a couple of butchers in to park the bus", but they didn't even do that.
>englel and france lack organization
Organisation is about all they have defensively speaking. Going past the half-way line and things fall apart
The worst is that not even that, since Allegri actually played a catenaccio at least. By the second half of the season everyone already knew that Motta was coming and Allegri had lost the players, but before that you could see how well the team defended.
Chiesa and Scamacca weren't defending because of the tactics, they were defending because no one played the ball forward for them to attack. Spalletti tried to play some weird ass total football meme instead of parking the bus and waiting for counters, and it miserably failed. When you look at Calzona's Slovakia, it's clear that it was better to use those type of tactics instead of trying to attack.
The Gazzetta dello Sport reports that Inter and Denzel Dumfries have almost reached an agreement on a new contract. A commitment is ready until mid-2027. Salary: 4 million euros per season.
>Allegri had lost the players
heh, not really, after the loss to inter Allegri told everyone to stop bothering and focus on the cup, he had hoped to save his job by winning some silverware and retaining the loyalty of the players by letting them do the bare minimum
If you didn't know who said it, you could still tell that the tancredi palmieri question for de bryune was from a shitalian journalist because he considers reaching finals a trophy
I'd pay a good amount of money to know what kind of physical preparation Sbalett and his staff did in the few weeks they spent with the squad before the Euros started, players looked total mush on the pitch
They went on daily runs to electronics stores to go inside and smash up all the playstations
judging by what he said about inter players i'd say no preparation at all
>Gnooo le evil fagiolo forced poor sandrino to bet his life savings
Didn't Tonali keep betting until like the very day when he got found out? He even has a longer ban
Jewvemini being jews, what's new
Didn't he keep betting evan after getting caught?
I don't even think he snitched
>"We have to be like a club," the Tuscan coach said Saturday night in Hamburg. A club always lives together, some dynamics are not replicable in the national team, but Spalletti and the FIGC are aiming for a coexistence in multimedia, from the app for tactical instructions to a relationship that does not end between the first training session at Coverciano and the last game.
imagine that: having to share every single second of your day life with a bald belgiuoco guru, the FIGC old farts manoeuvring him and teammates you can't be arsed to work with
Ok, but now you're making the mistake of assuming Italians are capable of taking responsability for their own actions
I remember reading that somewhere kek, Milan shipped him off to cash in before the drama
Inter legend Juan cuadrado is now a fee agent
Reminder that this sudden campaign against spalletti and all the fake narration about muh weird tactics and muh athletic preparations is specifically being pushed to protect sfinter and jewve shitters from bad publicity and justify them for their abominable performances
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Blud really tried to sneak Juve in there like we wouldn't notice :skull:
least spazzing bbilanist
he came from a 14 goals + 10 assists season with Juve, also scoring the decisive goal in coppa italia final.
Chiesa was extraordinary that season, since the injury tho he has never reached that level
Fagioli was indeed interrogated and said Tonali introduced him to the bookies he used. If I had to guess most players use unlicensed apps or bookies to indulge in betting, but most of them are smart enough to never bet on football (like Zaniolo and the other investigated who only got away with fines because they didn't violate any sport justice). I think it's fair to assume other players dislike Fagioli and Tonali for getting caught like retards.
When will sandrino be back from football gabbio?
Kek the anti-spalletti shills even infiltrated this thread NUUUUUUUUUUUU CHIESUCCIO IS ACTUALLY A FENOMENO BUT LE EVIL SPALLETTI PLAYED HIM IN THE WRONG ROL- what? He played in basically every role possible to acvomodate him but still sucked? Uhmmmmm....... ACTUALLY IT'S MUH ATHLETIC PREPARATION AND YOU CAN'T PROVE THIS WRONG BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW HOW THEY TRAINED AND- what? You can't prove they trained badly either? UHMMMMMMM TRUST THE NARRATION GOY NOW READ LA CAZZETTA
First sperg-out of a new thread is always a magical moment
>nooooooo my heckin' Spalletti cannot be bad he's the one who made my team of napolecani di merda win le epic scudettooooo
Dimarco throws the ball at an albanian player in the first 10 seconds of the euros, kurpa daa preparazione inadeguata
>Chiesa hater schizo didn't notice everyone except Zizzo was shit
Same post could be made for any player that fans of the club he plays in insist only played badly because of spalletti, first they said he made them play in wrong positions, then once they realized that's total nitpicking they started using this athletic preparation excuse that's completely asspulled and devoid of any kind of basis or proof
Wtf man stop pointing out that the only player who didn't have to run 12km per game was the fittest, the most responsive, and the best performing one
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New Emmanuelle trailer is up, and it's Noémie Merlant sexkino
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they keep lying about >us, my boy. they are calling us snitches and blaming the nt’s figure of shit on us us. but we’ll show them, we’ll show them all.
It's almost like good keepers are one of the most important factors in short NT tournaments like the euros but it doesn't mean it's kurpa de muh spalletti preparation
god i love this big forheaded bitch so much, if i go another day without a french woman in my bed i'll kms
Juve in crisis = Italian NT in crisis.
Is that Diego Huijsez on the left in the first couple of frames?
She looks [redacted]
i don’t know
could be
Italy, things working and consequences all in the same statement? Nah can't be it
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I love her and her asymmetric boobs so much. The thought she’ll never look at me like she does at 0:51 is suicidefuel
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no other culture on god's green earth has taught their women to smirk that way, god bless the french
Fucking hell man I love women
>Arrigo Sacchi on the Azzurri elimination: "The problem is not foreign players, but mediocre foreign players. They take away space from young Italian players without raising the level, in fact they lower it. Reread history: every time we have favoured the invasion of players from abroad, Italy has struggled. The problem lies at the base: we need coaches who look to the future, we need to provide them a better knowledge, especially in the youth sectors. If not, it will happen like against Switzerland: overpaid professionals who don't know what to do with the ball between their feet"
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>shapely hip's
bald fuck won his trophies with a band of duccios who outspokenly called him a retard and talks
imagine the smell of that bedsheets haha
Reminder: https://x.com/pierpi13/status/1778430195994640706
Gosh I'm literally going to vomit in a few minutes
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>no weghorst
>no ping pong
is your master plan losing duccio?
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Thoughts about this dish Duccio?
Nice after a day out skating on the ice, but it's not for me apart from that

