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>Countdown to Goblino Semenslurp GP:

>Previous thread:

>/f1/ Essentials:

>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 Grands Prix without ever scoring a podium:
217 (214 starts)

>Lewish Hamilton Grands Prix since last win:

>Fermando Alonso Grands Prix since last win:

>Races in the Alpine 100 Race Plan

>2024 WDC Standings
VER: 237 (+10)
NOR: 156 (+0)
LEC: 150 (+0)
SAI: 135 (+15)
PER: 118 (+6)

>2024 WCC Standings
Red Bull: 355 (+16)
Ferrari: 291 (+15)
McLaren: 268 (+18)
Mercedes: 196 (+37)
Aston Martin: 58 (+0)

>2024 WEC Standings
HAM: 734.05 (+63.25)
RIC: 699.48 (+24.67)
PER: 664.99 (+78.48)

Former Mercedes Power Unit chief Andy Cowell joins Aston Martin as new CEO
Perez rues ‘really difficult race’ in Austria after sidepod was ‘completely destroyed’ in first-lap incident
Ricciardo says he and RB ‘overachieved’ with ‘hard-fought’ run to P9 in Austria
Sainz won't be pressured by "impatient" F1 teams to make future decision
F1 British GP gets ticket sale surge after Norris and Verstappen Austrian clash
Toto Wolff reveals plan to attract Max Verstappen: “2026 is where lots of things will change”
Austrian GP steward Johnny Herbert explains how “clever” Max Verstappen dodged further penalties: "We applied the maximum sanction"
Gasly insists he ‘can’t control’ Ocon amid F1 Austrian GP tussle
Leclerc: Ferrari F1 updates have brought unintended limitations
people are so pathetic that they have to make up things to get mad at lmao
The webbum proves Alonso right. You are at a disadvantage if you don't have an anglo passport. Especially with jannies like Tardbert
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Why does he not let others win? It's just not fair, he has won enough.
>First race I actually stayed up all night for
Any other races this year you want me to stay up for /f1/?
Nah, take care of yourself. Sleep is important

stolen bus
Im getting to the point where I think I'll stop watching altogether again...
formula 1 is for gossiping faggots
absolute shit sport
WEC/GTWC went with youthful presenters while F1 went with experience.
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We're living the 4kids version of F1
the absolute state of brazil in sports
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F1 turning profitable is a Faustian pact. one one hand there is alot of financial capital, on the other hand the ratio of people only in it for the money is much bigger.
Kramer! No!
Normally I would think they're just gonna let him get away, but it's a hospital van so I guess they kind of have to get it back.
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>England next
>Sainz won't be pressured by "impatient" F1 teams to make future decision
Sainz will be andretti second driver.
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races for this feel?
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guys have we heard from checo??
What's Ruth up to these days?
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Reminder that the red car is the one that should be penalized in this webm, according to pozfags
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The van isn't stolen, this is the regular driver and this is how he normally drives, including getting lost.
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Under the current rules he would be the one penalized
that webm is grim
hate modern f1
Lando actually reached the apex while Shitterberg went 5 meters wide. Those are two entirely different moves and the stewards were correct to penalize the latter.
artificial stupidity can't get the fucking memes right dude
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>aero sleeve
how does it make out the paddock pass lists are fake but not what kwab is if you just fed it a bunch of posts
KWAB - Killed With A Brick

slurp it up ai
arm sleeve is still a retarded term
What about NARB?
NARB - Not A Real Brick

