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totally legit VAR edition
no games are on
First for neguebicius
>dorival exposed
>diniz exposed
who we have left?
Renato gaúcho
Rogério Ceni unironically
rogerio ceni
forgot to turn on the vpn
no mínimo é pra parar de convocar quem joga nos bangus do campeonato inglês, espanhol, ...
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>commentator starts saying that Vini made mistakes in everything he tried
>suddenly stops and change subject
the manager literally doesn't matter, we're not winning anything fielding the same shit players who have been there for years and didn't win anything
blatantly offside, i'm surprised they didn't give the goal
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fuck a.nal
pero miren como lloran los macacos
lol this ref
Fernando Seabra
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we don't have any beef with panama anyways
big games are always more fun
>vinicius suspended
might actually watch the next match
renight will never be exposed
vai tomar no cu juiz ladrao filho da puta
he's brasil best player, without him it's over
Esse Dorival é um treinador extremamente limitado. Já passou da hora de sair.
Havent you seen the bracket? Brazil , colombia and uruguay kill themselves before the final
he played like shit today (again)
Vini Jr------- Pedro ---------- Rodrygo

pick a better front three
He was literally exposed when he had to walk naked to pay a promise (because flu was relegated)
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buy Galoppo or foda fora
colombia is pretty good tbqh
senhor waldemar
>Lucas Paquebet
>Joao Dormes
>Negueba Jr
why do they insist with all these shitters from Flamerda? Who is their agent?
Also, who the fuck is Wendell?
I cant stop crying about that penalty
Gonna masturbate to 2D loli feet to cure my anxiety
>next game is against flamengo B
it's over, imagine the riggi
not really, james carried this game and doubt hes gonna last long fitness wise for more full matches.
>Who is their agent?
just working around a few final kinks in the contract and hes in
Name ONE good brazilian offensive midfielder
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>Uruguay and Brasil killing each other this early
Vinicius exposed as a player who can only score against Rayo Valecano, Espayol, Valladolid and Osasuna
>brazilian players take 2 years to pass the ball
>marquinhos says the problem is that the team accelerated the match when they shouldnt
man I wish we'd have a player like luis diaz, what a player
all we have is
>nico gonzalez
The final will be Canada Culombia

Por favor amigas votem sim vamos anular esse jogo!!! Juiz lixoooo
I hope he does well there, he is a decent person and a good player, just got depressed by living in Braciu
Mateus pereira (cruzeiro)
Doesn't matter. If we can't beat Uruguay we don't deserve to win the cup
Governo Lula tá desesperado
quero ver sabadão
Argentina won a world cup after 500 years and then told the government to fuck off
Brazil won 2002 but fhc couldnt make the successor
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A gift to my culombros for defeating brasiu 1-1 and sending them to hunt dinosaurs with only pointy sticks and samba
does venezuela have a solid chance against the argies? have not seen their matches.
20:00 Universidad de Concepción x Deportes Linares

19:00 Cuiabá x Botafogo
20:00 Vasco da Gama x Fortaleza
20:00 Criciúma x Cruzeiro
21:30 Atlético Mineiro x Flamengo
21:30 Athletico x São Paulo
21:30 Red Bull Bragantino x Atlético Goianiense
tomorrow tomorrow (04/07)
22:00 Argentina x Ecuador

