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mariners won that ballgame btw
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Mariners btw.
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doyers win!
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My Chadres choked but Profar and Manny heimlech manuever my choking Chadres :) very special team. You think braves will save a warm seat for that wildcard spot?
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>heh, i'll show /mlb/....

If it was another franchise like Looney Tunes or any other American cartoon, no one would really bat an eye. But because it's hololive, people come out of the woodwork and "oh no it's anime at my ball game"
He roasted the fuck out of us desu
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It's okay because the cubbies won so imo that means padubbies won.
ugh... it hurts...
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>"oh no it's anime at my ball game"
this except unironically
Meant for
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>oh no it's anime at my ball game
I mean if it was Shinji or Goku or whatever that's different from the social media interactivity of the Miku girl things
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mexicans love dbz have the doyars really never had a dbz night?
>still seething hours later
sportsballspie owns you clowns
sportsballspie just pissed me off
A few years ago I took my shirt off and drew a cock and tits on my chest and poaed it to the /mlb/ thread. Thems were the days...
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Will someone actually pay 200 dollars for it
deserves to be scammed by a subcontinental over the phone, possibly even over facebook
>doyers game thread hit 1k posts
Holy fuck lol, I went to the game so I couldn't post with the lads but it's definitely one of the better games I've been to. Also no I didn't stand in line for the merch, I saw that shit wrap around the plaza and realized it would be retarded to wait in line for a shirt. Heard people were still waiting in line during the drone show and I honestly bet half of them are scalpers
Threadly reminder that Cubspie is universally loved and everybody supports her!
I sat top deck. Great view of the whole ballpark desu.
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Top deck is based, I was in the reserve level on the 3rd base side tonight and I went down to the loge level to watch the drone show with some friends after the game
I hate her and I hate the cusb
>>142464781 is me
and i'm the one that recorded and posted the song in the game thread

I would like to attend a game at dodger's stadium.
Expected gay louis opinion.
Hell yeah those are nice seats, I saw so many people in my section with their phones out during the 7th inning stretch and I don't think I've ever seen one get applause either, Gura is that based.
Dodger Stadium is great, just make sure to bring your own (unopened) water bottle so you don't have to pay $7 for water. Also the food is overpriced as shit. And if you can try to take the dodger express bus, way better than spending $30 on parking along with the fact that the parking lot is hell to get out of.
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>over six hours in line
RIP his legs
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Or, you can watch the game you paid to see, especially if you came from out of state.
yeah whatever he drove a couple hours from yuma
Dareisay, based dodgers?
I still don't understand this holo whatever shit. A 6 hour line? What the fuck? For what? I thought it's just fake anime girls.
The cards they gave out to us at the game are selling for $100 on ebay
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i think there was a dog that got it popular and then they translated it to english but the chinese bought them out i'm not really sure
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Wondering how much I can sell mine for or if I should wait a bit
keep it mang, is $110 after the ebay cut worth it right now? either hold on to the shirt or wait a decade or two for them to increase in value.
I only have the card, but a friend messaged me for it.
>the card is free right?
>yes, but my ticket wasn't
If they want it they're gonna have to fork up the money
Exclusive holododgers merch, some hats and shirts. The reason the line was so fucking long was because all they had to serve the fans was a tiny ass booth. They gravely underestimated the madness of hololive fans
what the hell is a hololive? if i don't even know what this is what is going through the heads of the puerto rican players as they see this shit?
>wait a decade or two
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That'll $60 each item plus a 6 hour wait in line plus tip
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It would be funny if they had a family guy night and everyone was hyped and it sold out and everyone got family guy stickers and trinkets ehehe
Oh sweet stickas
Hololive ain't anime.
I know it isn't but it's the idea, making an example with it.
>eh lois
>rememba that time we went to LA for tha sacks game?
Anime is approved.
Hololive is denied.
Simple as.
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Don't think I've ever seen this many different flags in an /mlb/ gamethread
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Just announce Holonight 2 already, Doyers
hololive brought 4chan together
Ohtani couldn't handle the pressure of his oshi watching
If the doyers are playing at home during AX weekend next year it's a virtual guarantee they'll do it again
Maybe they'll learn their lesson and make a larger merch station next time
Chumchads are official central bros now btw.
I paid money to watch Ohtani potentially hit a home run, let alone hit the ball at all. Instead I watched Will Smith pull a hat trick and make Doyers history and Miguel Vargas for the one time dinger.

