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Kirby edition
twins gonna walk it off
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my berds :)
imagine seething for a half hour because some dudes made fun of >your favorite manlet
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Mariners beeteedubs
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is this irony? this seems like irony KWAB
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BACK TO .500
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unlucky the cubs won
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cubs win a series. gg angels
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GOOD EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENING /mlb/! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to the Mets (yes, THE Mets from the 2022 playoffs) winning the 2024 World Series! Make sure to save your tears for the 2024 World Series Parade, when the Comissioner's Trophy comes back to Queens!

>b-but the Mets always choke every year! Their not even the 2nd best team in the division
"Ya Gotta Believe!"

Hate to disappoint you flyovers, but all the top players are heating up! Alvarez, Lindor, Alonso... it doesn’t matter if we haven't won in almost 40 years, as It's coming back home to queens! And who better represents the soul of Baseball than your beloved New York Metropolitians! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
My Stros lose these
>paco is still SEEEETHING about the ass kicking he got in the last thread
kek, what. a. bitch.
Astros bros.. is our little hot streak over?
its true. we are shit with the manfred runner or 1 run games in general
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The Orioles are fucking stacked. If they add another good starting pitcher they’re going to win 3+ World Series in the next decade
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It's gonna be hilarious when the Mets buy at the deadline and then immediately come crashing back down to earth.
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The Metsies stay in the hunt but now I'll probably be forced to watch Pete Alonso for another two months.
>stankee fag seething about his sub .500 team
Funny how the assturds haven't done anything relevant since the league took away their cheating methods. It's like when James Randi exposed that guy, who turned out to be a pedophile, by putting Styrofoam on some phonebook pages when he stated that he could move them with his mind power.
here comes the nightly Hader homer
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GG Cubs.
This team is playing really fucking bad.
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it's because of their narrow hips (and manly facial features), you are a man of taste
>the astros paid 100m for this shitter
no refunds
>he's still living vicariously through other men's achievements.
Again, go touch some grass, paco.
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>Edwin Diaz shits the bed in the 8th because Mendoza got trigger fingers for him
>Goes back out in the 9th because Chapman suddenly forgets to pitch against the Mets and shuts them down in order
back to .500 again....

Now PLEASE give Scott his first win for fucks sake.
Slider? No, it’s a sweeper
2-seam? No chance bud, it’s a sinker
Curveball? More like a knuckle curve, dumbass
Changeup? That’s a gyroball you stupid cocksucker
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Umpies fucking my Mariners already.
Twins celebrating like they just won the world series KEK
Yep, I knew it.
ggs Twinnies
We go to Tuesday vs the fishies
>2-seam? No chance bud, it’s a sinker
This one, except unironically.
>because Mendoza got trigger fingers for him
He's getting paid 100 million striking out the middle of the Pirates order shouldn't be a problem for him.
>paco seething like a bitch because >his team blew it against a mid-tier team
How can you be attracted to that face
She's cute.
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>t. is still SEEEETHING about the ass kicking he got in the last thread
pohland's in his office right now going over the numbers on how he can spend less by paying vazquez more this offseason.
he JUST pitched the other day. Nunez should just close the 8th.
Sorry but her eyes are just soulless. That's the case for pretty much everyone who isn't of European descent though, to be fair.
the announcers were, but it was a good game (and series)
when was your last world series?
25 straight games with a home run for Minnesota. History looms.
The Twins HAVE won the world series...unlike the assturds who haven't WON a single one, juan.
Mendoza was just making sure Steve Cohen gets his money's worth
Didn’t they win one two years ago
I don't play professional baseball, so I don't have one. Neither do you, paco. Go mow some rich man's grass and touch it.
Again. No.
you sure seem hung up on the stereotype that mexicans mow lawns, I can only assume you love Donald Trump
>he believes the astros were the only ones cheating
Everyone did it, the league just threw the astros under the bus because we won in 2017
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weird that MLB gave them a trophy, they had rings made, and fly a banner that says they did...
Classic example of God Emperor Trump keeping his enemies closer.
>mid team
The Twins have one of the best offenses in baseball and are in the playoffs as of right now. What are you on about?
Remember when the Rags and Dbacks won their leagues last year and all the coastfags seethed and used >muh ratings as an argument against the teams that beat them lol
which is weird (and embarrassing) since the red sox did it the very next year with the help of Alex Cora (still manager) and the yankees did it with the help of Carlos Beltran (now Mets front office)
Against the sixth seed in the NL, after sweeping the offense-less Mariners and the non-existent-after-June Yankees. Easiest path to a championship ever, and proof that karma doesn't exist.
I'm a Coastfag and I liked the run the Diamondbacks had
No one actually likes Trump. The MAGA crowd just hates liberals and wants to rub it in their face

