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First pitch at 6:10pm

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doggie doos kek
Happy 4th of July. It's 5th here.
Props to you to wake up at 4am to watch these games. When I visited Scandinavia a few months ago, it was a pain in the ass to wake up early to watch >my doyers
>swedebro and mexibro are here
where's my russian and vietnamese bro at
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inb4 30 pitch inning for knack
Happy 4th doyerbros
Doyer killer Joc
and its already over
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It’s time for zesty baybaw
fuck that down syndrome faggot
>back to back
are you fucking kidding me
fuck this pitching throw it all into the pacific
Not looking good so far, bros...
went to heat up food at the start of the game
>2-0 ARI
the fuck happened
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I got somethin 4 ya!!!
lmao doyers, bow to the snek
back to back homers
and christian walker owning >us
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Happy 4th ya filthy animals
Getting ready for the parade in phoenix
that fucker walker again?
Christian Walker owns your gay ass
>get two strikes
>fastball right down the middle
>home run
Why do they all do this? Pax, Stone, Knack… so predictable
Ironic because he’s a gay porn star
My streams behind eh
doggie doos kek
inb4 >risp
>zero runs
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Freddie really grinding this ab
Ohtani please don’t hurt yourself
I hyped up Knack today and this is what happens....
why steal 3rd with 2 outs?
fucks with the pitcher
A big sigh
>that rotating door at 3rd base
Muncy can't come back soon enough
I'm still trying to get used to the narrative that the diamondbacks are a playoff caliber team
Faggotbacks used up their luck on a fluke World Series run and came up with nothing. Probably won’t sniff another one for 20 years.
there are only a few teams that have no shot. everyone else has a chance by going on a little run.
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when was the last time the doyers came up with something?
2020 Disneyland season doesn’t count
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go Sneks
Doesn’t count because it was too easy nobody else felt like winning?
cutting out a HUNDRED games is just ridiculous, literally another sport
damn kike!
thank god CT3 is showing signs of life so we won't have to see as much of Biggio/Keekay at 3rd
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1981 dodgers world series was also shortened, so one win (1988) since 1965
Holy shit carroll
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and yet, all the faggots still seethe about the Dodgers. Go figure.
Ok then why didn’t your team win? Playoffs were extended.
Barnes is such fucking dead weight. Winning games with him in the lineup is a Herculean task
Kershaw is unironically a top 3 starter with this current doyer starting rotation
jason GAYward
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what's he thinking rn?
>can't wait to completely blow it in a crucial playoff game
he's eating doodoo
wtf is this shit
top kek
You can't make this shit up
another one of these games
What the fuck is wrong with the dodgers when it comes to Walker
this is fucking bullshit
the dodgers have to rely on some fucking A ball rookie starter
I love him
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Christian Walker HATES LA
They should just throw at his face next time. Harder to hit home runs with a broken zygomatic bone.
Walker is just the Dodgers' father. This is fucking insane.
what the actual fuck
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jesus shohei that was a miserable ab
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So that's it? What, we some kind of... New York Yankees?
it's mind boggling when you start to realize how much of the dodgers pitching staff is out due to injuries
Always feels good to do this against the evil empire, fuck the dodgers and their whiny spoiled fanbase.
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when we come back and win this game i'm going to shit down your throat, faggot
>complain about the Dodgers after a loss
>complain about the Dodgers after a win
>complain about the Dodgers during the game
I guess this is what they call "rent free"
Well my Dbacks were down 4-1 last night and ended up winning 12-4, so I guess you’re right, anything is possible.
Did Heyward get hurt? Why did he leave the game
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> I guess this is what they call "rent free"
Not complaining, just saying fuck you spoiled-ass douchefaggots and please stay the fuck away from my city and stay in yours. You’re ruining it by moving here in droves.
getting to Black for this shit
did I say you could respond to me you snake faggot
>stay the fuck away from my city and stay in yours
You do know tonight's game is in Dodgers Stadium right
Instead of complaining about Pantone's faggot squad why not ask yourself why your team's fans don't show up to your home games?
announcers fat shaming landon knack
he does look especially fat today
it's crazy it's all like in his neck
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It’s july fourth
glasnow tomorrow
I tried a Carl's burger for the first time in my life a few weeks ago and it was the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten. I think it was the exact one they were advertising too, the spicy one with jalapenos and shit. The patty didn't taste or feel like real meat. How the fuck do they get away with it?
The dodgers have existed almost 100 years longer than the Dbacks and have played in their city for almost 70 years longer than the Dbacks have played in theirs and everyone and their mother likes to bandwagon LA sports teams.
Also, a good half of those dodger fans are also diamondbacks fans. I don’t consider them real Dbacks fans though.
>The patty didn't taste or feel like real meat. How the fuck do they get away with it?
they used to be a lot better sometime in the last like 10 years they became garbage
Oh boy, we have RISP on the menu! Time for Lux to kill the momentum by grounding out into a DP
I love when glasnow gets touched up
he has a total meltdown
Idk I’ve never had Carl’s Jr lmao but I do have one of their coupons on my fridge from like five years ago that says
>Free Big Carl w. Purchase of value meal (excludes Really Big Carl)
he looks like lenin
I tell people that the dodgers weakness are their medical and training staff. People say it’s a problem across baseball but dodgers pitchers have been decimated these last three or so years. If that happens one year it’s bad luck but when it’s a consistent pattern it’s the people in the organization. If your hitting sucked for years you’d fire your hitting coach, however if your players keep getting injured some bozo gets to keep his job.
>Really Big Carl
they used to call me that in prison
Your dbacks won’t even make the playoffs
And the Dodgers will never win a legit full season World Series. Have fun being regular season champs every year.
based CT3 isnt an automatic out anymore
>zach gallenfinakis
>however if your players keep getting injured some bozo gets to keep his job
This was a sad comedy with the Angels the last few years. Just injury after injury until the team was completely new faces from the start of season
your fucking lucky that wasn't a double play kike you fucking idiot
holy shit Barnes actually did something. I'm in shock
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nice (((magnets)))
>giving up a hit to barnes
kek dbags
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>watch your filthy mouth, goy
If 2020 was so easy why didn’t the dbacks win it?
fastball up and in
shohei is in "swing at every trash pitch" mode right now -__-
eat a dick fag
Ohtani is in his "swing at everything" mode again
>austin barnes stolen base
holy shit
because they were working on the cure
until he actually gets a pitch in the zone which he just looks at. He obviously gets too in his own head about what pitch is coming sometimes
Going to the doyers game tomorrow and Glasnow is pitching