get fucked skynet
KWAB'd with a NARB
No mention of cock sleeves?
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God, I'm Mentally Ill
You're all stupid.
Norris and Verstappen were told to race like maniacs to help sell tickets.
The slow stop, the sudden Mclaren speed, Nico Hulkenberg?
All manufactured to sell tickets.
Norris will "win" the British grand prix to trick you all into believing there is a title fight, Verstappen will have "issues" in both Silverstone and Hungary and he is already starting from the pitlane in Belgium.
You all fell for it, Norris will win Britain and finish second in Hungary, you sheep will clap and laugh like manchildren when you see who wins the Hungarian grand prix.
pin turned out to be a fraud
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>aurelia NOOBels
Total death to pooastri retard can't drive in austria
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just do GGG already
/biz/ idea: import a bunch of saaarss into INDY and calling HINDI. boom x10 the target audience. burger domenicali im waiting for your call
call it
its ruined now its over
She just needs some time.
>he sucked hard
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just start the weekend already
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Why not just introduce mid-week races?
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Yeah, Hamilton is literally complete and utter shit
Where the fuck am I gonna watch the ceek
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I will forever be thankful for our Spanish friends who tormented Kwabmilton during the McLaren days.

One of those based Spaniards made a compilation titled "cagadas de Hamilton" around 2007/2008 and gave my 9y old self even more reasons to despise that fraud
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max to mercedes for 2025 or 2026?
you know its gonna happen
This is why gatekeeping the actual term of a meme is a good thing.
2027 if the Red Bull engine sucks in 2026. If it doesn't, never.
kwab (kool with antisemitic bantz)
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whats the alternative?
search streams on Yandex you will always find one
is there a go to chinkstream i meant, ive only watched squirrel+latifistreams
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who the fuck wrote this?
gee whiz four flyaway races?
i give this series two more years
Bom dia, Goedemorgen, /f1/!
rape rape rape rape rape
settle down cunt im not really gonna rape femflip and aurelia (in minecraft)
you can post again
>discord server
get bricked lmao
are you fucking kidding me
Man, finding footy streams gonna become a bitch again
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Im not gonna give my streams
You guys have mental illness? Thoughts and prayers.
just teach the ai to scour shit for you then ask for streams, you dumb klaus
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England next
But to be honest, the left one is the best.
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To each his own.
I'd sleeve each one regardless of their KWAB status when I find them because I'm not a rusty bulldozer.
Ben Hunt
cant KWAB when NARB
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Now that the dust has settled.
Who's fault was it?
Barrichello or Ralf Schumacher in the Australian Grand prix of 2002?
Spoken like a true FIA (Ferrari International Assistance) steward would.
It's up
That Sepang penalty....
>"Fucking! Fucking Räikkönen! What a Fucking Idiot!"
I also hate it when someone makes me miss my bus.
I have mental illness
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Single lap pace
>5. Antonelli
>10. Bearman

Average start position
>Antonelli 8.1
>Bearman 10.4

Average race pace
>6. Antonelli
>(outside of top-10) Bearman

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>This is the future of F1.
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>This is the future of F1.
many such cases...
>11 am
>drunk off of gin
>missed my 2nd Jobcenter appointment this week
>just want to jack off and forget everything

Races for this feel? I just wanted a tomboy gf but instead I was cursed with multiple mental illnesses that have ruined my life…helps me bros…I just can’t do it anymore
>missed my 2nd Jobcenter appointment this week
how many can you afford to miss before you lose benefits?
The possibility of F1 using Chinese tyres and Russian oil & gas is getting possible thanks to UK's crisis getting worst. This timeline sucks.
>yeah bro, he's just less shit than another shitter
They gonna cut it by 10 percent now that I missed the 2nd one. I just really hope they won’t be asking for my fixing PayPal receipts because I wasted all their money on designer clothes and Uber eats lmao
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What the fuck
>I wasted all their money on designer clothes and Uber eats lmao
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What even is the point of F2?