And we won. Pretty worth desu.
How do you see all of them organized like that?
You have to download tampermonkey on chrome or greasemonkey on firefox
That cap sucks ass. Instead of saying Hololive Production they could've for example used the exact same base blue Dodgers cap but made different variants with a white logo of a comet, a carrot, and a shark in its place. This is so lazy.
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Very nice thanks
Who are the Chumchads, if I may ask?
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They are like the psychogang but way hornier.
Sweet Jesus...
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holy fucking shit
I'm goonin'!
I feel bad I didnt get mine.
Makes me wonder how early people people went to the stadium for the merch
Very. I showed up right at game time. I was next to someone in line that showed up 2 hours beforehand.
They interviewed a guy who said he was there since noon. It was over before it started.
Yeah I had one day to go to AX cause I happened to be going to the Dodger game. I should have just gone another day but that would involve me taking more days off. Maybe the learned their lesson?
who in their right mind is waiting 8+ hours for a shirt?
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Bro I love this fucking shark.
But it's not the shark it's the shirt...
Shirt has shart on it. Doesn't matter.
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>Shirt has shart on it
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I said what I said.
Why do the dodgers sing it twice?
Cause were just better than you
put in glass display or something.
Ide say a jar
>the doyers got a bunch of weebs to go outside yesterday
>an /mlb/ game thread was busier than any divegrass thread
What the fuck was that fever dream
/vt/ is very fast
Doyers hololive night was a success because the Mariners meme night happened
Don't ever look up /vt/ statistics vs other board. They regularly demolish other boards in board speed and ppm. Just because some vtuber is doing karaoke.
Karaoke is fun we just had a mass of 50k people sing with Gura
The Royals should have just let the White Sox beat them back in April. Then this well of false hope would have never sprung up for them and their retarded fans. Oh well, I like to see them suffer.

And by the way, Chiefs training camp is soon.
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Damnit Chris you cheap son of a bitch! I demand Hololive night for my Tigers you hear me! We could have Raora, Botan and Lui it would be perfect for the Lions, Tigers a d Red Wings! Chris you cheap son of a bitch we gotta spend money yo make.money! Detroit is full of weeks we'd love hearing and Italian girl sing Take Me Out to the Ball games! They could do a cover of Bless you Boys!

