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>Please God, for all that is right and just in this world don't let the turkish menace win and reach the semis. God, render the power of Jesus to aid the Austrians against these islamic heathens. Amen.
shut the fuck up christcuck

who allowed these moors in the euro
The euros is so fucked
Not only are half your teams ngubus but you ban European teams and invite turks, kazakhs and jews
Most of your ads are chinese and israeli
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you made me read that fuck you pls Jesus ignore that and let us win so this gayreek seethes, in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Should be praying that whites stop ruining Christ’s message and blaming Jews for it
Does this now mean that islam is the true religion?
haha get fucked gayreek
Jesus is a TÜRK
lmao guess God is with muslims, poor christcuckie
i kneel
Okay, you prayed to the Christian god so this post is alright to me.
Jesus is in the Qur'an thoughever, he's just not the main protagonist, that's Mahoma
>please jewish god save europe like you did when christjews destroyed 99% of ancient cultural heritage and doomed us to a millennium of bronze age backwardness
Here's how much your prayers are worth slave
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Fuck off Mikonos whore. Your boyfriend will fuck you regardless

UmmahChads, we just can't be stopped
Sorry rabbi, Jesus is from Bethlehem
Nazareth is TÜRKIYE
You forgot to include me. I converted 20 minutes ago after that save from Allah. Subhannallah alhumdulilah assalamu alaikum
To all the muzzies are chimping out in this thread, you do realize that I was memeing right? You really think I'd pray or depend on God to fix a footy game lol. The game was already 2-1 when I made the thread.
kek based
>mfw finally seeing the actual flags making these kinds of posts
The entire pagan larp is brown lmao
Amen. Only the toothpaste can save us.
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>I-I was on- only p- p- pretemded to be retarded
>Christcuck still believes in god after what he just witnessed
They never learn.
this is quite a clever bait
No, that's exactly what you said while crying
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wait really ? I thought in islam jesus also comes back to destroy the anti-christ ? or something like that
Yes, it's the spiderman pointing meme
I'm in California, we don't have as many fatties, especially if you exclude the Mexicans
not sports related
Fortunately i’m white and can ban evade, cry on pajeet.
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Spain had to protect the whole of Europe in the battle of Lepanto. Without us, all center Europe would be Turkish. A battle that the great Cervantes fought.

Leave the turk menace to us.
> Spain had to protect the whole of Europe in the battle of Lepanto
kys spic
>especially if you exclude 70% of the population
ignore him, you're way whiter than us
you gotta up your advertisement game so I can buy more overpriced italian goods, Mario
I know a lot of turks converting to christianity. i'm glad you guys are finally finding the right way
Do you think she has botox?
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Finally a worthy opponent...
>turks converting to christianity
Islam is what is hot on the streets right now. It's the fastest growing religion in the world. You can have those rejects, we Muslims don't want them. I don't care if I just converted after watching that save by the goalie, I'm a proud Muslim now
lmfao the fedora tipper reported me but got banned himself. tragic retard lmfao
was that another group of people who raped your ancestors? I lose track.
Even roaches know how to practise population control my little eight legged friend.
>eight legged
They exist, all abominations will be made possible
>doubles down on his stupidity
Next you're gonna tell us a centipede has 8 legs
You wish you were as clean and reputable as the centipede
>some brown muslim janny keeps shadow bumping this

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