I am truly blessed
Ohtani's past few ABs have not looked good. Swings at obvious balls and watches fastballs smack bang in the middle
Sports is completely performance optimized but the medical system that supports it is still zogified to the point where anything they do just harms the players more so they have to defer to (((surgeons))).
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Doyers tomorrow!
This is me >>142400374 and I am excited
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Divine wind mode
I don't know what happened in his last outing vs the jints but I hope he's out of the funk
I'll be there tomorrow too.
Was that when walker contracted HIV?
I got a seat on the top deck behind home plate. Kinda far up but the view should be nice.
Freddie Expensiveman
now you know why he's called "brain fart" freeman
got Fumbles Freeman out there whoa watchout!

Just kidding Freddie, love you man :)
Oh Freddie
Also lmao at Roberts' face
Freddie Errorman
the dodgers are just falling apart in every way possible lately. Makes perfect sense since I'm going to see them play next week
Ahh a little bobble with the ball when it was in his glove, don’t see shit like that too often from a player like Freeman.
that was a playground play
>they keep stealing bases
hello doyers?
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The Dodgers AND Yankees falling apart at the same time? Ya just absolutely love to see it.
just keep giving up runs guys, this strategy is working
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Barnes is not a good catcher
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This is what the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse gets for overspending money for overrated players like Choketani
hope you didn't waste too many brain cells figuring this out
Dodgers shaking in their boots… the owner of Dodger Stadium up to bat.
lmao they walked him
Yankees are repeating their 2022 season where they looked like world beaters early on just to turn back to mediocrity by the summer
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Love it. If there’s any fanbase that is due for a 50+ year championship drought, it’s the Yankees. Fuck ‘em.
You know what they say about the definition of insanity
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it worked, thats all that matters
I just hate New York
Marte was at 2d and is not much of a runner, except for another HR he was not making it to home anyway
based Teo scooting down the line
>yfw the Red Sox will win 19 more World Series to pass the Yankees' 27 rings in your lifetime
based Teo. Wish he had made the All Stars
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>tf is your problem, Hollywood
based Pages scooting down the line
>Heyward left because of pain in his knee
Great, he's injured AGAIN
I can't believe I saw "Soul Plane" in theaters
No other team will ever probbaly get close to 20 WS rings because they don’t have a billion dollar roster playing against literal milkmen and plumbers.
The Yankees have 5 actually impressive World Series wins. I’ll give them 1977-present.
>outman returns
more like inman
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>100+ mph
what are they feeding these bullpen pitchers
I can because you're lame
hi touhou
Tommy John surgeons are salivating
giant scoops of pre-workout
how old are you?
fucking classic
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>losing at home while all the spics are at home watching this
>imagine being at the cookout on 4th of july watching the doyers lose
Hai there anon
I’m in medical school bros, do you think I could make more money doing sports medicine like Tommy John surgeries or trans affirming care?
cosmetic surgery. vain douchebgs with disposable income.
keekay is such a non-factor at the plate
At the end of the day it's a combination of Walker walking all over us and the Dbacks making few if any defensive errors
their baserunning and manufacturing runs have been big factors also
having a big jar of pickled tranny dicks is too good to pass up
yeah I'm just going to watch the highlights later
This ump is really bad... for both sides
> losing
Ohtani walkoff homer incoming
>walking Joc to get to Walker
>"You-know-who" is on deck
Christian Walker has this whole venue traumatized
based vesia
alright vesia i'll stop shitting on you
Ohtani is so handsome.
he probably deserves to play in the asg but middle relievers are the red headed stepchildren of baseball
that bug fucked up ohtani
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Not a single hit today Ohtani? Come on now
godtani has left the building
Martinez has been crushing it so far, what a reliable reliever he has grown into
I hope this isn't a preview of the Dodgers' postseason
Diamondbacks pitcher having an argument with himself
my Sneks