Chris Illich you fucking Cheap Son of a Bitch Coward I know.you are here!
Before expanding the Pic it looks like she is dreaming of a thick dildo.
Sure is nice rooting for the best team in baseball. Hopefully I can actually watch the game tonight. I was all set to call this semitic gentleman’s radio show today and make fun of him but they were playing “best of WIP” instead of his show.
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The game itself was fun
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hololive night was a smashing success John i know you love money fucking make it happen you scrooge ass bitch.
this is the one thing where i've truly felt out of touch.
you know i read that cover actually came prepared and provided more than enough merch...the problem was the retarded ass doggydoos didn't think to do more than a few small tents, so a shit load of merch went unsold even though there were wrapping around the stadium lmfao. So there were still boxes and boxes of merch after they closed up shop at 12:15.
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Did steroids btw
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This is the 50 win club. Can the Twins join the club today, or will the Astros keep them out for another day?
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The Mariners and Padres are also eligible
whats the next cringe night the doyers will do? I am thinking furry night
Nah, that's going to be the Pirates thing after the Andrew McCutchen meme
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child predator appreciation night
Wow so original! That’s such a 2020 joke. Get with the times.
you'll never be a real girl cubspie
Amazing Doyers thread yesterday and game last night. Holy fuck.
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i remember when someone said hololive dodgers night probably wouldn't change much. Well that retard was wrong LOL i knew we'd be flooded and it'd be a party.
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Last night might be the most frustrating game of the year.
Did he? He looked like shit
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>a bunch of adult manchildren posting vtuber porn for 2.5 hours was an amazing thread and a party
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>my 3rd WC spot Sox have a better record than the memeiners
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you must be like 50 years old to be unironically using fucking giphy gifs. Go back to whatever SBnation website you crawled out of.
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>any player appearing on the list compiled by federal investigators in 2003 did not necessarily test positive for performance-enhancing drugs. Among those factors were that the total number of players said to be on the list far exceeded the number of collected specimens that tested positive. In addition, there were questions raised regarding the lab that performed the testing and their interpretation of the positive tests. Also, the statement pointed out that certain legal supplements that were available over the counter at the time could cause a positive test result.
>Rob Manfred said it was "entirely possible" Ortiz did not test positive during the MLB survey drug testing in 2003. The commissioner stated that the alleged failed test should not harm Ortiz's legacy, and that there were "legitimate scientific questions about whether or not those were truly positives". Manfred added "Those particular tests were inconclusive because "it was hard to distinguish between certain substances that were legal, available over the counter, and not banned under our program." He also said "Ortiz has never been a positive at any point under our program" since MLB began testing in 2004 and that it is unfair for Hall of Fame voters to consider "leaks, rumors, innuendo and non-confirmed positive test results" when assessing a player.
What a boring stadium
last night doyers stadium must have smelled worse than beaner appreciation night
the brewers were shit so not entirely wrong
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>are you fucking using GIPHY UNIRONICALLY, ON MY FUCKING 4chan?!?
His mom caught him with his pants down on the doyer gamethread last night lmao
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i'm glad you make yourself so noticeable with your gif names, i'll be searching through your post history :)
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nah, i hope they keep taking advantage of these weaboo freaks
Kek check it out, it’s you watching a registered sex offender post vtuber porn
Good morning /mlb/ hope you are all well
As a lifelong baseball fan and an OG vtuber fan, this whole thing last night was a fucking fever dream. One of the artists I follow on Xwitter posted a video of her in the stands when Freddie hit that go ahead hit. Not in a million years did I think I would ever see that.
where are all the red sox fans by the way
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TY Itoh and Sato beating the gaystars and once again staving off falling under .500
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Shoah O'tanner wouldn't be in a slump right now.
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Daddies need to have a 2hu night
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Right here?
Good morning /mlb/. I have reached the point where nothing will make me happy outside of Boone being fired immediately, but we all know that will never happen because my Yankees are a bunch of incompetent bums who are content with losing. Judge will be the new Mattingly. Sigh. Have a good day everyone.
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it's fucking infuriating having a puppet manager. They will never lose their jobs because they are directly controlled with hands straight up their asses by their gms. I share in your fucking pain.
You have one option, accuse both Cashman and Boone of raping you 15 years ago.
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Oy vey, not anudda Shoah!
Cheesy Feet
my chadres broke the attendance record from some random dbacks game, meanwhile doyerpacos need holoshit weeb simps to stay alive kek
>waaaah why isn't my team of superstars already at 60 wins!
kill yourself
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If Boone held his players accountable the same way he tried it with the umps, things would be a lot different. Stro did nothing wrong.
So is Hololive the new fad now that touhou and anime are official dead? Baseball related
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>everyone is my gang stalking crush
Turn yourself into the asylum.
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He did steroids btw and fell off and became a drug addict in DR btw
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They’ve been playing like ass for a month now and this type of thing happens every year. I’m not giving up on the team yet as I believe they can still address a lot of issues at the trade deadline, but the constant laziness and boneheaded play is inexcusable. Boone has proven he doesn’t know how to get the team back on the right track when things go bad.
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Cheesed to meet you, Mousey
fake news, don't read fellas
My pirates (:
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what makes modern men obsessed with cartoon girls? what happened in you guys childhood that made you turn out this way?
New chart just dropped
Which Hololive is this?
They fellatiate Boone like they get paid for it. Real Yankees fans that seen the Girardi team knew this for decades.
Yo, you seen Cabrera’s error last night and then Weaver overthrowing. lol. Pitchforks last night.
Girardi should’ve been given a chance to run it back after 2017. Team’s only gotten further and further from a championship since.
The mousey one
Crazy 2 me, gotta be the normie Star Wars weekend I guess
Idk but maybe we can bribe the hololive people to convince them all to commit ritual suicide. Been too long since there was a cult mass suicide and we are about due.
anyone else watching the cringekino series between the cum sox and fish?
an ump stabbed a bat boy yesterday
another reminder of their reign of terror
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Based Laz Diaz
>Despite being the enemy of the umpires, the Phillies have the best record in baseball
How are they doing it?
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why are the dodgers only 6 games ahead of the padres? is that really all that paying for a le superteam gets you?
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cracks are forming in LA
dodgers-dads 2hu night promotion when?
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>Ump has a better physique than Harper
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Basing that on the shoulder pads I see
We'll be taking first place by the end of the month
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Sad shit. That shit running in the third inning is what did us in too. George wouldn't stand for this.
Twink body
Aside from seething about coloreds, how would Babe Ruth view today's MLB?
*All >.500 records as of 7/5/24*