Go Mariners
it's just a seething yankee tard, let him blow it off, he'll be gone in 10 minutes so he doesn't have to watch them get swept by the red sox again

(so much for that walk in his 100% neighborhood [sic])
The Rangers aren't exactly a small market team. Although I imagine a good number of people in Dallas have hopped on the Astros bandwagon.
I mean, it WAS the least watched world series this millennium
>all these pacos seething about Donald Trump and living vicariously through the astros' sham series "win"
kek, my job is done here. Going for a nice walk in my 100% White neighborhood now. Buenos dias, ninas.
I had hope for last year's world series after how kino game 1 was, but then it just turned into boring >roadteamwinslol slop. Legit don't remember anything from games 2-5 besides the final out
You can only play who is in front of you
italians aren't white
paco seething he can't downvote and hide my posts like he can on his primary website.
more than me which is the vague recollection Corey Seager hit some homers
Neither are you
>still seething 25 minutes later instead of just going for a walk to blow off thinking about Altuve
>he's still bringing up a post from an hour ago where someone talked shit about his favorite brown midget
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>english and german
>not white
whatever it takes for you to cope
now THIS is irony

at this rate, it'll be too dark for you to go for this walk; tick tock
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It seems the mlb disagrees with you anon. Regardless of your seething, it seems that the Astros have 2 WS trophies in their office and have their names in as world series champs in all the record books. Even if you don’t count 2017, the 2022 was entirely legitimate even if it hurts your feelings.
sure thing, paco. go have a taco, I'm going on a walk-o in my town-o so goodbye-o.
no wonder you're so fat, you can't stop seething on the internet to go for this supposed walk
>taking all this time to reply to obvious bait
kek, assturd fans are so insecure about >their team's series wins. paper-thin faggots
definitely getting beyond irony
>y-you're fat n stuffs!
kek, concession accepted. Enjoy your bean and cheese taco, paco.
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>haha adding os to everything
>that’ll show him I run this thread haha
nta but this is kinda sad
in the year of our lord 2024 no less- Assturd posts will be writing the same things for the rest of their lives.

it's fun watching him seethe
whatever perception helps you cope
>i-t's fun watching h-him seethe!
paco is mad-o that >his team-o just-o lost-o to the twins-o.
IAYC :^)
Guys. Paco isn't mad or seething about his mickey mouse team losing today, he just can't stop replying, ok? Learn the difference.
kek what a kwab
we are approaching 1 hour of seething about Altuve existing
definitely a paper bag moment
Cubs won
>I ate your cum
We know!
who knew he had Maton in his blood
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Why is the thread full of a dude seething about the Astros and calling them Mexicans when it should be about my feesh with a walkoff HR win?
weird that's where your mind goes, says a lot about you
There is no such thing as a small market team in this day and age. That's just bullshit from the old days of baseball when ticket sales actually fucking mattered.

There is only varying degrees of rich and poor.
>he made a screenshot of the wrong post
kek, paco is a legit retard. Go back to redd.t.
Stankees/Doyersfag detected

I watched every pitch
for me its brown women and cubbie girls in maid outfits
The best thing about Jazz Chrisholm has nothing to do with his elite speed, bat speed, arm, or power, it's his genuine love of baseball. He hangs around post game, giddy like a school kid, and meets with fans, signing every child's glove/hat/whatever. He enjoys what he's doing and it resonates with children, I'd argue among kids he's the most popular player in America rn (Ohtani world).

