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good morning /sp/
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delet pls they will be rude
>gets asses beat on streets for entire tournament
>sucks uefa cock to get bullshit extra time, penalties, and set pieces
>still loses
good morning loser
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we lost after playing the only entertaining game we played in the tournament just ride the banter anon

and live in peace knowing bazza and gazza are trashing benidorm as we speak
HOME (next time)
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i can't believe cheese lied to me
I don't know why you're laughing. Your lot were eliminated before even Scotland was.
Is there one single English rose left alive this beautiful morning?
At least you guys are being good sports about it, this is nowhere near as funny as when the 3 Loins let you guys down last time
good morning saar!
its only a sport until we win and then it really matters
Honestly, thanks for very entertaining 2nd half. I expected Spain to bulldozer you over, but it was a very fair fight.
I wish you did something about sleep inducing never ending passing between defenders most of the time in first half and all other matches.
Lost to the best team. On to club football now,
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most south koreans wanted england to win because we wanted to see kane, who is so familiar with us due to sonny, lifting the trophy, but england was england
this jinx is never going to go away
you faggots should have been eliminated much earlier and im happy you got asses beaten and bloodied in streets your people becoming even more hated than ever before and you lost HAHAHA
Spain were just better not even mad.
2021 loss was what really hurt because we should have won that.
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Best team on the night (and the tournament) won.
We did well to get to the final.
Time for Kane and Southgate to step aside.
It's coming home (2026).
Simple as.
Buenos dias friendo!
No you shouldn't. You shouldn't even have been in the final. Denmark should have won that match 1-0. You cheated your way to a pen that wasn't fucking there. FC Hollywood-Africa.
I genuinely cannot understand how much you lot still seeth about this. Literally everyone that gets to a final gets luck of some sort. Get over yourself. You were shit this euros so shut up
Confidence levels weren't high enough to be actually cocky about it, it was just a case of hoping for another late miracle moment like the last three knock out games. It almost came with the trio of headers, but wasn't to be. Only part I have to be salty about on the refs side is that he let Spain get away with wasting all of the stoppage time, but we put ourselves in that position in the first place by falling behind.
>losing for a second time in front of the future king
60 years of hurt
pfft hahahahahahahahaha
Were you even at the Yuro?
There won't be england in 2026
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he's shit
both times btfo by mediterranean chads. Deformed anglos stay losing
Imagine being a englishman, 2 finals lost in a row, your food is the one they use in Guantanamo, your women are Simpsons characters, tomorrow is snowing, and a pakistan illegal inmigrant wants to stab you
No one cares what toilet cleaners think.
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>2021 loss was what really hurt because we should have won that.
Humiliation ritual
you're the toilet cleaners loser :)
that one was fucking painful, we lead for an hour, total Southgate slurpball until Italy equalises then Chiellini and Donnarumma buck break our Ngubus, Bonucci puts the icing on the cake in the end screaming in the camera "IT'S COMING ROME"
Should have won in the sense that we were the better team going in. Southgateball strategy of getting an early lead and thinking we could defend it for 80 minutes threw away the golden opportunity. If we had gone for the throat in the first half and set up a buffer of 2 or 3 goals, then we could have comfortably defended for the rest of the game.

And that's before we even get into the selection for the penalty shootout. If there's one positive thing Southgate did this tournament, our shootout against Switzerland showed 100% improvement. But I get the feeling sometimes Southgate WANTS it to go to penalties because the fairy tail ending to his story which started with a missed penalty is having England win a penalty shootout in the final.
Soufgate should have been shown the door after England's defeat to Italy in the last Euro final.
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We played shit, Spain played well