Twins (17-26)
Red Sox (19-28)
Mariners (22-27)
Cardinals (14-18)

Brewers (20-21)
Braves (18-18)
Padres (20-17)

Dodgers (16-9)

Guardians (21-15)
Phillies (16-9)
Yankees (32-21)
Orioles (33-20)
Dodgers will still be fine. Padres offense is legit this year, but they simply don't have the depth of starter/BP arms to keep pace.. maybe that changes after trade deadline.
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I'm actually kind of afraid of the Twins, bros. Buxton, Royce Lewis, Correa, Larnach, Miranda and now early returns on Brooks Lee? Their lineup will be scary if they could ever keep Royce and Buxton and Miranda healthy at the same time...
it's funny because you can tell exactly what fanbase prompted this AI image
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I told you guys this was going to happen.
that diamondbacks/padres game looked like a banger.
You retarded equivocating faggot. Manchildren making looney tunes porn and posting it to /mlb/ would rightly be criticized and hopefully mercy killed by their ashamed family members.
hate to spoil this for you, but a majority of them are redditors who use VPNs because they are afraid of being doxed on 4chan

case in point >>142466433
Good for you, they’re still not welcome
people who want to scalp it online for $500-1000. $1000 for 8 hours of work is decent pay
the real question is why are they so cringe they insert the team name into the song instead of singing the original version?
I would never want to interfere with the VERY real and not fake Metsiners broship
Yordan is using too, just a matter of time
U seem upset :^)
the real irony is that half that thread last night was 40 and 50 year olds
>missed the game
they didn't care about the baseball game, desu
just a reminder: this same anon (and his posse) were raving about how good a manager Boone was 1 month ago

red sox buck broke them
I have never seen anyone praising Boone on /mlb/.
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It's a complicated relationship that you wouldn't understand.
right, they do it on /r/yankees
Is there a sign for catchers to pitcher indicating to throw a dead ball at batter? In minor leagues or major?
Or rather not "dead ball" but throw the ball to hit the batter.
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I was here!
>Judge will be the new Mattingly.
He should have cut those damn sideburns.
kys pedo troon
>in their right mind
See, here's your problem
>Welsh flag
Disgusting. That’s what I get for phoneposting.
That game was 9,000 people above the average attendance of 41k. It helped but dodger stadium is usually very populated.
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>wake up
>roll over in bed
>see this face
how would that make you feel?
>how would that make you feel?
Only took you 20 years
>star whores night
Take every big board:
/b/, /pol/, /v/, /a/, /sp/

Then mash in /jp/, /r9k/, /biz/, /fit/, /ck/, /g/, /cgl/

Sprinkle on some /e/, /c/, /h/, /d/, /u/, /cb/, /hm/, /y/.