MLB is doing a decent job at marketing him, but not enough. Gonna have to be a Mahomes type deal cuz he's a superstar in midwest city, but if growing the game is the goal, Jazz is the face of this sport nationally, while Ohtani is abroad.
>n-n-no that's that me
>i-i-im going for a walk
Ohtani is on pace for a 50/30 season (never been done before)
Literally no one is seething about the assturds. Some assturds fan is just upset that someone made fun of his favorite midget striking out while looking like a bitch in the last thread.
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Going to be beating down Houston on Tuesday btw. Hurricanes are our natural habitat in Florida.
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>cubbie girls
>droll non denial
you're foul on top of being a moron :^)
Congrats marlinsbro
Yall are fun to watch
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Astros superiority make ya seethe?
LMAO Hader.
nah, I live in west texas, I'm just citing the ratings
Paco can't even keep his talking points on track now that >his team lost. Sad, flustered little manboy.
Is there a tropical storm inbound?
this is false
>I'm going for a walk
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I just back read thread and it looks like you are just seething over something that shouldve stayed in last thread. Billy doesn’t care though go about your bitch fight.
>homosexuality is le bad
Paco is seething about my walk that I already took this morning. kek, he really is a gullible little manboy.
based feesh bro
NTA but I am going for a walk see you guys later, rooting for Lindor and Nimmo to make the ASG
holy moly
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Whatever happened to that Goldilocks Ball thing that was revealed a couple years ago? Why wasn't a bigger fuss made about it?
You spent time of your life reading back on absolute nonsense posting? Read a book, man.
>i-i-i didn't mean now
>i-i-i already did my walk
the backpeddling is strong
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Yep they are getting hit by Hurricane Beryl tomorrow morning and then getting hit by a second Hurricane called Billy.

For real though stay safe Texas coast bros.
they still exist, and they're being. Ohtani just magically hit a ball 500 ft, and then proceeds to go 0/10? yeah...
El Paso? I’ve been to EP a few times and always had fun. Picked up some Spanish while I was there. Loved Chico’s and my girl hated it lol
Who cares? Judge is a mannheim babby. Let us know when he, and they, do anything relevant.
What can you do? I like readbacking threads. It’s a habit I picked up from other boards.
nope, Amarillo (panhandle)
she is STILL replying to my posts. I say "she" because only a scolded woman would drag this shit out for an entire hour.
>afraid to link posts
I guess I win :^)
>from other boards
you can just say reddit, we all know what you meant.
>BTFO for over an hour
nta but i live in albuquerque and hate it here. how is amarillo? i like a dry climate and cheap prices. been considering west texas.
>i win
said, the retard in the retard contest. Yes, yes, you did.
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go Sneks
There’s a girl on Hinge in my city who is gorgeous with massive titties and she’s wearing dodgers gear in every pic. Is it worth it bros? God I hate the dodgers
ideed, paco will be seething about this tomorrow when he starts his grass cutting job.
lots of fucking dust and the occasional tornado warning
What part of it is false? From what I can tell he's on pace for 50/30. And no one has achieved a 50/30 season before. There's been a bunch of 40/x seasons. A few 50/20. But no 50/30.
IAYC :^)
wont matter anon your not meeting her.
girl who looks like that has a hundred guys lined up and shes gonna end up with a doctor lawyer or trust fund babby
so we've moved on from raped bitch to paco
meanwhile, you don't have a job (because you're too afraid to leave your house for a simple walk)
>he's STILL replying
we had a crazy storm in alb 2 weeks ago but no twisters. when it’s not stormy it’s dusty AF here too
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Need Kirbs to throw on some dubstep and fucking lock in.
9/10 times a hot girl wearing dodgers gear is just wearing it for the fashion and she's not a legitimate fan.
[irony intensifies]
pour one out for da cubbieb ears
what happened to him? raped to death in maid uniform?
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kek no /g/, /vrt/, and occationally /fit/
Billy needs some variety in life and not just /sp/ies
cubs are heatin' up!
tranny pilled
>2nd and 3rd with no outs
/we/ are about to go K, K, pop up huh
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actually lmaod
>k, pop
I sent her a message taunting her about the dbakcs series. Let’s see if she responds
Being gay and wanting to look at muscles to see how to improve your own are two sides of the same coin I suppose
I'd post girls to fight back against the yellow fever but I get banned every time meanwhile fat titted bugs with 3/10 faces get spammed every thread. Weeb jannies.
they hate you, just talk to one some time