19:00 Grêmio x Palmeiras
19:00 Bahia x Juventude
20:00 Corinthians x Vitória
20:00 Fluminense x Internacional
Talisca, unironically
>Arias - Fluminense
>James - São Paulo
>Rios - Palmeiras
This midfield is better than the one full of shitters from PL...
isnt talisca a striker?
Vcs reclamam do Dorival mas se dependesse do Craque Neto e do Paulo Nunes, entrariamos em campo hoje com Pedro, Gabigol, Davi Luiz e Ayrton Lucas
seria 5x0 pra Colombia
Talisca is a winger
O Doripau devia ter convocado aquele jogador careca de 42 anos que fez aquele gol ridículo de trombada que o retardado mental posta aqui em todo fio, daí acho que o Brasil classificava em primeiro hein?
there HAS to be someone better than him though
enter... uhh... saralegui or zenon or something... uhhh... that hanson fella?
I think he plays in all 3 positions. But it doesn't matter, he would be way better than Rodrygo in whatever position Dorival would put him
Yes, but only if 0-0 and then penalties
but since they are in Europe(TM) they automatically convocated by empresarios
O portugues do James e do Richard Rios é mt melhor que o meu
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>Yes Vini, I see anon doing a racism, I will report him instantly
>qrd on dorival
>coaching SE HARÁ 3 years ago
>Ceará took him from the mud and he just tells them to fuck off
>midly fixes flamengo, nothing amazing but gets the job done, best squad in the continent by far, palmeiras was shit that year at copas
>god awful final vs aflético but bailed out by the red on first half
>god awful final vs corinthians who played better in the 2nd match and was 3-1 on penalties at some point
>pulls the win therefore he's a genius
>flamengo tells him to fuck off after bad performances despite copas
>goes to san pablo
>literally one win away from morumbi at brasileirão
>games vs curintia won with hand goal
>game vs palmeiras was good, specially the allianz one, probably his only remarkable moment and they had a poor ref decision against them
>semen slurper vs flamengo but win due to their defensive mistake
>pressure in the first half against a shit memengo whose best player just came back from exploding knees
>pulls an equalizer in the last ball of first half and parks at home in the 2nd half
>won, genius
he's a coward
he goes for results, it'd make no difference if he lost today since but he still refused to risk it with endrick
endrick bailed him in the 3 friendlies which are still his highest points with seleção and now he wants to 'protect' him lol
it's inevitable, maybe without vini he can set a more balanced line up with no 'star', let's see what ceará man can do
thank you for shaping our players and giving asylum to our elders
sylvinho or thiago motta
graças àquela atuação horrível do Vinicius, temos que jogar contra o Uruguai em vez do Panamá. Vinicius só joga bem contra times ruins como o Paraguai.
Ballondor minha bunda. nunca mais compare ele com o Neymar
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can't believe we're really going after this retarded
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É que na verdade sem nenhum cartaozinho vermelho pro adversário complica pro Doripau, né? O esquema do Doripau DEPENDE EXCLUSIVAMENTE que o adversário jogue com 1 jogador a menos.
Poucos técnicos no mundo dominam esse estilo de jogo então por favor se não entende não critique abraços
They have been playing together for a longer time.
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Felipão, unironically.
quando seu técnico ganhar um titulo com Caio Paulista, Rafinha 38 anos, Diego Bosta e Deivid vc posta aqui
Bragantino has already given directly 2 coaches to brazil
is he the one that made cristiano cry?
O nosso grande goleiro Alisson ainda está com aquele problema de reumatismo nos braços?
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No, he consoled cristiano
Brazil lost 1-1
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i like what im seeing
Literally does not matter because negueba Jr is still going to win ballon d'or and all the racists are going to commit sudoku
Tite is still far better than any other br coach, out of a million excellent games he made one fuck up against croatia which doesn't erase the good performances before
No. It is better to lose than having a foreigner. We already humiliated purselves with the ancelotti imbroglio
What about belgium
It is cuca or bust
yea foreigner coach makes zero sense and should be banned
falseflagging this late tite?
tite is the worst coach of our history
Based monkeycius makes em seethe
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Abel "the Devil" Ferreira of course
Belgium gen at its prime was a great team that only lost to actual champion France, also the 2018 squad was just not good enough.
This. I've never understood the hate vs tite, it isn't his fault they literally couldn't defend a ball in the 117th minute.
I told you he is based and decent. He is also Catholic
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actually it is.
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he would get along with equi
don't worry bros, once Ancelotti comes this will all be fixed
we can't keep up with this current performance forever without tiring to the point of recurring to desperate measures and the portuguese are the best bang for your buck. they speak our language and are good at their job
I heard he's coaching Brazil after the euro leagues are over.
things are just going to keep getting more bleak as more hispanics realize how overpowered argie DTs are
com oq a seleção brasileira ganhou a copa america da argentina ?
If he really goes to england i will be mad
not a fraud dt
>that argie team
I'm coughing from all the smoke
No. Id rather sink to irrelevance. The nt has a function.
do mesmo jeito que eles ganhariam hoje com o time b
sem pressão e com confiança ilimitada
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>the coaches of all the teams that ended in first place are argenchinos
como que o Borré perdeu aquele gol? Parecia o Cavani
it's borre, it have the same benedetto dna
Why the fuck is the bracket like this? The winner of uruguay brazil should get the winner of argentina x ecuador. There is 0 reason to isolate the groups.
3 (tres) argie coaches eliminated already
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muh intense premier league midfield got EATEN, DEVORATED, JANTATED by a Brasileirão midfield
>No. Id rather sink to irrelevance
good thing you're not president of cbf ednaldo rodrigues
Anelka é do Galo!
But doctor
He was sold for 7 millions
Not even James is worth 7 millions
trikaschizo was right about our neguebas being overpriced
In the semifinal? land then have Panamá or Canadá in the final? kek
*elects you mayor of belo horizonte*
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based dupla de volantes
this nigga keeps saying trikaschizo was right like it isn't him hyping himself lmao
This bracket is ridiculous. All groups should cross against each other
Dinosaurs will be having mono for dinner next match
Kek esrlier he created a thread with the albanian vpn then created the same thread with the br flag
thinking about an excuse to get to work 3 hours late to compensate the fact that I should've slept 4 hours ago
Porque com certeza, Bruno Guimarães, João Gomes e Paquetá são melhores que Josué, Mineiro e Elano.