What you get is this weird mirror into old 4chan. People who treat baiting and trolling like a day job, Oldfags from the years gone by stepping out of the aether too do battle with newfags, general threads that hit 1500 post limits because someone brapped on stream, people that treat the stock value of Vtubing companies like they are watching a marathon, console faggotry of vtubers and agencies, threads where people treat the live viewership of individual streams as if they are highstakes sporting events, collabs treated like heavyweight boxing events. It's everything good and bad about this place.

Maybe because I am in a baseball thread I am romanticizing and my Tigers were Elite back during that era but it is also a window into what threads like /mlb/ would have been like if they existed during the Golden Age of baseball when the whole nation would have their ear on the game. That thread yesterday was a peak into the past of baseball. Where something like the field of dreams game takes us to the humble beginnings the hololive event took us back to a time where baseball games were events where people from all walks of life would gather round on a Friday night and watch America's past time.
whenever I see a dodgers hat now I am going to assume the person wearing it is on estrogen
didn't read
Nah /vt/ is notoriously filled with nonAmericans. We call them SEANiggers they are so rampant.
that's every west coast team, which is why the As are moving
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/vt/ visiting us last night was surreal and terrifying. I appreciate their company as long they kept it /mlb/-related.
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Good I didn't proof read it and posted it from a phone.
Does anyone have a side by side image of the vtuber IRL and their avatar? I feel like laughing this morning
all weebs are pedos
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Accurate post.
You will never be a woman.
it's their culture, bigot
that face really reminds me of Kim Jong Un's sister
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To... Like... Little girls...???
KWAB hall of famer Tim Anderson
I have her dox. She is actually very cute.
what the fuck is hololive
this retard?
>if it was looney tunes no one would bat an eye!!
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Thank God for that! Imagine bleeding once a month! Can't even lift shit. Have to ask men to open jars of pickles. Can't even imagine it.
So you dont actually want to be a woman but you still dress up like one and demand that we use female pronouns when we talk to you?
I want to taste the mousey cheese
do you think he faps to his avatar?
Will there be more hololive collabs is it reserved only for 0-5tranny
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Weebshit aside not selling out your stadium on 4th of July weekend is pretty bad. Padres went 5k over capacity
This is the person pretending to be an anime girl on stream?
Well my new favorite song is "I practice karate on the mentally unstable"... so no. I mean are you asking for a good time tonight faggot? I can be your daddy kek.

based pepe
I shouldn't be surprised. I saw this pic and thought it was some le randum convention-esque photo. Art/media goes downhill so fast when the archetypical fan is in a creative role, just a figurative and literal wankfest.
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holy mad lmao
>Jankees leadoff hitter is their 12th ranked prospect who’s played 11 games in AAA and 16 in the majors
>They have a 300 million dollar payroll
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Why don't other fanbases will their players into elitedom with love and respect?
Tbf the Yankees have been booing and heckling Judge this whole year so cheering and heckling can both work
Why do you guys have lolis singing on the big screen
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My Doyers
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That's my dawg
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Careful anon... down that path lies the path of the Gosling. There is no saving you then.
nah, I'm not gay
You will never be racist.
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>A ‘ghost runner’ busted Ryan Helsley’s record save streak.
What a fucking joke.
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She’s wearing the wrong kind of glove.
thats a prostate exam glove so its canon for the dodgers fanbase
Listen anon I get it but then you hear a girl lose her shit about how much she loves me with big beefy chests she can snuggle against and touch. And 2 weeks later you added 45lbs to your bench. I can't argue with the facts okay.

Could have fooled anyone.
>a girl
anon... >>142479516
You guys really know how to welcome us /vt/boys almost feels like home here... all that's missing is a post about
Having sex with her Boyfriend (yeah me) after the stream and using everyone's superchats for condom money.