but that would require you to leave your house
We strike out so fuckin much that it’s torture when we get to a big >risp situation like this
Garv ‘em!
im married to one and she loves me very much :)
sorry it wont happen to you though, some anons are meant to be alone
Holy fucking quads of truth
She probably got tired of being the center of attention. afaik cubspie and erg and spammy tried working in the shadows.
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>this retard thinks his waifu is real
Imagine breaking your hand over the Troutless Angels lmao
zoomers were a mistake
has the 27 seething ended? can we discuss these cubbie bears?
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Why did the Astros pay this guy $95mil again?
your posts answers the question of why, but like most stars, they are shit after getting the bag
This is why they haven't paid Kyle Tucker.
SP is the main concern. They’re gonna have to trade a bat and a prospect if they want another quality SP
electro house is so much better
gotta keep 'em hungry
Scott please pull Kirby after this inning nothing good happens when you bring a strike thrower out at 92 pitches in the 7th
For me it’s hourglass shaped brunettes and redheads, and Mariners baseball
need...cub maids
This is a keeper.
Just got back from my walk and it turns out the assturds still lost today to the Twins.
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>Snubbed for the All-Star Game
There are some latinas and black women with gorgeous eyes but in general European women are where it’s at. Thats why I enjoy going to Twins games…everyone is Scandinavian and there’s always a thousand hot blue/green eyed blondes
>holmes over Munoz
fuck off
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>stats since 2010
Sorry she's mine.
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Mariners btw I just got here scoring recap?
phillies fans are legitimately the strangest fans on the planet
Hi, I'm back from my walk in my 100% neighborhood.
pleasebehurtpolanco pleasebehurtpolanco pleasebehurtpolanco
Bummed that Sanchez didn't make it, but there's a chance with reserves and whatnot
>Alonso made it over Lindor still
paco ate his taco, but he is still seething. Sad.
Robles solo HR in the 3rd
Jays tied it top 4
Garver 3-run nuke bottom 5
attention seeking behaviour
Baseball is made for stats. Largest sample size of any sport, most data points. Suggest you find a new game if you don’t like stats. Maybe soccer or wrestling
please, just spare a pixel
100% pure 'tism
>leaves Kirby in
>first pitch of the 7th laced to left center
God damnit Servais pull him before it’s 4-3 in another hitter
100% pure 'tism
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brown eyes are the most human
good for mitch
just fuck and get it over with, christ
literally soulless
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>incoming 4-4, or worse...
fucking retard this manager is
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Brew Crew, enjoying some cold ones and some baseball on this blessed Sunday. Enjoy it bros
Like I said, you should try soccer if you dislike stats. Baseball is made for stats.

