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File: Thirsty .jpg (117 KB, 1024x576)
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>Thirsty edition
DCE is a neo nazi.
first for gimi
this is the thread
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Drinking great northern
This is pure fucking footy cunts
how big do you guys think zac lomax's cock is? personally I think it's a solid 7.5"
shut up, femcel
Marooncucks can’t score at home
>caotcha SAADY
Why are Qld such softcocks who don't understand origin?
Deadset edwards must be the fittest man alive I swear to god he had at least 30 hit ups tonight and don’t think he made a single error catching the bombs
1367 it is lads
File: Test(icals).jpg (39 KB, 293x320)
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It was 600+ so couldn’t bump. Threw a test >>142833387 thread instead
Nite nite
>‘There’s always one’: David Morrow tribute ruined by 'idiot’ fan

An “idiot” fan has been called out after ruining a minute of silence for ahead of the State of Origin decider in Brisbane.

The rugby league world paid tribute to legendary broadcaster David Morrow before the State of Origin on Wednesday night after his death at the age of 71.

Morrow had retired a matter of months ago after being diagnosed with brain cancer in December.

A “titan” of rugby league broadcasting, he was inducted into the NRL Hall of Fame a matter of days ago, with the news of his death sparking an outpouring of grief from around the game.

It seemed only fitting that he was given a minute of silence ahead of the Origin decider, making the deafeningly loud cauldron of Suncorp Stadium quiet enough to hear a pin drop.

Well, for the most part anyway.

While most of the crowd stayed respectful, Nine reporter Mark Gottlieb reported one fan yelled out: “Let’s go Critta”.

It was likely a Blues supporter as it was referring to NSW centre Stephen Crichton.

Another fan also broke the silence, yelling back: “Shut up fuckwit”.

Fans were not happy.

One fan responded: “Whoever just yelled out “let’s go critta” during that moments silence for David Morrow should be punched in the face repeatedly the disrespectful (expletive).”

Another said: “There’s always that one idiot in the crowd that can’t stay silent.”

A third commented: “How is there always a d**khead that can’t be silent during an official moment of silence?”

Another wrote: “Whoever yelled during the moment of silence can fuck right off home.”
Morrow had undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy in recent months, but the NRL confirmed the tragic news of his death in a statement on Wednesday.

Australian Rugby League Commission (ARLC) Chairman Peter V’landys said: “David has been one of the great voices of the game – recognised around the country for his wit, his insight and his knowledge.

“I had the pleasure of knowing David throughout my career in sport and he was a champion in every sense of the word. I have been honoured and privileged to know him as a friend.

“In his final days, David knew how cherished he was in the Rugby League community, having been informed of his induction into the Hall of Fame. While it is terrible that we have lost David, it is comforting to know that he and his family were aware what the game felt about his achievements.

“David’s life and contribution will be celebrated on August 21 at the Hall of Fame dinner. On behalf of the Commission, I extend our sincerest condolences to David’s family, and all those who worked with him and knew him.”

His 2GB colleague Ray Hadley gave an emotional tribute to his fellow broadcaster on Wednesday.

“It’s with some sadness and regret that I announce that my mate and colleague David Morrow has passed away,” Hadley said.

“He passed away around midnight after a courageous battle with brain cancer, no doubt surrounded by his family.

“David started in country radio and was a football commentator, general broadcaster and a race caller. That’s where we first encountered each other.

“He was a really good man. It’s with regret that I say David is no longer with us.”

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