>Yankess and Sox are playing
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Mariners won that ballgame last night btw, you might have been flooded with cartoon rabbits that sound like the salty coins and milk girl and missed it, but rest assured the M's won that ballgame last night btw.
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>no mention of vtrooners during game recap
Lmao mlb is ashamed of the doyerfaggos
>still seething
Grimace? Cultural icon, honorary MLB mascot.

Hohol Lies? Literal whomst'ves, bad for the sport.
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The only seething I'm doing is over the fact that cheap fuck Chris won't buy out the Baez contract.
>MLB squandering bags of gold and pretending like people show up for the games
Why are you surprised really? The fact the refuse to release Ump Chad Manager 2024 speaks volumes to how adverse to money the MLB is!
Padres didn't mention anything about Star Wars. They're not gonna give away free advertising
Ben Rice homer!
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Kevin Pillar hit 10 years of service time today
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Hi /sp/
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more like the POO Jays
I remember Kevin Millar
I find it weird that the Helmet manufacturers don't just make one piece molds that have the chin guard built in. It's not like the detachable piece is universal or anything, they're still clearly designed to be only for lefties or only for righties
We playing early today?
>a fucking comet
Who makes this shit?
Remember when that MLB pension was a huge deal? Now if you reach the 10 year threshold you have so much money that the Pension just goes to your rolex collection so you have a little bit more for your Maserati collection
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I wish my my home team would do a hololive night or some other anime themed event. I'm seriously jealous. I'd personally like to draft Pippa and Shondo to the Astros
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1:05 start time today.
>bases loaded
holy shit, he could have easily lost an eye there
coletrain will handle it
Cole gets out of it never a doubt in my mind
>Wells is sitting because Boone doesn’t like to play catchers in day games after a night game
I hate this fucking retard so much.
How fast do you think he would get his ass kicked if he showed up to a baseball game 30 years ago looking like this?
>Altuve out after being hit in the hand in last night’s game
Well shit
Didn’t a Red Sox player get imprisoned for underage pedophile prostitution?
sounds like papelbon but he hasnt been arrested for it yet
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Pretty weak, I'm going to need some injuries that last through the all star break please and thank you.
All of the Yankees players have to have weird numbers because all of the good numbers are retired
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stankees nation shant be recovering from this one!
It's amazing how many retards will fall for
I thought the Maddox limit was 9?
And the running on Trevino begins…
Sell the Yankees little Steinbrenner. You're driving this franchise into the ground.
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Zero is the only single digit number left on the Yankees.
Fuck this shit, I'm switching over to the Liberty game. At least they don't play like garbage.
This is dogshit. This is bullshit. You gotta be joking me.
You already have kyle tucker/justin verlander/half of our pitching staff, what else do you want?
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this shit again?
Why do stankees fans whine so fucking much
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The Dodgers are doing fine in treading water while sustaining injuries. This series with the Brewers is huge for us and thanks to innovative chinese shark technologies we are up a game.