There’s no need to be rude anon.
She's got the face of my ex but flat in comparison. Fuck I miss my asian baby.
maid ass...
>Giant ESPN Graphic saying
Like dude, who the fuck do you think made it over him? Spencer Steer?
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>no need to be rude
>he says while being rude.
I just thought it was interesting. Sorry you didn’t like it anon.
think anyone has ever bought a roll of stickers to put on all their hats like in this pic >>142550620
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metsiners bros i dont feel so good...
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Who the fuck picked these reserves
How fucking predictable. Take Kirby out and this doesn’t happen. Springer has killed >us for years
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Good to be home, also Padres non existence offense against 5-7 era pitchers lol
the voters, this is why you don't let fans vote for the ASG
someone who gets paid, way more money than you ever will, to figure out how the MLB can make the most money off of their ASG and HRD.
go jerk off to more bugs, you'll feel better
im gonna fucking kms
I’ve defended Servais many times on /mlb/. Not today. Terrible to leave Kirby in over 90 pitches in the 7th
Voters don't pick reserves, coaches do
guys, can we please talk more about 27? He is my favorite and that one anon made me sad by calling him a cheating midget 2 hours ago.
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No dude we don't want to see it we want to see you hit with runners in scoring position
>been seething about altuve for 2 straight hours now
paco 'em!
>Voters don't pick
ftfy, stop believing their bullshit, simpleton.
why isn't ohtranny pitching?
Nimmo would've been the better option for fucks sake. How is Alonso the guy?
Who do you think is more popular with the kids: Santa Claus or Elly De La Cruz? Can Santa hit a ball out of any park any field? Can Santa throw a ball at 100 mph to turn a double play? Do you think that fat fuck could lead baseball in stolen bases? Yeah it's pretty obvious.
Pitching at an exhibition game is dishonorabru
I'm surprised both Hoffman and Strahm made it, I knew Sanchez wasn't getting in even though he probably deserves it. The actual underrated player who should've made it but didn't is Schwarber.
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>Can't fire scott
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Santa Claus has toon physics he could literally do all those things and more
I thought Logan Webb was the Giants pity pick, snubbing Cristopher Sanchez, but then fucking Heliot Ramos got in anyway.
Sanchez is probably high up on the reserve list for the NL, but He's still probably not making it anyway
>n-no ur seethin!
Sad, paco, sad.
Boras made the call
Nationally no one really knows who Ranger or Sanchez are, but Ranger is a bit better known now. Can't have two (national) literal whos.
>4 doyers
robles is having an adventure in cf, lol
Lmao Robles can't see shit out there close the roof
Guardians lead the American League with 5 All-Stars, and the Phillies lead all of baseball with 7
yes, she's a girl.
You say this like Logan Webb is some household name lmao. Only the Hardcores know who Webb is
You can have a cold one of anything you want, just enjoy it and keep it cold
Who the fuck is David Fry
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why do the braves starting pitchers have comparatively low innings? do they just not go long into games most of the time?
well who else would they put in for the Giants?
I don't watch flyover teams, sorry
shes a cute girl!
Let's see that cubbie maid!
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They already put in Heliot Ramos
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thay can't wait to get back in the dugout for some makeout sessions with their fellow team mates
Careful you’ll upset the statsperg
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Hmmm..... I think we lose this series on this one, unless we tie it. But yee, both our bullpen is overworked or shit. GG sneks! Time for me to take a nap!
sneks fuck ya!
Can you blame them?
The game isn't over, pls
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I love the cute snek my wife has!
this team is scott broken, i fear...
>two on, no out
>pop up, pop up, K
>have to steal to advance a runner
It’s all so tiresome M’sbros
Now the bullpen will give up a homer and we’ll lose 5-4
>replying to nobody
>not taking your walk
>keeps conceding arguments
paco is angry nobody likes his bugs
>Pete Alonso
>But not Brandon Nimmo or Francisco Lindor
I hate the ASG.
someone needs to template this, we all have something our team does over and over that makes them lose
Please go outside you fucking gran autismo
oh is that what you call his penis?
I'm currently walking in my 100% neighborhood, you mad?
They already had 4 shortstops, and there wasn't a national/red who deserved it over Elly/Abrams. And since Betts isn't playing Lindor will probably make it
do NOT call it a slider. it’s a sweeper
He's doing everything he can to ensure Mets fans don't want him back.
We're not talking about Cubspie
sweep deez nutz into your mouth
Both of these guys need to be handled with kid gloves. One is made of glass and the other has primarily been a reliever.
I draw the line at calling every single two seam fastball a sinker. I don't know what Manfred has against a good ole two seamer.
my 100% 4chan neighborhood
It seems like the mariners bullpen is down bad from last year. Sewald and brash were the ones holding it together huh.
cubspies female
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fuck man lol
but muh santos is back soon
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I told you this game was over. Our bullpen sucks lol
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I think these are rather good plays. What does chat think?
M’s bullpen was good through may and they’ve been pretty shit the last 30 games
fuck betters
who the fuck is chat? and why would I care what he thinks?
fixed that for ya!
>Starter with less than 60 IP is in the ASG
Believe, simple believe
Bill Duggleby BTFO
Is this sarcasm? He seems like the quintessential 6th 7th inning BP guy?
Duggleby bros our response?
yea but his girlfriend is a zoomer sex icon so fuck you he's in
unironically though he deserves to be because his stuff is nasty
Anyone want a lightly used Ty France?
Mets fans are livid Pete Alonso is an All-Star
>Mets fans are livid
they always are about something
>julio grabbing a helmet
ha ha here comes a strikeout
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nah, it'll be a popup to third
It's not that he's the all-star rep, it's that it should've 100% went to Lindor/Nimmo
>it should've 100% neighborhood
what did xe mean by this?
We had a good run, gotta tip my cap to the young lad.
>hit julio
>incoming risp
Julio’s best contribution in a while lol
he had a double and hr just 2 nights ago, retard
>BB, IBB, HBP in same inning
And >we still won’t score
Pls walk JP
>jay pee
it gets so tiresome...