Yes, Germans won't pay the tikkies so it's better we get out while we can
It’s up and somehow he’s getting even more based https://x.com/azpitarte/status/1808142998162530513
Elite backpedal from the “too many blacks in the NT” comment from like 8 years ago. Jokes aside he’s mostly right but the forners is just another example of papering over the cracks of a system that’s been broken for a long time
I think I might become a Milan customer, I don't like throwing money away and they embrace this philosophy
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follow the flowchart my albanian friend
you were never a Juventino just for having let that thought cross your mind
7 blackies and 1 hapa in the Nether Regions team. Dizgustan.
2,001,926 No's and 1,617,989 Yes's in the Highlands country. Nawseating.
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reminder to stay bloccopilled
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>is actually a female
/seriea/ you WILL be rooting for Panama against Brazil/Colombia right?
>half terronafri
>half perfidious anglo
>unironical nazi
don't ever read mein kampf it's pretty much about you
>go to Duccioland
>it's beautiful and calm
>go to Scotland
>it's a shithole (a kino one, but still a shithole)
My way to rate countries is simple enough
>drive into Belgium
>hit a pothole so deep you bounce straight into France
Delicious beer though
you willingly live in belgium
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he's gonna save CALCIO
does the plan involve watching his friends fuck prostitutes?
Not that willingly, just got here years ago with my parents and got all my education here so I'm lazy to go somewhere else. I've learnt to love this shithole (kind of), and at least I live in an okay part of the capital.
he's another poof like bandecchi?
Supporting Juventus? Not that willingly, just started years ago because of my parents and got all my calcio education here so I'm lazy to go somewhere else. I've learnt to love this shit club (kind of)
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A while back he went on la zanzara (i know, i know) and talked about how he went on puttan tours with his friends, then suddenly realized that paying for sex doesn't fit the based and redpilled persona so immediately tried to save it by saying that he did so "just to watch"
Literally me
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BREAKING : Khephren Thuram va signer à la Juventus !

Accord verbal entre la Juventus et l’OGC Nice, pour un montant de 20M€ plus des bonus complémentaires jusqu’à 25M€.

Il va signer un contrat jusqu’en 2029.
>he writes his emails with reddit spacing
you are not watching any sex in puttan tours...
This tournament fell off so hard, i haven't really enjoyed a game since matchday 2 during the group stage
Tonights game should be excellent to be fair
Damn what a shot
Very Robbenesque
More power than finesse to be fair
Hagi lectures the dutch players on 5G and chemtrails during corners
small town belgiolandia is comfy though
brussels however…
this is the guy who didn't want to play Baggio because he didn't fit in his tactics
i go away for a short while and find you posting pornography in my /seriea/ again?
and played Signori wide mid for the same reason
I live in a comfy part of Brussels, could've been worse
Is it better than your homeland in the Atlas Mountains?
My homeland is Italy, so at least economically it is better I guess
Vasile Migos
here we go’d by merdizio merdano. honestly hyped about this guy.
The Neverlands are going to win Euro24

>source: I saw it in Duccio's dreams
The dutch only have three white players on the field
Uhhhh born in Milan and that's about it
Are allegri fags fr when they say he should be italys manager? Have we not suffered enough
The Netherlands are actually playing extremely well
More if you add up the white halfs
>one week until champions league begins
What the
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Kino if Virtus qualifies
the balkan cup was real all along
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Half-time Agresti:
#Juventus: Khéphren #Thuram percepirà circa €2.5m netti a stagione. Contratto fino al 2029 // Juventus: Khéphren Thuram will earn around €2.5m/year until 2029 @ilbianconerocom
For me, it's Georgian runner-ups Dinamo Pattume
It feels so good to see contracts that actually make sense instead of awfully overpriced ones, Giuntoli is cooking
Belarus is still allowed to play?
I thought today was a no calcio day, forgot these shitters still had to play
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>de ligt to manure
lmao nice career you got there
what are you talking about euro calcio ended yesterday
That's how Chiesa has almost always played, even for the Viola
In the end, all the Dutch return to the first big shiny bald fraud who coached them

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