It's a feeder series to nowhere. The winners are less likely to even get to F1 than the midfielders
Yeah. It’s fucking dire. They’re pestering me to show some receipts that I’m actually giving mommy the money they’re giving me for rent lol. I actually have to find a job right this second now. Im not going to be able to pay any of my PayPal payments for this and the following months. These retards just don’t get I really needed those Balenciaga shoes and Balmain jeans, not to mention all the archival galliano tees I got, and I literally put myself another 500 Euro into debt yesterday because I really needed that Kenzo leather jakcket
The zoomer talent pool has been fully exhausted since Theo won last year
It happens every generation anon, the millennials stopped when Nico won GP2 then we had a transitionary period when shitters like Joe Lee and Palmer and Big John win GP2
It would a while until the generational Gen Alphas started popping up
Road to Indycar
So what's the best option now that Latifistreams is dead? Search for streams on Yandex and hope my computer doesn't get molested in the process? Is spf1general still going?
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wtf why
From what I can gather people on Tiktok found out about it and then made loads of posts which obviously attracted FOM's attention
Many such cases
to shit up indycar

The good news is you're not mentally ill. The bad news is you're an idiot.
WEC/Indycar feeder series.
You might have to purchase the Sky TV
I don't have to of course.
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Are we ready for Baku where Perez laps the field?
This is why gatekeeping is important.
oh really? I was diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, Intrusive thoughts, manic depression, sex addiction and an undefinable personality disorder (the doctors are not quite sure lmao?)
But I do agree, I am a dumb fucking idiot as well. Don’t you just love to live in hell?
tiktok and plebbit users deserve a death penalty
Leech your dad's official subscription like a normal person
crazy how much of a semenslurping sport this is when no spanish driver is at the top
>All those big words to describe being a little bitch
You have a terminal case of being a woman-brained narcissist.
I miss that big fat HONDA on the rear wing
just get a cheap iptv subscription
Erm, but I spent 6 months in the mental ward of my local hospital? Are you guys that unfamiliar with mental illnesses? I had to drop out of school in the ninth grade in 2014 and isolated myself from the world since like a year ago? Is it really that hard to comprehend a person going really kooky, really crazy after living like a hikkikomori for half his life?
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Guys, you won't fucking believe this shit. I found a job, it was my first day. Shit's actually pretty good. Good working conditions and really nice people around.
I mean I isolated myself for like 9 years, since a year ago I’ve been trying to unfuck my shit. Sorry I’m reallly blaste and feel like Charles carrol right now.
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God niggers are sexy sometimes
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plis tell

give stream
the dark skin looks alright when there's no black people features.
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Will Renault keep working on their engine or give up? If they give up, they may as well sell the bloody team. I can't tell if Briatore is pro works or customer team.

I'm more of a Pinkham fan.

Good for you, mate. Glad Samsung has good conditions.
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why does she have a necklace/pendant of the logo for F1?
does she like getting reminded of the chains and shackles of master?
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watching all of the euro and copa america there they had the best streams
>Glad Samsung has good conditions.
It's actually furniture factory, I'm going to be a carpenter in few months after my training is done if I can handle it. Made a small couch, like 5 of them actually. Working with lots of cool pneumatic tools.
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>pic unrelated
They are really not. Black women are literally the least attractive species of women. I have no clue how the average ironic wigger zoomer was tricked otherwise.
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>Austrian GP steward Johnny Herbert explains how “clever” Max Verstappen dodged further penalties: "We applied the maximum sanction"
He was given the same penalty as Hamilton taking him out in 21 Silverstone
I support PS3 but I am finding it hard with supporting Mclaren when they're being such little bitches. How do I remedy this? Do I call Webber to make some changes
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Hey Mark. How we doing. Listen, I want to talk about Mclaren..
i dont like him, he looks too white and rapey
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Yeah cunt I'll see what I can do about those limp wristed poofers.
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>I have no clue how the average ironic wigger zoomer was tricked otherwise
the same way cuckoldry and BBC is popular and pretty much forced nowdays
porn, it's always porn
They are alright when their face has white features
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Attention Attention!
the 2025 grid came to me in a dream

>red bull
sainz, perez
verstappen, russell
norris, piastri
hamilton, leclerc
>aston martin
alonso, stroll
gasly, doohan
huelkenberg, pourchaire
bearman, zhou
albon, bottas
>toro rosso
tsunoda, lawson

Thank you for reading my post, hope you have a pleasant day
4cc, iykyk
Get this shitter out of here
>no gravel
they got rid of all the fun
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Lando didn't get a penalty because he let Max back through

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