A premier League só tem cara realmente bom nos times de cima. O resto é lixo com grife.
Common misconception. In spite of hollywood movies, dinossaurs have never lived with human ancestors
vai chegar segundo kkkkk
neat so can you tell me what could cause a headache after taking an innocent nap? I've been like this for the entire day. my body feels warm and I feel tired but I don't have a fever. my family has no historic of cancer
so mean
i miss casemiro i'll never forgive seven hag for not keeping him fit
can't sleep good night
Ojalá me cierren la bocota, pero mientras exista esa rosca inmensa en la federación con un poco de complicidad del DT, Colombia no ganará nada y no podrá progresar. Eso se evidenció desde la lista de convocados en dónde prefirieron dejar por fuera a un goleador con fuerza y mucha determinación cómo mateo casierra (Titular indiscutible en su club), por un tipo como Rafael santos borré un tipo muy limitado y que nunca sale a disputar una pelota y no sólo eso, si no que erra muchas ocasiones claras de gol que valen oro, jugador el cual desde hace casi dos años ha bajado mucho en cuanto a rendimiento, tanto que en estos ha sido muy discutida su estancia en sus respectivos clubes. O también cuando prefirieron dejar por fuera a un chico joven y con gran proyección como yerson mosquera (De los centrales más destacados de LA LIGA) por un tipo cómo yerry mina que es muy propenso a las lesiones, que también es muy tosco, lento y a la hora de marcar la mayoría de veces le ganan la espalda. Muy mal
what team is he?
>it's now posting culombia tweets
such blatant buckbreaking, embarassing
This music sound better at 0.75
>not listening to the nightcore version at 2x
Because the pots were the two highest cueca cuelita ranking coimabol teams + two highest coke ranking conCACAf teams.
this >>142362051


Maior public banheirão of history
Does anyone know where can I find the Brazil-Colombia game online to re watch it? I need to make a clip from a play.
Thanks, but it says not allowed in my country, the fucker
the best moments
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I missed 70% of the game, but the atmosphere was great

Columbianas have the best culo, outnumbered the hue crowd by like 5:1. Fuck whoever set ticket prices. 7/10 next time I’m watching from a bar
Welcome back chiche
based canchaposting culombian expat
did you drink anything at the game?
did you see the goals?
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Also somehow they snuck flares in, lmao
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Also I don’t know if you guys saw the pitch invader right after the game ended
Yo Onions americANO
Artificial intelligence would never be able to reproduce such a photo.
>Columbianas have the best culo
Brasil is full of post op trannies, not much competition
Thanks again, but the play I'm looking for is not there.
I'm trying to capture when Diaz steps on Guimaraes knee at minute 45, first half
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>every brasilian is paulista

they have their best stocked up in the north
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>Rogerio Ceni
portugues comedor de porra recheada
niggas literally named Luxembourg wtf
There are many more faggots outside São Paulo.
on a scale from 0/over how fucked is Brazil?
Dont know if you guys heard them over your broadcasts but a lot of Colombians brought vuvuzelas too
Check TyC streams fron pirate sites. Some players let you rewind up to 12 hours.
they need president kong or duponticius to do something otherwise they're fucked
The work is starting now with the new coach. The great CBF practically threw away two years of work with Fernando Diniz.
But I think we have a good chance of being eliminated by Uruguay. And so on if we get past Uruguay.
Dorival will outplay Bielsa.
Just imagine the final match of the tournament with the entire stadium playing vuvuzelas
to break rules is our vital need.
which thread?
After the African Cup and the story of the vuvuzelas, in the Brazilian Cup they tried to push some instrument on the fans. They gave the mission to Carlinhos Brown, a son of a bitch instrumentalist driven by Globo.
He created CAXIROLA. A rattle.
To test the toy, they gave him 50,000 caxirolas to test on a Bahvi, the Bahian classic.
You can see what happened here.