gg jays you win now
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uh, oh. stinky!
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my tardinals only have 1 all-star?!
It's apparently a pain in the ass to find it, but the 2001 Mariners might hold the record for most All-Stars at 8. if the Phillies get one more rep through injuries/opting out, they would tie that potential record
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we all love daddy pete
I'll be surprised if the mariners walk it off
absolute shit...
he fucks big tittied japanese girls exclusively
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GG Dads
that's the script for today, walk offs
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Sneks win
>living in Albuquerque
That city is the biggest shithole I've ever had the displeasure of visiting
Cal has quite a few walk off hits for the M's
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classic julio chimpout, guess he forgot who's in charge here
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Its happened before yknow.
dfa julio
but seriously. it's a fucking joke that clay holmes is an all-star
Ok, Rangers need one more ASG pick after Yates got in. Do we go with the infielder who has been hitting well and picking up the offense after the Jung injury or do we go with the infielder whose been known for being an iron man but is having a down year with his offense?

Guess which of the two got into the ASG?
Based Raley
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It's happening. Turn on the M's game now.
>ground rule double
fuck this activates the >risp
extras it is...
explain the phillies
Just fly out France. 280' gets the job done
Need. Maid.
Rob Thomson scheduled loss thrown onto an overmatched AAAA pitcher
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BADLY want France to be DFAd after the break. Negative WAR shitter who is getting worse by the month
>have good replacements for both polanco and france
>don't play them
poopattle fartiners kek
Polanco is a double agent working for other AL teams and you'll never convince me otherwise
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>extra mariners baseball
yay manfredball
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Another good day for giants fans!
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>do literally nothing of note during your career besides be black
>be crusaded as the messiah of baseball
why do black people com[plain about oppression?
yeah man idgi locklear is literally better than france both batting and defensively, and bliss is at least as good as polanco
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gg Brew Crew
see you again next month
I think being two of the game's greatest players is kind of a big deal. It's not like we're talking about Pokey Reese here
terrible bait. (you) need to do better.
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Back on the track
You do know Jackie was a good player, right?
>another just defense only 1st basemen
I sleep
Who the fuck is Snider and why is he in the game instead of Munoz
Willie is the most important black baseball player tbqh, jackie was just first
Bro played against plumbers retard
Ol' Darkie Johnson could play the game, I tell you what! So glad we included the Negro League stats and corrected the record on the real players of the game.
pitched the 9th, but also scott
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my padres
Who else would we send besides Helsley?
Is this bait? Do you not see his stats after he entered the league, retard?
Ty is literally one of the worst defensive 1B in the big leagues. His defensive WAR is -0.3 or close
better PACO 'em to be sure!
Against plumbers, but don't be mad. Some plumbers are actually good at baseball like the one who struck out Ohtani in the WBC who topped out at 84MPH
>she didn't understand my post
and you shall not get a response from me, you nonce
just a threadly reminder that the mariners are owned by microsoft and nintendo, they are the most sovless team in the league
>paco still seething
go mow my lawn in my 100% neighborhood
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Do you have a problem with Jackie Robinson?
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What the fuck is happening to baseball stats lol
deal with it chud, mlb isn't the only baseball