Hopefully Southgate goes now
Engistan wallahi
the CCTV films the paki stabbing you and fines you for xenophobia after you report non lethal wounds
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we may be bruised, but we're going to be finally free of the terrorist
how are your missis, england bros?
a rose by any other name
more battered than the fish n chips i had this morning
Big fight at my local last night, police helicopter and everything. Scotsman in a spanish shirt got hit on the head by two bottles and taken to A&E.
Not even him, but its true. You play like absolute fucking shit, and you can only dive your way to finals. You supposedly have the best players in the world, but you pass it back to Pickford on corners. Embarassing, I would unironically kill myself if I was English.
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I honestly don't think he'll go. He'll keep his head down for a few weeks until things blow over and carry on. He's on 5m a year, he's not going to give that up seeing how he'd struggle to get a job in the Championship. And the FA are more than happy for him to carry on, as they know he's a snivelling yes man happy to push their diversity agenda and sit in press conferences talking about how he'd like black men to fuck his daughter.
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his mates jim and dave will give him a consultancy job at man utd until ten hag goes
>scania country
>spending all morning crying about englandos
the reason the FA want him to stay for 2026 is because the players want him in charge apparently, makes no fucking sense to me kek
Good point desu, this is the English spirit. Glaze and cum over your players in the media, be arrogant, then play shit football and dive and cheat as much as possible, then lose and beat up women. Dont forget the endless racism that follows all your defeats as well, because you like Tikka Massala, but spit on the Paki guy making it for you. British people and culture disgust me.
Im shitting and spitting on you, brit
pfft hahahahahahahahahahaha
>two more years
Knowing we can lose and still cause this level of frothing seethe from lesser nations does certainly help soften the blow
scotsman are the most based creatures on earth when they get drunk
My country has won the Euros. Has yours?
It's our fourth tournament of being this new England, with a better culture and more self-belief. And it's our third time getting agonisingly close and falling short.

I'm starting to get worried we're missing our moment if you will. I'm very worried that the culture will turn toxic again. (It may already be happening, the players didn't look half as happy this tournament.) I'm worried we're gonna look back at 2018-2024 as a massive period of missed opportunities. I'm nervous we're gonna snap back to being old, 2000's style England of group stage knockouts and infighting. Especially if we get our next manager wrong.

Guess I don't really have a question, but is anyone else feeling this too?
bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm still drunk
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Good morning England, is the missus okay?
my country has won the world cup, has yours?
Absolutely battered
Please, tell me what year they won the world cup, so I can laugh.
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gm sir
you know deep in your heart that if only the team with 7 wins out of 7 can beat us, what you're saying isn't true.

"absolute fucking shit" teams don't make finals of major tournaments. don't give me "lucky half of the draw durrrrrrrrr" because then that means you're saying half the draw as also "absolute fucking shit".... which includes your mongoloid team.
I'm a lonely virgin so I'm making up for it by beating other people's wives
They want him in charge because speaking against him means they get kicked out of the NT its that simple
To get him sacked they all need to band together which is hard to do because half the players there are Southgate shitters who know theyd get no more calls if hes gone like Kane
Yeah, you're about as good as us, but you think you're a major contender. We played 1-1, how does that make you feel?
Never mind
We rode our luck for weeks, but Spain were the best side in the tournament and very much deserved winners
Didn't feel anywhere near as painful as 2021
pfffft hahahahahahahaha see you in 2026, if you even qualify
Palmer is GOATed but nepotism will keep Kane and be your demise again.
I wonder if it would have been better taking that sliding doors moment and losing to Slovakia, now the worry is fucking Southgate sticks around for another fucking tournament of Tony Pulis-style Stoke ball.

On that I agree. I knew we were cooked when Southgate was complaining about not having another Kalvin Phillips after he was so fucking dogshit all season he couldn't be picked without the country going into literal revolt. He's got his favourites and will not budge from them.
Its coming home 2026 & 2028
>He's got his favourites and will not budge from them.
That reminds me of a certain world champion coach, only that in your case he didn't even win you a world cup before going to shit.
>start Palmer and Watkins instead of Kane and Foden
Ah yes, the legendary Danish win. Back when the tournament only had 8 teams. Denmark themselves failed to qualify and were only there because Yugoslavia went off to do war instead. The winning goal was off a blatant handball, and they bored people throughout the tournament so much by constantly exploiting a backpass loophole that the rules of the game were changed immediately after the tournament so they couldn't pull that shit again.
How heroic.
don't reply to that retard
he has been spamming his mentally ill drivel on here for years
imagine being Anthony Gordon after the season he's had and only playing 4 minutes lmao
I honestly thought England was going to win yesterday. Not because they were the better team, far from it actually, but because they kept fluking their way into advancing while playing some of the most boring and timid soccer you'll ever see with a team as stacked as they are. I thought this was going to be another Portugal situation.
People are so obsessed with England losing that they're missing the real story of Spain dominating this tournament for the last 20 years. They've won 3 of the last 5, and in the other two both times they were knocked out by Italy, who are now starting to fall off a bit.
Until people figure out how to stop Spain, (and no, pipe down Scotland, friendlies barely count), they're probably gonna keep dominating for years to come.
>sit in a low block
they inevitably break you down
>press high
they exploit the space behind and rape you