And clearly we never had the CAXIROLA in the World Cup.
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Tried doing exactly that. All dead and the only one I found still streaming didn't have any seeking option.
Everyone is against me
why you cant into coaches anymore?
like we are pumping as many top coaches as we do with players
cara a mulher do Thiago Mendes é literalmente uma gordola modelo plus size
I searched the BR sites and couldn't find the lance.
America de Cali fans did it once again.

há 11 anos
Meu Deus que vergonha!!! esse é o caxixí ussado na Capoeira! Esse cara inventou não. Só modificou e piorou. Vai na Capoeira maluco q eu quero ver na roda apanhando com a tua caxirola.
why dont you say the clip you want? i recorded the stream using vlc
Pisão do Diaz no Guimarães. No joelho.
Thanks anyway
Thanks to south africans, I had to delete all my World Cup 2010 files that I paid 30 USD to get from a guy in Sweden who recorded in ultra HD because the noise of the fucking hincha with vuvuzela was so awful during every single match from start fo finish

So yes, world cup 2010 was supposed to be the second world cup which I would watch all games and buy the official album but it ended up being a painful experience of noise

VAI TOMAR NO CU Globo seus filhos d aputa judeuzes de merda malditos, satanistas, safados, vai tomar no cu seus filhos da ptua por ficarem tentando copiar essa merda
What about the Maradona DVDs?
>Globo entrega 50 mil caxirolas pra torcedores na BAHIA
Eles sabiam q isso ia acontecer, só queriam ver a guerra
I still have it of course but not all
It' like ... let's see. I think the total are over 25. But I'm not sure it could be more. I can't afford that.
I wish I had all matches from the Brasileiroes in the 70s and 80s so I could watch this year
Coates, Lugano, Cáceres y Maxi Pereira
>Scotti was a bench
B-but Lugano was not good I need to rewrite history!
Nobody ever said Lugano was bad.
i havent seen a single person say lugano was ever a shitter
people may disagree with some of his opinions but nobody said he was a bagre
The Uruguay schizophrenic pedo said yesterday Lugano was bad and a few days ago he said other bad stuff about him
I quickly found out it was because he didn't go to Nacional-URU but to Sao Paulo instead. He spread lies about him every time someone mention Uruguay NT
A discussion of two schizos.
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why do modern girls/women born between 1999 and 2004 have all this ink in their arms and what is their plan for old age?
Do you have the Lugano DVDs?
no :(
But I watched almost all games from 2003 to 2006
When you get old you don't give a fuck about anything else. Even tattoos.
>Do you have the Lugano DVDs?
No, but I'm alugano them
>Give Brazil one world cup
>The only thing we can come up with is a caxirola
Now you understand why I think Brazil is owned by (((Them)))?
If Lugano was born in Argentina his name would be Luegano
>what is their plan for old age?
do you want to see her haircut?
Btw look at this
They destroyed an entire tournament for the sake of giving africans a fucking plastic megaphone
Always live in the moment, there is no past and no future.
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No Euros or Copa tonight sad times
Might just get drunk and play deep rock galactic and shitpost, nothing else to do
>do you want to see her haircut?
dont care about internet roasties
she dopes use the same apple watch face as me though which is pretty based
You know it's a question of time.
I'll post her haircut. It's oily and it tells everything you need to know about the type of girl that is born after the 9/11 inside job
what happened between Milei and Evo Morales? do you even follow politics in (((2024)))?
Some provinces started charging for hospitals and surgeries, also put the army to patrol the borders and captured cargos with smuggled goods, increasing the prices of basic groceries in Bolivia.
btw I understand 98.9% of bolivian spanish
It's funny how easy it is to understand. It's like portuguese with weird accent