next year we integrate bananaball stats
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>mfw Gil's ERA blew up to 3.41
>DEI stats
kek semen slurping sport
As opposed to the teams owned by individual billionaires? Enjoy your (you) bud
It was a strike.
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None of these owners have done a damn good thing to make this franchise good.
well in 1884, pud galvin pitched 636 innings with a 1.99 ERA
it's not even DEI, there were no Negro Leagues in the 1800s. These are random plumbers who played in stadiums with 150 fans and pitchers all threw 200 pitches a game
Why would I? He played against plumbers during a time periods all the able bodied men of his generation went off and died in a war.
gg blow gays
I’m gonna say it. WAR isn’t real.
Varsho with a Pud Galvin-esque RBI!
those are literally all white people
Alonso's been ok, but he's not as good as he was last year, when he also shouldn't have been an all-star. Nimmo and Lindor both deserved it way more.
that's why White Sox are the only franchise worth mentioning, their owner is a life long fan
He served for 3 years and got court martialed for a Rosa Parks event
You want me to believe a guy named *squints* Amos Rusie and *squints* Silver King are white?
don't get in the way of their chud outrage. it's the only way they can feel alive
I know Theo Epstein saved the sport with the pitch clock and banning the shift but now he needs to save it from the nerd statisticians. It's like they invent a new metric every time they want to AKSHULLY someone on the internet.
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>Amos Rusie
it's cubspie?
genesis does what nindendon't
this fucker just spit on the ball
what the fuck ump
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>3-1 count
>borderline pitch called strike 2
>next pitch K
This exact sequence has happened at least 100 times for Seattle this year
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>I didnt see it
We should combine Ichiro and Ohtanis stats from Japan into their MLB stats and integrate the rest of NPB and KBO stats into MLB statistics.
vlad is fat and should only play first
here comes the game ending DP!
this but unironically
but how does that allow Manfred to virtue signal?
all these black people names were originally White peoples'. Like Tyrone is after a county in Ireland.
Nah, left wingers don't like Asians because they disprove all of their narratives about western societies being inherently racist and impossible for non-whites to thrive
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So you agree with me.
>court martialed for a Rosa Parks event
What a scumbag, hitler running around put of control and you be selfish?
fat man manager mad
Exactly. DeShawn is a lake in Austria, Shaquanda is a berry native to Finland, DeLaFinessequan is a famous Polish play
Just took a massive Braves right n the middla the bowl
Japs weren't historically barred from playing baseball
The man stood up for himself his entire life and didn't take shit from racist fucks. He was a great American
Big ole fat Braves right n the middla the bowl
ok not all of them lol
Based, White people kick ass at baseball. Way better than the blackies.
are you one of those people who think all american children should go fight for israel and ukraine
If review calls Bliss out I'm going to throw my TV out my 3rd story apartment window
What would you do if you were at a baseball game and Freddie Fazbear came in to replace your team’s closer and he gets two outs but struggles getting the last out out only to balk in the tying run
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Wtf I love umps now.
fuck off blow jobs
Boo his azz.
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the funny thing is that even though MLB willingly threw a grenade into their own statistics, nobody really thinks any of these Negro League players now hold any of the records. They wrote a few articles when the database was put up but everyone knows it's BS.
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>14 runners LOB
disgraceful memeiners
Fucking bullshit.
>bottom 8: bases left loaded
>bottom 9: bases left loaded
>bottom 10: 2 LOB
Just fuck /our/ shit up senpai
If you count latinx as white maybe
What the actual fuck happened to this website
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mind if i share this over at /r/baseball, kind stranger?
Should've stood up to Hitler but no
wait until the guy gets banned for calling everyone paco
I hate graphic overlays that switch around and don't show all the information at once.
Like we can't afford the 20px of screen space it'd take to show the count at all times.
Spoke too soon
>bottom 8: bases left loaded
>bottom 9: bases left loaded
>bottom 10: bases left loaded
The mod is a dodger fan
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Fuck this fucking team
damnit, it's going to be "dumper" spam time
Way to get off topic there bud
No it's not. AWFUL loss for Seattle