it happens when you get swept at home by the resd
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Game on and good luck Twinkies
>Diesel on the bump
My goat my ace
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The bats. They have to go.
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But we need those to hit
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Chumbuds... I kneel...
zoomers were a mistake
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This is not going well
There is more to a team than the record retard
I want to hold her hand
Lmao there’s a video of his fat ass getting arrested. He goes up to the door of the house that he thought had a sexy child in it and a fucking army of feds just burst out the door and start giving him the business. He’s got a nice black eye in his mugshot. Dumb ass pedo
Schanuel pls stop slipping lol
this ump stinks
what in the effing fuck was the red sox pitcher trying to do?
The Red Sox will make the score 16-4 because they are cheating, simple as. I called the officials and they told me cheating was perfectly legal.
Get Lemahieu off my baseball team.
attaboy seiya!
Horrible strike zone
>one piece molds that have the chin guard built in.
That exists. They chose not to wear them, 30% of these guys would go no helmet if they had the choice.
Based Larnach
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Get a pitcher who can get Devers out. He doesn't bat 1.000 for a reason.
he couldn't touch anything cortes was throwing last night
worst strike zone I've seen this year
Gifted him that walk desu
Let's go Hiura
it was the middle of the plate, this guy sucks
This Hiura guy, doesn't seem very fast.
>period sox
Guy named Brewer playing for the Cubs
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Higgy producing us while Grisham is looking at fastball down the middle, Vásquez slowly getting settle as a starter, maybe Yankees player should come over to San Diego if they wanna compete for a world series lol
We have a run! Thanks Breggy!
1-4 Twins
Let's go O'Hoppe
i just saw a balk for the first time! astros twins
>Hunter Brown is the next Verlander guise!!!!!
lol when you're given 4 outs an inning you score who would have thought
>period sox
He was bound to come back down to earth. His last month was unreal
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We’re scoring runs!
This. He's not as bad as we was in April, but he had like a 0.29 ERA or something like that in the last month. Simply not sustainable. Not even close.
Higgy’s clutch factor is quite underrated.
So how many runs do the Pirates score on the Mets today? It was 14 yesterday but I think they can do better. I say 16-3 today.
Leave it to Adell to kill the momentum
don't worry, the home plate ump will pick him up
This right here is why you don’t let them fucking rally last night Espada you fucking retard. They gain so much momentum and are up 1-7 in the fucking 3rd. This is not on Hunter, he’s having a bad day, but you gave them batting practice last night in the 9th the feel themselves. I don’t care if we win the WS this year, I want him gone next season. A joke of a manager.

That's a bit premature I think. It's only the 6th.
So did Arod who gives a fuck really
boston kwab sox
lol not even equivalent. the Padres star wars theme was just another typical nothing special theme night with a bobblehead. the doyerpacos incorporated this shit into everything like merch, drone show, 7th inning stretch, etc.
Schanuel getting beat up this game
>period sox
I get that you have Brewer on the roster because everyone else is dead but to give him such a long leash counsell is a fucking retard
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>3-7 now
The bat flip was immaculate as always
>call officials
>point out Red Sox cheating
>yankees destroy the resd sux
I will maintain viewership
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We will win, 12-10, all is foreseen.
12/12 hits, first time in over 80 years
Wow congrats to Miranda
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I look like this and I say this.
My pirates (:
‘ate the asstros but gotta admit the assbros on /mlb/ are pretty cool
Happy anthrocon
>imagine 0.5 being your standard
I bet you fuck fat/ugly chicks too
cubbie bears getting gaped...again...
it's manfred
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Shohei Ohtani spotted in Taiwan
fuck you and fuck spain
yankee fans rly do be like this tho
More like Shohei Taiwany am I right?
I'm 32 lmao
Take me out to the ball gameeee doop dee dooo
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Hell yeah

this but unironically
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They even got a Yamamoto impersonator kek
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you have to be 35 years old to post here
he doesn't look nearly as robotic and emotionless as the real Ohtani does when he bats
is this guy also a degenerate thug?
I'm not going this weekend, but I've been years past: you need the theme game ticket to get the bobblehead, but they do tons of bumps (IDK what you call the in-between inning crowd work they put on the video board) with Star Wars music/clips, they've done Star Wars fireworks nights, had a Cantina in Gallagher Square, etc. Not apples to apples with the Hololive stuff, but similar enough.
This is 10x more kino than Hololive night wtf
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He's a Rakuten™ Monkey
Red Sox getting raped ;_;
God I really hope Ben Rice continues to do well.
first time he's done something in like a month
Boone wanted to platoon Rice with J.D. Davis btw.
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Anyone born after the 80's is a zoomer.
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Who'd win in a fist fight between Whitetani and Taiwantani?
>born in '78
dodged a bullet there boomerbros
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I'm guessing futaba channel is seething over this right now, even though it's funny
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Really Twins? Really?
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Uncle Ben rice eating good tonightz
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Ben Rice said if the Red Sox can cheat so can I