But I can't undertand argentinians or uruguayans because they speak with such low pitch voice and fast that is impossible to follow
>Some provinces started charging for hospitals and surgeries
for all citizens or illegals? what does Evo morales have to do with it? wtf?
Now that the dust has settled, I believe that we played better than Brazil, but we missed so many chances. It was the perfect chance to boost the confidence of the team and we bottled it again with the same shitters that left us out of Qatar. Panamá is next, I hope we get an easy win, but I doubt we will
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Some faggot posted this bitch and now she makes me go diamond
it could've very well ended 4-1 for culombia
who was it that missed on an open net near the end of second half? was it boborre?
>É vergonhoso ser dominado por um meio com 1 reserva do SPFC, outro reserva do Palmeiras e um jogador do lanterna do Brasileirão
The redpill about selecao is flowing out to normies.
Borré and Carrascal. Dos burros irrecuperables
where is the fun on deep rock galactic?
>le mine crystals
>le kill big bugs
>le destructible environment
I bought it, played it for awhile and left it there
there was a weird hub with computers and shit too, fuck that
>biver players
I'm sorry
but looking on the bright side, your lot has a game against panama to further refine the team before facing the winner of brasil-urgay, and whoever wins will be fucked up from their game
Provavelmente vcs tem que começar reflexionar pq eles são boms quando jogan pela seleção e ruims quando jogam pelos clubes. São os treinadores do brasileirao que estão errados. Esse cara do palmeiras é bom dms, e provalmente o titular é um shitter brasileiro overrated
why did the argentinian ignore my question?
I simply asked if the government is requiring paymment for surgeries on illegals or all citizens
you are a brazilian proxy or some brazilian guy living in colombia no one speaks portuguese living in a south american country other than brajew
its soulful
but most importantly the girl im fucking loves dwarves, plays it with me and strokes my beard when we have sex
Well, it’s true, but I see many brazilians celebrating the tie and it has me fuming. I guess we’ll never be a football nation.
Imagine this situation: Colombia is dominated by three players from Santa Fe, Medelin and América de Cali who are not starters. You'd be throwing rocks in the government building right now
I meant colombians, not brazilians.

That will never happen because they are so shit that not even players from the A team have chances to start even in Bolivia
But that just happened a few hours ago. But you were the good guys
Kek, I get your point
to the colombian guy sad that his nation is not a football nation: think about the turks. They waste millions of euros to compete in UEFA but they never win
They always lose to some 3rd tier german club owned by farmers who raise GMO grains to sell to russians or a greek club that rose to fame based on promising players 3 meals per day or to some italian team owned by a bankrupt mafiosi
And they are more fanatical than us
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o Fagner? Até meses atrás era lateral da Seleção.
Raphael Veiga
Renan Lodi
Gabriel Jesus
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Bolsonaro wife having sex with a gay makeup artist
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Meu vô dizia: quando uma mulher usa reboco no rosto(maquiagem), ela está ouvindo o Diabo
Um país de pessoas inteligentes

Obrigado, religião
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Banheirao hardcore
can I ask you a favor? watch the Colombia x USA highlights best momments melhores momentos resumen 5 minutes here or on youtube and tell me...
Colombia allowed USA to win. It seems they received a lot of money to let USA win.

I dont want to be paranoid but...
Do other South American countries despise Argentina or is it just Europe/Mexico/the rest of the world
Wow, soccer is rigged. What a surprise
I dont know if the own goal by Escobar was rigged. I dont think it was, because many say he was a decent person. However the entire game looks weird
I might watch the entire game before sleep and I'll post my findings later
Personally I hate them, as do many other South Americans.

But oddly enough, Brazilians like these cucks. Even after everything they did to us.
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>Personally I hate them
It's gonna be a no from me pal
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O raton miguelinho kkkkkkkk
Buy Galoppo ou foda fora
colombia não jogou melhor. fomos roubados ontem.
Diego Aguirre
Buenos dias sirs, reminder to have sex
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good morning /copalib/, what's your favorite simple dish? im tired of eating bread + eggs every day
Bom dia copa bom dia muita beleza pra todos ustedes ta
good morning brother, reminder to live in chastity and to exercise everyday
Same as Nerman
O prato preferido do Neymar é o tradicional prato feito, ou simplesmente PF, servido com arroz, feijão, bife, batata frita e farofa.
This also abstain from drugs and go to church.
colombia will become el cuarto grande and these quads confirm
salt+chucrut+any salsisha and black bread
Bracket and pots are different things. I am talking about the knockout round not the groups. The winner of 1ax2b plays the winner of 1bx2a, instead of the winner of 1cx2d, as it is tradition.
People used tp hate argentina but now there is a loud minority that loves them
the only people who really hate argenchinos are brownoids because muh racismo despite the fact they never met one or been to argenchina
there are like 80k people in a stadium and niggas get mad at a whole country because of 2 or 3 lol
Similar to what happens to sulistas, they think black people are beaten in the street there or something
>they think black people are beaten in the street there or something
they're not? brb refunding my plane tickets
I'm glad ignorant people hate us t b h says more about them than us, just like the whole bean fiasco
Punheta Rivotril

Bateu dormiu
Can someone just kill the macaco vira-lata and the simio ressentido already
I saw a guy with the 2024 penarol kit at the subway today. Months ago I saw another guy with a nacional kit on the street.
>hdd made it and got clones to new ssd
thank you for your 12 years of service bro, you can rest easy now
You forgot to put the schedule link nigga
It is not just racism. It is the sports rivalry for itself as the core. Or at least it was. Now we are stuck with thousands of argieboos.

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