gg Jaysbros. We suck
>metsiners lose on bullshit ump call
I'm going to walk around my 100% neighborhood to blow off steam, fuck you George Springer cheating ass
Fuck all umps.
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>The man stood up for himself his entire life and didn't take shit from racist fucks. He was a great American
Go sox!
Racism outside of /b/ is literally against the rules, dumbfuck
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gg northbirds until next time.
Mariners WILL be WINNING on Tuesday.
Jackie was 1000x more courageous than you could ever hope to be. You're a coward who hides behind anonymity to post >le epic racism
did Biden shit himself again? what has you so uppity tonight?
poopattle fartiners
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>3 (THREE) consecutive Grand Strands
It's so over for this team
>not being banned for 15 years
1. get off this fucking site
2. how do you not get banned at least once a month? I get a 3-day ban constantly for the most innocuous shitposting
I don't think many mexicans live in Boston, weirdo
mets won, don't lump us in with your meme team
>dodgers lose
>unfettered anti-black racism
hmm makes ya do a deep thinker
I'm gonna say something a lot of mariners fans will hate: Cal is mike Z with a better arm. I'm not sure he'll ever be over .250 average in a season.
/we/ need to start DFA'ing the underperformers starting with Polanco and France. I'd rather have a AAA prospect bat .201 with .290 slugging than a guy who has been in the league 7 years
holy fuck is this hiroshimoot shit or am i just fucking stupid
unrelated "what about the political guy who's not a racist"
I live near the border with a ton of Latino people. They are insanely racist against blacks. I knew some racist white kids in my hometown but it's nothing like the Latino crowd as far as disliking black people. Most Latinos are Dodgers fans too lol
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I disavow
Nah its one of those ancient rules that is never ever enforced unless a mod/janny gets a stick up their ass about a specific post
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close. racism outside of /mlb/ is not allowed
Batting average no longer matters, OPS is the new stat that matters. Cal slugs well enough that he'll always have a decent OPS even if he's hitting .210
Hank Aaron hit more home runs than Babe Ruth
white liberals are too blinded by their bubbles to realize white americans are some of the least racist people on earth lmfao
Can’t lie that OMG song is pretty catchy.
I'm always racist outside of /b/ and have never gotten banned for it
>black guy hit more homeruns than other black guy
Huge development boys
>in game interview
oh shit

that's a meme stat. The only stat that matters is wOBA.
Babe Ruth was white
Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle Big Papa Pickle
based 100% neighborhoodian
Suck my cock, dude
9 players in MLB history have hit 600 or more home runs. 7 of them were either black or latino
Babe Ruth had a lower ERA
>we know what a workout guy you are
meet at braves stadium?
Lower than 0.00?
war huh what is it good for? absolutely nuthin!
Checked and I'm glad Negro League stats are included in the records including that brave player you posted, these stories need to be told!
yes you need a minimum IP
Finnish privilege
why is it so long? this is cringe.
pete alonso will join them repping the whites
Kirby is kid game
Honestly the most impressive part is that Hololive night didnt get a single fight AT Dodgers stadium near the bleachers section. They did a very good job at the event, and they picked a very good game too with the NLC leading Brewers in town. All around applause for Cover here.
I don't even know anymore man. The offense on this squad is rotten to its core. Every player it touches withers and dies.
Are fights common at Doyer Stadium?
just like baseball
It was all asian chicks and creepy white guys
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WMAF supremacy
The biggest consumers of Anime are actually black men, that's why it was so peaceful
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Too many interviews.
more like red sucks versus the lamekees how about you hit some balls for a change
>no nu at 530
Make one
Make me
This is it. The end of /mlb/.
confirmed hololive killed /mlb/
go braves
>it continues
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Nu bread!
Touhou saved /mlb/ again

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