literally how do you stop them
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The counter to Spain's anti-football, is real football. No more mincing around.
We've lost but you're still angry :)
Did we lose because Soufgate only went half Pulis? Should we have committed to the horror of full Pulis?
I mean, Germany got close by doing basically the same thing.
I despise soufgate, and yet if Rice could head the ball literally anywhere but straight at the keeper we'd have gone to extra time
would have just delayed the inevitable because they kept giving the ball away and couldn't retain it
We only got to the final due to that last-minute long throw into the box against Slovakia

Pulis was grinning from ear to ear
It's actually a shame we didn't get knocked out to Slovakia because it would have guaranteed Southgate was sacked

Now I'm not even sure wtf the FA will do. Wouldn't surprise me if they say "he's the man for the job he got us to two finals"
based angloids coping and seething itt, ty
he's kinda right desu, they were so close to have an early 2 nil lead
Beatings until the smugness is gone ans you become docile and subservant to your European masters. Your two world wars were carried by the US, your only world title was fixed. So lie down and comply to your predestined life as eternal serf for continental EVROBVLLS. Your monarchy already prepped you well.
We were way better than Spain in the quarters and that was with our coach going full retard and going for the diversity award in the first half playing brown shitters that should never play for Germany because the suck. Once we had our real team on we absolutely dominated Spain with controlled power football.
If nagelsmeme has learned from this and actually starts playing the best players instead of going for brownie points we'll beat Spain next world cup
You already tried this idea twice before on us Hans, and your people ended up as walking onaholes for invading Russian soldiers.
She’s not doing well. I went out with the boys in Manchester city centre, but she went out with the girls to Moss Side. I sent her a message after the match asking if she was staying out, and she said she was staying with a friend. I asked which friend and she didn’t reply for two hours. That’s not like her.
England used to be so much worse than they are now. Gareth Southgate has improved them so much. The only question is: do you think he’s improved things permanently, and could we get away with replacing him with a less tragic and pathetic man who might actually win us something? Or will we go back to how we were before, struggling to reach a quarter-final?
That’s how the whole country felt, my brother in Anglo-ism.
Counter-attack. They need to get Leicestered.
from laces to?

i don't get it????
Arguably the cringiest post of the year
Mentality monsters.
A big thing to be said for me is that the sense of dread I felt after the Italy final isn't returning
That was our first final in 55 years and after the game all I could think about is will I actually see England in another major final in my lifetime, have we blown our only chance etc
The fact we made it to the final again shows this isn't a flash in the pan and the levels are genuinely so much higher than they once were, even if there is still a lot to criticise and we still aren't quite there yet
I think we have a lot to look forward to in the future
If you ain't first, you is last
just the way world works innot
they are internally seething
are these internal seethes in the room with us now anon?
Was really rooting for you lads. Thought this time you had enough meme magic to really make it work. Guess we'll have to wait to 2026
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you were the better team and won a game with no controversial moments in it, and to that I raise a glass
That italy defeat is the one that lives rent free in my head
Appreciated but the better team won, we did well to get to the final but we played boring and overly cautious football throughout. As an England fan of course I wanted us to win but it kind of would have been an injustice if we did. Time for Southgate to step aside.
>I'm very worried that the culture will turn toxic again.
I don't think anybody sincerely believes we can win anymore, 2020 should have been our year. 2024 was our dying throes, desperately lashing out before ultimately succumbing to the same despair.
So football isn't a sport for another 60 years?
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mfw World Cup is what matters and Euros are meaningless
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you're not even in the same league in the WC , nige
And we succeeded thanks to Merkel. Take ze Pakis.

Pure, unadulterated seethe.
I have spoken to the powers that be and they have assured me that 2026 will be rigged in your favor. The US /elite/ have invested into your league knowing that an English win on American soil will boost EPL viewership. The deal is done. It's coming home.
>JFs seething even when we lose
Us Englishmen live rent free in their heads
good morning

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