yeah wtf was that
this is his world series
>that snake growing out of her finger
Nightmare shit
i know this is a meme and other teams don't like hearing it, but it's pretty obvious that every other team tries extra hard when it comes to playing the dodgers
Times have changed, man and so does 9/11. Boston, even with a terrible ownership, will do the impossible for the rest of the 21st century, maybe the Cardinals, Dodgers and Cubs too. Trust me. It's a whole new age in baseball.
Dodgers missing an entire starting rotation and two of their top 5 in the lineup as well.
have another
He’ll give up 3 runs in his next outing against some flyover team
almost certainly
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>no hot girls at dback games
>have to resort to AI
I earnestly hope this is not the case.
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Snek is the focus dingus
constant rumble of fireworks
lol seething at correctly called strikes
Alek Thomas is a defensive superstar in the making
getting the loss no so they don't get it later
Dbacks will miss the playoffs after finishing well below 500 but will look back on this series as a highlight of the season.
just have to get the wildcard again
I think the West is the best division in the NL
They won’t beat out the Braves, padres, giants, etc.
this entire series has just been get the first two outs in three pitches and then suddenly become unable to get anyone out. so fucking annoying
>rooting for a division
where did I say I'm rooting for anyone else in the division faggot?
>4 straight balls
just walk the man at this point
And the dodgers will choke in the NLDS to another 86 win team.
Death and taxes.
kek based
this team is such a fucking joke
who the fuck is even pitching for the dodgers
never even seen this guy before
Conceding the game-clinching hit to Gurriel who has been hitting air all night is quite an achievement
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Lets fuckin gooooooo
he was up earlier in the season when the bp was gassed. emergency aaa arm.
was in the yankees minor leagues last year, dodgers picked him up for cash considerations
not good!
This is embarassing. I hope when I go tomorrow it's not like this.
unfucking believable. absolute retards cannot get the third out for three fucking games in a row. the entire team should just go home and kill themselves after the game
They’re getting POUNDED
um doyersbros??????????
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AHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA get fucked dodgerfags.
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let's GO
friedman loves these random bottom of the barrel reliever
They deserve to lose for (((hololive night)))
I'm gonna get a refund on my ticket
Based AZ sports bro.

No buying teams and championships for AZ teams. Gotta do shit the hard way here. Builds character, unlike these spoiled little faggoty LA fans.
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*teleports behind you*
only 2 of those named players are not on the IL and actually in this game tonight. and they've both sucked
>power of friendship isnt good enough to be .500
Who's your oshi?
lmao and we get 7-8-9 for the bottom of the 9th. what a fucking joke
rip yotes
>the power of friendship to get to within 10 gb
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Win a legit World Series this century and maybe you can talk.
>inb4 b-b-b-but anybody could've won it!!! why did y-your team!!!??
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To be honest, I do not actually follow hololive, but I think it's cool going for Ohtani's birthday and the drone show.

But the only character I recognize is Gura and maybe Pekora.
forgot graterol existed
>Kershaw, Graterol, May will be back any day now
Two more weeks amirite boys? Walker and Buehler have been killing it since their return
I'm not much into hololive either but I like how the doyers are embracing weebshit. I'm going so I'm curious to see the hijinks they'll have tomorrow
Why is that batter twerking at the plate
might see this guy before the season ends. check out those K rates.

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Dope. The plan is to hit the penjamin and order garlic fries or something.
gg dbacks
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gg sneks
fuck this whole damn pitching staff to hell
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Sneks win
didn't even realize it was the bottom of the 9th
the entire dodgers staff and every single snekfaggot should all kill themselves tonight
Can't wait for tomorrow gnite holochads.
Your team was to good too win it

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