cubs can still come back!
cubs got this game in the bag
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It's very nearly time for Mariners baseball btw
cubback time!
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cubbies discussing things
Yankees should have played Sweet Caroline before the inning started just to stick it to the Red Sox and their fans.
christ, this ump should be culled
Ben Rice > Jim Rice
them cubby bears are sheisty
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So you do win with Jews
Declan Rice > Ben Rice
>tfw yanks will still lose the series because Gil is starting tomorrow
Looks like a strike to me.
Yankees win a game! :)
/our/ Seattle Mariners will be winning a third straight today btw
I don't know how an ump can be this bad and inconsistent at the same time
>period sox
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the mets can't lose 4 straight
Its happened before
Game just started and Heaney has walked one and hit other one.
1st pitch a home run for Lynn lmao.
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Left was a strike, right was a ball.
What happened to Rays fan ReLy or something like that? He never posts anymore.
>period sox
It is bad, but tbf the Angels has 11 hits vs the Cubs 2 so it's not purely on the umps
Lynn is done.
It's micro-causal. Cubbies would be winning 1000-0 if those calls were reversed
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He ended up getting in trouble with the jannies for avoiding a ban like a hero but he publicly posted about it. Also he seemed to be drinking a lot more and he broke up with his new gf and seemed depressed. Yes, I read his blog posts on here all the time
/mlb/ is back to being a dead genny and thread without all the Hololive frens
>born in '88
>hate this hololive shit
skibidi ohio rizzler
Not true anon there are still many Mariners fans here
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I'm waiting for something to happen in the Mariners game.
My poodres :)
I was farting around today, getting shit together for the week, and only got glimpses on the radio. He pitched the 5th? WTF?
le't's get sum runs!!!!!
>where did i mention anything about porn
This is purely in a safe for work context
sounds like it all balanced out
Sad to read this. I hope he is well and someday posts again.
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I think the dominican is ded
they were posting lewds all last night, like 90% of the thread was lewds
I was at the game, so I couldn't tell you.
He's been pretty one sided today. Not that it matters much, cubs can't hit anyways. Sigh.
>Rafael Montero
>$11mil a year
>4+ ERA
>1.32 WHIP
Thanks Jeff Bagwell, very cool
What happened?
10 Ks for Anderson wow
Dunno turned on the game and they were moving france and raley mentioned julio was taken out.
Hope Wash gives him a chance for the CGSO
3 of those are because of the piece of shit ump. I've seen bad umps but he's the worst this year by far.
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Nice base hit for Kirky
based and lewdpilled
Another 3-run homer allowed by Lynn what is this.
i hope he gets a career ending injury and all you toronto fucks lose

go'ms and go'usa
You don’t have to say go USA. Everyone knows all Mariners fans are red blooded patriots who love their God and their country
This is the body of a professional athlete btw.
Fuck he won't
Imagine knocking her to ground grabbing the bat from her and swinging down on her head until all that remains is a chunky puddle.
be nice
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>who love their God
>Astros lose
Cmon M’s don’t blow it. Need to pick up a game
gg angels, fuck this ump but anderson pitched really well. sob kek gakt...
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our berdinals are getting gaped :/
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ggs Twinnies
lost and Yordan is hurt :(
>9 runs allowed in 2 innings
if field conditions weren't manipulated by the umps, cubs win that 9/10 times
Corruption from the highest level all aimed at putting the cubbies on a leash
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GG Cubs.
Man what a game from Anderson, he tied his career high for strikeouts. A lot of offense too after nearly a week of absolute shit
i guess bailey's elbow...has faltered.
Um, Smug Orange Bird sisters?
cubbies just ain't got that dawg in em
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We suck, so no need to wish ill intents on us.
There's nothing more based than having this physique and getting paid millions to hit a ball. All the different body types suitable for baseball is part of what makes it special.
Have some fucking respect
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500 for chihuahuas
>named falter
>Not respecting the cubs
I seriously hope you don't do this shit...


/mlb/ takeover we need more let's pretend it's an accident GO GO GO
post card or GTFO
this is the thread

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