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>Countdown to Hung Aryan GP:

>Previous thread:

>Thread theme:


>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>David Schumacher status
In a relationship a busty 23 year old Hungarian qt called Vivien Keszthelyi, just celebrated their 7 year anniversary

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 Grands Prix without ever scoring a podium:
218 (215 starts)

>Sergio Pérez Grands Prix since last win:

>Fernando Alonso Grands Prix since last win:

>Races in the Alpine 100 Race Plan

>2024 WDC Standings
VER: 255 (+18)
NOR: 171 (+15)
LEC: 150 (+0)
SAI: 146 (+11)
PIA: 124 (+12)

>2024 WCC Standings
Red Bull: 373 (+18)
Ferrari: 302 (+11)
McLaren: 295 (+27)
Mercedes: 221 (+25)
Aston Martin: 68 (+10)

>2024 WEC Standings
RIC: 755.04 (+55.56)
PER: 751.80 (+86.81
HAM: 751.76 (+17.71)

Williams boss James Vowles has warned Carlos Sainz that it doesn’t want to serve as a “stepping stone”
F1 drivers braced for “extremely hot and sweaty” Hungarian GP after heatwave
Pregnant Alexandra Daddario, 38, shows off growing baby belly in low-cut dress as she enjoys gelato in Rome
Haas extends technical tie-up with Ferrari to 2028
Bearman must have space to ‘make the mistakes he needs to make’ – Leclerc
Piastri admits errors have cost McLaren wins
Bianca Bustamante scores 6 points on British F4 debut in Zandvoort
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1st for Heinz Harald
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Races with this feel?
>Bianca Bustamante scores 6 points on British F4 debut in Zandvoort
Zandvoort is part of Britain?
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>Pregnant Alexandra Daddario, 38, shows off growing baby belly in low-cut dress as she enjoys gelato in Rome
Why does she love F1 so much?
How huge are Daddario tits going to be when she's full on lactation mode?
yes, ever since the dual reign of William and Mary
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Why do the Thais hate the Verstappens?
>Bearman must have space to ‘make the mistakes he needs to make’ – Leclerc
not everyone is a shitter like you, chuck
>Makes me want to shoot myself in the head
Pretty much any race circa 2014-16
ugly whore
If my doctor did that, he would need a Hearse as a next vehicle.
Britain is part of the Netherlands
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>>David Schumacher status
>In a relationship a busty 23 year old Hungarian qt called Vivien Keszthelyi, just celebrated their 7 year anniversary
she pegs him
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>I'm right behind you
>Ex-Formula 1 driver Ralf Schumacher comes out as gay with son showing...
Showing what?
imagine being that cute golden doggo
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*steals your soul*
>Michal Schumacher's brother Ralf Schumacher confirms same-sex
Wasn't this already known for decades?
Baby gonna be well fed
Amx sure needed that playtime
how many bongs and bings till hamilton comes out
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You now remember Lando scaring Natalie Pinkham
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Every time I see YouTube recommendations from this channel it's the most brain-meltingly blue pilled MSM bullshit fathomable.
>>something about your country’s history that most outsiders won’t be aware of
There were a number of Japanese firebombs that landed here during WW2
>>something about how popular/unpopular F1 is/was in your country
That ended around 20 years ago, now we just provide comic relief drivers.
>>something about a good place to visit in your country that will never be included on a guide for tourists
There's a large radioactive debris field from a crashed Russian satellite up in the northern tundra
>>about your country’s current number 1 attractive, booba female
Our current leader is a pretty big tit
>something about your country’s history that most outsiders won’t be aware of
Napoleon made us from a Republic to a Kingdom
>something about how popular/unpopular F1 is/was in your country
Before Max the sport was pretty much dead and nobody believed a dutch person would ever be successful.
>something about a good place to visit in your country that will never be included on a guide for tourists
Not never, but rarely: Den Bosch, the Veluwe, West Friesland, Friesland
>about your country’s current number 1 attractive, booba female
No fucking clue
>fuck off fag, kys you pie- wait you like ef juan too? i guess ill let you ravage my ass then!
Formula 1 relation?
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Your 2022/2023 win tally is nothing, you serve zero purpose. You should kill yourself, NOW.
i aint telling u shit u glowie fuck
can't wait for the next Perez damage control
low tier dog
I am in Germany right now but I'm actually austrian
>>something about your country’s history that most outsiders won’t be aware of

We already had a fascist dictatorship before the nazia took over, so Hitler freed us of fascism (but brought nazism)

>>something about how popular/unpopular F1 is/was in your country

Even though we are a tiny country our legacy in F1 looms large with the most successful team of the 21st century and 2 of the greatest drivers of all time. Goddamn it Austria rocks.

>>something about a good place to visit in your country that will never be included on a guide for tourists


>>about your country’s current number 1 attractive, booba female

Lol, who cares
Who impregnated her?
lewis has to hold back his dog because he'd fucking devour that little thing, especially if he's still being kept on a fucking vegan diet
>bare shoulders, covers up tits
C'mon Daddario, you're better than this
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>*He 'jaks you*
he's holding him back so he wouldn't run towards freedom
fucking hell
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>pozfags have been shitting on perez all season
>he's ahead of kwabmilton in a clearly inferior car
Who the actual fuck were the kike and the people that approved and thought that was a good idea for an advertisement, they deserve to be shot in the back of the head.
Perez is smiling too much for a guy who can be dropped in two races based on his contract and the exit clause.
you just want to be held by chuck
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Chuck is the who needs to be held
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You didn't hear the news?
Did someone knock her up other than me . Awful
Yes, her 55 year old husband semenpregnated her 38 year old womb.
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>38 years old
>woman roughly 20 years her junior
Why is the wall so inconsistent with its victims?
Racing is very stressful and ages you faster.
This weekend's race will either be an 11/10 or the biggest semen slurper in history, no inbetween
there's gonna be a post race disqualification
gear oil and brake cleaner
salty milk and coins
Like menstruation.
they stink when they are on their period
they smell normalish when they are not
they often wear too much body deodorant
I love Daddario
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theyd be retarded to leave axm alone vs lecuck, sir, homilton, narb, goblando and pastry
Tranny jannies
Holy based
You have to make it F1 related.

What do F1 Academy drivers smell like bros?
like cum drops in a sea of sewerage water
If true, imagine how much of a cuck perez is
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Verstappen is finally getting his wish and Hulk will get the seat
Why is Lawson so yellow?
one year in super formula
incel edition
>I've heard daniel ricciardo was sven tenths to max in the silverstone test perez wont have to make more mistakes or he could get replaced after the summer season
>*1 year passes*
>Tw-two more weeks!
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nice gimi quads
Is Hungary a good track? I have to stay up late to watch these European races so I need to know there will be good action. It's not one of the ones f1 has neutered to make it safer, right?
>Is Hungary a good track?
It has been on the calendar for 38 years
guaranteed slurper
>Haas-Toyota partnership t. The Race
haaswinslol in 2030 confirmed
How do you know?
last year's race was shit
extreme Mercedes and Hamilton slurping by Anglo commentary coming up due to the past two races and Mercedes upgrades
Being russian means hitting the wall at 19
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afternoon anons
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86th for pepsi max
Ok that seems reasonable
Fabienne Wohlwend status?
Is good
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wend wohled
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Wish me luck /f1/
going for highscore?
Just retake the test without speeding this time . No need to shoot up Service Ontario over nothing
>Toyota in F1
Hass lose lmao extended until 2035

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